
Defines functions `weights.lm` `worm_plot.lm` `worm_plot.glm` `worm_plot.gam` `worm_plot.default` `worm_plot` `appraise.lm` `appraise.gam` `appraise` `residuals_hist_plot` `observed_fitted_plot` `residuals_linpred_plot` `pearson_residuals` `deviance_residuals` `response_residuals` `compute_residuals` `qq_uniform_quantiles` `qq_uniform` `qq_normal` `qq_simulate_data` `qq_simulate` `qq_plot.lm` `qq_plot.glm` `qq_plot.gam` `qq_plot.default` `qq_plot`

## Functions diagnose problems with fitted GAMs

#' @title Quantile-quantile plot of model residuals
#' @param model a fitted model. Currently only class `"gam"`.
#' @param ... arguments passed ot other methods.
#' @export
`qq_plot` <- function(model, ...) {

#' @rdname qq_plot
#' @export
`qq_plot.default` <- function(model, ...) {
    stop("Unable to produce a Q-Q plot for <",
         class(model)[[1L]], ">",
         call. = FALSE)           # don't show the call, simpler error

#' @param method character; method used to generate theoretical quantiles. Note
#'   that `method = "direct"` is deprecated in favour of `method = "uniform"`.
#' @param type character; type of residuals to use. Only `"deviance"`,
#'   `"response"`, and `"pearson"` residuals are allowed.
#' @param n_uniform numeric; number of times to randomize uniform quantiles
#'   in the direct computation method (`method = "uniform"`).
#' @param n_simulate numeric; number of data sets to simulate from the estimated
#'   model when using the simulation method (`method = "simulate"`).
#' @param level numeric; the coverage level for reference intervals. Must be
#'   strictly `0 < level < 1`. Only used with `method = "simulate"`.
#' @param xlab character or expression; the label for the y axis. If not
#'   supplied, a suitable label will be generated.
#' @param ylab character or expression; the label for the y axis. If not
#'   supplied, a suitable label will be generated.
#' @param ci_col,ci_alpha fill colour and alpha transparency for the reference
#'   interval when `method = "simulate"`.
#' @param point_col,point_alpha colour and alpha transparency for points on the
#'   QQ plot.
#' @param line_col colour used to draw the reference line.
#' @note The wording used in [mgcv::qq.gam()] uses *direct* in reference to the
#'   simulated residuals method (`method = "simulated"`). To avoid confusion,
#'   `method = "direct"` is deprecated in favour of `method = "uniform"`.
#' @inheritParams draw.evaluated_smooth
#' @rdname qq_plot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_abline geom_ribbon labs aes
#' @importFrom tools toTitleCase
#' @importFrom stats residuals IQR median
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load_mgcv()
#' ## simulate binomial data...
#' dat <- data_sim("eg1", n = 200, dist = "binary", scale = .33, seed = 0)
#' p <- binomial()$linkinv(dat$f)               # binomial p
#' n <- sample(c(1, 3), 200, replace = TRUE) # binomial n
#' dat <- transform(dat, y = rbinom(n, n, p), n = n)
#' m <- gam( y / n ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3),
#'          family = binomial, data = dat, weights = n,
#'          method = "REML")
#' ## Q-Q plot; default using direct randomization of uniform quantiles
#' qq_plot(m)
#' ## Alternatively use simulate new data from the model, which
#' ## allows construction of reference intervals for the Q-Q plot
#' qq_plot(m, method = "simulate", point_col = "steelblue",
#'         point_alpha = 0.4)
#' ## ... or use the usual normality assumption
#' qq_plot(m, method = "normal")
`qq_plot.gam` <- function(model,
                          method = c("uniform", "simulate", "normal", "direct"),
                          type = c("deviance", "response", "pearson"),
                          n_uniform = 10, n_simulate = 50,
                          level = 0.9,
                          ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL,
                          title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, caption = NULL,
                          ci_col = "black",
                          ci_alpha = 0.2,
                          point_col = "black",
                          point_alpha = 1,
                          line_col = "red", ...) {
    method <- match.arg(method)         # what method for the QQ plot?
    if (identical(method, "direct")) {
        message("`method = \"direct\"` is deprecated, use `\"uniform\"`")
        method <- "uniform"
    ## check if we can do the method
    if (identical(method, "uniform") &&
        is.null(fix.family.qf(family(model))[["qf"]])) {
        method <- "simulate"
    if (identical(method, "simulate") &&
        is.null(fix.family.rd(family(model))[["rd"]])) {
        method <- "normal"

