
Defines functions my_ggpairs

#Functions to do a Principal Variables Analysis (PVA)
"S22update" <- function(k, i, S22, nvar)
#Function that adds a variable and calucllates the partial correlation matrix
#Called by PVA and PVA.manual
{ #Update S22
  si <- S22[i, i]
  if (k < (nvar - 1))
    S21 <- S22[i, -i]
    S22 <- S22[,-i] 
    S22 <- S22[-i, ]
    if (k == (nvar-1))
      noti <- c(1,2)[!(i == c(1,2))]
      S21 <- S22[i, noti]
      S22 <- S22[noti,noti]
  S22 <- S22 - (S21 %*% t(S21))/si

"PVA.data.frame" <- function(obj, responses, nvarselect = NULL, p.variance = 1, include = NULL, 
                             plot = TRUE, ...)
  #Automatically selects variables using Principal Variables Analysis (PVA)
  #nvarselect is the number of to variables to select, counting those in include.
  #It is possible to use several criteria to control the selection:
  # 1) select all variables is increasing order of amount of information provided
  # 2) select nvarselect variables (this will default to the number of variables in R)
  # 3) select just enough variables, up to a maximum of nvarselect variables, to explain at least 
  #    p.variance*100 per cent of the total variance  
  #Check response are in data.frame
  if (!all(responses %in% names(obj)))
    stop("At least one name in responses is not in the data.frame")
  #Get correlation matrix
  R <- rcorr(as.matrix(obj[responses]))$r
  #Carry out PVA on correlations matrix
  p.var <- PVA(obj = R, responses = responses, nvarselect = nvarselect, p.variance = p.variance, 
               include = include, plot = plot, ...)
"PVA.matrix" <- function(obj, responses, nvarselect = NULL, p.variance = 1, include = NULL, 
                         plot = TRUE, ...)
  #Automatically selects variables using Principal Variables Analysis (PVA)
  #nvarselect is the number of to variables to select, counting those in include.
  #It is possible to use several criteria to control the selection:
  # 1) select all variables is increasing order of amount of information provided
  # 2) select nvarselect variables (this will default to the number of variables in R)
  # 3) select just enough variables, up to a maximum of nvarselect variables, to explain at least 
  #    p.variance*100 per cent of the total variance  
  R <- obj
  #Check responses are in matrix
  if (is.null(colnames(R)) || is.null(colnames(R)))
    rownames(R) <- colnames(R) <- responses
    if (!all(responses %in% rownames(obj)) && !all(responses %in% colnames(obj)))
      stop("At least one name in responses is not in the matrix")
  #Check iis a correlation matrix
  if (!all(diag(obj) == 1) || (!(all(obj <= 1)) && !(all(obj >= -1))))
    stop("obj is not a legal correlation matrix")
  #Get correlation matrix
  R <- obj
  nvar <- nrow(R)
  if (is.null(nvarselect))
    nvarselect <- nvar
  nvarselect <- min(nvarselect, nvar)
  varnotselect <- rownames(R)
  varselect <- vector(mode = "character", length = nvarselect)
  h.ordered <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nvarselect)
  p.var <- data.frame(Variable = 1:nvarselect,
                      Cumulative.Propn = rep(0, (nvarselect))) 
  #Deal with variables that must be included
  ivarselect <- 0
  pinclude <- 0
  S22 <- R
  if (!(is.null(include)))
