
Defines functions `create_reference_simulations` sim_gfam `luo_wabha_f6` `gu_wabha_f2` `four_term_plus_ranef_model` `additive_plus_factor_model` `factor_by_model` `continuous_by_model` `bivariate_model` `correlated_four_term_additive_model` `four_term_additive_model` bivariate gw_f3 gw_f2 gw_f1 gw_f0 `post_proc_ocat` `sim_gamma` `sim_tweedie` `sim_nb` `sim_binary` `sim_poisson` `sim_normal` `data_sim`

Documented in gw_f0 gw_f1 gw_f2 gw_f3

#' Simulate example data for fitting GAMs
#' A tidy reimplementation of the functions implemented in [mgcv::gamSim()]
#' that can be used to fit GAMs. An new feature is that the sampling
#' distribution can be applied to all the example types.
#' @details `data_sim()` can simulate data from several underlying models of
#'   known true functions. The available options currently are:
#'   * `"eg1"`: a four term additive true model. This is the classic Gu & Wahba
#'     four univariate term test model. See [`gw_functions`] for more details of
#'     the underlying four functions.
#'   * `"eg2"`: a bivariate smooth true model.
#'   * `"eg3"`: an example containing a continuous by smooth (varying
#'     coefficient) true model. The model is \eqn{\hat{y}_i = f_2(x_{1i})x_{2i}}{
#' yhat = f(x1)x2} where the function \eqn{f_2()} is \eqn{f_2(x) = 0.2 * x^{11} *
#' (10 * (1 - x))^6 + 10 * (10 * x)^3 * (1 - x)^{10}}{f(x) = 0.2 * x^11 * (10 *
#' (1 - x))^6 + 10 * (10 * x)^3 * (1 - x)^10}.
#'   * `"eg4"`: a factor by smooth true model. The true model contains a factor
#'     with 3 levels, where the response for the *n*th level follows the *n*th
#'     Gu & Wabha function (for \eqn{n \in {1, 2, 3}}{n in {1,2,3}}).
#'   * `"eg5"`: an additive plus factor true model. The response is a linear
#'     combination of the Gu & Wabha functions 2, 3, 4 (the latter is a null
#'     function) plus a factor term with four levels.
#'   * `"eg6"`: an additive plus random effect term true model.
#'   * ´"eg7"`: a version of the model in `"eg1"`, but where the covariates are
#'     correlated.
#'   * `"gwf2"`: a model where the response is Gu & Wabha's
#'     \eqn{f_2(x_i)}{f_2(x_i)} plus noise.
#'   * `"lwf6"`: a model where the response is Luo & Wabha's "example 6"
#'     function \eqn{sin(2(4x-2)) + 2 exp(-256(x-0.5)^2)}{
#'     sin(2 * ((4 * x) - 2)) + (2 * exp(-256 * (x - .5)^2))} plus noise.
#'   * `"gfam"`: simulates data for use with GAMs with
#'     `family = gfam(families)`. See example in [mgcv::gfam()]. If this model
#'     is specified then `dist` is ignored and `gfam_families` is used to
#'     specify which distributions are included in the simulated data. Can be a
#'     vector of any of the families allowed by `dist`. For
#'     `"ocat" %in% gfam_families` (or `"ordered categorical"`), 4 classes are
#'     assumed, which can't be changed. Link functions used are `"identity"`
#'     for `"normal"`, `"logit"` for `"binary"`, `"ocat"`, and
#'     `"ordered categorical"`, and `"exp"` elsewhere.
#'   The random component providing noise or sampling variation can follow one
#'   of the distributions, specified via argument `dist`
#'   * `"normal"`: Gaussian,
#'   * `"poisson"`: Poisson,
#'   * `"binary"`: Bernoulli,
#'   * `"negbin"`: Negative binomial,
#'   * `"tweedie"`: Tweedie,
#'   * `"gamma"`: gamma , and
#'   * `"ordered categorical"`: ordered categorical
#'   Other arguments provide the parameters for the distribution.
#' @param model character; either `"egX"` where `X` is an integer `1:7`, or
#'   the name of a model. See Details for possible options.
#' @param n numeric; the number of observations to simulate.
#' @param dist character; a sampling distribution for the response
#'   variable. `"ordered categorical"` is a synonym of `"ocat"`.
#' @param scale numeric; the level of noise to use.
#' @param theta numeric; the dispersion parameter \eqn{\theta} to use. The
#'   default is entirely arbitrary, chosen only to provide simulated data that
#'   exhibits extra dispersion beyond that assumed by under a Poisson.
#' @param power numeric; the Tweedie power parameter.
#' @param n_cat integer; the number of categories for categorical response.
#'   Currently only used for `distr %in% c("ocat", "ordered categorical")`.
#' @param cuts numeric; vector of cut points on the latent variable, excluding
#'   the end points `-Inf` and `Inf`. Must be one fewer than the number of
#'   categories: `length(cuts) == n_cat - 1`.
#' @param seed numeric; the seed for the random number generator. Passed to
#'   [base::set.seed()].
#' @param gfam_families character; a vector of distributions to use in
#'   generating data with grouped families for use with `family = gfam()`. The
#'   allowed distributions as as per `dist`.
#' @references
#' Gu, C., Wahba, G., (1993). Smoothing Spline ANOVA with Component-Wise
#' Bayesian "Confidence Intervals." *J. Comput. Graph. Stat.* **2**, 97–117.
#' Luo, Z., Wahba, G., (1997). Hybrid adaptive splines. *J. Am. Stat. Assoc.*
#' **92**, 107–116.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' op <- options(pillar.sigfig = 5, cli.unicode = FALSE)
#' }
#' data_sim("eg1", n = 100, seed = 1)
#' # an ordered categorical response
#' data_sim("eg1", n = 100, dist = "ocat", n_cat = 4, cuts = c(-1, 0, 5))
#' \dontshow{
#' options(op)
#' }
`data_sim` <- function(model = "eg1", n = 400,
    scale = NULL, theta = 3, power = 1.5,
    dist = c(
      "normal", "poisson", "binary", "negbin", "tweedie", "gamma",
      "ocat", "ordered categorical"
    n_cat = 4, cuts = c(-1, 0, 5),
    seed = NULL,
    gfam_families = c("binary", "tweedie", "normal")
  ) {
  ## sort out the seed
  if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
  if (is.null(seed)) {
    RNGstate <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
  } else {
    R.seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
    RNGstate <- structure(seed, kind = as.list(RNGkind()))
    on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))

