
Defines functions seq_paf_inner print.saf seq_paf joint_paf_inner print.jointpaf joint_paf node_order automatic_fit make_formula average_paf_inner do_sim sim_outnode print.SAF_summary average_paf average_paf_no_CI

Documented in automatic_fit average_paf do_sim joint_paf print.SAF_summary seq_paf sim_outnode

average_paf_no_CI <- function(data, model_list, parent_list, node_vec,  prev=NULL, nperm=NULL, correct_order=3, alpha=0.05,riskfactor_vec=NULL, exact=TRUE, weight_vec=NULL){

  response_col <- (1:length(colnames(data)))[colnames(data) %in% node_vec[length(node_vec)]]
  w <- weight_vec
  if(is.null(weight_vec)) w <- rep(1,nrow(data))
    w = prev*as.numeric(data[,response_col]==1) + (1-prev)*as.numeric(data[,response_col]==0)
  col_list <- numeric(length(node_vec))
  N <- length(col_list)-1
  sim_disease_current_population <- predict(model_list[[N+1]],type="response")

  for(i in 1:(N+1)) col_list[i] <- (1:ncol(data))[colnames(data)==node_vec[i]]
  col_list_orig <- col_list
    indexes <- c((1:(N+1))[node_vec %in% riskfactor_vec],N+1)
    col_list <- col_list[indexes]
    N <- length(col_list)-1

   if(exact) correct_order=NULL  # skip if exact calculation

    nperm_new <- factorial(N)/(factorial(N-correct_order))

    repeat_n <- 1

      nperm <- nperm_new
    if(nperm < nperm_new) nperm <- nperm_new

    if(nperm_new < nperm){

      repeat_n <- floor(nperm/nperm_new)
      nperm <- nperm_new*repeat_n


    perm_mat <- matrix(0,nrow=nperm_new,ncol=N)
    perm_mat[,1:correct_order] <- gtools::permutations(N,correct_order)
    perm_mat_temp <- perm_mat
    if(repeat_n >1){
      for(j in 1:repeat_n){

        perm_mat_temp <- rbind(perm_mat_temp,perm_mat)

    perm_mat <- perm_mat_temp

  order_fun <- function(x){

    N <- length(x)
    sum <- 0
    for(i in 1:N){
      sum <- sum + x[i]*(N+1)^(N-i)


    perm_mat <- matrix(ncol=N)
    for(i in 1:N){
      combos <- gtools::combinations(N,i)
      perm_mat <- rbind(perm_mat,cbind(combos,matrix(0,nrow=nrow(combos),ncol=N-i)))

    perm_mat <- perm_mat[-1,]
      nperm <- nrow(perm_mat)
        theorder <- apply(perm_mat,1,order_fun)
    perm_mat <- perm_mat[order(theorder,decreasing=FALSE),]

  joint_PAF_vec <- numeric(nperm)

  SAF_mat <- matrix(0,nrow=nperm,ncol=N)
  SAF_mat_2 <- matrix(0,nrow=nperm,ncol=N)
  order_mat <- matrix(0,nrow=nperm,ncol=N)
  reverse_order_mat <- matrix(0,nrow=nperm,ncol=N)

  for(i in 1:nperm){

    if(is.null(correct_order)) the_order <- col_list[1:N][sample(1:N,N)]

      the_order <- numeric(N)
      the_order[1:correct_order] <- perm_mat[i,1:correct_order]
      other_indexes <- setdiff(c(1:N),perm_mat[i,1:correct_order])
      if(correct_order < N) the_order[(correct_order+1):N] <- sample(other_indexes,N-correct_order)
      if(N-correct_order==1) the_order[(correct_order+1):N] <- other_indexes
      the_order <- col_list[1:N][the_order]
    reverse_order <- numeric(N)
    for(j in 1:N) reverse_order[j] <- (1:N)[the_order==col_list[j]]

    current_mat <- data
    current_mat_2 <- data
    SAF <- numeric(N)
    SAF_2 <- numeric(N)
    no_intervention <- sim_disease_current_population

    for(j in 1:length(the_order)){

      current_mat <- sim_outnode(data,the_order[j],current_mat,parent_list=parent_list,col_list=col_list_orig,model_list=model_list)
      current_mat[,col_list[N+1]] <- predict(model_list[[length(node_vec)]],newdata=current_mat,type="response")
      SAF[j] <- (sum(w*no_intervention) - sum(w*current_mat[,col_list[N+1]]))
      no_intervention <- current_mat[,col_list[N+1]]

    SAF <- SAF/sum(w*sim_disease_current_population)
    SAF_mat[i,] <- SAF[reverse_order]
    order_mat[i,] <- the_order
    reverse_order_mat[i,] <- reverse_order
    if(i %% 100 == 0){
      # calculations are for joint PAFs rather than sequential PAFs
      # First check permutation to see if it's the same as previous permutation
      no_intervention <- sim_disease_current_population

        old_perm <- rep(0,N)
        number_rf_new <- sum(perm_mat[i,]!=0)
      if(i > 1){
        old_perm <- perm_mat[i-1,]
        number_rf_new <- sum(perm_mat[i,]!=0)
        number_rf_old <- sum(old_perm!=0)
        if((number_rf_new==number_rf_old+1) && all(old_perm[1:number_rf_old]==perm_mat[i,1:number_rf_old])) start_again=FALSE

        current_mat <- sim_outnode(data,col_list[1:N][perm_mat[i,number_rf_new]],current_mat,parent_list=parent_list,col_list=col_list_orig,model_list=model_list)
        current_mat[,col_list[N+1]] <- predict(model_list[[length(node_vec)]],newdata=current_mat,type="response")
        joint_PAF_vec[i] <- (sum(w*no_intervention) - sum(w*current_mat[,col_list[N+1]]))
        current_mat <- data
        for(j in 1:number_rf_new){

          current_mat <- sim_outnode(data,col_list[1:N][perm_mat[i,j]],current_mat,parent_list=parent_list,col_list=col_list_orig,model_list=model_list)

        current_mat[,col_list[N+1]] <- predict(model_list[[length(node_vec)]],newdata=current_mat,type="response")
        joint_PAF_vec[i] <- (sum(w*no_intervention) - sum(w*current_mat[,col_list[N+1]]))



    joint_PAF_vec <- joint_PAF_vec/sum(w*no_intervention)
    SAF_mat_exact <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=N)
    rownames(SAF_mat_exact) <- paste('riskfactor ',1:N)
    colnames(SAF_mat_exact) <- paste('position ',1:N)
    for(i in 1:N){ # risk factor i
      for(j in 1:N){ # position j

        if(j < N) rows_to_look_at <- (1:nperm)[apply(perm_mat[,1:j,drop=FALSE],1,function(x){any(x==i)}) & perm_mat[,j]>0 & perm_mat[,j+1]==0]
        if(j == N) rows_to_look_at <- (1:nperm)[perm_mat[,N]>0]
        for(k in 1:length(rows_to_look_at)){
          joint_PAF_match_row <- 0
          if(j > 1){
          match_row <- perm_mat[rows_to_look_at[k],]
          match_row <- setdiff(match_row,i)
          match_row <- match_row[1:(j-1)]
          match_row <- (1:nperm)[apply(perm_mat,1,function(x){all(x[1:(j-1)]==match_row)&all(x[j:N]==0)})]
          joint_PAF_match_row <- joint_PAF_vec[match_row]
          SAF_mat_exact[i,j] <- ((k-1)/k)*SAF_mat_exact[i,j]+(joint_PAF_vec[rows_to_look_at[k]]-joint_PAF_match_row)/k

    average_PAF <- apply(SAF_mat_exact,1,function(x){mean(x)})
    SAF_mat_exact <- t(SAF_mat_exact)
    colnames(SAF_mat_exact) <- colnames(data)[col_list][1:N]
    names(average_PAF) <- colnames(data)[col_list][1:N]
    #options(warn = oldw)
    thedframe <- data.frame(position=c(rep(paste("elimination position",1:N),N),rep("Average",N),"Joint"),"risk factor"=c(rep(colnames(SAF_mat_exact),times=rep(N,N)),colnames(SAF_mat_exact),""),estimate=c(as.vector(SAF_mat_exact),average_PAF,joint_PAF_vec[N]),check.names=FALSE)
    avepafs <- structure(list(res=thedframe),class="SAF_summary")

  colnames(SAF_mat) <- colnames(data)[col_list][1:N]
  colnames(reverse_order_mat) <- colnames(data)[col_list][1:N]

  joint_paf <- mean(apply(SAF_mat,1,sum))
  SAF_summary <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=N)

  for(i in 1:N){
    for(j in 1:N){
      SAF_summary[i,j] <- mean(SAF_mat[,j][order_mat[,i]==col_list[j]])
  colnames(SAF_summary) <- names(average_paf)
  rownames(SAF_summary) <- paste("elimination position ", (1:N),sep='')

