
Defines functions `[<-.bigz` `[.bigz` `[[<-.bigz` `[[.bigz` solve.bigz factorize lucnum2 lucnum fibnum2 fibnum chooseZ factorialZ sizeinbase urand.bigz gcdex nextprime isprime all.equal.bigz unique.bigz duplicated.bigz rep.bigz c.bigz c_bigz sum.bigz prod.bigz min.bigz max.bigz log10.bigz log.bigz ln.bigz log2.bigz cumsum.bigz gamma.bigz round.bigz trunc.bigz ceiling.bigz sign.bigz abs.bigz Math.bigz lg2.invFrexp frexpZ is.infinite.bigz is.whole.bigz is.finite.bigz is.na.bigz is.whole.default is.whole neq.big eq.big gte.big lte.big gt.big lt.big neq.bigz eq.bigz gte.bigz lte.bigz gt.bigz lt.bigz powm `modulus<-.bigz` `modulus<-` modulus.bigz modulus length.bigz .bigz2num as.integer.bigz as.double.bigz formatN.default formatN.double formatN.bigz formatN.integer formatN as.character.bigz ..as.bigz .as.bigz as.bigz print.bigz lcm.bigz lcm.default gcd.bigz gcd.default gcd inv.bigz pow.bigz .mod.bigz mod.bigz div.bigz divq.bigz mul.bigz sub.bigz add.bigz is.bigq is.bigz

Documented in abs.bigz add.bigz ..as.bigz .as.bigz as.bigz as.character.bigz as.double.bigz c_bigz c.bigz chooseZ cumsum.bigz div.bigz divq.bigz factorialZ factorize fibnum fibnum2 formatN formatN.bigz formatN.default formatN.double formatN.integer frexpZ gcd gcd.bigz gcd.default gcdex inv.bigz is.bigq is.bigz is.na.bigz isprime is.whole is.whole.bigz is.whole.default lcm.bigz lcm.default length.bigz log10.bigz log2.bigz log.bigz lucnum lucnum2 max.bigz min.bigz mod.bigz modulus modulus.bigz mul.bigz nextprime pow.bigz powm print.bigz prod.bigz rep.bigz sign.bigz sizeinbase solve.bigz sub.bigz sum.bigz urand.bigz

is.bigz <- function(x) is.raw(x) && inherits(x, "bigz")
is.bigq <- function(x) is.raw(x) && inherits(x, "bigq")

setGeneric("asNumeric", useAsDefault = function(x) {
    if(is.numeric(x)) x else if(is.atomic(x)) {
        storage.mode(x) <- "numeric"; x }
    else as(x, "numeric")

#  Author        : Immanuel Scholz (immanuel.scholz@gmx.de)
#		   Technische Universitaet Dresden
#  Brief         : Stub to call the dll functions
#  Licence       : GPL (>= 2)

add.bigz <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(inherits(e2, "bigq"))
        .Call(bigrational_add, e1, e2)
    else .Call(biginteger_add, e1, e2)

sub.bigz <- function(e1, e2=NULL)
        .Call(biginteger_sub, 0, e1)
    ## else if(inherits(e2, "bigq"))
    ##     .Call(bigrational_sub, e1, e2)
        .Call(biginteger_sub, e1, e2)

mul.bigz <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(inherits(e2, "bigq"))
        .Call(bigrational_mul, e1, e2)
    else .Call(biginteger_mul, e1, e2)

## divq : integer division
"%/%.bigz" <- divq.bigz <- function(e1, e2) {
   if(inherits(e2, "bigq")) {
           e2 <- as.bigz(e2)
           stop("In 'n %/% d', d must be integer")
   .Call(biginteger_divq, e1, e2)

## div : division of integers -> either rational or (mod) integer division
div.bigz <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(inherits(e2, "bigq"))
        .Call(bigrational_div, e1, e2)
    else .Call(biginteger_div, e1, e2)

"%%.bigz" <- mod.bigz <- function(e1, e2) {
   if(inherits(e2, "bigq")) {
           e2 <- as.bigz(e2)
           stop("In 'n %% d', d must be integer")
   .Call(biginteger_mod, e1, e2)
.mod.bigz <- function(e1, e2) .Call(biginteger_mod, e1, e2)

pow.bigz <- function(e1, e2,...) {
    if(inherits(e2, "bigq"))
        pow.bigq(e1, e2)
    else .Call(biginteger_pow, e1, e2)

##' Inverse:  inv(a,b) := (1 / a) (modulo b)
inv.bigz <- function(a,b,...) .Call(biginteger_inv,a,b)

