##' @method print nonnest.test
##' @export
print.nonnest.test <- function(x, digits = x$digits, ...)
## calculate p-value from test statistic
if (x$test == "vuong") {
p <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(x$stat))
pref <- if (x$stat > 0) 1 else 2
} else if (x$test == "clarke") {
b <- min(x$stat, x$nobs - x$stat)
p <- 2 * pbinom(b, x$nobs, 0.5)
pref <- if (x$stat > x$nobs - x$stat) 1 else 2
} else {
stop("unknown test type")
testname <- switch(x$test, vuong = "Vuong", clarke = "Clarke")
cat("\n", testname, " test for non-nested models\n", sep = "")
cat("\nModel 1 log-likelihood:", format(sum(x$loglik1), digits = digits))
cat("\nModel 2 log-likelihood:", format(sum(x$loglik2), digits = digits))
cat("\nObservations:", x$nobs)
cat("\nTest statistic:", format(x$stat, digits = digits))
if (x$test == "clarke")
cat(" (", round(100* x$stat / x$nobs), "%)", sep = "")
fp <- format.pval(p, digits = digits) # turns very low p into "<2e-12"
if (substr(fp, 1L, 1L) != "<") {
fp <- paste("=", fp)
} else if (substr(fp, 2L, 2L) != " ") {
fp <- paste(substr(fp, 1L, 1L), substr(fp, 2L, nchar(fp)))
if (p < x$level) {
cat("\nModel ", pref, " is preferred (p ", fp, ")\n\n", sep = "")
} else {
cat("\nNeither model is significantly preferred (p ", fp, ")\n\n",
sep = "")
## model: fitted statistical model of class "game", "lm", or "glm"
## outcome: optional, column of predict(model) to focus on, only when 'model' is
## of class "game"
## vector of observationwise log-likelihoods from 'model'
indivLogLiks <- function(model, outcome = NULL)
## get weights (only relevant for lm and glm models)
if (is.null(wt <- weights(model)))
wt <- rep(1L, nobs(model))
if (inherits(model, "game") && is.null(outcome)) {
ans <- model$log.likelihood
} else if (inherits(model, "ultimatum")) {
outcome <- c(offer = 1, accept = 2)[outcome]
if (outcome == 1) {
ans <- attr(model$log.likelihood, "offer")
} else {
ans <- attr(model$log.likelihood, "accept")
} else if (inherits(model, "game")) {
pp <- predict(model)[, outcome]
ans <- ifelse(as.numeric(model$y) == outcome, pp, 1 - pp)
ans <- log(ans)
} else if (inherits(model, "glm") &&
model$family$family == "binomial") {
ans <- ifelse(model$y == 1, fitted.values(model),
1 - fitted.values(model))
ans <- wt * log(ans)
} else if (inherits(model, "lm") && !inherits(model, "glm")) {
msum <- summary(model)
res <- msum$residuals
sigma <- msum$sigma
ans <- log(sqrt(wt) * dnorm(res, sd = sigma))
} else {
stop("model is not of a supported class")
## model: fitted statistical model of class "game", "lm", or "glm"
## number of parameters estimated in 'model'
nparams <- function(model)
if (inherits(model, "game")) {
ans <- sum(!model$fixed)
} else if (inherits(model, "glm")) {
ans <- attr(logLik(model), "df")
} else if (inherits(model, "lm")) {
ans <- length(coef(model)) + 1
## model: fitted statistical model of class "game", "lm", or "glm"
## number of observations used to fit 'model'
nobs <- function(model)
if (inherits(model, "game")) {
ans <- nrow(model$model)
} else {
ans <- length(model$residuals)
## model: fitted statistical model of class "game", "lm", or "glm"
## outcome: optional, column of predict(model) to focus on, only when 'model' is
## of class "game"
## dependent variable of 'model' (with respect to 'outcome' if specified)
gety <- function(model, outcome = NULL)
if (inherits(model, "ultimatum")) {
if (!is.null(outcome)) {
outcome <- c(offer = 1, accept = 2)[outcome]
ans <- model$y[, outcome]
} else {
ans <- model$y
} else if (inherits(model, "game")) {
if (!is.null(outcome)) {
ans <- as.numeric(as.numeric(model$y) == outcome)
} else {
ans <- as.numeric(model$y)
} else if (inherits(model, "glm")) {
ans <- model$y
