
Defines functions theme_gtsummary_eda theme_gtsummary_mean_sd theme_gtsummary_continuous2 theme_gtsummary_language theme_gtsummary_printer theme_gtsummary_compact theme_gtsummary_journal

Documented in theme_gtsummary_compact theme_gtsummary_continuous2 theme_gtsummary_eda theme_gtsummary_journal theme_gtsummary_language theme_gtsummary_mean_sd theme_gtsummary_printer

#' Available gtsummary themes
#' The following themes are available to use within the gtsummary package.
#' Print theme elements with `theme_gtsummary_journal(set_theme = FALSE) |> print()`.
#' Review the [themes vignette](https://www.danieldsjoberg.com/gtsummary/articles/themes.html)
#' for details.
#' @param set_theme (scalar `logical`)\cr
#'   Logical indicating whether to set the theme. Default is `TRUE`.
#'   When `FALSE` the named list of theme elements is returned invisibly
#' @param font_size (scaler `numeric`)\cr
#'   Numeric font size for compact theme.
#'   Default is 13 for gt tables, and 8 for all other output types
#' @name theme_gtsummary
#' @section Themes:
#' - `theme_gtsummary_journal(journal)`
#'   - `"jama"` _The Journal of the American Medical Association_
#'       - Round large p-values to 2 decimal places; separate confidence intervals with `"ll to ul"`.
#'       - `tbl_summary()` Doesn't show percent symbol; use em-dash to separate IQR; run `add_stat_label()`
#'       - `tbl_regression()`/`tbl_uvregression()` show coefficient and CI in same column
#'   - `"lancet"` _The Lancet_
#'       - Use mid-point as decimal separator; round large p-values to 2 decimal places; separate confidence intervals with `"ll to ul"`.
#'       - `tbl_summary()` Doesn't show percent symbol; use em-dash to separate IQR
#'   - `"nejm"` _The New England Journal of Medicine_
#'       - Round large p-values to 2 decimal places; separate confidence intervals with `"ll to ul"`.
#'       - `tbl_summary()` Doesn't show percent symbol; use em-dash to separate IQR
#'   - `"qjecon"` _The Quarterly Journal of Economics_
#'       - `tbl_summary()` all percentages rounded to one decimal place
#'       - `tbl_regression()`,`tbl_uvregression()` add significance stars with `add_significance_stars()`;
#'          hides CI and p-value from output
#'           - For flaxtable and huxtable output, the coeficient's standard error is placed below. For gt, it is placed to the right.
#' - `theme_gtsummary_compact()`
#'   - tables printed with gt, flextable, kableExtra, or huxtable will be compact with smaller font size and reduced cell padding
#' - `theme_gtsummary_printer(print_engine)`
#'   - Use this theme to permanently change the default printer.
#' - `theme_gtsummary_continuous2()`
#'   - Set all continuous variables to summary type `"continuous2"` by default
#' - `theme_gtsummary_mean_sd()`
#'   - Set default summary statistics to mean and standard deviation in `tbl_summary()`
#'   - Set default continuous tests in `add_p()` to t-test and ANOVA
#' - `theme_gtsummary_eda()`
#'   - Set all continuous variables to summary type `"continuous2"` by default
#'   - In `tbl_summary()` show the median, mean, IQR, SD, and Range by default
#' Use `reset_gtsummary_theme()` to restore the default settings
#' Review the [themes vignette](https://www.danieldsjoberg.com/gtsummary/articles/themes.html)
#' to create your own themes.
#' @examples
#' # Setting JAMA theme for gtsummary
#' theme_gtsummary_journal("jama")
#' # Themes can be combined by including more than one
#' theme_gtsummary_compact()
#' trial |>
#'   select(age, grade, trt) |>
#'   tbl_summary(by = trt) |>
#'   as_gt()
#' # reset gtsummary themes
#' reset_gtsummary_theme()
#' @seealso [Themes vignette](https://www.danieldsjoberg.com/gtsummary/articles/themes.html)
#' @seealso [set_gtsummary_theme()], [reset_gtsummary_theme()]

