
Defines functions gllvm.TMB

## GLLVM, with estimation done via Variational approximation using TMB-package
## Original author: Jenni Niku
gllvm.TMB <- function(y, X = NULL, lv.X = NULL, formula = NULL, family = "poisson", 
      num.lv = 2, num.lv.c = 0, num.RR = 0, num.lv.cor=0, lv.formula = NULL, corWithin = FALSE, randomB = FALSE, 
      method="VA",Lambda.struc="unstructured", Ar.struc="diagonal", row.eff = FALSE, reltol = 1e-8, reltol.c = 1e-8,
      seed = NULL,maxit = 3000, max.iter=200, start.lvs = NULL, offset=NULL, sd.errors = FALSE,
      trace=FALSE,link="logit",n.init=1,n.init.max = 10, restrict=30,start.params=NULL, dr=NULL, dLV=NULL, rstruc =0, cstruc = c("diag","diag"), dist =matrix(0),
      optimizer="optim",starting.val="res",Power=1.5,diag.iter=1, dependent.row = FALSE, scalmax = 10, MaternKappa = 1.5, rangeP = NULL,
      Lambda.start=c(0.1,0.5), quad.start=0.01, jitter.var=0, zeta.struc = "species", quadratic = FALSE, start.struc = "LV", optim.method = "BFGS", disp.group = NULL, NN=matrix(0), setMap=NULL, Ntrials = 1) { 
  # , Dthreshold=0
  # If there is no random effects/LVs set diag iter to zero:
  if(((num.lv+num.lv.c)==0) & (row.eff!="random") & (randomB==FALSE)) diag.iter <-  0
  if(!(family %in% c("poisson","negative.binomial","binomial","tweedie","ZIP", "ZINB", "gaussian", "ordinal", "gamma", "exponential", "beta", "betaH", "orderedBeta")))
    stop("Selected family not permitted...sorry!")
  if(!(Lambda.struc %in% c("unstructured","diagonal","bdNN","UNN")))
    stop("Lambda matrix (covariance of variational distribution for latent variable) not permitted...sorry!")
  if(!is.null(start.params)) starting.val <- "zero"
  ignore.u <- FALSE
  n <- nr <- nu <- dim(y)[1]
  p <- dim(y)[2]
  times <- 1
  objrFinal <- optrFinal <- NULL
  if(is.null(disp.group)) disp.group <- 1:NCOL(y)
  if(family=="binomial" && length(Ntrials) != 1 && length(Ntrials) != p){
    stop("Supplied Ntrials is of the wrong length, should be of length 1 or the number of columns in y.")
  }else if(family=="binomial" && length(Ntrials) == 1){
    Ntrials <- rep(Ntrials, p)
  cstrucn = c(0,0)
  for (i in 1:length(cstruc)) {
    cstrucn[i] = switch(cstruc[i], "diag" = 0, "corAR1" = 1, "corExp" = 2, "corCS" = 3, "corMatern" = 4)

  # Structure for row effects
  model = 0
  xr = NULL
  if(rstruc==0){ # No structure
    dr <- diag(n)
  if(num.lv.cor==0){ # No structure
    dLV <- diag(n)
  Astruc = 0;
  scaledc = 0;
  rho.lv =NULL
    if(is.null(dr)) stop("Define structure for row params if 'rstruc == ",rstruc,"'.")
    if(rstruc==1){# group specific
      nr <- dim(dr)[2]
      if((cstrucn[1] == 2) | (cstrucn[1] == 4)) {
        if(is.null(dist) || NROW(dist)!=nr)
          stop("Number of rows in 'dist' should be same as maximum number of groups when corWithin = FALSE")
    if(rstruc==2) { # correlated within groups
      if(is.null(dr)) stop("Define structure for row params if 'rstruc == 2'.")
      nr <- dim(dr)[2]
      times <- n/nr#dim(dr)[1]
      if((cstrucn[1] == 2) | (cstrucn[1] == 4)) {
        if(is.null(dist) || NROW(dist)!=times)
          stop("Number of rows in 'dist' should be same as maximum number of units within groups when corWithin = TRUE")
    if((cstrucn[1] == 2) | (cstrucn[1] == 4)) {
      if(is.null(rangeP)) {
        rangeP = AD1 = (apply(as.matrix(dist),2,max)-apply(as.matrix(dist),2,min))/scalmax
      } else {
        AD1 = rep(rangeP, ncol(dist))[1:ncol(dist)]
      scaledc = log(AD1)
      # AD1 = pmax(apply(as.matrix(dist),2,function(x) min(dist(unique(x), diag = FALSE))),1)
      # md = min(dist(as.matrix(dist)%*%diag(1/(AD1), length(AD1)), diag = FALSE))/2
      # if(md>5) AD1 = AD1*md
      # scaledc = log(AD1)
      # if(!is.null(setMap$scaledc)) {
      #   if( (length(setMap$scaledc)!= NCOL(dist))) stop("setMap$scaledc must be a numeric vector and have length that is same as the number of columns in 'dist'.")
      #   scaledc[is.na(setMap$scaledc)]=0
      # }
    if(nr==1) Ar.struc = "diagonal"
  if(num.lv.cor > 0){#rstruc
    if(is.null(dLV)) stop("Define structure for row params if 'rstruc == ",rstruc,"'.")
    # LVs correlated within groups
    if(is.null(dLV)) stop("Define structure for row params if 'rstruc == 2'.")
    nu <- dim(dLV)[2]
    times <- n/nu#dim(dLV)[1]
    if((cstrucn[2] == 2) | (cstrucn[2] == 4)) {
            stop("Number of rows in 'dist' should be same as maximum number of units within groups when corWithin = TRUE")
        } else {
            stop("Number of rows in 'dist' should be same as maximum number of groups when corWithin = FALSE")
      if(is.null(rangeP)) {
        rangeP = AD1 = (apply(as.matrix(dist),2,max)-apply(as.matrix(dist),2,min))/scalmax
      } else {
        AD1 = rep(rangeP, ncol(dist))[1:ncol(dist)]
    rho_lvc<- matrix(rep(0, num.lv.cor))
    if(Lambda.struc == "unstructured") {Astruc=1}
    if(Lambda.struc == "bdNN") {Astruc=2}
    if(Lambda.struc %in% c("diagU","UNN","UU")) {
        if(Lambda.struc == "UU") {Astruc=3; }#Lambda.struc = "unstructured"}
        if(Lambda.struc == "UNN" && num.lv.cor>0) {Astruc=4; Lambda.struc = "bdNN"}
        if(Lambda.struc == "diagU" && num.lv.cor>0) {Astruc=5; Lambda.struc = "diagonal"}
      } else {
        if(Lambda.struc == "UU") {Astruc=1; }#Lambda.struc = "unstructured"}
        if(Lambda.struc == "UNN" && num.lv.cor>0) {Astruc=2; Lambda.struc = "bdNN"}
        if(Lambda.struc == "diagU" && num.lv.cor>0) {Astruc=0; Lambda.struc = "diagonal"}
  tr <- NULL
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  formula1 <- formula
  if(method=="VA" && (family =="binomial")){ link="probit"}
  jitter.var.r <- 0
    jitter.var.r <- jitter.var[2]
    jitter.var <- jitter.var[1]
  if (!is.numeric(y))
    stop( "y must a numeric. If ordinal data, please convert to numeric with lowest level equal to 1. Thanks")
  # if ((family %in% c("ZIP")) && (method %in% c("VA", "EVA"))) #"tweedie", 
  #   stop("family=\"", family, "\" : family not implemented with VA method, change the method to 'LA'")
  if (is.null(rownames(y)))
    rownames(y) <- paste("Row", 1:n, sep = "")
  if (is.null(colnames(y)))
    colnames(y) <- paste("Col", 1:p, sep = "")
  if(family == "ordinal") {
    if(min(y)==0){ y=y+1}
    max.levels <- apply(y,2,function(x) length(min(x):max(x)))
    if(any(max.levels == 1)&zeta.struc=="species" || all(max.levels == 2)&zeta.struc=="species")
      stop("Ordinal data requires all columns to have at least has two levels. If all columns only have two levels, please use family == binomial instead. Thanks")
      warning("Can't fit ordinal model if there are species with missing classes. Setting 'zeta.struc = `common`'")
      zeta.struc = "common"
      stop("For ordinal data and zeta.struc=`species` all species must have the same minimum category.Setting 'zeta.struc = `common`'.")
      zeta.struc = "common"
      stop("Can't fit ordinal model if there are missing response classes. Please reclassify.")

  if(family == "orderedBeta") {
    if (!(method %in% c("VA", "EVA"))) #"tweedie", 
      stop("family=\"", family, "\" : family not implemented with LA method, change the method to 'VA'")
    if((sum(y==1) + sum(y==0))==0){
      stop("No zeros or ones in the data, so use 'family = `beta` '")
    if(!all(colSums(y==1)>0) & !all(colSums(y==0)>0)){
      warning("All species do not have zeros and ones. Setting 'zeta.struc = `common`'")
      zeta.struc = "common"

  # Define design matrix for covariates
  num.X <- 0;
  Xorig <- X
    if (!is.null(formula)) {
      xb <- as.matrix(model.matrix(formula, data = data.frame(X)))
      X <- as.matrix(xb[, !(colnames(xb) %in% c("(Intercept)"))])
      colnames(X) <- colnames(xb)[!(colnames(xb) %in% c("(Intercept)"))]
      Xd <- X1 <- X
      num.X <- dim(X)[2]
    } else {
      n1 <- colnames(X)
      formula = paste("~", n1[1], sep = "")
      if (length(n1) > 1) {
        for (i1 in 2:length(n1)) {
          formula <- paste(formula, n1[i1], sep = "+")
      formula <- formula(formula)
      xb <- as.matrix(model.matrix(formula, data = data.frame(X)))
      X <- as.matrix(xb[, !(colnames(xb) %in% c("(Intercept)"))])
      num.X <- dim(X)[2]
      colnames(X) <- colnames(xb)[!(colnames(xb) %in% c("(Intercept)"))]
      Xd <- X1 <- X
      nxd <- colnames(Xd)
      formulab <- paste("~", nxd[1], sep = "")
      if (length(nxd) > 1) {
        for (i in 2:length(nxd))
          formulab <- paste(formulab, nxd[i], sep = "+")
      formula1 <- formulab
  if (is.null(formula) && is.null(X)) {
    formula = "~ 1"
  ## Set initial values for model parameters (including dispersion prm) and latent variables
  ### Seeds
  # If number of seeds is less than n.init, sample the seeds randomly, but using the given seed
  if((length(seed) >1) & (length(seed) < n.init)) {
    stop("Seed length doesn't match with the number of initial starts.")
  if(!is.null(seed) & (length(seed) ==1) & (length(seed) < n.init)) {
    seed <- sample(1:10000, n.init)
  # If no seed is sampled it is randomly drawn
    seed <- sample(1:10000, n.init)
  n.i <- 1
  if(starting.val!="zero"){seed.best <- seed[n.i]}else{seed.best <- NULL}
  out <- list( y = y, X = X, logL = Inf, num.lv = num.lv, num.lv.c = num.lv.c, row.eff = row.eff, family = family, X.design = X, method = method, zeta.struc = zeta.struc, Ntrials = Ntrials)