"!.bigz" <- function(a) a == 0

## as.boolean(x): x != 0

"|.bigz" <- function(a,b) {
	 a1 = a != 0
	 b1 = b != 0
	 a1 | b1

"&.bigz" <- function(a,b) {
	 a1 = a != 0
	 b1 = b != 0
	 a1 & b1

"xor.bigz" <- function(x,y) {
	 a1 = x != 0
	 b1 = y != 0
	 xor(a1 , b1)

gcd <- function(a,b)
gcd.default <- function(a,b) as.integer(gcd.bigz(a,b))
gcd.bigz <- function(a,b) .Call(biginteger_gcd,a,b)

## just because lcm() is a trivial function in 'graphics' .. hmm
##lcm <- function(a,b)
##      UseMethod("lcm")

lcm.default <- function(a,b)
lcm.bigz <- function(a,b) .Call(biginteger_lcm,a,b)

print.bigz <- function(x, quote = FALSE, initLine = is.null(modulus(x)), ...)
  if((n <- length(x)) > 0) {
    if(initLine) {
      cat("Big Integer ('bigz') ")
      kind <- if(!is.null(nr <- attr(x, "nrow")))
        sprintf("%d x %d matrix", nr, n/nr)
      else if(n > 1) sprintf("object of length %d", n) else ""
      cat(kind,":\n", sep="")
    print(as.character(x), quote = quote, ...)

as.bigz <- function(a, mod = NA)
  if(isZ <- missing(mod) && inherits(a, "bigz"))
    mod <- modulus(a) # possibly NULL
  if(is.null(mod)) mod <- NA
  if(!isZ && inherits(a, "bigq"))
    as.bigz.bigq(a, mod)
    .Call(biginteger_as, a, mod)

## the .as*() functions are exported for Rmpfr
.as.bigz <- function(a, mod = NA) {
  if(inherits(a, "bigq")) as.bigz.bigq(a, mod) else .Call(biginteger_as, a, mod)
..as.bigz <- function(a, mod = NA) .Call(biginteger_as, a, mod)

.as.char.bigz <-
as.character.bigz <-
    function(x, b = 10L, ...) .Call(biginteger_as_character, x, b)

##' format() Numbers such as to distinguish  bigz, integer, double, mpfr, etc
formatN <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("formatN")
formatN.integer <- function(x, ...) paste0(as.character(x, ...), "L")
formatN.bigz    <- function(x, ...) {
    r <- as.character(x, ...)
    if(any(noMod <- is.null(modulus(x))))
	r[noMod] <- paste0(r[noMod],"_Z")
formatN.double	<- function(x, ...) {
    r <- vapply(x, format, "", ...)
    if(any(intLike <- !grepl("[^-0-9]",r)))
	r[intLike] <- paste0(r[intLike],".")
##' Default Method: Use the standard format() --- e.g. for complex
formatN.default <- function(x, ...) format(x, ...)

as.double.bigz  <- function(x,...) .Call(biginteger_as_numeric, x)
as.integer.bigz <- function(x,...) .Call(biginteger_as_integer, x)

.bigz2num <- function(x) {
    r <- .Call(biginteger_as_numeric, x)
    if(!is.null(d <- dim(x))) dim(r) <- d
setMethod("asNumeric", "bigz", .bigz2num)

length.bigz <- function(x) .Call(biginteger_length, x)

"length<-.bigz"<- function(x, value) .Call(biginteger_setlength, x, value)

modulus      <- function(a) UseMethod("modulus")
modulus.bigz <- function(a) attr(a, "mod")

`modulus<-`      <- function(a, value) UseMethod("modulus<-")
`modulus<-.bigz` <- function(a, value) as.bigz(a, value)

## inv <- function(a,...) UseMethod("inv")

## pow <- function(a,...) UseMethod("pow")

powm <- function(x,y, n) .Call(biginteger_powm, x,y,n)

## <op>.bigz(): *not* used
lt.bigz  <- function(e1, e2) .Call(biginteger_lt, e1, e2)
gt.bigz  <- function(e1, e2) .Call(biginteger_gt, e1, e2)
lte.bigz <- function(e1, e2) .Call(biginteger_lte, e1, e2)
gte.bigz <- function(e1, e2) .Call(biginteger_gte, e1, e2)
eq.bigz  <- function(e1, e2) .Call(biginteger_eq, e1, e2)
neq.bigz <- function(e1, e2) .Call(biginteger_neq, e1, e2)

lt.big <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(!is.bigq(e1) && !is.bigq(e2)) # try integer
        .Call(biginteger_lt, e1, e2)
        .Call(bigrational_lt, e1, e2)
gt.big <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(!is.bigq(e1) && !is.bigq(e2)) # try integer
        .Call(biginteger_gt, e1, e2)
        .Call(bigrational_gt, e1, e2)

