| Arithmetically adds two correlation functions |
addConfIndex2cf | add a configuration index to an 'cf' object |
add.raw_cf | add two 'raw_cf' objects | | Combine statistics of two cf objects |
addStat.raw_cf | Extend statistics of an existing 'raw_cf' container |
alphas | compute alpha strong at given scale |
analysis_gradient_flow | analysis_gradient_flow |
analysis_online | analysis_online | | average close-by-times in a correlation function |
block.raw_cf | Block average correlation function data |
bootstrap.analysis | Performs a Bootstrap with Blocking Analysis of a Timeseries | | bootstrap a set of correlation functions |
bootstrap.effectivemass | Computes effective masses with bootstrapping errors |
bootstrap.gevp | perform a bootstrap analysis of a GEVP |
bootstrap.hankel | GEVP method based on Hankel matrices. |
bootstrap.hankel_summed | GEVP method based on Hankel matrices. |
bootstrap.meanerror | Compute the bootstrap error of the mean |
bootstrap.nlsfit | Bootstrap a non-linear least-squares fit |
cA2.09.48_3pi_I3_0_A1u_1_pc | A three pion correlator with significant thermal states. | | Concatenate correlation function objects |
cdh | finite size corrections a la Colangelo, Duerr, Haefeli |
cdhnew | finite size corrections a la Colangelo, Duerr, Haefeli, but... |
CExp | Cosh Or Sinh Build Out Of Two Exps |
cf | Correlation function container |
cf_boot | Bootstrapped CF mixin constructor |
cf_key_meson_2pt | Generate key string to identify a meson 2pt function |
cf_key_meson_3pt | Generate HDF5 key for CVC 'correlators' meson 3pt function... |
cf_meta | CF metadata mixin constructor |
cf_orig | Original data CF mixin constructor |
cf_principal_correlator | Principal correlator CF mixin constructor |
cf_shifted | Shifted CF mixin constructor |
cf_smeared | Smeared CF mixin constructor |
cf_subtracted | Subtracted CF mixin constructor |
cf_weighted | Weighted CF mixin constructor |
computeacf | Computes The ACF and Integrated AC Time |
computeDisc | computes a disconnected correlation function from loops |
computefps | Computes the pseudoscalar decay constant for the twisted mass... |
computefpsOS | Computes the pseudoscalar decay constant for the Osterwalder... |
compute.plotlims | compute.plotlims | | Concatenate two correlation function objects |
concat.raw_cf | Concatenate two 'raw_cf' correlation function objects |
conj_raw_cf | Take the complex conjugate of a 'raw_cf' object |
construct_onlinemeas_rundir | Construct a run directory string for analysis_online |
correlatormatrix | Sample correlator matrix |
correlators_key_meson_2pt | Generate HDF5 key for CVC 'correlators' meson 2pt function |
correlators_key_meson_3pt | Generate HDF5 key for CVC 'correlators' meson 3pt function... |
c.raw_cf | Concatenate 'raw_cf' correlation function objects |
create_displ_chains | create list of chains of displacements Multilpe covariant... |
cvc_local_loop_key | Generate HDF5 key for a momentum and spin-projected CVC loop |
cvc_read_loops | read HDF5 loop files in the CVC loop format |
cvc_to_raw_cf | Convert correlation function read from CVC HDF5 or AFF format... |
cyprus_make_key_scalar | HDF5 key for Cyprus CalcLoops scalar-type loops |
cyprus_make_key_vector | HDF5 key for Cyprus CalcLoops derivative-type loops |
cyprus_read_loops | read HDF5 loop files in the Cyprus CalcLoops format |
disc_3pt | disconnected contribution to current insertion three-point... |
dispersion_relation | Continuum dispersion relation for CM to lattice frame |
dot-cf | Arithmetically subtract correlators |
dot-raw_cf | add two 'raw_cf' objects |
effectivemass | effectivemass | | Computes effective mass values for a correlation function |
effmass | effmass |
effmass2 | effmass2 |
escapeLatexSpecials | Escape special LaTeX characters for use in LaTeX labels |
extract.loop | Extract a single loop from an object of class 'cmiloop' |
extract_mass | generic function to extract a fitted mass |
