
Defines functions dev.off gridsvg gridSVG.newpage grid.export setDev getDev gridToSVG

Documented in dev.off grid.export gridsvg gridSVG.newpage gridToSVG

# Functions to take a grid grob and call appropriate
# functions from svg.R to produce SVG output

gridToSVG <- function(...) {
    .Deprecated("grid.export", "gridSVG",
                "'gridToSVG' is deprecated. Use 'grid.export' in future.'")

getDev <- function() {
    get("gridSVGdev", envir = .gridSVGEnv, inherits = FALSE)

setDev <- function(dev) {
    assign("gridSVGdev", dev, envir = .gridSVGEnv)


# User function
grid.export <- function(name = "Rplots.svg",
                        exportCoords = c("none", "inline", "file"),
                        exportMappings = c("none", "inline", "file"),
                        exportJS = c("none", "inline", "file"),
                        res = NULL,
                        prefix = "",
                        addClasses = FALSE,
                        indent = TRUE,
                        htmlWrapper = FALSE,
                        usePaths = c("vpPaths", "gPaths", "none", "both"),
                        uniqueNames = TRUE,
                        annotate = TRUE,
                        progress = FALSE,
                        compression = 0,
                        strict = TRUE,
                        rootAttrs = NULL,
                        xmldecl = xmlDecl()) {
    # 'XML' can sometimes give us namespace warnings, despite producing
    # valid SVG. Silence any warnings that 'XML' might give us.
    if (! is.null(getOption("gridSVGWarnings")) &&
        ! getOption("gridSVGWarnings")) {
        oldNSWarning <- options(suppressXMLNamespaceWarning = TRUE)
        on.exit(options(suppressXMLNamespaceWarning =

    # To avoid having to ask to redraw, temporarily disable asking.
    old.ask <- devAskNewPage(FALSE)
    on.exit(devAskNewPage(old.ask), add = TRUE)

    # grid.force() the scene to resolve high-level grobs
    # to their standard components
    dev.hold() ; grid.force() ; dev.flush()

    # Important to know if we need to modify vpPaths/gPaths at all
    usePaths <- match.arg(usePaths)
    paths <-
        if (usePaths == "vpPaths")
            c(TRUE, FALSE)
        else if (usePaths == "gPaths")
            c(FALSE, TRUE)
        else if (usePaths == "both")
            rep(TRUE, 2)
        else # Assume "none"
            rep(FALSE, 2)
    assign("use.vpPaths", paths[1], envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    assign("use.gPaths", paths[2], envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    assign("uniqueNames", uniqueNames, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    assign("prefix", prefix, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    assign("addClasses", addClasses, envir = .gridSVGEnv)

    # Saving how to export
    exportCoords <- match.arg(exportCoords)
    exportMappings <- match.arg(exportMappings)
    exportJS <- match.arg(exportJS)
    # If we are exporting js but returning a character
    # vector we need to save the contents inline, because
    # we don't want to touch the disk
    if (is.null(name) || ! nzchar(name)) {
        if (exportCoords == "file") {
            exportCoords <- "inline"
            warning('exportCoords changed from "file" to "inline"')
        if (exportMappings == "file") {
            exportMappings <- "inline"
            warning('exportMappings changed from "file" to "inline"')
        if (exportJS == "file") {
            exportJS <- "inline"
            warning('exportJS changed from "file" to "inline"')
    assign("exportCoords", exportCoords, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    assign("exportMappings", exportMappings, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    assign("exportJS", exportJS, envir = .gridSVGEnv)

    # Ensure contexts work correctly
    assign("contextNames", character(0), envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    assign("contextLevels", 0, envir = .gridSVGEnv)

    # Ensure we're at the top level
    upViewport(0, recording=FALSE)
    rootgp <- get.gpar()
    rootvp <- current.viewport()
    roottm <- current.transform()

    if (progress) {
        assign("showProgress", TRUE, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
        ngrobs <- length(grid.ls(print = FALSE)$name)
        progressInit("grob", ngrobs)

