
Defines functions jackknifed initialFit res.vcov synth.boot synth.mc synth.em.cv synth.em synth.core

Documented in initialFit res.vcov synth.boot synth.core synth.em synth.em.cv synth.mc

## Core Function
synth.core<-function(Y, # Outcome variable, (T*N) matrix
                     X, # Explanatory variables:  (T*N*p) array
                     D, #  Indicator for treated unit (tr==1) 
                     W = NULL,
                     r=0, # initial number of factors considered if CV==1
                     CV = 1, # cross-validation
                     criterion = "mspe", # mspe or pc
                     tol, # tolerance level
                     AR1 = 0,
                     beta0 = NULL, # starting value 
                     norm.para = NULL,
                     boot = 0) { # bootstrap: needn't to calculate weight  
    ## Parsing data
    na.pos <- NULL

    ## unit id and time
    TT <- dim(Y)[1]
    N <- dim(Y)[2]
    if (is.null(X) == FALSE) {p <- dim(X)[3]} else {p <- 0}

    ## treatement indicator
    tr <- D[TT,] == 1  ## cross-sectional: treated unit
    co <- D[TT,] == 0
    I.tr <- as.matrix(I[,tr]) ## maybe only 1 treated unit
    I.co <- I[,co]

    if (!0%in%I.tr) {
        ## a (TT*Ntr) matrix, time dimension: before treatment
        pre <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0)
        post <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 1)   
    } else {
        pre <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0 & I[,which(tr == 1)] == 1)
        post <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 1 & I[,which(tr == 1)] == 1)

    D.tr <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)])
    T0.ub <- apply(D.tr == 0, 2, sum) 
    T0.ub.min <- min(T0.ub) ## unbalanced data

    if (!is.null(W)) {
        W.tr <- as.matrix(W[,which(tr == 1)])

    Ntr <- sum(tr)
    Nco <- N - Ntr
    ## careful: only valid for balanced panel
    T0 <- apply(pre, 2, sum) 
    T0.min <- min(T0)
    sameT0 <- length(unique(T0)) == 1 ## treatment kicks in at the same time 
                                      ## unbalanced case needs more conditions
    if (!0%in%I.tr) {
        DID <- sameT0
    } else {
        DID <- length(unique(T0.ub)) == 1
    id <- 1:N
    time <- 1:TT
    id.tr <- which(tr == 1) ## treated id
    id.co <- which(tr == 0)
    pre.v <- as.vector(pre)  ## vectorized "pre-treatment" indicator
    id.tr.pre.v <- rep(id, each = TT)[which(pre.v == 1)]  ## vectorized pre-treatment grouping variable for the treated
    time.pre <- split(rep(time, Ntr)[which(pre.v == 1)], id.tr.pre.v) ## a list of pre-treatment periods

    ## parsing data
    Y.tr <- as.matrix(Y[,id.tr])
    Y.co <- as.matrix(Y[,id.co])

    if (p == 0) {
        X.tr <- array(0, dim = c(TT, Ntr, 0))
        X.co <- array(0, dim = c(TT, Nco, 0)) 
    } else {
        X.tr <- array(NA, dim=c(TT, Ntr, p))
        X.co <- array(NA, dim=c(TT, Nco, p))
        for (j in 1:p) {
            X.tr[, , j] <- X[, id.tr, j]
            X.co[, , j] <- X[, id.co, j]

    if (is.null(beta0) == TRUE ) {
        beta0 <- matrix(0, p, 1)

    Y0.co <- NULL
    if (0 %in% I.co) { ## initial fit 
        ## Y0.co <- as.matrix(Y0[, id.co])
        data.ini <- matrix(NA, Nco*TT, (p+3))
        data.ini[,1] <- c(Y.co)
        data.ini[,2] <- rep(1:Nco, each = TT)
        data.ini[,3] <- rep(1:TT, Nco)
        if (p > 0) {
          for (i in 1:p) {
              data.ini[, (3 + i)] <- c(X.co[, , i])
        initialOut <- try(initialFit(data.ini, force, which(c(I.co) == 1)), silent = TRUE)
        if('try-error' %in% class(initialOut)) {
            return(list(att = rep(NA, TT), att.avg = NA, beta = matrix(NA, p, 1), eff = matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)))
            ## stop("Error occurs. Please set a smaller value of factor number.")

        Y0.co <- initialOut$Y0
        if (p > 0) {
            beta0 <- initialOut$beta0
    ## Main Algorithm

    validX <- 1 ## no multi-colinearity
    if (CV == FALSE) { ## case: CV==0
        ## inter.fe on the control group
            ## if (force!=0) {
                est.co.best <- inter_fe(Y.co, X.co, r, force = force, beta0 = beta0, tol)
            ## } else {
                ## est.co.best<-inter_fe(Y.co, abind(I.co,X.co,along=3), r, force=0, beta0 = beta0)  
            ## }    
        } else {
            ## if (force!=0) {
              est.co.best <- inter_fe_ub(Y.co, Y0.co, X.co, I.co, beta0, r, force = force, tol)
            ## } else {
            ##   est.co.best<-inter_fe_ub(Y.co, abind(I.co,X.co,along=3), I.co, r, force=0, beta0 = beta0)  
            ## }
        if (p > 0) {
            na.pos <- is.nan(est.co.best$beta)           
        r.cv <- r.max <- r
    }  else if (CV == TRUE) { 
        ## Cross-validation of r
        ## starting r    
        if ((r > (T0.min-1) & force%in%c(0,2)) | (r > (T0.min-2) & force%in%c(1,3))) {
            cat("Warning: r is too big compared with T0; reset to 0.\n")
            r <- 0
        ## store all MSPE
        if (force%in%c(0, 2)) {
            r.max <- max(min((T0.min-1), r.end), 0)
        } else {
            r.max <- max(min((T0.min-2), r.end), 0)

        if (r.max == 0) {
            r.cv <- 0
            cat("Cross validation cannot be performed since available pre-treatment records of treated units are too few. So set r.cv = 0.\n ")
            if (!0%in%I.co) {
                est.co.best <- inter_fe(Y.co, X.co, 0, force = force, beta0 = beta0, tol) 
            } else {
                est.co.best <- inter_fe_ub(Y.co, Y0.co, X.co, I.co, beta0, 0, force = force, tol)

        } else {
            r.old <- r ## save the minimal number of factors 
            cat("Cross-validating ...","\r")
            CV.out <- matrix(NA, (r.max - r.old + 1), 5)
            colnames(CV.out) <- c("r", "sigma2", "IC", "PC", "MSPE")
            CV.out[,"r"] <- c(r.old:r.max)
            CV.out[,"MSPE"] <- CV.out[,"PC"] <- 1e20
            r.pc <- est.co.pc.best <- NULL
            for (i in 1:dim(CV.out)[1]) { ## cross-validation loop starts 
                ## inter FE based on control, before & after 
                r <- CV.out[i, "r"]
                if (!0%in%I.co) {
                    est.co <- inter_fe(Y = Y.co, X = X.co, r,
                                       force = force, beta0 = beta0, tol)
                } else {
                    est.co <- inter_fe_ub(Y = Y.co, Y0 = Y0.co, X = X.co, I = I.co, 
                                          beta0, r, force = force, tol)
                if (p > 0) {
                    na.pos <- is.nan(est.co$beta)
                    ## if (est.co$validX == 0) {
                    ##     beta <- matrix(0, p, 1) 
                    ## }
                    beta <- est.co$beta
                    beta[is.nan(est.co$beta)] <- 0 ## time invariant covar
                if (is.null(norm.para)) {
                    sigma2 <- est.co$sigma2
                    IC <- est.co$IC
                    PC <- est.co$PC
                } else {
                    sigma2 <- est.co$sigma2 * (norm.para[1]^2)
                    IC <- est.co$IC - log(est.co$sigma2) + log(sigma2)
                    PC <- est.co$PC * (norm.para[1]^2)
                if (r!=0) {
                    ## factor T*r
                    F.hat <- as.matrix(est.co$factor)
                    ## the last column is for alpha_i
                    if (force%in%c(1, 3)) {F.hat <- cbind(F.hat, rep(1,TT))}  
                ## take out the effect of X (nothing to do with CV)
                U.tr <- Y.tr
                if (p > 0) {
                    for (j in 1:p) {
                        U.tr <- U.tr - X.tr[, , j] * beta[j]
                ## take out grant mean and time fixed effects (nothing to do with CV)
                U.tr <- U.tr - matrix(est.co$mu, TT, Ntr) ## grand mean
                if (force%in%c(2, 3)) {
                    U.tr <- U.tr - matrix(est.co$xi, TT, Ntr, byrow = FALSE)
                } ## time fixed effects

                ## reset unbalanced data
                if (0%in%I.tr) {
                    U.tr[which(I.tr == 0)] <- 0
                ## save for the moment       
                U.sav <- U.tr
                ## leave-one-out cross-validation
                sum.e2 <- num.y <- 0
                for (lv in unique(unlist(time.pre))) { ## leave one out using the pre-treatment period
                    U.tr <- U.sav
                    ## take out lv from U.tr.pre
                    if ( max(T0) == T0.min & (!0%in%I.tr) ) {
                        U.lv <- as.matrix(U.tr[setdiff(c(1:T0.min), lv), ]) ## setdiff : x
                    } else {
                        U.tr.pre.v <- as.vector(U.tr)[which(pre.v == 1)]    ## pre-treatment residual in a vector
                        U.tr.pre <- split(U.tr.pre.v, id.tr.pre.v) ##  a list of pretreatment residuals
                        if (!0%in%I.tr) {
                            U.lv<-lapply(U.tr.pre, function(vec){return(vec[-lv])}) ## a list    
                        } else {
                            ## U.tr.pre.sav <- U.tr.pre
                            for (i.tr in 1:Ntr) {
                                U.tmp <- U.tr.pre[[i.tr]]
                                U.tr.pre[[i.tr]] <- U.tmp[!time.pre[[i.tr]] == lv]
                            U.lv <- U.tr.pre
                            ## U.tr.pre <- U.tr.pre.sav    

                    if (r == 0) {            
                        if (force%in%c(1,3)) { ## take out unit fixed effect
                            if ( max(T0) == T0.min & (!0%in%I.tr) ) {
                                alpha.tr.lv <- colMeans(U.lv)
                                U.tr <- U.tr - matrix(alpha.tr.lv, TT, Ntr, byrow=TRUE)
                            } else {
                                alpha.tr.lv <- sapply(U.lv,mean)
                                U.tr <- U.tr - matrix(alpha.tr.lv, TT, Ntr, byrow=TRUE)
                                ## if (0%in%I.tr) {
                                ##     U.tr[which(I.tr==0)] <- 0
                                ## }
                                ###### not necessary
                        e <- U.tr[which(time == lv),] ## that period
                    } else {  ## case: r>0
                        ## take out the effect of factors
                        F.lv <- as.matrix(F.hat[which(time != lv), ])
                        if ( max(T0) ==T0.min & (!0%in%I.tr) ) {
                            F.lv.pre <- F.hat[setdiff(c(1:T0.min), lv), ]
                            lambda.lv <- try(
                                solve(t(F.lv.pre) %*% F.lv.pre) %*% t(F.lv.pre) %*% U.lv,
                                silent = TRUE)
                            if('try-error' %in% class(lambda.lv)) {
                            ## lamda.lv r*N matrix
                        } else {
                            if (!0%in%I.tr) {
                                lambda.lv <- try(as.matrix(sapply(U.lv, function(vec){
                                    F.lv.pre <- as.matrix(F.lv[1:length(vec),])
                                    l.lv.tr <- solve(t(F.lv.pre) %*% F.lv.pre) %*% t(F.lv.pre) %*% vec 
                                    return(l.lv.tr) ## a vector of each individual lambdas
                                })), silent = TRUE)
                                if('try-error' %in% class(lambda.lv)) {
                                } else {
                                    if( (r == 1) & (force%in%c(0,2)) ){
                                        lambda.lv <- t(lambda.lv)
                            } else { ## unbalanced data r*N
                                if (force%in%c(1,3)) {
                                    lambda.lv <- matrix(NA, (r+1), Ntr)
                                } else {
                                    lambda.lv <- matrix(NA, r, Ntr)
                                test <- try(
                                    for (i.tr in 1:Ntr) {
                                        ## F.lv.pre <- as.matrix(F.lv[unlist(time.pre[i.tr]),])
                                        F.lv.pre <- as.matrix(F.hat[setdiff(time.pre[[i.tr]], lv),])
                                        lambda.lv[,i.tr] <- solve(t(F.lv.pre) %*% F.lv.pre) %*% t(F.lv.pre) %*% as.matrix(U.lv[[i.tr]])
                                    }, silent = TRUE)
                                if('try-error' %in% class(test)) {
                        ##if (r>1|(r==1&force%in%c(1,3))) {
                            lambda.lv <- t(lambda.lv) ## N*r
                        ## error term (the left-out period)
                        e <- U.tr[which(time == lv),] - c(F.hat[which(time == lv),] %*% t(lambda.lv)) 
                    if (sameT0 == FALSE | 0%in%I.tr) { # those who are actually not treated
                        e <- e[which(pre[which(time == lv),] == TRUE)]    
                    ## sum up
                    sum.e2 <- sum.e2 + t(e) %*% e
                    num.y <- num.y + length(e)
                } ## end of leave-one-out
                MSPE <- ifelse(num.y == 0, Inf, sum.e2/num.y)
                if (!is.null(norm.para)) {
                    MSPE <- MSPE * (norm.para[1]^2)

                if ((min(CV.out[,"MSPE"]) - MSPE) > tol * min(CV.out[,"MSPE"])) {
                    ## at least 5% improvement for MPSE
                    est.co.best <- est.co  ## interFE result with the best r
                    r.cv <- r
                } else {
                    if (r == r.cv + 1) cat("*")

                if (PC < min(CV.out[,"PC"])) {
                    r.pc <- r
                    est.co.pc.best <- est.co
                CV.out[i, 2:5] <- c(sigma2, IC, PC, MSPE)
                cat("\n r = ",r, "; sigma2 = ",
                    sprintf("%.5f",sigma2), "; IC = ",
                    sprintf("%.5f",IC), "; PC = ",
                    sprintf("%.5f",PC), "; MSPE = ",
                    sprintf("%.5f",MSPE), sep="")
            } ## end of while: search for r_star over