  ME_SAF_summary <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=N)
  colnames(ME_SAF_summary) <- colnames(SAF_mat)

  for(i in 1:N){
    for(j in 1:N){
      ME_SAF_summary[i,j] <- qt(1-alpha/2, df=sum(order_mat[,i]==col_list[j])-1)*sd(SAF_mat[,j][order_mat[,i]==col_list[j]])/sqrt(sum(order_mat[,i]==col_list[j]))
  temp1 <- reshape2::melt(SAF_summary)
  SAF_summary <- cbind(reshape2::melt(SAF_summary),ME=reshape2::melt(ME_SAF_summary)[,3])

  UB2 <- SAF_summary$value+SAF_summary$ME
  LB2 <- SAF_summary$value-SAF_summary$ME

  SAF_summary$LB <- c(LB2)
  SAF_summary$UB <- c(UB2)
  newdf <- data.frame(Var1=rep("Average",N),Var2=names(average_paf),value=as.numeric(average_paf), ME=qt(1-alpha/2, df=nperm-1)*apply(SAF_mat,2,sd)/sqrt(nperm), LB=as.numeric(average_paf)-qt(1-alpha/2, df=nperm-1)*apply(SAF_mat,2,sd)/sqrt(nperm),UB=as.numeric(average_paf)+qt(1-alpha/2, df=nperm-1)*apply(SAF_mat,2,sd)/sqrt(nperm))
  newdf2 <- data.frame(Var1=c("Joint"),Var2=c(""),value=as.numeric(joint_paf),ME=qt(1-alpha/2, df=nperm-1)*sd(apply(SAF_mat,1,sum))/sqrt(nperm), LB=as.numeric(joint_paf)-qt(1-alpha/2, df=nperm-1)*sd(apply(SAF_mat,1,sum))/sqrt(nperm),UB=as.numeric(joint_paf)+qt(1-alpha/2, df=nperm-1)*sd(apply(SAF_mat,1,sum))/sqrt(nperm))

  SAF_summary <- rbind(SAF_summary, newdf,newdf2)
  rownames(SAF_summary) = NULL
  colnames(SAF_summary) <- c("position", "risk factor", "estimate", "Margin error", "lower bound", "Upper bound")
  SAF_summary <- structure(list(res=data.frame(SAF_summary,check.names=FALSE)),class="SAF_summary")
  #options(warn = oldw)


#' Calculation of average and sequential paf taking into account risk factor sequencing
#' @param data Data frame. A dataframe containing variables used for fitting the models.  Must contain all variables used in fitting
#' @param model_list List.  A list of fitted models corresponding for the outcome variables in node_vec, with parents as described in parent_vec.  This list must be in the same order as node_vec and parent_list.  Models can be linear (lm), logistic (glm) or ordinal logistic (polr). Non-linear effects of variables (if necessary) should be specified via ns(x, df=y), where ns is the natural spline function from the splines library.
#' @param parent_list A list.  The ith element is the vector of variable names that are direct causes of ith variable in node_vec (Note that the variable names should be columns in data)
#' @param node_vec A character vector corresponding to the nodes in the Bayesian network (The variable names should be column names in data).  This must be specified from root to leaves - that is ancestors in the causal graph for a particular node are positioned before their descendants.  If this condition is false the function will return an error.
#' @param prev numeric.  Prevalence of disease.  Only relevant to set for case control datasets.
#' @param exact logical.  Default TRUE. If TRUE, an efficient calculation is used to calculate average PAF, which enables the average PAF from N! permutations, over all N risk factors to be calculated with only 2^N-1 operations.  If FALSE, permutations are sampled
#' @param nperm  Default NULL Number of random permutations used to calculate average and sequential PAF.  If correct_order is set to an integer value, nperm is reset to an integer multiple of factorial(N)/factorial(N-correct_order) depending on the size of nperm.  If nperm is NULL or less than factorial(N)/factorial(N-correct_order), factorial(N)/factorial(N-correct_order) permutations will be sampled.  If nperm is larger than factorial(N)/factorial(N-correct_order), nperm will be reset to the smallest integer multiple of factorial(N)/factorial(N-correct_order) less than the input value of nperm
#' @param correct_order Default 3.  This enforces stratified sampling of permutations where the first correct_order positions of the sampled permutations are evenly distributed over the integers 1 ... N, N being the number of risk factors of interest, over the sampled permutations.  The other positions are randomly sampled.  This automatically sets the number of simulations when nperm=NULL.  For interest, if N=10 and correct_order=3, nperm is set to factorial(10)/factorial(10-3) = 720.  This special resampling reduces Monte Carlo variation in estimated average and sequential PAFs.
#' @param riskfactor_vec A subset of risk factors for which we want to calculate average, sequential and joint PAF
#' @param ci Logical. If TRUE, a bootstrap confidence interval is computed along with a point estimate (default FALSE).  If ci=FALSE, only a point estimate is produced.  A simulation procedure (sampling permutations and also simulating the effects of eliminating risk factors over the descendant nodes in a Bayesian network) is required to produce the point estimates.  The point estimate will change on repeated runs of the function.  The margin of error of the point estimate is given when ci=FALSE
#' @param boot_rep Integer.  Number of bootstrap replications (Only necessary to specify if ci=TRUE).  Note that at least 50 replicates are recommended to achieve stable estimates of standard error.  In the examples below, values of boot_rep less than 50 are sometimes used to limit run time.
#' @param ci_type Character.  Default norm.  A vector specifying the types of confidence interval desired.  "norm", "basic", "perc" and "bca" are the available methods
#' @param ci_level Numeric.  Default 0.95. A number between 0 and 1 specifying the level of the confidence interval (when ci=TRUE)
#' @param ci_level_ME Numeric.  Default 0.95. A number between 0 and 1 specifying the level of the margin of error for the point estimate (only relevant when ci=FALSE and exact=FALSE)
#' @param weight_vec An optional vector of inverse sampling weights (note with survey data, the variance may not be calculated correctly if sampling isn't independent).  Note that this vector will be ignored if prev is specified, and the weights will be calibrated so that the weighted sample prevalence of disease equals prev.  This argument can be ignored if data has a column weights with correctly calibrated weights
#' @param verbose A logical indicator for whether extended output is produced when ci=TRUE, default TRUE
#' @return A SAF_summary object with average joint and sequential PAF for all risk factors in node_vec (or alternatively a subset of those risk factors if specified in riskfactor_vec).
#' @export
#' @references Ferguson, J., O’Connell, M. and O’Donnell, M., 2020. Revisiting sequential attributable fractions. Archives of Public Health, 78(1), pp.1-9.
#' @references Ferguson, J., Alvarez-Iglesias, A., Newell, J., Hinde, J. and O’Donnell, M., 2018. Estimating average attributable fractions with confidence intervals for cohort and case–control studies. Statistical methods in medical research, 27(4), pp.1141-1152
#' @examples
#' library(splines)
#' library(survival)
#' library(parallel)
#' options(boot.parallel="snow")
#' options(boot.ncpus=2)
#' # The above could be set to the number of available cores on the machine
#' #  Simulated data on occupational and environmental exposure to chronic cough from Eide, 1995
#' # First specify the causal graph, in terms of the parents of each node.  Then put into a list
#' parent_urban.rural <- c()
#' parent_smoking.category <- c("urban.rural")
#' parent_occupational.exposure <- c("urban.rural")
#' parent_y <- c("urban.rural","smoking.category","occupational.exposure")
#' parent_list <- list(parent_urban.rural, parent_smoking.category,
#'  parent_occupational.exposure, parent_y)
#' # also specify nodes of graph, in order from root to leaves
#' node_vec <- c("urban.rural","smoking.category","occupational.exposure", "y")
#' # specify a model list according to parent_list
#' # here we use the auxillary function 'automatic fit'
#' model_list=automatic_fit(data=Hordaland_data, parent_list=parent_list,
#'  node_vec=node_vec, prev=.09)
#' # By default the function works by stratified simulation of permutations and
#' # subsequent simulation of the incremental interventions on the distribution of risk
#' # factors.  The permutations are stratified so each factor appears equally often in
#' # the first correct_order positions.  correct_order has a default of 2.
#' # model_list$data objects have fitting weights included
#' # Including weight column in data
#' # necessary if Bootstrapping CIs
#' out <- average_paf(data=model_list[[length(model_list)]]$data,
#'  model_list=model_list, parent_list=parent_list,
#'  node_vec=node_vec, prev=.09, nperm=10,riskfactor_vec = c("urban.rural",
#'  "occupational.exposure"),ci=FALSE)
#'  print(out)
#' \donttest{
#' # More complicated example (slower to run)
#' parent_exercise <- c("education")
#' parent_diet <- c("education")
#' parent_smoking <- c("education")
#' parent_alcohol <- c("education")
#' parent_stress <- c("education")
#' parent_high_blood_pressure <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking",
#' "alcohol","stress")
#' parent_lipids <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol",
#' "stress")
#' parent_waist_hip_ratio <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking",
#' "alcohol","stress")
#' parent_early_stage_heart_disease <- c("education","exercise","diet",
#' "smoking","alcohol","stress","lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure")
#' parent_diabetes <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol",
#' "stress","lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure")
#' parent_case <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol","stress",
#' "lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure",
#' "early_stage_heart_disease","diabetes")
#' parent_list <- list(parent_exercise,parent_diet,parent_smoking,
#' parent_alcohol,parent_stress,parent_high_blood_pressure,
#' parent_lipids,parent_waist_hip_ratio,parent_early_stage_heart_disease,
#' parent_diabetes,parent_case)
#' node_vec=c("exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol","stress",
#' "high_blood_pressure","lipids","waist_hip_ratio","early_stage_heart_disease",
#' "diabetes","case")
#' model_list=automatic_fit(data=stroke_reduced, parent_list=parent_list,
#'  node_vec=node_vec, prev=.0035,common="region*ns(age,df=5)+sex*ns(age,df=5)",
#'   spline_nodes = c("waist_hip_ratio","lipids","diet"))
#' out <- average_paf(data=stroke_reduced, model_list=model_list,
#' parent_list=parent_list, node_vec=node_vec, prev=.0035,
#' riskfactor_vec = c("high_blood_pressure","smoking","stress","exercise","alcohol",
#' "diabetes","early_stage_heart_disease"),ci=TRUE,boot_rep=10)
#' print(out)
#' plot(out,max_PAF=0.5,min_PAF=-0.1,number_rows=3)
#' # plot sequential and average PAFs by risk factor
#' # similar calculation, but now sampling permutations (stratified, so
#' # that each risk factor will appear equally often in the first correct_order positions)
#' out <- average_paf(data=stroke_reduced, model_list=model_list,
#' parent_list=parent_list, node_vec=node_vec, prev=.0035, exact=FALSE,
#'  correct_order=2, riskfactor_vec = c("high_blood_pressure","smoking","stress",
#'  "exercise","alcohol","diabetes","early_stage_heart_disease"),ci=TRUE,
#'  boot_rep=10)
#'  print(out)
#'  plot(out,max_PAF=0.5,min_PAF=-0.1,number_rows=3)
#' }
average_paf <- function(data, model_list, parent_list, node_vec, prev=NULL, exact=TRUE, nperm=NULL, correct_order=2, riskfactor_vec=NULL,ci=FALSE,boot_rep=50, ci_type=c("norm"),ci_level=0.95, ci_level_ME=0.95,weight_vec=NULL, verbose=TRUE){

