# Functions to create an SVG graphics device object, complete with
# "methods" for performing all necessary graphical operations
# This is designed to foreshadow the time when graphics devices
# in R (or at least in grid) are R objects and graphics functions
# include the device as an argument (i.e., no longer have
# the notion of graphics always going to the "current device")
# This will not be called in this way yet (instead, I will just
# be running down the grid display list and calling appropriate
# methods from that, BUT I thought it was worth designing for the
# future anyway.
# In another forward-looking move, I will create the device class
# and methods for it using S4 methods
# Utility functions
# Any non-grid parameters is let through untouched
# BUT code later in svg.R will complain about things that are
# not SVG parameters
# NOTE that 'cex'/'lex' have been incorporated into 'fontsize'/'lwd'
# and removed by this point
devParNameToSVGStyleName <- function(name) {
# R lwd is in points, pixels or 1/96 inches
# However, most (perhaps all?) devices use 1/96 for their
# definition of an 'lwd', so use that.
devLwdToSVG <- function(lwd, lty, dev) {
svglwd <- round(lwd/96 * dev@res, 2)
if (!is.null(lty)) {
blankLty <- lty == "blank"
svglwd[blankLty] <- 0
# An R lty has to become an SVG stroke-dasharray
# This is going to be imperfect (to say the least)
devLtyToSVG <- function(lty, lwd) {
## If necessary, convert numeric lty to char
if (is.numeric(lty)) {
lty[lty == 0] <- "blank"
lty[lty == 1] <- "solid"
lty[lty == 2] <- "dashed"
lty[lty == 3] <- "dotted"
lty[lty == 4] <- "dotdash"
lty[lty == 5] <- "longdash"
lty[lty == 6] <- "twodash"
# Convert lty to numeric vec
numlty <- lapply(lty,
function(x) {
## These numbers taken from ?par
dashed=c(4, 4),
dotted=c(1, 3),
dotdash=c(1, 3, 4, 3),
longdash=c(7, 3),
twodash=c(2, 2, 6, 2),
## Otherwise we're a hex string
as.numeric(as.hexmode(strsplit(lty, "")[[1]])))
# Scale by lwd
scaledlty <- mapply(function(x, y) x*y, numlty, lwd, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
# Convert to SVG stroke-dasharray string
function(x) {
paste(ifelse(x == 0, "none", round(x, 2)), collapse=",")
devColToSVG <- function(col) {
zeroCol <- is.numeric(col) & col == 0
col[zeroCol] <- "transparent"
svgCol <- paste("rgb(", apply(col2rgb(col), 2, paste, collapse=","), ")",
## Handle "transparent" as a special case
transCol <- col == "transparent"
svgCol[transCol] <- "none"
devColAlphaToSVG <- function(colAlpha) {
round(colAlpha/255, 2)
devFontSizeToSVG <- function(fontsize, dev) {
round(fontsize/72 * dev@res, 2)
devLineJoinToSVG <- function(linejoin, dev) {
# Only need to change spelling of mitre, SVG takes american form
ifelse(linejoin == "mitre", "miter", linejoin)
devFontFaceToSVG <- function(fontface) {
# CSS uses two different properties to configure the appearance of a font
# Setting defaults to CSS defaults
N <- length(fontface)
fontWeightCSS <- rep("normal", N)
fontStyleCSS <- rep("normal", N)
if (is.numeric(fontface)) {
ffbold <- fontface == 2
ffitalic <- fontface == 3
ffbolditalic <- fontface == 4
if (is.character(fontface)) {
ffbold <- fontface == "bold"
ffitalic <- fontface == "italic"
ffbolditalic <- fontface == "bold.italic"
fontWeightCSS[ffbold] <- "bold"
fontStyleCSS[ffitalic] <- "italic"
fontWeightCSS[ffbolditalic] <- "bold"
fontStyleCSS[ffbolditalic] <- "italic"
getSVGFonts <- function() {
get("gridSVG.fonts", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
setSVGFonts <- function(fontStacks) {
if (! all(names(fontStacks) == c("sans", "serif", "mono")))
stop("Font settings must have fonts available for 'sans', 'serif' and 'mono'.")
