
Defines functions prod.bigq sum.bigq min.bigq max.bigq `[<-.bigq` `[.bigq` `[[<-.bigq` `[[.bigq` solve.bigq all.equal.bigq mean.bigq rep.bigq c.bigq c_bigq cumsum.bigq round.bigq roundQ round0 round0 ceiling.bigq floor.bigq trunc.bigq sign.bigq abs.bigq Math.bigq is.atomic.bigq is.infinite.bigq is.finite.bigq is.whole.bigq is.na.bigq neq.bigq eq.bigq gte.bigq lte.bigq gt.bigq lt.bigq `length<-.bigq` length.bigq as.bigz.bigq numerator denominator .bigq2num as.integer.bigq as.double.bigq formatN.bigq as.character.bigq as.bigq print.bigq pow.big pow.bigq div.big div.bigq mul.big mul.bigq sub.big .sub.bigq sub.bigq add.big add.bigq

Documented in abs.bigq add.bigq as.bigq as.bigz.bigq as.character.bigq as.double.bigq c_bigq c.bigq cumsum.bigq denominator div.bigq formatN.bigq is.na.bigq is.whole.bigq length.bigq max.bigq min.bigq mul.bigq numerator pow.bigq print.bigq prod.bigq rep.bigq round0 round.bigq roundQ sign.bigq solve.bigq .sub.bigq sub.bigq sum.bigq

#  Author        : Antoine Lucas (adapted from biginteger class made by
#                                 Immanuel Scholz)
#  Brief         : Stub to call the dll functions
#  Licence       : GPL (>= 2)

add.bigq <- function(e1, e2) .Call(bigrational_add, e1, e2)
add.big <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(!is.bigq(e1) && !is.bigq(e2)) # try integer
        .Call(biginteger_add, e1, e2)
        .Call(bigrational_add, e1, e2)

## the 'e2=NULL' has been documented forever
sub.bigq <- function(e1, e2=NULL) {
        .Call(bigrational_sub, 0,e1)
## simple version:
.sub.bigq <- function(e1, e2) .Call(bigrational_sub,e1,e2)

sub.big <- function(e1, e2=NULL) {
    if(!is.bigq(e1) && !is.bigq(e2)) # try integer
        sub.bigz(e1, e2)
    else if(is.null(e2))
        .Call(bigrational_sub, 0,e1)

mul.bigq <- function(e1, e2) .Call(bigrational_mul, e1, e2)
mul.big <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(!is.bigq(e1) && !is.bigq(e2)) # try integer
        .Call(biginteger_mul, e1, e2)
        .Call(bigrational_mul, e1, e2)

div.bigq <- function(e1, e2) .Call(bigrational_div, e1, e2)
div.big <- function(e1, e2) {
    if(!is.bigq(e1) && !is.bigq(e2)) # try integer
        .Call(biginteger_div, e1, e2)
        .Call(bigrational_div, e1, e2)

pow.bigq <- function(e1, e2) {
	stop("<bigq> ^ <non-int>  is not rational; consider  require(Rmpfr); mpfr(*) ^ *")
    .Call(bigrational_pow, e1, as.bigz(e2))
pow.big <- function(e1, e2) {
	stop("<bigq> ^ <non-int>  is not rational; consider  require(Rmpfr); mpfr(*) ^ *")
        .Call(biginteger_pow, e1, as.bigz(e2))
        .Call(bigrational_pow, e1, as.bigz(e2))

print.bigq <- function(x, quote = FALSE, initLine = TRUE, ...)
  if((n <- length(x)) > 0) {
    if(initLine) {
      cat("Big Rational ('bigq') ")
      kind <- if(!is.null(nr <- attr(x, "nrow")))
        sprintf("%d x %d matrix", nr, n/nr)
      else if(n > 1) sprintf("object of length %d", n) else ""
      cat(kind,":\n", sep="")
    print(as.character(x), quote = quote, ...)