} else if (inherits(model, "lm")) {
ans <- model$fitted + model$residuals
## see 'vuong' documentation below
## n: number of observations
## loglik1: individual log-likelihoods for 'model1'
## loglik2: individual log-likelihoods for 'model2'
## p1: number of parameters estimated in 'model1'
## p2: numer of parameters estimated in 'model2'
nonnest <- function(model1, model2, outcome1, outcome2)
if (!inherits(model1, "game") && !is.null(outcome1))
warning("model1 is not of class \"game\", so outcome1 will be ignored")
if (!inherits(model2, "game") && !is.null(outcome2))
warning("model2 is not of class \"game\", so outcome2 will be ignored")
n <- nobs(model1)
if (nobs(model2) != n)
stop("model1 and model2 have different numbers of observations")
y1 <- gety(model1, outcome1)
y2 <- gety(model2, outcome2)
## check for equality of dependent variables
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(y1, y2, check.attributes = FALSE)))
stop("models do not have same dependent variable")
anyWeights <- function(x) !is.null(weights(x)) && !all(weights(x)==1)
if (anyWeights(model1) || anyWeights(model2))
stop("functions 'clarke' and 'vuong' do not yet support models with weights")
loglik1 <- indivLogLiks(model1, outcome1)
loglik2 <- indivLogLiks(model2, outcome2)
p1 <- nparams(model1)
p2 <- nparams(model2)
return(list(n = n, loglik1 = loglik1, loglik2 = loglik2, p1 = p1, p2 = p2))
##' Non-nested model tests
##' Perform Vuong's (1989) or Clarke's (2007) test for non-nested model
##' selection.
##' These tests are for comparing two statistical models that have the same
##' dependent variable, where neither model can be expressed as a special case
##' of the other (i.e., they are non-nested). The null hypothesis is that the
##' estimated models are the same Kullback-Leibler distance from the true
##' model. To adjust for potential differences in the dimensionality of the
##' models, the test statistic for both \code{vuong} and \code{clarke} is
##' corrected using the Bayesian information criterion (see Clarke 2007 for
##' details).
##' It is crucial that the dependent variable be exactly the same between the
##' two models being tested, including the order the observations are placed in.
##' The \code{vuong} and \code{clarke} functions check for such discrepancies,
##' and stop with an error if any is found. Models with non-null \code{weights}
##' are not yet supported.
##' When comparing a strategic model to a (generalized) linear model, you must
##' take care to ensure that the dependent variable is truly the same between
##' models. This is where the \code{outcome} arguments come into play. For
##' example, in an \code{\link{ultimatum}} model where acceptance is observed,
##' the dependent variable for each observation is the vector consisting of the
##' offer size and an indicator for whether it was accepted. This is not the
##' same as the dependent variable in a least-squares regression of offer size,
##' which is a scalar for each observation. Therefore, for a proper comparison
##' of \code{model1} of class {"ultimatum"} and \code{model2} of class
##' \code{"lm"}, it is necessary to specify \code{outcome1 = "offer"}.
##' Similarly, consider an \code{\link{egame12}} model on the
##' \code{\link{war1800}} data, where player 1 chooses whether to escalate the
##' crisis and player 2 chooses whether to go to war. The dependent variable
##' for each observation in this model is the vector of each player's choice.
##' By contrast, in a logistic regression where the dependent variable is
##' whether war occurs, the dependent variable for each observation is a
##' scalar. To compare these models, it is necessary to specify \code{outcome1
##' = 3}.
