#' Alluvial positions
#' Given a dataset with alluvial structure, `stat_alluvium` calculates the
#' centroids (`x` and `y`) and heights (`ymin` and `ymax`) of the lodes, the
#' intersections of the alluvia with the strata. It leverages the `group`
#' aesthetic for plotting purposes (for now).
#' @template stat-aesthetics
#' @template computed-variables
#' @template order-options
#' @template defunct-stat-params
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @family alluvial stat layers
#' @seealso [ggplot2::layer()] for additional arguments and [geom_alluvium()],
#' [geom_lode()], and [geom_flow()] for the corresponding geoms.
#' @inheritParams stat_flow
#' @param cement.alluvia Logical value indicating whether to aggregate `y`
#' values over equivalent alluvia before computing lode and flow positions.
#' @param aggregate.y Deprecated alias for `cement.alluvia`.
#' @param lode.guidance The function to prioritize the axis variables for
#' ordering the lodes within each stratum, or else a character string
#' identifying the function. Character options are "zigzag", "frontback",
#' "backfront", "forward", and "backward" (see [`lode-guidance-functions`]).
#' @param lode.ordering **Deprecated in favor of the `order` aesthetic.** A list
#' (of length the number of axes) of integer vectors (each of length the
#' number of rows of `data`) or NULL entries (indicating no imposed ordering),
#' or else a numeric matrix of corresponding dimensions, giving the preferred
#' ordering of alluvia at each axis. This will be used to order the lodes
#' within each stratum by sorting the lodes first by stratum, then by the
#' provided vectors, and lastly by remaining factors (if the vectors contain
#' duplicate entries and therefore do not completely determine the lode
#' orderings).
#' @example inst/examples/ex-stat-alluvium.r
#' @export
stat_alluvium <- function(mapping = NULL,
data = NULL,
geom = "alluvium",
position = "identity",
decreasing = NULL,
reverse = NULL,
absolute = NULL,
discern = FALSE,
negate.strata = NULL,
aggregate.y = NULL,
cement.alluvia = NULL,
lode.guidance = NULL,
lode.ordering = NULL,
aes.bind = NULL,
infer.label = FALSE,
min.y = NULL, max.y = NULL,
na.rm = FALSE,
show.legend = NA,
inherit.aes = TRUE,
...) {
stat = StatAlluvium,
data = data,
mapping = mapping,
geom = geom,
position = position,
show.legend = show.legend,
inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = list(
decreasing = decreasing,
reverse = reverse,
absolute = absolute,
discern = discern,
negate.strata = negate.strata,
aggregate.y = aggregate.y,
cement.alluvia = cement.alluvia,
lode.guidance = lode.guidance,
lode.ordering = lode.ordering,
aes.bind = aes.bind,
infer.label = infer.label,
min.y = min.y, max.y = max.y,
na.rm = na.rm,
#' @rdname ggalluvial-ggproto
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
StatAlluvium <- ggproto(
"StatAlluvium", Stat,
required_aes = c("x"),
# `<new-aes> = NULL` prevents "unknown aesthetics" warnings
default_aes = aes(weight = 1, stratum = NULL, alluvium = NULL),
setup_params = function(data, params) {
if (! is.null(params$lode.ordering)) {
if (is.list(params$lode.ordering)) {
# replace any null entries with uniform `NA` vectors
wh_null <- which(sapply(params$lode.ordering, is.null))
len <- unique(sapply(params$lode.ordering[wh_null], length))
if (length(len) > 1) stop("Lode orderings have different lengths.")