  #if (n.init > 1)
  # n.init model fits
  while(n.i <= n.init){
    if(n.init > 1 && trace)
      cat("Initial run ", n.i, "\n")
    #### Calculate starting values
    fit <- start.values.gllvm.TMB(y = y, X = Xorig, formula = formula, lv.X = lv.X, TR = NULL, family = family, offset= offset, num.lv = num.lv, num.lv.c = num.lv.c, num.RR = num.RR, start.lvs = start.lvs, seed = seed[n.i], starting.val = starting.val, Power = Power, jitter.var = jitter.var, row.eff = row.eff, TMB=TRUE, link=link, zeta.struc = zeta.struc, disp.group = disp.group, method=method, randomB = randomB, Ntrials = Ntrials)
    if(is.null(fit$Power) && family == "tweedie")fit$Power=1.1
      ePower = log((fit$Power-1)/(1-(fit$Power-1)))
      ePower = 0
    ## Set initial values
    sigma <- 1
    if (is.null(start.params)) {
      beta0 <- fit$params[, 1]
      if((num.lv.c+num.RR)>0){b.lv <- fit$b.lv}else{b.lv<-matrix(0)}
      betas <- NULL
      if (!is.null(X))
        betas <- c(fit$params[, 2:(num.X + 1)])
      lambdas <- NULL
      if ((num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR)) > 0) {
        sigma.lv <- fit$sigma.lv
        lambdas <- as.matrix(fit$params[, (ncol(fit$params) - num.lv - (num.lv.c+num.RR) + 1):ncol(fit$params)])
          lambda2 <- matrix(quad.start, ncol = num.lv + (num.lv.c+num.RR), nrow = 1)  
        }else if(start.struc=="all"&quadratic!=FALSE){
          lambda2 <- matrix(quad.start, ncol = num.lv + (num.lv.c+num.RR), nrow = p)
        }else if(quadratic==FALSE){
          lambda2 <- 0
          sigmab_lv <- fit$sigmab_lv
          lambdas[upper.tri(lambdas)] <- 0  
        }else if(num.lv==0&(num.lv.c+num.RR)>1){
          lambdas[upper.tri(lambdas)] <- 0
        }else if(num.lv>0&num.lv.c>0){
          if((num.lv.c+num.RR)>1)lambdas[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)][upper.tri(lambdas[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)])] <- 0
          if(num.lv>1)lambdas[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):ncol(lambdas)][upper.tri(lambdas[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):ncol(lambdas)])] <- 0
        if(quadratic != FALSE){
          fit$params <- cbind(fit$params, matrix(lambda2,nrow=p,ncol=num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR)))  
          fit$params <- fit$params
        if(num.lv.cor>0){ # In correlation model, sigmas are  scale parameters
          # lambdas <- lambdas%*%diag(sigma.lv, nrow = length(sigma.lv), ncol = length(sigma.lv))
          rho_lvc<- rep(0, num.lv.cor);
          if((cstrucn[2] == 2) | (cstrucn[2] == 4)) {
            if(is.null(rangeP)) {
              rangeP = AD1 = (apply(as.matrix(dist),2,max)-apply(as.matrix(dist),2,min))/scalmax
            } else {
              AD1 = rep(rangeP, ncol(dist))[1:ncol(dist)]
        # if(family == "betaH"){ # Own loadings for beta distr in hurdle model
        #   thetaH <- t(lambdas%*%diag(sigma.lv, nrow = length(sigma.lv), ncol = length(sigma.lv)))
        # }
      row.params <- NULL
      if (row.eff != FALSE) {
        row.params <- fit$row.params
        if(rstruc==0 && row.eff=="random") row.params <- row.params[1:nr]#rstruc
        if(rstruc==1 && row.eff=="random") try(row.params <- (t(dr)%*%(row.params))/(dim(dr)[1]/dim(dr)[2]), silent = TRUE)#rstruc
        if (row.eff == "random") {
          sigma <- sd(row.params)#1;#
      lvs <- NULL
      if ((num.lv+num.lv.c) > 0)
        lvs <- matrix(fit$index, ncol = num.lv+num.lv.c)
    } else{
      if (all(dim(start.params$y) == dim(y)) &&
          is.null(X) == is.null(start.params$X) &&
          (row.eff == start.params$row.eff)) {
        if(class(start.params)[2]=="gllvm.quadratic" && quadratic != FALSE){
          lambda2 <- start.params$params$theta[,-c(1:(start.params$num.lv+start.params$num.lv.c+start.params$num.RR)),drop=F]
        }else if(class(start.params)[1]=="gllvm" && quadratic != FALSE){
            lambda2 <- matrix(quad.start, ncol = num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR, nrow = 1)  
          }else if(start.struc=="all"&quadratic==TRUE){
            lambda2 <- matrix(quad.start, ncol = num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR, nrow = p)
        }else if(quadratic == FALSE){
          lambda2 <- 0
        if(start.params$randomB!=FALSE && randomB !=FALSE){
          sigmab_lv <- start.params$sigmaLvXcoef
        }else if(randomB!=FALSE){
          sigmab_lv <- fit$sigmab_lv
          b.lv <- matrix(0)
          b.lv <- start.params$params$LvXcoef
        beta0 <- start.params$params$beta0 ## column intercepts
        betas <- NULL
        if (!is.null(X))
          if(!all((dim(X) == dim(start.params$X)))) stop( "Model which is set as starting parameters isn't the suitable for the one you are trying to fit. Check that predictors X are the same in both models.")
        betas <- c(start.params$params$Xcoef) ## covariates coefficients
        lambdas <- NULL
        if ((num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR)) > 0){
          sigma.lv <- start.params$params$sigma.lv
          lambdas <- start.params$params$theta
          if((num.lv.c+num.RR)>1)lambdas[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)][upper.tri(lambdas[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)])] <- 0
          if(num.lv>1)lambdas[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):ncol(lambdas)][upper.tri(lambdas[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):ncol(lambdas)])] <- 0
        row.params <- NULL
        if (start.params$row.eff != FALSE) {
          row.params <- start.params$params$row.params
            row.params[1] <- 0
            sigma <- start.params$params$sigma
        }## row parameters
        lvs <- NULL
        sigma.lv <- 0
        if ((num.lv+num.lv.c) > 0) {
          sigma.lv <- start.params$params$sigma.lv
          lvs <- matrix(start.params$lvs, ncol = num.lv+num.lv.c)
        if(num.lv.cor>0){ # sigmas are scale parameters # just diagonal values, not
          if(is.numeric(start.params$params$rho.lv) & ((cstrucn[2] == 2) | (cstrucn[2] == 4))) {
            # if(cstrucn[2] == 4) start.params$params$rho.lv <- start.params$params$rho.lv[,-ncol(start.params$params$rho.lv), drop=FALSE]
            scaledc = colMeans(as.matrix(start.params$params$rho.lv)); 
            if(length(scaledc) < ncol(dist) ) scaledc <- rep(scaledc, ncol(dist))[1:ncol(dist)]
      } else {
        stop( "Model which is set as starting parameters isn't the suitable for the one you are trying to fit. Check that attributes y, X and row.eff match to each other.")
    phis <- NULL
    ZINBphis <- NULL
    if (family == "negative.binomial") {
      phis <- fit$phi
      if (any(phis > 100))
        phis[phis > 100] <- 100
      if (any(phis < 0.01))
        phis[phis < 0.01] <- 0.01
      fit$phi <- phis
      phis <- 1/phis
    if (family == "ZIP" && starting.val=="res") {
      phis <- fit$phi
      phis <- phis / (1 - phis)
    if (family == "ZINB" && starting.val=="res") {
      phis <- fit$phi
      phis <- phis / (1 - phis)
      ZINBphis <- fit$ZINB.phi
      if (any(ZINBphis > 100))
        ZINBphis[ZINBphis > 100] <- 100
      if (any(ZINBphis < 0.01))
        ZINBphis[ZINBphis < 0.01] <- 0.01
      fit$ZINB.phi <- ZINBphis
      ZINBphis <- 1/ZINBphis
    if (family == "tweedie") {
      phis <- fit$phi
      if (any(phis > 10))
        phis[phis > 10] <- 10
      if (any(phis < 0.10))
        phis[phis < 0.10] <- 0.10
      phis = (phis)
    if (family %in%c("ZIP","ZINB") && is.null(phis)) {
        phis <- sapply(1:length(unique(disp.group)),function(x)mean(y[,which(disp.group==x)]==0))*0.98 + 0.01  
        phis <- phis[disp.group]
        phis <- (colMeans(y == 0) * 0.98) + 0.01  
      phis <- phis / (1 - phis)
    } # ZIP probability
    if (family %in% c("gaussian", "gamma", "beta", "betaH", "orderedBeta")) {
      phis <- fit$phi
      if (family %in% c("betaH", "orderedBeta")) {
        phis <- rep(5,p)
      K = max(y00)-min(y00)
        zeta <- c(t(fit$zeta[,-1]))
        zeta <- zeta[!is.na(zeta)]
        zeta <- fit$zeta[-1]

    } else if(family=="orderedBeta") {
      zeta <- rep(0,p)
      # if(any(y==1)) 
      zeta <- c(zeta,rep(3,p))
    } else {
      zeta = 0
    if (is.null(offset))
      offset <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = p)
    current.loglik <- -1e6; iter <- 1; err <- 10;
    if(!is.null(row.params)){ r0 <- row.params} else {r0 <- rep(0,n)}
    a <- c(beta0)
    b <- NULL; if(!is.null(X)) b <- matrix(betas, ncol(X), p,byrow = TRUE)
    if((num.lv+(num.lv.c))==0)u <- matrix(0)
    if((num.lv+num.RR+num.lv.c)==0)lambda2 <- matrix(0)
    if(num.lv > 0 & (num.lv.c+num.RR) == 0) {
      # diag(lambdas) <- log(diag(lambdas)) #!!!
      lambda <- lambdas[lower.tri(lambdas,diag = F)]
      u <- lvs
    }else if(num.lv == 0 & (num.lv.c+num.RR) > 0){
      lambda <- lambdas[lower.tri(lambdas,diag = F)]
      if(num.lv.c>0)u <- lvs
    }else if(num.lv>0&(num.lv.c+num.RR)>0){
      lambda <- lambdas[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)][lower.tri(lambdas[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),drop=F],diag = F)]
      lambda <- c(lambda,lambdas[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):ncol(lambdas)][lower.tri(lambdas[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):ncol(lambdas),drop=F],diag = F)])
      u <- lvs
      sigma.lv <- 0
    if(!is.null(phis)) {
      phi <- phis 
    } else { 
      phi <- rep(1, p)+runif(p,0,0.001); 
        if (family %in% c("betaH", "orderedBeta")) {
          phi <- rep(5,p)
        fit$phi <- phi
    if(!is.null(ZINBphis)) {
      ZINBphi <- ZINBphis 
    } else { 
      ZINBphi <- rep(1, p)+runif(p,0,0.001) 
      if(family=="ZINB")fit$ZINBphi <- ZINBphi
    q <- num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR)
    ## map.list defines parameters which are not estimated in this model
    map.list <- list()    
    if(is.list(setMap)) {
      map.list <- setMap
    map.list$B <- map.list$Br <- map.list$sigmaB <- map.list$sigmaij <- map.list$Abb <- factor(NA)
    xb<-Br<-matrix(0); sigmaB=diag(1);sigmaij=0; lg_Ar=0; Abb=0; Ab_lv = 0;
    if(row.eff==FALSE) map.list$r0 <- factor(rep(NA,n))
      map.list$sigmab_lv <- factor(NA)
    if(family %in% c("poisson","binomial","ordinal","exponential")){
      map.list$lg_phi <- factor(rep(NA,p))
    } else if(family %in% c("tweedie", "negative.binomial", "gamma", "gaussian", "beta", "betaH", "orderedBeta", "ZIP","ZINB")){
      map.list$lg_phi <- factor(disp.group)
      if(family=="tweedie" && !is.null(Power))map.list$ePower = factor(NA)
      if(family=="ZINB")map.list$lg_phiZINB <- factor(disp.group)

    if(!(family %in% c("ordinal", "orderedBeta"))) map.list$zeta <- factor(NA)
    if((family %in% c("orderedBeta"))){
        zetamap = c(1:length(zeta))
          zetamap[1:p] <- 1
          zetamap[-(1:p)] <- max(zetamap[1:p])+1
        map.list$zeta = factor( zetamap)
        # map.list$zeta <- factor(c(rep(NA,p),1:p))
        zetamap <- c(rep(1,p))
        # if(any(y==1))
          zetamap <- c(zetamap,rep(max(zetamap)+1,p))
        map.list$zeta <- factor( c(zetamap) )
    if(family != "tweedie"){map.list$ePower = factor(NA)}
    if(family!="ZINB")map.list$lg_phiZINB <- factor(rep(NA,p))
      map.list$b_lv = factor(rep(NA, length(b.lv)))
    if((num.lv+num.lv.c)==0)map.list$sigmaLV = factor(NA)
    if(row.eff=="fixed"){xr <- matrix(1,1,p)} else {xr <- matrix(0,1,p)}
    if(row.eff=="random") randoml[1]=1
    if(row.eff == "random" && rstruc ==0){ nlvr<-num.lv+num.lv.c+1 } else {nlvr=num.lv+num.lv.c}
    if(row.eff=="fixed"){xr <- matrix(1,1,p)} else {xr <- matrix(0,1,p)}
      sigmab_lv <- 0
    if(!is.null(X)){Xd <- cbind(1,X)} else {Xd <- matrix(1,n)}
    extra <- c(0,0,0)
    se <- NULL
    ## Set up starting values for scale (and shape) parameters for correlated LVs
    if(num.lv.cor>0 & cstrucn[2]>0){
      rho_lvc<- matrix(rep(0, num.lv.cor))
      if(cstrucn[2]==2){ #"corExp"
        if(is.null(rho.lv)) {
          rho.lv=rep(0, num.lv.cor) 
        } else if(length(rho.lv)==num.lv.cor) {
        rho_lvc<- matrix(c(rep(scaledc, each=num.lv.cor)), num.lv.cor)
      } else if(cstrucn[2]==4){#"corMatern"
        if(is.null(rho.lv)) {
          rho.lv=rep(log(MaternKappa), each=num.lv.cor)
        } else if(length(rho.lv)==num.lv.cor) {
        rho_lvc<- matrix(c(rep(scaledc, each=num.lv.cor), rho.lv), num.lv.cor)
        # rho_lvc<- matrix(rho.lv,nrow = num.lv.cor)
      # else {
      #   map.list$scaledc = factor(rep(NA, length(scaledc)))
      # }
      if(cstrucn[2] %in% c(2,4)){
        iv<-rep(1:nrow(rho_lvc), ncol(rho_lvc)); 
            iv = (setMap$rho_lvc)
          map.list$rho_lvc = factor(iv)
        } else if(cstrucn[2]==2){ #cstruc=="corExp"
          maprho = matrix(iv, nrow(rho_lvc), ncol(rho_lvc))
          map.list$rho_lvc = factor(c(maprho))
        } else if(cstrucn[2]==4){ #cstruc=="corMatern"
          # Fix matern smoothness by default
          maprho = matrix(iv, nrow(rho_lvc), ncol(rho_lvc))
          maprho[, ncol(maprho)] = NA
          map.list$rho_lvc = factor(c(maprho))
      fit$rho.lv = rho_lvc
    } else {
      rho_lvc <- matrix(0)
      map.list$rho_lvc = factor(NA) 
### VA method, used only if there is some random effects/LVs in the model
    if(((method %in% c("VA", "EVA")) && (nlvr>0 || row.eff == "random" || (randomB!=FALSE) )) ){