    #check include variables in responses
    if (!all(include %in% responses))
      stop("Name in include is not in responses")
    ivarselect <- length(include)
    nvarselect <- nvarselect - ivarselect
    varselect[1:ivarselect] <- include
    varnotselect <- varnotselect[!(varnotselect %in% include)]
    if (ivarselect == 1)
      S22 <- R[varnotselect, varnotselect] - (matrix(R[varnotselect, include], ncol=ivarselect) %*% 
                                                ginv(matrix(R[include, include], ncol=ivarselect)) %*% 
                                                matrix(R[include, varnotselect], nrow=ivarselect))
      h.ordered[1] <- sum(R[, include]*R[, include])
      p.var$Cumulative.Propn[1:ivarselect] <- 1 - (sum(diag(S22))/nvar)
    } else
      for (k in 1:ivarselect)      
        i <- match(include[k], colnames(S22))
        h.ordered[k] <-  sum((S22*S22)[,i])
        S22 <- S22update(k, i, S22, nvar)
        p.var$Cumulative.Propn[k] <- 1 - (sum(diag(S22))/nvar)
    pinclude <- p.var$Cumulative.Propn[ivarselect]
  # If still have not explained enough variance or variables, select some more
  k <- 0
  if (nvarselect > 0) #still have unselected vars
    if (pinclude  <= p.variance)
    { #Adjust for variables that must be included
      kvarselect <- nvarselect
      if (nvarselect+ivarselect >= nvar)
        kvarselect <- nvarselect-1
      for (k in 1:kvarselect)
      { #Select variable with maximum h
        h <- colSums(S22*S22)
        h.ordered[k+ivarselect] <- max(h)
        mh <- match(h.ordered[k+ivarselect], h)
        varselect[k+ivarselect] <- varnotselect[mh]
        varnotselect <- varnotselect[-mh]
        #Update S22
        S22 <- S22update(k+ivarselect, mh, S22, nvar)
        #Caclulate proportion of variance
        p.var$Cumulative.Propn[k+ivarselect] <- 1 - (sum(diag(S22))/nvar)
        if (p.var$Cumulative.Propn[k+ivarselect] >= p.variance) 
      #Add last variable if required to exceed p.variance
      if (nvarselect+ivarselect == nvar & p.var$Cumulative.Propn[k+ivarselect] <= p.variance)
        varselect[nvar] <- varnotselect[1]
        varnotselect <- varnotselect[-1]
        h.ordered[nvar] <- h[varselect[nvar]]
        p.var$Cumulative.Propn[nvar] <- 1
    #crop results if required
    if (k+ivarselect < length(varselect))
      varselect <- varselect[1:(k+ivarselect)]
      h.ordered <- h.ordered[1:(k+ivarselect)]
      p.var <- p.var[1:(k+ivarselect),]
  #Finalize p.var data.frame
  nvarselect <- nrow(p.var)
  p.var <- within(p.var, 
                    Added.Propn <- Cumulative.Propn
                    h.partial <- h.ordered
                    Selected <- factor(varselect, levels=varselect)
  if (nrow(p.var) > 1)
    p.var$Added.Propn[2:nvarselect] <- p.var$Added.Propn[2:nvarselect] - p.var$Added.Propn[1:(nvarselect-1)]
  p.var <- p.var[c("Variable","Selected", "h.partial", "Added.Propn", "Cumulative.Propn")]
  #Plot the variance explained
  if (plot)
    plt <- ggplot(p.var, aes(x=Selected, y=Cumulative.Propn)) + 
      geom_bar(stat="identity") + theme_bw()  +
      theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5, size=20)) +
      scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,1,0.1)) + ylab("Cumulative variance proportion") +
      xlab("Variable selected")