  ## check dist is OK
  dist <- match.arg(dist)
  special_dist <- c("ordered categorical" = "ocat")
  if (dist %in% names(special_dist)) {
    dist <- unname(special_dist[dist])

  sim_fun <- switch(dist,
    normal = sim_normal,
    poisson = sim_poisson,
    binary = sim_binary,
    negbin = sim_nb,
    tweedie = sim_tweedie,
    gamma = sim_gamma,
    ocat = sim_normal

  # try to choose better defaults for some functions
  if (is.null(scale)) {
    scale <- if (model == "lwf6") {
    } else {

  model_fun <- switch(model,
    eg1 = four_term_additive_model,
    eg2 = bivariate_model,
    eg3 = continuous_by_model,
    eg4 = factor_by_model,
    eg5 = additive_plus_factor_model,
    eg6 = four_term_plus_ranef_model,
    eg7 = correlated_four_term_additive_model,
    gwf2 = gu_wabha_f2,
    lwf6 = luo_wabha_f6,
    gfam = sim_gfam

  sim <- model_fun(
    n = n, sim_fun = sim_fun, scale = scale, theta = theta,
    power = power, families = gfam_families

  # some distributions will require post-processing, such as OCAT
  post_proc_dists <- c("ocat")
  post_proc_fun <- function(x, ...) { # default just returns it's input
  if (dist %in% post_proc_dists) {
    # post_proc_fun <- match.fun(paste0("post_proc_", dist))
    post_proc_fun <- get(paste0("post_proc_", dist))

  # post process
  sim <- post_proc_fun(sim, n_cat = n_cat)

  # return

#' @importFrom stats rnorm
`sim_normal` <- function(x, scale = 2, ...) {
    y = x + rnorm(length(x), mean = 0, sd = scale),
    f = x

#' @importFrom stats rpois
`sim_poisson` <- function(x, scale = 2, ...) {
  lam <- exp(x * scale)
  tibble(y = rpois(rep(1, length(x)), lam), f = log(lam))