as.bigq <- function(n, d = 1L)
    .Call(bigrational_as, n, d)

as.character.bigq <- function(x, b = 10L, ...)
    .Call(bigrational_as_character, x, b)

formatN.bigq	<- function(x, ...) {
    r <- as.character(x, ...)
    if(any(iI <- is.whole.bigq(x)))
	r[iI] <- paste0(r[iI],"/1")

as.double.bigq <- function(x,...) .Call(bigrational_as_numeric, x)
## maybe sub-optimal, but at least "R-consistent" in warnings/errors...:
as.integer.bigq <- function(x,...) as.integer(.Call(bigrational_as_numeric, x))

.bigq2num <- function(x) {
    ## cat(".bigq2num():\n")
    r <- .Call(bigrational_as_numeric, x)
    if(!is.null(d <- dim(x))) dim(r) <- d
setMethod("asNumeric", "bigq", .bigq2num)

denominator <- function(x) {
  r <- .Call(bigrational_den,x)
  if(!is.null(d <- dim(x))) dim(r) <- d

"denominator<-" <- function(x,value)

numerator <- function(x) {
    r <- .Call(bigrational_num,x)
    if(!is.null(d <- dim(x))) dim(r) <- d

"numerator<-" <- function(x,value)

as.bigz.bigq <- function(a, mod = NA)
  ## "FIXME":  considerably faster in C / C++
  if(any(ina <- is.na.bigq(a))) {
    r <- rep.bigz(NA_bigz_, length(a))
    if(any(ii <- !ina)) {
	a <- a[ii]
	r[ii] <- as.bigz(numerator(a) %/% denominator(a), mod[ii])
    attr(r,"nrow") <- attr(a, "nrow")
  else # no NA's
    as.bigz(numerator(a) %/% denominator(a), mod)

length.bigq<- function(x) .Call(bigrational_length, x)
`length<-.bigq` <- function(x, value) .Call(bigrational_setlength, x, value)

## <op>.bigq(): *not* used
lt.bigq  <- function(e1, e2) .Call(bigrational_lt, e1, e2)
gt.bigq  <- function(e1, e2) .Call(bigrational_gt, e1, e2)
lte.bigq <- function(e1, e2) .Call(bigrational_lte, e1, e2)
gte.bigq <- function(e1, e2) .Call(bigrational_gte, e1, e2)
eq.bigq  <- function(e1, e2) .Call(bigrational_eq, e1, e2)
neq.bigq <- function(e1, e2) .Call(bigrational_neq, e1, e2)

is.na.bigq <- function(x) .Call(bigrational_is_na, x)
is.whole.bigq <- function(x) .Call(bigrational_is_int, x)
is.finite.bigq <- function(x) !is.na.bigq(x) # otherwise all are finite
is.infinite.bigq <- function(x) rep.int(FALSE, length(x))

if(FALSE) ## This does not work: is.atomic is primitive *NON*-generic:
is.atomic.bigq <- function(x) FALSE # otherwise does return TRUE !

###  <bigz> o <bigq>  --- really dispatch on two arguments --> use S4
if(FALSE) { ## not working really --- see also ./matrix-prods.R

setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "bigq", e2 = "bigz"),
	  function(e1, e2) callGeneric(e1, as.bigq(e2)))
setMethod("Ops", signature(e1 = "bigz", e2 = "bigq"),
	  function(e1, e2) callGeneric(as.bigq(e1), e2))