    stop("ancestors must be specified before descendants in node_vec")
  if(!is.null(riskfactor_vec) & !all(riskfactor_vec %in% node_vec)){
    stop("Not all requested variables are in node_vec.  Check spelling")
  if(!is.null(correct_order) && is.null(riskfactor_vec)) correct_order <- min(correct_order,length(node_vec))
  if(!is.null(correct_order) && !is.null(riskfactor_vec)) correct_order <- min(correct_order,length(riskfactor_vec))

    stop("please specify either correct_order and nperm")

  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  ## how many risk factors are under scrutiny?
  col_list <- numeric(length(node_vec))
  N <- length(col_list)-1
  for(i in 1:(N+1)) col_list[i] <- (1:ncol(data))[colnames(data)==node_vec[i]]
  col_list_orig <- col_list
    indexes <- c((1:(N+1))[node_vec %in% riskfactor_vec],N+1)
    col_list <- col_list[indexes]
    N <- length(col_list)-1

  if(is.null(weight_vec)) weight_vec = rep(1,nrow(data))

    res <- average_paf_no_CI(data=data, model_list=model_list, parent_list=parent_list, node_vec=node_vec, prev=prev, nperm=nperm, correct_order=correct_order, alpha=1-ci_level_ME,riskfactor_vec=riskfactor_vec,exact=exact, weight_vec=weight_vec)

  nc <- options()$boot.ncpus
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nc)
  if("splines" %in% (.packages())) parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("ns"))
  parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("sim_outnode","do_sim"))
  res <- boot::boot(data=data,statistic=average_paf_inner,R=boot_rep,model_list=model_list, parent_list=parent_list, node_vec=node_vec, prev=prev, nperm=nperm, correct_order=correct_order, riskfactor_vec=riskfactor_vec, exact=exact,cl=cl,weight_vec=weight_vec)
  if(is.null(riskfactor_vec)) riskfactor_vec <- node_vec[1:(length(node_vec)-1)]
  res <- extract_ci(res=res,model_type='glm',t_vector=c(paste0(rep(node_vec[node_vec %in% riskfactor_vec],times=rep(length(riskfactor_vec),length(riskfactor_vec))),'_',rep(1:length(riskfactor_vec),length(riskfactor_vec))),paste0("Average PAF ", node_vec[node_vec %in% riskfactor_vec]),'JointPAF'),ci_level=ci_level,ci_type=ci_type,continuous=TRUE)
  res <- cbind(position=c(rep(paste("elimination position",1:N),N),rep("Average",N),"Joint"),'risk factor'=rownames(res),res)
  rownames(res) <- NULL
  res$`risk factor` <- gsub(pattern="(.*)_[0-9]",replacement="\\1",x=res$`risk factor`,perl=TRUE)
  res$`risk factor` <- gsub(pattern="Average PAF (.*)",replacement="\\1",x=res$`risk factor`,perl=TRUE)
  res$`risk factor` <- gsub(pattern="Joint",replacement="",x=res$`risk factor`,perl=TRUE)
  res <- structure(list(verbose=verbose,prev=prev,ci_level=ci_level, ci_type=ci_type,boot_rep=boot_rep,riskfactor_vec=riskfactor_vec,res=res, exact=exact, nperm=nperm, correct_order=correct_order),class="SAF_summary")
  #options(warn = oldw)