##' @aliases vuong clarke
##' @usage vuong(model1, model2, outcome1=NULL, outcome2=NULL, level=0.05,
##' digits=2)
##' clarke(model1, model2, outcome1=NULL, outcome2=NULL, level=0.05, digits=2)
##' @param model1 A fitted statistical model of class \code{"game"},
##' \code{"lm"}, or \code{"glm"}
##' @param model2 A fitted statistical model of class \code{"game"},
##' \code{"lm"}, or \code{"glm"} whose dependent variable is the same as that of
##' \code{model1}
##' @param outcome1 Optional: if \code{model1} is of class \code{"game"},
##' specify an integer to restrict attention to a particular binary outcome (the
##' corresponding column of \code{predict(model1)}). For
##' \code{\link{ultimatum}} models, "offer" or "accept" may also be used. See
##' "Details" below for more information on when to specify an outcome. If
##' \code{model1} is not of class \code{"game"} and \code{outcome1} is
##' non-\code{NULL}, it will be ignored and a warning will be issued.
##' @param outcome2 Optional: same as \code{outcome1}, but corresponding to
##' \code{model2}.
##' @param level Numeric: significance level for the test.
##' @param digits Integer: number of digits to print
##' @references Quang H. Vuong. 1989. "Likelihood Ratio Tests for Model
##' Selection and Non-Nested Hypotheses." \emph{Econometrica} 57(2): 307--333.
##' Kevin Clarke. 2007. "A Simple Distribution-Free Test for Nonnested
##' Hypotheses." \emph{Political Analysis} 15(3): 347--363.
##' @return Typical use will be to run the function interactively and examine
##' the printed output. The functions return an object of class
##' \code{"nonnest.test"}, which is a list containing: \describe{
##' \item{\code{stat}}{The test statistic}
##' \item{\code{test}}{The type of test (\code{"vuong"} or \code{"clarke"})}
##' \item{\code{level}}{Significance level for the test}
##' \item{\code{digits}}{Number of digits to print}
##' \item{\code{loglik1}}{Vector of observationwise log-likelihoods for
##' \code{model1}}
##' \item{\code{loglik2}}{Vector of observationwise log-likelihoods for
##' \code{model2}}
##' \item{\code{nparams}}{Integer vector containing the number of parameters
##' fitted in \code{model1} and \code{model2} respectively}
##' \item{\code{nobs}}{Number of observations of the dependent variable being
##' modeled}}
##' @export
##' @author Brenton Kenkel (\email{})
##' @example inst/examples/nonnest.r
vuong <- function(model1, model2, outcome1 = NULL, outcome2 = NULL,
level = 0.05, digits = 2)
x <- nonnest(model1, model2, outcome1, outcome2)
## BIC-based correction for number of parameters (otherwise the model with
## the higher log-likelihood would always "win")
correction <- (x$p1 - x$p2) * (log(x$n) / 2)
num <- sum(x$loglik1) - sum(x$loglik2) - correction
denom <- sd(x$loglik1 - x$loglik2) *
sqrt((x$n - 1) / x$n) # correcting for R's use of n-1 denominator in sd
# calculation
stat <- num / (sqrt(x$n) * denom)
ans <- list(stat = stat,
test = "vuong",
level = level,
digits = digits,
loglik1 = x$loglik1,
loglik2 = x$loglik2,
nparams = c(x$p1, x$p2),
nobs = x$n)
class(ans) <- "nonnest.test"
clarke <- function(model1, model2, outcome1 = NULL, outcome2 = NULL,
level = 0.05, digits = 2)
x <- nonnest(model1, model2, outcome1, outcome2)
## BIC correction
correction <- (x$p1 - x$p2) * (log(x$n) / (2*x$n))
stat <- sum(x$loglik1 - x$loglik2 > correction)
ans <- list(stat = stat,
test = "clarke",
level = level,
digits = digits,
loglik1 = x$loglik1,
loglik2 = x$loglik2,
nparams = c(x$p1, x$p2),
nobs = x$n)
class(ans) <- "nonnest.test"
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