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname theme_gtsummary
#' @export
#' @param journal String indicating the journal theme to follow. One of
#' `c("jama", "lancet", "nejm", "qjecon")`. Details below.
theme_gtsummary_journal <- function(journal = c("jama", "lancet", "nejm", "qjecon"),
                                    set_theme = TRUE) {
  journal <- match.arg(journal)
  if (journal == "jama") {
    lst_theme <-
        "pkgwide-str:theme_name" = "JAMA",
        "pkgwide-fn:pvalue_fun" = label_style_pvalue(digits = 2),
        "pkgwide-fn:prependpvalue_fun" = label_style_pvalue(digits = 2, prepend_p = TRUE),
        "pkgwide-str:ci.sep" = " to ",
        "style_number-arg:decimal.mark" = ".",
        "style_number-arg:big.mark" = ",",
        "add_stat_label-arg:location" = "row",
        "tbl_summary-arg:statistic" = list(all_continuous() ~ "{median} ({p25} \U2013 {p75})",
                                           all_categorical() ~ "{n} ({p})"),
        "tbl_summary-fn:addnl-fn-to-run" = function(x) {
          add_stat_label(x) |>
              \(x) {
                if ("stat_label" %in% names(x)) {
                  x$stat_label <- gsub("Q1 \U2013 Q3", "IQR", x = x$stat_label)
        "add_difference-fn:addnl-fn-to-run" = function(x) {
          # merging coef and CI columns, if error, returning x unaltered
              new_header_text <-
                  x$table_styling$header |> dplyr::filter(.data$column == "estimate") |> dplyr::pull("label"),
                  " **(**",
                  x$table_styling$header |> dplyr::filter(.data$column == "conf.low") |> dplyr::pull("label"),

              # adding CI footnote to any existing abbreviation footnote, e.g. for OR, HR, etc.
              estimate_footnote <-
                x$table_styling$footnote_abbrev |>
                dplyr::filter(.data$column %in% "estimate") |>
                dplyr::filter(dplyr::row_number() == dplyr::n(), !is.na(.data$footnote)) |>
                dplyr::pull("footnote") |>
                c("CI = Confidence Interval") |>
                paste(collapse = ", ")
              x %>%
                # merge estimate and CI into one cell
                  rows = !!expr(.data$variable %in% !!x$table_body$variable &
                  pattern = "{estimate} ({conf.low} to {conf.high})"
                ) |>
                # update column header
                modify_header(estimate = new_header_text) |>
                # add CI abbreviation footnote
                modify_footnote(estimate = estimate_footnote, abbreviation = TRUE)
            error = function(e) x
        "tbl_regression-fn:addnl-fn-to-run" = function(x) {
          # merging coef and CI columns, if error, returning x unaltered
              new_header_text <-
                  x$table_styling$header|> dplyr::filter(.data$column == "estimate") |> dplyr::pull("label"),
                  " **(", style_number(x$inputs$conf.level, scale = 100), "% CI)**"