#' Print out a SAF_summary object
#' @param x A SAF_summary object.  This is a special dataframe that is created by running the function average_PAF.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed to print
#' @return No return value.  Prints the SAF_summary object to the console.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(splines)
#' library(survival)
#' library(parallel)
#' options(boot.parallel="snow")
#' options(boot.ncpus=2)
#' # The above could be set to the number of available cores on the machine
#' #  Simulated data on occupational and environmental exposure to chronic cough from Eide, 1995
#' # First specify the causal graph, in terms of the parents of each node.  Then put into a list
#' parent_urban.rural <- c()
#' parent_smoking.category <- c("urban.rural")
#' parent_occupational.exposure <- c("urban.rural")
#' parent_y <- c("urban.rural","smoking.category","occupational.exposure")
#'parent_list <- list(parent_urban.rural, parent_smoking.category,
#'parent_occupational.exposure, parent_y)
# # also specify nodes of graph, in order from root to leaves
#' node_vec <- c("urban.rural","smoking.category","occupational.exposure", "y")
# # specify a model list according to parent_list
# # here we use the auxillary function 'automatic fit'
#' model_list=automatic_fit(data=Hordaland_data, parent_list=parent_list,
#'  node_vec=node_vec, prev=.09)
#' # model_list$data objects have fitting weights
#' # included in data frame
#' # Including weight column in data
#' # necessary if Bootstrapping CIs
#' out <- average_paf(data=model_list[[length(model_list)]]$data,
#' model_list=model_list,
#' parent_list=parent_list, node_vec=node_vec, prev=.09, nperm=10,
#' riskfactor_vec = c("urban.rural","occupational.exposure"),ci=FALSE)
#' print(out)
print.SAF_summary <- function(x,...){


    for(i in 1:ncol(x$res)) if(is.numeric(x$res[,i])) x$res[,i] <- signif(x$res[,i],3)

  d_frame_new <- x$res[,1:3]
  d_frame_new$CI <- paste("(",signif(x$res[,6],3),",",signif(x$res[,7],3),")",sep="")


  cat(paste("Risk factors: ",sep=""))
  cat(x$riskfactor_vec, sep=", ")

  if(x$exact) cat(paste("Using exact PAF formula", "\n",sep=""))
  if(!x$exact) cat(paste("Using approximate PAF formula", "\n",sep=""))
  if(!x$exact) cat(paste("Using ", unique(x$nperm), " permutations", "\n",sep=""))
  if(!x$exact) cat(paste("Balance over risk factors in first ", unique(x$correct_order), " positions in sampled permutations", "\n",sep=""))
  cat(paste("Assumed prevalence: ", unique(x$prev), "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Type of Bootstrap confidence interval used: ", x$ci_type, "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Confidence level: ", x$ci_level, "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Number of bootstrap draws: ", x$boot_rep, "\n",sep=""))

#' Internal:  Simulate from the post intervention distribution corresponding to eliminating a risk factor
#' @param data Data frame. A dataframe containing the original variables used for fitting the models.  Must contain all variables used in fitting
#' @param col_num The indicator for the risk factor that is being eliminated
#' @param current_mat The current value of the data frame
#' @param parent_list A list.  The ith element is the vector of variable names that are direct causes of ith variable in node_vec (Note that the variable names should be columns in data)
#' @param col_list Column indicators for the variables in node_vec (note that node_vec is ordered from root to leaves)
#' @param model_list List.  A list of fitted models corresponding for the outcome variables in node_vec, with parents as described in parent_vec.  This list must be in the same order as node_vec and parent_list.  Models can be linear (lm), logistic (glm) or ordinal logistic (polr). Non-linear effects of variables (if necessary) should be specified via ns(x, df=y), where ns is the natural spline function from the splines library
#' @return An updated data frame (a new version of current_mat) with new columns simulated for variables that the risk factor causally effects.
#' @export
sim_outnode <- function(data,col_num, current_mat, parent_list, col_list,model_list){

    if(is.factor(current_mat[,col_num])) current_mat[,col_num] <- levels(data[,col_num])[1]
  if(is.numeric(current_mat[,col_num])) current_mat[,col_num] <- 0

  colname <- colnames(current_mat)[col_num]

  for(i in 1:(length(parent_list)-1)){
    if(colname %in% parent_list[[i]]){
      if(length(table(current_mat[,col_list[[i]]] ))==1) next

      if(is.factor(current_mat[,col_list[i]])) current_mat[,col_list[i]] <- factor(do_sim(col_list[i],current_mat,model_list[[i]]),levels=levels(current_mat[,col_list[i]]))
      if(!is.factor(current_mat[,col_list[i]])) current_mat[,col_list[i]] <- do_sim(col_list[i],current_mat,model_list[[i]],SN=TRUE)

#' Internal:  Simulate a column from the post intervention distribution corresponding to eliminating a risk factor
#' @param colnum The column indicator for the variable being simulated
#' @param current_mat The current value of the data frame
#' @param model A fitted model for simulating values of the variable, given the parent values
#' @param SN Logical.  If TRUE (default) simulations are achieved via adding the original model residuals, to the new fitted values based on the updated values of parents in current_mat.
#' @return An updated data frame (a new version of current_mat) with a new column simulated
#' @export
do_sim <- function(colnum,current_mat, model,SN=TRUE){
  ## polr

    probs <- predict(model,newdata=current_mat,type="probs")
    mynames <- colnames(probs)
  # glm

    probs <- predict(model,newdata=current_mat,type="response")
    if(is.null(levels(current_mat[,colnum]))) return(apply(cbind(1-probs,probs),1,function(x){base::sample(c(0,1),size=1,prob=x)}))
  # regression

    pred <- predict(model,newdata=current_mat,type="response")
    resids <- model$residuals


    return(pred + sample(resids,length(resids),replace=TRUE, prob=model$weight_vec/sum(model$weight_vec)))

average_paf_inner <- function(data, ind, model_list, parent_list, node_vec, prev=NULL, nperm=100, correct_order=3, riskfactor_vec=NULL, exact=TRUE, weight_vec=NULL){


  data <- data[ind,]
  n_data <- nrow(data)
  response_col <- (1:length(colnames(data)))[colnames(data) %in% node_vec[length(node_vec)]]
  w <- weight_vec
  if(is.null(weight_vec)) w <- rep(1,nrow(data))
  w <- w[ind]
    w = prev*as.numeric(data[,response_col]==1) + (1-prev)*as.numeric(data[,response_col]==0)
  if(!all(ind==1:n_data)) for(i in 1:length(model_list)) model_list[[i]] <- update(model_list[[i]],data=data)

   col_list <- numeric(length(node_vec))
  N <- length(col_list)-1
  sim_disease_current_population <- predict(model_list[[N+1]],type="response")

  for(i in 1:(N+1)) col_list[i] <- (1:ncol(data))[colnames(data)==node_vec[i]]
  col_list_orig <- col_list
    indexes <- c((1:(N+1))[node_vec %in% riskfactor_vec],N+1)
    col_list <- col_list[indexes]
    N <- length(col_list)-1


    if(exact) correct_order=NULL  # skip if exact calculation

    nperm_new <- factorial(N)/(factorial(N-correct_order))

    repeat_n <- 1

      nperm <- nperm_new
    if(nperm < nperm_new) nperm <- nperm_new

    if(nperm_new < nperm){

      repeat_n <- floor(nperm/nperm_new)
      nperm <- nperm_new*repeat_n


    perm_mat <- matrix(0,nrow=nperm_new,ncol=N)
    perm_mat[,1:correct_order] <- gtools::permutations(N,correct_order)
    perm_mat_temp <- perm_mat
    if(repeat_n >1){
    for(j in 1:repeat_n){

      perm_mat_temp <- rbind(perm_mat_temp,perm_mat)

    perm_mat <- perm_mat_temp


  order_fun <- function(x){

    N <- length(x)
    sum <- 0
    for(i in 1:N){
      sum <- sum + x[i]*(N+1)^(N-i)


    perm_mat <- matrix(ncol=N)
    for(i in 1:N){
      combos <- gtools::combinations(N,i)
      perm_mat <- rbind(perm_mat,cbind(combos,matrix(0,nrow=nrow(combos),ncol=N-i)))

    perm_mat <- perm_mat[-1,]
     nperm <- nrow(perm_mat)
       theorder <- apply(perm_mat,1,order_fun)
    perm_mat <- perm_mat[order(theorder,decreasing=FALSE),]

