
Defines functions splitOnNA alignmentBaseline baselineShift dominantBaseline textAnchor svgStyleAttributes svgStyleCSS emptyStyle listToSVGStyle svgStyle svgAttribTxt checkAttrs svgClassList emptyAttrib listToSVGAttrib attrList svgAttrib svgHeader incID hasLink svgID getid svgDevChangeParent svgDevParent svgRootAttrs svgStrict svgDevHeight svgDevWidth svgDevice svgPoint25 svgPoint24 svgPoint23 svgPoint22 svgPoint21 svgPoint20 svgPoint19 svgPoint18 svgPoint17 svgPoint16 svgPoint15 svgPoint14 svgPoint13 svgPoint12 svgPoint11 svgPoint10 svgPoint9 svgPoint8 svgPoint7 svgPoint6 svgPoint5 svgPoint4 svgPoint3 svgPoint2 svgPoint1 svgPoint0 svgPointChar svgPointDot svgPoint svgUseSymbol svgScript svgCircle svgText svgMathElement svgTextElement svgTextSplitLines svgRect svgRaster svgPath svgPolygon markerName markerTxt svgMarker svgLines genAlpha svgAnimateScale svgAnimateRotation svgAnimateTranslation svgAnimateTransform svgAnimatePath svgAnimatePoints lpaste old.lpaste svgAnimateXYWH svgAnimatePointSW svgAnimate svgEndLink svgStartLink svgEndSymbol svgStartSymbol svgEndGroup svgStartGroup svgTextNode svgEndElement svgStartElement svgMaskAttr svgClipAttr svgClipPath svgAngleTransform svgComment svgAnnotate svgMappings svgCoords svgJSUtils svgClose svgOpen htmlFile xmlDecl

Documented in svgAnimate svgCircle svgClose svgEndElement svgEndGroup svgEndLink svgLines svgOpen svgPath svgPolygon svgRaster svgRect svgScript svgStartElement svgStartGroup svgStartLink svgStyle svgText

xmlDecl <- function() {
  paste0('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="', localeToCharset()[1], '"?>\n')

htmlFile <- function(filename, svgdev) {
  # For viewing using Adobe SVG Viewer in IE
  # OR in Firefox 3 (native support)
  # create a "wrapper" html file
    # NOTE that for including plotmath output (as MathML), may
    # need to use the right sort of headers.
    # See ~/Research/Rstuff/SVG/PlotMath/README for notes from some
    # experiments AND email from David Scott that contains an
    # example from org-babel output 2011-11-01
  htmlfile <- paste0(filename, ".html")
    # NOTE that different browsers prefer different approaches
    # See email from David Scott 2011-11-03 for some sample code
  # The empty text node is so that we ensure the object tag is not
  # self-closing, i.e. there is an explicit closing tag written out
  obj <- newXMLNode("object",
                    attrs = list(data = filename,
                                 type = "image/svg+xml",
                                 width = paste0(ceiling(svgDevWidth(svgdev)), "px"),
                                 height = paste0(ceiling(svgDevHeight(svgdev)), "px")),
  fn <- saveXML(obj, file = htmlfile)

svgOpen <- function(width=200, height=200, strict=TRUE, rootAttrs=NULL) {
  # Ensure all vp contexts are now zero
  assign("contextLevels", 0, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
  svgdev <- svgDevice(width, height, strict, rootAttrs)
  svgHeader(width, height, svgdev)

svgClose <- function(svgdev) {
  # Ensure all vp contexts are now zero
  assign("contextLevels", 0, envir = .gridSVGEnv)

svgJSUtils <- function(exportJS, svgfile, svgroot) {
  utilsFn <- paste0(svgfile, ".utils.js")
  utilsFile <- file(system.file("js/utils.js", package = "gridSVG"))
  utilsLines <- readLines(utilsFile)
  if (exportJS == "file") {
    destFile <- file(utilsFn)
    writeLines(utilsLines, destFile)
    newXMLNode("script", parent = svgroot, at = 0,
                      attrs = list(type = "application/ecmascript",
                                   "xlink:href" = utilsFn))

  if (exportJS == "inline") {
    newXMLNode("script", parent = svgroot, at = 0,
               attrs = list(type = "application/ecmascript"),
               newXMLCDataNode(paste0(c("", utilsLines, ""), collapse = "\n")))

  # When we don't want to write to a file we might want to retain some
  # info, thus just return the JS quietly
  invisible(paste(utilsLines, collapse = "\n"))

svgCoords <- function(exportCoords, svgfile, svgroot) {
  coordsJSON <- toJSON(get("vpCoords", envir = .gridSVGEnv))
  coordsJSON <- paste("var gridSVGCoords = ", coordsJSON, ";", sep = "")

  if (exportCoords == "file") {
    coordsFn <- paste0(svgfile, ".coords.js")
    coordsFile <- file(coordsFn, "w")
    cat(coordsJSON, "\n", file = coordsFile, sep = "")
    newXMLNode("script", parent = svgroot, at = 0,
               attrs = list(type = "application/ecmascript",
                            "xlink:href" = coordsFn))

  if (exportCoords == "inline") {
    newXMLNode("script", parent = svgroot, at = 0,
               attrs = list(type = "application/ecmascript"),
               newXMLCDataNode(paste0(c("", coordsJSON, ""), collapse = "\n")))

  # When we don't want to write to a file we might want to retain some
  # info, thus return coords info quietly
  invisible(get("vpCoords", envir = .gridSVGEnv))

svgMappings <- function(exportMappings, svgfile, svgroot) {
  usageTable <- get("usageTable", envir = .gridSVGEnv)

  if (exportMappings == "file") {
    mappingsFn <- paste0(svgfile, ".mappings.js")
    mappingsFile <- file(mappingsFn, "w")
    cat(exportMappings(usageTable), file = mappingsFile)
    newXMLNode("script", parent = svgroot, at = 0,
               attrs = list(type = "application/ecmascript",
                            "xlink:href" = mappingsFn))

  if (exportMappings == "inline") {
    newXMLNode("script", parent = svgroot, at = 0,
               attrs = list(type = "application/ecmascript"),

  # When we don't want to write to a file we might want to retain some
  # info, thus return coords info quietly

svgAnnotate <- function(svgRoot, callAttrs) {
    # The purpose of this function is to collate all the information
    # that gridSVG knows about as it being called. Provides us with a
    # method of potentially debugging output and version detection.
    # We put all this information in a comment node so that the output
    # is not parsed by a viewer.
    # However, if we are able to get the *text* from the comment we want
    # to be able to *parse* the output.
    argNames <- names(callAttrs)
    argValues <- unname(unlist(callAttrs))

    # The call elements that we're going to be building up
    metadata <- newXMLNode("metadata", namespaceDefinitions =
                           c(gridsvg = "http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/R/gridSVG/"))

    # Using the package DESCRIPTION version instead of packageVersion
    # because packageVersion converts our versions from 1.0-0 to 1.0.0.
    # Ignoring timezone in Sys.time(), should be fine
               namespace = "gridsvg",
               attrs = c(name = "gridSVG",
                         version = packageDescription("gridSVG")$Version,
                         time = as.character(Sys.time())),
               parent = metadata)

    for (i in 1:length(callAttrs)) {
                   namespace = "gridsvg",
                   attrs = c(name = argNames[i], value = argValues[i]),
                   parent = metadata)

    seps <- unlist(getSVGoptions())
    for (i in 1:length(seps)) {
                   namespace = "gridsvg",
                   attrs = c(name = names(seps[i]),
                             value = unname(seps[i])),
                   parent = metadata)