# Need to ensure that basic font fallbacks are available and
# are placed at the end of each of the font stacks.
if (! "sans-serif" %in% fontStacks$sans) {
fontStacks$sans <- c(fontStacks$sans, "sans-serif")
} else if (tail(fontStacks$sans, n = 1) != "sans-serif") {
ind <- which(fontStacks$sans == "sans-serif")
cleanedSans <- fontStacks$sans[-ind]
fontStacks$sans <- c(cleanedSans, "sans-serif")
if (! "serif" %in% fontStacks$serif) {
fontStacks$serif <- c(fontStacks$serif, "serif")
} else if (tail(fontStacks$serif, n = 1) != "serif") {
ind <- which(fontStacks$serif == "serif")
cleanedSerif <- fontStacks$serif[-ind]
fontStacks$serif <- c(cleanedSerif, "serif")
if (! "monospace" %in% fontStacks$mono) {
fontStacks$mono <- c(fontStacks$mono, "monospace")
} else if (tail(fontStacks$mono, n = 1) != "monospace") {
ind <- which(fontStacks$mono == "monospace")
cleanedMono <- fontStacks$mono[-ind]
fontStacks$mono <- c(cleanedMono, "monospace")
assign("gridSVG.fonts", fontStacks, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
# Setting default font stacks
sansFontStack <- c("Helvetica", "Arial", "FreeSans",
"Liberation Sans", "Nimbus Sans L", "sans-serif")
serifFontStack <- c("Times", "Times New Roman", "Liberation Serif",
"Nimbus Roman No9 L Regular", "serif")
monoFontStack <- c("Courier", "Courier New", "Nimbus Mono L", "monospace")
setSVGFonts(list(sans = sansFontStack,
serif = serifFontStack,
mono = monoFontStack))
fontStackFromFontFamily <- function(fontfamily, currentFonts) {
N <- length(fontfamily)
stack <- rep("sans", N)
sansfamily <- fontfamily %in% c(currentFonts$sans, "sans")
seriffamily <- fontfamily %in% c(currentFonts$serif, "serif")
monofamily <- fontfamily %in% c(currentFonts$mono, "mono")
stack[seriffamily] <- "serif"
stack[monofamily] <- "mono"
stack[!(sansfamily | seriffamily | monofamily)] <- "unknown"
devFontFamilyToSVG <- function(fontfamily) {
currentFonts <- getSVGFonts()
stacknames <- fontStackFromFontFamily(fontfamily, currentFonts)
knownFont <- stacknames != "unknown"
blankFont <- nchar(fontfamily) == 0
fontstacks <- vector("list", length(fontfamily))
fontstacks[knownFont] <- currentFonts[stacknames[knownFont]]
## Assume font exists, but also assume sans-serif fallback
if (any(!knownFont & !blankFont)) {
fontstacks[!knownFont & !blankFont] <-
list(c(fontfamily[!knownFont & !blankFont], currentFonts$sans))
## Assuming a sans-serif font
if (any(!knownFont & blankFont)) {
fontstacks[!knownFont & blankFont] <- list(currentFonts$sans)
# Formatting the font stack for CSS
fontStackCSS <- sapply(fontstacks, paste, collapse=', ')
# Returning the font stack
devParToSVGPar <- function(name, par, dev) {
if (is.null(par))
else {
fontsize=devFontSizeToSVG(par, dev),
linejoin=devLineJoinToSVG(par, dev),
## By default just pass through the actual value
## e.g., lty has already been converted at this point
devParToSVGStyle <- function(gp, dev) {
if (is.null(gp))
result <- svgStyle()
else {
result <- list()
# convert "cex" into "fontsize"
if ("cex" %in% names(gp)) {
if ("fontsize" %in% names(gp))
gp$fontsize <- (gp$fontsize * gp$cex)
gp$fontsize <- (get.gpar("fontsize")[[1]] * gp$cex)
gp$cex <- NULL
# Do the same for "lex"
if ("lex" %in% names(gp)) {
if ("lwd" %in% names(gp))
gp$lwd <- (gp$lwd * gp$lex)
gp$lwd <- (get.gpar("lwd")[[1]] * gp$lex)
gp$lex <- NULL
# Just remove "lineheight" (this has already been incorporated
# into text object information by this point)
# Remove it so that it is not exported as SVG attribute
gp$lineheight <- NULL
# Scale lwd amd zero lwd if lty is "blank"
if ("lwd" %in% names(gp)) {
if ("lty" %in% names(gp)) {
gp$lwd <- devLwdToSVG(gp$lwd, gp$lty, dev)
} else {
gp$lwd <- devLwdToSVG(gp$lwd, NULL, dev)
# Scale lty by lwd
if ("lty" %in% names(gp)) {
if ("lwd" %in% names(gp)) {
gp$lty <- devLtyToSVG(gp$lty, gp$lwd)
} else {
gp$lty <- devLtyToSVG(gp$lty, 1)
# Font is an alias for fontface, set to fontface
if ("font" %in% names(gp)) {
gp$fontface <- gp$font
gp$font <- NULL
# Split fontface into fontweight and fontstyle
if ("fontface" %in% names(gp)) {
svgFont <- devFontFaceToSVG(gp$fontface)
gp$fontweight <- svgFont$fontweight
gp$fontstyle <- svgFont$fontstyle
gp$fontface <- NULL
for (i in names(gp))
if (!