  SAF_mat <- matrix(0,nrow=nperm,ncol=N)
  SAF_mat_2 <- matrix(0,nrow=nperm,ncol=N)
  order_mat <- matrix(0,nrow=nperm,ncol=N)
  reverse_order_mat <- matrix(0,nrow=nperm,ncol=N)
  joint_PAF_vec <- numeric(nperm) # only used when exact
   for(i in 1:nperm){

    if(is.null(correct_order)) the_order <- col_list[1:N][sample(1:N,N)]

      the_order <- numeric(N)
      the_order[1:correct_order] <- perm_mat[i,1:correct_order]
      other_indexes <- setdiff(c(1:N),perm_mat[i,1:correct_order])
      if(correct_order < N) the_order[(correct_order+1):N] <- sample(other_indexes,N-correct_order)
      if(N-correct_order==1) the_order[(correct_order+1):N] <- other_indexes
      the_order <- col_list[1:N][the_order]

    reverse_order <- numeric(N)
    for(j in 1:N) reverse_order[j] <- (1:N)[the_order==col_list[j]]

    current_mat <- data
    current_mat_2 <- data
    SAF <- numeric(N)
    SAF_2 <- numeric(N)
    no_intervention <- sim_disease_current_population

    for(j in 1:length(the_order)){

      current_mat <- sim_outnode(data,the_order[j],current_mat,parent_list=parent_list,col_list=col_list_orig,model_list=model_list)
      current_mat[,col_list[N+1]] <- predict(model_list[[length(node_vec)]],newdata=current_mat,type="response")
      SAF[j] <- (sum(w*no_intervention) - sum(w*current_mat[,col_list[N+1]]))
      no_intervention <- current_mat[,col_list[N+1]]

    SAF <- SAF/sum(w*sim_disease_current_population)
    SAF_mat[i,] <- SAF[reverse_order]
    order_mat[i,] <- the_order
    reverse_order_mat[i,] <- reverse_order
          no_intervention <- sim_disease_current_population

       old_perm <- rep(0,N)
       number_rf_new <- sum(perm_mat[i,]!=0)
     if(i > 1){
       old_perm <- perm_mat[i-1,]
        number_rf_new <- sum(perm_mat[i,]!=0)
        number_rf_old <- sum(old_perm!=0)
        if((number_rf_new==number_rf_old+1) && all(old_perm[1:number_rf_old]==perm_mat[i,1:number_rf_old])) start_again=FALSE

       current_mat <- sim_outnode(data,col_list[1:N][perm_mat[i,number_rf_new]],current_mat,parent_list=parent_list,col_list=col_list_orig,model_list=model_list)
       current_mat[,col_list[N+1]] <- predict(model_list[[length(node_vec)]],newdata=current_mat,type="response")
       joint_PAF_vec[i] <- (sum(w*no_intervention) - sum(w*current_mat[,col_list[N+1]]))
       current_mat <- data
       for(j in 1:number_rf_new){

         current_mat <- sim_outnode(data,col_list[1:N][perm_mat[i,j]],current_mat,parent_list=parent_list,col_list=col_list_orig,model_list=model_list)

       current_mat[,col_list[N+1]] <- predict(model_list[[length(node_vec)]],newdata=current_mat,type="response")
       joint_PAF_vec[i] <- (sum(w*no_intervention) - sum(w*current_mat[,col_list[N+1]]))



    joint_PAF_vec <- joint_PAF_vec/sum(w*no_intervention)
    SAF_mat_exact <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=N)
    rownames(SAF_mat_exact) <- paste('riskfactor ',1:N)
    colnames(SAF_mat_exact) <- paste('position ',1:N)
    for(i in 1:N){ # risk factor i
      for(j in 1:N){ # position j

        if(j < N) rows_to_look_at <- (1:nperm)[apply(perm_mat[,1:j,drop=FALSE],1,function(x){any(x==i)}) & perm_mat[,j]>0 & perm_mat[,j+1]==0]
        if(j == N) rows_to_look_at <- (1:nperm)[perm_mat[,N]>0]
        for(k in 1:length(rows_to_look_at)){
          joint_PAF_match_row <- 0
          if(j > 1){
            match_row <- perm_mat[rows_to_look_at[k],]
            match_row <- setdiff(match_row,i)
            match_row <- match_row[1:(j-1)]
            match_row <- (1:nperm)[apply(perm_mat,1,function(x){all(x[1:(j-1)]==match_row)&all(x[j:N]==0)})]
            joint_PAF_match_row <- joint_PAF_vec[match_row]
          SAF_mat_exact[i,j] <- ((k-1)/k)*SAF_mat_exact[i,j]+(joint_PAF_vec[rows_to_look_at[k]]-joint_PAF_match_row)/k

    average_PAF <- apply(SAF_mat_exact,1,function(x){mean(x)})
    SAF_mat_exact <- t(SAF_mat_exact)
    colnames(SAF_mat_exact) <- colnames(data)[col_list][1:N]
    names(average_PAF) <- colnames(data)[col_list][1:N]

  colnames(SAF_mat) <- colnames(data)[col_list][1:N]
  colnames(reverse_order_mat) <- colnames(data)[col_list][1:N]

  joint_paf <- mean(apply(SAF_mat,1,sum))
  SAF_summary <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=N)

  for(i in 1:N){
    for(j in 1:N){
      SAF_summary[i,j] <- mean(SAF_mat[,j][order_mat[,i]==col_list[j]])
  return_vec <- c(as.numeric(SAF_summary),average_paf,joint_paf)


make_formula <- function(parents,outcome_node,common='',spline_nodes=c(),df_spline_nodes=3){
   if(length(parents)==0) return(paste(outcome_node,"~ 1"))
  if(common!="") result <- paste(outcome_node,"~",common,"+ ",parents[1])
  if(common=="") result <- paste(outcome_node,"~",parents[1])

    for(i in 2:length(parents)){

      if(parents[i] %in% spline_nodes) result <- paste(result,"+ns(",parents[i],",df=",df_spline_nodes,')',sep='')
      if(!parents[i] %in% spline_nodes) result <- paste(result,"+ ",parents[i],sep='')

#' Automatic fitting of probability models in a pre-specified Bayesian network.
#' Main effects models are fit by default.  For continuous variables, lm is used, for binary (numeric 0/1 variables), glm is used and for factor valued variables polr is used.  For factors, ensure that the factor levels are ordered by increasing levels of risk.  If interactions are required for certain models, it is advisable to populate the elements of model_list separately.
#' @param data Data frame. A data frame containing variables used for fitting the models.  Must contain all variables used in fitting
#' @param parent_list A list.  The ith element is the vector of variable names that are direct causes of ith variable in node_vec
#' @param node_vec A vector corresponding to the nodes in the Bayesian network.  This must be specified from root to leaves - that is ancestors in the causal graph for a particular node are positioned before their descendants.  If this condition is false the function will return an error.
#' @param prev  Prevalence of disease.  Set to NULL for cohort or cross sectional studies
#' @param common character text for part of the model formula that doesn't involve any variable in node_vec.  Useful for specifying confounders involved in all models automatically
#' @param spline_nodes  Vector of continuous variable names that are fit as splines (when involved as parents).  Natural splines are used.
#' @param df_spline_nodes How many degrees of freedom for each spline (Default 3).  At the moment, this can not be specified separately for differing variables.
#' @return A list of fitted models corresponding to node_vec and parent_vec.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # More complicated example (slower to run)
#' library(splines)
#' parent_exercise <- c("education")
#' parent_diet <- c("education")
#' parent_smoking <- c("education")
#' parent_alcohol <- c("education")
#' parent_stress <- c("education")
#' parent_high_blood_pressure <- c("education","exercise","diet",
#' "smoking","alcohol","stress")
#' parent_lipids <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking",
#' "alcohol","stress")
#' parent_waist_hip_ratio <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking",
#' "alcohol","stress")
#' parent_early_stage_heart_disease <- c("education","exercise","diet",
#' "smoking","alcohol","stress","lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure")
#' parent_diabetes <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol",
#' "stress","lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure")
#' parent_case <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol","stress",
#' "lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure","early_stage_heart_disease","diabetes")
#' parent_list <- list(parent_exercise,parent_diet,parent_smoking,
#' parent_alcohol,parent_stress,parent_high_blood_pressure,
#' parent_lipids,parent_waist_hip_ratio,parent_early_stage_heart_disease,
#' parent_diabetes,parent_case)
#' node_vec=c("exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol","stress","high_blood_pressure",
#' "lipids","waist_hip_ratio","early_stage_heart_disease",
#' "diabetes","case")
#' \donttest{
#' model_list=automatic_fit(data=stroke_reduced, parent_list=parent_list,
#' node_vec=node_vec, prev=.0035,common="region*ns(age,df=5)+
#' sex*ns(age,df=5)", spline_nodes = c("waist_hip_ratio","lipids","diet"))
#' }
automatic_fit <- function(data, parent_list, node_vec, prev=NULL,common='',spline_nodes=c(),df_spline_nodes=3){