    # at = 0 because we want this comment to be inserted directly after
    # the main <svg> element
    addChildren(svgRoot, metadata, at = 0)

svgComment <- function(comment, svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  # If this is a multi-line comment, to ensure comments have the same
  # indentation, prefix and suffix the comment with empty lines
  if (length(comment) > 1)
    comment <- paste0(c("", comment, ""), collapse="\n")
  newXMLCommentNode(comment, parent = svgDevParent(svgdev))

# <clipPath>, <rect>, <raster>, and <text> elements MAY
# have a rotation angle
svgAngleTransform <- function(x, y, angle) {
    if (!is.null(angle) && angle != 0) {
        paste0("rotate(", round(angle, 2), " ",
               round(x, 2), " ", round(y, 2), ")")
    } else {

svgClipPath <- function(id, vpx, vpy, vpw, vph, vpa,
                        svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  clipPathID <- prefixName(paste(id, "clipPath",
                                 sep = getSVGoption("id.sep")))

  # Correct w/h if necessary
  if (vpw < 0) {
    vpx <- vpx + vpw # shifts x to the left
    vpw <- abs(vpw)

  if (vph < 0) {
    vpy <- vpy + vph # shifts y down
    vph <- abs(vph)
  newXMLNode("defs", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
                        attrs = attrList(list(id = clipPathID,
                            transform=svgAngleTransform(vpx, vpy, vpa))),
                                   attrs = list(x = round(vpx, 2),
                                                y = round(vpy, 2),
                                                width = round(vpw, 2),
                                                height = round(vph, 2),
                                                fill = "none",
                                                stroke = "none"))))

svgClipAttr <- function(id, clip) {
  if (clip)
    list("clip-path" = paste0("url(#", prefixName(id),
                              getSVGoption("id.sep"), "clipPath)"))

svgMaskAttr <- function(id, mask) {
  if (mask)
    list("mask" = paste0("url(#", prefixName(id),
                         getSVGoption("id.sep"), "mask)"))

svgStartElement <- function(id = NULL, classes = NULL, element = NULL, attrs = NULL,
                            namespace = NULL, namespaceDefinitions = NULL,
                            attributes=svgAttrib(), links=NULL, show = NULL,
                            svgdev = svgDevice()) {
  has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
  if (has.link)
    svgStartLink(links[id], show[id], svgdev)

  attrs$id <- prefixName(id)
  # If garnishing, clobber any existing attrs
  for (name in names(attributes))
      attrs[[name]] <- attributes[[name]]

  # Avoid clobbering "class" attribute if it exists
  # Instead, add to the list of classes available
  if (! is.null(attrs$class) && get("addClasses", envir = .gridSVGEnv)) {
      cls <- strsplit(attrs$class, "\\s")[[1]]
      cls <- cls[nzchar(cls)] # Get rid of whitespace
      classList <- svgClassList(unique(c(cls, classes)))
      attrs$class <- classList$class
  } else {
      classList <- svgClassList(classes)
      if (length(classList))
          attrs$class <- classList$class

  attrs <- attrList(attrs)
  element <- newXMLNode(element, attrs = attrs,
                        namespace =
                            if (is.null(namespace))
                        namespaceDefinitions =
                            if (is.null(namespaceDefinitions))
                        parent = svgDevParent(svgdev))
  svgDevChangeParent(element, svgdev)

# This is pretty much the same as svgEndGroup
svgEndElement <- function(id=NULL, links=NULL, svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  # In the case where we've got a link on our element, set the parent
  # one level up because we've got an "a" tag above the group
  has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
  if (has.link)

  svgDevChangeParent(xmlParent(svgDevParent(svgdev)), svgdev)

svgTextNode <- function(text, svgdev = svgDevice()) {
  newXMLTextNode(text, parent = svgDevParent(svgdev))

svgStartGroup <- function(id=NULL, clip=FALSE, mask=FALSE,
                          attributes=svgAttrib(), links=NULL, show=NULL,
                          style=svgStyle(), coords=NULL, classes = NULL,
                          svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  # If this is a viewport that we're starting a group for
  # we will have coordinate information, otherwise don't bother.
  if (! is.null(coords)) {
    currVpCoords <- get("vpCoords", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    currId <- prefixName(getid(id, svgdev))
    currVpCoords[[currId]] <- coords
    assign("vpCoords", currVpCoords, envir = .gridSVGEnv)

  has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
  if (has.link)
    svgStartLink(links[id], show[id], svgdev)

  attrlist <- c(list(id = prefixName(id)),
                svgClipAttr(id, clip),
                svgMaskAttr(id, mask),
                svgStyleAttributes(style, svgdev),
                svgAttribTxt(attributes, id, "g", svgdev))
  attrlist <- attrList(attrlist)

  # Avoid clobbering "class" attribute if it exists
  # Instead, add to the list of classes available
  if (! is.null(attrlist$class) && get("addClasses", envir = .gridSVGEnv)) {
      cls <- strsplit(attrlist$class, "\\s")[[1]]
      cls <- cls[nzchar(cls)] # Get rid of whitespace
      classList <- svgClassList(unique(c(cls, classes)))
      attrlist$class <- classList$class
  } else {
      classList <- svgClassList(classes)
      if (length(classList))
          attrlist$class <- classList$class

  newparent <- newXMLNode("g", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
                          attrs = attrlist)
  svgDevChangeParent(newparent, svgdev)

svgEndGroup <- function(id=NULL, links=NULL, vp=FALSE, svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  # Handle case where clipGrobs, clipPath grobs and maskGrobs
  # have started groups. "pop" until we reach the appropriate group
  if (vp) {
    # In the case where we have reached something we know
    # is a viewport, then we don't need to unwind further
    parentIsVP <- function() {
      id <- xmlGetAttr(svgDevParent(svgdev), "id")
      ut <- get("usageTable", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
      ut <- ut[ut$type == "vp", ]
      baseGrobName(id) %in% ut$name
    contextLevel <- tail(get("contextLevels", envir = .gridSVGEnv), 1)
    while (! parentIsVP() && contextLevel > 0) {
      svgDevChangeParent(xmlParent(svgDevParent(svgdev)), svgdev)
      contextLevel <- contextLevel - 1
    # Remove latest vp from list of contexts
           head(get("contextLevels", envir = .gridSVGEnv), -1),
           envir = .gridSVGEnv)
  } else {
    # In the case where we've got a link on our group, set the parent
    # one level up because we've got an "a" tag above the group.
    # Only doing this in the case where we're dealing with a grob.
    has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
    if (has.link)

  svgDevChangeParent(xmlParent(svgDevParent(svgdev)), svgdev)

svgStartSymbol <- function(pch, svgdev = svgDevice()) {
  symbol <- newXMLNode("symbol", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev), at = 0,
                       attrs = list(id = prefixName(paste0("gridSVG.pch", pch)),
                                    viewBox = "-5 -5 10 10",
                                    overflow = "visible"))
  svgDevChangeParent(symbol, svgdev)

