
Defines functions glmmTMBcore glmerCore glmmSeq

Documented in glmmSeq

#' GLMM with negative binomial distribution for sequencing count data
#' Fits many generalised linear mixed effects models (GLMM) with negative
#' binomial distribution for analysis of overdispersed count data with random
#' effects. Designed for longitudinal analysis of RNA-Sequencing count data.
#' @param modelFormula the model formula. This must be of the form `"~ ..."`
#'   where the structure is assumed to be `"counts ~ ..."`. The formula must
#'   include a random effects term. For more information on formula structure
#'   for random effects see \code{\link[lme4:glmer]{lme4::glmer()}}
#' @param countdata the sequencing count data matrix with genes in rows and
#'   samples in columns
#' @param metadata a dataframe of sample information with variables in columns
#'   and samples in rows
#' @param id Optional. Used to specify the column in metadata which contains the
#'   sample IDs to be used in repeated samples for random effects. If not
#'   specified, the function defaults to using the variable after the "|" in the
#'   random effects term in the formula.
#' @param dispersion a numeric vector of gene dispersion. Not required for
#'   `glmmTMB` models, as these determine and fit dispersion for each gene.
#' @param sizeFactors size factors (default = NULL). If provided the `glmer` 
#' offset is set to log(sizeFactors). For more information see``
#'  \code{\link[lme4:glmer]{lme4::glmer()}}
#' @param reduced Optional reduced model formula. If this is chosen, a
#'   likelihood ratio test is used to calculate p-values instead of the default
#'   Wald type 2 Chi-squared test.
#' @param modelData Optional dataframe. Default is generated by call to
#'   `expand.grid` using levels of variables in the formula. Used to calculate
#'   model predictions (estimated means & 95% CI) for plotting via [modelPlot].
#'   It can therefore be used to add/remove points in [modelPlot].
#' @param designMatrix custom design matrix, used only for prediction
#' @param method Specifies which package to use for fitting GLMM models. Either
#'   "lme4" or "glmmTMB" depending on whether to use [lme4::glmer] or
#'   [glmmTMB::glmmTMB] to fit GLMM models.
#' @param control the `glmer` optimizer control. If `method = "lme4"` default is
#'   `glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")`). If 
#'   `method = "glmmTMB"` default is `glmmTMBControl()`
#' @param family Only used with `glmmTMB` models. Default is `nbinom2`. See
#'   [glmmTMB::nbinom2]
#' @param cores number of cores to use. Default = 1.
#' @param removeSingles whether to remove individuals without repeated measures
#' (default = FALSE)
#' @param zeroCount numerical value to offset zeroes for the purpose of log
#' (default = 0.125)
#' @param verbose Logical whether to display messaging (default = TRUE)
#' @param returnList Logical whether to return results as a list or `glmmSeq` 
#' object (default = FALSE). Useful for debugging.
#' @param progress Logical whether to display a progress bar
#' @param ... Other parameters to pass to
#' \code{\link[lme4:glmer]{lme4::glmer()}}
#' @return Returns an S4 class `GlmmSeq` object with results for gene-wise
#'   general linear mixed models. A list of results is returned if `returnList`
#'   is `TRUE` which is useful for debugging. If all genes return errors from
#'   `glmer`, then an error message is shown and a character vector containing
#'   error messages for all genes is returned.
#' @details
#' This function is a wrapper for [lme4::glmer()]. By default, p-values for each
#' model term are computed using Wald type 2 Chi-squared test as per
#' [car::Anova()]. The underlying code for this has been optimised for speed.
#' However, if a reduced model formula is specified by setting `reduced`, then a
#' likelihood ratio test is performed instead using [stats::anova]. This will
#' double computation time since two GLMM have to be fitted.
#' Parallelisation is provided using [parallel::mclapply] on Unix/Mac or
#' [parallel::parLapply] on PC.
#' Setting `method = "glmmTMB"` enables an alternative method of fitting GLMM
#' using the `glmmTMB` package. This gives access to a variety of alternative
#' GLM family functions. Note, `glmmTMB` negative binomial models are
#' substantially slower to fit than `glmer` models with known dispersion due to
#' the extra time taken by `glmmTMB` to optimise the dispersion parameter.