    if (level <= 0 || level >= 1) {
        stop("Level must be 0 < level < 1. Supplied level <", level, ">",
             call. = FALSE)

    type <- match.arg(type)       # what type of residuals
    ##r <- residuals(model, type = type)  # model residuals

    ## generate theoretical quantiles
    df <- switch(method,
                 uniform  = qq_uniform(model, n = n_uniform, type = type),
                 simulate = qq_simulate(model, n = n_simulate, type = type,
                                        level = level),
                 normal   = qq_normal(model, type = type, level = level))
    df <- as_tibble(df)

    ## add labels if not supplied
    if (is.null(ylab)) {
        ylab <- paste(toTitleCase(type), "residuals")

    if (is.null(xlab)) {
        xlab <- "Theoretical quantiles"

    if (is.null(title)) {
        title <- "QQ plot of residuals"

    if (is.null(subtitle)) {
        subtitle <- paste("Method:", method)

    ## base plot
    plt <- ggplot(df, aes(x = .data$theoretical,
                          y = .data$residuals))

    ## add reference line
    qq_intercept <- 0
    qq_slope <- 1
    if (method == "normal") {
        qq_intercept <- median(df[["residuals"]])
        qq_slope <- IQR(df[["residuals"]]) / 1.349
        ## R's qq.line() does this, which seems the same as above
        ## probs <- c(0.25, 0.75)
        ## qq_y <- quantile(df[["residuals"]], probs = probs,
        ##                  names = FALSE, qtype = 7)
        ## qq_x <- qnorm(probs)
        ## qq_slope <- diff(qq_y) / diff(qq_x)
        ## qq_intercept <- qq_y[1L] - qq_slope * qq_x[1L]
    plt <- plt + geom_abline(slope = qq_slope, intercept = qq_intercept,
                             col = line_col)

    ## add reference interval
    if (isTRUE(method %in% c("simulate", "normal"))) {
        plt <- plt + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = .data$lower,
                                     ymax = .data$upper,
                                        x = .data$theoretical),
                                 inherit.aes = FALSE,
                                 alpha = ci_alpha, fill = ci_col)

    ## add point layer
    plt <- plt + geom_point(colour = point_col, alpha = point_alpha)

    ## add labels
    plt <- plt + labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, caption = caption,
                      y = ylab, x = xlab)

    ## return

#' @export
#' @rdname qq_plot
`qq_plot.glm` <- function(model, ...) {
    if (is.null(model[["sig2"]])) {
        model[["sig2"]] <- summary(model)$dispersion
    qq_plot.gam(model, ...)

#' @rdname qq_plot
#' @importFrom stats df.residual
`qq_plot.lm` <- function(model, ...) {
    r <- residuals(model)
    r.df <- df.residual(model)
    model[["sig2"]] <- sum((r- mean(r))^2) / r.df
    if (is.null(weights(model))) {
        model$prior.weights <- rep(1, nrow(model.frame(model)))
    if (is.null(model[["linear.predictors"]])) {
        model[["linear.predictors"]] <- model[["fitted.values"]]
    qq_plot.gam(model, ...)