svgEndSymbol <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
  # Close symbol
  svgDevChangeParent(xmlParent(svgDevParent(svgdev)), svgdev)

svgStartLink <- function(href="", show="", svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  linkAttrs <- list("xlink:href" = href)
  if (! is.null(show) && ! is.na(show) && nchar(show))
      linkAttrs$`xlink:show` <- show

  link <- newXMLNode("a",
                     parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
                     attrs = linkAttrs) 
  svgDevChangeParent(link, svgdev)

svgEndLink <- function(svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  parent <- xmlParent(svgDevParent(svgdev))
  svgDevChangeParent(parent, svgdev)

svgAnimate <- function(attrib, values,
                       begin, interp, duration, rep, revert, id=NULL,
                       svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  n <- if (is.null(id)) 1 else length(unique(id))

  newXMLNode("animate", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
             attrs = list("xlink:href" = paste0("#", prefixName(getid(id, svgdev, n))),
                          attributeName = attrib,
                          begin = paste0(begin, "s"),
                          calcMode = interp,
                          dur = paste0(duration, "s"),
                          values = values,
                          repeatCount = if (is.numeric(rep)) rep else if (rep) "indefinite" else 1,
                          fill = if (revert) "remove" else "freeze"))

# Special case just for stroke-width
# values here is a vector of *numeric* values, not just
# a single element character vector (e.g. 'svgAnimate')
svgAnimatePointSW <- function(values,
                              begin, interp, duration, rep, revert,
                              id=NULL, svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  n <- if (is.null(id)) 1 else length(unique(id))
  keyTimes <- round(seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = length(values)), 2)
  # Change the spline depending on whether we're increasing
  # the "size" of the stroke width or decreasing
  keySplines <- -diff(values)
  keySplines <- sapply(keySplines, function(x) {
                         if (x >= 0)
                           "0 1" # point is growing
                           "1 0" # point is shrinking
  keySplines <- paste(keySplines, "1 1", collapse = ";")
  keyTimes <- paste0(round(keyTimes, 2), collapse = ";")
  values <- paste0(round(values, 2), collapse = ";")

  newXMLNode("animate", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
             attrs = list("xlink:href" = paste0("#", prefixName(getid(id, svgdev, n))),
                          attributeName = "stroke-width",
                          begin = paste0(begin, "s"),
                          calcMode = "spline",
                          dur = paste0(duration, "s"),
                          values = values,
                          repeatCount = if (is.numeric(rep)) rep else if (rep) "indefinite" else 1,
                          fill = if (revert) "remove" else "freeze",
                          keyTimes = keyTimes,
                          keySplines = keySplines))

# This and svgAnimateY are untested with id != NULL
# and I have a strong suspicion there may be problems
# because tapply returns a list -- see svgAnimatePoints
# for ideas for a possible solution (esp. the lpaste function)
svgAnimateXYWH <- function(attrib, values,
                           begin, interp, duration, rep, revert,
                           svgdev=svgDevice()) {
             paste(round(values, 2), collapse=";"),
             begin, interp, duration, rep, revert, id, svgdev)

# DON'T call this with a list of length < 2!
old.lpaste <- function(alist, collapse) {
  n <- length(alist)
  if (n == 2)
    result <- paste(alist[[1]], alist[[2]])
    result <- paste(alist[[n]], lpaste(alist[1:(n-1)], collapse))
  paste(result, collapse=collapse)

lpaste <- function(alist, collapse) {
  n <- length(alist)
  result <- alist[[1]]
  for (i in 2:n)
    result <- paste(result, alist[[i]])
  paste(result, collapse=collapse)

svgAnimatePoints <- function(xvalues, yvalues, timeid,
                             begin, interp, duration, rep, revert,
                             svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  if (is.null(id))
    warning("Only one point to animate")
                paste(lapply(split(paste(round(xvalues, 2),
                                         round(yvalues, 2), sep=","),
                             paste, collapse=" "),
               begin, interp, duration, rep, revert, id, svgdev)

svgAnimatePath <- function(xvalues, yvalues, pathid, timeid,
                           begin, interp, duration, rep, revert,
                           svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  if (is.null(id))
    warning("Not sure what this animation means?")
  else {
      # Split into time segments
      x <- split(xvalues, timeid)
      y <- split(yvalues, timeid)
      pid <- split(pathid, timeid)
      d <- mapply(function(xtime, ytime, pid) {
                      # Split into path components
                      xx <- split(xtime, pid)
                      yy <- split(ytime, pid)
                      txt <- mapply(function(x, y) {
                                                      rep("L", length(x) - 1)),
                                                    round(x, 2), round(y, 2),
                                                    collapse=" "),
                                    }, xx, yy)
                      paste(unlist(txt), collapse=" ")
                  }, x, y, pid)
      svgAnimate("d", paste(d, collapse=";"),
                 begin, interp, duration, rep, revert, id, svgdev)

svgAnimateTransform <- function(attrib, values,
                                begin, interp, duration, rep, revert,
                                additive = "replace",
                                svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  n <- if (is.null(id)) 1 else length(unique(id))
  newXMLNode("animateTransform", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
             attrs = list("xlink:href" = paste0("#", prefixName(getid(id, svgdev, n))),
                          attributeName = "transform",
                          type = attrib,
                          begin = paste0(begin, "s"),
                          calcMode = interp,
                          dur = paste0(duration, "s"),
                          values = values,
                          additive = additive,
                          repeatCount = if (is.numeric(rep)) rep else if (rep) "indefinite" else 1,
                          fill = if (revert) "remove" else "freeze"))

svgAnimateTranslation <- function(xvalues, yvalues,
                                  begin, interp, duration, rep, revert,
                                  additive = "replace",
                                  svgdev=svgDevice()) {
                      paste(round(xvalues, 2),
                            round(yvalues, 2),
                            sep=",", collapse=';'),
                      begin, interp, duration, rep, revert,
                      additive, id, svgdev)

svgAnimateRotation <- function(angle, xvalues, yvalues,
                               begin, interp, duration, rep, revert,
                               additive = "replace",
                               svgdev=svgDevice()) {
                      paste(round(angle, 2),
                            round(xvalues, 2),
                            round(yvalues, 2),
                            sep=" ", collapse=';'),
                      begin, interp, duration, rep, revert,
                      additive, id, svgdev)

svgAnimateScale <- function(xvalues, yvalues,
                            begin, interp, duration, rep, revert,
                            additive = "replace",
                            svgdev=svgDevice()) {
                      paste(round(xvalues, 2),
                            round(yvalues, 2),
                            sep=",", collapse=';'),
                      begin, interp, duration, rep, revert,
                      additive, id, svgdev)

genAlpha <- function(N) {
    m <- suppressWarnings(matrix(rep(letters, length.out=N), nrow=26))
    alpha <- apply(m, 1, 
                   function(x) {
                       unlist(lapply(mapply(rep, x, 1:length(x)),
                                     paste, collapse=""))

svgLines <- function(x, y, id=NULL, arrow = NULL,
                     attributes=svgAttrib(), links=NULL, show=NULL,
                     style=svgStyle(), svgdev=svgDevice()) {