#' The `id` argument is usually optional. By default the `id` column in the
#' metadata is determined as the term after the bar in the random effects term
#' of the model. Note that `id` is not passed to `glmer` or `glmmTMB`. It is
#' only really used to remove singletons from the `countdata` matrix and
#' `metadata` dataframe. The `id` is also stored in the output from `glmmSeq`
#' and used by plotting function [modelPlot()]. However, due to its flexible
#' nature, in theory `glmmSeq` should allow for more than one random effect
#' term, although this has not been tested formally. In this case, it is
#' probably prudent to specify a value for `id`.
#' @seealso [lme4::glmer] [lme4::glmerControl] [glmmTMB::glmmTMB]
#'   [glmmTMB::nbinom2] [glmmTMB::glmmTMBControl] [car::Anova]
#' @examples
#' data(PEAC_minimal_load)
#' disp <- apply(tpm, 1, function(x) {
#' (var(x, na.rm = TRUE)-mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))/(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)**2)
#' })
#' MS4A1glmm <- glmmSeq(~ Timepoint * EULAR_6m + (1 | PATID),
#'                      countdata = tpm[1:2, ],
#'                      metadata = metadata,
#'                      dispersion = disp,
#'                      verbose = FALSE)
#' names(attributes(MS4A1glmm))
#' @importFrom MASS negative.binomial
#' @importFrom lme4 subbars findbars glmer fixef glmerControl nobars isSingular
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply detectCores parLapply makeCluster clusterEvalQ
#' clusterExport stopCluster
#' @importFrom pbmcapply pbmclapply
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @importFrom car Anova
#' @importFrom glmmTMB glmmTMB glmmTMBControl nbinom2 sigma
#' @importFrom methods slot new
#' @importFrom stats AIC complete.cases logLik reshape terms vcov pchisq
#'   update.formula model.matrix predict setNames coef
#' @export

glmmSeq <- function(modelFormula,
                    id = NULL,
                    dispersion = NA,
                    sizeFactors = NULL,
                    reduced = NULL,
                    modelData = NULL,
                    designMatrix = NULL,
                    method = c("lme4", "glmmTMB"),
                    control = NULL,
                    family = nbinom2,
                    cores = 1,
                    removeSingles = FALSE,
                    zeroCount = 0.125,
                    verbose = TRUE,
                    returnList = FALSE, 
                    progress = FALSE,
                    ...) {
  glmmcall <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (is.null(control)) {
    control <- switch(method,
                      "lme4" = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"),
                      "glmmTMB" = glmmTMBControl())
  countdata <- as.matrix(countdata)
  # Catch errors
  if (length(findbars(modelFormula)) == 0) {
    stop("No random effects terms specified in formula")
  if (ncol(countdata) != nrow(metadata)) {
    stop("countdata columns different size to metadata rows")
  if (!is.null(sizeFactors) & ncol(countdata) != length(sizeFactors)) {
    stop("Different sizeFactors length")
  if (! is.numeric(zeroCount)) stop("zeroCount must be numeric")
  if (zeroCount < 0) stop("zeroCount must be >= 0")
  if (zeroCount > 0) countdata[countdata == 0] <- zeroCount
  # Manipulate formulae
  fullFormula <- update.formula(modelFormula, count ~ ., simplify = FALSE)
  subFormula <- subbars(modelFormula)
  variables <- rownames(attr(terms(subFormula), "factors"))
  subsetMetadata <- metadata[, variables]
  if (is.null(id)) {
    fb <- findbars(modelFormula)
    id <- sub(".*[|]", "", fb)
    id <- gsub(" ", "", id)
  ids <- as.character(metadata[, id])

  # Option to subset to remove unpaired samples
  if (removeSingles) {
    nonSingles <- names(table(ids))[table(ids) > 1]
    nonSingleIDs <- ids %in% nonSingles
    countdata <- countdata[, nonSingleIDs]
    sizeFactors <- sizeFactors[nonSingleIDs]
    subsetMetadata <- subsetMetadata[nonSingleIDs, ]
    ids <- ids[nonSingleIDs]
  if (!is.null(sizeFactors)) offset <- log(sizeFactors) else offset <- NULL
  if (verbose) cat(paste0("\nn = ", length(ids), " samples, ",
                          length(unique(ids)), " individuals\n"))
  # setup model prediction
  FEformula <- nobars(modelFormula)
  if (is.null(modelData)) {
    reducedVars <- rownames(attr(terms(FEformula), "factors"))
    varLevels <- lapply(reducedVars, function(x) {
      if (is.factor(metadata[, x])) {
        return(levels(subsetMetadata[, x]))
      } else {sort(unique(subsetMetadata[, x]))}
    modelData <- expand.grid(varLevels)
    colnames(modelData) <- reducedVars
