### function to plot additive terms in the fitting of a GAMLSS model
### it is based on the termplot() function in R
### but there were are several bugs corrected
### 1. if what parameters is constant an error is given
### 2. if interaction are present then a warning is given
### rather that crashing as is termplot()
### TO DO
### i) to allow having plots in one screen the "pages" option OK
### ii) to allow plotting as shades the "scheme" option OK
### iii) to allow plotting class object Partial OK it needs to go trought all smoothers
# the way thet gamlss fits smoother is by reordred then in alphabatical order
# this means thatbthe position of the smoothers in say s[] are not what you would expect
# we need to rew think and write term.plot (probably rewriting CheckSmoList() see also in the end)
### Author: Mikis Stasinopoulos
### bugs: if the additve terms depends on more that one variable
### i.e. loess(x1,x2) produces rubish
### bug fixed : no warning is given when nn and ga are used and common is
### used
term.plot <- function (object,
what = c("mu","sigma","nu","tau"),
parameter = NULL,
data = NULL,
envir = environment(formula(object)),
partial.resid = FALSE,
rug = FALSE,
terms = NULL,
se = TRUE,
ylim = c("common","free"),
scheme = c( "shaded", "lines"),
xlabs = NULL,
ylabs = NULL,
main = NULL,
pages = 0, # New
col.term = "darkred", = "orange",
col.shaded = "gray",
col.res = "lightblue",
col.rug = "gray",
lwd.term = 1.5, = 2, = 1,
cex.res = 1,
pch.res = par("pch"),
ask = interactive() && nb.fig < n.tms &&.Device != "postscript", #dev.interactive() && nb.fig < n.tms
use.factor.levels = TRUE,
surface.gam = FALSE,
polys = NULL,
polys.scheme = "topo",
# gam.scheme = 3,
# Local functions
# i) CheckSmoList() to chech whether they are smoothers in terms
plotLME <- function(obj)
OBJ <- unclass(ranef(obj))
sizelist <- length(OBJ)
# for (i in 1:sizelist)
plot(OBJ[[1]],type="h", ylab=names(OBJ)[1], main="lme fit 1st random coeff.")
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <-function( polys,
object = NULL,
scheme = NULL,
swapcolors = FALSE,
n.col = 100,...)
## to get the range of all polygons
for (i in 1:length(polys)) {
yr <- range(polys[[i]][, 2], na.rm = TRUE)
xr <- range(polys[[i]][, 1], na.rm = TRUE)
if (i == 1) {
ylim <- yr
xlim <- xr
else {
if (yr[1] < ylim[1])
ylim[1] <- yr[1]
if (yr[2] > ylim[2])
ylim[2] <- yr[2]
if (xr[1] < xlim[1])
xlim[1] <- xr[1]
if (xr[2] > xlim[2])
xlim[2] <- xr[2]
## of no object just plot the polygons
mar <- par("mar")
oldpar <- par(mar = c(2, mar[2], 2, 1))
if (is.null(object)) {
plot(0, 0, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
type = "n", bty = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "",...)
for (i in 1:length(polys)) {
polygon(polys[[i]], col = NA)
{ # if object is defined we must two alternatives
## i) it is MRF object
## ii) a list which defines the values and the areas
y.y <- object$beta
# x.x <- object$x
if (!is.vector(object)) stop("object class should be GMRF or a vector with names matching the areas in the polys")
y.y <- object
# x.x <- object[[2]]
npolys <- names(polys)
nobject <- names(y.y)
if (is.null(nobject)) stop("the object do not have names")
else (!is.null(nobject) && !is.null(npolys))
if (!all(sort(nobject)%in% sort(npolys)))
stop("object names and polys names must match")
y.y <- y.y[npolys]
#fv1 <- tapply(y, x, mean)
#fv <- object$beta
xmin <- xlim[1]
xlim[1] <- xlim[1] - 0.1 * (xlim[2] - xlim[1])
n.col <- n.col
if (is.null(scheme)||scheme=="gray")
newscheme <- gray(0:n.col/n.col)
else if (scheme == "heat"){
newscheme <- heat.colors(n.col + 1)
else if (scheme == "rainbow")
newscheme <- rainbow(n.col+1)
else if(scheme == "terrain")
newscheme <- terrain.colors(n.col+1)
else if(scheme == "topo")
newscheme <- topo.colors(n.col+1)
else if(scheme=="cm")
newscheme <- cm.colors(n.col+1)
else {scheme=scheme
ramp <- colorRamp(c(scheme, "white"))
newscheme <- rgb(ramp(seq(0, 1, length = n.col)), maxColorValue = 255)
else stop("swapcolors just work for few options. Please, see help file.")