    svgdev <- openSVGDev(name, width=par("din")[1], height=par("din")[2],
                         res = res, strict = strict, rootAttrs = rootAttrs)
    # Create a gTree from the current page
    # NOTE that set the 'gp' slot on this top-level gTree
    # based on ROOT vp
    # Use 'wrap=TRUE' to ensure correct capture of all types of 'grid' output
    gTree <- grid.grab(name="gridSVG", wrap=TRUE, gp=rootgp)
    if (anyRefsDefined()) {
        # Reducing only to reference definitions
        usageTable <- get("usageTable", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
        usageTable <- usageTable[usageTable$type == "ref", ]
        assign("usageTable", usageTable, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    } else {
        # Emptying the usage table
               data.frame(name = character(0),
                          suffix = integer(0),
                          type = character(0),
                          selector = character(0),
                          xpath = character(0),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
               envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    # Emptying point usage table
           matrix(c(0:127, logical(128)), ncol = 2,
                  dimnames = list(NULL, c("pch", "used"))),
           envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    # Because the root viewport is never entered into, we need to set
    # the root vp coordinate information before we start entering into
    # other VPs
    currVpCoords <- list(ROOT = getCoordsInfo(rootvp, roottm, svgdev))
    assign("vpCoords", currVpCoords, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    # When using referenced content, the ID generated at the time of
    # definition may be different to the ID at draw time, see getSVGoptions()
    # Convert gTree to SVG
    gridToDev(gTree, svgdev)
    # Flush out any referenced definitions so that grobs can use them
    svgroot <- devClose(svgdev)
    if (progress) {
        assign("showProgress", FALSE, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    # Adding in JS if necessary, always write utils *last*.
    # Not strictly necessary but may avoid potential issues in JS.
    # NOTE that we call in REVERSE order because each one is added
    # as FIRST child of the root svg node
    jsutils <- svgJSUtils(exportJS, name, svgroot)
    mappings <- svgMappings(exportMappings, name, svgroot)
    coords <- svgCoords(exportCoords, name, svgroot)
    # If we're annotating output with gridSVG call info
    if (annotate) {
        # Realise true values for some arguments
        if (is.null(name))
            name <- ""
        if (is.null(res))
            res <- round(par("cra")[1] / par("cin")[1], 2)
        # Ignore annotate in this list, because it will be implied
        # Also ignoring the XML declaration, we can see it in the
        # output directly. Ignoring compression because it is also
        # implied and does not affect output. Progress is also not
        # useful.
        callAttrs <- list(
            name = name,
            exportCoords = exportCoords,
            exportMappings = exportMappings,
            exportJS = exportJS,
            res = res,
            prefix = prefix,
            addClasses = addClasses,
            indent = indent,
            htmlWrapper = htmlWrapper,
            usePaths = usePaths,
            uniqueNames = uniqueNames
        svgAnnotate(svgroot, callAttrs)

    # In an on-screen device, we can be left with a blank device
    # so refresh just to ensure we can see everything. Also happens
    # with devices like png and pdf so just force a refresh.
    # Sometimes display lists can be large, flush all drawing at once
    # to speed up redrawing
    dev.hold() ; grid.refresh() ; dev.flush()

    result <- list(svg = svgroot,
                   coords = coords,
                   mappings = mappings,
                   utils = jsutils)

    if (! testUniqueMappings(svgroot))
        warning("Not all element IDs are unique. Consider running 'grid.export' with 'uniqueNames = TRUE'.")

    # Return SVG list when an inadequate filename is supplied
    if (is.null(name) || ! nzchar(name))

    doctxt <- saveXML(svgroot, indent = indent)
    if (! is.null(xmldecl))
        doctxt <- paste0(xmldecl, doctxt)

    # Now save the SVG to a file, optionally a compressed file
    outcon <-
        if (compression > 0) gzfile(name, "w")
        else file(name, "w")
    cat(doctxt, file = outcon)

    # Write an HTML wrapper for this
    if (htmlWrapper)
        htmlFile(name, svgdev@dev)

    # Return result invisibly

gridSVG.newpage <- function(wipeRefs = TRUE, recording = TRUE) {
    if (wipeRefs) {
        assign("refDefinitions", list(), envir = .gridSVGEnv)
               data.frame(label = character(0),
                          used = logical(0),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
               envir = .gridSVGEnv)
               data.frame(name = character(0),
                         suffix = integer(0),
                         type = character(0),
                         selector = character(0),
                         xpath = character(0),
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
               envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    grid.newpage(recording = recording)

gridsvg <- function(name = "Rplots.svg",
                    exportCoords = c("none", "inline", "file"),
                    exportMappings = c("none", "inline", "file"),
                    exportJS = c("none", "inline", "file"),
                    res = NULL,
                    prefix = "",
                    addClasses = FALSE,
                    indent = TRUE,
                    htmlWrapper = FALSE,
                    usePaths = c("vpPaths", "gPaths", "none", "both"),
                    uniqueNames = TRUE,
                    annotate = TRUE,
                    progress = FALSE,
                    compression = 0,
                    strict = TRUE,
                    rootAttrs = NULL,
                    xmldecl = xmlDecl(),
                    ...) {
    # Avoid multiple gridSVG devices (because referenced content can
    # have side effects across devices)
    if (getDev() != 0)
        stop("Only one 'gridsvg' device may be used at a time")
    argnames <- setdiff(names(formals()), '...')
    gridsvg.args <- sapply(argnames, get, environment(), simplify = FALSE)
    dev.args <- list(...)
    dev.args$file <- NULL  # remove file arg
    dev.args <- c(list(file = NULL), dev.args)  # readd
    do.call("pdf", dev.args)
    gridSVGArgs <-
        if (exists("gridSVGArgs", envir = .gridSVGEnv))
            get("gridSVGArgs", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    gridSVGArgs <- gridsvg.args
    assign("gridSVGArgs", gridSVGArgs, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
    ## Record which device is the gridSVG device

dev.off <- function(which = dev.cur()) {
    if (which == getDev()) {
        # If there's nothing on the display list then nothing
        # can be drawn
        if (! length(grid.ls(print = FALSE)$name)) {
            warning("No grid image was drawn so no SVG was created")
        gridsvg.args <- get("gridSVGArgs", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
        name <- gridsvg.args$name
        image <- do.call("grid.export", gridsvg.args)
        if (is.null(name) || ! nzchar(name))
    } else {

Try the gridSVG package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gridSVG documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:17 p.m.