    if (method == "glmmTMB") {
      modelData <- cbind(modelData, .id = NA)
      colnames(modelData)[which(colnames(modelData) == ".id")] <- id

  if (is.null(designMatrix)){
    designMatrix <- model.matrix(FEformula, modelData)
  if (is.null(reduced)) {
    test.stat <- "Wald"
    hyp.matrix <- hyp_matrix(fullFormula, metadata, "count")
  } else {
    # LRT
    if (length(findbars(reduced)) == 0) {
      stop("No random effects terms specified in reduced formula")
    subReduced <- subbars(reduced)
    redvars <- rownames(attr(terms(subReduced), "factors"))
    if (any(!redvars %in% variables)) {
      stop("Extra terms in reduced formula not found full formula")
    reduced <- update.formula(reduced, count ~ ., simplify = FALSE)
    test.stat <- "LRT"
    hyp.matrix <- NULL
  start <- Sys.time()
  if (method == "lme4") {
    if (!all(rownames(countdata) %in% names(dispersion))) {
      stop("Some dispersion values are missing")
    fullList <- lapply(rownames(countdata), function(i) {
      list(y = countdata[i, ], dispersion = dispersion[i])
    # For each gene perform a fit
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows" & cores > 1) {
      cl <- makeCluster(cores)
      dots <- list(...)
      varlist <- c("glmerCore", "fullList", "fullFormula", "reduced",
                   "subsetMetadata", "control", "modelData",
                   "offset", "designMatrix", "hyp.matrix", "dots")
      clusterExport(cl, varlist = varlist, envir = environment())
      if (progress) {
        resultList <- pblapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
          args <- c(list(geneList=geneList, fullFormula=fullFormula,
                         data=subsetMetadata, control=control, offset=offset,
                         modelData=modelData, designMatrix=designMatrix,
                         hyp.matrix=hyp.matrix), dots)
          do.call(glmerCore, args)
        }, cl = cl)
      } else {
        resultList <- parLapply(cl = cl, fullList, function(geneList) {
          args <- c(list(geneList=geneList, fullFormula=fullFormula,
                         data=subsetMetadata, control=control, offset=offset,
                         modelData=modelData, designMatrix=designMatrix,
                         hyp.matrix=hyp.matrix), dots)
          do.call(glmerCore, args)
    } else{
      if (progress) {
        resultList <- pbmclapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
          glmerCore(geneList, fullFormula, reduced, subsetMetadata,
                    control, offset, modelData, designMatrix, hyp.matrix, ...)
        }, mc.cores = cores)
        if ("value" %in% names(resultList)) resultList <- resultList$value
      } else {
        resultList <- mclapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
          glmerCore(geneList, fullFormula, reduced, subsetMetadata,
                    control, offset, modelData, designMatrix, hyp.matrix, ...)
        }, mc.cores = cores)
  } else {
    # glmmTMB
    fullList <- lapply(rownames(countdata), function(i) {
      countdata[i, ]
    # For each gene perform a fit
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows" & cores > 1) {
      cl <- makeCluster(cores)
      dots <- list(...)
      varlist <- c("glmmTMBcore", "fullList", "fullFormula", "reduced",
                   "subsetMetadata", "family", "control",
                   "modelData", "offset", "designMatrix", "hyp.matrix", "dots")
      clusterExport(cl, varlist = varlist, envir = environment())
      if (progress) {
        resultList <- pblapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
          args <- c(list(geneList=geneList, fullFormula=fullFormula,
                         data=subsetMetadata, family=family, control=control,
                         offset=offset, modelData=modelData,
                         designMatrix=designMatrix, hyp.matrix=hyp.matrix), dots)
          do.call(glmmTMBcore, args)
        }, cl = cl)
      } else {
        resultList <- parLapply(cl = cl, fullList, function(geneList) {
          args <- c(list(geneList=geneList, fullFormula=fullFormula,
                         data=subsetMetadata, family=family, control=control,
                         offset=offset, modelData=modelData,
                         designMatrix=designMatrix, hyp.matrix=hyp.matrix), dots)
          do.call(glmmTMBcore, args)
    } else{
      if (progress) {
        resultList <- pbmclapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
          glmmTMBcore(geneList, fullFormula, reduced, subsetMetadata, family,
                    control, offset, modelData, designMatrix, hyp.matrix, ...)