zlim <- range(pretty(y.y))
for (i in 1:length(polys)) polys[[i]][, 2] <- zlim[1] + (zlim[2] -
zlim[1]) * (polys[[i]][, 2] - ylim[1])/(ylim[2] - ylim[1])
ylim <- zlim
plot(0, 0, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, type = "n", xaxt = "n",
bty = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",...)
for (i in 1:length(polys)) {
coli <- round((y.y[i] - zlim[1])/(zlim[2] - zlim[1]) *
n.col) + 1
polygon(polys[[i]], col = newscheme[coli])
xmin <- min(c(axTicks(1), xlim[1]))
dx <- (xlim[2] - xlim[1]) * 0.05
x0 <- xmin - 2 * dx
x1 <- xmin + dx
dy <- (ylim[2] - ylim[1])/n.col
poly <- matrix(c(x0, x0, x1, x1, ylim[1], ylim[1] +
dy, ylim[1] + dy, ylim[1]), 4, 2)
for (i in 1:n.col) {
polygon(poly, col = newscheme[i], border = NA)
poly[, 2] <- poly[, 2] + dy
poly <- matrix(c(x0, x0, x1, x1, ylim[1], ylim[2], ylim[2],
ylim[1]), 4, 2)
polygon(poly, border = "black")
# the results is something like
# c(0,0,1,2,2,2,3,4) if smootherrs where used in positions
# c(0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1)
CheckSmoList <- function(termList)
# <- c( "cs","scs", "ps", "pb", "cy", "pvc", "pbm", "pbj",
# "mrf", "mrfa", "sap", "krig", "lo", "random",
# "re", "fp", "pp", "nl","ri","ridge","fk", "la",
# "tr", "ga", "nn", "lo","own" ) <- <- paste(,"(", sep="")
# ideally this should be done autonmatically
# <- c( "cs(","scs(", "ps(", "pb(", "cy(", "pvc(", "pbm(", "pbj(",
# "mrf(", "mrfa(", "sap(", "krig(", "lo(", "random(",
# "re(", "fp(", "pp(", "nl(","ri(","ridge(","fk(", "la(",
# "tr(", "ga(", "nn(", "own(" )
lgamsmol <- length(
lsm <- length(termList)
res <- rep(0, lsm)
att <- rep(0, lsm)
for (i in 1:length(
LL <-grepl([i], termList, fixed=TRUE)
res <- res+LL
att[LL] <-[i]
res <- cumsum(res)
attr(res, "whichSmo") <- att
#----end of local function------CheckSmoList------------------------------------
CheckSmoWithPlot <- function(termList)
#gamlss.Smo.plot.list <- c( "tr", "ga")
gamlss.Smo.plot.list1 <- c( "tr(", "ga(", "nn(", "pvc(", "gmrf(", "mrfa(", "ri(",
"own(" , "re(", "lo(", "pcat(", "ba(")# "ma(",
lgamsmol <- length(gamlss.Smo.plot.list1)
lsm <- length(termList)
res <- rep(0, lsm)
for (i in gamlss.Smo.plot.list1)
LL <- grepl(i, termList, fixed=TRUE)
res <- res+LL
# more local functions----------------------------------------------------------
carrier <- function(term)
if (length(term) > 1) carrier(term[[2]])
else eval(term, data, enclos = pf)
}# with envir Global
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <- function(term)
if (length(term) > 1)[[2]])
else as.character(term)
#------MORE LOCAL FUNCTIONS-----------------------------------------------------
se.lines <- function(x, iy, i, ff = 2)
tt <- ff * terms$[iy, i]
lines(x, tms[iy, i] + tt, lty =, lwd =, col =
lines(x, tms[iy, i] - tt, lty =, lwd =, col =
se.shaded <- function(x, iy, i, ff = 2)
tt <- ff * terms$[iy, i]
xx <- c(x,rev(x))
yy <- c(tms[iy, i] - tt, rev(tms[iy, i] + tt))
polygon(xx, yy, col = col.shaded, border = col.shaded)
#--------END of local functions-------------------------------------------------
#-----end of local functions----------------------------------------------------
# begining of the proper function
## only for gamlss objects
if (!is.gamlss(object)) stop(paste("This is not an gamlss object", "\n", ""))
what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
ylim <- match.arg(ylim)
scheme <- match.arg(scheme)
## checking the parameter
if (!what%in%object$par) stop(paste(what,"is not a parameter in the object","\n"))
## getting the specific term for plotting
which.terms <- terms
## get all terms and attributes
par.terms <- object[[paste(what, "terms", sep=".")]]