      # Variational covariances for latent variables
        if(is.null(start.params) || start.params$method=="LA" || num.lv.cor>0){
          if(Lambda.struc=="diagonal" || (Lambda.struc=="bdNN") || (Lambda.struc=="LR") || diag.iter>0){
            Au <- log(rep(Lambda.start[1],(num.lv+num.lv.c)*n)) #1/2, 1
          } else{
            Au <- c(log(rep(Lambda.start[1],(num.lv+num.lv.c)*n)),rep(0,(num.lv+num.lv.c)*((num.lv+num.lv.c)-1)/2*n)) #1/2, 1
        } else {
            Au <- NULL
            for(d in 1:(num.lv+num.lv.c)) {
              if(start.params$Lambda.struc=="unstructured" || length(dim(start.params$A))==3){
                Au <- c(Au,log(start.params$A[,d,d]))
              } else {
                Au <- c(Au,log(start.params$A[,d]))
            if(Lambda.struc!="diagonal" && diag.iter==0){
              Au <- c(Au,rep(0,(num.lv+num.lv.c)*((num.lv+num.lv.c)-1)/2*n))
      } else { Au <- 0}
      # Variational covariances for structured/correlated LVs
        if(corWithin) {
              Au <- c(Au[1:(n)])
              Au<-c(Au,AQ[lower.tri(AQ, diag = TRUE)])
          } else {
            if(Lambda.struc == "unstructured" && Astruc==1) {
              Au <- c(Au[1:(n*num.lv.cor)], rep(0,sum(lower.tri(matrix(0,n,n)))*num.lv.cor) )
            } else if(Lambda.struc == "bdNN" && Astruc==2){
              Au <- c(Au[1:(n*num.lv.cor)], rep(0,nrow(NN)*num.lv.cor*n) )
            } else if(Astruc==3) {
              Au <- c(Au[1:(n)], rep(0,sum(lower.tri(matrix(0,n,n)))) )
              Au<-c(Au,AQ[lower.tri(AQ, diag = TRUE)])
            } else if(Astruc==4) {
              Au <- c(Au[1:(n)], rep(0,nrow(NN)*nu) )
              Au<-c(Au,AQ[lower.tri(AQ, diag = TRUE)])
            } else if(Astruc==5) {
              Au <- c(Au[1:(n)])
              Au<-c(Au,AQ[lower.tri(AQ, diag = TRUE)])
            #   else if(Astruc==6){
            #   Au <- c(Au[1:(n*num.lv.cor)], rep(0.001,NN[1]*num.lv.cor*n) )
            # }
        } else {
          # u <- as.matrix(u[1:nu,])
              Au <- c(Au[1:(nu*num.lv.cor)])
            } else{ # if(Astruc<6)
              Au <- c(Au[1:(nu)])
              Au<-c(Au,AQ[lower.tri(AQ, diag = TRUE)])
            # else {
            #   Au <- c(Au[1:(nu*num.lv.cor)])
            # }
          } else {
            if(Lambda.struc == "unstructured" && Astruc==1 & cstrucn[2]==0){
              Au <- c(Au[1:(nu*num.lv.cor)], rep(0, nu*num.lv.cor*(num.lv.cor-1)/2))
            } else  if(Astruc==1){
              Au <- c(Au[1:(nu*num.lv.cor)], rep(0, num.lv.cor*nu*(nu-1)/2) )
            } else  if(Astruc==2){
              Au <- c(Au[1:(nu*num.lv.cor)], rep(0,nrow(NN)*num.lv.cor) )
            } else  if(Astruc==3){
              Au <- c(Au[1:(nu)], rep(0,sum(lower.tri(matrix(0,nu,nu)))) )
              Au<-c(Au,AQ[lower.tri(AQ, diag = TRUE)])
            } else  if(Astruc==4){
              Au <- c(Au[1:(nu)], rep(0,nrow(NN)) )
              Au<-c(Au,AQ[lower.tri(AQ, diag = TRUE)])
            } else  if(Astruc==5){
              Au <- c(Au[1:(nu)] )
              Au<-c(Au,AQ[lower.tri(AQ, diag = TRUE)])
            } else  if(Astruc==0){
              Au <- c(Au[1:(nu*num.lv.cor)])
            # else if(Astruc==6){
            #   Au <- c(Au[1:(nu*num.lv.cor)], rep(0.001,NN[1]*num.lv.cor*nu) )
            # }
        if(is.null(start.params)) sigma.lv <- (sigma.lv*0.5) #
        Au = Au + 1e-3

      # Variational covariances for random slopes of const. ord.
          ab12 <- num.RR+num.lv.c
          ab3 <- ncol(lv.X)
          ab12 <- ncol(lv.X)
          ab3 <- num.RR+num.lv.c
        if(is.null(start.params) || start.params$method=="LA" || start.params$randomB==FALSE){
          if(Lambda.struc=="diagonal" || diag.iter>0){
            Ab_lv <- log(rep(Lambda.start[1],ab12*ab3)) #1/2, 1
          } else{
            Ab_lv <- c(log(rep(Lambda.start[1],ab12*ab3)),rep(0.01,ab12*(ab12-1)/2*ab3)) #1/2, 1
        } else {
          Ab_lv <- NULL
          for(d in 1:ab12) {
            if(start.params$Lambda.struc=="unstructured" || length(dim(start.params$Ab_lv))==3){
              Ab_lv <- c(Ab_lv,log(start.params$Ab_lv[,d,d]))
            } else {
              Ab_lv <- c(Ab_lv,log(start.params$Ab_lv[,d]))
          if(Lambda.struc!="diagonal" && diag.iter==0){
            Ab_lv <- c(Ab_lv,rep(0.01,ab12*(ab12-1)/2*ab3))
        }} else { Ab_lv <- 0; map.list$Ab_lv = factor(NA)}
      # Variational covariances for  random rows
      if(row.eff == "random"){
        if(rstruc ==1){
          lg_Ar <- rep(log(Lambda.start[2]), nr)
        } else {
          lg_Ar <- rep(log(Lambda.start[2]), n)
        if((rstruc == 0) && (nlvr>(num.lv+num.lv.c)) && (num.lv.cor==0) & Ar.struc!="diagonal"){
          lg_Ar<-c(lg_Ar, rep(0, (num.lv+num.lv.c)*n))
        if(rstruc == 1 & (cstrucn[1] %in% c(1,2,3,4)) & Ar.struc!="diagonal"){
          lg_Ar<-c(lg_Ar, rep(0, nr*(nr-1)/2))
        if(rstruc == 2 & Ar.struc!="diagonal"){
          lg_Ar<-c(lg_Ar, rep(0, nr*times*(times-1)/2))
      } else {lg_Ar <- 0}
      #quadratic model starting values
      if(quadratic == TRUE && start.struc == "LV"){
        start.fit <- try(gllvm.TMB(y=y, X=X, lv.X = lv.X, num.lv=num.lv, num.lv.c = num.lv.c, num.RR = num.RR, family = family, Lambda.struc = Lambda.struc, row.eff=row.eff, reltol=reltol, seed =  seed[n.i], maxit = maxit, start.lvs = start.lvs, offset = offset, n.init = 1, diag.iter=diag.iter, dependent.row=dependent.row, quadratic="LV", starting.val = starting.val, Lambda.start = Lambda.start, quad.start = quad.start, jitter.var = jitter.var, zeta.struc = zeta.struc, sd.errors = FALSE, optimizer = optimizer, optim.method = optim.method, max.iter=max.iter, start.struc="all", disp.group = disp.group, randomB = randomB, Ntrials = Ntrials),silent=T)
          start.fit <- try(gllvm.TMB(y=y, X=X, lv.X = lv.X, num.lv=num.lv, num.lv.c = num.lv.c, num.RR = num.RR, family = family, Lambda.struc = Lambda.struc, row.eff=row.eff, reltol=reltol, seed =  seed[n.i], maxit = maxit, start.lvs = start.lvs, offset = offset, n.init = 1, diag.iter=diag.iter, dependent.row=dependent.row, quadratic="LV", starting.val = "zero", Lambda.start = Lambda.start, quad.start = quad.start, jitter.var = jitter.var, zeta.struc = zeta.struc, sd.errors = FALSE, optimizer = optimizer, optim.method = optim.method, max.iter=max.iter, start.struc="all", disp.group = disp.group, randomB = randomB, Ntrials = Ntrials),silent=T)
            start.fit <- try(gllvm.TMB(y=y, X=X, lv.X = lv.X, num.lv=num.lv, num.lv.c = num.lv.c, num.RR = num.RR, family = family, Lambda.struc = Lambda.struc, row.eff=row.eff, reltol=reltol, seed =  seed[n.i], maxit = maxit, start.lvs = start.lvs, offset = offset, n.init = 1, diag.iter=diag.iter, dependent.row=dependent.row, quadratic="LV", starting.val = "zero", Lambda.start = Lambda.start, quad.start = quad.start, jitter.var = jitter.var, zeta.struc = zeta.struc, sd.errors = FALSE, optimizer = optimizer, optim.method = optim.method, max.iter=max.iter, start.struc="all", disp.group = disp.group, randomB = randomB, Ntrials = Ntrials),silent=T)
            u <- start.fit$lvs
            fit$index <- u

  ### Set up parameter.list, data.list and map.list
      # latent vars
      } else {
        if(num.RR==0)lambda = 0
        if(num.RR==0)map.list$lambda = factor(NA)
        if(num.RR==0&quadratic==F)map.list$lambda2 = factor(NA)
        map.list$u = factor(NA) 
        map.list$Au = factor(NA) 
        if(!corWithin) {
          if(nrow(u) != nu){
            u=as.matrix((t(dLV)%*%u/colSums(dLV))[1:nu,, drop=FALSE])
      if(num.RR==0 && num.lv.c==0) map.list$b_lv = factor(NA)
      ## Row effect settings
          sigma<-c(log(sigma), rep(0, num.lv+num.lv.c))
        if((rstruc %in% 1:2)) {
          if(cstrucn[1] %in% c(1,3)) {
            sigma = c(log(sigma[1]),0)
          } else if(cstrucn[1] %in% c(2)){
            sigma = c(log(sigma[1]),scaledc)
            if(is.null(setMap$log_sigma)) map.list$log_sigma = factor( c(1, rep(2,length(sigma)-1) ) )
          } else if(cstrucn[1] %in% c(4)){
            sigma = c(log(sigma[1]),scaledc)
            # Fix matern smoothness by default
            if(is.null(setMap$log_sigma)) map.list$log_sigma = factor( c(1, rep(2,length(sigma)-1), NA) )
            sigma = c(sigma,log(MaternKappa))
          } else {
            sigma = c(log(sigma[1]))
      } else {
        map.list$log_sigma <- factor(NA)
        map.list$lg_Ar <- factor(NA)
        # if(row.eff != "fixed") map.list$r0 <- factor(rep(NA, length(r0)))
      if(quadratic == FALSE){
        # if(num.RR==0&quadratic==F) map.list$lambda2 = factor(NA)
        map.list$lambda2 = factor(NA)