    ## Never fill a line
    style$fill <- "none"
    has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
    if (has.link)
        svgStartLink(links[id], show[id], svgdev)
    ## Handle NA values in (x, y)
    xylist <- splitOnNA(x, y)
    N <- length(xylist)
    if (N > 0) {
        if (N > 1) {
            alpha <- genAlpha(N)
        } else {
            alpha <- ""
        for (i in 1:N) {
            ## Grabbing arrow info for marker element references
            ## Arrows NOT drawn at NA splits
            if (! is.null(arrow$ends)) {
                if (arrow$ends == "both" && i == 1 && N == 1) 
                    lineMarkerTxt <- markerTxt("both", id)
                else if ((arrow$ends == "both" || arrow$ends == "first") &&
                         i == 1 && is.finite(x[1]) && is.finite(y[1]))
                    lineMarkerTxt <- markerTxt("first", id)
                else if ((arrow$ends == "both" || arrow$ends == "last") &&
                         i == N &&
                         is.finite(x[length(x)]) && is.finite(y[length(y)]))
                    lineMarkerTxt <- markerTxt("last", id)
                    lineMarkerTxt <- NULL
            } else {
                lineMarkerTxt <- NULL
            attrlist <- c(list(id = prefixName(paste0(id, alpha[i])),
                               points = paste0(round(xylist[[i]]$x, 2), ",",
                                               round(xylist[[i]]$y, 2),
                                               collapse=" ")),
                          svgStyleAttributes(style, svgdev),
                          svgAttribTxt(attributes, id, "polyline", svgdev))
            attrlist <- attrList(attrlist)
            newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
                       attrs = attrlist)
    if (has.link)

svgMarker <- function(x, y, type, ends, direction, name,
                      style=svgStyle(), svgdev=svgDevice()) {
    width <- abs(max(x) - min(x))
    height <- abs(max(y) - min(y))
    if (length(x) != length(y))
        stop("x and y must be same length")
    if (is.atomic(x)) {
        if (is.atomic(y)) {
            x <- list(x)
            y <- list(y)
        } else {
            stop("'x' and 'y' must both be lists or both be atomic")

    d <- mapply(
                function(subx, suby) {
                    openPath <- paste(c("M",
                                      rep("L", length(subx) - 1)),
                                      round(subx, 2), round(suby, 2),
                                      collapse=" ")
                    if (type == 2) # Closed arrow
                      paste(openPath, "Z")
                }, x, y)

    # If the arrow is open, we don't want to fill it
    if (type == 1)
        style$fill <- "none"

    # [[1]] and [1]: markerStart
    # [[2]] and [2]: markerEnd
    # pathattrs is simply a list where each element
    # is a list that we can simply pass in as attrs
    # to newXMLNode
    ids <- markerName("both", name)
    refXs <- direction * round(c(-width, width), 2)
    refYs <- round(c(-height / 2, height / 2), 2)
    pathlist <- attrList(c(list(d = d), svgStyleAttributes(style, svgdev)))
    # It is possible for width to be 0, i.e. when angle=90.
    # Ensure that the marker is always at least as wide as the
    # stroke width that it is given.
    mwidth <- max(as.numeric(pathlist$`stroke-width`), width)
    mheight <- max(as.numeric(pathlist$`stroke-width`), height)
    pathattrs <- list(pathlist, pathlist)
    pathattrs[[1]]$transform <- "rotate(180)"

    newXMLNode("defs", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
                          attrs = list(id = ids[1],
                                       refX = refXs[1],
                                       refY = refYs[1],
                                       overflow = "visible",
                                       markerUnits = "userSpaceOnUse",
                                       markerWidth = round(mwidth, 2),
                                       markerHeight = round(mheight, 2),
                                       orient = "auto"),
                          newXMLNode("path", attrs = pathattrs[[1]])),
                          attrs = list(id = ids[2],
                                       refX = refXs[2],
                                       refY = refYs[2],
                                       overflow = "visible",
                                       markerUnits = "userSpaceOnUse",
                                       markerWidth = round(mwidth, 2),
                                       markerHeight = round(mheight, 2),
                                       orient = "auto"),
                          newXMLNode("path", attrs = pathattrs[[2]])))

markerTxt <- function(ends, name) {
    mname <- markerName(ends, name)

    if (ends == "first")
        lmt <- list("marker-start" = paste0("url(#", mname, ")"))
    if (ends == "last")
        lmt <- list("marker-end" = paste0("url(#", mname, ")"))
    if (ends == "both")
        lmt <- list("marker-start" = paste0("url(#", mname[1], ")"),
                    "marker-end" = paste0("url(#", mname[2], ")"))

markerName <- function(ends, name) {
    if (ends == "first")
        mname <- paste(name, getSVGoption("id.sep"), "markerStart", sep="")
    if (ends == "last")
        mname <- paste(name, getSVGoption("id.sep"), "markerEnd", sep="")
    if (ends == "both")
        mname <- c(paste(name, getSVGoption("id.sep"), "markerStart", sep=""),
                   paste(name, getSVGoption("id.sep"), "markerEnd", sep=""))

svgPolygon <- function(x, y, id=NULL,
                       attributes=svgAttrib(), links=NULL, show=NULL,
                       style=svgStyle(), svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  if (length(x) != length(y))
    stop("x and y must be same length")

  has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
  if (has.link)
    svgStartLink(links[id], show[id], svgdev)

  # Handle NA values in (x, y)
  xylist <- splitOnNA(x, y)
  N <- length(xylist)
  if (N > 0) {
      if (N > 1) {
          alpha <- genAlpha(N)
      } else {
          alpha <- ""
      for (i in 1:N) {
          attrlist <- c(list(id = prefixName(paste0(id, alpha[i])),
                             points = paste0(round(xylist[[i]]$x, 2), ",",
                                 round(xylist[[i]]$y, 2),
                                 collapse=" ")),
                        svgStyleAttributes(style, svgdev),
                        svgAttribTxt(attributes, id, "polygon", svgdev))
          attrlist <- attrList(attrlist)
          newXMLNode("polygon", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
                     attrs = attrlist)

  if (has.link)