result[[devParNameToSVGStyleName(i)]] <-
devParToSVGPar(i, gp[[i]], dev)
# SVG Device Stuff
# Object created by svgDevice() in svg.R
# has no S4 class yet
setMethod("inchToDevX", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(x, device) {
x * device@res
setMethod("inchToDevY", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(x, device) {
x * device@res
setMethod("devArrow", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(arrow, gp, device) {
# Angle is specified for the arrowhead in degrees, need radians
ratAngle <- (pi / 180) * arrow$angle
# We know the length, it is the hypotenuse, need to find the
# length of the opposite line for the entire arrowhead, not
# just one half
midpoint <- sin(ratAngle) * arrow$length
arrowWidth <- midpoint * 2
xmult <- cos(ratAngle)
arrowX <- xmult * arrow$length
xs <- unit.c(unit(0, "inches"), arrowX, unit(0, "inches"))
ys <- unit.c(unit(0, "inches"), midpoint, arrowWidth)
x <- cx(xs, device)
y <- cy(ys, device)
svgMarker(x, y, arrow$type, arrow$ends, sign(xmult), arrow$name,
devParToSVGStyle(gp, device), device@dev)
setMethod("devLines", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(lines, gp, device) {
svgLines(lines$x, lines$y, lines$name, lines$arrow,
device@attrs, device@links, device@show,
devParToSVGStyle(gp, device), device@dev)
setMethod("devPolygon", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(polygon, gp, device) {
svgPolygon(polygon$x, polygon$y, polygon$name,
device@attrs, device@links, device@show,
devParToSVGStyle(gp, device), device@dev)
setMethod("devPath", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(path, gp, device) {
svgPath(path$x, path$y, path$rule, path$name,
device@attrs, device@links, device@show,
devParToSVGStyle(gp, device), device@dev)
setMethod("devRaster", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(raster, gp, device) {
svgRaster(raster$x, raster$y, raster$width, raster$height,
raster$angle, raster$datauri,
raster$name, raster$just, raster$vjust, raster$hjust,
listToSVGAttrib(raster$attributes), device@links,
device@show, devParToSVGStyle(gp, device), device@dev)
setMethod("devRect", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(rect, gp, device) {
svgRectString(rect$x, rect$y, rect$width, rect$height, rect$angle,
device@attrs, device@links, device@show,
devParToSVGStyle(gp, device), device@dev)
setMethod("devText", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(text, gp, device) {
# SVG text will use fill, but fill has already been
# set to col back in primToDev.text() in griddev.R
svgText(text$x, text$y, text$text,
text$hjust, text$vjust, text$rot,
text$width, text$height, text$angle,
text$ascent, text$descent,
text$lineheight, text$charheight, text$fontheight,
text$fontfamily, text$fontface, text$name,
device@attrs, device@links, device@show,
devParToSVGStyle(gp, device), device@dev)
setMethod("devCircle", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(circle, gp, device) {
svgCircleString(circle$x, circle$y, circle$r, circle$name,
device@attrs, device@links, device@show,
devParToSVGStyle(gp, device), device@dev)
setMethod("devStartElement", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(element, gp, device) {
# Ignore gp, complicates output
svgStartElement(id = element$id,
classes = element$classes,
element = element$name,
attrs = element$attrs,
namespace = element$namespace,
namespaceDefinitions = element$namespaceDefinitions,
attributes = device@attrs,
links = device@links,
show = device@show,
svgdev = device@dev)
setMethod("devEndElement", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(name, device) {
svgEndElement(name, device@links, device@dev)
setMethod("devTextNode", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(text, device) {
svgTextNode(text$text, device@dev)
setMethod("devStartClip", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(clip, gp, device) {