              # adding CI footnote to any existing abbreviation footnote, e.g. for OR, HR, etc.
              estimate_footnote <-
                x$table_styling$footnote_abbrev |>
                dplyr::filter(.data$column %in% "estimate") |>
                dplyr::filter(dplyr::row_number() == dplyr::n(), !is.na(.data$footnote)) |>
                dplyr::pull("footnote") |>
                c("CI = Confidence Interval") |>
                paste(collapse = ", ")
              x %>%
                # merge estimate and CI into one cell
                  rows = !!expr(.data$variable %in% !!x$table_body$variable &
                                  !is.na(.data$estimate) &
                                  !.data$reference_row %in% TRUE),
                  pattern = "{estimate} ({conf.low} to {conf.high})"
                ) |>
                # update column header
                modify_header(estimate = new_header_text) |>
                # add CI abbreviation footnote
                modify_footnote(estimate = estimate_footnote, abbreviation = TRUE)
            error = function(e) x
  } else if (journal == "nejm") {
    lst_theme <-
        "pkgwide-str:theme_name" = "New England Journal of Medicine",
        "pkgwide-fn:pvalue_fun" = label_style_pvalue(digits = 2),
        "pkgwide-fn:prependpvalue_fun" = label_style_pvalue(digits = 2, prepend_p = TRUE),
        "style_number-arg:decimal.mark" = ".",
        "style_number-arg:big.mark" = ",",
        "tbl_summary-arg:statistic" = list(all_continuous() ~ "{median} ({p25} \U2013 {p75})",
                                           all_categorical() ~ "{n} ({p})"),
        "pkgwide-str:ci.sep" = " to ",
        "tbl_summary-fn:addnl-fn-to-run" = function(x) {
          x$table_styling$footnote$footnote <-
            gsub("Q1 \U2013 Q3", "IQR", x = x$table_styling$footnote$footnote)
  } else if (journal == "lancet") {
    lst_theme <-
        "pkgwide-str:theme_name" = "The Lancet",
        "pkgwide-fn:pvalue_fun" =
          function(x, prepend_p = FALSE) {
            p_fmt <-
                # allowing some leeway for numeric storage errors
                x > 1 + 1e-15 ~ NA_character_,
                x < 0 - 1e-15 ~ NA_character_,
                x > 0.99 ~ paste0(">", gtsummary::style_number(x = 0.99, digits = 2)),
                cards::round5(x, digits = 2) >= 0.10 ~ gtsummary::style_number(x, digits = 2),
                cards::round5(x, digits = 3) >= 0.01 ~ gtsummary::style_number(x, digits = 3),
                x >= 0.0001 ~ gtsummary::style_number(x, digits = 4),
                x < 0.0001 ~ paste0("<", gtsummary::style_number(x = 0.0001, digits = 4))

            # prepending a p = in front of value
            if (prepend_p == TRUE) {
              p_fmt <- dplyr::case_when(
                is.na(p_fmt) ~ NA_character_,
                substr(p_fmt, start = 1L, stop = 1L) %in% c("<", ">") ~ paste0("p", p_fmt),
                TRUE ~ paste0("p=", p_fmt)

            attributes(p_fmt) <- attributes(x)
        "pkgwide-fn:prependpvalue_fun" =
          function(x, prepend_p = TRUE) {
            p_fmt <-
                # allowing some leeway for numeric storage errors
                x > 1 + 1e-15 ~ NA_character_,
                x < 0 - 1e-15 ~ NA_character_,
                x > 0.99 ~ paste0(">", gtsummary::style_number(x = 0.99, digits = 2)),
                cards::round5(x, digits = 2) >= 0.10 ~ gtsummary::style_number(x, digits = 2),
                cards::round5(x, digits = 3) >= 0.01 ~ gtsummary::style_number(x, digits = 3),
                x >= 0.0001 ~ gtsummary::style_number(x, digits = 4),
                x < 0.0001 ~ paste0("<", gtsummary::style_number(x = 0.0001, digits = 4))

            # prepending a p = in front of value
            if (prepend_p == TRUE) {
              p_fmt <- dplyr::case_when(
                is.na(p_fmt) ~ NA_character_,
                substr(p_fmt, start = 1L, stop = 1L) %in% c("<", ">") ~ paste0("p", p_fmt),
                TRUE ~ paste0("p=", p_fmt)

            attributes(p_fmt) <- attributes(x)
        "tbl_summary-arg:statistic" = list(all_continuous() ~ "{median} ({p25} \U2013 {p75})",
                                           all_categorical() ~ "{n} ({p}%)"),
        "style_number-arg:decimal.mark" =
          ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", special_char$interpunct, "\U00B7"),
        "style_number-arg:big.mark" = "\U2009",
        "pkgwide-str:ci.sep" = " to ",
        "tbl_summary-fn:addnl-fn-to-run" = function(x) {
          x$table_styling$footnote$footnote <-
            gsub("Q1 \U2013 Q3", "IQR", x = x$table_styling$footnote$footnote)
  } else if (journal == "qjecon") {
    lst_theme <-
        "pkgwide-str:theme_name" = "The Quarterly Journal of Economics",
        "tbl_regression-arg:conf.int" = FALSE,
        "tbl_summary-fn:percent_fun" = label_style_number(digits = 1, scale = 100),
        "tbl_regression-fn:addnl-fn-to-run" = function(x) {
          new_header_text <-
              x$table_styling$header |> dplyr::filter(.data$column == "estimate") |> dplyr::pull("label"),
              sep = "  \n"