# Differs from polygon because it can have sub-paths
svgPath <- function(x, y, rule, id=NULL,
                    attributes=svgAttrib(), links=NULL, show=NULL,
                    style=svgStyle(), svgdev=svgDevice()) {
    if (length(x) != length(y))
        stop("x and y must be same length")
    if (is.atomic(x)) {
        if (is.atomic(y)) {
            # NAs allowed;  turn into sub-paths
            xy <- splitOnNA(x, y)
            x <- lapply(xy, "[[", "x")
            y <- lapply(xy, "[[", "y")
        } else {
            stop("'x' and 'y' must both be lists or both be atomic")
        # If the path contains multiple sub-paths then NAs are NOT allowed
        # (to follow 'grid' behaviour)
        bad <- !all(sapply(x, function(z) { all(is.finite(z)) })) ||
            !all(sapply(y, function(z) { all(is.finite(z)) }))
        if (bad)
            stop("non-finite x or y in graphics path")
    n <- length(x)
    d <- mapply(function(subx, suby) {
                                  rep("L", length(subx) - 1)),
                                round(subx, 2), round(suby, 2),
                                collapse=" "),
                }, x, y)

    tmpattr <- c(list(id = prefixName(id),
                      d = paste(unlist(d), collapse = " "),
                      "fill-rule" = switch(rule, winding="nonzero", "evenodd")),
                 svgStyleAttributes(style, svgdev),
                 svgAttribTxt(attributes, id, "path", svgdev))
    tmpattr <- attrList(tmpattr)

    has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
    if (has.link)
        svgStartLink(links[id], show[id], svgdev)

    newXMLNode("path", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = tmpattr)

    if (has.link)

svgRaster <- function(x, y, width, height, angle=0, datauri, id=NULL,
                      just, vjust, hjust,
                      attributes=svgAttrib(), links=NULL, show=NULL,
                      style=svgStyle(), svgdev=svgDevice()) {
    # Draw nothing if non-finite location or size
    if (!(is.finite(x) && is.finite(y) &&
              is.finite(width) && is.finite(height)))
    has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
    if (has.link)
        svgStartLink(links[id], show[id], svgdev)

    rx <- round(x, 2)
    ry <- round(y, 2)

    transform <- paste0("translate(", rx, ", ", round(ry, 2), ")")
    angleTransform <- svgAngleTransform(rx, ry, angle)
    if (!is.null(angleTransform)) {
        transform <- paste(angleTransform, transform)
    attrlist <- c(list(id = prefixName(id),
                       transform = transform),
                  svgStyleAttributes(style, svgdev),
                  svgAttribTxt(attributes, id, "g", svgdev))
    attrlist <- attrList(attrlist)
    newXMLNode("g", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = attrlist,
                          attrs = list(id = paste(prefixName(id), "scale",
                                           sep = getSVGoption("id.sep")),
                              transform = paste0("scale(",
                                  round(width, 2), ", ",
                                  round(height, 2), ")")),
                                     # Suppress the namespace warning because
                                     # we know in this specific case it is
                                     # a spurious warning
                                     suppressNamespaceWarning = TRUE,
                                     attrs = list(x = 0,
                                         y = 0,
                                         width = 1,
                                         height = 1,
                                         transform = "scale(1, -1) translate(0, -1)",
                                         "xlink:href" = datauri,
                                         preserveAspectRatio = "none"))))

    if (has.link)

svgRect <- function(x, y, width, height, angle=0, id=NULL,
                    attributes=svgAttrib(), links=NULL, show=NULL,
                    style=svgStyle(), svgdev=svgDevice()) {
    # Draw nothing if non-finite location or size
    if (!(is.finite(x) && is.finite(y) &&
              is.finite(width) && is.finite(height)))
    has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
    if (has.link)
        svgStartLink(links[id], show[id], svgdev)
    if (width < 0) {
        x <- x + width # shifts x to the left
        width <- abs(width)
    if (height < 0) {
        y <- y + height # shifts y down
        height <- abs(height)
    rx <- round(x, 2)
    ry <- round(y, 2)
    attrlist <- c(list(id = prefixName(id),
                       x = rx,
                       y = ry,
                       width = round(width, 2),
                       height = round(height, 2),
                       transform = svgAngleTransform(rx, ry, angle)), 
                  svgStyleAttributes(style, svgdev),
                  svgAttribTxt(attributes, id, "rect", svgdev))
    attrlist <- attrList(attrlist)
    newXMLNode("rect", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = attrlist)
    if (has.link)

svgTextSplitLines <- function(text, id, lineheight, charheight,
                              vjust, svgdev) {
    # Splitting based on linebreaks
    splitText <- strsplit(text, "\n")
    # If text is "", produces character(0), so fix that
    if (length(splitText[[1]]) == 0)
        splitText[[1]] <- ""

    n <- length(splitText[[1]])

    # Need to adjust positioning based on vertical justification.
    # Horizontal justification is done for us.
    # Only the first line needs to be modified, the rest are all
    # just one line below the previous line
    if (vjust %in% c("centre", "center"))
        firstDelta <- - ((lineheight * (n - 1) - charheight) / 2)
    if (vjust == "bottom")
        firstDelta <- - (n - 1) * lineheight
    if (vjust == "top")
        firstDelta <- charheight
    lineheight <- c(firstDelta, rep(lineheight, n - 1))

    textContent <- splitText[[1]]
    # Note that x=0 here so that we push it to the left, hjust
    # is worked out automatically from there
    for (i in 1:n) {
        newXMLNode("tspan", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
                   attrs = list(id = paste(id, "tspan", i,
                       dy = round(lineheight[i], 2),
                       x = 0),

svgTextElement <- function(text, id, rot, hjust, vjust,
                           lineheight, charheight, style, svgdev=svgDevice()) {
    # Rotation in SVG goes clockwise from +ve x=axis
    transform <- if (rot != 0)
                   list(transform = paste0("rotate(", round(-rot, 2), ")"))
    attrlist <- c(list(x = 0,
                       y = 0,
                       id = paste(id, "text", sep=getSVGoption("id.sep"))),
                  svgStyleAttributes(style, svgdev))
    attrlist <- attrList(attrlist)
    newpar <- newXMLNode("text", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
                         attrs = attrlist)
    # Set parent of all <tspan>s to be the <text> el
    svgDevChangeParent(newpar, svgdev)
    # Write each of the lines here
    svgTextSplitLines(text, id, lineheight, charheight, vjust, svgdev)
    # Resetting parent
    svgDevChangeParent(xmlParent(newpar), svgdev)

# NOTE that the precise placement of math is even less likely to work
# than normal text.  Besides the problem of the browser using a
# different font (which is more likely because a math expression
# typically uses multiple fonts), the web browser will be using
# a different formula layout engine compared to R so things like
# the spacing between operators will be different.
# One particular problem is that R justifies math formulas
# relative to the bounding box of the formula, whereas it
# appears that Firefox at least justifies relative to the formula
# baseline (just from observation).
# The code below tries to do something rational by making use
# of finer detail metric information for the formula
# to mimic R's vertical justification.
svgMathElement <- function(text, id, rot, hjust, vjust,
                           width, height, ascent, descent,
                           lineheight, charheight, fontheight,
                           fontfamily, fontface, style,
                           svgdev=svgDevice()) {
    # Determine x/y based on width/height and hjust/vjust
    if (hjust %in% c("centre", "center"))
        x <- -width/2
    if (hjust == "left")
        x <- 0
    if (hjust == "right")
        x <- -width
    if (vjust %in% c("centre", "center"))
        y <- -(max(ascent, fontheight) + descent)/2
    if (vjust == "bottom")
        y <- -(max(ascent, fontheight) + descent)
    if (vjust == "top") {
        if (fontheight > ascent)
            y <- -(fontheight - ascent)
            y <- (ascent - fontheight)

    tmpattr <- c(list(x = round(x, 2),
                      y = round(y, 2),
                      id = paste(id, "mathtext", sep=getSVGoption("id.sep")),
                      width = round(3*width, 2),
                      height = round(3*height, 2)),
                 svgStyleAttributes(style, svgdev))
    if (rot != 0)
        tmpattr$transform <- paste0("rotate(", round(-rot, 2), ")")