data <- as.data.frame(data)
outcome_name <- node_vec[length(node_vec)]
outcome_bin <- data[,colnames(data) %in% outcome_name]
data$weights = prev*as.numeric(outcome_bin==1) + (1-prev)*as.numeric(outcome_bin==0)
if(!c("weights") %in% colnames(data)) data$weights <- rep(1,nrow(data))
for(i in 1:length(node_vec)){
  column <- (1:length(colnames(data)))[colnames(data) %in% node_vec[i]]
  formula_text <- make_formula(parent_list[[i]],node_vec[i],common=common,spline_nodes=spline_nodes,df_spline_nodes=df_spline_nodes)
  thesplit <- ""
    formula_text <- gsub(pattern='^(.*)ns\\((.*)$',replacement='\\1splines::ns\\(\\2',x=formula_text)
    stuff <- strsplit(formula_text,split="splines::ns(",fixed=TRUE)
    formula_text <- stuff[[1]][1]
    thesplit <- paste0("splines::ns(",stuff[[1]][2],thesplit)
  formula_text <- paste0(formula_text,thesplit)

  y <- data[,column]

  if(i < length(node_vec)){
      theform <- paste("glm(",formula_text,",data=data,family='binomial',weights=weights)",sep='')
    if(length(table(y))>2 & is.factor(y)){
      theform <- paste("MASS::polr(",formula_text,",data=data,weights=weights)",sep='')
    if(length(table(y))>2 & is.numeric(y)){
      theform <- paste("lm(",formula_text,",data=data,weights=weights)",sep='')
  if(i==length(node_vec)) theform <- paste("glm(",formula_text,",data=data,family='binomial',weights=weights)",sep='')

  to_execute <- paste("model_list[[i]] <-", theform,sep='')


node_order <- function(parent_list, node_vec){

  L <- length(node_vec)
  for(i in 1:(L-1)){

    putative_ancestors <- unique(unlist(parent_list[1:i]))
    if(any(node_vec[(i+1):L] %in% putative_ancestors)) return(FALSE)


##################################  Joint PAF

#' Calculation of joint attributable fractions over several risk factors taking into account risk factor sequencing
#' @param data Data frame. A dataframe containing variables used for fitting the models.  Must contain all variables used in fitting
#' @param model_list List.  A list of fitted models corresponding for the outcome variables in node_vec, with parents as described in parent_vec.  This list must be in the same order as node_vec and parent_list. Non-linear effects should be specified via ns(x, df=y), where ns is the natural spline function from the splines library.  Linear (lm), logistic (glm) and ordinal logistic (polr) models are permitted
#' @param parent_list A list.  The ith element is the vector of variable names that are direct causes of ith variable in node_vec
#' @param node_vec A vector corresponding to the nodes in the Bayesian network.  This must be specified from root to leaves - that is ancestors in the causal graph for a particular node are positioned before their descendants.  If this condition is false the function will return an error.
#' @param prev prevalence of the disease (default is NULL)
#' @param riskfactor_vec A subset of risk factors for which we want to calculate joint PAF
#' @param ci Logical. If TRUE, a bootstrap confidence interval is computed along with a point estimate (default FALSE).  If ci=FALSE, only a point estimate is produced.  A simulation procedure (sampling permutations and also simulating the effects of eliminating risk factors over the descendant nodes in a Bayesian network) is required to produce the point estimates.  The point estimate will change on repeated runs of the function.  The margin of error of the point estimate is given when ci=FALSE
#' @param boot_rep Integer.  Number of bootstrap replications (Only necessary to specify if ci=TRUE).  Note that at least 50 replicates are recommended to achieve stable estimates of standard error.  In the examples below, values of boot_rep less than 50 are sometimes used to limit run time.
#' @param ci_type Character.  Default norm.  A vector specifying the types of confidence interval desired.  "norm", "basic", "perc" and "bca" are the available method
#' @param ci_level Numeric.  Confidence level.  Default 0.95
#' @param nsim Numeric.  Number of independent simulations of the dataset.  Default of 1
#' @param weight_vec An optional vector of inverse sampling weights (note with survey data, the variance may not be calculated correctly if sampling isn't independent).  Note that this vector will be ignored if prev is specified, and the weights will be calibrated so that the weighted sample prevalence of disease equals prev.  This argument can be ignored if data has a column weights with correctly calibrated weights
#' @param verbose A logical indicator for whether extended output is produced when ci=TRUE, default TRUE
#' @return A numeric estimate of the joint PAF for all risk factors (if ci=FALSE), or a jointpaf object giving the same information with confidence intervals (if ci=TRUE)
#' @export
#' @references Ferguson, J., O’Connell, M. and O’Donnell, M., 2020. Revisiting sequential attributable fractions. Archives of Public Health, 78(1), pp.1-9.
#' @examples
#' library(splines)
#' library(survival)
#' library(parallel)
#' options(boot.parallel="snow")
#' options(boot.ncpus=2)
#' # The above could be set to the number of available cores on the machine
#' #  Simulated data on occupational and environmental exposure to
#' # chronic cough from Eide, 1995
#' # First specify the causal graph, in terms of the parents of each node.
#' # Then put into a list.
#' parent_urban.rural <- c()
#' parent_smoking.category <- c("urban.rural")
#' parent_occupational.exposure <- c("urban.rural")
#' parent_y <- c("urban.rural","smoking.category","occupational.exposure")
#' parent_list <- list(parent_urban.rural, parent_smoking.category,
#'  parent_occupational.exposure, parent_y)
#' # also specify nodes of graph, in order from root to leaves
#' node_vec <- c("urban.rural","smoking.category","occupational.exposure", "y")
#' # specify a model list according to parent_list
#' # here we use the auxillary function 'automatic fit'
#' model_list=automatic_fit(data=Hordaland_data, parent_list=parent_list,
#' node_vec=node_vec, prev=.09)
#' # model_list$data objects have fitting weights included
#' # Including weight column in data
#' # necessary if Bootstrapping CIs
#' joint_paf(data=model_list[[length(model_list)]]$data,
#'  model_list=model_list, parent_list=parent_list,
#'  node_vec=node_vec, prev=.09, riskfactor_vec = c("urban.rural",
#'  "occupational.exposure"),ci=FALSE)
#' \donttest{
#' # More complicated example (slower to run)
#' parent_exercise <- c("education")
#' parent_diet <- c("education")
#' parent_smoking <- c("education")
#' parent_alcohol <- c("education")
#' parent_stress <- c("education")
#' parent_high_blood_pressure <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol","stress")
#' parent_lipids <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol","stress")
#' parent_waist_hip_ratio <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking",
#' "alcohol","stress")
#' parent_early_stage_heart_disease <- c("education","exercise","diet",
#' "smoking","alcohol","stress","lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure")
#' parent_diabetes <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol",
#' "stress","lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure")
#' parent_case <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol",
#' "stress","lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure","early_stage_heart_disease","diabetes")
#' parent_list <- list(parent_exercise,parent_diet,parent_smoking,parent_alcohol,
#' parent_stress,parent_high_blood_pressure,parent_lipids,parent_waist_hip_ratio,
#' parent_early_stage_heart_disease,parent_diabetes,parent_case)
#' node_vec=c("exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol","stress","high_blood_pressure",
#' "lipids","waist_hip_ratio","early_stage_heart_disease","diabetes","case")
#' model_list=automatic_fit(data=stroke_reduced, parent_list=parent_list,
#' node_vec=node_vec, prev=.0035,common="region*ns(age,df=5)+sex*ns(age,df=5)",
#'  spline_nodes = c("waist_hip_ratio","lipids","diet"))
#' jointpaf <- joint_paf(data=stroke_reduced, model_list=model_list,
#' parent_list=parent_list, node_vec=node_vec, prev=.0035,
#' riskfactor_vec = c("high_blood_pressure","smoking","stress","exercise","alcohol",
#' "diabetes","early_stage_heart_disease"),ci=TRUE,boot_rep=10)
#' }
joint_paf <- function(data, model_list, parent_list, node_vec, prev=NULL, riskfactor_vec=NULL,ci=FALSE,boot_rep=50, ci_type=c("norm"),ci_level=0.95,nsim=1,weight_vec=NULL,verbose=TRUE){
    stop("ancestors must be specified before descendants in node_vec")
  if(!is.null(riskfactor_vec) & !all(riskfactor_vec %in% node_vec)){
    stop("Not all requested variables are in node_vec.  Check spelling")
  data <- as.data.frame(data)