#' @importFrom mgcv fix.family.rd
#' @importFrom stats weights
`qq_simulate` <- function(model, n = 50,
                          type = c("deviance", "response", "pearson"),
                          level = 0.9, detrend = FALSE) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    family <- family(model)
    family <- fix.family.rd(family)
    rd_fun <- family[["rd"]]
    alpha <- (1 - level) / 2

    if (is.null(rd_fun)) {
        stop("Random deviate function for family <", family[["family"]],
             "> not available.")

    dev_resid_fun <- family[["residuals"]]
    # If dev_resid_fun is NULL it means it is one of the standard families so
    # copy over the the dev.resids object from the family instead
    if (is.null(dev_resid_fun)) {
        dev_resid_fun <- family[["dev.resids"]]
        if (is.null(dev_resid_fun)) {
            stop("Deviance residual function for family <", family[["family"]],
                 "> not available.")
    var_fun <- family[["variance"]]         # variance function
    fit <- fitted(model)
    prior_w <- weights(model, type = "prior")
    sigma2 <- model[["sig2"]]
    # I don't know why this is necessary as summary() doesn't seem to change
    # sig2, but at least stop it from doing expensive ranef tests
    if (is.null(sigma2)) {
        sigma2 <- summary(model, re.test = FALSE)$dispersion
    na_action <- na.action(model)

    sims <- replicate(n = n,
                      qq_simulate_data(rd_fun, fit = fit, weights = prior_w,
                                       sigma2 = sigma2,
                                       dev_resid_fun = dev_resid_fun,
                                       var_fun = var_fun, type = type,
                                       na_action = na_action,
                                       model = model))
    n_obs <- NROW(fit)
    out <- quantile(sims, probs = (seq_len(n_obs) - 0.5) / n_obs)
    int <- apply(sims, 1L, quantile, probs = c(alpha, 1 - alpha))
    r <- sort(residuals(model, type = type))

    ## detrend for worm plots?
    if (isTRUE(detrend)) {
        r <- r - out
        int[1L, ] <- int[1L, ] - out
        int[2L, ] <- int[2L, ] - out

    out <- tibble(theoretical = out,
                  residuals = r,
                  lower = int[1L, ],
                  upper = int[2L, ])

`qq_simulate_data` <- function(rd_fun, fit, weights, sigma2, dev_resid_fun,
                               var_fun, type, na_action, model) {
    ## simulate data
    ysim <- rd_fun(fit, weights, sigma2)
    ## new residuals
    r <- compute_residuals(ysim, fit = fit, weights = weights, type = type,
                           dev_resid_fun = dev_resid_fun, var_fun = var_fun,
                           na_action = na_action, model = model)
    ## sort residuals & return

#' @importFrom stats ppoints pnorm dnorm IQR median
`qq_normal` <- function(model, type = c("deviance", "response", "pearson"),
                        level = 0.9, detrend = FALSE) {
    se_zscore <- function(z) {
        n <- length(z)
        pnorm_z <- pnorm(z)
        sqrt(pnorm_z * (1 - pnorm_z) / n) / dnorm(z)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    r <- residuals(model, type = type)
    nr <- length(r)
    ord <- order(order(r))
    sd <- IQR(r) / 1.349
    theoretical <- qnorm(ppoints(nr)) #[ord] :no need to reorder as return is df
    med <- median(r) + theoretical * sd
    se <- sd * se_zscore(theoretical)
    crit <- coverage_normal(level)
    crit_se <- crit * se

    ## detrend for worm plots?
    r <- sort(r)
    if (isTRUE(detrend)) {
        r <- r - med
        med <- med * 0

    out <- tibble(theoretical = theoretical,
                  residuals = r,
                  lower = med - crit_se,
                  upper = med + crit_se)