    switch <- newXMLNode("switch", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev))
    foreignObj <- newXMLNode("foreignObject", parent = switch,
                             attrs = attrList(tmpattr))
    svgDevChangeParent(foreignObj, svgdev)
    expr2mml(text, fontfamily, fontface, svgdev)
    svgDevChangeParent(xmlParent(switch), svgdev)

svgText <- function(x, y, text, hjust="left", vjust="bottom", rot=0,
                    width=1, height=1, angle=0, ascent=1, descent=0,
                    lineheight=1, charheight=.8, fontheight=1,
                    fontfamily="sans", fontface="plain",
                    id=NULL, attributes=svgAttrib(), links=NULL, show=NULL,
                    style=svgStyle(), svgdev=svgDevice()) {
    # Draw nothing if x/y non-finite
    if (!(is.finite(x) && is.finite(y)))
    has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
    if (has.link)
        svgStartLink(links[id], show[id], svgdev)

    if (width < 0) {
        x <- x + width # shifts x to the left
        width <- abs(width)
    if (height < 0) {
        y <- y + height # shifts y down
        height <- abs(height)

    rx <- round(x, 2)
    ry <- round(y, 2)
    topattrs <- list()
    topattrs$id <- prefixName(id)
    angleTransform <- svgAngleTransform(rx, ry, angle)
    topattrs$transform <- paste0("translate(", rx, ", ", ry, ")")
    if (!is.null(angleTransform)) {
        topattrs$transform <- paste(angleTransform, topattrs$transform)
    topattrs$`stroke-width` <- "0.1"
    topattrs <- c(topattrs, svgAttribTxt(attributes, id, "g", svgdev))

    # Flip the y-direction again so that text is drawn "upright"
    # Do the flip in a separate <g> so that can animate the
    # translation easily
    # Use a tspan to do the vertical alignment
    topg <- newXMLNode("g", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
                       attrs = topattrs)
    sec <- newXMLNode("g", parent = topg,
                      attrs = list(id = paste(prefixName(id), "scale",
                                       sep = getSVGoption("id.sep")),
                          transform = "scale(1, -1)"))

    # Let all child <tspan> elements or MathML fragments be
    # located under the *second* <g>
    svgDevChangeParent(sec, svgdev)

    if (is.language(text)) {
        svgMathElement(text, prefixName(id), rot, hjust, vjust,
                       width, height, ascent, descent,
                       lineheight, charheight, fontheight,
                       fontfamily, fontface, style,
    } else {
        svgTextElement(text, prefixName(id), rot, hjust, vjust,
                       lineheight, charheight, style,

    # Reset parent to parent of entire text "grob"
    svgDevChangeParent(xmlParent(topg), svgdev)

    if (has.link)

svgCircle <- function(x, y, r, id=NULL,
                      attributes=svgAttrib(), links=NULL, show=NULL,
                      style=svgStyle(), svgdev=svgDevice()) {
    # Draw nothing if non-finite location or size
    if (!(is.finite(x) && is.finite(y) && is.finite(r)))
    has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
    if (has.link)
        svgStartLink(links[id], show[id], svgdev)
    tmpattr <- c(list(id = prefixName(id),
                      cx = round(x, 2),
                      cy = round(y, 2),
                      r = round(r, 2)),
                 svgStyleAttributes(style, svgdev),
                 svgAttribTxt(attributes, id, "circle", svgdev))
    tmpattr <- attrList(tmpattr)
    has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
    newXMLNode("circle", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
             attrs = tmpattr)
    if (has.link)

svgScript <- function(body, href, type="application/ecmascript",
                      id=NULL, svgdev=svgDevice()) {
  tmpattr <- list(type = type,
                  id = prefixName(getid(id, svgdev, 1)))
  if (nchar(href) > 0)
    tmpattr$`xlink:href` <- href

  script <- newXMLNode("script", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
                       attrs = tmpattr)

  if (nchar(body) > 0) {
    # "body" adds newlines because otherwise the CDATA delimiters are part
    # of the first and last line of text, break it apart to look nicer
    newXMLCDataNode(paste0("\n", body, "\n"),
                    parent = script)

# Beginning of definition of all PCH elements
# Note that these definitions come ported from
# R's /src/main/engine.c
# Note in particular that radius is defined to be 0.375 * size
# so that width is 0.75 of the specified size. Most of the time
# this means we have a computed radius of 3.75

svgUseSymbol <- function(id, x, y, size, pch, angle=0,
                         attributes=svgAttrib(), links=NULL, show=NULL,
                         style=svgStyle(), svgdev=svgDevice()) {

    # Draw nothing if non-finite location or size
    if (!(is.finite(x) && is.finite(y) && is.finite(size)))
    has.link <- hasLink(links[id])
    if (has.link)
        svgStartLink(links[id], show[id], svgdev)

    # Ensure the "dot" is only 1px wide
    if (pch == ".")
        size <- 1

    # Ensure we refer to the correct <symbol> id
    numpch <- if (is.character(pch))
    rx <- round(x, 2)
    ry <- round(y, 2)
    tmpattr <- list(id = prefixName(id),
                    "xlink:href" =
                        paste0("#", prefixName(paste0("gridSVG.pch", numpch))),
                    x = rx, y = ry,
                    width = round(size, 2),
                    height = round(size, 2))

    # centering adjustment
    r <- round(-size / 2, 2)
    tmpattr$transform <- paste0("translate(", r, ",", r, ")")
    angleTransform <- svgAngleTransform(rx, ry, angle)
    if (!is.null(angleTransform)) {
        tmpattr$transform <- paste(angleTransform, tmpattr$transform)
    # Preserve order
    tmpattr <- c(tmpattr,
                 svgStyleAttributes(style, svgdev),
                 svgAttribTxt(attributes, id, "use", svgdev))
    # Need to scale the stroke width otherwise for large points
    # we also have large strokes
    sw <- as.numeric(tmpattr$`stroke-width`)
    scalef <- size / 10 # 10 is the point viewBox size
    sw <- sw / scalef
    tmpattr$`stroke-width` <- round(sw, 2)

    # For pch outside 0-25 or characters
    if (is.character(pch) || (is.numeric(pch) && pch > 25)) {
        # When we have a "." we have a special case
        if ((is.character(pch) && pch == ".") ||
            (is.numeric(pch) && pch == 46)) {
            # Strip unnecessary attribs
            fsind <- which(names(tmpattr) == "font-size")
            if (length(fsind) > 0)
                tmpattr <- tmpattr[-fsind]
            # Because we really want just a dot, use crispEdges
            # as anti-aliasing isn't really necessary
            tmpattr$`shape-rendering` <- "crispEdges"
        } else {
            # Make the s-w small so we see a stroke just barely
            tmpattr$`stroke-width` <- "0.1"
            # Set the font-size, otherwise it's going to mess with our scaling.
            # 10px so it's the size of the point definition
            tmpattr$`font-size` <- "10"
    newXMLNode("use", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = attrList(tmpattr))

    if (has.link)