      ### family settings
      extra[1] <- 0
      if(family == "poisson") { familyn <- 0}
      if(family == "negative.binomial") { familyn <- 1}
      if(family == "binomial") { 
        familyn <- 2
        if(link=="probit") extra[1]=1
      if(family == "gaussian") {familyn=3}
      if(family == "gamma") {familyn=4}
      if(family == "tweedie"){ familyn=5}
      if(family == "ZIP"){familyn=6}
      if(family == "ordinal") {familyn=7}
      if(family == "exponential") {familyn=8}
      if(family == "beta"){ 
        if(link=="probit") extra[1]=1
      if(family == "ZINB"){familyn=11}
      if(family == "orderedBeta") {familyn=12}
      if(family == "betaH"){ # EVA
        familyn = 10
        if(link=="probit") extra[1]=1
      ## generate starting values quadratic coefficients in some cases
      if(starting.val!="zero" && quadratic != FALSE && (num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR)>0){
        data.list = list(y = y, x = Xd, x_lv = lv.X, xr=xr, xb=xb, dr0 = dr, dLV = dLV, offset=offset, num_lv = num.lv, num_lv_c = num.lv.c, num_RR = num.RR, num_corlv=num.lv.cor, quadratic = 1, family=familyn,extra=extra,method=switch(method, VA=0, EVA=2),model=0,random=randoml, zetastruc = ifelse(zeta.struc=="species",1,0), rstruc = rstruc, times = times, cstruc=cstrucn, dc=dist, Astruc=Astruc, NN = NN, Ntrials = Ntrials)
        # if(row.eff=="random"){
        #   if(dependent.row) sigma<-c(log(sigma), rep(0, num.lv))
        #     #parameter.list = list(r0 = matrix(r0), b = rbind(a,b), B = matrix(0), Br=Br,lambda = lambda, u = u,lg_phi=log(phi),sigmaB=log(diag(sigmaB)),sigmaij=sigmaij,log_sigma=sigma,Au=Au, lg_Ar=lg_Ar,Abb=0, zeta=zeta)
        # } else {
        #   sigma = 0 
        #   map.list$log_sigma = factor(NA)
        #   #parameter.list = list(r0 = matrix(r0), b = rbind(a,b), B = matrix(0), Br=Br,lambda = lambda, u = u,lg_phi=log(phi),sigmaB=log(diag(sigmaB)),sigmaij=sigmaij,log_sigma=0,Au=Au, lg_Ar=lg_Ar,Abb=0, zeta=zeta)
        # }
        map.list2 <- map.list 
        map.list2$sigmaLV = factor(rep(NA,length(sigma.lv)))
        map.list2$r0 = factor(rep(NA, length(r0)))
        map.list2$b_lv = factor(rep(NA, length(b.lv)))
        map.list2$Ab_lv = factor(rep(NA, length(Ab_lv)))
        map.list2$sigmab_lv = factor(rep(NA, length(sigmab_lv)))
        map.list2$b = factor(rep(NA, length(rbind(a, b))))
        map.list2$B = factor(rep(NA, 1))
        map.list2$Br = factor(rep(NA,length(Br)))
        #map.list2$lambda = factor(rep(NA, length(lambda)))
        map.list2$u = factor(rep(NA, length(u)))
        map.list2$lg_phi = factor(rep(NA, p))
        map.list2$lg_phiZINB = factor(rep(NA, p))
        map.list2$log_sigma = factor(rep(NA, length(sigma)))
        map.list2$sigmaB = factor(rep(NA,length(sigmaB)))
        map.list2$sigmaij = factor(rep(NA,length(sigmaij)))
        map.list2$Au = factor(rep(NA, length(Au)))
        map.list2$zeta = factor(rep(NA, length(zeta)))
        map.list2$r0 = factor(rep(NA, length(r0)))
        map.list2$lg_Ar = factor(rep(NA, length(lg_Ar)))

        parameter.list = list(r0 = matrix(r0), b = rbind(a,b), b_lv = b.lv, sigmab_lv = sigmab_lv, Ab_lv = Ab_lv, B = matrix(0), Br=Br,lambda = lambda, lambda2 = t(lambda2), sigmaLV = (sigma.lv), u = u,lg_phi=log(phi),sigmaB=log(diag(sigmaB)),sigmaij=sigmaij,log_sigma=sigma, rho_lvc=rho_lvc, Au=Au, lg_Ar =lg_Ar, Abb=0, zeta=zeta, ePower = ePower, lg_phiZINB = log(ZINBphi)) #, scaledc=scaledc, thetaH = thetaH, bH=bH

      objr <- TMB::MakeADFun(
        data = data.list, silent=TRUE,
        parameters = parameter.list, map = map.list2,
        DLL = "gllvm")##GLLVM
      if(optimizer=="nlminb") {
        timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(nlminb(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,control = list(rel.tol=reltol,iter.max=max.iter,eval.max=maxit)),silent = TRUE))
      if(optimizer=="optim" || !(optimizer %in%c("optim","nlminb") )) {
        if(optimizer == "optim" && optim.method != "BFGS")
          timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = optim.method,control = list(maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
          timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = "BFGS",control = list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
        lamba <- optr$par[names(optr$par)=="lambda"]

          lambda2 <- matrix(optr$par[names(optr$par)=="lambda2"], byrow = T, ncol = num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR), nrow = 1)
        }else if(quadratic==TRUE){
          lambda2 <- matrix(optr$par[names(optr$par)=="lambda2"], byrow = T, ncol = num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR), nrow = p)
### Set up data and parameters
      data.list = list(y = y, x = Xd, x_lv = lv.X , xr=xr, xb=xb, dr0 = dr, dLV = dLV, offset=offset, num_lv = num.lv, num_lv_c = num.lv.c, num_RR = num.RR, num_corlv=num.lv.cor, quadratic = ifelse(quadratic!=FALSE,1,0), family=familyn,extra=extra,method=switch(method, VA=0, EVA=2),model=0,random=randoml, zetastruc = ifelse(zeta.struc=="species",1,0), rstruc = rstruc, times = times, cstruc=cstrucn, dc=dist,Astruc=Astruc, NN = NN, Ntrials = Ntrials)
      parameter.list <- list(r0 = matrix(r0), b = rbind(a,b), b_lv = b.lv, sigmab_lv = sigmab_lv, Ab_lv = Ab_lv, B = matrix(0), Br=Br,lambda = lambda, lambda2 = t(lambda2), sigmaLV = (sigma.lv), u = u,lg_phi=log(phi),sigmaB=log(diag(sigmaB)),sigmaij=sigmaij,log_sigma=sigma, rho_lvc=rho_lvc, Au=Au, lg_Ar=lg_Ar,Abb=0, zeta=zeta, ePower = ePower, lg_phiZINB = log(ZINBphi)) #, scaledc=scaledc,thetaH = thetaH, bH=bH
#### Call makeADFun
      objr <- TMB::MakeADFun(
        data = data.list, silent=TRUE,
        parameters = parameter.list, map = map.list,
        DLL = "gllvm")##GLLVM
      #### Fit model 
        if(optimizer=="nlminb") {
          timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(nlminb(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,control = list(rel.tol=reltol,iter.max=max.iter,eval.max=maxit)),silent = TRUE))
        if(optimizer=="optim") {
          if(optim.method != "BFGS")# Due the memory issues, "BFGS" should not be used for Tweedie
            timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = optim.method,control = list(maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
            timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = "BFGS",control = list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
        if(optimizer == "alabama"){
            control.optim <- list(maxit=maxit, reltol = reltol.c)
          }else if(optim.method == "L-BFGS-B"){
            control.optim <- list(maxit=maxit, factr = 1/reltol.c)
          }else if(optim.method == "nlminb"){
            control.optim <-  list(rel.tol=reltol.c,iter.max=max.iter,eval.max=maxit)
          suppressWarnings(timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(auglag(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr, heq = eval_eq_c, heq.jac = eval_eq_j, control.optim=control.optim, control.outer = list(eps = reltol.c, itmax=maxit, trace = FALSE, kkt2.check = FALSE, method = optim.method), obj = objr),silent = TRUE)))
          local_opts <- list( "algorithm" = optim.method,
                              "xtol_rel" = reltol,
                              "maxeval" = maxit,
                              "tol_constraints_eq" = rep(reltol.c,(num.lv.c+num.RR)*(num.lv.c+num.RR-1)/2))
          opts <- list( "algorithm" = optimizer,
                        "xtol_rel" = reltol,
                        "maxeval" = maxit,
                        "tol_constraints_eq" = rep(reltol.c,(num.lv.c+num.RR)*(num.lv.c+num.RR-1)/2),
                        "local_opts" = local_opts)
          timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(nloptr(x0 = objr$par, eval_f=eval_f, eval_g_eq=eval_g_eq, opts=opts, obj = objr),silent = TRUE))
            optr$convergence <- as.integer(optr$status<0&optr$status!=5)
            #need to return objr$env$last.par.best, because when nloptr hits maxeval it doesn't return the last set of estimates
            optr$par <- objr$env$last.par.best;names(objr$env$last.par.best) = names(optr$par) = names(objr$par);   
              optr[1] <- optr$message
              class(optr) <- "try-error"
      if(inherits(optr,"try-error")) warning(optr[1]);
      ### Now diag.iter, improves the model fit sometimes
      if((diag.iter>0) && !(Lambda.struc %in% c("diagonal", "diagU")) && (((nlvr+randoml[3]*num.RR)>1) | (num.lv.cor>0)) && !inherits(optr,"try-error")){
        objr1 <- objr
        optr1 <- optr
        param1 <- optr$par
        nam <- names(param1)
        if(length(param1[nam=="r0"])>0){ r1 <- matrix(param1[nam=="r0"])} else {r1 <- matrix(r0)}
        b1 <- matrix(param1[nam=="b"],num.X+1,p)
          sigmab_lv1 <- param1[nam=="sigmab_lv"]
          Ab_lv1<- c(pmax(param1[nam=="Ab_lv"],rep(log(1e-6), ab12*ab3)), rep(0.01,ab12*(ab12-1)/2*ab3))
          Ab_lv1 <- 0
        if((num.lv.c+num.RR)>0){b.lv1 <- matrix(param1[nam=="b_lv"],ncol(lv.X),(num.lv.c+num.RR))}else{b.lv1<-matrix(0)}
        lambda1 <- param1[nam=="lambda"]
        if (quadratic=="LV" | quadratic == T && start.struc == "LV"){
          lambda2 <- matrix(param1[nam == "lambda2"], byrow = T, ncol = num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR), nrow = 1)#In this scenario we have estimated two quadratic coefficients before
        }else if(quadratic == T){
          lambda2 <- matrix(param1[nam == "lambda2"], byrow = T, ncol = num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR), nrow = p)
        if((num.lv+num.lv.c)>0){sigma.lv1 <- param1[nam=="sigmaLV"]}else{sigma.lv1<-0}
        if((num.lv+num.lv.c)>0){u1 <- matrix(param1[nam=="u"],nrow(u),num.lv+num.lv.c)}else{u1<-u}
        if(family %in% c("poisson","binomial","ordinal","exponential", "betaH", "orderedBeta")){ lg_phi1 <- log(phi)} else {lg_phi1 <- param1[nam=="lg_phi"][disp.group]} #cat(range(exp(param1[nam=="lg_phi"])),"\n")
        if(family=="ZINB"){lg_phiZINB1 <- param1[nam=="lg_phiZINB"][disp.group]}else{lg_phiZINB1<-log(ZINBphi)}
        if(family=="tweedie" && is.null(Power)) ePower = param1[nam == "ePower"]
        sigmaB1 <- param1[nam=="sigmaB"]
        sigmaij1 <- param1[nam=="sigmaij"]
        if(row.eff == "random"){
          log_sigma1 <- log(exp(param1[nam=="log_sigma"])+1e-3)
          if(!is.null(map.list$log_sigma)) log_sigma1 = log_sigma1[map.list$log_sigma]
          lg_Ar<- log(exp(param1[nam=="lg_Ar"])+1e-3)
        } else {log_sigma1 = 0}
          Au1<- c(param1[nam=="Au"])
          if(corWithin) {
            if(Lambda.struc == "unstructured" && Astruc==1) {
              Au1 <- c(pmax(Au1[1:(n*num.lv.cor)],log(1e-2)), rep(1e-3,sum(lower.tri(matrix(0,n,n)))*num.lv.cor) )
            } else if(Lambda.struc == "bdNN" && Astruc==2){
              Au1 <- c(pmax(Au1[1:(n*num.lv.cor)],log(1e-2)), rep(1e-3,nrow(NN)*num.lv.cor*n) )
            } else if(Astruc==3) {
              Au1 <- c(log(exp(Au1[1:(n)])+1e-2), rep(1e-3,sum(lower.tri(matrix(0,n,n)))), Au1[-(1:n)])
            } else if(Astruc==4) {
              Au1 <- c(log(exp(Au1[1:(n)])+1e-2), rep(1e-3,nrow(NN)*nu), Au1[-(1:n)])
            # else if(Astruc==6){
            #   Au1 <- c(pmax(Au1[1:(n*num.lv.cor)],log(1e-2)), rep(1e-3,NN[1]*num.lv.cor*n) )
            # }
          } else {
            if(Lambda.struc == "unstructured" && Astruc==1 & cstrucn[2]==0){
              Au1 <- c(pmax(Au1[1:(nu*num.lv.cor)],log(1e-2)), rep(1e-3, nu*num.lv.cor*(num.lv.cor-1)/2))
            } else  if(Astruc==1){
              Au1 <- c(pmax(Au1[1:(nu*num.lv.cor)],log(1e-2)), rep(1e-3, num.lv.cor*nu*(nu-1)/2) )
            } else  if(Astruc==2){
              Au1 <- c(pmax(Au1[1:(nu*num.lv.cor)],log(1e-2)), rep(1e-3,nrow(NN)*num.lv.cor) )
            } else  if(Astruc==3){
              Au1 <- c(log(exp(Au1[1:(nu)])+1e-2), rep(1e-3,sum(lower.tri(matrix(0,nu,nu)))), Au1[-(1:nu)])
            } else  if(Astruc==4){
              Au1 <- c(log(exp(Au1[1:(nu)])+1e-2), rep(1e-3,nrow(NN)), Au1[-(1:nu)])
            # else if(Astruc==6){
            #   Au1 <- c(pmax(Au1[1:(nu*num.lv.cor)],log(1e-2)), rep(1e-3,NN[1]*num.lv.cor*nu) )
            # }
            if(cstrucn[2] %in% c(2,4)){ #cstruc=="corExp" || cstruc=="corMatern"
                rho_lvc <- matrix((param1[nam=="rho_lvc"])[map.list$rho_lvc],nrow(rho_lvc),ncol(rho_lvc)); rho_lvc[is.na(rho_lvc)]=0 
              } #rho_lvc[-1]<- param1[nam=="rho_lvc"]
            } else {
              rho_lvc[1:length(rho_lvc)]<- param1[nam=="rho_lvc"]
        } else if((num.lv+num.lv.c)>0) {
          Au1<- c(pmax(param1[nam=="Au"],rep(log(1e-6), (num.lv+num.lv.c)*nrow(u1))), rep(0,(num.lv+num.lv.c)*((num.lv+num.lv.c)-1)/2*nrow(u1)))
        } else {Au1<-Au}

