
Defines functions svgEndMask svgStartMask svgStartMaskGroup devGrob.maskDef drawDef.maskDef primToDev.mask primToDev.masked.grob registerMask mask maskGrob grid.mask pushMask popMask flattenClippedSVG svgEndGrobClipPath svgStartGrobClipPath svgStartGrobClipPathGroup devGrob.clipPath primToDev.clipPath drawDef.clipPathDef primToDev.pathClipped.grob registerClipPath clipPath clipPathGrob grid.clipPath pushClipPath popClipPath svgPopContext primToDev.popContext popContext

Documented in clipPath clipPathGrob grid.clipPath grid.mask mask maskGrob popClipPath popContext popMask pushClipPath pushMask registerClipPath registerMask

# High level functions for escaping clipping paths and masks
popContext <- function(n = 1) {
    if (n < 1)
        stop("Must pop at least one level of context")
    # Not even giving the option of configuring a name because
    # it should not be used in any serious manner
    grid.draw(grob(n = n, cl = "popContext"))

# We have nothing to draw here, just rip out the SVG device to
# start unwinding the tree
primToDev.popContext <- function(x, dev) {
    svgPopContext(x$n, dev@dev)

svgPopContext <- function(n, svgdev) {
    # IMPORTANT - clipGrobs are left alone!
    # In the case where we have reached something we know
    # is not a reference, then we don't need to unwind further.
    # This is because viewports and grobs (in particular clipGrobs)
    # will be treated separately to clipping paths and masks.
    parentIsPushContext <- function() {
        id <- xmlGetAttr(svgDevParent(svgdev), "id")
        cids <- get("contextNames", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
        id %in% cids
    contextLevels <- get("contextLevels", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    cl <- tail(contextLevels, 1)
    if (n > cl) {
        warning("An attempt was made to pop more contexts than possible, ignoring extras")
        n <- cl
    # In the case where a gTree has a popContext, don't do anything because
    # it would affect any remaining children that are yet to be drawn.
    # An example:
    # pushClipPath()
    #   -> draw(gTree)
    #     -> *draw*, *draw*, *popClipPath*, *draw* <- pop will be ignored here
    #   -> leave(gTree)
    while (parentIsPushContext() && n > 0) {
        svgDevChangeParent(xmlParent(svgDevParent(svgdev)), svgdev)
        cl <- cl - 1
        n <- n - 1
    contextLevels[length(contextLevels)] <- cl
    assign("contextLevels", contextLevels, envir = .gridSVGEnv)


# Alias for convenient popping of a clipping path
popClipPath <- function() {

pushClipPath <- function(clippath = NULL, label = NULL,
                         name = NULL, draw = TRUE) {
    if (is.null(label) & is.null(clippath)) {
        stop("At least one of 'label' or 'clippath' must be supplied")
    } else if (is.null(label)) {
        label <- getNewLabel("gridSVG.clipPath")
        registerClipPath(label, clippath)
    } else if (is.null(clippath)) {
    } else {
        registerClipPath(label, clippath)
    cp <- grid::grob(referenceLabel = label, name = name, cl = "clipPath")
    class(cp) <- unique(c("pushClipPath", class(cp)))
    if (draw)

# High level functions for applying clipping paths to existing grobs
grid.clipPath <- function(path, clippath = NULL, label = NULL,
                          group = TRUE, redraw = FALSE,
                          strict = FALSE, grep = FALSE, global = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(label) & is.null(clippath)) {
        stop("At least one of 'label' or 'clippath' must be supplied")
    } else if (is.null(label)) {
        label <- getNewLabel("gridSVG.clipPath")
        registerClipPath(label, clippath)
        clippath <- NULL # use the ref from now on
    } else if (is.null(clippath)) {
    } else {
        registerClipPath(label, clippath)
        clippath <- NULL # use the ref from now on

    grobApply(path, function(path) {
        grid.set(path, clipPathGrob(grid.get(path), clippath = clippath,
                                    label = label, group = group),
                 redraw = redraw)
    }, strict = strict, grep = grep, global = global)