par.attr <- attributes(par.terms)
terms <- if (is.null(terms)) lpred(object, what = what, type = "terms", = se)
else lpred(object, what = what, type = "terms", = se, terms = terms)
# the number of terms
n.tms <- ncol(tms <- as.matrix(if (se) terms$fit else terms))
## if the parameters has only a constant fitted stop
if (n.tms == 0)
stop("The model for ", what, " has only the constant fitted")
## model frame
# ff<-paste(paste("object$", what, sep=""),".formula", sep="")
# get_all_vars(object$mu.formula, data=object$call$data)
mf <- model.frame(object, what = what)
# mf <- model.frame.gamlssT(object, what = what)
## this take care if data is used
if (is.null(data)) # get the data from gamlss data
data <- eval(object$call$data, envir)
if (is.null(data)) # if still null get from model frame
data <- mf
if (NROW(tms) < NROW(data))
use.rows <- match(rownames(tms), rownames(data))
else use.rows <- NULL
nmt <- colnames(tms) # the names of terms
## whether there are interactions in the model (they are difficult to plot)
Interactions <- par.attr$order > 1
## if interaction nmt has to change -------------------------------------------
if (any(Interactions))
nmt <- nmt[!Interactions] # take out interactions
if (!se)
terms <- terms[,nmt, drop = FALSE]
terms$fit <- terms$fit[,nmt, drop = FALSE]
terms$ <- terms$[,nmt, drop = FALSE]
n.tms <- ncol(tms <- as.matrix(if (se) terms$fit else terms))
# I am assuming that 'terms' will be used wisely here
warning("interactions have been taken out from the plots")
cn <- parse(text = nmt) # as expression
ifSpecialSmo <- CheckSmoWithPlot(nmt) #????????????????????????????????????????
whichValueSmo <- CheckSmoList(nmt)
# if (!is.null(smooth)) # I do not need this but is very interesting
# smooth <-
if (is.null(ylabs))
ylabs <- paste("Partial for", nmt) # get the labels
if (is.null(main))
main <- ""
else if (is.logical(main))
main <- if (main) deparse(object$call, 500)
else ""
else if (!is.character(main))
stop("`main' must be TRUE, FALSE, NULL or character (vector).")