#' @importFrom mgcv fix.family.qf
#' @importFrom stats residuals fitted family weights na.action
`qq_uniform` <- function(model, n = 10,
                         type = c("deviance", "response", "pearson"),
                         level = 0.9, detrend = FALSE) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    family <- family(model)                 # extract family
    family <- fix.family.qf(family)         # add quantile fun to family
    dev_resid_fun <- family[["residuals"]]  # deviance residuals function
    # If dev_resid_fun is NULL it means it is one of the standard families so
    # copy over the the dev.resids object from the family instead
    if (is.null(dev_resid_fun)) {
        dev_resid_fun <- family[["dev.resids"]] # deviance residuals function
    var_fun <- family[["variance"]]         # variance function
    q_fun <- family[["qf"]]
    if (is.null(q_fun)) {
        stop("Quantile function for family <", family[["family"]],
             "> not available.")
    r <- residuals(model, type = type)
    fit <- fitted(model)
    weights <- weights(model, type = "prior")
    sigma2 <- model[["sig2"]]
    # I don't know why this is necessary as summary() doesn't seem to change
    # sig2, but at least stop it from doing expensive ranef tests
    if (is.null(sigma2)) {
        sigma2 <- summary(model, re.test = FALSE)$dispersion
    na_action <- na.action(model)
    nr <- length(r)                     # number of residuals
    unif <- (seq_len(nr) - 0.5) / nr

    sims <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = nr)
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
        unif <- sample(unif, nr)
        sims[, i] <- qq_uniform_quantiles(unif, q_fun,
                                          fit = fit,
                                          weights = weights,
                                          sigma2 = sigma2,
                                          dev_resid_fun = dev_resid_fun,
                                          var_fun = var_fun,
                                          type = type,
                                          na_action = na_action,
                                          model = model)

    out <- rowMeans(sims)
    r <- sort(r)

    ## detrend for worm plots?
    if (isTRUE(detrend)) {
        r <- r - out

    out <- tibble(theoretical = out,
                  residuals = r)

`qq_uniform_quantiles` <- function(qs, q_fun, fit, weights, sigma2, dev_resid_fun,
                                   var_fun, type, na_action, model) {
    ## generate quantiles for uniforms from q_fun
    qq <- q_fun(qs, fit, weights, sigma2)
    ## new residuals
    r <- compute_residuals(qq, fit = fit, weights = weights, type = type,
                           dev_resid_fun = dev_resid_fun, var_fun = var_fun,
                           na_action = na_action, model = model)
    ## sort residuals & return

#' @importFrom stats naresid
`compute_residuals` <- function(y, fit, weights,
                                type = c("deviance", "response", "pearson"),
                                dev_resid_fun, var_fun, na_action, model) {
    type <- match.arg(type)

    r <- switch(type,
                deviance = deviance_residuals(y, fit, weights, dev_resid_fun,
                model = model),
                response = response_residuals(y, fit),
                pearson  = pearson_residuals(y, fit, weights, var_fun)
    ## apply any na.action
    naresid(na_action, r)

`response_residuals` <- function(y, fit) {
    y - fit

`deviance_residuals` <- function(y, fit, weights, dev_resid_fun, model) {
    if ("object" %in% names(formals(dev_resid_fun))) {
        # have to handle families that provide a residuals function, which
        # takes the fitted model as in put
        model$y <- y
        model$fitted.values <- fit
        model$prior.weights <- weights
        #r <- dev_resid_fun(list(y = y, fitted.values = fit,
        #                        prior.weights = weights),
        #                   type = "deviance")
        r <- dev_resid_fun(model, type = "deviance")
    } else {
        ## compute deviance residuals
        r <- dev_resid_fun(y, fit, weights)
        ## sign of residuals is typically an attribute
        posneg <- attr(r, "sign")
        ## ...but may be missing for some families
        if (is.null(posneg)) {
           posneg <- sign(y - fit)
        ## calculate the deviance residuals
        r <- sqrt(pmax(r, 0)) * posneg

`pearson_residuals` <- function(y, fit, weights, var_fun) {
    ## if no variance function then bail out
    if (is.null(var_fun)) {
        stop("Pearson residuals are not available for this family.")
    ## compute pearson residuals
    (y - fit) * sqrt(weights) / sqrt(var_fun(fit))