# Dispatching function, simply following a naming scheme,
# somewhat nasty but works fine
svgPoint <- function(pch, svgdev = svgDevice()) {
  textpch <- FALSE
  if (is.character(pch)) {
    if (pch == ".")
      fnname <- "svgPointDot"
    else {
      fnname <- "svgPointChar"
      textpch <- TRUE
  } else {
    fnname <- paste0("svgPoint", pch)
  do.call(fnname, if (textpch) list(pch = pch, svgdev = svgdev)
                  else list(svgdev = svgdev))

# Special point, the dot
svgPointDot <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
  newXMLNode("rect", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
             attrs = list(x = -0.5, y = -0.5,
                          width = 1, height = 1))

# Actual point character
svgPointChar <- function(pch, svgdev = svgDevice()) {
  # Transform to "flip" the text back
  newXMLNode("text", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
             attrs = list(x = 0, y = 0,
                          fontsize = 7.5,
                          transform = "scale(1, -1)",
                          "text-anchor" = "middle",
                          "baseline-shift" = "-25%"),

# S square
svgPoint0 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    newXMLNode("rect", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(x = -3.75, y = -3.75,
                            width = 7.5, height = 7.5))

# S octahedron (circle)
svgPoint1 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    newXMLNode("circle", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(cx = 0, cy = 0,
                            r = 3.75))

# S triangle - point up
svgPoint2 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    TRC0 <- sqrt(4 * pi/(3 * sqrt(3)))
    TRC1 <- TRC0 * sqrt(3) / 2
    TRC2 <- TRC0 / 2
    r <- TRC0 * 3.75
    xc <- TRC1 * 3.75
    yc <- TRC2 * 3.75
    linexs <- round(c(0, xc, -xc, 0), 2)
    lineys <- round(c(r, -yc, -yc, r), 2)
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(linexs, lineys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))

# S plus
svgPoint3 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    xc <- sqrt(2) * 3.75
    yc <- sqrt(2) * 3.75
    l1xs <- round(c(-xc, xc), 2)
    l1ys <- c(0, 0)
    l2xs <- c(0, 0)
    l2ys <- round(c(-yc, yc), 2)
    # Horizontal
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(l1xs, l1ys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))
    # Vertical
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(l2xs, l2ys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))

# S times
svgPoint4 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    xc <- 3.75
    yc <- 3.75
    l1xs <- c(-xc, xc)
    l1ys <- c(-yc, yc)
    l2xs <- c(-xc, xc)
    l2ys <- c(yc, -yc)
    # /
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(l1xs, l1ys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))
    # \
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(l2xs, l2ys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))

# S diamond
svgPoint5 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    xc <- sqrt(2) * 3.75
    yc <- sqrt(2) * 3.75
    linexs <- round(c(-xc, 0, xc, 0, -xc), 2)
    lineys <- round(c(0, yc, 0, -yc, 0), 2)
    newXMLNode("polygon", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(linexs, lineys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))

# S triangle - point down
svgPoint6 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    TRC0 <- sqrt(4 * pi/(3 * sqrt(3)))
    TRC1 <- TRC0 * sqrt(3) / 2
    TRC2 <- TRC0 / 2
    r <- TRC0 * 3.75
    xc <- TRC1 * 3.75
    yc <- TRC2 * 3.75
    linexs <- round(c(0, xc, -xc, 0), 2)
    lineys <- round(c(-r, yc, yc, -r), 2)
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(linexs, lineys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))

# S square and times superimposed
svgPoint7 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# S plus and times superimposed
svgPoint8 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# S diamond and plus superimposed
svgPoint9 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# S hexagon (circle) and plus superimposed
svgPoint10 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    newXMLNode("circle", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(cx = 0, cy = 0,
                            r = 3.75))
    l1xs <- c(-3.75, 3.75)
    l1ys <- c(0, 0)
    l2xs <- c(0, 0)
    l2ys <- c(-3.75, 3.75)
    # Horizontal
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(l1xs, l1ys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))
    # Vertical
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(l2xs, l2ys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))

# S superimposed triangles
svgPoint11 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    TRC0 <- sqrt(4 * pi/(3 * sqrt(3)))
    TRC1 <- TRC0 * sqrt(3) / 2
    TRC2 <- TRC0 / 2
    xc <- 3.75
    r <- TRC0 * xc
    yc <- TRC2 * xc
    yc <- 0.5 * (yc + r)
    xc <- TRC1 * xc

    # Pointing down
    linexs <- round(c(0, xc, -xc, 0), 2)
    lineys <- round(c(-r, yc, yc, -r), 2)
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(linexs, lineys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))

    # Pointing up
    linexs <- round(c(0, xc, -xc, 0), 2)
    lineys <- round(c(r, -yc, -yc, r), 2)
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(linexs, lineys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))

# S square and plus superimposed
svgPoint12 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    l1xs <- c(-3.75, 3.75)
    l1ys <- c(0, 0)
    l2xs <- c(0, 0)
    l2ys <- c(-3.75, 3.75)
    # Horizontal
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(l1xs, l1ys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))
    # Vertical
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(l2xs, l2ys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))

# S octagon (circle) and times superimposed
svgPoint13 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# S square and point-*down* triangle superimposed
# Note: R source refers to this as being point-up
svgPoint14 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    r <- 3.75
    xs <- c(0, r, -r, 0)
    ys <- c(-r, r, r, -r)
    newXMLNode("polyline", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(xs, ys, sep = ",",
                                           collapse = " ")))
    newXMLNode("rect", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(x = -r, y = -r,
                            width = 2*r, height = 2*r))

# S filled square
svgPoint15 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# S filled octagon (circle)
svgPoint16 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# S filled point-up triangle
svgPoint17 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# S filled diamond
svgPoint18 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# R filled circle
svgPoint19 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# R `Dot' (small circle)
svgPoint20 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    newXMLNode("circle", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(cx = 0, cy = 0,
                            r = 2.5))

# circles
svgPoint21 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# squares
svgPoint22 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    r <- round(sqrt(pi / 4) * 3.75, 2)
    newXMLNode("rect", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(x = -r, y = -r,
                            width = 2*r, height = 2*r))

# diamonds
svgPoint23 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {
    r <- 3.75 * sqrt(pi / 4) * sqrt(2)
    xs <- round(c(-r, 0, r, 0, -r), 2)
    ys <- round(c(0, r, 0, -r, 0), 2)
    newXMLNode("polygon", parent = svgDevParent(svgdev),
               attrs = list(points = paste(xs, ys,
                                           sep = ",", collapse = " ")))

# triangle (point up)
svgPoint24 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# triangle (point down)
svgPoint25 <- function(svgdev = svgDevice()) {