main <- rep(main, length = n.tms)
pf <- envir # the carrier has different envir (the Global)
if (is.null(xlabs))# get the x lables
xlabs <- unlist(lapply(cn,
if (partial.resid ) # || !is.null(smooth)
pres <- residuals(object, what = what, type="partial")
#pres <- pres # mayby not - mean(pres) # Dilip suggest centering
if (!is.null(which.terms))
pres <- pres[, which.terms, drop = FALSE]
if (any(Interactions))
pres <- pres[, nmt, drop = FALSE]
is.fac <- sapply(nmt, function(i) is.factor(mf[, i])) # whether factors
nb.fig <- prod(par("mfcol")) # the number of figures
if (ask) {
op <- par(ask = TRUE)
ylims <- ylim # default "common"
if (identical(ylims, "common")) # whether common limit in y
suppressWarnings( if (!se) # this has to go here because nn and
ylims <- range(tms, na.rm = TRUE) # ga have se NA MS 16-5-15
else {
terms$ <- ifelse(terms$, NA, terms$
ylims <- range(tms + 1.05 * 2 * terms$, tms - 1.05 *
2 * terms$, na.rm = TRUE)
if (partial.resid)
ylims <- range(ylims, pres, na.rm = TRUE)
if (rug)
ylims[1L] <- ylims[1L] - 0.07 * diff(ylims)
} # finnish limits for y
# pages
n.plots <- n.tms
if (pages > n.plots) pages <- n.plots # if pages bigger use no of plots
if (pages < 0) pages <- 0 # set to zero
if (pages != 0) # if pages are not zero
ppp <- n.plots%/%pages # no of plots per page
if (n.plots%%pages != 0)
while (ppp * (pages - 1) >= n.plots) pages <- pages - 1
c <- r <- trunc(sqrt(ppp))
if (c < 1) r <- c <- 1
if (c * r < ppp) c <- c + 1
if (c * r < ppp) r <- r + 1
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(r, c))
else { # if pages are zero
ppp <- 1
oldpar <- par()
if ((pages == 0 && prod(par("mfcol")) < n.plots && dev.interactive()) ||
pages > 1 && dev.interactive())
ask <- TRUE
else ask <- FALSE
if (!is.null(terms)) { ask <- FALSE}
if (ask)
oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
for (i in 1:n.tms) # START of the 1:n.tms loop
# if we need differnt y limit for each variable
if (identical(ylim, "free"))
ylims <- range(tms[, i], na.rm = TRUE)
if (se)
ylims <- range(ylims, tms[, i] + 1.05 * 2 * terms$[,
i], tms[, i] - 1.05 * 2 * terms$[, i],
na.rm = TRUE)
if (partial.resid)
ylims <- range(ylims, pres[, i], na.rm = TRUE)
if (rug)
ylims[1] <- ylims[1] - 0.07 * diff(ylims)
if (!ifSpecialSmo[i])#--------------------------------------------------
{ # if is a normal smoother use this
# if is a factor--------------------------------------------------------
if (is.fac[i]) # if the term is a factor
ff <- mf[, nmt[i]]
if (!is.null(object$na.action))
ff <- naresid(object$na.action, ff)
ll <- levels(ff)
xlims <- range(seq(along = ll)) + c(-0.5, 0.5)
xx <- as.numeric(ff)
if (rug)
xlims[1] <- xlims[1] - 0.07 * diff(xlims)
xlims[2] <- xlims[2] + 0.03 * diff(xlims)
plot(1, 0, type = "n", xlab = xlabs[i], ylab = ylabs[i],
xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims, main = main[i], xaxt = "n",
if (use.factor.levels)
axis(1, at = seq(along = ll), labels = ll, ...)
else axis(1)
for (j in seq(along = ll))
ww <- which(ff == ll[j])[c(1, 1)]
jf <- j + c(-0.4, 0.4)
if (se)
if (identical(scheme, "lines"))
se.lines(jf, iy = ww, i = i)
lines(jf, tms[ww, i], col = col.term, lwd = lwd.term,
if (identical(scheme, "shaded"))
se.shaded(jf, iy = ww, i = i)
lines(jf, tms[ww, i], col = col.term, lwd = lwd.term,
else lines(jf, tms[ww, i], col = col.term, lwd = lwd.term,
} # end if factor ---------------------------------------------------
{ # here is where changes had to be made at the moment every pass
# cn is expression
xx <- carrier(cn[[i]]) # ds Friday, October 9, 2009 at 13:13
# why we need this ??? is it for random??
if (is.factor(xx)) xx <- seq(along = levels(xx))
if (!is.null(use.rows)) # in case some of the rows are not used
xx <- xx[use.rows]
xlims <- range(xx, na.rm = TRUE)
if (rug)
xlims[1] <- xlims[1] - 0.07 * diff(xlims)
oo <- order(xx)
if (identical(scheme, "lines"))
plot(xx[oo], tms[oo, i], type = "l", xlab = xlabs[i],
ylab = ylabs[i], xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims,
main = main[i], col = col.term, lwd = lwd.term,
if (se)
se.lines(xx[oo], iy = oo, i = i)
if (identical(scheme, "shaded"))
if (se)
plot(xx[oo], tms[oo, i], type = "n", xlab = xlabs[i],
ylab = ylabs[i], xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims,
main = main[i], col = "black", lwd = lwd.term,
se.shaded(xx[oo], iy = oo, i = i)
lines(xx[oo], tms[oo, i], col = col.term,lwd = lwd.term,...)
