# Authors Mikis Stasinopoulos and Bob Rigby with contribution from Elaine Borghie
# modification wendesday, Nov 27 2012 MS the label of the plot is modified
# modification on the 28-12-12 MS the argument resid is introduced
# modification on the 11-04-2016
# i) what happends if the data are small ? The solution is to use the argument resid where only the z-stats are shown
# ii) what hapends if data fit OK in all case and square should not appear (OK fixed MS 11-12-12)
# iii) can be generalised for not gamlss models where the quantile residuals are calculated? This is fixed with argument resid
# In order to do tha we have to restrict to only z-stats plus fixed intevals
# the implementation here if !is.null(resid) uses fixed intevals plus plot only the z.stats
# in fact I think there is a problem with the Q.function for 3 parameters distributions (ask Bob)
Q.stats <- function(obj = NULL,
xvar = NULL,
resid = NULL,
xcut.points = NULL,
n.inter = 10L,
zvals = TRUE,
save = TRUE,
plot = TRUE,
digits.xvar = getOption("digits"),
# function 1 -------------------------
check.overlap <- function(interval)
if (!is.matrix(interval) ) {stop(paste("The interval specified is not a matrix."))}
if (dim(interval)[2] !=2)
stop(paste("The interval specified is not a valid matrix.\nThe number of columns should be equal to 2."))
crows = dim(interval)[1]
for (i in 1:(crows-1))
if (!(abs(interval[i,2]-interval[i+1,1])<0.0001)) {interval[i+1,1]=interval[i,2]}
# function 2
get.intervals <- function (xvar, xcut.points )
if (!is.vector(xcut.points)) {stop(paste("The interval is not a vector."))}
if ( any((xcut.points < min(xvar)) | any(xcut.points > max(xvar))))
{stop(paste("The specified `xcut.points' are not within the range of the x: (", min(xvar),
" , ", max(xvar), ")"))}
int <- c(min(xvar), xcut.points, max(xvar))
ii <- 1:(length(int)-1)
r <- 2:length(int)
x1 <- int[ii]
xr <- int[r]
if (any(x1>xr)) {stop(paste("The interval is are not in a increasing order."))}
# function 3
Qtest <- function(x)
{ x <- na.omit(x)
N <- length(x)
mx <- mean(x)
m2 <- sum((x-mx)^2)/N
m3 <- sum((x-mx)^3)/N
m4 <- sum((x-mx)^4)/N
sqrtB1 <- m3/(m2^1.5)
yval <- sqrtB1*sqrt((N+1)*(N+3)/(6*(N-2)))
b2b1 <- 3*(N*N+27*N-70)*(N+1)*(N+3)/((N-2)*(N+5)*(N+7)*(N+9))
wsq <- -1 +sqrt(2*b2b1-2)
delta <- 1/sqrt(0.5*log(wsq)) #??
alpha <- sqrt(2/(wsq-1))
yalpha <- yval/alpha
zb1 <- delta *log(yalpha+sqrt(yalpha^2+1))
b2 <- m4/(m2*m2)
meanb2 <- 3*(N-1)/(N+1)
varb2 <- 24*N*(N-2)*(N-3)/((N+1)*(N+1)*(N+3)*(N+5))
xval <- (b2-meanb2)/sqrt(varb2)
sb1b2 <- 6*(N*N-5*N+2)/((N+7)*(N+9))
sb1b2 <- sb1b2*sqrt(6*(N+3)*(N+5)/(N*(N-2)*(N-3)))
isb1b2 <- 1/sb1b2
A <- 6+8*isb1b2*(2*isb1b2+sqrt(1+4*isb1b2^2))
zb2 <- (1-2/(9*A))-((1-(2/A))/(1+xval*sqrt(2/(A-4))))^(1/3)
zb2 <- zb2/sqrt(2/(9*A))
K2 <- (zb1*zb1)+(zb2*zb2)
Q1 <- N*(mx^2)
sdy <- sqrt(m2)
Q2 <- ((sdy^(2/3)-(1-(2/(9*N-9))))^2)/(2/(9*N-9))
Q3 <- zb1^2
Q4 <- zb2^2
z1 <- sqrt(N)*mx
z2 <- sqrt(Q2)*sign(sdy^(2/3)-(1-(2/(9*N-9))))
list(Q1=Q1, Q2=Q2, Q3=Q3, Q4=Q4, z1=z1, z2=z2, z3=zb1, z4=zb2, AgostinoK2=K2, N=N )
# function 4
get.par.df <- function(obj)
mu.df <- obj$mu.df
sigma.df <- if ("sigma"%in%obj$parameters) (obj$sigma.df+1)/2 else 0
nu.df <- if ("nu"%in%obj$parameters & !(obj$family[1]%in%c("TF","PE"))) obj$nu.df else 0
tau.df <- if ("tau"%in%obj$parameters & !(obj$family[1]%in%c("TF","PE"))) obj$tau.df