# Internal functions

# SVG Devices
# A device is an environment so that we can modify values
# stored within it.
# Store a list of transformation functions for
# x, y, width, and height;  this will allow viewports
# to be defined within user coordinates (see svgPushViewport
# and svgPopViewport)

svgDevice <- function(width=200, height=200, strict=TRUE, rootAttrs) {
  dev <- new.env(FALSE, emptyenv())
  assign("width", width, envir=dev)
  assign("height", height, envir=dev)
  assign("parent", NULL, envir=dev)
  assign("strict", strict, envir=dev)
  assign("rootAttrs", rootAttrs, envir=dev)
  assign("id", 1, envir=dev)

svgDevWidth <- function(svgdev) {
  get("width", envir=svgdev)

svgDevHeight <- function(svgdev) {
  get("height", envir=svgdev)

svgStrict <- function(svgdev) {
    get("strict", envir=svgdev)

svgRootAttrs <- function(svgdev) {
    get("rootAttrs", envir=svgdev)

svgDevParent <- function(svgdev) {
  get("parent", envir=svgdev)

svgDevChangeParent <- function(newpar, svgdev) {
  assign("parent", newpar, envir=svgdev)

getid <- function(id, svgdev, n=1) {
  if (is.null(id))
    svgID(svgdev) + (1:n - 1)
  else {
    if (n > 1)
      paste(id, 1:n, sep="")

svgID <- function(svgdev) {
  get("id", envir=svgdev)

hasLink <- function(link) {
    if (length(link) > 1) {
        warning("grob name has length > 1;  only using first name")
        link <- link[1]
    ! (is.null(link) || is.na(link))

incID <- function(svgdev, n=1) {
  assign("id", get("id", envir=svgdev) + n, envir=svgdev)

svgHeader <- function(width, height, svgdev=svgDevice()) {
    # This header tested on standalone SVG file in Firefox 3
    # FIXME:  add default xmlns for animation and scripts too?
    attrs <- svgRootAttrs(svgdev)
    # Resolve any conflict between rootAttrs[c("width", "height")]
    # and 'width' and 'height' passed in (from device size)
    if (!"width" %in% names(attrs)) {
        attrs$width <- paste0(round(width, 2), "px")
    if (!"height" %in% names(attrs)) {
        attrs$height <- paste0(round(height, 2), "px")
    if (!"viewBox" %in% names(attrs)) {
        attrs$viewBox <- paste(0, 0, round(width, 2), round(height, 2))
    if (!"version" %in% names(attrs)) {
        attrs$version <- "1.1"
    # Give the <svg> element an ID only if there is a prefix AND
    # 'rootAttrs' does not specify an ID
    if (!"id" %in% names(attrs)) {
        if (nzchar(get("prefix", envir = .gridSVGEnv))) {
            attrs$id <- get("prefix", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    if (svgStrict(svgdev)) {
        checkAttrs(attrs, "svg")
    svgdoc <-
        newXMLDoc(namespaces = list("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
                      xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"),
                  node =  newXMLNode("svg", attrs = attrList(attrs),
                      namespaceDefinitions = list("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
                          xlink = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink")))
    # Invert the y-axis so that y and height values measure "up"
    rootg <- newXMLNode("g",
                        parent = xmlRoot(svgdoc),
                        attrs = list(transform = paste0("translate(0, ",
                                         round(svgDevHeight(svgdev), 2),
                                         ") scale(1, -1)")))
    svgDevChangeParent(rootg, svgdev)

# SVG attributes
svgAttrib <- function(...) {
  temp <- list(...)
  if (length(temp) == 0)
  else if (is.null(temp[[1]]))

# Removes NULL values and flattens our attrib list
# so we can include lists as elements in "alist"
# and arrive at a flattened list
# ALSO removes names from attr values so they don't corrupt attr names
# e.g., avoid list(a=c(b=1)) becoming c(a.b=1)
attrList <- function(alist) {
  as.list(unlist(lapply(alist, unname)))

listToSVGAttrib <- function(alist) {

emptyAttrib <- function(attributes) {
  length(attributes) == 0

svgClassList <- function(classes) {
    if (is.null(classes) || ! get("addClasses", envir = .gridSVGEnv))
        list(class = paste0(unique(classes), collapse = " "))

checkAttrs <- function(attrList, eltName) {
    attrTable <- rbind(get("genAttrTable", .gridSVGEnv),
                       get("presAttrTable", .gridSVGEnv))
    validAttrs <- attrTable$attribute[attrTable$element == eltName]
    names <- names(attrList)
    svgnames <- names %in% validAttrs
    if (!all(svgnames)) {
        warning(paste("Removing non-SVG attribute name(s):",
                      paste(names[!svgnames], collapse=", ")))
    } else {

# Only use the attributes that are for this 'id'
svgAttribTxt <- function(attributes, id, eltName, svgdev) {
    if (emptyAttrib(attributes)) {
    } else {
        attributes <- lapply(attributes,
                             function(attr, id) {
                                 kept <- attr[names(attr) == id]
                                 if (length(kept) == 0)
        # Drop NULL attributes
        attributes <- attributes[!sapply(attributes, is.null)]
        # Need to wipe out names because it messes things up when we
        # need to create an attribute list for nodes
        if (length(attributes) > 0) {
            attrs <- lapply(attributes,
                            function(x) {
                                names(x) <- NULL
            if (svgStrict(svgdev)) {
                checkAttrs(attrs, eltName)
            } else {
        } else {

# SVG styling
svgStyle <- function(...) {

listToSVGStyle <- function(alist) {

emptyStyle <- function(svgstyle) {
  length(svgstyle) == 0

svgStyleCSS <- function(svgstyle) {
  if (emptyStyle(svgstyle)) {
  } else {
                    c(mapply(function(name, style) {
                        paste(name, ":", style, sep="")
                    }, names(svgstyle), svgstyle),
                      list(sep="; "))),
            '"', sep="")
    # paste('style="', paste(names(svgstyle), ":",
    #                        paste(svgstyle), sep="", collapse="; "),
    #       '"', sep="")

# SVG version of gpar()

# NOTE using SVG presentation attributes
# RATHER THAN CSS style attribute
# - can modify single presentation attribute without affecting
#   other presentation attributes (if CSS style then have to
#   reset the entire thing) and can do this from JavaScript.
# - presentation attributes have lower priority than CSS style
#   SO this allows overriding by specifying CSS style later.
#   Can also override with general style sheet later.
svgStyleAttributes <- function(svgstyle, dev) {
    if (emptyStyle(svgstyle)) {
    } else {
        # Remove non-SVG style attributes (with warning)
        names <- names(svgstyle)
        svgnames <- names %in% get("SVGParList", envir=.gridSVGEnv)
        if (svgStrict(dev) && any(!svgnames)) {
            warning(paste("Removing non-SVG style attribute name(s):",
                          paste(names[!svgnames], collapse=", ")))
            svgstyle <- svgstyle[names[svgnames]]
        if (any(sapply(svgstyle, length) > 1))
            stop("All SVG style attribute values must have length 1")

# Specifying text justification
textAnchor <- function(hjust) {
  list("text-anchor" =

dominantBaseline <- function(vjust) {
  list("dominant-baseline" =

baselineShift <- function(vjust) {
  list("baseline-shift" =

alignmentBaseline <- function(vjust) {
  list("alignment-baseline" =

splitOnNA <- function(x, y) {
    # Check for non-finite (rather than just NA)
    nas <- !is.finite(x) | !is.finite(y)
    wnas <- which(nas)
    N <- max(length(x), length(y))
    start <- c(1, pmin(wnas + 1, N))
    end <- c(pmax(wnas - 1, 1), N)
    xylist <- mapply(function(s, e) {
                         if (e > s) list(x=x[s:e], y=y[s:e])
                     start, end, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    xylist[!sapply(xylist, is.null)]

Try the gridSVG package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gridSVG documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:17 p.m.