#' @importFrom stats rbinom binomial
`sim_binary` <- function(x, scale = 2, ...) {
  ilink <- inv_link(binomial())
  x <- (x - 5) * scale
  p <- ilink(x)
  tibble(y = rbinom(p, 1, p), f = x)

#' @importFrom stats rnbinom
`sim_nb` <- function(x, scale = 2, theta = 3, ...) {
  lam <- exp(x * scale)
    y = rnbinom(rep(1, length(x)), mu = lam, size = theta),
    f = log(lam)

#' @importFrom mgcv rTweedie
`sim_tweedie` <- function(x, scale = 2, power = 1.5, ...) {
  mu <- exp((x / 3) + 0.1)
    y = rTweedie(mu = mu, p = power, phi = scale),
    f = log(mu)

#' @importFrom stats rgamma
`sim_gamma` <- function(x, scale = 2, ...) {
  mu <- exp(x / 3 + 0.1)
    y = rgamma(length(mu), shape = 1 / scale, scale = mu * scale),
    f = log(mu)

# post-processing

# post-process ocat - simulates normal data, but we need to convert to
# categories.
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate select left_join join_by
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom rlang .data
`post_proc_ocat` <- function(x, n_cat = 4, cuts = c(-1, 0, 5), ...) {
  # follows example from ?ocat
  n_cuts <- length(cuts)
  if (!identical(as.integer(n_cat), as.integer(n_cuts + 1L))) {
    stop("Number of cut points not equal to ", n_cat, "-1.")

  alpha <- c(-Inf, cuts, Inf)
  ru <- runif(nrow(x))
  x <- mutate(x,
    f = .data$f - mean(.data$f),
    latent = .data$f + log(ru / (1 - ru))
  cats <- seq_len(n_cat)
  lkp_up <- tibble(
    cat = cats,
    lower = alpha[cats], upper = alpha[cats + 1]
  by <- join_by("latent" > "lower", "latent" <= "upper")
  x <- left_join(x, lkp_up, by = by) |>
    mutate(y = .data$cat) |>
    select(-c("cat", "lower", "upper"))


## Gu Wabha functions
#' Gu and Wabha test functions
#' @param x numeric; vector of points to evaluate the function at, on interval
#'   (0,1)
#' @param ... arguments passed to other methods, ignored.
#' @rdname gw_functions
#' @export
#' @aliases gw_functions
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' op <- options(digits = 4)
#' }
#' x <- seq(0, 1, length = 6)
#' gw_f0(x)
#' gw_f1(x)
#' gw_f2(x)
#' gw_f3(x) # should be constant 0
#' \dontshow{
#' options(op)
#' }
gw_f0 <- function(x, ...) {
  2 * sin(pi * x)

#' @rdname gw_functions
#' @export
gw_f1 <- function(x, ...) {
  exp(2 * x)

#' @rdname gw_functions
#' @export
gw_f2 <- function(x, ...) {
  0.2 * x^11 * (10 * (1 - x))^6 + 10 * (10 * x)^3 * (1 - x)^10

#' @rdname gw_functions
#' @export
gw_f3 <- function(x, ...) { # a null function with zero effect
  0 * x

## bivariate function
bivariate <- function(x, z, sx = 0.3, sz = 0.4, ...) {
  (pi^sx * sz) * (1.2 * exp(-(x - 0.2)^2 / sx^2 - (z - 0.3)^2 / sz^2) +
    0.8 * exp(-(x - 0.7)^2 / sx^2 - (z - 0.8)^2 / sz^2))

#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate bind_cols
#' @importFrom rlang .data
`four_term_additive_model` <- function(n, sim_fun = sim_normal, scale = 2,
                                       theta = 3, power = 1.5, ...) {
  data <- tibble(
    x0 = runif(n, 0, 1), x1 = runif(n, 0, 1),
    x2 = runif(n, 0, 1), x3 = runif(n, 0, 1)
  data <- mutate(data,
    f0 = gw_f0(.data$x0), f1 = gw_f1(.data$x1),
    f2 = gw_f2(.data$x2), f3 = gw_f3(.data$x3)
  data2 <- sim_fun(
    x = data$f0 + data$f1 + data$f2, scale, theta = theta,
    power = power
  data <- bind_cols(data2, data)
  data[c("y", "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "f", "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3")]