} # end continuous and normal smoothers
if (partial.resid)
points(xx, pres[, i], cex = cex.res, pch = pch.res,
col = col.res)
if (rug)
n <- length(xx)
lines(,, n)),[1] +
c(0, 0.05, NA) * diff(ylims), n), col=col.rug)
if (partial.resid)
lines([1] + c(0, 0.05, NA) * diff(xlims),
n),[, i],, n)), col=col.rug)
} # end of all normal smoother -Now the special ones which have their own plotting function
else # -Now the special ones which have their own plotting function
{ # the special smoothers who have a plotting function
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="ga"&&surface.gam==TRUE)
plot(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]), scheme=1)
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="ga"&&surface.gam==FALSE)
plot(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]))
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="ba"&&surface.gam==TRUE)
plot(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]), scheme=1)
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="ba"&&surface.gam==FALSE)
plot(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]))
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="nn")
plot(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]), y.lab=expression(eta))
# if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="ma")
# {
# plotmo(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]), y.lab=expression(eta))
# }
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="re")
plotLME(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]))
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="mrf"||attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="mrfa")
if (is.null(polys))
{ warning("no polygon information is given, null plot is produced")
#plot(x=c(0,1), y=c(0,1), type="n")
} else
{, getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]), scheme=polys.scheme)
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="tr")
plot(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]))
text(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]))
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="ri")
plot(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]))
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="pcat")
plot(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]))
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="pvc")
plot(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]))
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="lo")
vis.lo(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]), col.term=col.term,
col.shaded = col.shaded, col.res = col.res )
# else
# {
# plot(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]))
# }
if (attr(whichValueSmo, "whichSmo")[i]=="tr")
text(getSmo(object, what, which=whichValueSmo[i]))
} # end of the 1:n.tms lop -----------------------------------------------
if (pages > 0) par(oldpar)
# ################################################################################
# # my attempt to modify model.frame.gamlss but
# # get_all_vars() do not get what I want
# # new MS Thursday, June 24, 2004 at 13:45
# model.frame.gamlssT <-function (formula, what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"), ...)
# {
# object <- formula
# dots <- list(...)
# what <- match.arg(what)
# Call <- object$call
# parform <- formula(object, what)
# #parform <- object[[paste(what, "formula", sep=".")]]
# data <- if (!is.null(Call$data)) eval(Call$data)
# else environment(formula$terms)
# Terms <- terms(parform)
# #XXLEV<-object[[paste(what,"xlevels",sep=".")]]
# mf <- try(model.frame(Terms, data, xlev = object[[paste(what,"xlevels",sep=".")]]), silent = TRUE)
# if (any(class(mf)%in%"try-error")){ mf <- get_all_vars(parform, data)}
# mf
# }
# CheckSmoList <- function(termList)
# {
# <-
# # ideally this should be done autonmatically
# <- character(length = length(
# for (i in 1:length(
# {
#[i] <- paste([i],"(", sep="")
# }
# <- c( "cs(","scs(", "ps(", "pb(", "cy(", "pvc(", "pbm(", "pbj(",
# # "mrf(", "mrfa(", "sap(", "krig(", "lo(", "random(",
# # "re(", "fp(", "pp(", "nl(","ri(","ridge(","fk(", "la(",
# # "tr(", "ga(", "nn(", "own(" )
# lgamsmol <- length(
# lsm <- length(termList)
# res <- rep(0, lsm)
# att <- rep(0, lsm)
# for (i in 1:length(
# {
# LL <- grepl([i], termList, fixed=TRUE)
# res <- res+LL
# att[LL] <-[i]
# }
# res <- cumsum(res)
# attr(res, "whichSmo") <- att
# res
# }
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