
Defines functions print.pmx_eta_matrix plot_pmx.eta_pairs plot_shrink gtable_remove_grobs .plot_matrix upper.plot diag.plot lower.plot eta_pairs

Documented in eta_pairs gtable_remove_grobs plot_pmx.eta_pairs plot_shrink

#' This creates an eta correlation which defines the relationship between parameters
#' @param title character the plot title
#' @param dname name of dataset to be used
#' @param type.eta \code{character} type of eat can be 'mode' or 'mean'.'mode' by default
#' @param text_color color of the correlation text in the upper matrix
#' @param is.shrink \code{logical} if TRUE add shrinkage to the plot
#' @param shrink \code{pmxShrinkClass} shrinkage graphical parameter or
#'   \code{list} coercible into one
#' @param point \code{list} geom_point graphical parameter
#' @param is.smooth \code{logical} if TRUE add smoothing to lower matrix plots
#' @param smooth \code{list} geom_smooth graphical parameters
#' @param is.hline \code{logical} if TRUE add horizontal line to lower matrix plots
#' @param hline \code{list} geom_hline graphical parameters
#' @param is.vreference_line \code{logical} if TRUE add the +- 1.96 lines
#' @param vreference_line \code{list} geom_hline graphical parameters for the reference lines
#' @param ... others graphics arguments passed to \code{\link{pmx_gpar}} internal object.
#' @return ecorrel object
#' @family plot_pmx
#' @importFrom  GGally ggally_cor ggally_densityDiag
#' @inheritParams pmx_gpar
eta_pairs <- function(
                      dname = NULL,
                      type.eta = c("mode", "mean"),
                      text_color = "black",
                      is.shrink = TRUE,
                      is.smooth = TRUE,
                      smooth = NULL,
                      point = NULL,
                      shrink = NULL,
                      is.hline = FALSE,
                      hline = NULL,
                      is.vreference_line = FALSE,
                      vreference_line = list(colour = "orange", linetype = "longdash"),
                      ...) {
  if (is.null(dname)) dname <- "eta"
  if (missing(title)) title <- "Correlations of random effects"
  labels <- list(
    title = title,
    subtitle = "",
    x = "",
    y = ""
    ptype = "ETA_PAIRS",
    dname = dname,
    strat = FALSE,
    labels = labels,
    point = point,
    type.eta = match.arg(type.eta),
    text_color = text_color,
    is.shrink = is.shrink,
    shrink = shrink,
    is.smooth = is.smooth,
    smooth = smooth,
    point = point,
    is.hline = is.hline,
    hline = hline,
    is.vreference_line = is.vreference_line,
    vreference_line = vreference_line,
    gp = pmx_gpar(
      labels = labels,
      discrete = FALSE,
      is.smooth = FALSE,
      is.band = FALSE, ...
  ), class = c("eta_pairs", "pmx_gpar"))

lower.plot <- function(data, x, y, point, is.smooth, smooth, gp, is.hline, hline, ymax) {
  p <-
    ggplot(data = data, aes(x = .data[[x]], y = .data[[y]])) + do.call(geom_point, point)
  if (is.smooth) {
    p <- p + do.call(geom_smooth, smooth)

  if (is.hline) {
    hline <- l_left_join(list(yintercept = 0), hline)
    p <- p + do.call(geom_hline, hline)
  p <- p + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-ymax, ymax))
  plot_pmx(gp, p)

diag.plot <- function(data, x, gp, is.vreference_line, vreference_line) {
  p <- ggally_densityDiag(data = data, aes(x = .data[[x]]))
    if (is.vreference_line) {
      vreference_line1 <- vreference_line
      vreference_line1$xintercept <- -1.96
      vreference_line2 <- vreference_line
      vreference_line2$xintercept <- 1.96
      vreference_line3 <- vreference_line
      vreference_line3$xintercept <- 0
      p <- p +
        do.call(geom_vline, vreference_line1) +
        do.call(geom_vline, vreference_line2) +
        do.call(geom_vline, vreference_line3)
  plot_pmx(gp, p)

upper.plot <- function(data, x, y, text_color, gp) {
  p <- ggally_cor(data = data, aes(x = .data[[x]], y = .data[[y]]), colour = text_color)
  plot_pmx(gp, p)

.plot_matrix <-
  function(dx, text_color = text_color, point = point, is.smooth, smooth, gp, is.hline, hline, is.vreference_line, vreference_line) {
    nn <- colnames(dx)
    mat <- outer(nn, nn, paste, sep = ";")
    uppers <-
        function(z) {
          z <- strsplit(z, ";")[[1]]
          upper.plot(dx, x = z[1], y = z[2], text_color = text_color, gp = gp)
    names(uppers) <- mat[upper.tri(mat)]

    lowers <-
        function(z) {
          z <- strsplit(z, ";")[[1]]
            x = z[1], y = z[2], point = point,
            is.smooth = is.smooth, smooth = smooth, gp = gp,
            is.hline, hline, max(dx[, z[2], with = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)

    names(lowers) <- mat[lower.tri(mat)]

    diags <-
        function(z) {
          z <- strsplit(z, ";")[[1]]
          diag.plot(dx, x = z[1], gp = gp, is.vreference_line, vreference_line )

    names(diags) <- diag(mat)

    ll <- c(uppers, diags, lowers)


#' Remove named elements from gtable
#' @param table The table from which grobs should be removed
#' @param names A character vector of the grob names (as listed in \code{table$layout})
#'   that should be removed
#' @param ... Other parameters passed through to \code{gtable_filter}.

gtable_remove_grobs <- function(table, names, ...) {
  kept_names <- table$layout$name[!(table$layout$name %in% names)]
  gtable::gtable_filter(table, paste(kept_names, sep = "", collapse = "|"), ...)