svgClipPath(clip$name, clip$x, clip$y,
clip$width, clip$height, clip$angle,
# Because of the fact that we never stop clipping until
# we pop our current viewport, we need to store information
# on how many times we have clipped.
# This allows us to traverse back up the appropriate number
# of SVG <g>s.
cl <- get("contextLevels", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
cl[length(cl)] <- cl[length(cl)] + 1
assign("contextLevels", cl, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
# Can hard-code 'clip' and 'coords' because we're always clipping
# but we're not a viewport.
# 'style' is always going to be NULL too.
svgStartGroup(clip$name, clip=TRUE,
style=devParToSVGStyle(gp, device),
coords = NULL,
classes = clip$classes,
setMethod("devStartClipPath", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(clippath, gp, device) {
svgStartGrobClipPath(clippath$name, device@dev)
setMethod("devEndClipPath", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(clippath, gp, device) {
setMethod("devStartClipPathGroup", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(clippath, gp, device) {
svgStartGrobClipPathGroup(clippath$name, clippath$cp,
clippath$classes, device@dev)
# Because of the fact that we never stop clipping until
# we pop our current viewport, we need to store information
# on how many times we have clipped.
# This allows us to traverse back up the appropriate number
# of SVG <g>s.
cl <- get("contextLevels", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
cl[length(cl)] <- cl[length(cl)] + 1
assign("contextLevels", cl, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
# Also note the ID because we're pushing a context, makes it
# easier to locate later
c(get("contextNames", envir = .gridSVGEnv), clippath$name),
envir = .gridSVGEnv)
setMethod("devStartMask", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(mask, gp, device) {
svgStartMask(mask$name, mask$x, mask$y, mask$width,
mask$height, device@dev)
setMethod("devEndMask", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(mask, gp, device) {
setMethod("devStartMaskGroup", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(mask, gp, device) {
svgStartMaskGroup(mask$name, mask$mask,
mask$classes, device@dev)
# Because of the fact that we never stop clipping until
# we pop our current viewport, we need to store information
# on how many times we have clipped.
# This allows us to traverse back up the appropriate number
# of SVG <g>s.
cl <- get("contextLevels", envir = .gridSVGEnv)
cl[length(cl)] <- cl[length(cl)] + 1
assign("contextLevels", cl, envir = .gridSVGEnv)
# Also note the ID because we're pushing a context, makes it
# easier to locate later
c(get("contextNames", envir = .gridSVGEnv), mask$name),
envir = .gridSVGEnv)
setMethod("devStartGroup", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(group, gp, device) {
clip <- FALSE
if (! is.null(group$clip)) {
if (group$clip) {
clip <- TRUE
svgClipPath(group$name, group$vpx, group$vpy,
group$vpw, group$vph, group$angle,
# If we're starting a VP, then allow for "contexts" to be
# added to children of this VP. A context is a clip path
# or mask. Coords are only present via VPs.
if (! is.null(group$coords)) {
c(get("contextLevels", envir = .gridSVGEnv), 0),
envir = .gridSVGEnv)
svgStartGroup(group$name, clip=clip,
style=devParToSVGStyle(gp, device),
coords = group$coords,
classes = group$classes,
setMethod("devEndGroup", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(name, vp, device) {
svgEndGroup(name, device@links, vp, device@dev)
setMethod("devStartSymbol", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(pch, device) {
svgStartSymbol(pch, device@dev)
setMethod("devPoint", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(pch, device) {
svgPoint(pch, device@dev)
setMethod("devEndSymbol", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(device) {
setMethod("devUseSymbol", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(point, gp, device) {
svgUseSymbolString(point$name, point$x, point$y,
point$size, point$pch,
device@attrs, device@links, device@show,
devParToSVGStyle(gp, device), device@dev)
setMethod("devClose", signature(device="svgDevice"),
function(device) {
# User Functions
openSVGDev <- function(name="Rplots.svg", width=6, height=6, res=NULL,
strict=TRUE, rootAttrs=NULL) {
if (is.null(res))
res <- par("cra")[1]/par("cin")[1]
# par("cra")[2]/par("cin")[2]*height))
width=width, height=height,
dev=svgOpen(res*width, res*height, strict, rootAttrs))
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