###------------------------- 'Math' S3 group ------------------------------

## Most 'Math' group functions should go via CRAN package 'Rmpfr' :
Math.bigq <- function(x, ...) {
    if(requireNamespace("Rmpfr", quietly=TRUE)) {
        NextMethod(Rmpfr::.bigq2mpfr(x), ...) # FIXME use ..bigq2mpfr (two '.') in future
        stop("Math group method ", dQuote(.Generic),
             "is available via CRAN R package 'Rmpfr'.\n",
             "Install it and try again")


abs.bigq <- function(x) {
    numerator(x) <- abs(numerator(x))

sign.bigq <- function(x) sign(numerator(x))

trunc.bigq <- function(x, ...) ## := sign(x) * floor(abs(x)) =
    sign.bigq(x) * as.bigz.bigq(abs.bigq(x))
floor.bigq   <- function(x) as.bigz.bigq(x)
ceiling.bigq <- function(x) -as.bigz.bigq(-x)

if(FALSE) ## this was used in round.bigq() for several months in 2020:
round0 <- function(x) as.bigz.bigq(x + as.bigq(1, 2))

##' rounding to integer a la "nearbyint()" -- i.e. "round to even"
round0 <- function(x) {
    nU <- as.bigz.bigq(xU <- x + as.bigq(1, 2)) # traditional round: .5 rounded up
    if(any(I <- is.whole.bigq(xU))) { # I <==>  x == <n>.5 : "hard case"
        I[I] <- .mod.bigz(nU[I], 2L) == 1L # rounded up is odd  ==> round *down*
        nU[I] <- nU[I] - 1L

roundQ <- function(x, digits = 0, r0 = round0) {
    ## round(x * 10^d) / 10^d --  vectorizing in both (x, digits)
    p10 <- as.bigz(10) ^ digits # class: if(all(digits >= 0)) "bigz" else "bigq"
    r0(x * p10) / p10

##' round() method ==> signature = (x, digits)  {round0 *not* allowed as argument}
round.bigq <- function(x, digits = 0) roundQ(x, digits)

cumsum.bigq <- function(x) .Call(bigrational_cumsum, x)
## TODO: add cummax(), cummin(), cumprod()

## FIXME: implement  log() etc --- see ./biginteger.R

##------------end{'Math'} group -------------------------------------

##' to be applied e.g. to the result of  lapply(<bigq>, Fn)
c_bigq <- function(L) .Call(bigrational_c, L)

c.bigq <- function(..., recursive = FALSE) c_bigq(list(...))

## This is practically identical to  grid :: rep.unit :
rep.bigq <- function(x, times=1, length.out=NA, each=1, ...) {
    ## if (length(x) == 0)
    ##	   stop("invalid 'unit' object")
    if(!missing(times) && missing(length.out) && missing(each))
    else {
	## Determine an appropriate index, then call subsetting code
	x[ rep(seq_along(x), times=times, length.out=length.out, each=each) ]

duplicated.bigq <- duplicated.bigz ## cheap (for now)

## unique.bigq <- function(x, incomparables = FALSE, ...)
##     x[!duplicated(x, incomparables=incomparables, ...)]
unique.bigq <- unique.bigz

##' mean() method needed for all.equal.bigq() below:
mean.bigq <- function(x, trim = 0, na.rm = FALSE, ...) {
    if(trim != 0) stop("'trim > 0' is not yet implemented for \"bigq\"")
    if (na.rm) x <- x[!is.na(x)]
    sum(x) / length(x)

## Almost:
## all.equal.bigq <- all.equal.numeric
## environment(all.equal.bigq) <- environment()# i.e. of 'gmp'  name space
## but we copy-paste all.equal.numeric  {and slightly modify}:
all.equal.bigq <-
    function(target, current, tolerance = .Machine$double.eps ^ .5,
             scale = NULL, check.attributes = FALSE, check.class=FALSE, ...)
    msg <- if(check.attributes)
	attr.all.equal(target, current, tolerance=tolerance, scale=scale, ...)
    if(check.class && data.class(target) != data.class(current)) {
	msg <- c(msg, paste0("target is ", data.class(target), ", current is ",