lte.big <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(!is.bigq(e1) && !is.bigq(e2)) # try integer
        .Call(biginteger_lte, e1, e2)
        .Call(bigrational_lte, e1, e2)
gte.big <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(!is.bigq(e1) && !is.bigq(e2)) # try integer
        .Call(biginteger_gte, e1, e2)
        .Call(bigrational_gte, e1, e2)
eq.big <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(!is.bigq(e1) && !is.bigq(e2)) # try integer
        .Call(biginteger_eq, e1, e2)
        .Call(bigrational_eq, e1, e2)
neq.big <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(!is.bigq(e1) && !is.bigq(e2)) # try integer
        .Call(biginteger_neq, e1, e2)
        .Call(bigrational_neq, e1, e2)

is.whole <- function(x) UseMethod("is.whole")
is.whole.default <- function(x) {
    n <- length(x)
    if(is.atomic(x)) {
        if(is.integer(x) || is.logical(x))
            return(rep.int(TRUE, n))
            return(x == floor(x))
            return(x == round(x))
    ## else:
    logical(n) ## == rep.int(FALSE, length(x))

is.na.bigz <- function(x) .Call(biginteger_is_na, x)
is.finite.bigz <- function(x) !is.na.bigz(x) # otherwise all are finite
is.whole.bigz <- function(x) rep.int(TRUE, length(x))
is.infinite.bigz <- function(x) rep.int(FALSE, length(x))

frexpZ <- function(x) .Call(bigI_frexp, x)

##' @title log2(Inverse of frexpZ(a))
##' @param L list(d = ., exp = .)
##' @return numeric vector
##' @author Martin Maechler
lg2.invFrexp <- function(L) {
    stopifnot(is.list(L), is.numeric(d <- L$d), is.numeric(ex <- L$exp),
	      (length(d)) == length(ex))
    ex + log2(d)

###------------------------- 'Math' S3 group ------------------------------

## o 'abs', 'sign', 'sqrt',
##   'floor', 'ceiling', 'trunc',
##   'round', 'signif'
## o 'exp', 'log', 'expm1', 'log1p',
##   'cos', 'sin', 'tan',
##   'acos', 'asin', 'atan'
##   'cosh', 'sinh', 'tanh',
##   'acosh', 'asinh', 'atanh'
## o 'lgamma', 'gamma', 'digamma', 'trigamma'
## o 'cumsum', 'cumprod', 'cummax', 'cummin'

## Most 'Math' group functions should go via CRAN package 'Rmpfr' :
Math.bigz <- function(x, ...) {
    if(requireNamespace("Rmpfr", quietly=TRUE)) {
        NextMethod(Rmpfr::.bigz2mpfr(x)) # FIXME use ..bigz2mpfr (two '.') in future
        stop("Math group method ", dQuote(.Generic),
             "is available via CRAN R package 'Rmpfr'.\n",
             "Install it and try again")


abs.bigz <- function(x) .Call(biginteger_abs,x)
sign.bigz <- function(x) .Call(biginteger_sgn,x)

floor.bigz <- ceiling.bigz <- function(x) x
trunc.bigz <- function(x, ...) x
round.bigz <- function(x, digits=0) {
    ## round(x * 10^d) / 10^d
    stopifnot(length(digits) == 1L)
    if(digits >= 0)
    else { # digits < 0
        p10 <- as.bigz(10) ^ -digits # still bigz
        round(x / p10) * p10

gamma.bigz <- function(x) factorialZ(x-1)

cumsum.bigz <- function(x) .Call(biginteger_cumsum, x)
## TODO: add cummax(), cummin(), cumprod()

log2.bigz <- function(x) .Call(biginteger_log2, x)
## not exported:
ln.bigz	 <- function(x) .Call(biginteger_log, x)
log.bigz <- function(x, base=exp(1))

log10.bigz <- function(x) ln.bigz(x) / log(10)

##------------end{'Math'} group -------------------------------------

###------------------------- 'Summary' S3 group ------------------------------
##---- "max"   "min"   "range" "prod"  "sum"   "any"   "all"  -----

max.bigz <- function(...,na.rm=FALSE)
    X <- c.bigz(...)
    if(inherits(X, "bigq"))
        .Call(bigrational_max, X, na.rm)
    else .Call(biginteger_max, X, na.rm)


min.bigz <- function(...,na.rm=FALSE)
    X <- c.bigz(...)
    if(inherits(X, "bigq"))
        .Call(bigrational_min, X, na.rm)
    else .Call(biginteger_min, X, na.rm)

## range(): works automatically via  range.default() and the above min(), max()

prod.bigz <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE)
    X <- c.bigz(...)
    if(inherits(X, "bigq"))
        .Call(bigrational_prod, if(na.rm) X[!is.na(X)] else X)
    else .Call(biginteger_prod, if(na.rm) X[!is.na(X)] else X)

sum.bigz <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE)
    X <- c.bigz(...)
    if(inherits(X, "bigq"))
        .Call(bigrational_sum, if(na.rm) X[!is.na(X)] else X)
    else .Call(biginteger_sum, if(na.rm) X[!is.na(X)] else X)
##------------end{Summary group}------------------------------------