else if ((obj$family[1]%in%c("TF","PE"))) obj$nu.df
else 0
maxall <- max(c(mu.df,sigma.df,nu.df,tau.df))
list(location=mu.df, scale=sigma.df, skewness=nu.df, kurtosis=tau.df, maximum=maxall )
# function 5
Qstats.plot<- function(obj, zvals = TRUE)
bg <- "white"
dim <- dim(obj)
nr <- dim[1]-3
nc <- dim[2]-2
Mat <- obj[1:nr, 1:nc]
op <- par(mar = c(0, 0, 2, 0), bg = "white")
on.exit(par(op)) # MS 4-8-14
plot.window(c(0, nr), c(0, nc), asp = 1)
rname <- rownames(Mat)
cname <- colnames(Mat)
xlabwidth <- max(strwidth(rname, cex = 1))
ylabwidth <- max(strwidth(cname, cex = 1))
plot.window(c(-xlabwidth + 0.5, nc + 0.5), c(0, nr + 1 + ylabwidth),
asp = 1, xlab="", ylab="")
rect(0.5, 0.5, nc + 0.5, nr + 0.5, col = bg) ##background color
text(rep(-xlabwidth/2, nr), nr:1, rname, col = "red", cex = 1)
text(1:nc, rep(nr + 1 + ylabwidth/2, nc), cname, srt = 90, col = "red",
cex = 1)
if (zvals == TRUE) title("Z-Statistics") else title("Q-Statistics")
## add grid
segments(rep(0.5, nr + 1), 0.5 + 0:nr, rep(nc + 0.5, nr + 1),
0.5 + 0:nr, col = "gray")
segments(0.5 + 0:nc, rep(0.5, nc + 1), 0.5 + 0:nc, rep(nr + 0.5,
nc), col = "gray")
#rainbow(n, s = 1, v = 1, start = 0, end = max(1,n - 1)/n, alpha = 1)
#heat.colors(n, alpha = 1)
#terrain.colors(n, alpha = 1)
#topo.colors(n, alpha = 1)
## pick up color scheme
col <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","red"))(2)
bg <- col[as.numeric(as.vector(Mat)<0)+1]
# col <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","red"))(100)#colorRampPalette(c("blue","white","red"))(100)
# lcol <- length(col)
## this depends of the values
## for Z min(Mat) max(Mat)
# for Q 0 to max(Mat)
# ff <- if (zvals) seq(min(Mat),max(Mat), length=lcol+1) else seq(0,max(Mat), length=lcol+1)
# bg2 <- rep(0, nr * nc)
# for (i in 1:(nr * nc))
# {
# bg2[i] <- rank(c(ff[2:lcol], as.vector(Mat)[i]),
# ties.method = "random")[lcol]
# }
# bg <- (col[1:lcol])[bg2]
if (zvals)
forsquares <- ifelse(as.vector(abs(Mat))>1.96, as.vector(sqrt(abs(Mat))/4), NA)
symbols( as.vector(col(Mat)), as.vector(rev(row(Mat))), add = TRUE, inches = FALSE,
circles = as.vector(sqrt(abs(Mat))/4), bg = as.vector(bg))
forsquares <- ifelse(as.vector(Mat)>3.84, as.vector(sqrt(abs(Mat))/max(Mat)), NA)
symbols( as.vector(col(Mat)), as.vector(rev(row(Mat))), add = TRUE, inches = FALSE,
circles = as.vector(sqrt(abs(Mat))/max(Mat)), bg = as.vector(bg))
#symbols(rep(1:nc, each = nr), rep(nr:1, nc), add = TRUE, inches = F,
# stars = cbind(.5, 1, as.vector(sqrt(abs(Mat))/max(Mat))), bg = as.vector(bg))
if (!all( symbols(rep(1:nc, each = nr), rep(nr:1, nc), add = TRUE, inches = FALSE,
squares = forsquares)
# main function starts here
## checking whether obj or resid is defined
if (is.null(obj)&&is.null(resid))
stop(paste("A fitted object with resid() method or the argument resid should be used ", "\n", ""))
only.zvals <- if (!is.null(resid)) TRUE else FALSE# if resid use only z.stats
var <- if (is.null(obj)) resid else resid(obj)
df <- if (is.gamlss(obj)) get.par.df(obj) else list(location= 0, scale=0, skewness=0, kurtosis=0, maximum=0)
overlap <- 0
{ xvar <- seq(1,length(var),1)
warning(paste("The xvar has been replace by an index 1:n", "\n", ""))
if (only.zvals)
{ <- co.intervals(xvar, number=n.inter, overlap=overlap)
if (overlap==0) <- check.overlap(
{ <- get.intervals(xvar, xcut.points )