        if(family %in% c("ordinal")){
          zeta <- param1[nam=="zeta"] 
        } else if(family %in% c("orderedBeta")){
          zeta <- c(rep(0,p),rep(param1[nam=="zeta"] ,p)[1:p])
        } else {
          zeta <- 0 

        #Because then there is no next iteration
        data.list = list(y = y, x = Xd,  x_lv = lv.X, xr=xr, xb=xb, dr0 = dr, dLV = dLV, offset=offset, num_lv = num.lv, num_lv_c = num.lv.c, num_RR = num.RR, num_corlv=num.lv.cor, quadratic = ifelse(quadratic!=FALSE,1,0), family=familyn,extra=extra,method=switch(method, VA=0, EVA=2),model=0,random=randoml, zetastruc = ifelse(zeta.struc=="species",1,0), rstruc = rstruc, times = times, cstruc=cstrucn, dc=dist, Astruc=Astruc, NN = NN, Ntrials = Ntrials)
        parameter.list = list(r0=r1, b = b1, b_lv = b.lv1, sigmab_lv = sigmab_lv1, Ab_lv = Ab_lv1, B=matrix(0), Br=Br,lambda = lambda1, lambda2 = t(lambda2), sigmaLV = sigma.lv1, u = u1,lg_phi=lg_phi1,sigmaB=log(diag(sigmaB)),sigmaij=sigmaij,log_sigma=log_sigma1, rho_lvc=rho_lvc, Au=Au1, lg_Ar=lg_Ar, Abb=0, zeta=zeta, ePower = ePower, lg_phiZINB = lg_phiZINB1) #, scaledc=scaledc,thetaH = thetaH, bH=bH

        objr <- TMB::MakeADFun(
          data = data.list, silent=TRUE,
          parameters = parameter.list, map = map.list,
          DLL = "gllvm")
          if(optimizer=="nlminb") {
            timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(nlminb(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,control = list(rel.tol=reltol,iter.max=max.iter,eval.max=maxit)),silent = TRUE))
          if(optimizer=="optim") {
            if(optim.method != "BFGS")
              timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = optim.method,control = list(maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
              timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = "BFGS",control = list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
          if(optimizer == "alabama"){
              control.optim <- list(maxit=maxit, reltol = reltol.c)
            }else if(optim.method == "L-BFGS-B"){
              control.optim <- list(maxit=maxit, factr = 1/reltol.c)
            }else if(optim.method == "nlminb"){
              control.optim <-  list(rel.tol=reltol.c,iter.max=max.iter,eval.max=maxit)
            suppressWarnings(timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(auglag(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr, heq = eval_eq_c, heq.jac = eval_eq_j, control.optim=control.optim, control.outer = list(eps = reltol.c, itmax=maxit, trace = FALSE, kkt2.check = FALSE, method = optim.method), obj = objr),silent = TRUE)))
            local_opts <- list( "algorithm" = optim.method,
                                "xtol_rel" = reltol,
                                "maxeval" = maxit,
                                "tol_constraints_eq" = rep(reltol.c,(num.lv.c+num.RR)*(num.lv.c+num.RR-1)/2))
            opts <- list( "algorithm" = optimizer,
                          "xtol_rel" = reltol,
                          "maxeval" = maxit,
                          "tol_constraints_eq" = rep(reltol.c,(num.lv.c+num.RR)*(num.lv.c+num.RR-1)/2),
                          "local_opts" = local_opts)
            timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(nloptr(x0 = objr$par, eval_f=eval_f, eval_g_eq=eval_g_eq, opts=opts, obj = objr),silent = TRUE))
              optr$convergence <- as.integer(optr$status<0&optr$status!=5)
              #need to return objr$env$last.par.best, because when nloptr hits maxeval it doesn't return the last set of estimates
              optr$par <- objr$env$last.par.best; names(objr$env$last.par.best) = names(optr$par) = names(objr$par);   
                optr[1] <- optr$message
                class(optr) <- "try-error"
          if(inherits(optr, "try-error") || is.nan(optr$objective) || is.na(optr$objective)|| is.infinite(optr$objective) || optr$objective < 0){optr=optr1; objr=objr1; Lambda.struc="diagonal"}
        }else if(optimizer%in%c("optim","alabama")){
          if(inherits(optr, "try-error") || is.nan(optr$value) || is.na(optr$value)|| is.infinite(optr$value) || optr$value < 0){optr=optr1; objr=objr1; Lambda.struc="diagonal"}
        if(inherits(optr,"try-error")) warning(optr[1]);
      #### Extract estimated values
      if(family %in% c("negative.binomial", "tweedie", "gaussian", "gamma", "beta", "betaH", "orderedBeta","ZIP","ZINB")) {
        phis <- exp(param[names(param)=="lg_phi"])[disp.group]
        if(family == "ZINB")ZINBphis <- exp(param[names(param)=="lg_phiZINB"])[disp.group]
        if(family %in% c("ZIP","ZINB")) {
          lp0 <- param[names(param)=="lg_phi"][disp.group]; out$lp0 <- lp0
          phis <- exp(lp0)/(1+exp(lp0));
        if(family=="tweedie" && is.null(Power)){
          Power = exp(param[names(param)=="ePower"])/(1+exp(param[names(param)=="ePower"]))+1
      if(family == "ordinal"){
        zetas <- param[names(param)=="zeta"]
          zetanew <- matrix(NA,nrow=p,ncol=K)
          for(j in 1:ncol(y)){
              for(l in 1:k){
          zetanew[,1] <- 0 
          row.names(zetanew) <- colnames(y00); colnames(zetanew) <- paste(min(y00):(max(y00)-1),"|",(min(y00)+1):max(y00),sep="")
          zetanew <- c(0,zetas)
          names(zetanew) <- paste(min(y00):(max(y00)-1),"|",(min(y00)+1):max(y00),sep="")
        out$zeta.struc = zeta.struc
      if(family == "orderedBeta"){
        zetas <- matrix((param[names(param)=="zeta"])[map.list$zeta],p,2)
        colnames(zetas) = c("cutoff0","cutoff1")
        bi.lv <- names(param)=="b_lv"
        if(randomB!=FALSE)sib <- names(param)=="sigmab_lv"
      bi <- names(param)=="b"
      li <- names(param)=="lambda"
      si <- names(param) == "sigmaLV"
      li2 <- names(param)=="lambda2"
      ui <- names(param)=="u"
      if(num.lv.cor > 0){ # Correlated latent variables
        } else {
          lvs = matrix(param[ui],nu,num.lv.cor)
          rownames(lvs) =colnames(dLV)
          # lvs = dLV%*%matrix(param[ui],nu,num.lv.cor)
        sigma.lv <- abs(param[si])
        theta <- matrix(0,p,num.lv.cor)
          diag(theta) <- 1 #sigma.lv 
        } else if(num.lv.cor==1) {
          theta[1,1] <- 1 #sigma.lv[1]
        if(p>1) {
          theta[lower.tri(theta[,1:num.lv.cor,drop=F],diag=FALSE)] <- param[li];
        } else {
          theta <- as.matrix(1)
        rho_lvc = param[names(param)=="rho_lvc"]
        if((cstrucn[2] %in% c(1,3))) rho.lv<- param[names(param)=="rho_lvc"] / sqrt(1.0 + param[names(param)=="rho_lvc"]^2);
        if((cstrucn[2] %in% c(2,4))) {
          rho.lv<- exp(param[names(param)=="rho_lvc"]);
          # scaledc<- exp(param[names(param)=="scaledc"]);
      } else if((num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR) > 0){
        theta <- matrix(0,p,num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR)  
        if((num.lv.c+num.RR)>1){diag(theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)])<-1}else if((num.lv.c+num.RR)==1){theta[1,1]<-1}
        if(num.lv>1){diag(theta[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):((num.lv.c+num.RR)+num.lv)])<-1}else if(num.lv==1){theta[1,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):((num.lv.c+num.RR)+num.lv)]<-1}
        if(nlvr>0)sigma.lv <- abs(param[si])
          if(p>1) {
            theta[lower.tri(theta[,1:num.lv,drop=F],diag=FALSE)] <- param[li];
          } else {
              theta <- as.matrix(1)
              theta <- c(as.matrix(1),-abs(param[li2]))}  
        }else if(num.lv==0&(num.lv.c+num.RR)>0){
          if(p>1) {
            theta[lower.tri(theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),drop=F],diag=FALSE)] <- param[li];
          } else {
              theta <- as.matrix(1)
              theta <- c(as.matrix(1),-abs(param[li2]))}  
        }else if(num.lv>0&(num.lv.c+num.RR)>0){
          if(p>1) {
            theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)][lower.tri(theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),drop=F],diag=FALSE)] <- param[li][1:sum(lower.tri(theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),drop=F],diag=FALSE))];
            theta[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):ncol(theta)][lower.tri(theta[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):ncol(theta),drop=F],diag=FALSE)] <- param[li][(sum(lower.tri(theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),drop=F],diag=FALSE))+1):length(param[li])];
          } else {
              theta <- as.matrix(1)
              theta <- c(as.matrix(1),-abs(param[li2]))}  
        #diag(theta) <- exp(diag(theta)) # !!!
      if(row.eff!=FALSE) {
        ri = names(param)=="r0"
        row.params = param[ri]#c(0,param[ri])
          sigma = exp(param[names(param)=="log_sigma"])[1]
          if((rstruc ==2 | (rstruc == 1)) & (cstrucn[1] %in% c(1,3))) rho = param[names(param)=="log_sigma"][2] / sqrt(1.0 + param[names(param)=="log_sigma"][2]^2);
          if((rstruc ==2 | (rstruc == 1)) & (cstrucn[1] %in% c(2,4))) {
            rho = exp(param[names(param)=="log_sigma"][-1]);
            # scaledc<- exp(param[names(param)=="scaledc"]);
          if(num.lv>0 && dependent.row && rstruc==0) sigma = c(sigma,(param[names(param)=="log_sigma"])[-1])
      betaM <- matrix(param[bi],p,num.X+1,byrow=TRUE)
      beta0 <- betaM[,1]
      if(!is.null(X)) betas <- betaM[,-1]
      if((num.lv.c+num.RR)>0)b.lv <- matrix(param[bi.lv],ncol(lv.X),(num.lv.c+num.RR))
      # if(family %in% "betaH"){
      #   bHi <- names(param)=="bH"
      #   betaH <- matrix(param[bHi],p,num.X+1,byrow=TRUE)
      # }
      if((randomB!=FALSE)&(num.lv.c+num.RR)>0)sigmab_lv <- exp(param[sib])
      new.loglik <- objr$env$value.best[1]
    } else if(method=="LA" || (nlvr==0 && (method %in% c("VA", "EVA")) && row.eff!="random" && (randomB==FALSE))){
      ## Laplace method / nlvr==0
      if(!is.null(X)){Xd=cbind(1,X)} else {Xd=matrix(1,n)}
      ### Family settings
      if(family == "poisson") {familyn=0}
      if(family == "negative.binomial") {familyn=1}
      if(family == "binomial") {
        if(link=="probit") extra[1]=1
      if(family == "gaussian") {familyn=3}
      if(family == "gamma") {familyn=4}
      if(family == "tweedie"){ familyn=5}
      if(family == "ZIP"){ familyn=6;}
      if(family == "ordinal"){ familyn=7}
      if(family == "exponential"){ familyn=8}
      if(family == "beta"){ 
        if(link=="probit") extra[1]=1
      if(family == "betaH"){
        familyn = 10
        if(link=="probit") extra[1]=1
        # bH <- rbind(a,b)
        # if(num.lv>0) {
        #   mapLH<-factor(1:length(thetaH))
        #   mapLH[lower.tri(thetaH)] <- NA
        #   map.list$thetaH <- factor(mapLH)
        # } else {
        #   thetaH<- matrix(0); 
        #   map.list$thetaH = factor(NA)
        # }
      # else {
      #   thetaH<- matrix(0)
      #   map.list$thetaH = factor(NA)
      #   bH <- matrix(0)
      #   map.list$bH = factor(NA)
      # }
      if(family == "ZINB"){familyn=11}
      if(family == "orderedBeta") {familyn=12}