## FIXME: implement faster in C
setMethod("which.max", "bigz", function(x) which.max(x == max(x)))
setMethod("which.min", "bigz", function(x) which.max(x == min(x)))

##' to be applied e.g. to the result of  lapply(<bigz>, Fn)
c_bigz <- function(L) .Call(biginteger_c, L)

c.bigz <- function(..., recursive = FALSE)
    argL <- list(...)
    if(any(vapply(argL, inherits, NA, what="bigq")))

## This is practically identical to  grid :: rep.unit :
rep.bigz <- function(x, times=1, length.out=NA, each=1, ...) {
    ## if (length(x) == 0)
    ##	   stop("invalid 'unit' object")
    if(!missing(times) && missing(length.out) && missing(each))
        .Call(biginteger_rep, x, times)
    else {
	## Determine an appropriate index, then call subsetting code
	x[ rep(seq_along(x), times=times, length.out=length.out, each=each) ]

duplicated.bigz <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...) {
    x <- as.character(x) # lazy and inefficient --> TODO in C++
    NextMethod("duplicated", x)

unique.bigz <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...)
    x[!duplicated(x, incomparables, ...)]

all.equal.bigz <- function(target, current, ...) {
        return(all.equal.bigq(target, current, ...))
    ## Using  tolerance = 0  --- implicitly below
    if(length(target) != length(current))
        return("lengths differ")
    if(!identical(dim(target), dim(current)))
        return("dimensions differ")
    target <- as.vector(target)
    current <- as.vector(current)
    ina <- is.na(target)
    if(any(ina != is.na(current)))
	paste("'is.NA' value mismatch:", sum(is.na(current)),
                     "in current", sum(ina), "in target")
    else if(all(ina | target == current)) # equal NAs _or_ numbers
        "'target'(bigz) and 'current' differ"

# Isprime, return:
#   0 if not prime
#   1 if probably prime
#   2 if prime
isprime <- function(n,reps=40)
    .Call(biginteger_is_prime, n, as.integer(reps))

nextprime <- function(n) .Call(biginteger_nextprime, n)

gcdex <- function(a, b) .Call(biginteger_gcdex, a, b)

urand.bigz <- function(nb=1, size=200, seed=0)
    ok <- (seed != 0)

sizeinbase <- function(a, b=10)
    if(as.integer(b) < 2)
        stop("base must be >= 2")
    .Call(biginteger_sizeinbase, a, as.integer(b))

factorialZ  <- function(n) .Call(bigI_factorial, as.integer(n))
chooseZ  <- function(n, k) .Call(bigI_choose,  n, as.integer(k))

fibnum  <- function(n) .Call(bigI_fibnum,  as.integer(n))
fibnum2 <- function(n) .Call(bigI_fibnum2, as.integer(n))

lucnum  <- function(n) .Call(bigI_lucnum,  as.integer(n))
lucnum2 <- function(n) .Call(bigI_lucnum2, as.integer(n))

factorize <- function(n) .Call(factorR, as.bigz(n))

solve.bigz <- function(a, b,...)
      .Call(inverse_z, a)
      .Call(solve_z, a, b)

`[[.bigz` <- function(x, i=NA) .Call(biginteger_get_at, x, i)

`[[<-.bigz` <- function(x, i=NA, value)
    .Call(biginteger_set_at, x, i, value)

`[.bigz` <- function(x, i=NULL, j=NULL, drop=TRUE)

  mdrop <- missing(drop)
  Narg <- nargs() - (!mdrop)
  # matrix access [i,j] [,j] [i,]
  # vector access [i]
  matrixAccess = Narg > 2
  has.j <- !missing(j)
  if(!is.null(attr(x, "nrow")) & matrixAccess) { ## matrix
    .Call(matrix_get_at_z, x, i,j)
  } else { ## non-matrix
    if(has.j) stop("invalid vector subsetting")

    r <- .Call(biginteger_get_at, x, i)
    attr(r,"nrow") <- NULL

`[<-.bigz` <- function(x, i=NULL, j=NULL, value)

  # matrix access [i,j] [,j] [i,]
  # vector access [i]
  matrixAccess = nargs() > 3

  has.j <- !missing(j)
  if(!is.null(attr(x, "nrow")) & matrixAccess) { ## matrix
      .Call(matrix_set_at_z, x, value, i,j)
  } else { ## non-matrix 
    if(has.j) stop("invalid vector subsetting")
    r <- .Call(biginteger_set_at, x, i, value) 
    attr(r,"nrow") <- attr(x, "nrow")

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