for (w in wh_null) params$lode.ordering[[w]] <- rep(NA, len)
# convert list to array (requires equal-length numeric entries)
params$lode.ordering <-, params$lode.ordering)
# remove null parameter values (see #103)
params[vapply(params, is.null, NA)] <- NULL
setup_data = function(data, params) {
# assign `alluvium` to `stratum` if `stratum` not provided
if (is.null(data$stratum) && ! is.null(data$alluvium)) {
data$stratum <- data$alluvium
# assign unit amounts if not provided
if (is.null(data$y)) {
data$y <- rep(1, nrow(data))
} else {
data <- remove_missing(
data, na.rm = params$na.rm,
vars = "y", name = "stat_alluvium",
finite = TRUE
type <- get_alluvial_type(data)
if (type == "none") {
stop("Data is not in a recognized alluvial form ",
"(see `help('alluvial-data')` for details).")
if (params$na.rm) {
data <- na.omit(object = data)
} else {
data <- na_keep(data = data, type = type)
# ensure that data is in lode form
if (type == "alluvia") {
axis_ind <- get_axes(names(data))
data <- to_lodes_form(data = data, axes = axis_ind,
discern = params$discern)
# positioning requires numeric `x`
data <- data[with(data, order(x, stratum, alluvium)), , drop = FALSE]
data$x <- contiguate(data$x)
} else {
if (! is.null(params$discern) && ! (params$discern == FALSE)) {
warning("Data is already in lodes format, ",
"so `discern` will be ignored.")
# negate strata
if (! is.null(params$negate.strata)) {
if (! all(params$negate.strata %in% unique(data$stratum))) {
warning("Some values of `negate.strata` are not among strata.")
wneg <- which(data$stratum %in% params$negate.strata)
if (length(wneg) > 0) data$y[wneg] <- -data$y[wneg]
compute_panel = function(data, scales,
decreasing = NULL,
reverse = NULL,
absolute = NULL,
discern = FALSE, distill = "first",
negate.strata = NULL,
aggregate.y = NULL,
cement.alluvia = NULL,
lode.guidance = NULL,
lode.ordering = NULL,
aes.bind = NULL,
infer.label = FALSE,
min.y = NULL, max.y = NULL) {
# parameter defaults
if (is.null(decreasing)) decreasing <- ggalluvial_opt("decreasing")
if (is.null(reverse)) reverse <- ggalluvial_opt("reverse")
if (is.null(absolute)) absolute <- ggalluvial_opt("absolute")
if (is.null(cement.alluvia)) cement.alluvia <- ggalluvial_opt("cement.alluvia")
if (is.null(lode.guidance)) lode.guidance <- ggalluvial_opt("lode.guidance")
if (is.null(aes.bind)) aes.bind <- ggalluvial_opt("aes.bind")
# introduce label
if (infer.label) {
msg = "Use `aes(label = after_stat(lode))`.")
if (is.null(data$label)) {
data$label <- data$alluvium
} else {
warning("Aesthetic `label` is specified, ",
"so parameter `infer.label` will be ignored.")
# ensure that `lode.ordering` is a matrix with column names
if (! is.null(lode.ordering)) {
msg = "Use the `order` aesthetic instead.")
if (is.null(data$order)) {
# bind a vector to itself to create a matrix
if (is.vector(lode.ordering)) {
lode.ordering <- matrix(lode.ordering,
nrow = length(lode.ordering),
ncol = length(unique(data$x)))
# flatten `lode.ordering` into an 'order' column
data$order <- as.vector(lode.ordering)
} else {
warning("Aesthetic `order` is specified, ",
"so parameter `lode.ordering` will be ignored.")
# differentiation aesthetics (in prescribed order)
diff_aes <- intersect(c(.color_diff_aesthetics, .text_aesthetics),
# match arguments for `aes.bind`
if (! is.null(aes.bind)) {
if (is.logical(aes.bind)) {
aes.bind.rep <- if (aes.bind) "flows" else "none"
warning("Logical values of `aes.bind` are deprecated; ",
"replacing ", aes.bind, " with '", aes.bind.rep, "'.")