extract_mass.effectivemassfit | specialisation of extract_mass to objects of type... |
extract_mass.matrixfit | specialisation of extract_mass to objects of type 'matrixfit' |
extract.obs | Extract One or More Gamma Combinations from am CMI Correlator | | extract one single correlator object as 'cf' object from a... |
fit.cosh | Fits a sum of several 'cosh'-functions |
fit.effectivemass | Fits a constant to effective mass data |
fit.plateau2cf | fits a plateau to an object of class 'cf' |
foldr1 | Folds the non-empty list with the binary function |
fs.a0 | Finite Size Corrections to qcotdelta for I=2 pipi near... |
fs.mpia0 | Finite Size Corrections to qcotdelta for I=2 pipi near... |
fs.qcotdelta | Finite Size Corrections to qcotdelta for I=2 pipi near... |
g1 | g1 |
getorderedconfignumbers | Creates an ordered vector of gauge config file numbers |
getorderedfilelist | Creates an ordered filelist from a basename and a path |
get_plotdata_raw_cf | extract data from 'raw_cf' in format convenient to plot |
gevp | solve GEVP for correlator matrix |
gevp2amplitude | Extracts physical amplitudes from a GEVP |
gevp2cf | Extracts a principle correlator from a GEVEP |
gevp.hankel | GEVP method based on Hankel matrices. |
gevp.hankel_summed | GEVP method based on Hankel matrices. |
gm | List of arrays of gamma structures |
gm_mu | Accessor function for 'gm' |
h5_get_dataset | get dataset from HDF5 file |
h5_names_exist | check if group names exist in HDF5 file |
hadron | The Hadron Package |
hankel2cf | hankel2cf |
hankel2effectivemass | hankel2effectivemass |
hankeldensity2effectivemass | hankeldensity2effectivemass |
has_icf | Checks whether the cf object contains an imaginary part |
idx_matrix.raw_cf | Construct the tensor index set for the entire raw correlator |
InternalHadronFunctions | Internal Hadron Functions |
int_idx_matrix.raw_cf | Construct tensor index set for the internal degrees of... | | Invalidate samples |
invcosh | numerically invert the cosh function for the mass |
invertCovMatrix | Inverts the covariance matrix for noisy data | | Checks whether an object is a cf | | Checks whether the cf object contains no data |
is_empty.raw_cf | check if an obect is of class 'raw_cf' and empty otherwise |
is.raw_cf | check if an object is of class 'raw_cf' |
jackknife-after-bootstrap | jackknife-after-bootstrap analysis | | jackknife a set of correlation functions |
jackknife_cov | jackknife_cov |
jackknife_error | Estimates error from jackknife samples |
loop_2pt | compute two-point correlation function between quark loops |
loopdata | Sample loop data |
loop_spin_project | spin projection of quark loop data |
loop_stochav | average over stochastic samples of loop |
loop_vev_subtract | subtract vev from loop data |
make_parind | Create a parameter index matrix for 'matrixfit' |
make_parlist | Create a parameter list for 'matrixfit' |
matrixfit | Routine For A Factorising Matrix Fit |
matrixModel | Correlator matrix model. |
mom_combinations | Generate table of momentum component combinations | | Arithmetically scale a correlator by a scalar a |
mul.raw_cf | scale 'raw_cf' data |
new_matrixfit | perform a factorising fit of a matrix of correlation... | | Remove temporal states |
onlinemeas | determines pion mass and pcac mass from online measured... |
overview_plot_raw_cf | create convenient overview plots for a 'raw_cf' object |
parametric.bootstrap | Parametric bootstrap |
parametric.bootstrap.cov | Parametric bootstrap with covariance |
parametric.nlsfit | NLS fit with parametric bootstrap |
parametric.nlsfit.cov | parametric.nlsfit.cov |
pcac | Computes the pcac mass |
pcacfit | pcacfit |
pcModel | Principal correlator two state model. |
plaq.sample | Sample plaquette time series |
plot.averx | Plots averx data |
plot.bootstrapfit | Plot a bootstrap NLS fit | | Plot a correlation function |
plot.cfit | plot.c1fit |
plot.coshfit | Plot a cosh-fit |
plot.effectivemass | plot.effectivemass |
