# 汉字转unicode 编码
#' @title plotHapTable2
#' @description
#' plot the hapResult in table like style using grid system.
#' This function is under development and may not stable.
#' Some parameters may deleted or renamed in future.
#' @examples
#' #
#' data(geneHapR_test)
#' plotHapTable2(hapResult)
#' plotHapTable2(hapResult, gff = gff)
#' @param hapSummary the hapSummary or hapResult object
#' @param gff gff or bed annotation
#' @param title title of plot
#' @param CDS_height a numeric vector specified the height of CDS, and the height of utr is half of that,
#' only useful when gff is provided,
#' @param equal_col_width a bool or numeric vector specified whether column with should be equal
#' @param annot_fill,head_fill,labels_fill the fill color of annotation, head and label row or columns
#' @param table_line_col the line color in genotype table
#' @param INFO_split,INFO_tag,geneID,tag_field used to set annotation in haplotype table.
#' And the geneID was used to fileter annotation in INFO field.
#' @param footbar the foot notes
#' @param cell_fill a color vector or function or named vector specified cell fill color
#' @param replaceMultiAllele replace multi-allele title by 'T1,T2,...' or not
#' @param col_annots,head_anno,headrows,row_annots,row_labels the column or row number of annotation or labels or heads
#' @param show_INFO show annotation field or not, default as `FALSE`
#' @param show_chr_name show chromosome name at left-top cell or not
#' @param show_indel_size the Indel length longer will be replaced by "i1,i2,i3,..."
#' @param style see help(gpar)
#' @param Chr,start,end which range should be plotted in gene model
#' @param gene_model_height,table_height,space_height the plotting range height of gene model, table and spacer
#' @param model_rect_col,model_rect_fill,model_line_col a string specified the color for line/rectangle in gene model
#' @param model_anno_pos,model_anno_adj,model_anno_cex,model_anno_col,model_anno_txt
#' the position (x,y), just (hjust, vjust), color, size and content of annotation text in gene model
#' @param table_txt_col,table_txt_cex controls the color and size of texts in genotype table
#' @param link_line_type the type of link lines for mutations in gene model and genotype table
#' @param angle the angle of number positions
#' @param annot_for_each_transcrips mark the strand and trancripts name for each gene modle
#' @param ... param not used
#' @export
plotHapTable2 <- function(hapSummary, show_indel_size = 1, replaceMultiAllele = TRUE, angle = 0,
show_INFO = FALSE, INFO_split = c(";", ",","\\|"),INFO_tag = "ANN",geneID = NA, tag_field = -1,
title = "",
gff = NULL,show_chr_name = TRUE,
Chr = NULL, start = NULL, end = NULL,
model_rect_col = "black", model_rect_fill = "grey80", model_line_col = "black",
model_anno_txt = NULL, model_anno_col = "black", model_anno_cex = 1,
table_txt_col = "black", table_txt_cex = 1,
model_anno_pos = c(-1, -1), model_anno_adj = c(0,1),
gene_model_height = 0.2, space_height = 0.1, table_height = NULL, CDS_height = 0.3,
link_line_type = 3,
headrows = 1, equal_col_width = FALSE,
head_anno = 1, col_annots = 0,
row_labels = 1, row_annots = 1,
table_line_col = "white", annot_for_each_transcrips = TRUE,
labels_fill = "white", annot_fill = "grey90", head_fill = NULL,
cell_fill = NULL, style = gpar(fontfamily = "sans", fontface = 1, cex = 0.7),