            MSPE.best <- min(CV.out[,"MSPE"])

            ## compare 
            if (criterion == "pc") {
                if (r.cv > r.pc) {
                    cat("\n\n Factor number selected via cross validation may be larger than the true number. Using the PC criterion.\n\n ")
                    r.cv <- r.pc 
                    est.co.best <- est.co.pc.best
            if (r > (T0.min-1)) {cat(" (r hits maximum)")}
            cat("\n\n r* = ",r.cv, sep="")
    } ## End of Cross-Validation

    validX <- est.co.best$validX
    ## ATT and Counterfactuals 
    ## variance of the error term
    if (is.null(norm.para)) {
        sigma2 <- est.co.best$sigma2   
        IC <- est.co.best$IC
        PC <- est.co.best$PC
    } else {
        sigma2 <- est.co.best$sigma2 * (norm.para[1]^2)
        IC <- est.co.best$IC - log(est.co.best$sigma2) + log(sigma2) 
        PC <- est.co.best$PC * (norm.para[1]^2)      
    ## ## take out the effect of X
    U.tr <- Y.tr
    res.co <- est.co.best$residuals

    if (p>0) {
        beta <- est.co.best$beta
        if (est.co.best$validX == 0) {
            beta <- matrix(0, p, 1) 
        } else {
            beta <- est.co.best$beta
            beta[is.nan(est.co.best$beta)] <- 0
        ## if (!is.null(norm.para)) {
        ##     est.co.best$beta <- est.co.best$beta/norm.para[2]    
        ## }
        for (j in 1:p) {U.tr<-U.tr-X.tr[, , j] * beta[j]}
    } else {
        beta <- NA
    mu <- est.co.best$mu 
    U.tr <- U.tr - matrix(mu, TT, Ntr) ## grand mean
    Y.fe.bar <- rep(mu, TT)
    if (force%in%c(2,3)) {
        xi <- est.co.best$xi ## a (TT*1) matrix
        U.tr <- U.tr - matrix(c(xi), TT, Ntr, byrow = FALSE) ## will be adjusted at last
        Y.fe.bar <- Y.fe.bar + xi

    if ( max(T0) == T0.min & (!0%in%I.tr) ) {
        U.tr.pre <- as.matrix(U.tr[1:T0.min,])
    } else {
        ## not necessary to reset utr for ub data for pre.v doesn't include them
        U.tr.pre.v <- as.vector(U.tr)[which(pre.v == 1)] # pre-treatment residual in a vector
        U.tr.pre <- split(U.tr.pre.v, id.tr.pre.v) ##  a list of pretreatment residuals
    ## the error structure
    if (r.cv == 0) {
        if (force%in%c(1,3)) { ## take out unit fixed effect
            if ((max(T0) == T0.min) & (!0%in%I.tr)) {
                alpha.tr <- as.matrix(colMeans(U.tr.pre))
                U.tr <- U.tr - matrix(alpha.tr, TT, Ntr, byrow = TRUE)
            } else {
                alpha.tr <- as.matrix(sapply(U.tr.pre, mean))
                U.tr <- U.tr - matrix(alpha.tr, TT, Ntr, byrow = TRUE)
        eff <- U.tr  ## and that's it!
    ## r.cv>0
    } else {  
        ## Factors
        F.hat <- as.matrix(est.co.best$factor)
        if (force %in% c(1, 3)) {F.hat <- cbind(F.hat, rep(1,TT))}
                                    # the last column is for alpha_i
        ## Lambda_tr (Ntr*r) or (Ntr*(r+1))
        if ( max(T0) == T0.min & (!0%in%I.tr)) {
            F.hat.pre <- F.hat[1:T0.min,]
            lambda.tr <- try(solve(t(F.hat.pre) %*% F.hat.pre) %*% t(F.hat.pre) %*% U.tr.pre,
                           silent = TRUE)
            if('try-error' %in% class(lambda.tr)) {
                return(list(att = rep(NA, TT), att.avg = NA, beta = matrix(NA, p, 1)))
                ## stop("Error occurs. Please set a smaller value of factor number.")
        } else {
            if (!0%in%I.tr) {
                lambda.tr <- try(as.matrix(sapply(U.tr.pre, function(vec) {
                    F.hat.pre <- as.matrix(F.hat[1:length(vec),])
                    l.tr <- solve(t(F.hat.pre)%*%F.hat.pre)%*%t(F.hat.pre)%*%vec
                    return(l.tr) ## a vector of each individual lambdas
                })), silent =TRUE)
                if('try-error' %in% class(lambda.tr)) {
                    return(list(att = rep(NA, TT), att.avg = NA, beta = matrix(NA, p, 1)))
                    ## stop("Error occurs. Please set a smaller value of factor number.")
                if ( (r.cv == 1) & (force%in%c(0,2)) ) {
                    lambda.tr <- t(lambda.tr)    
            } else {
                if (force%in%c(1,3)) {
                    lambda.tr <- matrix(NA, (r.cv+1), Ntr)
                } else {
                    lambda.tr <- matrix(NA, r.cv, Ntr)
                test <- try(
                    for (i.tr in 1:Ntr) {
                        F.hat.pre <- as.matrix(F.hat[time.pre[[i.tr]],])
                        lambda.tr[,i.tr] <- solve(t(F.hat.pre)%*%F.hat.pre)%*%t(F.hat.pre)%*%as.matrix(U.tr.pre[[i.tr]])
                    }, silent =TRUE
                if('try-error' %in% class(test)) {
                    return(list(att = rep(NA, TT), att.avg = NA, beta = matrix(NA, p, 1), eff = matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)))
                    ## stop("Error occurs. Please set a smaller value of factor number.")
        ## if ((r.cv>1) | (r.cv==1 & force%in%c(1,3))) {
            lambda.tr <- t(lambda.tr) ## Ntr * r
        ## }

        ## predicting the treatment effect
        eff <- U.tr - F.hat%*%t(lambda.tr) 

        ## for storage
        if (force%in%c(1,3)) {
            alpha.tr <- as.matrix(lambda.tr[, (r.cv+1), drop = FALSE])
            lambda.tr <- lambda.tr[, 1:r.cv, drop = FALSE] 

        if (boot == 0) {
            inv.tr <- try(
                ginv(t(as.matrix(lambda.tr))), silent = TRUE
            if (!'try-error' %in% class(inv.tr)) {
                wgt.implied <- t(inv.tr%*%t(as.matrix(est.co.best$lambda)))

    } ## end of r!=0 case

    if (0%in%I.tr) {
        eff[which(I.tr == 0)] <- 0 ## adjust    
    } ## missing data will be adjusted to NA finally
    ## Summarize
    ## counterfactuals and averages
    Y.ct <- as.matrix(Y.tr - eff)
    if (is.null(W)) {
        if (!0%in%I) {
            Y.tr.bar <- rowMeans(Y.tr)
            Y.ct.bar <- rowMeans(Y.ct)
            Y.co.bar <- rowMeans(Y.co)  
        } else {
            Y.tr.bar <- rowSums(Y.tr)/rowSums(I.tr)
            Y.ct.bar <- rowSums(Y.ct)/rowSums(I.tr)
            Y.co.bar <- rowSums(Y.co)/rowSums(I.co)
    } else {
        Y.tr.bar <- rowSums(Y.tr * W.tr)/rowSums(W.tr)
        Y.ct.bar <- rowSums(Y.ct * W.tr)/rowSums(W.tr)
        Y.co.bar <- rowSums(Y.co)/rowSums(I.co)

    ##Y.tr and Y.ct
    Y.bar <- cbind(Y.tr.bar, Y.ct.bar, Y.co.bar)
    colnames(Y.bar) <- c("Y.tr.bar", "Y.ct.bar", "Y.co.bar")
    ## ATT and average outcomes
    eff.cnt <- NULL
    if (DID == TRUE) { ## diff-in-diffs: same timing
        if (is.null(W)) {
            if (!0%in%I.tr) {
                att <- rowMeans(eff)
            } else {
                att <- rowSums(eff)/rowSums(I.tr)
        } else {
            att <- rowSums(eff * W.tr)/rowSums(W.tr)
    } else { ## diff timing, centered the att
        if (!0%in%I.tr) {
            eff.cnt <- Y.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
            if (!is.null(W)) {
                W.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
            for (j in 1:Ntr) {
                eff.cnt[1:(TT+T0.min-T0[j]), j] <- eff[(T0[j]-T0.min+1):TT, j]  
                Y.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.min-T0[j]), j] <- Y.tr[(T0[j]-T0.min+1):TT, j]
                if (!is.null(W)) {
                    W.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.min-T0[j]), j] <- W.tr[(T0[j]-T0.min+1):TT, j]   
            if (is.null(W)) {
                att <- apply(eff.cnt, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.tr.cnt <- apply(Y.tr.center, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
            } else {
                eff.cnt[which(is.na(eff.cnt))] <- 0
                Y.tr.center[which(is.na(Y.tr.center))] <- 0
                W.tr.center[which(is.na(W.tr.center))] <- 0
                att <- rowSums(eff.cnt * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.tr.cnt <- rowSums(Y.tr.center * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
        } else {
            T0.ub <- apply(as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0), 2, sum) 
            T0.ub.min <- min(T0.ub)
            eff.cnt <- Y.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
            eff[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
            Y.tr[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
            if (!is.null(W)) {
                W.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
                W.tr[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
            for (j in 1:Ntr) {
                eff.cnt[1:(TT+T0.ub.min-T0.ub[j]), j] <- eff[(T0.ub[j]-T0.ub.min+1):TT, j]  
                Y.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.ub.min-T0.ub[j]),j] <- Y.tr[(T0.ub[j]-T0.ub.min+1):TT, j]
                if (!is.null(W)) {
                    W.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.ub.min-T0.ub[j]), j] <- W.tr[(T0.ub[j]-T0.ub.min+1):TT, j]   
            if (is.null(W)) {
                att <- apply(eff.cnt, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.tr.cnt <- apply(Y.tr.center, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
            } else {
                eff.cnt[which(is.na(eff.cnt))] <- 0
                Y.tr.center[which(is.na(Y.tr.center))] <- 0
                W.tr.center[which(is.na(W.tr.center))] <- 0
                att <- rowSums(eff.cnt * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.tr.cnt <- rowSums(Y.tr.center * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
    eff[which(is.na(eff))] <- 0 ## to calulate att
    if (is.null(W)) {
        att.avg <- sum(eff * post)/sum(post)
    } else {
        att.avg <- sum(eff * post * W.tr)/sum(post * W.tr)

    ## AR1: calculate accumulative effect
    if (AR1 == TRUE) {
        rho <- est.co.best$beta[1]
        if (length(beta) > 1) {
            beta <- beta[-1]
        eff.tmp <- eff * D[, id.tr]
        eff.acc <- matrix(0, TT, Ntr)
        for (t in (T0.min + 1):TT) {
            for (i in 0:(t-T0.min-1)) {
                eff.acc[t,] <- eff.acc[t,] + eff.tmp[t-i,] * (rho^i)
    ## final adjust unbalanced output
    if (0%in%I) {
        eff[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
        Y.ct[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
        Y.tr[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
        res.co[which(I.co == 0)] <- NA
        Y.co[which(I.co == 0)] <- NA
        est.co.best$residuals[which(I.co == 0)] <- NA
    ## adjust beta: invariant covar
    if (p > 0) {
        if( sum(na.pos) > 0 ) {
            beta[na.pos] <- NA