plot.effmass | plot.effmass |
plot_eigenvalue_timeseries | plot_eigenvalue_timeseries |
plot.gevp.amplitude | plot.gevp.amplitude |
plot.hadronacf | plot.hadronacf |
plot_hankel_spectrum | plot_hankel_spectrum |
plothlinewitherror | plothlinewitherror |
plot.massfit | plot.massfit |
plot.matrixfit | Plot a matrixfit |
plot.ofit | plot.ofit |
plot.outputdata | Plot Command For Class Ouputdata |
plot.pionff | plot.pionff |
plot.raw_cf | plot all correlators in 'raw_cf' object |
plot_timeseries | plot_timeseries |
plot.uwerr | Plot Command For Class UWerr |
plotwitherror | Plot Command For XY Plots With Error Bars | | Arithmetically add correlators |
plus-.raw_cf | add two 'raw_cf' objects |
pointswithslantederror | pointswithslantederror |
predict.bootstrapfit | Predict values for bootstrapfit |
print.bootstrapfit | Print a bootstrap NLS fit | | |
print.effectivemassfit | print.effectivemassfit |
print.ofit | print.ofit |
print.raw_cf | Print summary of data contained in 'raw_cf' container |
pscor.sample | Sample pseudoscalar correlator |
raw_cf | Container for raw correlation functions |
raw_cf_data | Original data mixin constructor for 'raw_cf' |
raw_cf_meta | 'raw_cf' metadata mixin constructor |
raw_cf_to_cf | Extract a particular internal component of a 'raw_cf' into a... |
readbinarycf | read correlation function from binary files |
readbinarydisc | read disconnected loops from binary files |
readbinarysamples | Read binary correlation function by sample |
readcmidisc | reads disconnected loops in cmi format |
readcmifiles | Read Single Data Files in Chris Michael Format |
readgradflow | Read Gradient Flow Output Files in tmLQCD format |
readhlcor | readhlcor |
readnissatextcf | reader for Nissa text format correlation functions |
readoutputdata | Read Data In Format of tmLQCD |
readtextcf | Read correlator data from single file | | Remove Thermal States by Weighting and Shifting |
resample_hankel | Resample bootstrap samples in Hankel effmass |
resampling_is_compatible | Checks whether the resampling of two cf objects is compatible |
resampling_is_concatenable | Checks whether the resampling of two cf objects is... |
residual_plot | residual_plot |
restore_seed | Restore random number generator state |
samplecf | Sample cf data | | shift a correlation function by 'places' time-slices |
shift.raw_cf | shift a 'raw_cf' correlation function by 'places' time-slices |
simple.nlsfit | NLS fit with without bootstrap | | Divide two cf objects by each other measurement by... |
slash-.raw_cf | divide two 'raw_cf' objects |
store_correl | Store a 'raw_cf' correlator in an associative array together... |
string2error | string2error |
subtract.excitedstates | Substract excited states. |
summary.bootstrapfit | Summarize a bootstrap NLS fit | | |
summary.coshfit | Summarize a cosh-fit |
summary.effectivemass | summary.effectivemass |
summary.effectivemassfit | summary.effectivemassfit |
summary.gevp.amplitude | summary.gevp.amplitude |
summary.hadronacf | summary.hadronacf |
summary.hankel_summed | summary.hankel_summed |
summary.matrixfit | summary.matrixfit |
summary.ofit | summary.ofit |
summary.raw_cf | Print summary of data contained in 'raw_cf' container |
summary.uwerr | summary.uwerr |
swap_seed | Set seed and store a seed which can be used to reset the... | | Average backward and forward-dominated parts of the... | | Take time difference |
tex.catwitherror | paste a number with error in tex-ready format |
tikz.finalize | tikz.finalize |
tikz.init | tikz.init |
times-.raw_cf | multiply two 'raw_cf' objects | | Unfold a correlation function which has been symmetrised |
uwerr | Time Series Analysis With Gamma Method | | |
uwerr.raw_cf | Gamma method analysis on all time-slices in a 'raw_cf' object | | Weight a correlation function | | Weight-shift-reweight a correlation function |
zetazp | Computes the running of Z_P from scale mu0 to scale mu2 |
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