footbar = "", ...){
# function start
if (inherits(hapSummary, "hapResult")) hapSummary <- hap_summary(hapSummary)
# 将hapSummary转为普通表格
table <- data.frame(hapSummary)
table <- table[,names(table)!= "Accession"]
table[2,1] <- if(show_chr_name) table[1,2] else ""
table[2,ncol(table)] = "frequency"
table = table[-1,]
# 处理Indel和多等位位点
if(! show_indel_size ) show_indel_size <- 1
ALLELE <- as.vector(as.matrix(table[table$Hap == "ALLELE", ]))
probe_indel <- is.indel.allele(ALLELE)
probe_mula <- is.multiallelic.allele(ALLELE)
als <- unique(as.vector(as.matrix(hapSummary)[-c(1:4), seq_len(sites(hapSummary)) + 1]))
als <- als[nchar(als) > show_indel_size]
# 处理Indel
ft_i <- c()
for (i in seq_len(length(als))){
al_i <- als[i]
table[table == al_i] <- paste0("i",i )
ft_i <- c(ft_i, paste0("i",i))
# 处理表头中的Indel序列
names(als) <- ft_i
ft_i <- paste(ft_i, als, sep = ":", collapse = ";")
als <- als[order(nchar(als), decreasing = TRUE)]
# print(als)
# print(ft_i)
# print(ALLELE)
for(i in seq_len(length(als))){
ALLELE <- stringr::str_replace(ALLELE, als[i], names(als)[i])
# 处理多等位位点
if(replaceMultiAllele & sum(probe_mula) > 0){
ft_t <- paste("T",seq_len(sum(probe_mula)),":",ALLELE[probe_mula], sep = "", collapse = ";")
ALLELE[probe_mula] <- paste0("T",seq_len(sum(probe_mula)))
} else ft_t <- NULL
table[table$Hap == "ALLELE",] <- ALLELE
# 显示INFO信息处理
if(show_INFO) {
INFO <- as.vector(as.matrix(table[table$Hap == "INFO", ]))
for (i in seq_len(length(INFO))){
INFO_i <- INFO[[i]]
if ({
INFO[[i]] <- NA
# 第一次分离出tags
INFO_i <- unlist(strsplit(INFO_i, INFO_split[1]))
p_INFO_i <- stringr::str_detect(INFO_i,paste0(INFO_tag, "="))
INFO_i <- stringr::str_remove(INFO_i,paste0(INFO_tag, "="))
INFO_i <- INFO_i[p_INFO_i]
} else {
INFO[[i]] <- NA
# tags
if (! & ![2]) & !{
INFO_i <- unlist(strsplit(INFO_i, INFO_split[2]))
INFO_i <- INFO_i[stringr::str_detect(INFO_i, geneID)]
# tag field
if (tag_field > 0 & ! any({
tmp <- c()
for (j in INFO_i){
splt <- INFO_split[length(INFO_split)]
tmp <- c(tmp, unlist(strsplit(j, splt))[tag_field])
INFO_i <- paste(unique(tmp), sep = ",",collapse = "\n")
# print(INFO_i)
INFO[[i]] <- INFO_i
table[table$Hap == "INFO",] <- INFO
# 生成填充表
if(isFALSE(cell_fill)) {
cell_fill <- 0
head_fill <- 0
annot_fill <- 0
labels_fill <- 0
if(table_line_col == "white") table_line_col <- "grey10"
} else {
if(is.null(cell_fill)) cell_fill <- OPTS$pie.colors.function
head_fill <- if (is.null(head_fill)) labels_fill else head_fill
table[] <- ""
if(! show_INFO) {
table <- table[table[,1] != "INFO", ]
head_anno <- 1
} else head_anno <- 2
nr <- nrow(table)
nc <- ncol(table)
# 生成填充表
fill_table <- table
fill_table[!] <- NA
if (col_annots >= 1) fill_table[(nr - seq_len(col_annots) + 1),] <- annot_fill
if (row_annots >= 1) fill_table[,(nc - seq_len(row_annots) + 1)] <- annot_fill
if (head_anno >= 1) fill_table[seq_len(headrows + head_anno),] <- annot_fill
if (row_labels >= 1) fill_table[,seq_len(row_labels)] <- labels_fill
if (headrows >= 1) fill_table[seq_len(row_labels),] <- head_fill
# 处理cell 填充
rs <- seq(headrows + head_anno + 1, nr - col_annots)
cs <- seq(row_labels + 1, nc - row_annots)
probe <-
unique_cell <- unique(table[probe])
# cell fill 是命名颜色向量
if (! is.null(names(cell_fill))){
if (! all(unique_cell %in% names(cell_fill))) {
ecp <- unique_cell[! unique_cell %in% names(cell_fill)]
stop(ecp, "not in names of 'cell_fill'")