    lt <- length(target)
    lc <- length(current)
    cplx <- FALSE
    if(lt != lc) {
	## *replace* the 'Lengths' msg[] from attr.all.equal():
	if(!is.null(msg)) msg <- msg[- grep("\\bLengths\\b", msg)]
	msg <- c(msg, paste0("bigq",
                             ": lengths (", lt, ", ", lc, ") differ"))
    ## remove atttributes (remember these are both numeric or complex vectors)
    ## one place this is needed is to unclass Surv objects in the rpart test suite.
    target <- as.vector(target)
    current <- as.vector(current)
    out <- is.na(target)
    if(any(out != is.na(current))) {
	msg <- c(msg, paste("'is.NA' value mismatch:", sum(is.na(current)),
			    "in current", sum(out), "in target"))
    out <- out | target == current
    if(all(out)) { if (is.null(msg)) return(TRUE) else return(msg) }

    target <- target[!out]
    current <- current[!out]
    if(is.integer(target) && is.integer(current)) target <- as.double(target)
    xy <- mean((if(cplx) Mod else abs)(target - current))
    what <-
	if(is.null(scale)) {
	    xn <- mean(abs(target))
	    if(is.finite(xn) && xn > tolerance) {
		xy <- xy/xn
	    } else "absolute"
	} else {
	    xy <- xy/scale

    if (cplx) what <- paste(what, "Mod") # PR#10575
    if(is.na(xy) || xy > tolerance)
        msg <- c(msg, paste("Mean", what, "difference:", format(xy)))

    if(is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg

solve.bigq <- function(a,b,...)

`[[.bigq`<- function(x, i=NA)
    .Call(bigrational_get_at, x, i)

`[[<-.bigq` <- function(x, i=NA, value)
    .Call(bigrational_set_at, x, i, value)

`[.bigq` <- function(x, i=NULL, j=NULL, drop=TRUE)
  mdrop <- missing(drop)
  Narg <- nargs() - (!mdrop)
  # matrix access [i,j] [,j] [i,]
  # vector access [i]
  matrixAccess = Narg > 2
  has.j <- !missing(j)
  if(!is.null(attr(x, "nrow")) & matrixAccess) { ## matrix
      .Call(matrix_get_at_q, x, i,j)
  } else { ## non-matrix
    if(has.j) stop("invalid vector subsetting")
    r <- .Call(bigrational_get_at, x, i)
    attr(r,"nrow") <- NULL

`[<-.bigq` <- function(x,i=NULL,j=NULL,value)
  matrixAccess = nargs() > 3
  has.j <- !missing(j)
  if(!is.null(attr(x, "nrow")) & matrixAccess) { ## matrix
   .Call(matrix_set_at_q, x, value,i,j )
  } else { ## non-matrix -- ugly workaround:
    if(has.j) stop("invalid vector subsetting")
    r <- .Call(bigrational_set_at, x, i, value )
    attr(r,"nrow") <- attr(x, "nrow")

max.bigq <- function(...,na.rm=FALSE)
 .Call(bigrational_max, c.bigq(...), na.rm)

min.bigq <- function(...,na.rm=FALSE)
 .Call(bigrational_min, c.bigq(...), na.rm)

## FIXME: implement faster in C
setMethod("which.max", "bigq", function(x) which.max(x == max(x)))
setMethod("which.min", "bigq", function(x) which.max(x == min(x)))

sum.bigq <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE)
    X <- c.bigq(...)
   .Call(bigrational_sum, if(na.rm) X[!is.na(X)] else X)

prod.bigq <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE)
    X <- c.bigq(...)
   .Call(bigrational_prod, if(na.rm) X[!is.na(X)] else X)

"!.bigq" <- function(a) a == 0

"|.bigq" <- function(a,b) {
  a1 = a != 0
  b1 = b != 0
  a1 | b1

"&.bigq" <- function(a,b) {
  a1 = a != 0
  b1 = b != 0
  a1 & b1

"xor.bigq" <- function(x,y) {
  a = x != 0
  b = y != 0
  xor(a, b)

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