{ # getting the intervals automatic
if (n.inter < df$maximum+1.9)
n.inter <- ceiling(df$maximum+1.9)
warning("the number of intervals have change to ", n.inter,"\n ")
} <- co.intervals(xvar, number=n.inter, overlap=overlap)
if (overlap==0) <- check.overlap(
if (length(xcut.points)+1 < df$maximum+1.9)
stop("the number of cut points must be larger than ", ceiling(df$maximum+1.9),"\n ")
# if xcut.points is set <- get.intervals(xvar, xcut.points )
} <- format(, digits=digits.xvar) # changing the digits if
howmany <- dim([1]
cutPoints <- c([,1],[howmany,2])
# <- matrix(as.numeric(, ncol=2)
X <- matrix(0, nrow = howmany, ncol = 6,
Z <- matrix(0, nrow = howmany, ncol = 6,
dimnames(Z)[[2]] <- as.character(c("Z1","Z2","Z3","Z4","AgostinoK2","N"))
dimnames(X)[[2]] <- as.character(c("Q1","Q2","Q3","Q4","AgostinoK2","N"))
dimnames(X)[[1]] <- paste(substr(as.character([1:howmany,1]),1,7),"to",substr(as.character([1:howmany,2]),1,7))
dimnames(Z)[[1]] <- paste(substr(as.character([1:howmany,1]),1,7),"to",substr(as.character([1:howmany,2]),1,7))
oxvar <- xvar[order(xvar)]
oyvar <- var[order(xvar)]
levcut <- cut(oxvar, cutPoints, include.lowest = TRUE) #, cut(oxvar, howmany)
levelCut <- levels(levcut)
for (i in 1:howmany)
yvar1 <- oyvar[ levcut== levelCut[i]]
xvar1 <- oxvar[ levcut== levelCut[i]]
nlist <- Qtest(yvar1)
Z[i,] <- c(nlist$z1, nlist$z2, nlist$z3, nlist$z4, nlist$AgostinoK2, nlist$N)
X[i,] <- c(nlist$Q1, nlist$Q2, nlist$Q3, nlist$Q4, nlist$AgostinoK2, nlist$N)
# for (i in 1:howmany)
# {
# if(i==howmany) { ##### Include points at the end of the last interval
# yvar1 <- subset(oyvar, oxvar>[i,1]&oxvar<[i,2])
# xvar1 <- subset(oxvar, oxvar>[i,1]&oxvar<[i,2])
# }
# else
# {
# cat (sum(oxvar>=[i,1] & oxvar <[i,2]), "\n")
# yvar1 <- oyvar[oxvar>=[i,1] & oxvar <[i,2]]
# xvar1 <- oxvar[oxvar>=[i,1] & oxvar <[i,2]]
# }
# nlist <- Qtest(yvar1)
# Z[i,] <- c(nlist$z1, nlist$z2, nlist$z3, nlist$z4, nlist$AgostinoK2, nlist$N)
# X[i,] <- c(nlist$Q1, nlist$Q2, nlist$Q3, nlist$Q4, nlist$AgostinoK2, nlist$N)
# }
Q1 <- sum(X[,1])
Q2 <- sum(X[,2])
Q3 <- sum(X[,3])
Q4 <- sum(X[,4])
K2 <- sum(X[,5])
N <-sum(X[,6])
df1 <- howmany-df$location
df2 <- howmany-df$scale
df3 <- howmany-df$skewness
df4 <- howmany-df$kurtosis
df5 <- df3+df4
pv1 <- pchisq(Q1, df=df1, ncp=0, lower.tail = FALSE)
pv2 <- pchisq(Q2, df=df2, ncp=0, lower.tail = FALSE)
pv3 <- pchisq(Q3, df=df3, ncp=0, lower.tail = FALSE)
pv4 <- pchisq(Q4, df=df4, ncp=0, lower.tail = FALSE)
pv5 <- pchisq(K2, df=df5, ncp=0, lower.tail = FALSE)
nc <- matrix(c(Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,K2,N),nrow=1, dimnames=list(as.character(seq(1,1)),
as.character(seq(1,6))) )
dimnames(nc)[[1]]<-as.character(c("TOTAL Q stats"))
ndf <- matrix(c(df1,df2,df3,df4,df5,0),nrow=1, dimnames=list(as.character(seq(1,1)),
as.character(seq(1,6))) )
dimnames(ndf)[[1]]<-as.character(c("df for Q stats"))
pval <- matrix(c(pv1,pv2,pv3,pv4,pv5,0),nrow=1, dimnames=list(as.character(seq(1,1)),
as.character(seq(1,6))) )
dimnames(pval)[[1]]<-as.character(c("p-val for Q stats"))
X <- rbind( X , nc ,ndf, pval)
Z <- rbind( Z , nc ,ndf, pval)
if (plot)
if (zvals) Qstats.plot(Z, zvals=zvals)
else Qstats.plot(X, zvals=zvals)
if (save) {
if (only.zvals) return( Z[-c((n.inter+1):(n.inter+3)), -c(5,6)])
if (zvals) return(Z)
else return(X)
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