      ## generate starting values quadratic coefficients in some cases
      if(starting.val!="zero" && quadratic == TRUE && num.RR>0&(num.lv+num.lv.c)==0 && start.struc=="LV"){
        data.list = list(y = y, x = Xd, x_lv = lv.X, xr=xr, xb=xb, dr0 = dr, dLV = dLV, offset=offset, num_lv = num.lv, num_lv_c = num.lv.c, num_RR = num.RR, num_corlv=num.lv.cor, quadratic = 1, family=familyn,extra=extra,method=switch(method, VA=0, EVA=2),model=0,random=randoml, zetastruc = ifelse(zeta.struc=="species",1,0), rstruc = rstruc, times = times, cstruc=cstrucn, dc=dist, Astruc=Astruc, NN = NN, Ntrials = Ntrials)
        map.list2 <- map.list 
        map.list2$log_sigma = factor(NA)
        map.list2$Au <- map.list2$Abb <- map.list2$Ab_lv <- factor(NA)# map.list$lambda2 <- 
        map.list2$b_lv <- factor(rep(NA,length(b.lv)))

        parameter.list = list(r0 = matrix(r0), b = rbind(a,b), b_lv = b.lv, sigmab_lv = 0, Ab_lv = Ab_lv, B = matrix(0), Br=Br,lambda = lambda, lambda2 = t(lambda2), sigmaLV = (sigma.lv), u = u,lg_phi=log(phi),sigmaB=log(diag(sigmaB)),sigmaij=sigmaij,log_sigma=sigma,rho_lvc=rho_lvc, Au=0, lg_Ar =0, Abb=0, zeta=zeta, ePower = ePower, lg_phiZINB = log(ZINBphi)) #, scaledc=scaledc, thetaH = thetaH, bH=bH
        objr <- TMB::MakeADFun(
          data = data.list, silent=TRUE,
          parameters = parameter.list, map = map.list2,
          DLL = "gllvm")##GLLVM
        if(optimizer=="nlminb") {
          timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(nlminb(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,control = list(rel.tol=reltol,iter.max=max.iter,eval.max=maxit)),silent = TRUE))
        if(optimizer=="optim" | !(optimizer %in% c("optim","nlminb"))) {
          if( optimizer == "optim" && optim.method != "BFGS")
            timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = optim.method,control = list(maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
            timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = "BFGS",control = list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
          # lambda <- optr$par[names(optr$par)=="lambda"]
          try({lambda2 <- matrix(optr$par[names(optr$par)=="lambda2"],ncol=num.RR,nrow=p,byrow=T)},silent=T)
          # b.lv <- matrix(objr$par[names(objr$par)=="b_lv"],ncol=num.RR)
          # fit$params[,2:(1+num.RR)][lower.tri(fit$params[,2:(1+num.RR)],diag=F)] <- lambda
          fit$params[,(ncol(fit$params)-num.RR+1):ncol(fit$params)] <- lambda2
          # fit$b.lv <- b.lv
      data.list = list(y = y, x = Xd, x_lv = lv.X, xr=xr, xb=xb, dr0 = dr, dLV = dLV, offset=offset, num_lv = num.lv, num_lv_c = num.lv.c, num_RR = num.RR, num_corlv=num.lv.cor, quadratic = ifelse(quadratic!=FALSE,1,0), family=familyn,extra=extra,method=1,model=0,random=randoml, zetastruc = ifelse(zeta.struc=="species",1,0), rstruc = rstruc, times = times, cstruc=cstrucn, dc=dist, Astruc=Astruc, NN = NN, Ntrials = Ntrials)
      if(family %in% c("ordinal", "orderedBeta")){
        data.list$method = 0
      randomp <- "u"
      map.list$Au <- map.list$lg_Ar <- map.list$Abb
      map.list$Ab_lv = factor(NA)
      if(quadratic==FALSE) map.list$lambda2 <- factor(NA)
      randomp <- NULL
      # latent vars
        randomp <- c(randomp,"u")
      } else {
        u = matrix(0)
        if(num.RR==0)lambda = 0
        if(num.RR==0)map.list$lambda = factor(NA)
        if(num.RR==0&quadratic==F)map.list$lambda2 = factor(NA)
        map.list$u = factor(NA) 
      if(num.lv.cor>0 & (!corWithin)){
        u <- as.matrix(u[1:nu,])
      # Row parameter settings
        randoml[1] <- 1
        randomp <- c(randomp,"r0")
        if(dependent.row && (rstruc == 0)) 
          sigma<-c(log(sigma[1]), rep(0, num.lv+num.lv.c))
        if((rstruc %in% 1:2)) {
          if(cstrucn[1] %in% c(1,3)) {
            sigma = c(log(sigma[1]),0)
          } else if(cstrucn[1] %in% c(2)){
            sigma = c(log(sigma[1]),scaledc)
            if(is.null(setMap$log_sigma)) map.list$log_sigma = factor( c(1, rep(2,length(sigma)-1) ) )
          } else if(cstrucn[1] %in% c(4)){
            sigma = c(log(sigma[1]),scaledc)
            # Fix matern smoothness by default
            if(is.null(setMap$log_sigma)) map.list$log_sigma = factor( c(1, rep(2,length(sigma)-1), NA) )
            sigma = c(sigma,log(MaternKappa))
          } else {
            sigma = c(log(sigma[1]))
      } else {
        map.list$log_sigma <- factor(NA)
        # if(row.eff != "random") map.list$r0 <- factor(rep(NA, length(r0)))
        randoml[3] <- 1
        randomp <- c(randomp, "b_lv")
        sigmab_lv <- 0
      #### Set up data and parameters
      if(family == "ordinal"){ # || family == "orderedBeta"
        data.list$method = 0
      parameter.list = list(r0=matrix(r0), b = rbind(a,b), b_lv = b.lv, sigmab_lv = sigmab_lv, Ab_lv = Ab_lv, B=matrix(0), Br=Br,lambda = lambda, lambda2 = t(lambda2), sigmaLV = (sigma.lv), u = u, lg_phi=log(phi),sigmaB=log(diag(sigmaB)),sigmaij=sigmaij,log_sigma=c(sigma), rho_lvc=rho_lvc, Au=0, lg_Ar=0, Abb=0, zeta=zeta, ePower = ePower, lg_phiZINB = log(ZINBphi)) #, scaledc=scaledc,thetaH = thetaH, bH=bH

      #### Call makeADFun
      objr <- TMB::MakeADFun(
        data = data.list, silent=!trace,
        parameters = parameter.list, map = map.list,
        inner.control=list(mgcmax = 1e+200,tol10=0.01),
        random = randomp, DLL = "gllvm")
      #### Fit model 
      # Not used for now
      # if(family=="ZIP" && FALSE) {
      #   m <- length(objr$par)
      #   low <- rep(-restrict,m); upp=rep(restrict,m);
      #   low[names(objr$par)=="lg_phi"]=0.0; upp[names(objr$par)=="lg_phi"]=1#0.99
      #   timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(nlminb(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,control = list(rel.tol=reltol,iter.max=max.iter,eval.max=maxit),lower = low,upper = upp),silent = TRUE))
      # }
        if(optimizer=="nlminb") {
          timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(nlminb(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,control = list(rel.tol=reltol,iter.max=max.iter,eval.max=maxit)),silent = TRUE))
        if(optimizer=="optim") {
          if(optim.method != "BFGS")
            timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = optim.method,control = list(maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
            timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = "BFGS",control = list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
        if(optimizer == "alabama"){
            control.optim <- list(maxit=maxit, reltol = reltol.c)
          }else if(optim.method == "L-BFGS-B"){
            control.optim <- list(maxit=maxit, factr = 1/reltol.c)
          }else if(optim.method == "nlminb"){
            control.optim <-  list(rel.tol=reltol.c,iter.max=max.iter,eval.max=maxit)
          suppressWarnings(timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(auglag(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr, heq = eval_eq_c, heq.jac = eval_eq_j, control.optim=control.optim, control.outer = list(eps = reltol.c, itmax=maxit, trace = FALSE, kkt2.check = FALSE, method = optim.method), obj = objr),silent = TRUE)))
          local_opts <- list( "algorithm" = optim.method,
                              "xtol_rel" = reltol,
                              "maxeval" = maxit,
                              "tol_constraints_eq" = rep(reltol.c,(num.lv.c+num.RR)*(num.lv.c+num.RR-1)/2))
          opts <- list( "algorithm" = optimizer,
                        "xtol_rel" = reltol,
                        "maxeval" = maxit,
                        "tol_constraints_eq" = rep(reltol.c,(num.lv.c+num.RR)*(num.lv.c+num.RR-1)/2),
                        "local_opts" = local_opts)
          timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(nloptr(x0 = objr$par, eval_f=eval_f, eval_g_eq=eval_g_eq, opts=opts, obj = objr),silent = TRUE))
            optr$convergence <- as.integer(optr$status<0&optr$status!=5)
            #need to return objr$env$last.par.best, because when nloptr hits maxeval it doesn't return the last set of estimates
            optr$par <- objr$env$last.par.best[!objr$env$lrandom()]; names(objr$env$last.par.best) <- rep(objr$env$parNameOrder,unlist(lapply(objr$env$parameters,length))); names(optr$par) = names(objr$par);   
              optr[1] <- optr$message
              class(optr) <- "try-error"
      if(inherits(optr,"try-error")) warning(optr[1]);
      if(quadratic == TRUE && starting.val=="zero" && start.struc=="LV" & num.RR>0){
        if(family == "ordinal"){
          data.list$method = 0
        lambda <- objr$env$last.par.best[names(objr$env$last.par.best)=="lambda"]
        lambda2 <- matrix(objr$env$last.par.best[names(objr$env$last.par.best)=="lambda2"],ncol=num.RR,nrow=p,byrow=T)
        b.lv <- matrix(objr$env$last.par.best[names(objr$env$last.par.best)=="b_lv"],ncol=num.RR,nrow=ncol(lv.X))
          sigmab_lv <- objr$env$last.par.best[names(objr$env$last.par.best)=="sigmab_lv"]
          sigmab_lv <- 0
        b <- matrix(objr$env$last.par.best[names(objr$env$last.par.best)=="b"],num.X+1,p)
        if(!(family %in% c("poisson","binomial","ordinal","exponential"))) phi <- exp(objr$env$last.par.best[names(objr$env$last.par.best)=="lg_phi"])[disp.group]
        if(!(family %in% c("ZINB"))) ZINBphi <- exp(objr$env$last.par.best[names(objr$env$last.par.best)=="lg_phiZINB"])[disp.group]
        parameter.list = list(r0=matrix(r0), b = b, b_lv = b.lv, sigmab_lv = sigmab_lv, Ab_lv = Ab_lv, B=matrix(0), Br=Br,lambda = lambda, lambda2 = t(lambda2), sigmaLV = (sigma.lv), u = u, lg_phi=log(phi),sigmaB=log(diag(sigmaB)),sigmaij=sigmaij,log_sigma=c(sigma), rho_lvc=rho_lvc, Au=0, lg_Ar=0, Abb=0, zeta=zeta, ePower = ePower, lg_phiZINB = log(ZINBphi)) #, scaledc=scaledc,thetaH = thetaH, bH=bH