if(!ci) return(joint_paf_inner(data=data,ind=1:nrow(data), model_list=model_list, parent_list=parent_list, node_vec=node_vec, prev=prev,riskfactor_vec=riskfactor_vec,nsim=nsim,weight_vec=weight_vec))
  nc <- options()$boot.ncpus
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nc)
  if("splines" %in% (.packages())) parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("ns"))
  parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("sim_outnode","do_sim"))
  res <- boot::boot(data=data,statistic=joint_paf_inner,R=boot_rep,model_list=model_list, parent_list=parent_list, node_vec=node_vec, prev=prev, riskfactor_vec=riskfactor_vec,nsim=nsim,weight_vec=weight_vec,cl=cl)
  out <- extract_ci(res=res,model_type='glm',ci_level=ci_level,ci_type=ci_type,continuous=TRUE,t_vector=c("joint PAF"))
  out <- structure(list(verbose=verbose,prev=prev,ci_level=ci_level, ci_type=ci_type,boot_rep=boot_rep,riskfactor_vec=riskfactor_vec,jointpaf=out),class="jointpaf")

#' @export
print.jointpaf <- function(x,...){

  d_frame_new <- signif(x$jointpaf[,1,drop=FALSE],3)
  d_frame_new$CI <- paste("(",signif(x$jointpaf[,4],3),",",signif(x$jointpaf[,5],3),")",sep="")

  cat(paste("Risk factors: ",sep=""))
  cat(paste("Assumed prevalence: ", unique(x$prev), "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Type of Bootstrap confidence interval used: ", x$ci_type, "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Confidence level: ", x$ci_level, "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Number of bootstrap draws: ", x$boot_rep, "\n",sep=""))

joint_paf_inner <- function(data, ind, model_list, parent_list, node_vec, prev=NULL,riskfactor_vec=NULL,nsim=1,weight_vec=NULL){

  data <- data[ind,]
  n_data <- nrow(data)
  response_col <- (1:length(colnames(data)))[colnames(data) %in% node_vec[length(node_vec)]]
  w <- weight_vec
  if(is.null(weight_vec)) w <- rep(1,nrow(data))
  w <- w[ind]
    w = prev*as.numeric(data[,response_col]==1) + (1-prev)*as.numeric(data[,response_col]==0)
  if(!all(ind==1:n_data)) for(i in 1:length(model_list)) model_list[[i]] <- update(model_list[[i]],data=data)

   sim_disease_current_population <- predict(model_list[[length(node_vec)]],type="response")

  out_vector <- numeric(nsim)
  for(k in 1:nsim){
    col_list <- numeric(length(node_vec))
    N <- length(col_list)-1
  for(i in 1:(N+1)) col_list[i] <- (1:ncol(data))[colnames(data)==node_vec[i]]
  col_list_orig <- col_list
    indexes <- c((1:(N+1))[node_vec %in% riskfactor_vec],N+1)
    col_list <- col_list_orig[indexes]
    N <- length(col_list)-1

current_mat <- data
      for(j in 1:N){

        current_mat <- sim_outnode(data,col_list[j],current_mat,parent_list=parent_list,col_list=col_list_orig,model_list=model_list)
        current_mat[,col_list[N+1]] <- predict(model_list[[length(node_vec)]],newdata=current_mat,type="response")

  out_vector[k] <- as.numeric((sum(w*sim_disease_current_population)-sum(w*current_mat[,col_list[N+1]]))/sum(w*sim_disease_current_population))