#' @title Plot of residuals versus linear predictor values
#' @param model a fitted model. Currently only class `"gam"`.
#' @param type character; type of residuals to use. Only `"deviance"`,
#'   `"response"`, and `"pearson"` residuals are allowed.
#' @param xlab character or expression; the label for the y axis. If not
#'   supplied, a suitable label will be generated.
#' @param ylab character or expression; the label for the y axis. If not
#'   supplied, a suitable label will be generated.
#' @param title character or expression; the title for the plot. See
#'   [ggplot2::labs()].
#' @param subtitle character or expression; the subtitle for the plot. See
#'   [ggplot2::labs()].
#' @param caption character or expression; the plot caption. See
#'   [ggplot2::labs()].
#' @param point_col colour used to draw points in the plots. See
#'   [graphics::par()] section **Color Specification**. This is passed to
#'   the individual plotting functions, and therefore affects the points of
#'   all plots.
#' @param point_alpha numeric; alpha transparency for points in plots.
#' @param line_col colour specification for 1:1 line.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats napredict residuals
#' @importFrom tools toTitleCase
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_point geom_hline labs
`residuals_linpred_plot` <- function(model,
                                     type = c("deviance", "pearson","response"),
                                     ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL, title = NULL,
                                     subtitle = NULL, caption = NULL,
                                     point_col = "black", point_alpha = 1,
                                     line_col = "red") {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    r <- residuals(model, type = type)
    eta <- model[["linear.predictors"]]

    na_action <- na.action(model)
    if (is.matrix(eta) && !is.matrix(r)) {
               eta <- eta[, 1]
    eta <- napredict(na_action, eta)

    df <- data.frame(eta = eta, residuals = r)
    plt <- ggplot(df, aes(x = .data$eta,
                          y = .data$residuals)) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = line_col)

    ## add point layer
    plt <- plt + geom_point(colour = point_col, alpha = point_alpha)

    ## add labels
    if (is.null(xlab)) {
        xlab <- "Linear predictor"
    if (is.null(ylab)) {
        ylab <- paste(toTitleCase(type), "residuals")
    if (missing(title)) {
        title <- "Residuals vs linear predictor"
    if (missing(subtitle)) {
        subtitle <- paste("Family:", family(model)[["family"]])

    plt <- plt + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
                      caption = caption)


#' @title Plot of fitted against observed response values
#' @inheritParams residuals_linpred_plot
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_point labs
`observed_fitted_plot` <- function(model,
                                   ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL, title = NULL,
                                   subtitle = NULL, caption = NULL,
                                   point_col = "black", point_alpha = 1) {
    ## extract data for plot
    fit <- fitted(model)
    ## handle case where fitted is a matrix; extended.families
    ##   - the needs to be more involved as what about mvn or multinom familities
    if (NCOL(fit) > 1L) {
        fit <- fit[, 1]
    obs <- model[["y"]]

    df <- data.frame(observed = obs, fitted = fit)

    ## base plot
    plt <- ggplot(df, aes(x = .data$fitted,
                          y = .data$observed))

    ## add point layer
    plt <- plt + geom_point(colour = point_col, alpha = point_alpha)

    ## add labels
    if (is.null(xlab)) {
        xlab <- "Fitted values"
    if (is.null(ylab)) {
        ylab <- "Response"
    if (missing(title)) {
        title <- "Observed vs fitted values"
    if (missing(subtitle)) {
        subtitle <- paste("Family:", family(model)[["family"]])

    plt <- plt + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
                      caption = caption)


#' @title Histogram of model residuals
#' @param n_bins character or numeric; either the number of bins or a string
#'   indicating how to calculate the number of bins.
#' @inheritParams residuals_linpred_plot
#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_histogram labs
#' @importFrom tools toTitleCase
#' @importFrom stats residuals
#' @importFrom grDevices nclass.Sturges nclass.scott nclass.FD
`residuals_hist_plot` <- function(model,
                                  type = c("deviance", "pearson", "response"),
                                  n_bins = c("sturges", "scott", "fd"),
                                  ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL, title = NULL,
                                  subtitle = NULL, caption = NULL) {
    ## extract data for plot
    type <- match.arg(type)
    df <- data.frame(residuals = residuals(model, type = type))