    ## final adjustment
    if (!is.null(norm.para)) {
        mu <- mu * norm.para[1]
        est.co.best$mu <- est.co.best$mu * norm.para[1]

        ## sigma2 IC PC have been adjusted before
        est.co.best$sigma2 <- est.co.best$sigma2 * (norm.para[1]^2)
        est.co.best$IC <- est.co.best$IC - log(est.co.best$sigma2) + log(sigma2) 
        est.co.best$PC <- est.co.best$PC * (norm.para[1]^2)  
        if (r.cv > 0) {
            est.co.best$lambda <- est.co.best$lambda * norm.para[1]
            lambda.tr <- lambda.tr * norm.para[1]
        if (force%in%c(1, 3)) {
            est.co.best$alpha <- est.co.best$alpha * norm.para[1]
            alpha.tr <- alpha.tr * norm.para[1]
        if (force%in%c(2,3)) {
            est.co.best$xi <- est.co.best$xi * norm.para[1]
            xi <- xi * norm.para[1]
        res.co <- res.co * norm.para[1] 
        est.co.best$residuals <- est.co.best$residuals * norm.para[1]
        est.co.best$fit <- est.co.best$fit * norm.para[1]
        Y.tr <- Y.tr * norm.para[1] 
        Y.ct <- Y.ct * norm.para[1]
        Y.co <- Y.co * norm.para[1]
        eff <- eff * norm.para[1]
        Y.bar <- Y.bar * norm.para[1]
        att <- att * norm.para[1]
        att.avg <- att.avg * norm.para[1]
        if ( !is.null(eff.cnt) ) {
            eff.cnt <- eff.cnt * norm.para[1]
            Y.tr.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt * norm.para[1]
            Y.ct.cnt <- Y.ct.cnt * norm.para[1]

    T0<-apply(as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0), 2, sum) ## for plot

    ## Storage 

    names(att) <- c(1:TT) - min(T0.ub)

    ##control group residuals
        ## main results
        D.tr = D.tr,
        I.tr = I.tr,
        Y.tr = Y.tr,
        Y.ct = Y.ct,
        Y.co = Y.co, 
        eff = eff,
        Y.bar = Y.bar,
        att = att,
        att.avg = att.avg,
        ## supporting
        force = force,
        sameT0 = DID,
        T = TT,
        N = N,
        p = p,
        Ntr = Ntr,
        Nco = Nco,
        T0 = T0,
        tr = tr,
        pre = pre,
        post = post,
        r.cv = r.cv, 
        IC = IC,
        PC = PC,
        beta = beta,
        est.co = est.co.best,
        mu = mu,
        validX = validX

    out <- c(out,list(sigma2 = sigma2, res.co=res.co))

    if ( DID == FALSE ) {
        names(Y.ct.cnt) <- names(Y.tr.cnt) <- rownames(eff.cnt) <- c(1:TT) - min(T0.ub)
        out<-c(out,list(eff.cnt = eff.cnt,
                        Y.tr.cnt = Y.tr.cnt,
                        Y.ct.cnt = Y.ct.cnt))
    if (CV == 1 & r.max != 0) {
        out<-c(out, list(MSPE = MSPE.best,
                         CV.out = CV.out))
    if (r.cv>0) {
                       niter = est.co.best$niter,
                       factor = as.matrix(est.co.best$factor),
                       lambda.co = as.matrix(est.co.best$lambda),
                       lambda.tr = as.matrix(lambda.tr) ## Ntr*r
        if (boot == 0) {
            if (!'try-error' %in% class(inv.tr)) {
                out <- c(out, list(wgt.implied = wgt.implied))
    if (force==1) {
        out<-c(out, list(
                         alpha.tr = alpha.tr,
                         alpha.co = est.co.best$alpha))
    } else if (force == 2) {
        out<-c(out,list(xi = xi))
    } else if (force == 3) {
                        alpha.tr = alpha.tr,
                        alpha.co = est.co.best$alpha,
                        xi = xi))
    if (AR1 == TRUE) {
        out<-c(out,list(rho = rho,
                        eff.acc = eff.acc))

} ## Core functions ends

## EM Algorithm

synth.em<-function(Y, # Outcome variable, (T*N) matrix
                   X, # Explanatory variables:  (T*N*p) array
                   D, # indicator for treated unit (tr==1) 
                   W = NULL,
                   r = 0, # number of factors
                   force, # specifying fixed effects
                   tol = 1e-5,
                   AR1 = 0,
                   beta0 = NULL,
                   boot = 0
                   ) {
    ## Parsing data
    ## unit id and time
    TT <-dim(Y)[1]
    N <- dim(Y)[2]
    if (is.null(X) == FALSE) {p <- dim(X)[3]} else {p <- 0}
    ## treatement indicator
    tr <- D[TT,] == 1  ## cross-sectional: treated unit
    co <- D[TT,] == 0
    I.tr <- as.matrix(I[, tr])
    I.co <- I[, co]

    if (!0 %in% I.tr) {
        ## a (TT*Ntr) matrix, time dimension: before treatment
        pre <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0)
        post <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 1)   
    } else {
        pre <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0 & I[,which(tr==1)] == 1)
        post <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr==1)] == 1 & I[,which(tr==1)] == 1)
    Ntr <- sum(tr)
    Nco <- N - Ntr
    ## careful: only valid for balanced panel
    T0 <- apply(pre, 2, sum) 
    T0.min <- min(T0)
    sameT0 <- length(unique(T0)) == 1 ## treatment kicks in at the same time 

    D.tr <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)])
    T0.ub <- apply(as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0), 2, sum) 
    T0.ub.min <- min(T0.ub) ## unbalanced data

    if (!0%in%I.tr) {
        DID <- sameT0
    } else {
        DID <- length(unique(T0.ub)) == 1

    if (!is.null(W)) {
        W.tr <- as.matrix(W[,which(tr == 1)])

    if (is.null(beta0) == TRUE ) {
        beta0 <- matrix(0, p, 1)

    II <- I == 1 & D == 0 ## indicator

    id <- 1:N
    time <- 1:TT
    id.tr <- which(tr == 1) ## treated id
    id.co <- which(tr == 0)
    pre.v <- as.vector(pre)  ## vectorized "pre-treatment" indicator
    id.tr.pre.v <- rep(id, each = TT)[which(pre.v == 1)]  ## vectorized pre-treatment grouping variable for the treated
    time.pre <- split(rep(time, Ntr)[which(pre.v == 1)], id.tr.pre.v) ## a list of pre-treatment periods

    ## parsing data
    Y.tr <- as.matrix(Y[,tr])
    Y.co <- Y[,!tr]
    ## Main Algorithm

    #init <- synth.core(Y = Y, X = X, D = D, I = I, Y0 = Y0, W = W,
    #                   r = r, force = force,
    #                   CV = 0, tol = tol, AR1 = AR1, beta0 = beta0, 
    #                   norm.para = NULL, boot = boot)
    ## throw out error: may occur during bootstrap
    #if(length(init) == 2 || length(init) == 3) {
    #    return(init)
    #eff0 <- init$eff
    #eff0[is.na(eff0)] <- 0
    #Y.ct <- init$Y.ct
    #Y.ct[is.na(Y.ct)] <- 0

    Y0 <- NULL
    ## initial fit 
    data.ini <- matrix(NA, N*TT, (p+3))
    data.ini[,1] <- c(Y)
    data.ini[,2] <- rep(1:N, each = TT)
    data.ini[,3] <- rep(1:TT, N)
    if (p > 0) {
      for (i in 1:p) {
          data.ini[, (3 + i)] <- c(X[, , i])

    initialOut <- try(initialFit(data.ini, force, which(c(II) == 1)), silent = TRUE)
    if('try-error' %in% class(initialOut)) {
        return(list(att = rep(NA, TT), att.avg = NA, beta = matrix(NA, p, 1), eff = matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)))
        ## stop("Error occurs. Please set a smaller value of factor number.")

    Y0 <- initialOut$Y0
    beta0 <- initialOut$beta0
    #diff <- 100
    #trace.diff <- c()
    #niter <- 0

    #while (niter <= 500 & diff > tol) {

        ## E step
        #if (!0 %in% I) {
        #    Y.e <- Y  # T*N
        #    Y.e.tr.tmp <- Y.e[,id.tr]
        #    Y.e.tr.tmp[which(post == 1)] <- Y.ct[which(post == 1)]
        #    Y.e[,id.tr] <- Y.e.tr.tmp 
        #} else {
        #    Y.e <- Y
        #    if (niter == 0) {
        #        Y.e[which(I==0)] <- Y0[which(I==0)]
        #        Y.e.tr.tmp <- Y.e[,id.tr]
        #        Y.e.tr.tmp[which(post == 1)] <- Y.ct[which(post == 1)]
        #        Y.e[,id.tr] <- Y.e.tr.tmp
        #    } else {
        #        Y.e[which(I==0)] <- est$fit[which(I==0)]
        #    }
    ## E step
    YY <- Y
    ## YY[which(II == 0)] <- 0 

        ## M step
        #if (!0%in%I) {
            ## if (force!=0) {
        #        est <- inter_fe(Y.e, X, r, force=force, beta0 = beta0, tol)
            ## } else {
            ##     est<-inter_fe(Y.e, abind(I,X,along=3), r, force=0, beta0 = beta0)
            ## }
        #} else {
            ## if (force!=0) {
    est <- inter_fe_ub(YY, Y0, X, II, beta0, r, force=force, tol)
            ## } else {
            ##     est<-inter_fe_ub(Y.e, abind(I,X,along=3), I, r, force=0, beta0 = beta0)
            ## }
        ## Y.ct <- as.matrix(Y.e[,id.tr] - est$residuals[,id.tr]) # T * Ntr
    Y.ct <- as.matrix(est$fit[,id.tr])

    eff <- as.matrix(Y.tr - Y.ct)  # T * Ntr
    eff[which(I.tr==0)] <- 0
    #    diff <- norm(eff0-eff, type="F")

    #    eff0 <- eff

    #    trace.diff <- c(trace.diff,diff)
    #    niter <- niter + 1  

    ## PC criterion

    ## variance of the error term
    if (is.null(norm.para)) {
        PC <- est$PC
    } else {
        IC <- est$IC-log(est$sigma2) + log(sigma2)  
        PC <- est$PC*(norm.para[1]^2)     

    ## Summarize
    ## counterfactuals and averages
    if (is.null(W)) {
        if (!0%in%I) {
            Y.tr.bar <- rowMeans(Y.tr)
            Y.ct.bar <- rowMeans(Y.ct)
            Y.co.bar <- rowMeans(Y.co)  
        } else {
            Y.tr.bar <- rowSums(Y.tr)/rowSums(I.tr)
            Y.ct.bar <- rowSums(Y.ct)/rowSums(I.tr)
            Y.co.bar <- rowSums(Y.co)/rowSums(I.co)
    } else {
        Y.tr.bar <- rowSums(Y.tr * W.tr)/rowSums(W.tr)
        Y.ct.bar <- rowSums(Y.ct * W.tr)/rowSums(W.tr)
        Y.co.bar <- rowSums(Y.co)/rowSums(I.co)

    ##Y.tr and Y.ct
    Y.bar <- cbind(Y.tr.bar,Y.ct.bar,Y.co.bar)
    colnames(Y.bar) <- c("Y.tr.bar","Y.ct.bar","Y.co.bar")