# cell_fill 是function
if (is.function(cell_fill)){
cell_fill <- cell_fill(length(unique_cell))
names(cell_fill) <- unique_cell
} else {
if (length(unique_cell) > length(cell_fill))
cell_fill <- rep(cell_fill, length(unique_cell) %/% length(cell_fill) + 1)
names(cell_fill)[seq_len(length(unique_cell))] <- unique_cell
fill_table[probe] <- cell_fill[as.matrix(table[probe])]
# 设置viewport
# GFF非空
# ROOT---TOP---model
# \
# ----table
# GFF为空
# ROOT---table
if (equal_col_width){
tws <- rep(1, nc)
} else if (TRUE){
# 获取每一列最宽值
tws <- c()
for(i in seq_len(nc)){
w <- 0
for(j in seq_len(nr)) w <- max(w, nchar(table[j,i]), na.rm = TRUE)
tws <- c(tws, w)
} else {
tws <- rep(1, nc)
# 获取染色体位置信息
opts <- attr(hapSummary, "options")
if (is.null(Chr)) Chr <- opts["CHROM"]
pos <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(opts["POS"],"-")))
nwchar_fstcol <- max(nchar(table[1,1]) * cospi(angle/180),
nchar(table[nrow(table) - 2,1]),
nchar(table[2,1])) * table_txt_cex
nwchar_lstcol <- max(nchar(table[1,ncol(table)]) * cospi(angle/180),
nchar(table[ifelse(show_INFO, 4,3),ncol(table)])) * table_txt_cex
tws_old <- tws
tws <- unit.c(unit(nwchar_fstcol + 1, "strwidth", "H"),
unit(tws[2:(length(tws) - 1)],"null"),
unit(nwchar_lstcol + 1, "strwidth", "5"))
vpslayout <- grid.layout(nrow = nr + 1, ncol = nc,
widths = tws,
heights = unit.c(
# unit(sinpi(angle / 180) + 0.1, "strwidth", max(pos)),
unit.pmax(unit(1, "strwidth", table[1,])) * table_txt_cex,
unit(rep(1, nr), "null")),
default.units = "null")
if (! is.null(gff)){
if (gene_model_height >= 1) stop('gene_model_height should less than 1')
if (space_height >= 1) stop('space_height should less than 1')
if (gene_model_height + space_height >= 1){
warning('gene_model_height and space_height is set to default')
gene_model_height <- 0.2
space_height <- 0.1
if (is.null(table_height)) table_height <- 1 - gene_model_height - space_height
gmlayout <- grid.layout(nrow = 3,
heights = c(gene_model_height, space_height, table_height),
default.units = "npc")
vpTOP <- viewport(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 0.9, height = 0.9,
default.units = "npc",
layout = gmlayout,
gp = style,
name = "TOP")
vpm <- viewport(layout.pos.row = 1, name = "model")
# geneModel.plot()
# 表格内容
vps <- viewport(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1,
default.units = "npc",
layout = vpslayout,
layout.pos.row = 3,
name = 'table')
} else {
# 表格内容
vps <- viewport(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 0.9, height = 0.9,
default.units = "npc",
layout = vpslayout,
gp = style,
name = 'table')
# 绘制基因model 和 变异位点
if(! is.null(gff)){
# 获取染色体位置信息
opts <- attr(hapSummary, "options")
if (is.null(Chr)) Chr <- opts["CHROM"]
pos <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(opts["POS"],"-")))
tmp <- c(start, end)
if (! is.numeric(start)) start <- min(pos) else start <- min(tmp, na.rm = TRUE)
if (! is.numeric(end)) end <- max(pos) else end <- max(tmp, na.rm = TRUE)
seq_names <- unique(as.vector(GenomicRanges::seqnames(gff)))
if (! Chr %in% seq_names) stop(Chr, " in 'hapSummary' was not found in GFF") else {
gff <- gff[as.vector(gff@seqnames) %in% Chr]
gff_s <- min(GenomicRanges::start(gff))
gff_e <- max(GenomicRanges::end(gff))
if (start > gff_e | end < gff_s) stop("There was no overlap between hapSummary: ", start, "-", end,
" and gff: ", gff_s,"-",gff_e, ".")