#' Calculation of sequential PAF taking into account risk factor sequencing
#' @param data Data frame. A dataframe containing variables used for fitting the models.  Must contain all variables used in fitting
#' @param model_list List.  A list of fitted model objects corresponding for the outcome variables in node_vec, with parents as described in parent_vec. Linear (lm), logistic (glm) and ordinal (polr) objects are allowed. This list must be in the same order as node_vec and parent_list.  Non-linear effects should be specified via ns(x, df=y), where ns is the natural spline function from the splines library.
#' @param parent_list A list.  The ith element is the vector of variable names that are direct causes of ith variable in node_vec
#' @param node_vec A vector corresponding to the nodes in the Bayesian network.  This must be specified from root to leaves - that is ancestors in the causal graph for a particular node are positioned before their descendants.  If this condition is false the function will return an error.
#' @param prev prevalence of the disease (default is NULL)
#' @param riskfactor_vec A character vector of riskfactors.  Sequential PAF is calculated for the risk factor specified in the last position of the vector, conditional on the other risk factors
#' @param ci Logical. If TRUE, a bootstrap confidence interval is computed along with a point estimate (default FALSE).  If ci=FALSE, only a point estimate is produced.  A simulation procedure (sampling permutations and also simulating the effects of eliminating risk factors over the descendant nodes in a Bayesian network) is required to produce the point estimates.  The point estimate will change on repeated runs of the function.  The margin of error of the point estimate is given when ci=FALSE
#' @param boot_rep Integer.  Number of bootstrap replications (Only necessary to specify if ci=TRUE).  Note that at least 50 replicates are recommended to achieve stable estimates of standard error.  In the examples below, values of boot_rep less than 50 are sometimes used to limit run time.
#' @param ci_type Character.  Default norm.  A vector specifying the types of confidence interval desired.  "norm", "basic", "perc" and "bca" are the available methods
#' @param ci_level Numeric.  Confidence level.  Default 0.95
#' @param nsim Numeric.  Number of independent simulations of the dataset.  Default of 1
#' @param weight_vec An optional vector of inverse sampling weights (note with survey data, the variance may not be calculated correctly if sampling isn't independent).  Note that this vector will be ignored if prev is specified, and the weights will be calibrated so that the weighted sample prevalence of disease equals prev.  This argument can be ignored if data has a column weights with correctly calibrated weights
#' @param verbose A logical indicator for whether extended output is produced when ci=TRUE, default TRUE
#' @return A numeric estimate of sequential PAF (if ci=FALSE), or else a saf object, giving estimates and confidence limits of sequential PAF (if ci=TRUE)
#' @export
#' @references Ferguson, J., O’Connell, M. and O’Donnell, M., 2020. Revisiting sequential attributable fractions. Archives of Public Health, 78(1), pp.1-9.
#' @examples
#' library(splines)
#' library(survival)
#' library(parallel)
#' options(boot.parallel="snow")
#' options(boot.ncpus=2)
#' # The above could be set to the number of available cores on the machine
#' # Simulated data on occupational and environmental exposure to
#' # chronic cough from Eide, 1995
#' # First specify the causal graph, in terms of the parents of each node.
#' # Then put into a list.
#' parent_urban.rural <- c()
#' parent_smoking.category <- c("urban.rural")
#' parent_occupational.exposure <- c("urban.rural")
#' parent_y <- c("urban.rural","smoking.category","occupational.exposure")
#' parent_list <- list(parent_urban.rural, parent_smoking.category,
#'  parent_occupational.exposure, parent_y)
#' # also specify nodes of graph, in order from root to leaves
#' node_vec <- c("urban.rural","smoking.category","occupational.exposure", "y")
#' # specify a model list according to parent_list
#' # here we use the auxillary function 'automatic fit'
#' model_list=automatic_fit(data=Hordaland_data, parent_list=parent_list,
#' node_vec=node_vec, prev=.09)
#' # sequential PAF for occupational exposure conditional on elimination of urban.rural
#' # Including weight column in data
#' # necessary if Bootstrapping CIs
#' seq_paf(data=model_list[[length(model_list)]]$data,
#' model_list=model_list, parent_list=parent_list,
#'  node_vec=node_vec, prev=.09, riskfactor_vec = c("urban.rural",
#'  "occupational.exposure"),ci=FALSE)
#' \donttest{
#' # More complicated example (slower to run)
#' parent_exercise <- c("education")
#' parent_diet <- c("education")
#' parent_smoking <- c("education")
#' parent_alcohol <- c("education")
#' parent_stress <- c("education")
#' parent_high_blood_pressure <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol",
#' "stress")
#' parent_lipids <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol","stress")
#' parent_waist_hip_ratio <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking",
#' "alcohol","stress")
#' parent_early_stage_heart_disease <- c("education","exercise","diet",
#' "smoking","alcohol","stress","lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure")
#' parent_diabetes <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol",
#' "stress","lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure")
#' parent_case <- c("education","exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol",
#' "stress","lipids","waist_hip_ratio","high_blood_pressure",
#' "early_stage_heart_disease","diabetes")
#' parent_list <- list(parent_exercise,parent_diet,parent_smoking,parent_alcohol,
#' parent_stress,parent_high_blood_pressure,parent_lipids,parent_waist_hip_ratio,
#' parent_early_stage_heart_disease,parent_diabetes,parent_case)
#' node_vec=c("exercise","diet","smoking","alcohol","stress","high_blood_pressure",
#' "lipids","waist_hip_ratio","early_stage_heart_disease","diabetes","case")
#' model_list=automatic_fit(data=stroke_reduced, parent_list=parent_list,
#' node_vec=node_vec, prev=.0035,common="region*ns(age,df=5)+sex*ns(age,df=5)",
#'  spline_nodes = c("waist_hip_ratio","lipids","diet"))
#' # calculate sequential PAF for stress, conditional on smoking
#' # and blood pressure being eliminated from the population
#' seqpaf <- seq_paf(data=stroke_reduced, model_list=model_list, parent_list=
#' parent_list, node_vec=node_vec, prev=.0035, riskfactor_vec = c("high_blood_pressure",
#' "smoking","stress"),ci=TRUE,boot_rep=10)
#' }
seq_paf <- function(data, model_list, parent_list, node_vec, prev=NULL, riskfactor_vec=NULL,ci=FALSE,boot_rep=50, ci_type=c("norm"),ci_level=0.95,nsim=1,weight_vec=NULL,verbose=TRUE){
    stop("ancestors must be specified before descendants in node_vec")
  if(!is.null(riskfactor_vec) & !all(riskfactor_vec %in% node_vec)){
    stop("Not all requested variables are in node_vec.  Check spelling")
  if(!is.null(riskfactor_vec) & length(riskfactor_vec)<2){
    stop("Enter at least 2 risk factors.  SAF is calculated for the last risk factor conditional on the others in list")

  data <- as.data.frame(data)
  if(!ci) return(seq_paf_inner(data=data,ind=1:nrow(data), model_list=model_list, parent_list=parent_list, node_vec=node_vec, prev=prev,riskfactor_vec=riskfactor_vec,nsim=nsim,weight_vec=weight_vec))
  nc <- options()$boot.ncpus
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nc)
  if("splines" %in% (.packages())) parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("ns"))
  parallel::clusterExport(cl, c("sim_outnode","do_sim"))
  res <- boot::boot(data=data,statistic=seq_paf_inner,R=boot_rep,model_list=model_list, parent_list=parent_list, node_vec=node_vec, prev=prev, riskfactor_vec=riskfactor_vec,nsim=nsim,weight_vec=weight_vec,cl=cl)
  out <- extract_ci(res=res,model_type='glm',ci_level=ci_level,ci_type=ci_type,continuous=TRUE,t_vector=c("sequential PAF"))
  out <- structure(list(verbose=verbose,prev=prev,ci_level=ci_level, ci_type=ci_type,boot_rep=boot_rep,riskfactor_vec=riskfactor_vec,saf=out),class="saf")

#' @export
print.saf <- function(x,...){

  d_frame_new <- signif(x$saf[,1,drop=FALSE],3)
  d_frame_new$CI <- paste("(",signif(x$saf[,4],3),",",signif(x$saf[,5],3),")",sep="")
  cat(paste("Risk factors: ",sep=""))
  cat(x$riskfactor_vec, sep=", ")
  cat(paste("Assumed prevalence: ", unique(x$prev), "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Type of Bootstrap confidence interval used: ", x$ci_type, "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Confidence level: ", x$ci_level, "\n",sep=""))

  cat(paste("Number of bootstrap draws: ", x$boot_rep, "\n",sep=""))

seq_paf_inner <- function(data, ind, model_list, parent_list, node_vec, prev=NULL,riskfactor_vec=NULL,nsim=1,weight_vec=NULL){

  data <- data[ind,]
  n_data <- nrow(data)
  response_col <- (1:length(colnames(data)))[colnames(data) %in% node_vec[length(node_vec)]]
  w <- weight_vec
  if(is.null(weight_vec)) w <- rep(1,nrow(data))
  w <- w[ind]
    w = prev*as.numeric(data[,response_col]==1) + (1-prev)*as.numeric(data[,response_col]==0)
  if(!all(ind==1:n_data)) for(i in 1:length(model_list)) model_list[[i]] <- update(model_list[[i]],data=data)

  sim_disease_current_population <- predict(model_list[[length(node_vec)]],type="response")

  out_vector <- numeric(nsim)
   for(k in 1:nsim){
    col_list <- numeric(length(node_vec))
    N <- length(col_list)-1
    for(i in 1:(N+1)) col_list[i] <- (1:ncol(data))[colnames(data)==node_vec[i]]
    col_list_orig <- col_list
      indexes <- numeric(length(riskfactor_vec))
      for(i in 1:length(riskfactor_vec))  indexes[i] <- (1:(N+1))[node_vec %in% riskfactor_vec[i]]
      indexes <- c(indexes,N+1)
      col_list <- col_list_orig[indexes]
      N <- length(col_list)-1

    current_mat <- data
    for(j in 1:(N-1)){

      current_mat <- sim_outnode(data,col_list[j],current_mat,parent_list=parent_list,col_list=col_list_orig,model_list=model_list)
      current_mat[,col_list[N+1]] <- predict(model_list[[length(node_vec)]],newdata=current_mat,type="response")

    PAF_S <- as.numeric((sum(w*sim_disease_current_population)-sum(w*current_mat[,col_list[N+1]]))/sum(w*sim_disease_current_population))
      current_mat <- sim_outnode(data,col_list[N],current_mat,parent_list=parent_list,col_list=col_list_orig,model_list=model_list)
    current_mat[,col_list[N+1]] <- predict(model_list[[length(node_vec)]],newdata=current_mat,type="response")
    PAF_S_J <- as.numeric((sum(w*sim_disease_current_population)-sum(w*current_mat[,col_list[N+1]]))/sum(w*sim_disease_current_population))
    out_vector[k] <- PAF_S_J-PAF_S


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