    ## ATT and average outcomes
    eff.cnt <- NULL
    if (DID == TRUE) { ## diff-in-diffs: same timing
        if (is.null(W)) {
            if (!0%in%I.tr) {
                att <- rowMeans(eff)
            } else {
                att <- rowSums(eff)/rowSums(I.tr)
        } else {
            att <- rowSums(eff * W.tr)/rowSums(W.tr)
    } else { ## diff timing, centered the att
        if (!0%in%I.tr) {
            eff.cnt <- Y.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
            if (!is.null(W)) {
                W.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
            for (j in 1:Ntr) {
                eff.cnt[1:(TT+T0.min-T0[j]), j] <- eff[(T0[j]-T0.min+1):TT, j]  
                Y.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.min-T0[j]), j] <- Y.tr[(T0[j]-T0.min+1):TT, j]
                if (!is.null(W)) {
                    W.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.min-T0[j]), j] <- W.tr[(T0[j]-T0.min+1):TT, j]   
            if (is.null(W)) {
                att <- apply(eff.cnt, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.tr.cnt <- apply(Y.tr.center, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
            } else {
                eff.cnt[which(is.na(eff.cnt))] <- 0
                Y.tr.center[which(is.na(Y.tr.center))] <- 0
                W.tr.center[which(is.na(W.tr.center))] <- 0
                att <- rowSums(eff.cnt * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.tr.cnt <- rowSums(Y.tr.center * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
        } else {
            T0.ub <- apply(as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0), 2, sum) 
            T0.ub.min <- min(T0.ub)
            eff.cnt <- Y.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
            eff[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
            Y.tr[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
            if (!is.null(W)) {
                W.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
                W.tr[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
            for (j in 1:Ntr) {
                eff.cnt[1:(TT+T0.ub.min-T0.ub[j]), j] <- eff[(T0.ub[j]-T0.ub.min+1):TT, j]  
                Y.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.ub.min-T0.ub[j]),j] <- Y.tr[(T0.ub[j]-T0.ub.min+1):TT, j]
                if (!is.null(W)) {
                    W.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.ub.min-T0.ub[j]), j] <- W.tr[(T0.ub[j]-T0.ub.min+1):TT, j]   
            if (is.null(W)) {
                att <- apply(eff.cnt, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.tr.cnt <- apply(Y.tr.center, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
            } else {
                eff.cnt[which(is.na(eff.cnt))] <- 0
                Y.tr.center[which(is.na(Y.tr.center))] <- 0
                W.tr.center[which(is.na(W.tr.center))] <- 0
                att <- rowSums(eff.cnt * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.tr.cnt <- rowSums(Y.tr.center * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
    eff[which(is.na(eff))] <- 0 ## to calulate att
    if (is.null(W)) {
        att.avg <- sum(eff * post)/sum(post)
    } else {
        att.avg <- sum(eff * post * W.tr)/sum(post * W.tr)

    ## fixed effects
    if (force%in%c(1,3)) {
        alpha <- est$alpha
        alpha.tr <- as.matrix(alpha[id.tr])
        alpha.co <- as.matrix(alpha[id.co])
    if (force%in%c(2,3)) {
    ## factors
    if (r > 0) {
        lambda <- est$lambda
        lambda.tr <- lambda[id.tr,,drop=FALSE]
        lambda.co <- lambda[id.co,]
        if (boot == 0) {
            inv.tr <- try(
                ginv(t(as.matrix(lambda.tr))), silent = TRUE
            if (!'try-error' %in% class(inv.tr)) {
                wgt.implied <- t(inv.tr%*%t(lambda.co))
    ## AR1: calculate accumulative effect
    if (AR1 == TRUE) {
        if (length(beta)>1) {
        for (t in (T0.min+1):TT) {
            for (i in 0:(t-T0.min-1)) {

    if (p > 0) {
        beta <- est$beta
        beta[is.nan(beta)] <- NA
    } else {
        beta <- NA
    res <- est$residuals
    res.co <- as.matrix(est$residuals[,id.co])
    if (0%in%I) {
        eff[which(I.tr==0)] <- NA 
        Y.ct[which(I.tr==0)] <- NA
        Y.tr[which(I.tr==0)] <- NA
        res[which(II == 0)] <- NA
        Y.co[which(I.co==0)] <- NA
        res.co[which(I.co==0)] <- NA
        est$residuals[which(II == 0)] <- NA


        ## final adjustment
    if (!is.null(norm.para)) {
        mu <- mu*norm.para[1]
        est$mu <- est$mu * norm.para[1]

        ## sigma2 IC PC have been adjusted before
        est$sigma2 <- est$sigma2 * (norm.para[1]^2)
        est$IC <- est$IC - log(est$sigma2) + log(sigma2) 
        est$PC <- est$PC * (norm.para[1]^2)

        if (r>0) {
            est$lambda <- est$lambda * norm.para[1]
            lambda.tr <- lambda.tr*norm.para[1]
            lambda.co <- lambda.co*norm.para[1]
        if (force%in%c(1,3)) {
            est$alpha <- est$alpha * norm.para[1]
            alpha.tr <- alpha.tr*norm.para[1]
            alpha.co <- alpha.co*norm.para[1]
        if (force%in%c(2,3)) {
            est$xi <- est$xi * norm.para[1]
            xi <- xi*norm.para[1]

        res <- res * norm.para[1] 
        res.co <- res.co * norm.para[1] 
        est$residuals <- est$residuals * norm.para[1]
        est$fit <- est$fit * norm.para[1]

        Y.tr <- Y.tr*norm.para[1] 
        Y.ct <- Y.ct*norm.para[1]
        Y.co <- Y.co*norm.para[1]
        eff <- eff*norm.para[1]
        Y.bar <- Y.bar*norm.para[1]
        att <- att*norm.para[1]
        att.avg <- att.avg*norm.para[1]
        if ( !is.null(eff.cnt) ) {
            eff.cnt <- eff.cnt*norm.para[1]
            Y.tr.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt*norm.para[1]
            Y.ct.cnt <- Y.ct.cnt*norm.para[1]


    ## Storage 

    names(att) <- c(1:TT) - min(T0.ub)
        ## main results
        D.tr = D.tr,
        I.tr = I.tr,
        Y.bar = Y.bar,
        ## supporting
        post = post,
       ## res.co=res.co,  ##control group residuals 
        beta = beta,
        ## niter = niter,
        IC = IC,
        PC = PC,
        mu = mu,
        validX = est$validX,
        est = est,
        niter = est$niter

    out <- c(out,list(sigma2 = sigma2, res = res, res.co = res.co))
    if (DID==FALSE) {
        names(Y.ct.cnt) <- names(Y.tr.cnt) <- rownames(eff.cnt) <- c(1:TT) - min(T0.ub)
        out<-c(out,list(eff.cnt=eff.cnt, ##
                        Y.tr.cnt=Y.tr.cnt, ##
                        Y.ct.cnt=Y.ct.cnt)) ##
    if (r > 0) {
        if (boot == 0) {
            if (!'try-error' %in% class(inv.tr)) {
                out <- c(out, list(wgt.implied = wgt.implied))
    if (force == 1) {
    } else if (force == 2) {
        out<-c(out,list(xi = xi))
    } else if (force == 3) {
                        alpha.tr = alpha.tr,
                        alpha.co = alpha.co,
                        xi = xi))
    if (AR1 == TRUE) {
        out<-c(out,list(rho = rho,
                        eff.acc = eff.acc))
} ## EM function ends

## EM Algorithm

synth.em.cv<-function(Y,  # Outcome variable, (T*N) matrix
                      X, # Explanatory variables:  (T*N*p) array
                      D, # indicator for treated unit (tr==1) 
                      W = NULL,
                      r = 0, # number of factors: starting point
                      r.end = 5, # end point
                      criterion = "mspe", # mspe or pc
                      force, # specifying fixed effects
                      AR1 = 0,
                      beta0 = NULL,
    ## Parsing data
    ## unit id and time
    TT <-dim(Y)[1]
    if (is.null(X)==FALSE) {p<-dim(X)[3]} else {p<-0}
    ## treatement indicator
    tr<-D[TT,]==1  ## cross-sectional: treated unit

    if (!0%in%I.tr) {
        ## a (TT*Ntr) matrix, time dimension: before treatment
        pre <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr==1)]==0)   
    } else {
        pre <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr==1)]==0&I[,which(tr==1)]==1)
    ## careful: only valid for balanced panel
    sameT0<-length(unique(T0))==1 ## treatment kicks in at the same time 
    id.tr<-which(tr==1) ## treated id
    pre.v<-as.vector(pre)  ## vectorized "pre-treatment" indicator
    id.tr.pre.v<-rep(id,each=TT)[which(pre.v==1)]  ## vectorized pre-treatment grouping variable for the treated
    time.pre<-split(rep(time,Ntr)[which(pre.v==1)],id.tr.pre.v) ## a list of pre-treatment periods

    ## parsing data

    if (is.null(beta0) == TRUE ) {
        beta0 <- matrix(0, p, 1)

    ## Cross-validation of r
    ## starting r    
    if (r > (T0.min-1)) {
        cat("Warning: r is too big compared with T0; reset to 0.\n")
        r <- 0

    ## store all MSPE 
    if (force%in%c(0,2)) {
    } else {

    if (r.max==0) {
        stop("Cross validation cannot be performed since available pre-treatment records of treated units are too few. r.cv = 0.\n ")
    } else {

        r.old <- r ## save the minimal number of factors 
        cat("Cross-validating ...","\r")

        for (i in 1:dim(CV.out)[1]) { ## cross-validation loop starts
            r <- CV.out[i,"r"]
            est<-synth.em(Y = Y, X = X, D = D, I = I, W = W, r = r, force = force,
                          tol = tol, AR1 = AR1, beta0 = beta0, norm.para = norm.para, boot = 0)
            PC <- est$PC
            ## leave-one-out cross-validation
            for (lv in unique(unlist(time.pre))){ ## leave one out using the pre-treatment period

                D.cv <- D
                D.cv[which(time == lv), id.tr] <- 1 # set the left-out period to treated
                ## if (0%in%I.tr) {
                ##     D.cv[which(I==0)] <- 0
                ## } not necessary! synth.em can detect pre and post period for ub data
                out <- synth.em(Y = Y, X = X, D = D.cv, I = I, W = W, r = r, force = force,
                                tol = tol, AR1 = AR1, beta0 = beta0, norm.para = norm.para, boot = 0)

                e <- out$eff[which(time == lv),]
                if (sameT0 == FALSE|0%in%I.tr) { # those who are actually not treated
                ## sum up
                num.y<-num.y + length(e) 
            } ## end of leave-one-out
            if ((min(CV.out[,"MSPE"]) - MSPE) > tol*min(CV.out[,"MSPE"])) {
                ## at least 5% improvement for MPSE
                est.best<-est  ## interFE result with the best r
            } else {
                if (r==r.cv+1) cat("*")

            if (PC < min(CV.out[,"PC"])) {
                r.pc <- r
                est.pc.best <- est
            cat("\n r = ",r,"; sigma2 = ",
                sprintf("%.5f",sigma2),"; IC = ",
                sprintf("%.5f",IC),"; PC = ",
                sprintf("%.5f",PC),"; MSPE = ",
        } ## end of while: search for r_star over

        MSPE.best <- min(CV.out[,"MSPE"])
        PC.best <- min(CV.out[,"PC"])

        ## compare 
        if (criterion == "pc") {
            if (r.cv > r.pc) {
                cat("\n\n Factor number selected via cross validation may be larger than the true number. Using the PC criterion.\n\n ")
                r.cv <- r.pc 
                est.best <- est.pc.best

        if (r>(T0.min-1)) {
            cat(" (r hits maximum)")
        cat("\n\n r* = ", r.cv, sep="") 

    ## Storage 
    out<-c(est.best, list(MSPE = MSPE.best, CV.out = CV.out)) 
} ## EM cross validation ends

## Matrix Completion Function
synth.mc<-function(Y, # Outcome variable, (T*N) matrix
                   X, # Explanatory variables:  (T*N*p) array
                   D, #  Indicator for treated unit (tr==1) 
                   W = NULL,
                   lambda = NULL,
                   nlambda = 10,
                   CV = 1,
                   k = 5, 
                   hasF = 1,
                   tol, # tolerance level
                   AR1 = 0,
                   beta0 = NULL,
                   norm.para = NULL){  
    ## Parsing data
    na.pos <- NULL
    ## CV <- is.null(lambda)
    ## unit id and time
    TT <- dim(Y)[1]
    N <- dim(Y)[2]
    if (is.null(X) == FALSE) {p <- dim(X)[3]} else {p <- 0}
    ## treatement indicator
    tr <- D[TT,] == 1  ## cross-sectional: treated unit
    co <- D[TT,] == 0
    I.tr <- as.matrix(I[,tr]) ## maybe only 1 treated unit
    I.co <- I[,co]

    ## replicate data
    YY <- Y
    II <- I

    ## treat post-treatment period treated units as missing
    YY[which(D==1)] <- 0
    II[which(D==1)] <- 0

    oci <- which(c(II) == 1)

    if (!0%in%I.tr) {
        ## a (TT*Ntr) matrix, time dimension: before treatment
        pre <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0)
        post <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 1)   
    } else {
        pre <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0 & I[,which(tr == 1)] == 1)
        post <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 1 & I[,which(tr == 1)] == 1)

    D.tr <- as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)])
    T0.ub <- apply(D.tr == 0, 2, sum) 
    T0.ub.min <- min(T0.ub) ## unbalanced data

    if (!is.null(W)) {
        W.tr <- as.matrix(W[,which(tr == 1)])

    Ntr <- sum(tr)
    Nco <- N - Ntr
    ## careful: only valid for balanced panel
    T0 <- apply(pre, 2, sum) 
    T0.min <- min(T0)
    sameT0 <- length(unique(T0)) == 1 ## treatment kicks in at the same time 
                                      ## unbalanced case needs more conditions
    if (!0%in%I.tr) {
        DID <- sameT0
    } else {
        DID <- length(unique(T0.ub)) == 1

    if (is.null(beta0) == TRUE ) {
        beta0 <- matrix(0, p, 1)
    id <- 1:N
    time <- 1:TT
    id.tr <- which(tr == 1) ## treated id
    id.co <- which(tr == 0)

    ## parsing data
    Y.tr <- as.matrix(Y[,id.tr])
    Y.co <- as.matrix(Y[,id.co])

    Y0 <- NULL
    ## initial fit 
    data.ini <- matrix(NA, N*TT, (p+3))
    data.ini[,1] <- c(Y)
    data.ini[,2] <- rep(1:N, each = TT)
    data.ini[,3] <- rep(1:TT, N)
    if (p > 0) {
      for (i in 1:p) {
          data.ini[, (3 + i)] <- c(X[, , i])

    initialOut <- try(initialFit(data.ini, force, oci), silent = TRUE)
    if('try-error' %in% class(initialOut)) {
        return(list(att = rep(NA, TT), att.avg = NA, beta = matrix(NA, p, 1), eff = matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)))
        ## stop("Error occurs. Please set a smaller value of factor number.")