          estimate_footnote <-
            x$table_styling$footnote_abbrev |>
            dplyr::filter(.data$column %in% "estimate") |>
            dplyr::filter(dplyr::row_number() == dplyr::n(), !is.na(.data$footnote)) |>
            dplyr::pull("footnote") |>
            c("SE = Standard Error") |>
            paste(collapse = ", ")

          x |>
              pattern = "{estimate}{stars}  \n({std.error})",
              hide_se = TRUE
            ) |>
            # update column header
            modify_header(estimate = new_header_text) |>
            # add SE abbreviation footnote
            modify_footnote(estimate = estimate_footnote, abbreviation = TRUE)
        "as_gt-lst:addl_cmds" = list(
          tab_spanner = list(
            rlang::expr(gt::tab_style(style = "vertical-align:top", locations = gt::cells_body(columns = dplyr::any_of("label"))))

  if (set_theme == TRUE) set_gtsummary_theme(lst_theme)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname theme_gtsummary
#' @export
theme_gtsummary_compact <- function(set_theme = TRUE, font_size = NULL) {
  lst_theme <-
      "pkgwide-str:theme_name" = "Compact",
      # compact gt tables
      "as_gt-lst:addl_cmds" = list(
        tab_spanner = rlang::expr(
            table.font.size = !!(font_size %||% 13),
            data_row.padding = gt::px(1),
            summary_row.padding = gt::px(1),
            grand_summary_row.padding = gt::px(1),
            footnotes.padding = gt::px(1),
            source_notes.padding = gt::px(1),
            row_group.padding = gt::px(1)
      # compact flextables
      "as_flex_table-lst:addl_cmds" = list(
        valign = list(
          rlang::expr(flextable::fontsize(size = !!(font_size %||% 8), part = "all")),
          rlang::expr(flextable::padding(padding.top = 0, part = "all")),
          rlang::expr(flextable::padding(padding.bottom = 0, part = "all")),
          rlang::expr(flextable::set_table_properties(layout = "autofit"))
      # compact huxtable
      "as_hux_table.gtsummary-lst:addl_cmds" = list(
        insert_row = list(
          rlang::expr(huxtable::set_font_size(value = !!(font_size %||% 8))),
          rlang::expr(huxtable::set_bottom_padding(value = 0)),
          rlang::expr(huxtable::set_top_padding(value = 0))
      # compact kableExtra
      "as_kable_extra-lst:addl_cmds" = list(
        kable = list(
          rlang::expr(kableExtra::kable_styling(font_size = !!(font_size %||% 8)))

  if (set_theme == TRUE) set_gtsummary_theme(lst_theme)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname theme_gtsummary
#' @param print_engine String indicating the print method. Must be one of
#' `"gt"`, `"kable"`, `"kable_extra"`, `"flextable"`, `"tibble"`
#' @export
theme_gtsummary_printer <- function(print_engine = c("gt", "kable", "kable_extra", "flextable", "huxtable", "tibble"),
                                    set_theme = TRUE) {
  lst_theme <- list("pkgwide-str:print_engine" = arg_match(print_engine))