aes.bind <- aes.bind.rep
aes.bind <- match.arg(aes.bind, c("none", "flows", "alluvia"))
# sign variable (sorts positives before negatives)
data$yneg <- data$y < 0
# lode variable (before co-opting 'alluvium')
data$lode <- data$alluvium
# specify distillation function from `distill`
distill <- distill_fun(distill)
# initiate variables for `after_stat()`
weight <- data$weight
data$weight <- NULL
if (is.null(weight)) weight <- 1
data$n <- weight
data$count <- data$y * weight
# transform 'order' according to `absolute` and `reverse` params
if (! is.null(data$order)) data$order <- xtfrm(data$order) *
(-1) ^ (data$yneg * absolute + reverse)
# cement (aggregate) `y` over otherwise equivalent alluvia
if (! is.null(aggregate.y)) {
deprecate_parameter("aggregate.y", "cement.alluvia")
cement.alluvia <- aggregate.y
if (cement.alluvia) {
# -+- need to stop depending on 'group' and 'PANEL' -+-
only_vars <- intersect(c(diff_aes, "group", "PANEL"), names(data))
bind_vars <- intersect(c("yneg", "stratum", only_vars), names(data))
sum_vars <- c("y", "n", "count")
# interaction of all variables to aggregate over (without dropping NAs)
# -+- need to stop depending on 'group' -+-
data$binding <- as.numeric(interaction(lapply(
data[, bind_vars, drop = FALSE],
addNA, ifany = FALSE
), drop = TRUE))
# convert to alluvia format with 'binding' entries
luv_dat <- alluviate(data, "x", "binding", "alluvium")
# sort by all axes (everything except 'alluvium')
luv_dat <- luv_dat[
luv_dat[, setdiff(names(luv_dat), "alluvium"), drop = FALSE]
), , drop = FALSE]
# define map from original to aggregated 'alluvium' column
luv_orig <- luv_dat$alluvium
luv_agg <- cumsum(! duplicated(interaction(
luv_dat[, setdiff(names(luv_dat), "alluvium"), drop = FALSE],
drop = TRUE
# transform 'alluvium' in `data` accordingly
data$alluvium <- luv_agg[match(data$alluvium, luv_orig)]
# aggregate variables over 'x', 'yneg', and 'stratum':
# sum of computed variables and unique-or-bust values of aesthetics
by_vars <- c("x", "yneg", "stratum", "alluvium", "binding")
agg_lode <- stats::aggregate(data[, "lode", drop = FALSE],
data[, by_vars],
if (length(only_vars) > 0) {
agg_only <- stats::aggregate(data[, only_vars, drop = FALSE],
data[, by_vars],
agg_dat <- stats::aggregate(data[, sum_vars],
data[, by_vars],
agg_dat <- merge(agg_dat, agg_lode)
if (length(only_vars) > 0) {
agg_dat <- merge(agg_dat, agg_only)
# merge into `data`, ensuring that no `key`-`id` pairs are duplicated
data <- unique(merge(
data[, setdiff(names(data), sum_vars)],
all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE
data$binding <- NULL
# define 'deposit' variable to rank strata vertically
data <- deposit_data(data, decreasing, reverse, absolute)
# ensure that `lode.guidance` is a function
if (is.character(lode.guidance)) {
lode.guidance <- get(paste0("lode_", lode.guidance))
# invoke surrounding axes in the order prescribed by `lode.guidance`
lode_ord <- guide_lodes(data, lode.guidance)
# convert `lode_ord` into a single sorting variable 'rem_deposit'
# that orders index lodes by remaining / remote deposits
names(lode_ord) <- sort(unique(data$x))
lode_ord$alluvium <- if (is.null(rownames(lode_ord))) {
if (is.factor(data$alluvium)) {
} else if (is.numeric(data$alluvium)) {
} else {
} else {
# match `lode_ord$x` back to `data$x`
uniq_x <- sort(unique(data$x))
lode_ord <- tidyr::gather(lode_ord,
key = "x", value = "rem_deposit",
match_x <- match(lode_ord$x, as.character(uniq_x))
lode_ord$x <- uniq_x[match_x]