    Y0 <- initialOut$Y0
    beta0 <- initialOut$beta0
    ## Main Algorithm

    validX <- 1 ## no multi-colinearity
    if (CV == FALSE) { ## case: CV==0 or no factor  
        ## matrix completion
        est.best <- inter_fe_mc(YY, Y0, X, II, beta0, hasF, lambda[1], force, tol) 

        if (p > 0) {
            na.pos <- is.nan(est.best$beta)

        lambda.cv <- lambda[1]    
    } else { 
        ## Cross-validation of lambda
        ## initial values
        cat("Cross-validating ...","\r")

        ## tot.id <- which(c(II)==1) ## observed control data
        cv.count <- ceiling((sum(II)*sum(II))/sum(I))

        Y.lambda <- YY - Y0
        Y.lambda[which(II == 0)] <- 0
        eigen.all <- svd( Y.lambda / (TT * N) )$d
        lambda.max <- max(eigen.all)

        if (is.null(lambda) || length(lambda) == 1) {
            lambda <- rep(NA, nlambda)
            lambda.by <- 3/(nlambda - 2)
            for (i in 1:(nlambda - 1)) {
                lambda[i] <- 10^(log10(lambda.max) - (i - 1) * lambda.by)
            lambda[nlambda] <- 0

        ## store all MSPE
        CV.out <- matrix(NA, length(lambda), 2)
        colnames(CV.out) <- c("lambda.norm", "MSPE")
        CV.out[,"lambda.norm"] <- c(lambda/lambda.max)
        CV.out[,"MSPE"] <- 1e20

        ociCV <- matrix(NA, cv.count, k) ## store indicator
        rmCV <- matrix(NA, (length(oci) - cv.count), k) ## removed indicator
        Y0CV <- array(NA, dim = c(TT, N, k)) ## store initial Y0
        if (p > 0) {
            beta0CV <- array(NA, dim = c(p, 1, k)) 
        } else {
            beta0CV <- array(0, dim = c(1, 0, k)) ## store initial beta0

        for (i in 1:k) {
            cv.n <- 0
                cv.n <- cv.n + 1
                cv.id <- sample(oci, as.integer(sum(II) - cv.count), replace = FALSE)
                II.cv <- II
                II.cv[cv.id] <- 0
                con1 <- sum(apply(II.cv, 1, sum) > 0) == TT
                con2 <- sum(apply(II.cv, 2, sum) > 0) == N
                if (con1 & con2) {
                if (cv.n > 100) {
                    stop("Some units have too few pre-treatment observations. Try to remove them.")
            rmCV[,i] <- cv.id
            ocicv <- setdiff(oci, cv.id)
            ociCV[,i] <- ocicv

            initialOutCv <- initialFit(data = data.ini, force = force, oci = ocicv)
            Y0CV[,,i] <- initialOutCv$Y0
            if (p > 0) {
                beta0cv <- initialOutCv$beta0
                beta0CV[,,i] <- beta0cv

        for (i in 1:length(lambda)) {    
            ## k <- 5
            SSE <- 0
            for (ii in 1:k) {
                II.cv <- II
                II.cv[rmCV[,ii]] <- 0
                YY.cv <- YY
                YY.cv[rmCV[,ii]] <- 0
                est.cv.fit <- inter_fe_mc(YY.cv, as.matrix(Y0CV[,,ii]), X, II.cv, as.matrix(beta0CV[,,ii]), 1, lambda[i], force, tol)$fit
                SSE <- SSE + sum((YY[rmCV[,ii]]-est.cv.fit[rmCV[,ii]])^2)
            MSPE <- SSE/(k*(sum(II) - cv.count))

            est.cv <- inter_fe_mc(YY, Y0, X, II, beta0, 1, lambda[i], force, tol) ## overall

                MSPE <- MSPE*(norm.para[1]^2)

            if ((min(CV.out[,"MSPE"]) - MSPE) > tol*min(CV.out[,"MSPE"])) {
                ## at least 5% improvement for MPSE
                est.best <- est.cv  
                lambda.cv <- lambda[i]
            } else {
                if (i > 1) {
                    if (lambda.cv == lambda[i-1]) cat("*")
            CV.out[i, "MSPE"] <- MSPE

            cat("\n lambda.norm = ",
            sprintf("%.5f",lambda[i] / lambda.max),"; MSPE = ",
            sprintf("%.5f",MSPE), sep="")

        cat("\n\n lambda.norm* = ",lambda.cv / lambda.max, sep="")
        MSPE.best <- min(CV.out[,"MSPE"])
    } ## End of Cross-Validation

    validX <- est.best$validX
    validF <- est.best$validF
    ## ATT and Counterfactuals 
    ## effect
    Y.fit <- est.best$fit
    Y.ct <- as.matrix(Y.fit[,tr])
    if (0%in%I.tr) {
        Y.ct[which(I.tr==0)] <- 0 ## adjust    
    eff <- Y.tr - Y.ct
    res <- est.best$residuals
    res.co <- as.matrix(res[,id.co])

    if (p>0) {
        beta <- est.best$beta
        if (est.best$validX == 0) {
            beta <- matrix(0, p, 1) 
        } else {
            beta <- est.best$beta
            beta[is.nan(est.best$beta)] <- 0
    } else {
        beta <- NA
    mu <- est.best$mu 
    Y.fe.bar <- rep(mu, TT)
    if (force%in%c(2,3)) {
        xi <- est.best$xi ## a (TT*1) matrix
        Y.fe.bar <- Y.fe.bar + xi

    if (0%in%I.tr) {
        eff[which(I.tr == 0)] <- 0 ## adjust    
    } ## missing data will be adjusted to NA finally
    ## Summarize
    ## counterfactuals and averages
    if (is.null(W)) {
        if (!0%in%I) {
            Y.tr.bar <- rowMeans(Y.tr)
            Y.ct.bar <- rowMeans(Y.ct)
            Y.co.bar <- rowMeans(Y.co)  
        } else {
            Y.tr.bar <- rowSums(Y.tr)/rowSums(I.tr)
            Y.ct.bar <- rowSums(Y.ct)/rowSums(I.tr)
            Y.co.bar <- rowSums(Y.co)/rowSums(I.co)
    } else {
        Y.tr.bar <- rowSums(Y.tr * W.tr)/rowSums(W.tr)
        Y.ct.bar <- rowSums(Y.ct * W.tr)/rowSums(W.tr)
        Y.co.bar <- rowSums(Y.co)/rowSums(I.co)

    ##Y.tr and Y.ct
    Y.bar <- cbind(Y.tr.bar, Y.ct.bar, Y.co.bar)
    colnames(Y.bar) <- c("Y.tr.bar", "Y.ct.bar", "Y.co.bar")
    ## ATT and average outcomes
    eff.cnt <- NULL
    if (DID == TRUE) { ## diff-in-diffs: same timing
        if (is.null(W)) {
            if (!0%in%I.tr) {
                att <- rowMeans(eff)
            } else {
                att <- rowSums(eff)/rowSums(I.tr)
        } else {
            att <- rowSums(eff * W.tr)/rowSums(W.tr)
    } else { ## diff timing, centered the att
        if (!0%in%I.tr) {
            eff.cnt <- Y.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
            if (!is.null(W)) {
                W.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
            for (j in 1:Ntr) {
                eff.cnt[1:(TT+T0.min-T0[j]), j] <- eff[(T0[j]-T0.min+1):TT, j]  
                Y.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.min-T0[j]), j] <- Y.tr[(T0[j]-T0.min+1):TT, j]
                if (!is.null(W)) {
                    W.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.min-T0[j]), j] <- W.tr[(T0[j]-T0.min+1):TT, j]   
            if (is.null(W)) {
                att <- apply(eff.cnt, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.tr.cnt <- apply(Y.tr.center, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
            } else {
                eff.cnt[which(is.na(eff.cnt))] <- 0
                Y.tr.center[which(is.na(Y.tr.center))] <- 0
                W.tr.center[which(is.na(W.tr.center))] <- 0
                att <- rowSums(eff.cnt * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.tr.cnt <- rowSums(Y.tr.center * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
        } else {
            T0.ub <- apply(as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0), 2, sum) 
            T0.ub.min <- min(T0.ub)
            eff.cnt <- Y.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
            eff[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
            Y.tr[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
            if (!is.null(W)) {
                W.tr.center <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
                W.tr[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
            for (j in 1:Ntr) {
                eff.cnt[1:(TT+T0.ub.min-T0.ub[j]), j] <- eff[(T0.ub[j]-T0.ub.min+1):TT, j]  
                Y.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.ub.min-T0.ub[j]),j] <- Y.tr[(T0.ub[j]-T0.ub.min+1):TT, j]
                if (!is.null(W)) {
                    W.tr.center[1:(TT+T0.ub.min-T0.ub[j]), j] <- W.tr[(T0.ub[j]-T0.ub.min+1):TT, j]   
            if (is.null(W)) {
                att <- apply(eff.cnt, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.tr.cnt <- apply(Y.tr.center, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
            } else {
                eff.cnt[which(is.na(eff.cnt))] <- 0
                Y.tr.center[which(is.na(Y.tr.center))] <- 0
                W.tr.center[which(is.na(W.tr.center))] <- 0
                att <- rowSums(eff.cnt * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.tr.cnt <- rowSums(Y.tr.center * W.tr.center)/rowSums(W.tr.center)
                Y.ct.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt - att
    eff[which(is.na(eff))] <- 0 ## to calulate att
    if (is.null(W)) {
        att.avg <- sum(eff * post)/sum(post)
    } else {
        att.avg <- sum(eff * post * W.tr)/sum(post * W.tr)

    ## AR1: calculate accumulative effect
    if (AR1 == TRUE) {
        rho <- est.best$beta[1]
        if (length(beta) > 1) {
            beta <- beta[-1]
        eff.tmp <- eff * D[, id.tr]
        eff.acc <- matrix(0, TT, Ntr)
        for (t in (T0.min + 1):TT) {
            for (i in 0:(t-T0.min-1)) {
                eff.acc[t,] <- eff.acc[t,] + eff.tmp[t-i,] * (rho^i)
    ## final adjust unbalanced output
    if (0%in%I) {
        eff[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
        Y.ct[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
        Y.tr[which(I.tr == 0)] <- NA
        res[which(II == 0)] <- NA
        Y.co[which(I.co == 0)] <- NA
        res.co[which(I.co==0)] <- NA
        est.best$residuals[which(II == 0)] <- NA

    ## adjust beta: invariant covar
    if (p > 0) {
        if( sum(na.pos) > 0 ) {
            beta[na.pos] <- NA

    ## final adjustment
    if (!is.null(norm.para)) {
        mu <- mu * norm.para[1]
        est.best$mu <- est.best$mu * norm.para[1]

        if (force%in%c(1, 3)) {
            est.best$alpha <- est.best$alpha * norm.para[1]
        if (force%in%c(2,3)) {
            est$xi <- est$xi * norm.para[1]
            xi <- xi * norm.para[1]

        res <- res * norm.para[1]
        res.co <- res.co * norm.para[1]
        est.best$residuals <- est.best$residuals * norm.para[1]