        #### Call makeADFun
        objr <- TMB::MakeADFun(
          data = data.list, silent=!trace,
          parameters = parameter.list, map = map.list,
          inner.control=list(mgcmax = 1e+200,tol10=0.01),
          random = randomp, DLL = "gllvm")
          if(optimizer=="nlminb") {
            timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(nlminb(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,control = list(rel.tol=reltol,iter.max=max.iter,eval.max=maxit)),silent = TRUE))
          if(optimizer=="optim") {
            if(optim.method != "BFGS")
              timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = optim.method,control = list(maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
              timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(optim(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr,method = "BFGS",control = list(reltol=reltol,maxit=maxit),hessian = FALSE),silent = TRUE))
          if(optimizer == "alabama"){
              control.optim <- list(maxit=maxit, reltol = reltol.c)
            }else if(optim.method == "L-BFGS-B"){
              control.optim <- list(maxit=maxit, factr = 1/reltol.c)
            }else if(optim.method == "nlminb"){
              control.optim <-  list(rel.tol=reltol.c,iter.max=max.iter,eval.max=maxit)
            suppressWarnings(timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(auglag(objr$par, objr$fn, objr$gr, heq = eval_eq_c, heq.jac = eval_eq_j, control.optim=control.optim, control.outer = list(eps = reltol.c, itmax=maxit, trace = FALSE, kkt2.check = FALSE, method = optim.method), obj = objr),silent = TRUE)))
            local_opts <- list( "algorithm" = optim.method,
                                "xtol_rel" = reltol,
                                "maxeval" = maxit,
                                "tol_constraints_eq" = rep(reltol.c,(num.lv.c+num.RR)*(num.lv.c+num.RR-1)/2))
            opts <- list( "algorithm" = optimizer,
                          "xtol_rel" = reltol,
                          "maxeval" = maxit,
                          "tol_constraints_eq" = rep(reltol.c,(num.lv.c+num.RR)*(num.lv.c+num.RR-1)/2),
                          "local_opts" = local_opts)
            timeo <- system.time(optr <- try(nloptr(x0 = objr$par, eval_f=eval_f, eval_g_eq=eval_g_eq, opts=opts, obj = objr),silent = TRUE))
              optr$convergence <- as.integer(optr$status<0&optr$status!=5)
              #need to return objr$env$last.par.best, because when nloptr hits maxeval it doesn't return the last set of estimates
              optr$par <- objr$env$last.par.best; names(objr$env$last.par.best) <- rep(objr$env$parNameOrder,unlist(lapply(objr$env$parameters,length))); names(optr$par) = names(objr$par);   
                optr[1] <- optr$message
                class(optr) <- "try-error"
        if(inherits(optr,"try-error")) warning(optr[1]);
      #### Extract estimated values
      param <- objr$env$last.par.best
        bi.lv <- names(param)=="b_lv"
        if(randomB!=FALSE)sib <- names(param)=="sigmab_lv"
      bi <- names(param)=="b"
      li <- names(param)=="lambda"
      li2 <- names(param)=="lambda2"
      si <- names(param) == "sigmaLV"
      ui <- names(param)=="u"
      if(num.lv.cor > 0){
        if((num.lv.cor)>0 & corWithin){
        } else{ 
          lvs = matrix(param[ui],nu,num.lv.cor)
          rownames(lvs) =colnames(dLV)
          # lvs = dLV%*%matrix(param[ui],nu,num.lv.cor)
        theta <- matrix(0,p,num.lv.cor)
        sigma.lv <- abs(param[si])
          diag(theta) <- 1 #sigma.lv 
        } else if(num.lv.cor==1) {
          theta[1,1] <- 1 #sigma.lv[1]
        if(p>1) {
          theta[lower.tri(theta[,1:num.lv.cor,drop=F],diag=FALSE)] <- param[li];
        } else {
          theta <- as.matrix(1)
        rho_lvc = as.matrix(param[names(param)=="rho_lvc"])
        if((cstrucn[2] %in% c(1,3))) rho.lv<- param[names(param)=="rho_lvc"] / sqrt(1.0 + param[names(param)=="rho_lvc"]^2);
        if((cstrucn[2] %in% c(2,4))) {
          rho.lv<- exp(param[names(param)=="rho_lvc"]);
          # scaledc<- exp(param[names(param)=="scaledc"]);
      } else if((num.lv+num.lv.c+num.RR) > 0){
        theta <- matrix(0,p,num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR))
        if((num.lv.c+num.RR)>1){diag(theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)])<-1}else if((num.lv.c+num.RR)==1){theta[1,1]<-1}
        if(num.lv>1){diag(theta[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):((num.lv.c+num.RR)+num.lv)])<-1}else if(num.lv==1){theta[1,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):((num.lv.c+num.RR)+num.lv)]<-1}
        if((num.lv+num.lv.c)>0) sigma.lv <- abs(param[si])
          if(p>1) {
            theta[,1:num.lv][lower.tri(theta[,1:num.lv,drop=F],diag=FALSE)] <- param[li];
          } else {
              theta <- as.matrix(1)
              theta <- c(as.matrix(1),-abs(param[li2]))}  
        }else if(num.lv==0&(num.lv.c+num.RR)>0){
          if(p>1) {
            theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)][lower.tri(theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),drop=F],diag=FALSE)] <- param[li];
          } else {
              theta <- as.matrix(1)
              theta <- c(as.matrix(1),-abs(param[li2]))}  
        }else if(num.lv>0&(num.lv.c+num.RR)>0){
          if(p>1) {
            theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR)][lower.tri(theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),drop=F],diag=FALSE)] <- param[li][1:sum(lower.tri(theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),drop=F],diag=FALSE))];
            theta[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):ncol(theta)][lower.tri(theta[,((num.lv.c+num.RR)+1):ncol(theta),drop=F],diag=FALSE)] <- param[li][(sum(lower.tri(theta[,1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),drop=F],diag=FALSE))+1):length(param[li])];
          } else {
              theta <- as.matrix(1)
              theta <- c(as.matrix(1),-abs(param[li2]))}  
        #diag(theta) <- exp(diag(theta)) # !!!
      if(row.eff!=FALSE) {
        ri <- names(param)=="r0"
          if((rstruc ==2 | (rstruc == 1)) & (cstrucn[1] %in% c(1,3))) rho<- param[names(param)=="log_sigma"][2] / sqrt(1.0 + param[names(param)=="log_sigma"][2]^2);
          if((rstruc ==2 | (rstruc == 1)) & (cstrucn[1] %in% c(2,4))) {
            rho<- exp(param[names(param)=="log_sigma"][-1]);
            # scaledc<- exp(param[names(param)=="scaledc"]);
          if((num.lv+num.lv.c)>0 && dependent.row && rstruc==0) sigma <- c(sigma, (param[names(param)=="log_sigma"])[-1])
      betaM <- matrix(param[bi],p,num.X+1,byrow=TRUE)
      beta0 <- betaM[,1]
      if(!is.null(X)) betas=betaM[,-1]
        b.lv <- matrix(param[bi.lv],ncol(lv.X),(num.lv.c+num.RR))
        if(randomB!=FALSE)sigmab_lv <- exp(param[sib])
      new.loglik <- objr$env$value.best[1]

      if(family %in% c("negative.binomial", "tweedie", "ZIP", "ZINB", "gaussian", "gamma", "beta", "betaH", "orderedBeta")) {
        phis <- exp(param[names(param)=="lg_phi"])[disp.group]
        if(family == "ZINB")ZINBphis <- exp(param[names(param)=="lg_phiZINB"])[disp.group]
        if(family %in% c("ZIP","ZINB")) {
          lp0 <- param[names(param)=="lg_phi"][disp.group]; out$lp0 <- lp0
          phis <- exp(lp0)/(1+exp(lp0));
        if(family=="tweedie" && is.null(Power)){
          Power = exp(param[names(param)=="ePower"])/(1+exp(param[names(param)=="ePower"]))+1
      # if(family %in% "betaH"){
      #   bHi <- names(param)=="bH"
      #   betaH <- matrix(param[bHi],p,num.X+1,byrow=TRUE)
      #   if(num.lv>0) {
      #     thetaH[!is.na(map.list$thetaH)] <- param[names(param)=="thetaH"]
      #   }
      # }
      if(family == "ordinal"){
        zetas <- param[names(param)=="zeta"]
          zetanew <- matrix(NA,nrow=p,ncol=K)
          for(j in 1:ncol(y)){
              for(l in 1:k){
          zetanew[,1] <- 0 
          row.names(zetanew) <- colnames(y00); colnames(zetanew) <- paste(min(y00):(max(y00)-1),"|",(min(y00)+1):max(y00),sep="")
          zetanew <- c(0,zetas)
          names(zetanew) <- paste(min(y00):(max(y00)-1),"|",(min(y00)+1):max(y00),sep="")
      if(family == "orderedBeta"){
        zetas <- matrix((param[names(param)=="zeta"])[map.list$zeta],p,2)
        colnames(zetas) = c("cutoff0","cutoff1")
    #### Check if model fit succeeded/improved on this iteration n.i
    out$start <- fit
    # Gradient check with n.i >2 so we don't get poorly converged models - relatively relaxed tolerance
        gr1 <- objrFinal$gr()
        gr1 <- as.matrix(gr1/length(gr1))
        norm.gr1 <- norm(gr1)
        gr1 <- NaN
        norm.gr1 <- NaN
      gr2 <- objr$gr()
      gr2 <- as.matrix(gr2/length(gr2))
      norm.gr2 <- norm(gr2)
      n.i.i <- n.i.i +1
      grad.test1 <- all.equal(norm.gr1, norm.gr2, tolerance = 1, scale = 1)#check if gradients are similar when accepting on log-likelihood
      grad.test2 <- all.equal(norm.gr1, norm.gr2, tolerance = .1, scale = 1)#check if gradient are (sufficiently) different from each other, when accepting on gradient. Slightly more strict for norm(gr2)<norm(gr1)
      n.i.i <- 0
      n.init <- n.i
      warning("n.init.max reached after ", n.i, " iterations.")
    if((n.i==1 || ((is.nan(norm.gr1) && !is.nan(norm.gr2)) || !is.nan(norm.gr2) && ((isTRUE(grad.test1) && out$logL > (new.loglik)) || (!isTRUE(grad.test2) && norm.gr2<norm.gr1))))  && is.finite(new.loglik) && !inherits(optr, "try-error")){
      objrFinal<-objr1 <- objr; optrFinal<-optr1<-optr;n.i.i<-0;
      out$start <- fit
      out$logL <- new.loglik
      if((num.lv+(num.lv.c+num.RR)) > 0) {
        if((num.lv+num.lv.c)>0)out$lvs <- lvs
        out$params$theta <- theta
        if((num.lv+num.lv.c)>0) out$params$sigma.lv  <- sigma.lv
          out$params$LvXcoef <- b.lv
          colnames(out$params$LvXcoef) <- paste("CLV",1:(num.lv.c+num.RR), sep="")
          row.names(out$params$LvXcoef) <- colnames(lv.X)
            out$params$sigmaLvXcoef <- sigmab_lv
            if(randomB=="LV")names(out$params$sigmaLvXcoef) <- paste("CLV",1:(num.lv.c+num.RR), sep="")
            if(randomB=="P")names(out$params$sigmaLvXcoef) <- colnames(lv.X)
            # if(randomB=="all")names(out$params$sigmaLvXcoef) <- paste(paste("CLV",1:(num.lv.c+num.RR),sep=""),rep(colnames(lv.X),each=num.RR+num.lv.c),sep=".")
            if(randomB=="single")names(out$params$sigmaLvXcoef) <- NULL
        if((num.lv+num.lv.c)>0 & !is.null(out$lvs)) if((nrow(out$lvs)==nrow(out$y))) rownames(out$lvs) <- rownames(out$y);
        if(num.lv>0&(num.lv.c+num.RR)==0) {
            colnames(out$params$theta)<- paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep="")
            colnames(out$lvs) <- paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep="")};
            colnames(out$lvs) <- paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep="");
            colnames(out$params$theta)<- c(paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep=""),paste("LV", 1:num.lv, "^2",sep=""));
          rownames(out$params$theta) <- colnames(out$y)
        }else if((num.lv.c+num.RR)>0&num.lv==0) {
              colnames(out$lvs) <- paste("CLV", 1:num.lv.c, sep="")
            colnames(out$params$theta) <- paste("CLV", 1:(num.lv.c+num.RR), sep="")
            if(num.lv.c>0)colnames(out$lvs) <- paste("CLV", 1:num.lv.c, sep="");
            colnames(out$params$theta)<- c(paste("CLV", 1:(num.lv.c+num.RR), sep=""),paste("CLV", 1:(num.lv.c+num.RR), "^2",sep=""));
          rownames(out$params$theta) <- colnames(out$y)
        }else if(num.lv>=1&(num.lv.c+num.RR)>=1){
            colnames(out$params$theta)<- c(paste("CLV", 1:(num.lv.c+num.RR), sep=""),paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep=""))
                colnames(out$lvs)<- c(paste("CLV", 1:num.lv.c, sep=""),paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep=""))
              }else if(num.lv>0&num.lv.c==0){
                colnames(out$lvs)<- paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep="")
            if(num.lv.c>0&num.lv==0){colnames(out$lvs) <-  paste("CLV", 1:num.lv.c, sep="")
            }else if(num.lv>0&num.lv.c==0){colnames(out$lvs) <- paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep="")
            }else if(num.lv>0&num.lv.c>0){colnames(out$lvs) <- c(paste("CLV", 1:num.lv.c, sep=""),paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep=""))}
            colnames(out$params$theta)<- c(paste("CLV", 1:(num.lv.c+num.RR), sep=""),paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep=""),paste("CLV", 1:(num.lv.c+num.RR), "^2",sep=""),paste("LV", 1:num.lv, "^2",sep=""));
          rownames(out$params$theta) <- colnames(out$y)
            names(out$params$sigma.lv)<- c(paste("CLV", 1:num.lv.c, sep=""),paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep=""))
          }else if(num.lv>0&num.lv.c==0){
            names(out$params$sigma.lv)<- paste("LV", 1:num.lv, sep="")
          }else if(num.lv.c>0&num.lv==0){
            names(out$params$sigma.lv)<- paste("LV", 1:num.lv.c, sep="")
      names(beta0) <- colnames(out$y); out$params$beta0 <- beta0;
        betas <- matrix(betas,ncol=ncol(X)); out$params$Xcoef <- betas;
        rownames(out$params$Xcoef) <- colnames(out$y); colnames(out$params$Xcoef) <- colnames(X); 