#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate bind_cols
#' @importFrom rlang .data
`correlated_four_term_additive_model` <- function(n, sim_fun = sim_normal,
                                                  scale = 2, theta = 3,
                                                  power = 1.5, ...) {
  data <- tibble(x0 = runif(n, 0, 1), x2 = runif(n, 0, 1))
  data <- mutate(data,
    x1 = .data$x0 * 0.7 + runif(n, 0, 0.3),
    x3 = .data$x2 * 0.9 + runif(n, 0, 0.1)
  data <- mutate(data,
    f0 = gw_f0(.data$x0), f1 = gw_f1(.data$x1),
    f2 = gw_f2(.data$x2), f3 = gw_f3(.data$x0)
  data2 <- sim_fun(
    x = data$f0 + data$f1 + data$f2, scale = scale,
    theta = theta, power = power
  data <- bind_cols(data2, data)
  data[c("y", "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "f", "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3")]

#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @importFrom rlang .data
`bivariate_model` <- function(n, sim_fun = sim_normal, scale = 2, theta = 3,
                              power = 1.5, ...) {
  data <- tibble(x = runif(n), z = runif(n))
  data2 <- sim_fun(
    x = bivariate(data$x, data$z), scale = scale,
    theta = theta, power = power
  data <- bind_cols(data2, data)

#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
`continuous_by_model` <- function(n, sim_fun = sim_normal, scale = 2,
                                  theta = 3, power = 1.5, ...) {
  data <- tibble(x1 = runif(n, 0, 1), x2 = sort(runif(n, 0, 1)))
  `f_fun` <- function(x) {
    0.2 * x^11 * (10 * (1 - x))^6 + 10 * (10 * x)^3 * (1 - x)^10
  data2 <- sim_fun(
    x = f_fun(data$x2) * data$x1, scale = scale,
    theta = theta, power = power
  data <- bind_cols(data2, data)
  data[c("y", "x1", "x2", "f")]

#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @importFrom rlang .data
`factor_by_model` <- function(n, sim_fun = sim_normal, scale = 2, theta = 3,
                              power = 1.5, ...) {
  data <- tibble(
    x0 = runif(n, 0, 1), x1 = runif(n, 0, 1),
    x2 = sort(runif(n, 0, 1))
  data <- mutate(data,
    f1 = 2 * sin(pi * .data$x2), f2 = exp(2 * .data$x2) -
    f3 = 0.2 * .data$x2^11 * (10 * (1 - .data$x2))^6 +
      10 * (10 * .data$x2)^3 * (1 - .data$x2)^10,
    fac = as.factor(sample(1:3, n, replace = TRUE))
  y <- data$f1 * as.numeric(data$fac == 1) +
    data$f2 * as.numeric(data$fac == 2) +
    data$f3 * as.numeric(data$fac == 3)
  data2 <- sim_fun(y, scale = scale, theta = theta, power = power)
  data <- bind_cols(data2, data)
  data[c("y", "x0", "x1", "x2", "fac", "f", "f1", "f2", "f3")]

#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @importFrom rlang .data
`additive_plus_factor_model` <- function(n, sim_fun = sim_normal, scale = 2,
                                         theta = 3, power = 1.5, ...) {
  data <- tibble(
    x0 = rep(1:4, n / 4), x1 = runif(n, 0, 1),
    x2 = runif(n, 0, 1), x3 = runif(n, 0, 1)
  data <- mutate(data,
    f0 = 2 * .data$x0,
    f1 = exp(2 * .data$x1),
    f2 = 0.2 * .data$x2^11 * (10 * (1 - .data$x2))^6 + 10 *
      (10 * .data$x2)^3 * (1 - .data$x2)^10,
    f3 = 0 * .data$x3
  y <- data$f0 + data$f1 + data$f2
  data2 <- sim_fun(y, scale = scale, theta = theta, power = power)
  data <- mutate(data, x0 = as.factor(.data$x0))
  data <- bind_cols(data2, data)
  data[c("y", "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "f", "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3")]

#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_cols
#' @importFrom rlang .data
`four_term_plus_ranef_model` <- function(n, sim_fun = sim_normal, scale = 2,
                                         theta = 3, power = 1.5, ...) {
  data <- four_term_additive_model(n = n, sim_fun = sim_fun, scale = 0.01)
  data <- mutate(data, fac = rep(1:4, n / 4))
  data <- mutate(data,
    f = .data$f + .data$fac * 3,
    fac = as.factor(.data$fac)
  data2 <- sim_fun(data$f, scale = scale, theta = theta, power = power)
  data <- mutate(data, y = data2$y)
  data[c("y", "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "fac", "f", "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3")]