    ## work out number of bins
    if (is.character(n_bins)) {
        n_bins <- match.arg(n_bins)
        n_bins <- switch(n_bins,
                         sturges = nclass.Sturges(df[["residuals"]]),
                         scott   = nclass.scott(df[["residuals"]]),
                         fd      = nclass.FD(df[["residuals"]]))
        n_bins <- n_bins + 2
    ## now n_bins should be numeric, if not bail
    if (!is.numeric(n_bins)) {
        stop("'n_bins' should be a number or one of: ",
             paste(dQuote(c("sturges", "scott", "fd")),
                   collapse = ", "))

    ## base plot
    plt <- ggplot(df, aes(x = .data$residuals))

    ## add point layer
    plt <- plt + geom_histogram(bins = n_bins, colour = "black",
                                fill = "grey80")

    ## add labels
    if (is.null(xlab)) {
        xlab <- paste(toTitleCase(type), "residuals")
    if (is.null(ylab)) {
        ylab <- "Frequency"
    if (missing(title)) {
        title <- "Histogram of residuals"
    if (missing(subtitle)) {
        subtitle <- paste("Family:", family(model)[["family"]])

    plt <- plt + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab, title = title, subtitle = subtitle,
                      caption = caption)


#' @title Model diagnostic plots
#' @param model a fitted model. Currently only class `"gam"`.
#' @param method character; method used to generate theoretical quantiles. Note
#'   that `method = "direct"` is deprecated in favour of `method = "uniform"`.
#' @param n_uniform numeric; number of times to randomize uniform quantiles
#'   in the direct computation method (`method = "direct"`) for QQ plots.
#' @param n_simulate numeric; number of data sets to simulate from the estimated
#'   model when using the simulation method (`method = "simulate"`) for QQ
#'   plots.
#' @param type character; type of residuals to use. Only `"deviance"`,
#'   `"response"`, and `"pearson"` residuals are allowed.
#' @param n_bins character or numeric; either the number of bins or a string
#'   indicating how to calculate the number of bins.
#' @param ncol,nrow numeric; the numbers of rows and columns over which to
#'   spread the plots.
#' @param guides character; one of `"keep"` (the default), `"collect"`, or
#'   `"auto"`. Passed to [patchwork::plot_layout()]
#' @param level numeric; the coverage level for QQ plot reference intervals.
#'   Must be strictly `0 < level < 1`. Only used with `method = "simulate"`.
#' @param ci_alpha,ci_col numeric; the level of alpha transparency for the
#'   QQ plot reference interval when `method = "simulate"`, or points drawn in
#'   plots.
#' @param point_col,point_alpha colour and transparency used to draw points in
#'   the plots. See [graphics::par()] section **Color Specification**. This is
#'   passed to the individual plotting functions, and therefore affects the
#'   points of all plots.
#' @param line_col colour specification for the 1:1 line in the QQ plot and the
#'   reference line in the residuals vs linear predictor plot.
#' @param ... arguments passed to [patchwork::wrap_plots()].
#' @importFrom patchwork wrap_plots
#' @note The wording used in [mgcv::qq.gam()] uses *direct* in reference to the
#'   simulated residuals method (`method = "simulated"`). To avoid confusion,
#'   `method = "direct"` is deprecated in favour of `method = "uniform"`.
#' @seealso The plots are produced by functions [gratia::qq_plot()],
#'   [gratia::residuals_linpred_plot()], [gratia::residuals_hist_plot()],
#'   and [gratia::observed_fitted_plot()].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' load_mgcv()
#' ## simulate some data...
#' dat <- data_sim("eg1", n = 400, dist = "normal", scale = 2, seed = 2)
#' mod <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3), data = dat)
#' ## run some basic model checks
#' appraise(mod, point_col = "steelblue", point_alpha = 0.4)
#' ## To change the theme for all panels use the & operator, for example to
#' ## change the ggplot theme for all panels
#' library("ggplot2")
#' appraise(mod, point_col = "steelblue", point_alpha = 0.4,
#'          line_col = "black") & theme_minimal()
`appraise` <- function(model, ...) {

