#' Download spatial data of indigenous lands in Brazil
#' @description
#' The data set covers the whole of Brazil and it includes indigenous lands from
#' all ethnicities and in different stages of demarcation. The original data
#' comes from the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) and can be found at
#' \url{}. Although original data is
#' updated monthly, the geobr package will only keep the data for a few months
#' per year.
#' @param date Numeric. Date of the data in YYYYMM format. Defaults to `201907`.
#' @template simplified
#' @template showProgress
#' @template cache
#' @return An `"sf" "data.frame"` object
#' @export
#' @family area functions
#' @examplesIf identical(tolower(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN")), "true")
#' # Read all indigenous land in an specific date
#' i <- read_indigenous_land(date=201907)
read_indigenous_land <- function(date = 201907,
simplified = TRUE,
showProgress = TRUE,
cache = TRUE){
# Get metadata with data url addresses
temp_meta <- select_metadata(geography="indigenous_land", year=date, simplified=simplified)
# list paths of files to download
file_url <- as.character(temp_meta$download_path)
# download files
temp_sf <- download_gpkg(file_url = file_url,
showProgress = showProgress,
cache = cache)
# check if download failed
if (is.null(temp_sf)) { return(invisible(NULL)) }
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