#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate bind_cols
#' @importFrom rlang .data
`gu_wabha_f2` <- function(
    n, sim_fun = sim_normal, scale = 2,
    theta = 3, power = 1.5, ...) {
  data <- tibble(x = runif(n, 0, 1))
  data <- mutate(data, f2 = gw_f2(.data$x))
  data2 <- sim_fun(x = data$f2, scale = scale, theta = theta, power = power)
  data <- bind_cols(data2, data)
  data[c("y", "x", "f", "f2")]

#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate bind_cols
#' @importFrom rlang .data
`luo_wabha_f6` <- function(
    n, sim_fun = sim_normal, scale = 0.3,
    theta = 3, power = 1.5, ...) {
  f <- function(x) {
    sin(2 * ((4 * x) - 2)) + (2 * exp(-256 * (x - .5)^2))
  data <- tibble(x = runif(n, 0, 1))
  data <- mutate(data, f6 = f(.data$x))
  data2 <- sim_fun(x = data$f6, scale = scale, theta = theta, power = power)
  data <- bind_cols(data2, data)
  data[c("y", "x", "f")]

## a mixed family simulator function to play with...
#' @importFrom mgcv rTweedie
sim_gfam <- function(n, families, seed = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(seed)) {
    seed <- with_preserve_seed(runif(1))
  # families can be normal, poisson, gamma, binary, negbin, tweedie,
  # ocat, ordered categorical (R assumed 4)
  # links used are identity, log or logit.

  # simulate base data
  df <- data_sim("eg1", n = n, seed = seed)
  nf <- length(families) ## how many families?
  idx <- c(seq_len(nf),
    sample(seq_len(nf), n - nf, replace = TRUE)

  # scale the function columns, add family and fix up ordered categorical
  df <- df |>
        .fns = \(x) x / 5
      family = families[idx],
      family = case_when(
        family == "ordered categorical" ~ "ocat",
        .default = family

  # function for ocat simulating locally
  ocat_fun <- function(f) {
    alpha <- c(-Inf, 1, 2, 2.5, Inf)
    r <- length(alpha) - 1 # n classes
    y <- f
    u <- runif(f)
    u <- y + log(u / (1 - u))
    for (j in seq_len(r)) {
      y[u > alpha[j] & u <= alpha[j + 1]] <- j
    f <- y

  # do the simulation per family
  df <- df |>
      y = case_when(
        family == "normal"  ~ f + rnorm(f) * 0.5,
        family == "poisson" ~ rpois(f, exp(f)),
        family == "gamma"   ~ rgamma(f, shape = 1 / 0.5,
          scale = exp(f) * 0.5),
        family == "negbin"  ~ rnbinom(f, size = 3, mu = exp(f)),
        family == "binary"  ~ rbinom(f, 1, inv_link(binomial())(f)),
        family == "tweedie" ~ rTweedie(exp(f), p = 1.5, phi = 1.5),
        family == "ocat"    ~ ocat_fun(f)
      index = match(family, families)
    ) |>
    relocate(all_of(c("y", "index", "family")), .before = 1L)


#' Generate reference simulations for testing
#' @param scale numeric; the noise level.
#' @param seed numeric; the seed to use for simulating data.
#' @return A named list of tibbles containing
#' @importFrom tidyr expand_grid
#' @importFrom purrr pmap
#' @noRd
`create_reference_simulations` <- function(scale = 2, n = 100, seed = 42,
                                           theta = 4, power = 1.5) {
  `data_sim_wrap` <- function(model, dist, scale, theta, n, seed, ...) {
      dist = dist, scale = scale, theta = theta,
      n = n, seed = seed, ...
  params <- expand_grid(
    model = paste0("eg", 1:7),
    dist = c(
      "normal", "poisson", "binary",
      "negbin", "ocat", "tweedie", "gamma"
    scale = rep(scale, length.out = 1),
    n = rep(n, length.out = 1),
    seed = rep(seed, length.out = 1),
    theta = rep(theta, length.out = 1)
  out <- pmap(params, .f = data_sim_wrap)
  nms <- unlist(pmap(params[1:2], paste, sep = "-"))
  names(out) <- nms

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