# merge `lode_ord` back into `data`
data <- merge(data, lode_ord, by = c("x", "alluvium"),
all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
# identify fissures at aesthetics that vary within strata
n_lodes <- nrow(unique(data[, c("x", "stratum")]))
fissure_aes <- diff_aes[which(sapply(diff_aes, function(x) {
nrow(unique(data[, c("x", "stratum", x)]))
}) > n_lodes)]
data$fissure <- if (length(fissure_aes) == 0) {
} else {
# order by aesthetics in order
as.integer(interaction(data[, rev(fissure_aes)], drop = TRUE)) *
(-1) ^ (data$yneg * absolute + reverse)
# calculate variables for `after_stat()`
x_sums <- tapply(abs(data$count), data$x, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
data$prop <- data$count / x_sums[match(as.character(data$x), names(x_sums))]
# reverse alluvium order
data$fan <- xtfrm(data$alluvium) * (-1) ^ reverse
# sort data in preparation for `y` sums
sort_fields <- c(
if (! is.null(data$order)) "order",
if (aes.bind == "alluvia") "fissure",
if (aes.bind == "flows") "fissure",
data <- data[, data[, sort_fields]), , drop = FALSE]
# calculate `y` sums
data$ycum <- NA
for (xx in unique(data$x)) {
for (yn in c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
ww <- which(data$x == xx & data$yneg == yn)
data$ycum[ww] <- cumulate(data$y[ww])
# calculate y bounds
data$rem_deposit <- NULL
data$order <- NULL
data$fissure <- NULL
data$fan <- NULL
data$ymin <- data$ycum - abs(data$y) / 2
data$ymax <- data$ycum + abs(data$y) / 2
data$y <- data$ycum
data$yneg <- NULL
data$ycum <- NULL
# within each alluvium, indices at which subsets are contiguous
data <- data[with(data, order(x, alluvium)), , drop = FALSE]
data$cont <- duplicated(data$alluvium) &
! duplicated(data[, c("x", "alluvium")])
data$axis <- contiguate(data$x)
# within each alluvium, group contiguous subsets
# (data is sorted by `x` and `alluvium`; group_by() does not reorder it)
data <- dplyr::ungroup(dplyr::mutate(dplyr::group_by(data, alluvium),
flow = axis - cumsum(cont)))
# add 'group' to group contiguous alluvial subsets
data <- transform(data, group = as.numeric(interaction(alluvium, flow)))
# remove unused fields
data$cont <- NULL
data$axis <- NULL
data$flow <- NULL
# impose height restrictions
if (! is.null(min.y)) data <- subset(data, ymax - ymin >= min.y)
if (! is.null(max.y)) data <- subset(data, ymax - ymin <= max.y)
# arrange data by aesthetics for consistent (reverse) z-ordering
data <- z_order_aes(data, diff_aes)
# apply lode guidance function to produce ordering matrix
guide_lodes <- function(data, guidance_fun) {
# summary data of alluvial deposits
alluv_dep <- alluviate(data, "x", "deposit", "alluvium")
# axis indices
alluv_x <- setdiff(names(alluv_dep), "alluvium")
# initialize ordering matrix
ord_mat <- matrix(NA_integer_,
nrow = nrow(alluv_dep), ncol = length(alluv_x))
dimnames(ord_mat) <- list(alluv_dep$alluvium, alluv_x)
# calculate orderings from `guidance_fun`
for (xx in alluv_x) {
ii <- match(xx, alluv_x)
ord_x <- guidance_fun(length(alluv_x), match(xx, alluv_x))
# order by prescribed ordering and by aesthetics in order
ord_mat[, xx] <- interaction(alluv_dep[, alluv_x[rev(ord_x)]],
drop = TRUE)
# check that array has correct dimensions
stopifnot(dim(ord_mat) ==
c(length(unique(data$alluvium)), length(unique(data$x))))
# return ordering matrix as a data aframe
# build alluvial dataset for reference during lode-ordering
alluviate <- function(data, key, value, id) {
data[, c(key, value, id), drop = FALSE],
key = key, value = value, id = id
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