# 获取目标区间的注释信息
gene <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(Chr,
start = start,
end = end))
over <- try(gff[gff %over% gene], silent = TRUE)
if (length(over) == 0) stop("There is no overlap between GFF and hapSummary")
probe <- stringr::str_detect(tolower(over$type), "utr|cds")
over <- over[probe]
if (length(over) == 0) stop("There is no 'utr' or 'cds' annotation at gene range in GFF")
# 转录本数量
par <- c()
for (i in seq_len(length(over))){
par <- c(par, unlist(over$Parent[i])[1])
over$Parent <- par
ntranscript <- length(unique(over$Parent))
# 基础绘图参数(gene model)
p_ <- over
np <- length(unique(over$Parent))
y_ <- 1/(1 + np)
# 绘制变异位点
ps_ <- as.numeric(as.vector(as.matrix(table[1, seq_len(sites(hapSummary)) + 1])))
ps <- rep(ps_,3)
ps <- ps[order(ps)]
ps <- (ps - start)/abs(start - end)
grid.lines(x = ps,
y = rep(c(1 - gene_model_height,
1 - gene_model_height + (y_) * gene_model_height,
NA), length(ps)/2))
psm <- unit(ps, "npc")
# 变异位点与表头连线
# 表格中每一列的宽度(包含位置)
# 第n列的中间位置
# 基因型列的每列宽度
tws_cumsum <- cumsum(tws_old)
# 基因型列的每字符宽度
tws_sum <- sum(tws_old[-c(1, length(tws_old))])
gtc_wid_per_s <- (unit(1, "npc") - tws[1] - tws[length(tws)])/tws_sum
tps_m <- unit(1,"npc")
for (ci in 1:sites(hapSummary)){
# 第一列宽度加平均每字符宽度
tps_m <- unit.c(tps_m, tws[1] + gtc_wid_per_s * (tws_cumsum[ci] + tws_old[ci + 1]/2 - tws_old[1]))
psm[3*seq_len(sites(hapSummary)) - 2] <- unit(tps_m[seq_len(sites(hapSummary)) + 1], "npc")
grid.lines(x = psm,
y = rep(c(table_height,
1 - gene_model_height,
gp = gpar(lty = link_line_type))
# 绘制基因model
# Genome Lines
xs_g <- rep(c(0, 1, NA), np)
ys_g <- rep(y_ * seq_len(np), 3)
ys_g <- ys_g[order(ys_g)]
grid.lines(x = xs_g, y = ys_g,
gp = gpar(col = model_line_col),
vp = vpm)
# gene structure
is_CDS <- stringr::str_detect(tolower(p_$type),"cds")
is_utr <- stringr::str_detect(tolower(p_$type),"utr")
hs <- (1 * is_CDS + 0.5 * is_utr) * CDS_height / ntranscript
ws <- p_@ranges@width/abs(start - end)
xs <- (p_@ranges@start + p_@ranges@width/2 - start)/abs(start - end)
ys <- y_ * as.numeric(as.factor(p_$Parent))
grid.rect(x = xs, y = unit(1 - ys, "npc"), width = ws, height = hs,
default.units = "npc",
gp = gpar(fill = model_rect_fill, col = model_rect_col), vp = vpm)
# 注明每条转录本的方向
strands <- c()
for (i in unique(over$Parent)){
strands <- c(strands, as.vector(over@strand[over$Parent == i]@values))
# print(ys)
# print(np)
# print(paste(ifelse(unique(strands) == "+", "5'->3'", "3'<-5'"), unique(p_$Parent), sep = ";"))
strands[] = ""
grid.text(paste(ifelse(strands == "+", "5'->3'", "3'<-5'"),
unique(p_$Parent), sep = ";"),
x = unit(rep(0, np), "npc"),