  if (set_theme == TRUE) set_gtsummary_theme(lst_theme)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname theme_gtsummary
#' @param language (`string`)\cr
#' String indicating language. Must be one of `"de"` (German),
#' `"en"` (English), `"es"` (Spanish), `"fr"` (French), `"gu"` (Gujarati),
#' `"hi"` (Hindi), `"is"` (Icelandic),`"ja"` (Japanese), `"kr"` (Korean),
#' `"nl"` (Dutch), `"mr"` (Marathi), `"no"` (Norwegian), `"pt"` (Portuguese),
#' `"se"` (Swedish), `"zh-cn"` (Chinese Simplified), `"zh-tw"` (Chinese Traditional)
#' If a language is missing a translation for a word or phrase, please feel free
#' to reach out on [GitHub](https://github.com/ddsjoberg/gtsummary/issues)
#' with the translated text.
#' @param iqr.sep (`string`)\cr
#' String indicating separator for the default IQR in `tbl_summary()`.
#' If `decimal.mark=` is NULL, `iqr.sep=` is `", "`. The comma
#' separator, however, can look odd when `decimal.mark = ","`. In this case the argument
#' will default to an en dash
#' @param ci.sep (`string`)\cr
#' String indicating separator for confidence intervals.
#' If `decimal.mark=` is NULL, `ci.sep=` is `", "`. The comma
#' separator, however, can look odd when `decimal.mark = ","`. In this case the argument
#' will default to an en dash
#' @inheritParams style_number
#' @export
theme_gtsummary_language <- function(language = c(
  "de", "en", "es", "fr", "gu", "hi", "is", "ja",
  "kr", "mr", "nl", "no", "pt", "se", "zh-cn", "zh-tw"),
  decimal.mark = NULL, big.mark = NULL,
  iqr.sep = NULL,
  ci.sep = NULL,
  set_theme = TRUE) {
  language <- match.arg(language)
  ret <- list(
    "pkgwide-str:theme_name" = paste("language:", language),
    "pkgwide-str:language" = language

  # setting formatting of numbers
  if (!is.null(decimal.mark)) ret <- c(ret, list("style_number-arg:decimal.mark" = decimal.mark))
  if (!is.null(big.mark)) ret <- c(ret, list("style_number-arg:big.mark" = big.mark))

  # setting themes for separators
  if (is.null(iqr.sep) && identical(decimal.mark, ",")) {
    iqr.sep <- " \U2013 "
  if (!is.null(iqr.sep)) {
    ret <- c(ret,
             list("tbl_summary-arg:statistic" =
                    list(all_continuous() ~ paste0("{median} ({p25}", iqr.sep, "{p75})"),
                         all_categorical() ~ "{n} ({p}%)"))

  if (is.null(ci.sep) && identical(decimal.mark, ",")) {
    ci.sep <- " \U2013 "
  if (!is.null(ci.sep)) ret <- c(ret, list("pkgwide-str:ci.sep" = ci.sep))

  # either returning list OR setting theme and returning list
  if (set_theme == TRUE) set_gtsummary_theme(ret)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname theme_gtsummary
#' @param statistic Default statistic continuous variables
#' @export
theme_gtsummary_continuous2 <- function(statistic = "{median} ({p25}, {p75})", set_theme = TRUE) {
  lst_theme <- list(
    "tbl_summary-str:default_con_type" = "continuous2",
    "tbl_summary-arg:statistic" = list(all_continuous() ~ statistic, all_categorical() ~ "{n} ({p}%)")

  if (set_theme == TRUE) set_gtsummary_theme(lst_theme)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname theme_gtsummary
#' @param statistic Default statistic continuous variables
#' @export
theme_gtsummary_mean_sd <- function(set_theme = TRUE) {
  lst_theme <- list(
    "tbl_summary-arg:statistic" = list(all_continuous() ~ "{mean} ({sd})", all_categorical() ~ "{n} ({p}%)"),
    "add_p.tbl_summary-attr:test.continuous_by2" = "t.test",
    "add_p.tbl_summary-attr:test.continuous" = "oneway.test",
    "add_p.tbl_svysummary-attr:test.continuous" = "svy.t.test"

  if (set_theme == TRUE) set_gtsummary_theme(lst_theme)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname theme_gtsummary
#' @export
theme_gtsummary_eda <- function(set_theme = TRUE) {
  lst_theme <- list(
    "pkgwide-str:theme_name" = "Exploratory Data Analysis",
    "tbl_summary-str:default_con_type" = "continuous2",
    "tbl_summary-arg:statistic" =
      list(all_continuous() ~ c("{median} ({p25}, {p75})", "{mean} ({sd})", "{min}, {max}"),
           all_categorical() ~ "{n} ({p}%)"),
    "tbl_summary-fn:percent_fun" = label_style_percent(digits = 1)

  if (set_theme == TRUE) set_gtsummary_theme(lst_theme)

Try the gtsummary package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

gtsummary documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:50 p.m.