        Y.tr <- Y.tr * norm.para[1] 
        Y.ct <- Y.ct * norm.para[1]
        Y.co <- Y.co * norm.para[1]
        eff <- eff * norm.para[1]
        Y.bar <- Y.bar * norm.para[1]
        att <- att * norm.para[1]
        att.avg <- att.avg * norm.para[1]
        if ( !is.null(eff.cnt) ) {
            eff.cnt <- eff.cnt * norm.para[1]
            Y.tr.cnt <- Y.tr.cnt * norm.para[1]
            Y.ct.cnt <- Y.ct.cnt * norm.para[1]

    T0 <- apply(as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0), 2, sum) ## for plot

    ## Storage 
    names(att) <- c(1:TT) - min(T0.ub)  

    ##control group residuals
        ## main results
        D.tr = D.tr,
        I.tr = I.tr,
        Y.tr = Y.tr,
        Y.ct = Y.ct,
        Y.co = Y.co, 
        eff = eff,
        Y.bar = Y.bar,
        att = att,
        att.avg = att.avg,
        ## supporting
        force = force,
        sameT0 = DID,
        T = TT,
        N = N,
        p = p,
        Ntr = Ntr,
        Nco = Nco,
        T0 = T0,
        tr = tr,
        pre = pre,
        post = post,
        lambda.cv = lambda.cv, 
        beta = beta,
        est = est.best,
        mu = mu,
        validX = validX,
        validF = validF,
        niter = est.best$niter

    out <- c(out,list(res = res, res.co = res.co))

    if ( DID == FALSE ) {
        names(Y.ct.cnt) <- names(Y.tr.cnt) <- rownames(eff.cnt) <- c(1:TT) - min(T0.ub)
        out<-c(out,list(eff.cnt = eff.cnt,
                        Y.tr.cnt = Y.tr.cnt,
                        Y.ct.cnt = Y.ct.cnt))
    if (CV) {
        out<-c(out, list(MSPE = MSPE.best,
                         CV.out = CV.out,
                         lambda.cv.norm = lambda.cv / lambda.max))
    if (force==1) {
        out<-c(out, list(alpha.tr = as.matrix(est.best$alpha[id.tr,]), alpha.co = as.matrix(est.best$alpha[id.co,])))
    } else if (force == 2) {
        out<-c(out,list(xi = xi))
    } else if (force == 3) {
        out<-c(out,list(alpha.tr = as.matrix(est.best$alpha[id.tr,]), alpha.co = as.matrix(est.best$alpha[id.co,]),
                        xi = xi))
    if (AR1 == TRUE) {
        out<-c(out,list(rho = rho,
                        eff.acc = eff.acc))

} ## Core functions ends

## Inference 

                     D, ## input
                     cl = NULL,
                     W = NULL, 
                     EM, ## EM algorithm
                     r=0, r.end,
                     lambda = NULL,
                     nlambda = 10,
                     MC = FALSE,
                     CV, ## cross validation
                     criterion = "mspe", 
                     inference, ## c("parametric","nonparametric")
                     AR1 = FALSE,
                     beta0 = NULL,
                     parallel = TRUE,
                     alpha = 0.05,
                     cores = NULL){
    na.pos <- NULL
    TT <- dim(Y)[1]
    N <- dim(Y)[2]
    if (is.null(X) == FALSE) {
        p <- dim(X)[3]
    } else {
        p <- 0

    ## treatement indicator
    tr <- D[TT,] == 1  ## cross-sectional: treated unit
    co <- D[TT,] == 0 
    I.tr <- as.matrix(I[,tr])
    I.co <- I[, co]
    D.tr <- D[, tr]
    pre <- as.matrix(D[, which(tr == 1)] == 0 & I[, which(tr == 1)] != 0)
    post <- as.matrix(D[, which(tr == 1)] != 0 & I[, which(tr == 1)] != 0)
    Ntr <- sum(tr)
    Nco <- N - Ntr
    T0 <- apply(pre, 2, sum) 
    T0.min <- min(T0)
    sameT0 <- length(unique(T0)) == 1 ## treatment kicks in at the same time

    ## to calculate treated numbers
    T0.ub <- apply(as.matrix(D[,which(tr == 1)] == 0), 2, sum) 
    T0.ub.min <- min(T0.ub)

    id <- 1:N
    time <- 1:TT
    id.tr <- which(tr == 1) ## treated id
    id.co <- which(tr == 0)

    ## vectorized "pre-treatment" indicator
    pre.v <- as.vector(pre)
    ## vectorized pre-treatment grouping variable for the treated
    id.tr.pre.v <- rep(id, each = TT)[which(pre.v == 1)]
    ## create a list of pre-treatment periods
    time.pre <- split(rep(time, Ntr)[which(pre.v == 1)], id.tr.pre.v) 
    ## estimation
    if (MC == FALSE) {
        if (EM == FALSE) {
            out <- synth.core(Y = Y, X = X, D = D, I = I, W = W, r = r, r.end = r.end, 
                              force = force, CV = CV, criterion = criterion, tol = tol,
                              AR1 = AR1, beta0 = beta0, norm.para = norm.para, boot = 0)
        } else { # the case with EM
            if (CV == FALSE) {
                out <- synth.em(Y = Y, X = X, D = D, I = I, W = W, r = r, force = force,
                                tol = tol, AR1 = AR1, beta0 = beta0, norm.para = norm.para, boot = 0)
            } else {
                out <- synth.em.cv(Y = Y, X = X, D = D, I = I, W = W, r = r, r.end = r.end,
                                   criterion = criterion, force = force, tol = tol,
                                   AR1 = AR1, beta0 = beta0, norm.para = norm.para)
        ## for parametric bootstarp: some control group units may not be suitble
        if (inference == "parametric") {
            co.pre <- apply(as.matrix(I.co[1:T0.ub.min, ]), 2, sum)
            co.post <- apply(as.matrix(I.co[(max(T0.ub)+1):TT, ]), 2, sum)
            if (force %in% c(1, 3)) {
                valid.co <- id.co[(co.pre >= (out$r.cv + 1)) & (co.post >= 1)]
            } else {
                valid.co <- id.co[(co.pre >= out$r.cv) & (co.post >= 1)]
    } else {
        out <- synth.mc(Y = Y, X = X, D = D, I = I, W = W, 
                        lambda = lambda, nlambda = nlambda, 
                        force = force, tol = tol, CV = CV, k = k, 
                        AR1 = AR1, beta0 = beta0, norm.para = norm.para)

    ## output
    validX <- out$validX
    eff <- out$eff
    att <- out$att
    att.avg <- out$att.avg
    DID <- out$sameT0

    if (p > 0) {
        beta <- out$beta
        if (!0 %in% I.co) {
            if (NA %in% beta) {
                if (sum(is.na(beta)) < p) {
                    beta.it <- as.matrix(beta[which(!is.na(beta))])
                } else {
                    beta.it <- matrix(0, 0, 1)
            } else {
                beta.it <- beta
        } else {
          beta.it <- beta0
    } else {
        beta.it <- beta <- matrix(0, 0, 1)

    if (MC == FALSE) {
        error.co <- out$res.co ## error terms (T*Nco) contains NA unbalanced data
    } else {
        error <- out$res

    if (is.null(cl)) {
        cl.unique <- NULL
    } else {
        cl.unique <- unique(cl)

    Y.tr.bar = out$Y.bar[,1]
    Y.ct.bar = out$Y.bar[,2]
    Y.co.bar = out$Y.bar[,3]

    if (inference == "jackknife") {
        nboots <- N

    ## bootstrapped estimates
    if (is.null(cl)) {
        eff.boot <- array(0, dim = c(TT,Ntr,nboots))  ## to store results
        Dtr.boot <- array(0, dim = c(TT,Ntr,nboots))  ## to store results
        Itr.boot <- array(0, dim = c(TT,Ntr,nboots))  ## to store results
    } else {
        eff.boot <- NULL
        Dtr.boot <- NULL
        Itr.boot <- NULL

    att.boot <- matrix(0, TT, nboots)
    att.avg.boot <- matrix(0, nboots, 1)
    if (p > 0) {
        beta.boot <- matrix(0, p, nboots)
    if (inference %in% c("nonparametric", "jackknife")) { ## nonparametric bootstrap

        if (inference == "nonparametric") {
            cat("\rBootstrapping ...\n")
        } else {
            cat("\r Jackknifing ...\n")
        if (MC == FALSE) {
            if (EM == FALSE) {
                one.nonpara <- function(num = NULL){

                    if (!is.null(num)) {
                        boot.id <- (1:N)[-num]
                    } else {
                        if (is.null(cl)) {
                            repeat {
                                fake.co <- sample(id.co, Nco, replace = TRUE)
                                if (sum(apply(as.matrix(I[,fake.co]),1,sum) >= 1) == TT) {

                            boot.id <- c(sample(id.tr, Ntr, replace = TRUE), fake.co)
                        } else {
                            cl.boot <- sample(cl.unique, length(cl.unique), replace = TRUE)
                            cl.boot.uni <- unique(cl.boot)
                            cl.boot.count <- as.numeric(table(cl.boot))
                            boot.id <- c()
                            for (kk in 1:length(cl.boot.uni)) {
                                boot.id <- c(boot.id, rep(which(cl == cl.boot.uni[kk]), cl.boot.count[kk]))
                    Y.boot <- Y[,boot.id]
                    X.boot <- NULL
                    if (p > 0) {
                        X.boot <- X[,boot.id,,drop = FALSE]
                    D.boot <- D[,boot.id]
                    I.boot <- I[,boot.id]
                    W.boot <- NULL
                    if (!is.null(W)) {
                        W.boot <- W[,boot.id]

                    if (sum(D.boot) == 0) { ## no treated observations
                        boot0 <- list(att.avg = NA, 
                                      beta = NA,
                                      att = NA,
                                      eff = NA,
                                      D.tr = NA,
                                      I.tr = NA)
                    } else {
                        boot <- try(synth.core(Y.boot, X.boot, D.boot, I = I.boot,
                                               W = W.boot, force = force, r = out$r.cv, CV = 0,
                                               tol = tol, AR1 = AR1,
                                               beta0 = beta.it, norm.para = norm.para, boot = 1), 
                                    silent = TRUE)
                        if ('try-error' %in% class(boot)) {
                            boot0 <- list(att.avg = NA, 
                                          beta = NA,
                                          att = NA,
                                          eff = NA,
                                          D.tr = NA,
                                          I.tr = NA)
                        } else {
                            if ("eff" %in% names(boot)) {
                            } else {
                                boot0 <- list(att.avg = NA, 
                                          beta = NA,
                                          att = NA,
                                          eff = NA,
                                          D.tr = NA,
                                          I.tr = NA)

            } else { # the case of EM
                one.nonpara <- function(num = NULL){
                    if (!is.null(num)) {
                        boot.id <- (1:N)[-num]
                    } else {
                        if (is.null(cl)) {
                            repeat {
                                fake.co <- sample(id.co, Nco, replace = TRUE)
                                if (sum(apply(as.matrix(I[,fake.co]), 1, sum) >= 1) == TT) {

                            boot.id <- c(sample(id.tr, Ntr, replace = TRUE), fake.co)
                        } else {
                            cl.boot <- sample(cl.unique, length(cl.unique), replace = TRUE)
                            cl.boot.uni <- unique(cl.boot)
                            cl.boot.count <- as.numeric(table(cl.boot))
                            boot.id <- c()
                            for (kk in 1:length(cl.boot.uni)) {
                                boot.id <- c(boot.id, rep(which(cl == cl.boot.uni[kk]), cl.boot.count[kk]))
                    Y.boot <- Y[,boot.id]
                    X.boot <- NULL
                    if (p > 0) {
                        X.boot <- X[,boot.id,,drop = FALSE]
                    D.boot <- D[,boot.id]
                    I.boot <- I[,boot.id]
                    W.boot <- NULL
                    if (!is.null(W)) {
                        W.boot <- W[,boot.id]

                    if (sum(D.boot) == 0) { ## no treated observations
                        boot0 <- list(att.avg = NA, 
                                      beta = NA,
                                      att = NA,
                                      eff = NA,
                                      D.tr = NA,
                                      I.tr = NA)
                    } else {
                        boot <- try(synth.em(Y = Y.boot, X = X.boot, D = D.boot, I = I.boot,
                                             W = W.boot, force = force, r = out$r.cv,
                                             tol = tol, AR1 = AR1, beta0 = beta.it, norm.para = norm.para, boot = 1), silent = TRUE)
                        if ('try-error' %in% class(boot)) {
                            boot0 <- list(att.avg = NA, 
                                          beta = NA,
                                          att = NA,
                                          eff = NA,
                                          D.tr = NA,
                                          I.tr = NA)
                        } else {
                            if ("eff" %in% names(boot)) {
                            } else {
                                boot0 <- list(att.avg = NA, 
                                          beta = NA,
                                          att = NA,
                                          eff = NA,
                                          D.tr = NA,
                                          I.tr = NA)

