
# Define a reactive expression for the
opt14 <- eventReactive(input$RunOpt14, {
    Gprint(MODE_DEBUG, "Opt14\n")
    dem = input$Dememo14
    nbatchs = input$Nbatches14
    niters = input$Niters14
    ficout = tempfile()
    ficin = GenepopFile()$datapath
    out = TRUE
    du <- disk.usage()/(1024 * 1024)
    # here we nedd at leat 100 Go of free space to allow temporary files to be
    if (is.null(ficin) || du[2] < 100) {
        out = FALSE
    } else {
        Gprint(MODE_DEBUG, ficin)
        tryCatch(test_HW(ficin, which = "global deficit", outputFile = ficout, dememorization = dem, batches = nbatchs, iterations = niters), 
            error = function(e) {
                write(paste("Exeption : ", e$message), file = ficout)
            }, finally = hide("spinner"))
        file.rename("cmdline.txt", "cmdline.old")
    data.frame(file = ficout, output = out)

output$Opt14outLoc <- renderText({
    opt <- opt14()
    if (opt$output) {
        filePath <- toString(opt$file)
        if (file.size(filePath) > 300) {
            fileText <- readLines(filePath)
            nbli = grep("Results by locus", fileText)
            nblig = grep("Result for all locus and all populations", fileText)
            fileText <- paste(fileText[(nbli + 2):nblig - 2], collapse = "\n")
        } else {
            fileText <- readLines(filePath)
    } else {
        fileText <- "No genepop file found or no space left in the server! please upload a file and try later"

output$Opt14outPop <- renderText({
    opt <- opt14()
    if (opt$output) {
        filePath <- toString(opt$file)
        if (file.size(filePath) > 300) {
            fileText <- readLines(filePath)
            nbli = grep("Results by locus", fileText)
            nblig = grep("Results by population", fileText)
            fileText <- paste(fileText[nblig:(nbli - 2)], collapse = "\n")
        } else {
            fileText <- readLines(filePath)
    } else {
        fileText <- "No genepop file found or no space left in the server! please upload a file and try later"

output$Opt14outLocPop <- renderText({
    opt <- opt14()
    if (opt$output) {
        filePath <- toString(opt$file)
        if (file.size(filePath) > 300) {
            fileText <- readLines(filePath)
            nbli = grep("Result for all locus and all populations", fileText)
            fileText <- paste(fileText[nbli:length(fileText)], collapse = "\n")
        } else {
            fileText <- readLines(filePath)
    } else {
        fileText <- "No genepop file found or no space left in the server! please upload a file and try later"

output$downloadOpt14Loc <- downloadHandler(filename = function() {
    paste("result_opt14_Loc_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = "")
}, content = function(con) {
    opt <- opt14()
    if (opt$output) {
        filePath <- toString(opt$file)
        fileText <- readLines(filePath)
        nbli = grep("Results by locus", fileText)
        nblig = grep("Result for all locus and all populations", fileText)
        fileText <- paste(fileText[(nbli + 2):nblig - 2], collapse = "\n")
    } else {
        fileText <- "No genepop file found or no space left in the server! please upload a file and try later"
    write(fileText, con)

output$downloadOpt14Pop <- downloadHandler(filename = function() {
    paste("result_opt14_Pop_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = "")
}, content = function(con) {
    opt <- opt14()
    if (opt$output) {
        filePath <- toString(opt$file)
        fileText <- readLines(filePath)
        nbli = grep("Results by locus", fileText)
        nblig = grep("Results by population", fileText)
        fileText <- paste(fileText[nblig:(nbli - 2)], collapse = "\n")
    } else {
        fileText <- "No genepop file found or no space left in the server! please upload a file and try later"
    write(fileText, con)

output$downloadOpt14All <- downloadHandler(filename = function() {
    paste("result_opt14_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = "")
}, content = function(con) {
    opt <- opt14()
    if (opt$output) {
        filePath <- toString(opt$file)
        fileText <- readLines(filePath)
    } else {
        fileText <- "No genepop file found or no space left in the server! please upload a file and try later"
    write(fileText, con)

Try the genepop package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

genepop documentation built on Jan. 22, 2023, 1:07 a.m.