#' Plot shrink in eta matric
#' @param x pmx_gpar object
#' @param shrink.dx data.table of shrinkage
#' @param shrink \code{pmxShrinkClass} shrinkage graphical parameter or
#'   \code{list} coercible into one

#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @importFrom GGally ggally_text
plot_shrink <-
  function(x, shrink.dx, shrink) {
    label <- shrink.dx[
      EFFECT == x,
      sprintf("%s%%", round(SHRINK * 100))

    if (length(label) > 0) {
      params <- c(label = label, shrink)
      params$fun <- NULL
      # NOTE: Suppressing warnings since colour=FALSE is passed to ggplot,
      # fixed in ggally dev version, will remove in future.
      suppressWarnings(do.call(ggally_text, params)) +
      theme_bw() +
        panel.border = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank()

#' Plot random effect correlation plot
#' @param x distribution object
#' @param dx data set
#' @param ... not used for the moment
#' @return ggpairs plot
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{distrib}}
#' @family plot_pmx
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom  GGally ggmatrix
plot_pmx.eta_pairs <- function(x, dx, ...) {
  ## avoid RCMDCHECK warning

  if(!x$gp$is.title) {
    x$gp$labels$title <- ""
    x$gp$labels$subtitle <- ""

  ## filter by type of eta
  if (exists("FUN", dx)) dx <- dx[FUN == x$type.eta]
  if (nrow(dx) == 0) {
    message("No rows find for eta of type ", x$type.eta, "\n")
  data_plot <-
      dx[, list(ID, EFFECT, VALUE)], ID ~ EFFECT,
      fun.aggregate = max, value.var = "VALUE"
    )[, -"ID", with = F]
  nn <- colnames(data_plot)
  p <- with(x, {
    plots <- .plot_matrix(
      text_color = text_color,
      point = point,
      is.smooth = is.smooth,
      smooth = smooth,
      gp = gp,
      is.hline = is.hline,
      hline = hline,
      is.vreference_line = is.vreference_line,
      vreference_line = vreference_line

    if (is.shrink && !is.null(x[["shrink.dx"]])) {
      dd <- x[["shrink.dx"]]
      ll <- lapply(nn, plot_shrink, shrink.dx, shrink)
      plots <- c(ll, plots)

      title = labels$title,
      xAxisLabels = nn,
      yAxisLabels = if (is.shrink) c("Shrinkage", nn) else nn,
      showYAxisPlotLabels = TRUE,
      ## switch = "both",
      xlab = labels$x,
      ylab = labels$y,
      byrow = TRUE,
      nrow = length(nn) + is.shrink * 1,
      ncol = length(nn),
      yProportions = if (is.shrink) c(1, rep(5, length(nn)))
  p <- p + labs(title = x$gp$labels$title, subtitle = x$gp$labels$subtitle)
  p$is.shrink <- x$is.shrink
  attributes(p)$class <- c("pmx_eta_matrix", "gg", "ggmatrix")
  p +
      strip.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
      strip.placement = "outside",
      strip.text = element_text(face = "bold", size = 12)

ggplot2_set_last_plot <- utils::getFromNamespace("set_last_plot", "ggplot2")
#' @export
#' @method print pmx_eta_matrix
#' @importFrom  GGally ggmatrix_gtable
#' @importFrom grid grid.newpage grid.draw seekViewport pushViewport upViewport
print.pmx_eta_matrix <- function(x, newpage = is.null(vp), vp = NULL, ...) {
  if (newpage) {
    requireNamespace("GGally", quietly = TRUE),
    list(), getNamespace("GGally")
  eta_gtable <- ggmatrix_gtable(x, ...)
  if (x$is.shrink) {
    eta_gtable <- gtable_remove_grobs(eta_gtable, "axis-l-1")
    strip_r_1 <- gtable::gtable_filter(eta_gtable, "strip-r-1")
    ## make all table wider
    strip_r_1$grobs[[1]]$widths <- unit(4, "cm")
    ## change text position,rot
    text_shrink <- strip_r_1$grobs[[1]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[2]]$children[[1]]
    text_shrink$rot <- 0
    text_shrink$hjust <- 0.8
    text_shrink$gp$font <- 1L
    strip_r_1$grobs[[1]]$grobs[[1]]$children[[2]]$children[[1]] <- text_shrink
    matches <- grepl("strip-r-1", eta_gtable$layout$name, fixed = TRUE)
    eta_gtable$grobs[[which(matches)]] <- strip_r_1

  # must be done after gtable, as gtable calls many ggplot2::print.ggplot methods

  if (is.null(vp)) {
  } else {
    if (is.character(vp)) {
    } else {

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ggPMX documentation built on July 9, 2023, 7:45 p.m.