#' @rdname appraise
#' @export
`appraise.gam` <- function(model,
                       method = c("uniform", "simulate", "normal", "direct"),
                       n_uniform = 10, n_simulate = 50,
                       type = c("deviance", "pearson", "response"),
                       n_bins = c("sturges", "scott", "fd"),
                       ncol = NULL, nrow = NULL,
                       guides = "keep",
                       level = 0.9,
                       ci_col = "black", ci_alpha = 0.2,
                       point_col = "black", point_alpha = 1,
                       line_col = "red",
                       ...) {
    ## process args
    method <- match.arg(method)
    if (identical(method, "direct")) {
        message("`method = \"direct\"` is deprecated, use `\"uniform\"`")
        method <- "uniform"
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (is.character(n_bins)) {
        n_bins <- match.arg(n_bins)

    if (!is.character(n_bins) && !is.numeric(n_bins)) {
        stop("'n_bins' should be a number or one of: ",
             paste(dQuote(c("sturges", "scott", "fd")), collapse = ", "))

    plt1 <- qq_plot(model, method = method, type = type, n_uniform = n_uniform,
                    n_simulate = n_simulate, level = level, ci_alpha = ci_alpha,
                    point_col = point_col, point_alpha = point_alpha,
                    line_col = line_col)
    plt2 <- residuals_linpred_plot(model, type = type, point_col = point_col,
                                   point_alpha = point_alpha,
                                   line_col = line_col)
    plt3 <- residuals_hist_plot(model, type = type, n_bins = n_bins,
                                subtitle = NULL)
    plt4 <- observed_fitted_plot(model, subtitle = NULL, point_col = point_col,
                                 point_alpha = point_alpha)
    ## return
    n_plots <- 4
    if (is.null(ncol) && is.null(nrow)) {
        ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(n_plots))
        nrow <- ceiling(n_plots / ncol)
    wrap_plots(plt1, plt2, plt3, plt4,
               byrow = TRUE, ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow, guides = guides,

#' @rdname appraise
#' @importFrom stats model.frame model.response df.residual
#' @export
`appraise.lm` <- function(model, ...) {
    r <- residuals(model)
    r.df <- df.residual(model)
    model[["sig2"]] <- sum((r- mean(r))^2) / r.df
    if (is.null(weights(model))) {
        model$prior.weights <- rep(1, nrow(model.frame(model)))
    if (is.null(model[["linear.predictors"]])) {
        model[["linear.predictors"]] <- model[["fitted.values"]]
    if (is.null(model[["y"]])) {
        model[["y"]] <- model.response(model.frame(model))
    appraise.gam(model, ...)

#' Worm plot of model residuals
#' @inheritParams qq_plot
#' @export
`worm_plot` <- function(model, ...) {

#' @export
`worm_plot.default` <- function(model, ...) {
    stop("Unable to produce a worm plot for <",
         class(model)[[1L]], ">",
         call. = FALSE)           # don't show the call, simpler error