clipPathGrob <- function(x, clippath = NULL, label = NULL, group = TRUE) {
    if (is.null(label) & is.null(clippath)) {
        stop("At least one of 'label' or 'clippath' must be supplied")
    } else if (is.null(label)) {
        label <- getNewLabel("gridSVG.clipPath")
        registerClipPath(label, clippath)
    } else if (is.null(clippath)) {
    } else {
        registerClipPath(label, clippath)

    x$referenceLabel <- c(x$referenceLabel, label)
    x$clipPathLabel <- label
    x$clipPathGroup <- group
    class(x) <- unique(c("pathClipped.grob", class(x)))

clipPath <- function(grob) {
    if (! is.grob(grob))
        stop("'grob' must be a grid grob")
    cp <- list(grob = grob)
    class(cp) <- "clipPath"

registerClipPath <- function(label, clippath) {
    refDefinitions <- get("refDefinitions", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    if (! inherits(clippath, "clipPath"))
        stop("'clippath' must be a 'clipPath' object")

    # Note: grob must be forced to fix the definition of the grob
    #       at the time of registration
    defList <- list(label = label,
                    id = getID(label, "ref"),
                    grob = grid.force(clippath$grob),
                    vp = getAbsoluteVp())
    class(defList) <- "clipPathDef"
    refDefinitions[[label]] <- defList
    assign("refDefinitions", refDefinitions, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
           rbind(get("refUsageTable", envir = .gridSVGEnv),
                 data.frame(label = label, used = FALSE,
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)),
           envir = .gridSVGEnv)

    # Return NULL invisibly because we don't actually care what the
    # definition looks like until gridSVG tries to draw it. 

primToDev.pathClipped.grob <- function(x, dev) {
    label <- getLabelID(x$clipPathLabel)
    cpg <- garnishGrob(x, "clip-path" = paste0("url(#", label, ")"),
                       group = x$clipPathGroup)
    # Now need to remove all clip path appearances in the class list.
    # This is safe because repeated clipping just clobbers existing
    # attributes.
    cl <- class(cpg)
    class(cpg) <- cl[cl != "pathClipped.grob"]
    primToDev(cpg, dev)

drawDef.clipPathDef <- function(def, dev) {
    grob <- def$grob
    # This is always going to be true because we basically assume that
    # referenced content is fixed and therefore the names don't really
    # matter.
    if (get("use.gPaths", envir = .gridSVGEnv))
        grob$name <- paste(def$label, grob$name,
                           sep = getSVGoption("gPath.sep"))
    # Start clipPath
    devStartClipPath(list(name = def$id), NULL, dev)
    # Draw grob
    grobToDev(grid.force(grob), dev)
    # Close clipPath, open group
    devEndClipPath(list(name = def$id), NULL, dev)

primToDev.clipPath <- function(x, dev) {
    devStartClipPathGroup(devGrob(x, dev), NULL, dev)

devGrob.clipPath <- function(x, dev) {
    list(name = getID(x$name, "grob"),
         cp = x$referenceLabel,
         classes = x$classes)

svgStartGrobClipPathGroup <- function(id = NULL, cp = NULL,
                                      classes = NULL,
                                      svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    clipPathID <- paste0("url(#", getLabelID(cp), ")")
    attrs <- list(id = prefixName(id),
                  "clip-path" = clipPathID)
    attrs <- attrList(attrs)
    cp <- newXMLNode("g", attrs = attrs,
                     parent = svgDevParent(svgdev))
    svgDevChangeParent(cp, svgdev)

svgStartGrobClipPath <- function(id = NULL, svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    cp <- newXMLNode("clipPath", attrs = list(id = id),
                     parent = svgDevParent(svgdev))
    svgDevChangeParent(cp, svgdev)

svgEndGrobClipPath <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    # First need to collect all children and filter out unwanted content
    clippath <- svgDevParent(svgdev)
    nodelist <- flattenClippedSVG(clippath)
    # Wipe out all children, then add in the ones we want
    removeChildren(clippath, kids = xmlChildren(clippath))
    xmlChildren(clippath) <- nodelist