"rcontrib.data.frame" <- function(obj, responses, include = NULL, ...)
  #Allows the manual selection of a set of variables
  #include specifies the set of variables
  #h is returned and from this you can decide which variable(s) to add to the include list
  R <- Hmisc::rcorr(as.matrix(obj[responses]))$r
  h <- rcontrib(obj = R, responses = responses, include = include)  

"rcontrib.matrix" <- function(obj, responses, include = NULL, ...)
  #Allows the manual selection of a set of variables
  #include specifies the set of variables
  #h is returned and from this you can decide which variable(s) to add to the include list
  R <- obj
  if (is.null(include))
    h <- colSums(R*R)
  { #Initialize
    nvar <- nrow(R)
    ivarselect <- length(include)
    h.ordered <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = ivarselect)
    p.var <- data.frame(Variable = 1:ivarselect,
                        Cumulative.Propn = rep(0, (ivarselect))) 
    if (ivarselect == 1)
      varnotselect <- rownames(R)
      varnotselect <- varnotselect[!(varnotselect %in% include)]
      S22 <- R[varnotselect, varnotselect] - (matrix(R[varnotselect, include], ncol=ivarselect) %*% 
                                                ginv(matrix(R[include, include], ncol=ivarselect)) %*% 
                                                matrix(R[include, varnotselect], nrow=ivarselect))
      h.ordered[1] <- sum(R[, include]*R[, include])
      p.var$Cumulative.Propn[1:ivarselect] <- 1 - (sum(diag(S22))/nvar)
      S22 <- R
      for (k in 1:ivarselect)      
        i <- match(include[k], colnames(S22))
        h.ordered[k] <-  sum((S22*S22)[,i])
        S22 <- S22update(k, i, S22, nvar)
        p.var$Cumulative.Propn[k] <- 1 - (sum(diag(S22))/nvar)
    h <- colSums(S22*S22)

"intervalPVA.data.frame" <- function(obj, responses, 
                                     times = "Days", start.time, end.time, 
                                     nvarselect = NULL, p.variance = 1, include = NULL, 
                                     plot = TRUE, ...)
  #Call PVA to perform a PVA on all data in a time interval
  d <- subset(obj, obj[[times]] %in% as.character(start.time[1]:end.time[1]), 
  p.var <- PVA(obj = d, responses = responses, 
               nvarselect = nvarselect, p.variance = p.variance, include = include, 
               plot=plot, ...)

"intervalPVA.data.frame" <- function(obj, responses, 
                                     times = "Days", start.time, end.time, 
                                     nvarselect = NULL, p.variance = 1, include = NULL, 
                                     plot = TRUE, ...)
  #Call PVA to perform a PVA on all data in a time interval
  d <- subset(obj, obj[[times]] %in% as.character(start.time[1]:end.time[1]), 
  p.var <- PVA(obj = d, responses = responses, 
               nvarselect = nvarselect, p.variance = p.variance, include = include, 
               plot=plot, ...)