#' @inheritParams qq_plot.gam
#' @rdname worm_plot
#' @note The wording used in [mgcv::qq.gam()] uses *direct* in reference to the
#'   simulated residuals method (`method = "simulated"`). To avoid confusion,
#'   `method = "direct"` is deprecated in favour of `method = "uniform"`.
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_hline geom_ribbon labs aes
#' @importFrom tools toTitleCase
#' @examples
#' load_mgcv()
#' ## simulate binomial data...
#' dat <- data_sim("eg1", n = 200, dist = "binary", scale = .33, seed = 0)
#' p <- binomial()$linkinv(dat$f)               # binomial p
#' n <- sample(c(1, 3), 200, replace = TRUE) # binomial n
#' dat <- transform(dat, y = rbinom(n, n, p), n = n)
#' m <- gam( y / n ~ s(x0) + s(x1) + s(x2) + s(x3),
#'          family = binomial, data = dat, weights = n,
#'          method = "REML")
#' ## Worm plot; default using direct randomization of uniform quantiles
#' ## Note no reference bands are drawn with this method.
#' worm_plot(m)
#' ## Alternatively use simulate new data from the model, which
#' ## allows construction of reference intervals for the Q-Q plot
#' worm_plot(m, method = "simulate", point_col = "steelblue",
#'           point_alpha = 0.4)
#' ## ... or use the usual normality assumption
#' worm_plot(m, method = "normal")
`worm_plot.gam` <- function(model,
                          method = c("uniform", "simulate", "normal", "direct"),
                          type = c("deviance", "response", "pearson"),
                          n_uniform = 10, n_simulate = 50,
                          level = 0.9,
                          ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL,
                          title = NULL, subtitle = NULL, caption = NULL,
                          ci_col = "black",
                          ci_alpha = 0.2,
                          point_col = "black",
                          point_alpha = 1,
                          line_col = "red", ...) {
    method <- match.arg(method)         # what method for the QQ plot?
    if (identical(method, "direct")) {
        message("`method = \"direct\"` is deprecated, use `\"uniform\"`")
        method <- "uniform"
    ## check if we can do the method
    if (identical(method, "uniform") &&
        is.null(fix.family.qf(family(model))[["qf"]])) {
        method <- "simulate"
    if (identical(method, "simulate") &&
        is.null(fix.family.rd(family(model))[["rd"]])) {
        method <- "normal"

    if (level <= 0 || level >= 1) {
        stop("Level must be 0 < level < 1. Supplied level <", level, ">",
             call. = FALSE)

    type <- match.arg(type)       # what type of residuals

    ## generate theoretical quantiles
    df <- switch(method,
                 uniform  = qq_uniform(model, n = n_uniform, type = type,
                                       level = level, detrend = TRUE),
                 simulate = qq_simulate(model, n = n_simulate, type = type,
                                        level = level, detrend = TRUE),
                 normal   = qq_normal(model, type = type, level = level,
                                      detrend = TRUE))
    df <- as_tibble(df)

    ## add labels if not supplied
    if (is.null(ylab)) {
        ylab <- paste(toTitleCase(type), "residuals (Deviation)")

    if (is.null(xlab)) {
        xlab <- "Theoretical quantiles"

    if (is.null(title)) {
        title <- "Worm plot of residuals"

    if (is.null(subtitle)) {
        subtitle <- paste("Method:", method)

    ## base plot
    plt <- ggplot(df, aes(x = .data$theoretical,
                          y = .data$residuals))

    ## Now need a reference horizonta line
    plt <- plt + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = line_col)

    ## add reference interval
    if (isTRUE(method %in% c("simulate", "normal"))) {
        plt <- plt + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = .data$lower,
                                     ymax = .data$upper,
                                        x = .data$theoretical),
                                 inherit.aes = FALSE,
                                 alpha = ci_alpha, fill = ci_col)

    ## add point layer
    plt <- plt + geom_point(colour = point_col, alpha = point_alpha)

    ## add labels
    plt <- plt + labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, caption = caption,
                      y = ylab, x = xlab)

    ## return

#' @export
#' @rdname worm_plot
`worm_plot.glm` <- function(model, ...) {
    if (is.null(model[["sig2"]])) {
        model[["sig2"]] <- summary(model)$dispersion
    worm_plot.gam(model, ...)

#' @rdname worm_plot
#' @importFrom stats df.residual
#' @export
`worm_plot.lm` <- function(model, ...) {
    r <- residuals(model)
    r.df <- df.residual(model)
    model[["sig2"]] <- sum((r- mean(r))^2) / r.df
    if (is.null(weights(model))) {
        model$prior.weights <- rep(1, nrow(model.frame(model)))
    if (is.null(model[["linear.predictors"]])) {
        model[["linear.predictors"]] <- model[["fitted.values"]]
    worm_plot.gam(model, ...)

#' @export
`weights.lm` <- function(object, type = c("prior", "working"), ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    wts <- if (type == "prior") {
    } else {
    if (is.null(object$na.action)) {
    } else {
        naresid(object$na.action, wts)

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