        } else { ## mc
            one.nonpara <- function(num = NULL){

                if (!is.null(num)) {
                    boot.id <- (1:N)[-num]
                } else {
                    if (is.null(cl)) {
                        fake.co <- sample(id.co, Nco, replace = TRUE)
                        boot.id <- c(sample(id.tr, Ntr, replace = TRUE), fake.co)
                    } else {
                        cl.boot <- sample(cl.unique, length(cl.unique), replace = TRUE)
                        cl.boot.uni <- unique(cl.boot)
                        cl.boot.count <- as.numeric(table(cl.boot))
                        boot.id <- c()
                        for (kk in 1:length(cl.boot.uni)) {
                            boot.id <- c(boot.id, rep(which(cl == cl.boot.uni[kk]), cl.boot.count[kk]))
                Y.boot <- Y[,boot.id]
                X.boot <- NULL
                if (p > 0) {
                    X.boot <- X[,boot.id,,drop = FALSE]
                D.boot <- D[,boot.id]
                I.boot <- I[,boot.id]
                W.boot <- NULL
                if (!is.null(W)) {
                    W.boot <- W[,boot.id]

                con1 <- sum(apply(I.boot,1,sum) >= 1) == TT
                con2 <- sum(apply(I.boot,2,sum) >= 1) == N
                con3 <- sum(D.boot) > 0

                if (!is.null(num) && (!con1 || !con2 || !con3)) {
                    boot0 <- list(att.avg = NA, 
                                  beta = NA,
                                  att = NA,
                                  eff = NA,
                                  D.tr = NA,
                                  I.tr = NA)
                } else {
                    boot <- try(synth.mc(Y.boot, X.boot, D.boot, I = I.boot,
                                         W = W.boot, force = force, 
                                         lambda = out$lambda.cv, hasF = out$validF, 
                                         CV = 0, tol = tol, AR1 = AR1, beta0 = beta.it, norm.para = norm.para), silent = TRUE)
                    if ('try-error' %in% class(boot)) {
                        boot0 <- list(att.avg = NA, 
                                      beta = NA,
                                      att = NA,
                                      eff = NA,
                                      D.tr = NA,
                                      I.tr = NA)
                    } else {
                        if ("eff" %in% names(boot)) {
                        } else {
                            boot0 <- list(att.avg = NA, 
                                      beta = NA,
                                      att = NA,
                                      eff = NA,
                                      D.tr = NA,
                                      I.tr = NA)

        ## computing
        boot.seq <- NULL
        if (inference == "jackknife") {
            ## nboots <- min(N, nboots)
            ## boot.seq <- jack.seq[1:nboots]
            boot.seq <- 1:N 
        if (parallel == TRUE) { 
            boot.out <- foreach(j=1:nboots, 
                                .inorder = FALSE,
                                .export = c("synth.core","synth.em","synth.mc"),
                                .packages = c("gsynth")
                                ) %dopar% {

            for (j in 1:nboots) { 
                att.boot[,j] <- boot.out[[j]]$att
                att.avg.boot[j,] <- boot.out[[j]]$att.avg  
                if (p > 0) {
                    beta.boot[,j] <- boot.out[[j]]$beta
                if (inference != "jackknife") {
                    if (is.null(cl)) {
                        eff.boot[,,j] <- boot.out[[j]]$eff
                        Dtr.boot[,,j] <-  boot.out[[j]]$D.tr
                        Itr.boot[,,j] <-  boot.out[[j]]$I.tr
                    } else {
                        eff.boot <- c(eff.boot, list(boot.out[[j]]$eff))
                        Dtr.boot <- c(Dtr.boot, list(boot.out[[j]]$D.tr))
                        Itr.boot <- c(Itr.boot, list(boot.out[[j]]$I.tr))
        } else {
            for (j in 1:nboots) { 
                boot <- one.nonpara(boot.seq[j]) 
                att.boot[,j] <- boot$att
                att.avg.boot[j,] <- boot$att.avg
                if (p > 0) {
                    beta.boot[,j] <- boot$beta
                if (inference != "jackknife") {
                    if (is.null(cl)) {
                        eff.boot[,,j] <- boot$eff
                        Dtr.boot[,,j] <-  boot$D.tr
                        Itr.boot[,,j] <-  boot$I.tr
                    } else {
                        eff.boot <- c(eff.boot, list(boot$eff))
                        Dtr.boot <- c(Dtr.boot, list(boot$D.tr))
                        Itr.boot <- c(Itr.boot, list(boot$I.tr))
                ## report progress
                if (j %% 100 == 0)  {
        ## end of bootstrapping
    } else if (inference=="parametric") { ## end of non-parametric
        ## library("mvtnorm") ## generate multivariate normal distribution residual
        if (EM == FALSE) { # the case without EM
            ## y fixed
            if (is.null(norm.para)) {
                error.co <- out$res.co ## contains NA unbalanced data 
                Y.fixed <- Y
                Y.fixed[, id.tr] <- as.matrix(out$Y.ct)
                Y.fixed[, id.co] <- Y.fixed[, id.co] - error.co
            } else {
                error.co <- out$res.co/norm.para[1]
                Y.fixed <- Y
                Y.fixed[, id.tr] <- as.matrix(out$Y.ct/norm.para[1])
                Y.fixed[, id.co] <- Y.fixed[, id.co] - error.co
            Y.fixed[which(I == 0)] <- 0

            draw.error <- function() {
                ## draw 1 prediction error at a time      
                repeat {
                    fake.tr <- sample(id.co, 1, replace = FALSE)
                    if (fake.tr %in% valid.co) {
                id.co.rest <- id.co[which(!id.co %in% fake.tr)]
                ## resample control, to smooth CV prediction error
                repeat {
                    id.co.pseudo <- sample(id.co.rest, Nco, replace = TRUE)
                    if (sum(apply(as.matrix(I[, id.co.pseudo]), 1, sum) >= 1) == TT) {
                id.pseudo <- c(rep(fake.tr, Ntr), id.co.pseudo)  ## Ntr + ...
                I.id.pseudo <- I[, id.pseudo] 
                ## obtain the prediction eror
                D.pseudo<-D[, c(id.tr, id.co.pseudo)]  ## fake.tr + control left
                Y.pseudo<-Y[, id.pseudo]
                ## X.pseudo<-X[,id.pseudo,,drop = FALSE]
                X.pseudo <- NULL
                if (p > 0) {
                    X.pseudo<-X[,id.pseudo,,drop = FALSE]
                W.pseudo <- NULL
                if (!is.null(W)) {
                    W.pseudo <- W[,id.pseudo]
                ## output
                synth.out <- try(synth.core(Y = Y.pseudo, X = X.pseudo, D = D.pseudo,
                                        I = I.id.pseudo, W = W.pseudo, 
                                        force = force, r = out$r.cv, CV = 0,
                                        tol = tol, AR1 = AR1, beta0 = beta.it,
                                        norm.para = norm.para, boot = 1), silent = TRUE)
                if ('try-error' %in% class(synth.out)) {
                    return(matrix(NA, TT, Ntr))
                } else {

                    if ("eff" %in% names(synth.out)) {
                        if (is.null(norm.para)) {
                            output <- synth.out$eff
                        } else {
                            output <- synth.out$eff/norm.para[1]
                        return(as.matrix(output)) ## TT * Ntr
                    } else {
                        return(matrix(NA, TT, Ntr))

            cat("\rSimulating errors ...")
            if (parallel == TRUE) {
                error.tr <- foreach(j = 1:nboots,
                                    .combine = function(...) abind(...,along=3),
                                    .multicombine = TRUE,
                                    .export = c("synth.core"),
                                    .packages = c("gsynth"),
                                    .inorder = FALSE)  %dopar% {
            } else {
                error.tr <- array(NA, dim = c(TT, Ntr, nboots))
                for (j in 1:nboots) {
                    error.tr[,,j] <- draw.error()
                    if (j %% 100 == 0) {
            if (0%in%I) {
                ## calculate vcov of ep_tr
                na.sum <- sapply(1:nboots, function(vec){sum(is.na(c(error.tr[,,vec])))})
                na.rm <- na.sum == TT * Ntr
                na.rm.count <- sum(na.rm)
                rm.pos <- which(na.rm == TRUE)

                if (na.rm.count > 0) {
                    if (na.rm.count == nboots) {
                        stop("fail to simulate errors.\n")
                    error.tr <- error.tr[,,-rm.pos, drop = FALSE]

                error.tr.adj <- array(NA, dim = c(TT, nboots - na.rm.count, Ntr))
                for(i in 1:Ntr){
                    error.tr.adj[,,i] <- error.tr[,i,]
                vcov_tr <- array(NA, dim = c(TT, TT, Ntr))
                for(i in 1:Ntr){
                    vcov_tr[,,i] <- res.vcov(res = error.tr.adj[,,i],
                                             cov.ar = cov.ar)
                    vcov_tr[,,i][is.na(vcov_tr[,,i]) | is.nan(vcov_tr[,,i])] <- 0
                ## calculate vcov of e_co
                vcov_co <- res.vcov(res = error.co, cov.ar = cov.ar)
                vcov_co[is.na(vcov_co) | is.nan(vcov_co)] <- 0

            one.boot <- function() {
                ## boostrap ID
                repeat {
                    fake.co <- sample(id.co,Nco, replace=TRUE)
                    if (sum(apply(as.matrix(I[,fake.co]), 1, sum) >= 1) == TT) {
                id.boot <- c(id.tr, fake.co)
                ## get the error for the treated and control
                error.tr.boot <- matrix(NA, TT, Ntr)
                if (0 %in% I) {
                    for (w in 1:Ntr) {
                        error.tr.boot[,w] <- t(rmvnorm(n = 1, rep(0, TT), vcov_tr[,,w], method = "svd"))
                    error.tr.boot[which(I.tr == 0)] <- 0
                    error.co.boot <- 
                        t(rmvnorm(n = Nco, rep(0, TT), vcov_co, method = "svd"))

                    error.co.boot[which(as.matrix(I[,fake.co]) == 0)] <- 0
                } else {
                    for (w in 1:Ntr) {
                        error.tr.boot[,w] <- error.tr[,w,sample(1:nboots,1,replace = TRUE)]
                    error.co.boot <- error.co[, sample(1:Nco, Nco, replace = TRUE)] 

                Y.boot <- Y.fixed[,id.boot]
                Y.boot[,1:Ntr] <- as.matrix(Y.boot[,1:Ntr] + error.tr.boot)
                ## new treated: conterfactual+effect+ (same) new error
                Y.boot[,(Ntr+1):length(id.boot)] + error.co.boot
                X.boot <- NULL
                if (p > 0) {
                    X.boot <- X[,id.boot,,drop = FALSE] 
                D.boot <- D[,id.boot] 
                I.boot <- I[,id.boot]
                W.boot <- NULL
                if (!is.null(W)) {
                    W.boot <- W[,id.boot]
                ## re-estimate the model 
                boot <- try(synth.core(Y.boot, X.boot, D.boot, I = I.boot, 
                                       W = W.boot, force = force, r = out$r.cv,
                                       CV = 0, tol = tol, AR1 = AR1,
                                       beta0 = beta.it, norm.para = norm.para, boot = 1), silent = TRUE)

                if ('try-error' %in% class(boot)) {
                    boot0 <- list(eff = NA,
                                  att.avg = NA, 
                                  beta = NA,
                                  att = NA,
                                  D.tr = NA,
                                  I.tr = NA)
                } else {
                    if ("eff" %in% names(boot)) {
                        b.out <- list(eff = boot$eff + out$eff,
                        att = boot$att + out$att,
                        att.avg = boot$att.avg + out$att.avg,
                        D.tr = boot$D.tr,
                        I.tr = boot$I.tr)
                        if (p>0) {
                            b.out <- c(b.out, list(beta = boot$beta))
                    } else {
                        boot0 <- list(eff = NA,
                                  att.avg = NA, 
                                  beta = NA,
                                  att = NA,
                                  D.tr = NA,
                                  I.tr = NA)
        } else { # the case of EM
            ## y fixed
            if (is.null(norm.para)) {
                error.co <- out$res.co ## contains NA unbalanced data 
                Y.fixed <- Y
                Y.fixed[,id.tr] <- as.matrix(out$Y.ct)
                Y.fixed[,id.co] <- Y.fixed[,id.co]-error.co
            } else {
                error.co <- out$res.co/norm.para[1]
                Y.fixed <- Y
                Y.fixed[,id.tr] <- as.matrix(out$Y.ct/norm.para[1])
                Y.fixed[,id.co] <- Y.fixed[,id.co]-error.co
            Y.fixed[which(I==0)] <- 0

            if (0%in%I) {
                vcov_co <- res.vcov(res = error.co, cov.ar = cov.ar)
                vcov_co[is.na(vcov_co)|is.nan(vcov_co)] <- 0
            one.boot <- function() {