        }, mc.cores = cores)
        if ("value" %in% names(resultList)) resultList <- resultList$value
      } else {
        resultList <- mclapply(fullList, function(geneList) {
          glmmTMBcore(geneList, fullFormula, reduced, subsetMetadata, family,
                    control, offset, modelData, designMatrix, hyp.matrix, ...)
        }, mc.cores = cores)
  if(returnList) return(resultList)
  # Output
  names(resultList) <- rownames(countdata)
  noErr <- vapply(resultList, function(x) x$tryErrors == "", FUN.VALUE = TRUE)
  if (sum(noErr) == 0) { 
    message("All genes returned an error. Check call. Check sufficient data in each group")
    outputErrors <- vapply(resultList[!noErr], function(x) {x$tryErrors},
                           FUN.VALUE = c("test"))
  # Print timing if verbose
  end <- Sys.time()
  if (verbose) print(end - start)
  predList <- lapply(resultList[noErr], "[[", "predict")
  outputPredict <- do.call(rbind, predList)
  outLabels <- apply(modelData, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "_"))
  colnames(outputPredict) <- c(paste0("y_", outLabels),
                               paste0("LCI_", outLabels),
                               paste0("UCI_", outLabels))
  optInfo <- t(vapply(resultList[noErr], function(x) {
    setNames(x$optinfo, c("Singular", "Conv"))
  }, FUN.VALUE = c(1, 1)))
  s <- organiseStats(resultList[noErr], "Wald")
  meanExp <- rowMeans(log2(countdata[noErr, , drop = FALSE] +1))
  s$res <- cbind(s$res, meanExp)
  if (method == "lme4") {
    if (sum(!noErr) != 0) {
      if (verbose) cat(paste("Errors in", sum(!noErr), "gene(s):",
                              paste(names(noErr)[! noErr], collapse = ", ")))
      outputErrors <- vapply(resultList[!noErr], function(x) {x$tryErrors},
                             FUN.VALUE = c("test"))
    } else {outputErrors <- c("No errors")}
  } else {
    # glmmTMB
    err <- is.na(s$res[, 'AIC'])
    if (any(err)) {
      if (verbose) cat(paste("Errors in", sum(err), "gene(s):",
                              paste(names(err)[err], collapse = ", ")))
      outputErrors <- vapply(resultList[err], function(x) {x$message},
                             FUN.VALUE = character(1))
    } else outputErrors <- c("No errors")
  # Create GlmmSeq object with results
      info = list(call = glmmcall,
                  offset = offset,
                  designMatrix = designMatrix,
                  method = method,
                  control = control,
                  family = substitute(family),
                  test.stat = test.stat,
                  dispersion = dispersion),
      formula = fullFormula,
      stats = s,
      predict = outputPredict,
      reduced = reduced,
      countdata = countdata,
      metadata = subsetMetadata,
      modelData = modelData,
      optInfo = optInfo,
      errors = outputErrors,
      vars = list(id = id,
                  removeSingles = removeSingles)

glmerCore <- function(geneList, fullFormula, reduced, data, control, offset,
                      modelData, designMatrix, hyp.matrix, ...) {
  data[, "count"] <- geneList$y
  disp <- geneList$dispersion
  fit <- try(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
    lme4::glmer(fullFormula, data = data, control = control, offset = offset,
                family = MASS::negative.binomial(theta = 1/disp), ...)