    # Go up one level from clipPath to defs
    svgDevChangeParent(xmlParent(svgDevParent(svgdev)), svgdev)

flattenClippedSVG <- function(node) {
    # Mostly taken from spec, only adding in what we use though
    # Omitted - animation elements, 'use', 'ellipse', 'line'
    validElements <- c("animate", "animateTransform", "circle", "path",
                       "polygon", "polyline", "rect", "text")
    clipPathID <- xmlGetAttr(node, "id")
    subset <- getNodeSet(node,
                         paste0("//svg:clipPath[@id = '", clipPathID, "']",
                                validElements, collapse = " | "),
                         c(svg = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"))
    for (i in 1:length(subset)) {
        el <- subset[[i]]
        name <- xmlName(el)
        if (name == "text") {
            # We know that the structure is:
            # <g ....>
            #   <g scale>
            #     <text ...>
            p <- xmlParent(el)
            gp <- xmlParent(p)
            gpattrs <- xmlAttrs(gp)
            gpattrs["transform"] <- paste(gpattrs["transform"],
            # There might also be a rotation present on the text itself
            if ("transform" %in% names(xmlAttrs(el)))
                gpattrs["transform"] <- paste(gpattrs["transform"],
            xmlAttrs(el) <- gpattrs


# Alias for popping out of a masking context
popMask <- function() {

pushMask <- function(mask = NULL, label = NULL, name = NULL, draw = TRUE) {
    if (is.null(label) & is.null(mask)) {
        stop("At least one of 'label' or 'mask' must be supplied")
    } else if (is.null(label)) {
        label <- getNewLabel("gridSVG.mask")
        registerMask(label, mask)
    } else if (is.null(mask)) {
    } else {
        registerMask(label, mask)
    m <- grid::grob(referenceLabel = label, name = name, cl = "mask")
    class(m) <- unique(c("pushMask", class(m)))
    if (draw)

# High level functions for applying opacity masks to grobs
grid.mask <- function(path, mask = NULL, label = NULL,
                      group = TRUE, redraw = FALSE,
                      strict = FALSE, grep = FALSE, global = FALSE) {
    if (is.null(label) & is.null(mask)) {
        stop("At least one of 'label' or 'mask' must be supplied")
    } else if (is.null(label)) {
        label <- getNewLabel("gridSVG.mask")
        registerMask(label, mask)
        mask <- NULL # use the ref from now on
    } else if (is.null(mask)) {
    } else {
        registerMask(label, mask)
        mask <- NULL # use the ref from now on

    grobApply(path, function(path) {
        grid.set(path, maskGrob(grid.get(path), mask = mask,
                                label = label, group = group),
                 redraw = redraw)
    }, strict = strict, grep = grep, global = global)


maskGrob <- function(x, mask = NULL, label = NULL, group = TRUE) {
    if (is.null(label) & is.null(mask)) {
        stop("At least one of 'label' or 'mask' must be supplied")
    } else if (is.null(label)) {
        label <- getNewLabel("gridSVG.mask")
        registerMask(label, mask)
    } else if (is.null(mask)) {
    } else {
        registerMask(label, mask)

    x$referenceLabel <- c(x$referenceLabel, label)
    # Attribs to be garnished *at draw time*. In particular needs to be
    # done because the label ID is not known until then, because of things
    # like prefixes and separators.
    x$maskLabel <- label
    x$maskGroup <- group
    class(x) <- unique(c("masked.grob", class(x)))

mask <- function(grob,
                 x = unit(0.5, "npc"), y = unit(0.5, "npc"),
                 width = unit(1, "npc"), height = unit(1, "npc"),
                 default.units = "npc",
                 just = "centre", hjust = NULL, vjust = NULL) {
    if (! is.unit(x))
        x <- unit(x, default.units)
    if (! is.unit(y))
        y <- unit(y, default.units)
    if (! is.unit(width))
        width <- unit(width, default.units)
    if (! is.unit(height))
        height <- unit(height, default.units)

    mask <- list(grob = grob,
                 x = x, y = y,
                 width = width, height = height,
                 just = just, hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust)
    class(mask) <- "mask"

registerMask <- function(label, mask = NULL, ...) {
    refDefinitions <- get("refDefinitions", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    if (is.null(mask)) {
        mask <- gridSVG::mask(...)
    } else if (! inherits(mask, "mask")) {
        stop("'mask' must be a 'mask' object")

    if (is.null(mask$grob))
        stop("A grob must be given for a mask definition")