#Functions to calculate and plot correlation matrices for a set of responses,
"plotCorrmatrix" <- function(data, responses, which.plots = c("heatmap","matrixplot"), 
                             title = NULL, labels = NULL, labelSize = 4, pairs.sets = NULL, 
                             show.sig = FALSE, axis.text.size = 20, ggplotFuncs = NULL, 
                             printPlot = TRUE, ...)
  #Check responses in data
  if (!all(responses %in% names(data)))
    stop("At least one of responses is not in data")
  if (is.null(labels))
    labels <- responses
  #check options
  options <- c("heatmap","matrixplot")
  plots.opt <- options[unlist(lapply(which.plots, check.arg.values, 
  plt <- NULL
  if ("heatmap" %in% plots.opt)
    red <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[1]
    blu <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(3, "Set1")[2]
    corr.stats <- Hmisc::rcorr(as.matrix(data[responses]))
    rownames(corr.stats$P) <- colnames(corr.stats$P) <- NULL
    rownames(corr.stats$r) <- colnames(corr.stats$r) <- NULL
    if (is.null(labels))
      labels <- responses
    p <- within(reshape::melt.array(corr.stats$P), 
                  X1 <- factor(X1, labels=responses)
                  X2 <- factor(X2, labels=levels(X1))
    names(p)[match("value", names(p))] <- "p"
    corr <- within(reshape::melt.array(corr.stats$r), 
                     X1 <- factor(X1, labels=responses)
                     X2 <- factor(X2, labels=levels(X1))
    names(corr)[match("value", names(corr))] <- "r"
    corr <- merge(corr, p, by=c("X1", "X2"), sort = FALSE)
    corr <- within(corr, 
                     levels(X1) <-responses
                     levels(X2) <-responses
                     X1 <- factor(X1, labels = labels)
                     X2 <- factor(X2, labels = labels)
    corr <- with(corr, corr[order(X2, X1), ])
    plt <- ggplot(corr, aes(X1, X2)) +
      geom_tile(aes(fill=r)) +
      scale_fill_gradient2(low=red, high=blu, limits=c(-1, 1)) +
      scale_y_discrete(limits = rev) +
      labs(x=NULL, y=NULL, ggtitle=title) + 
      theme_bw() +
      theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5, size=axis.text.size),
            legend.position = "bottom", 
            legend.margin = margin(7.5,10,5,5, "pt"),
            legend.key = element_rect(colour = "black"),
            legend.background = element_blank(),
            legend.box.background = element_rect(colour = "black")) +
      guides(fill=guide_colorbar(title="r "))
    if (show.sig)
      corr <- within(corr,
                     sig <- ifelse(p > 0.1, "",
                                   ifelse(p > 0.05, paste0(round(r, 2), "(.)"),
                                          ifelse(p > 0.01, paste0(round(r, 2), "(*)"),
                                                 ifelse(p > 0.001, paste0(round(r, 2), "(**)"),
                                                        paste0(round(r, 2), "(***)"))))))
      plt <- plt + geom_text(data=corr, aes(label=sig), size=3)
    } else
      plt <- plt + geom_text(data=corr, aes(label=round(r, 2)), size=4)
    if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
      for (f in ggplotFuncs)
        plt <- plt + f
    if (printPlot)
  if ("matrixplot" %in% plots.opt)
    if (is.null(pairs.sets))
      print(my_ggpairs(data=data, responses = responses, 
                       labels=labels,  labelSize= labelSize, title = title),
            ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncs, ...)
      for(k in 1:length(pairs.sets))
        my_ggpairs(data=data, responses = responses[pairs.sets[[k]]], 
                   labelSize= labelSize, title = title,
                   ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncs, ...)

  my_ggally_text <- function (label, mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = "black"), labelSize = 4, 
                            xP = 0.5, yP = 0.5, xrange = c(0, 1), yrange = c(0, 1),
                            ggplotFuncs = NULL, ...) 
  p <- ggplot() + xlim(xrange) + ylim(yrange) + 
    theme(legend.position = "none", 
          panel.background = element_blank(), 
          panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
          axis.ticks = element_blank(), 
          panel.border = element_rect(linetype = "dashed", 
                                      colour = "black", 
                                      fill = NA)) +
    labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)
  new_mapping <- aes(x = xP * diff(xrange) + min(xrange, na.rm = TRUE), 
                     y = yP * diff(yrange) + min(yrange, na.rm = TRUE))
  if (is.null(mapping)) {
    mapping <- new_mapping
  else {
    mapping$x <- new_mapping$x
    mapping$y <- new_mapping$y
    #    mapping <- addAndOverwriteAes(mapping, new_mapping)
  colour <- as.character(mapping$colour)
  if (is.null(colour) || length(colour) < 1) 
    colour <- "grey50"
  mapping$colour <- NULL
  p <- p + geom_text(label = label, mapping = mapping, colour = colour, size = labelSize, 
                     ...) + theme(legend.position = "none")

    if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
    for (f in ggplotFuncs)
      p <- p + f

my_ggpairs <- function(data, responses = NULL, labels = NULL, 
                       labelSize = 4, title = "",
                       ggplotFuncs = NULL, ...)
  if (is.null(responses))
    responses <- names(data)
    data <- data[responses]
  nvars <- ncol(data)
  if (nvars != length(labels))
    stop("Number of responses and labels must be the same")
  gg1 <- ggpairs(data, title =title,
                 axisLabels="show",  columnLabels= labels, 
  for (i in 1:nvars)
    gtx <- my_ggally_text(labels[i], mapping = aes(col = "grey50"), labelSize= labelSize,
                          ggplotFuncs = ggplotFuncs)
    gg1 <- putPlot(gg1, gtx, i, i)

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