  )), silent = TRUE)
  if (!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
    # intercept dropped genes
    if (length(attr(fit@pp$X, "msgRankdrop")) > 0)  {
      return( list(stats = NA, predict = NA, optinfo = NA,
                   tryErrors = attr(fit@pp$X, "msgRankdrop")) )
    stdErr <- suppressWarnings(coef(summary(fit))[, 2])
    singular <- as.numeric(lme4::isSingular(fit))
    conv <- length(slot(fit, "optinfo")$conv$lme4$messages)
    vcov. <- suppressWarnings(as.matrix(vcov(fit, complete = FALSE)))
    fixedEffects <- fixef(fit)
    stats <- setNames(c(disp, AIC(fit),
                      c("Dispersion", "AIC", "logLik"))
    if (is.null(reduced)) {
      test <- lmer_wald(fixedEffects, hyp.matrix, vcov.)
    } else {
      # LRT
      fit2 <- try(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
        lme4::glmer(reduced, data = data, control = control, offset = offset,
                    family = MASS::negative.binomial(theta = 1/disp), ...)
      )), silent = TRUE)
      if (!inherits(fit2, "try-error")) {
        lrt <- anova(fit, fit2)
        test <- list(chisq = setNames(lrt$Chisq[2], "LRT"), df = lrt$Df[2])
      } else {
        test <- list(chisq = NA, df = NA)
    newY <- predict(fit, newdata = modelData, re.form = NA)
    a <- designMatrix %*% vcov.
    b <- as.matrix(a %*% t(designMatrix))
    predVar <- diag(b)
    newSE <- sqrt(predVar)
    newLCI <- exp(newY - newSE * 1.96)
    newUCI <- exp(newY + newSE * 1.96)
    predictdf <- c(exp(newY), newLCI, newUCI)
    # rm(fit, data)
    return(list(stats = stats,
                coef = fixedEffects,
                stdErr = stdErr,
                chisq = test$chisq,
                df = test$df,
                predict = predictdf,
                optinfo = c(singular, conv),
                tryErrors = "") )
  } else {
    return(list(stats = NA, coef = NA, stdErr = NA, chisq = NA, df = NA,
                predict = NA, optinfo = NA, tryErrors = fit[1]))

glmmTMBcore <- function(geneList, fullFormula, reduced, data, family, control,
                        offset, modelData, designMatrix, hyp.matrix, ...) {
  data[, "count"] <- geneList
  fit <- try(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
    glmmTMB(fullFormula, data, family, control = control, offset = offset, ...)
  )), silent = TRUE)
  if (!inherits(fit, "try-error")) {
    singular <- conv <- NA
    stdErr <- suppressWarnings(coef(summary(fit))$cond[, 2])
    vcov. <- vcov(fit)$cond
    fixedEffects <- fixef(fit)$cond
    disp <- sigma(fit)
    msg <- fit$fit$message
    stats <- setNames(c(disp, AIC(fit),
                      c("Dispersion", "AIC", "logLik"))
    if (is.null(reduced)) {
      test <- lmer_wald(fixedEffects, hyp.matrix, vcov.)
    } else {
      # LRT
      fit2 <- try(suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
        glmmTMB(reduced, data, family, control = control, offset = offset, ...)
      )), silent = TRUE)
      if (!inherits(fit2, "try-error")) {
        lrt <- anova(fit, fit2)
        test <- list(chisq = setNames(lrt$Chisq[2], "LRT"),
                     df = lrt[2, 'Chi Df'])
      } else {
        test <- list(chisq = NA, df = NA)
    newY <- predict(fit, newdata = modelData, re.form = NA)
    a <- designMatrix %*% vcov.
    b <- as.matrix(a %*% t(designMatrix))
    predVar <- diag(b)
    newSE <- suppressWarnings(sqrt(predVar))
    newLCI <- exp(newY - newSE * 1.96)
    newUCI <- exp(newY + newSE * 1.96)
    predictdf <- c(exp(newY), newLCI, newUCI)
    # rm(fit, data)
    return(list(stats = stats,
                coef = fixedEffects,
                stdErr = stdErr,
                chisq = test$chisq,
                df = test$df,
                predict = predictdf,
                optinfo = c(singular, conv),
                message = msg,
                tryErrors = "") )
  } else {
    return(list(stats = NA, coef = NA, stdErr = NA, chisq = NA, df = NA,
                predict = NA, optinfo = NA, tryErrors = fit[1]))

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glmmSeq documentation built on Oct. 8, 2022, 5:05 p.m.