                ## sample errors
                error.id <- sample(1:Nco, N, replace = TRUE)
                ## produce the new outcome data
                if (0%in%I) {
                    error.boot <- 
                    Y.boot <- Y.fixed + error.boot   
                } else {
                    Y.boot<-Y.fixed + error.co[,error.id]
                ## re-estimate the model
                boot <- try(synth.em(Y.boot, X, D, I=I, W=W, force=force, r=out$r.cv,
                               tol=tol, AR1 = AR1, beta0 = beta.it, norm.para = norm.para, boot = 1), silent = TRUE)

                if ('try-error' %in% class(boot)) {
                    boot0 <- list(eff = NA,
                                  att.avg = NA, 
                                  beta = NA,
                                  att = NA,
                                  D.tr = NA,
                                  I.tr = NA)
                } else {
                    if ("eff" %in% names(boot)) {
                        b.out <- list(eff = boot$eff + out$eff,
                        att = boot$att + out$att,
                        att.avg = boot$att.avg + out$att.avg,
                        D.tr = boot$D.tr,
                        I.tr = boot$I.tr)
                        if (p>0) {
                            b.out <- c(b.out, list(beta = boot$beta))
                    } else {
                        boot0 <- list(eff = NA,
                                      att.avg = NA, 
                                      beta = NA,
                                      att = NA,
                                      D.tr = NA,
                                      I.tr = NA)
        } # the end of the EM case

        ## computing
        cat("\rBootstrapping ...\n")
        if (parallel == TRUE) { 
            boot.out <- foreach(k=1:nboots,
                                .inorder = FALSE,
                                .export = c("synth.core","synth.em"),
                                .packages = c("gsynth")
                                ) %dopar% {
            for (j in 1:nboots) {
                if (p>0) {
                Dtr.boot[,,j] <-  boot.out[[j]]$D.tr
                Itr.boot[,,j] <-  boot.out[[j]]$I.tr
        } else {
            for (j in 1:nboots) {
                boot.out <- one.boot()
                if (p>0) {
                Dtr.boot[,,j] <-  boot.out$D.tr
                Itr.boot[,,j] <-  boot.out$I.tr
                if (j%%100==0) {


    ##eff.na.sum <- sapply(1:nboots, function(vec){sum(is.na(c(eff.boot[,,vec])))})
    ##eff.na.count <- sum(eff.na.sum == TT * Ntr)
    eff.na.sum <- sum(is.na(c(att.avg.boot)))
    if (eff.na.sum == nboots) {
        stop("Bootstrap inference fails. Please check the data.\n")

    ## Variance and CIs

    ## function to get two-sided p-values
    get.pvalue <- function(vec) {
        if (NaN%in%vec|NA%in%vec) {
            nan.pos <- is.nan(vec)
            na.pos <- is.na(vec)
            pos <- c(which(nan.pos),which(na.pos))
            vec.a <- vec[-pos]
            a <- sum(vec.a >= 0)/(length(vec)-sum(nan.pos|na.pos)) * 2
            b <- sum(vec.a <= 0)/(length(vec)-sum(nan.pos|na.pos)) * 2  
        } else {
            a <- sum(vec >= 0)/length(vec) * 2
            b <- sum(vec <= 0)/length(vec) * 2  
        return(min(as.numeric(min(a, b)),1))
    ## ATT estimates
    if (DID == TRUE) {
        ntreated <- apply(post, 1, sum)
    } else {
        if (!0%in%I.tr) {
            rawcount <- apply(1-pre, 1, sum)
            ntreated <- c(rep(0, T0.min), rev(rawcount[(T0.min + 1): TT]))
        } else {
            Itr.sub <- I.tr[(T0.ub.min+1):TT,]
            Itr.count <- matrix(0,(TT-T0.ub.min),Ntr)
            for(i in 1:Ntr){
                Itr.count[1:(TT-T0.ub[i]),i] <- Itr.sub[(T0.ub[i]+1-T0.ub.min):(TT-T0.ub.min),i]
            rawcount <- apply(Itr.count, 1, sum)
            ## ntreated <- c(rep(0, T0.ub.min), rev(rawcount[(T0.ub.min + 1): TT]))
            ntreated <- c(rep(0, T0.ub.min), rawcount)

    # att by time
    if (inference == "jackknife") {
        att.j <- jackknifed(att, att.boot, alpha)
        est.att <- cbind(att, att.j$se, att.j$CI.l, att.j$CI.u, att.j$P, ntreated)
    } else {
        se.att <- apply(att.boot, 1, function(vec) sd(vec, na.rm=TRUE))
        CI.att <- cbind(att - se.att * qnorm(1-alpha/2), att + se.att * qnorm(1-alpha/2)) # normal approximation
        pvalue.att <- (1-pnorm(abs(att/se.att)))*2
        est.att <- cbind(att, se.att, CI.att, pvalue.att, ntreated)
    colnames(est.att) <- c("ATT", "S.E.", "CI.lower", "CI.upper","p.value", "n.Treated")

    ## average (over time) ATT
    if (inference == "jackknife") {
        att.avg.j <- jackknifed(att.avg, att.avg.boot, alpha)
        est.avg <- t(as.matrix(c(att.avg, att.avg.j$se, att.avg.j$CI.l, att.avg.j$CI.u, att.avg.j$P)))
    } else {
        se.avg <- sd(att.avg.boot, na.rm=TRUE)
        CI.avg <- c(att.avg - se.avg * qnorm(1-alpha/2), att.avg + se.avg * qnorm(1-alpha/2))
        pvalue.avg <- (1-pnorm(abs(att.avg/se.avg)))*2
        est.avg <- t(as.matrix(c(att.avg, se.avg, CI.avg, pvalue.avg)))
    colnames(est.avg) <- c("Estimate", "S.E.", "CI.lower", "CI.upper", "p.value")
    rownames(est.avg) <- "ATT.avg"
    ## individual effects
    if (inference == "parametric") {
        est.ind <- array(NA,dim=c(TT, 5, Ntr)) ## eff, se, CI.lower, CI.upper
        est.ind[,1,] <- eff
        est.ind[,2,] <- apply(eff.boot,c(1,2),sd)
        est.ind[,3,] <- est.ind[,1,] - est.ind[,2,] * qnorm(1-alpha/2)
        est.ind[,4,] <- est.ind[,1,] + est.ind[,2,] * qnorm(1-alpha/2)
        est.ind[,5,] <- (1-pnorm(abs(est.ind[,1,]/est.ind[,2,])))*2
        dimnames(est.ind)[[1]] <- rownames(est.att)
        dimnames(est.ind)[[2]] <- c("Eff", "S.E.", "CI.lower", "CI.upper", "p.value")
    colboot <- sapply(1:nboots, function(i){paste("boot",i,sep="")})

    ## regression coefficients
    if (p>0) {
        if (inference == "jackknife") {
            beta.j <- jackknifed(beta, beta.boot, alpha)
            est.beta <- cbind(beta, beta.j$se, beta.j$CI.l, beta.j$CI.u, beta.j$P)
        } else {
            se.beta<-apply(beta.boot, 1, function(vec)sd(vec,na.rm=TRUE))
            CI.beta<-cbind(c(beta) - se.beta * qnorm(1-alpha/2), c(beta) + se.beta * qnorm(1-alpha/2))
            pvalue.beta <- (1-pnorm(abs(beta/se.beta)))*2
            est.beta<-cbind(beta, se.beta, CI.beta, pvalue.beta)
        colnames(est.beta)<-c("beta", "S.E.", "CI.lower", "CI.upper", "p.value")
        colnames(beta.boot) <- colboot
    rownames(att.boot) <- rownames(est.att)
    colnames(att.boot) <- colboot

    if (class(eff.boot) == "array") {
        dimnames(eff.boot)[[1]] <- rownames(est.att)
        dimnames(eff.boot)[[3]] <- colboot

    result<-list(inference = inference,
                 est.att = est.att,
                 est.avg = est.avg,
                 att.avg.boot = att.avg.boot,
                 att.boot = att.boot,
                 eff.boot = eff.boot,
                 Dtr.boot = Dtr.boot,
                 Itr.boot = Itr.boot
    if (p>0) {
        result <- c(result,list(beta.boot = beta.boot))
    if (inference == "parametric") {
        result<-c(result,list(est.ind = est.ind))
    if (p>0) {
        result<-c(result,list(est.beta = est.beta))


} ## end of synth.boot()

## parametric bootstrap for ub data
res.vcov <- function(res, ## TT*Nboots
                     cov.ar = 1) {
    T <- dim(res)[1]
    I <- is.na(res)
    count <- matrix(NA,T,T)

    res[is.na(res)] <- 0
    vcov <- res%*%t(res)

    for (i in 1:T) {
        for (j in 1:T) {
            if (i > j) {
                count[i, j] <- count[j, i]
            } else {
                if ((j-i) <= cov.ar) {
                  II <- I[i,] + I[j,]
                  count[i, j] <- min( 1/sum(II==0), 1)
                } else {
                  count[i, j] <- 0
    vcov <- vcov*count

## plm for initial values
initialFit <- function(data,
                       oci) {

    p <- dim(data)[2] - 3

    data2 <- as.data.frame(data)
    colnames.data2 <- c("y","id","time")

    data2[,2] <- as.factor(data2[,2])
    data2[,3] <- as.factor(data2[,3])

    x.name <- NULL
    if (p > 0) {
        for (i in 1:p) {
            x.name <- c(x.name, paste("x", i, sep = ""))
        colnames.data2 <- c(colnames.data2, x.name)
    colnames(data2) <- colnames.data2

    f <- "y ~"
    if (p == 0) {
        f <- paste(f, "1", sep = "")
    } else {
        f <- paste(f, paste(x.name, collapse = "+"), sep = "")

    if (force == 1) {
        f <- paste(f, "| id", sep = "")
    } else if (force == 2) {
        f <- paste(f, "| time", sep = "")
    } else if (force == 3) {
        f <- paste(f, "| id + time", sep = "")

    lfit <- felm(data = data2[oci, ], as.formula(f))

    N <- length(unique(data[,2]))
    T <- length(unique(data[,3]))

    fe <- alleff <- NULL
    id.eff <- rep(0, N)
    time.eff <- rep(0, T)
    if (force != 0) {
        fe <- getfe(lfit)
        alleff <- fe$effect
        if (force == 1 || force == 3) {
            id.eff <- alleff[1:N]
            if (force == 3) {
                time.eff <- alleff[(N+1):(N+T)]
        } else {
            time.eff <- alleff[1:T]

    mu <- 0
    beta0 <- matrix(0, 1, 1)
    if (force == 0) {
        mu <- lfit$coefficients[1]
        if (p > 0) {
            beta0 <- as.matrix(lfit$coefficients[2:(p+1)])
    } else {
        if (p > 0) {
            beta0 <- as.matrix(lfit$coefficients[1:p])

    Y0 <- matrix(mu, T, N) + matrix(rep(id.eff, each = T), T, N) + matrix(rep(time.eff, N), T, N)
    X <- NULL
    if (p > 0) {
        X <- as.matrix(data2[, x.name])
        Y0 <- Y0 + matrix(c(X %*% beta0), T, N)
    result <- list(Y0 = Y0, beta0 = beta0)

## jackknife se
jackknifed <- function(x,  ## ols estimates
                       alpha) { ## sub-sample ols estimates) 

    p <- length(x)
    N <- dim(y)[2]  ## sample size
    if (N == 1) {
        y <- t(y)
        N <- dim(y)[2]

    X <- matrix(rep(c(x), N), p, N) * N
    Y <- X - y * (N - 1)

    Yvar <- apply(Y, 1, var, na.rm = TRUE)
    vn <- N - apply(is.na(y), 1, sum) 

    Ysd <- sqrt(Yvar/vn)  ## jackknife se

    CI.l <- Ysd * qnorm(alpha/2) + c(x)
    CI.u <- Ysd * qnorm(1 - alpha/2) + c(x)

    ## wald test
    P <- NULL
    for (i in 1:p) {
        subz <- pnorm(c(x)[i]/Ysd[i])
        P <- c(P, 2 * min(1 - subz, subz))
    ## P <- 2 * min(1 - pnorm(c(x)/Ysd), pnorm(c(x)/Ysd))

    out <- list(se = Ysd, CI.l = CI.l, CI.u = CI.u, P = P)


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