# y = unit(unique(ys) + max(hs), "npc") + unit(0.3, "strheight", "53"),
y = unit(1, "npc") - unit(unique(ys) - max(hs)/2, "npc") + unit(0.15, "strheight","1"),
vjust = 0, # 垂直0:下对齐1:上对齐
hjust = 0, # 水平
gp = gpar(col = model_anno_col, cex = model_anno_cex),
vp = vpm)
} else {
# 注明方向
if (is.null(model_anno_txt)){
if (length(unique(over@strand)) > 1) {
warning("strand is ambiguous in annotation, Please spcified the strand")
} else {
strand <- as.vector(unique(over@strand)[1])
model_anno_txt <- ifelse(strand == "+", "5' -> 3'", "3' <- 5'")
# model annotation
if (! is.null(model_anno_txt)){
if(model_anno_pos[1] != -1){
model_anno_x <- model_anno_pos[1]
model_anno_y <- model_anno_pos[2]
} else {
model_anno_x = 0
model_anno_y = 1
model_anno_h <- model_anno_adj[1]
model_anno_v <- model_anno_adj[2]
# message("model_anno_txt: ", model_anno_txt)
# message("model_anno_x: ", model_anno_x)
# message("model_anno_y: ", model_anno_y)
x = model_anno_x, y = model_anno_y,
hjust = model_anno_h, vjust = model_anno_v,
gp = gpar(col = model_anno_col, cex = model_anno_cex),
vp = vpm)
# 填充表格文字
for(i in seq_len(nr)){
for(j in seq_len(nc)){
vp_name_ij <- paste("vp",i,j,sep = ".")
rect_name_ij <- paste("rect",i,j,sep = ".")
txt_name_ij <- paste("txt",i,j,sep = ".")
viewport(layout.pos.row = i,
layout.pos.col = j,
name = vp_name_ij))
if (i == 1){
grid.rect(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1,
default.units = "npc",just = "centre",
gp = gpar(fill = fill_table[i,j], lty = 1,
col = table_line_col,
alpha = ifelse(head_fill == 0, 1, 0)),
vp = get(vp_name_ij))
grid.text(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, just = "centre",table[i,j],
gp = gpar(col = table_txt_col, cex = table_txt_cex),
vp = get(vp_name_ij), rot = angle)
grid.rect(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1,
default.units = "npc",just = "centre",
gp = gpar(fill = fill_table[i,j], lty = 1, col = table_line_col),
vp = get(vp_name_ij))
grid.text(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, just = "centre",table[i,j],
gp = gpar(col = table_txt_col, cex = table_txt_cex),
vp = get(vp_name_ij))
if (! is.null(footbar)){
seekViewport(name = "table")
i <- nr + 1
j <- nc
vp_name_ij <- paste("vp",i,j,sep = ".")
viewport(layout.pos.row = i,
layout.pos.col = j,
name = vp_name_ij))
if (!is.null(ft_t)) ft_i <- paste(ft_i, ft_t, sep = "\n")
grid.text(paste(ft_i, footbar, sep = "\n"),x = 1, y = 0.9, default.units = "npc",
hjust = 1, vjust = 1,
vp = get(vp_name_ij))
grid.text(title,x = 0.5, y = 0.99, just = "top", gp = gpar(fontsize = 20))
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