    # Now convert *at time of definition* to absolute units (inches)
    loc <- leftbottom(mask$x, mask$y, mask$width, mask$height, 
                      mask$just, mask$hjust, mask$vjust, NULL)
    x <- loc$x
    y <- loc$y
    width <- convertWidth(mask$width, "inches")
    height <- convertHeight(mask$height, "inches")

    # Note: grob must be forced to fix the definition of the grob
    #       at the time of registration
    defList <- list(label = label,
                    id = getID(label, "ref"),
                    x = x,
                    y = y,
                    width = width,
                    height = height,
                    grob = grid.force(mask$grob),
                    vp = getAbsoluteVp())
    class(defList) <- "maskDef"

    refDefinitions[[label]] <- defList
    assign("refDefinitions", refDefinitions, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
           rbind(get("refUsageTable", envir = .gridSVGEnv),
                 data.frame(label = label, used = FALSE,
                            stringsAsFactors = FALSE)),
           envir = .gridSVGEnv)

    # Return NULL invisibly because we don't actually care what the
    # definition looks like until gridSVG tries to draw it. 

primToDev.masked.grob <- function(x, dev) {
    label <- getLabelID(x$maskLabel)
    mg <- garnishGrob(x, "mask" = paste0("url(#", label, ")"),
                      group = x$maskGroup)
    # Now need to remove all mask appearances in the class list.
    # This is safe because repeated masking just clobbers existing
    # attributes.
    cl <- class(mg)
    class(mg) <- cl[cl != "masked.grob"]
    primToDev(mg, dev)

primToDev.mask <- function(x, dev) {
    devStartMaskGroup(list(name = getID(x$name, "grob"),
                           mask = x$referenceLabel,
                           classes = x$classes), NULL, dev)

drawDef.maskDef <- function(def, dev) {
    grob <- def$grob
    # This is always going to be true because we basically assume that
    # referenced content is fixed and therefore the names don't really
    # matter.
    if (get("use.gPaths", envir = .gridSVGEnv))
        grob$name <- paste(def$label, grob$name,
                           sep = getSVGoption("gPath.sep"))
    # Start mask
    devStartMask(devGrob(def, dev), NULL, dev)
    # Draw grob
    grobToDev(grid.force(grob), dev)
    # Close mask
    devEndMask(devGrob(def, dev), NULL, dev)

devGrob.maskDef <- function(x, dev) {
    list(x=cx(x$x, dev),
         y=cy(x$y, dev),
         width=cw(x$width, dev),
         height=ch(x$height, dev),

svgStartMaskGroup <- function(id = NULL, mask = NULL,
                              classes = NULL,
                              svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    maskID <- paste0("url(#", getLabelID(mask), ")")
    attrs <- attrList(list(id = prefixName(id),
                           mask = maskID))
    m <- newXMLNode("g", attrs = attrs,
                     parent = svgDevParent(svgdev))
    svgDevChangeParent(m, svgdev)

svgStartMask <- function(id = NULL, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0,
                         svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    mask <- newXMLNode("mask", attrs = list(id = id,
                                            x = round(x, 2), y = round(y, 2),
                                            width = round(width, 2),
                                            height = round(height, 2),
                                            maskUnits = "userSpaceOnUse"),
                       parent = svgDevParent(svgdev))
    svgDevChangeParent(mask, svgdev)

svgEndMask <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    # Go up one levels from mask to defs
    svgDevChangeParent(xmlParent(svgDevParent(svgdev)), svgdev)

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gridSVG documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:17 p.m.