      # if(family %in% "betaH"){
      #   out$params$betaH <- betaH;
      #   rownames(out$params$betaH) <- colnames(out$y); 
      #   colnames(out$params$betaH) <- paste("c", 1:ncol(betaH))
      #   # colnames(out$params$betaH)[1] <- "Intercept"; 
      #   if(!is.null(X)){ colnames(out$params$betaH) <- c("Intercept",colnames(X)); }
      #   if(num.lv>0) {
      #     out$params$thetaH <- thetaH
      #   }      
      # }

      if(family =="negative.binomial") {
        out$params$inv.phi <- phis;
        out$params$phi <- 1/phis;
        names(out$params$phi) <- colnames(y);
          try(names(out$params$phi) <- names(disp.group),silent=T)
        names(out$params$inv.phi) <-  names(out$params$phi)

      if(family =="ZINB") {
        out$params$ZINB.inv.phi <- ZINBphis;
        out$params$ZINB.phi <- 1/ZINBphis;
        names(out$params$ZINB.phi) <- colnames(y);
          try(names(out$params$ZINB.phi) <- names(disp.group),silent=T)
        names(out$params$ZINB.inv.phi) <-  names(out$params$ZINB.phi)
      if(family %in% c("gaussian", "tweedie", "gamma","beta", "betaH", "orderedBeta")) {
        out$params$phi <- phis;
        names(out$params$phi) <- colnames(y);
          try(names(out$params$phi) <- names(disp.group),silent=T)
      if(family %in% c("ZIP","ZINB")) {
        out$params$phi <- phis;
        names(out$params$phi) <- colnames(y);
          try(names(out$params$phi) <- names(disp.group),silent=T)
      if(row.eff!=FALSE) {
          if((rstruc ==2 | (rstruc == 1)) & (cstrucn[1] %in% c(1,2,3,4))){ 
            out$params$rho <- rho
            # if(cstrucn[1] %in% c(2,4)){ out$params$scaledc=scaledc}
          if((num.lv+num.lv.c)>1 && dependent.row) names(out$params$sigma) <- paste("sigma",c("",1:(num.lv+num.lv.c)), sep = "")
        out$params$row.params <- row.params; 
        if(length(row.params) == n) names(out$params$row.params) <- rownames(out$y)
        if((length(row.params) == ncol(dr)) && (rstruc==1)) try(names(out$params$row.params) <- colnames(dr), silent = TRUE)
      if(num.lv.cor>0 & cstrucn[2]>0){
        out$params$rho.lv <- rho.lv; 
        if(cstrucn[2] %in% c(2,4)){ 
            names(out$params$rho.lv) <- paste("rho.lv",1:length(out$params$rho.lv), sep = "") #[!is.na(map.list$rho_lvc)]
        } else {
          names(out$params$rho.lv) <- paste("rho.lv",1:num.lv.cor, sep = "") 
      if(family %in% c("binomial", "beta")) out$link <- link;
      if(family == "tweedie") out$Power <- Power;
      if(family %in% c("ordinal", "orderedBeta")){
        out$params$zeta <- zetas
      out$row.eff <- row.eff
      out$time <- timeo
      pars <- optr$par
      ## Collect VA covariances
      if((method %in% c("VA", "EVA"))){
        param <- objr$env$last.par.best
        if(num.lv.cor>0 && !corWithin){
          Au <- param[names(param)=="Au"]
          AQ <- NULL
            A <- array(0, dim=c(nu, num.lv.cor, num.lv.cor))
            for (d in 1:(num.lv.cor)){
              for(i in 1:nu){
                A[i,d,d] <- exp(Au[(d-1)*nu+i]);
            if(Astruc>0 & (length(Au)>((num.lv.cor)*nu))){ # var cov Unstructured
              for (d in  1:num.lv.cor){
                while (r <= num.lv.cor){
                  for(i in 1:nu){
                  k=k+1; r=r+1
            for(i in 1:nu){
              A[i,,] <- A[i,,]%*%t(A[i,,])
          } else {
            # A <- array(0, dim=c(nu, nu, num.lv.cor))
              nMax<- num.lv.cor
            } else {
              nMax<- 1
            A <- array(0, dim=c(nu, nu, nMax))
            if(Astruc<3) {
              Au <- param[names(param)=="Au"]
              # Au <- exp(param[names(param)=="Au"])^2
              for (d in 1:(num.lv.cor)){
                A[,,d] <- diag(exp(Au[(d-1)*nu+1:nu]),nu,nu)
                if((Astruc==1) & (length(Au) > nu*num.lv.cor) ){ # unstructured variational covariance
                  for (i in 1:nu){
                    for (r in (i+1):nu){
                } else if((Astruc==2) & (length(Au) > nu*num.lv.cor)) { # bdNN variational covariance
                  arank = nrow(NN);
                  for (r in  1:arank){

            } else {
              # Alvm <- array(objr$report()$Alvm, dim=c(nu, nu, nMax))
              for (d in 1:nMax) {
                if(Astruc %in% c(3,4)){
                  A[,,d] <- objr$report()$Alvm
                  # A[,,d] <- Alvm %*%t(Alvm)
                # else {
                #   A[,,d] <- Alvm[,,d]%*%t(Alvm[,,d])
                # }
            if(Astruc %in% c(3,4)){
              AQ <- matrix(0,num.lv.cor,num.lv.cor)
              AQ <- objr$report()$AQ
              # AQ<-AQ%*%t(AQ)
            # for(d in 1:nMax){ #num.lv.cor
            #   A[,,d] <- A[,,d]%*%t(A[,,d])
            # }
          out$A <- A
          out$AQ <- AQ
        } else if(num.lv.cor>0 && corWithin){
          Au <- param[names(param)=="Au"]
          # A <- array(0, dim=c(times*nu,times*nu,num.lv.cor))
            nMax<- num.lv.cor
          } else {
            nMax<- 1
          A <- array(0, dim=c(times*nu, times*nu, nMax))
          Alvm <- objr$report()$Alvm
          AQ <- NULL
          for (q in 1:nMax) {
            # for (i in  1:nu){
            #   for (r in (1:times)){
            #     A[(i-1)*times+r,(i-1)*times+r,q]=exp(Au[(q-1)*n+(i-1)*times+r]);
            #   }
            # }
            # if(Astruc>0){#var cov
            #   k=0;
            #   if(Astruc %in% c(1,3)){ # var cov struct unstructured
            #     for(i in 1:nu){
            #       for (d in 1:times){
            #         r=d+1
            #         while (r<=(times)){
            #           A[(i-1)*times+r,(i-1)*times+d,q]=Au[nu*times*nMax+k*nMax+q];
            #           k=k+1; r=r+1
            #         }
            #       }
            #     }
            #   } else if(Astruc %in% c(2,4)) { # var cov struct NN
            #     arank = nrow(NN);
            #     for(i in 1:nu){
            #       for (r in (1:arank)){
            #         A[(i-1)*times+NN[r,1],(i-1)*times+NN[r,2],q]=Au[nu*times*nMax+k*nMax+q];
            #         k=k+1;
            #       }
            #     }
            #   }
            # }
            # A[,,q] <- A[,,q]%*%t(A[,,q])
            # Uncomm
            # if(Astruc %in% c(3,4)){
            #   A[,,q] <- Alvm%*%t(Alvm)
            # } else {
            #   A[,,q] <- Alvm[,,q]%*%t(Alvm[,,q])
            # }
          if(Astruc %in% c(3,4)){
            AQ <- matrix(0,num.lv.cor,num.lv.cor)
            AQ <- objr$report()$AQ
          out$AQ <- AQ
          out$A <- A
        } else if(nlvr>0){
          param <- objr$env$last.par.best
          A <- array(0, dim=c(n, nlvr, nlvr))
            lg_Ar <- param[names(param)=="lg_Ar"]
            for(i in 1:n){
              for (r in 2:nlvr){
                for(i in 1:n){
            Au <- param[names(param)=="Au"]
            for (d in 1:(num.lv+num.lv.c)){
              for(i in 1:n){
                A[i,(nlvr-(num.lv+num.lv.c))+ d,(nlvr-(num.lv+num.lv.c))+ d] <- exp(Au[(d-1)*n+i]);
            if(length(Au) > (num.lv+num.lv.c)*n){
              k <- 0;
              for (c1 in 1:(num.lv+num.lv.c)){
                r <- c1 + 1;
                while (r <= (num.lv+num.lv.c)){
                  for(i in 1:n){
                    A[i,(nlvr-(num.lv+num.lv.c))+ r,(nlvr-(num.lv+num.lv.c))+ c1] <- Au[(num.lv+num.lv.c)*n+k*n+i];
                    # A[i,c1,r] <- A[i,r,c1];
                  k <- k+1; r <- r+1;
            for(i in 1:n){
              A[i,,] <- A[i,,]%*%t(A[i,,])
            out$A <- A
          } else {
            out$Ar <- A
        # For random slopes constr. ord.
          param <- objr$env$last.par.best
          AB_lv <- array(0, dim=c(ab3, ab12, ab12))
          Ab_lv <- param[names(param)=="Ab_lv"]
          for (d in 1:ab12){
            for(i in 1:ab3){
              AB_lv[i,d, d] <- exp(Ab_lv[(d-1)*ab3+i]);
          if(length(Ab_lv) > ab12*ab3){
            k <- 0;
            for (c1 in 1:ab12){
              r <- c1 + 1;
              while (r <= ab12){
                for(i in 1:ab3){
                  AB_lv[i,r,c1] <- Ab_lv[ab12*ab3+k*ab3+i];
                  # A[i,c1,r] <- A[i,r,c1];
                k <- k+1; r <- r+1;
          for(i in 1:ab3){
            AB_lv[i,,] <- AB_lv[i,,]%*%t(AB_lv[i,,])
          out$Ab.lv <- AB_lv
        if((num.lv+num.lv.c) == nlvr && row.eff=="random"){
          lg_Ar <- param[names(param)=="lg_Ar"]
          Ar <- exp((lg_Ar)[1:length(out$params$row.params)])
          out$Ar <- Ar
          if(rstruc == 1 && cstrucn[1]>0){
            Arm <- matrix(0,nr,nr)
              for(d in 1:nr){
                r <- d + 1;
                while (r <= nr){
                  Arm[r,d] = lg_Ar[nr+k];
                  k=k+1; r=r+1;
            Arm <- Arm %*% t(Arm)
            out$Ar <- diag(Arm)
          if(rstruc == 2){
            Arm <- array(0, dim = c(times,times,nr));
            for(i in 1:nr){
              for(d in 1:times){
              for(d in 1:times){
                r <- d + 1;
                while (r <= times){
                  for(i in 1:nr){
                  k=k+1; r=r+1;
            for (i in 1:nr) {
              Arm[,,i] <- Arm[,,i] %*% t(Arm[,,i])
            out$Ar <- c(apply(Arm,3,diag))
      seed.best <- seed[n.i]
    n.i <- n.i+1;
  #Store the seed that gave the best results, so that we may reproduce results, even if a seed was not explicitly provided
  out$seed <- seed.best
  if(is.null(formula1)){ out$formula <- formula} else {out$formula <- formula1}
  # DW, 7/5/19: adding TMBfn to output:
  out$TMBfn <- objrFinal
  out$TMBfn$par <- optrFinal$par #ensure params in this fn take final values
  out$convergence <- optrFinal$convergence == 0
  out$logL <- -out$logL
  # if((method %in% c("VA", "EVA"))){ # These have been moved to gllvm.cpp
  #   if(num.lv > 0) out$logL = out$logL + n*0.5*num.lv
  #   if(row.eff == "random") out$logL = out$logL + n*0.5
  #   if(family=="gaussian") {
  #     out$logL <- out$logL - n*p*log(pi)/2
  #   }
  # }


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gllvm documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 5:22 p.m.