Man pages for hadron
Analysis Framework for Monte Carlo Simulation Data in Physics

add.cfArithmetically adds two correlation functions
addConfIndex2cfadd a configuration index to an 'cf' object
add.raw_cfadd two 'raw_cf' objects
addStat.cfCombine statistics of two cf objects
addStat.raw_cfExtend statistics of an existing 'raw_cf' container
alphascompute alpha strong at given scale
avg.cbt.cfaverage close-by-times in a correlation function
block.raw_cfBlock average correlation function data
bootstrap.analysisPerforms a Bootstrap with Blocking Analysis of a Timeseries
bootstrap.cfbootstrap a set of correlation functions
bootstrap.effectivemassComputes effective masses with bootstrapping errors
bootstrap.gevpperform a bootstrap analysis of a GEVP
bootstrap.hankelGEVP method based on Hankel matrices.
bootstrap.hankel_summedGEVP method based on Hankel matrices.
bootstrap.meanerrorCompute the bootstrap error of the mean
bootstrap.nlsfitBootstrap a non-linear least-squares fit
cA2.09.48_3pi_I3_0_A1u_1_pcA three pion correlator with significant thermal states.
c.cfConcatenate correlation function objects
cdhfinite size corrections a la Colangelo, Duerr, Haefeli
cdhnewfinite size corrections a la Colangelo, Duerr, Haefeli, but...
CExpCosh Or Sinh Build Out Of Two Exps
cfCorrelation function container
cf_bootBootstrapped CF mixin constructor
cf_key_meson_2ptGenerate key string to identify a meson 2pt function
cf_key_meson_3ptGenerate HDF5 key for CVC 'correlators' meson 3pt function...
cf_metaCF metadata mixin constructor
cf_origOriginal data CF mixin constructor
cf_principal_correlatorPrincipal correlator CF mixin constructor
cf_shiftedShifted CF mixin constructor
cf_smearedSmeared CF mixin constructor
cf_subtractedSubtracted CF mixin constructor
cf_weightedWeighted CF mixin constructor
computeacfComputes The ACF and Integrated AC Time
computeDisccomputes a disconnected correlation function from loops
computefpsComputes the pseudoscalar decay constant for the twisted mass...
computefpsOSComputes the pseudoscalar decay constant for the Osterwalder...
concat.cfConcatenate two correlation function objects
concat.raw_cfConcatenate two 'raw_cf' correlation function objects
conj_raw_cfTake the complex conjugate of a 'raw_cf' object
construct_onlinemeas_rundirConstruct a run directory string for analysis_online
correlatormatrixSample correlator matrix
correlators_key_meson_2ptGenerate HDF5 key for CVC 'correlators' meson 2pt function
correlators_key_meson_3ptGenerate HDF5 key for CVC 'correlators' meson 3pt function...
c.raw_cfConcatenate 'raw_cf' correlation function objects
create_displ_chainscreate list of chains of displacements Multilpe covariant...
cvc_local_loop_keyGenerate HDF5 key for a momentum and spin-projected CVC loop
cvc_read_loopsread HDF5 loop files in the CVC loop format
cvc_to_raw_cfConvert correlation function read from CVC HDF5 or AFF format...
cyprus_make_key_scalarHDF5 key for Cyprus CalcLoops scalar-type loops
cyprus_make_key_vectorHDF5 key for Cyprus CalcLoops derivative-type loops
cyprus_read_loopsread HDF5 loop files in the Cyprus CalcLoops format
disc_3ptdisconnected contribution to current insertion three-point...
dispersion_relationContinuum dispersion relation for CM to lattice frame
dot-cfArithmetically subtract correlators
dot-raw_cfadd two 'raw_cf' objects
effectivemass.cfComputes effective mass values for a correlation function
escapeLatexSpecialsEscape special LaTeX characters for use in LaTeX labels
extract.loopExtract a single loop from an object of class 'cmiloop'
extract_massgeneric function to extract a fitted mass
extract_mass.effectivemassfitspecialisation of extract_mass to objects of type...
extract_mass.matrixfitspecialisation of extract_mass to objects of type 'matrixfit'
extract.obsExtract One or More Gamma Combinations from am CMI Correlator
extractSingleCor.cfextract one single correlator object as 'cf' object from a...
fit.coshFits a sum of several 'cosh'-functions
fit.effectivemassFits a constant to effective mass data
fit.plateau2cffits a plateau to an object of class 'cf'
foldr1Folds the non-empty list with the binary function
fs.a0Finite Size Corrections to qcotdelta for I=2 pipi near...
fs.mpia0Finite Size Corrections to qcotdelta for I=2 pipi near...
fs.qcotdeltaFinite Size Corrections to qcotdelta for I=2 pipi near...
getorderedconfignumbersCreates an ordered vector of gauge config file numbers
getorderedfilelistCreates an ordered filelist from a basename and a path
get_plotdata_raw_cfextract data from 'raw_cf' in format convenient to plot
gevpsolve GEVP for correlator matrix
gevp2amplitudeExtracts physical amplitudes from a GEVP
gevp2cfExtracts a principle correlator from a GEVEP
gevp.hankelGEVP method based on Hankel matrices.
gevp.hankel_summedGEVP method based on Hankel matrices.
gmList of arrays of gamma structures
gm_muAccessor function for 'gm'
h5_get_datasetget dataset from HDF5 file
h5_names_existcheck if group names exist in HDF5 file
hadronThe Hadron Package
has_icfChecks whether the cf object contains an imaginary part
idx_matrix.raw_cfConstruct the tensor index set for the entire raw correlator
InternalHadronFunctionsInternal Hadron Functions
int_idx_matrix.raw_cfConstruct tensor index set for the internal degrees of...
invalidate.samples.cfInvalidate samples
invcoshnumerically invert the cosh function for the mass
invertCovMatrixInverts the covariance matrix for noisy data
is.cfChecks whether an object is a cf
is_empty.cfChecks whether the cf object contains no data
is_empty.raw_cfcheck if an obect is of class 'raw_cf' and empty otherwise
is.raw_cfcheck if an object is of class 'raw_cf'
jackknife-after-bootstrapjackknife-after-bootstrap analysis
jackknife.cfjackknife a set of correlation functions
jackknife_errorEstimates error from jackknife samples
loop_2ptcompute two-point correlation function between quark loops
loopdataSample loop data
loop_spin_projectspin projection of quark loop data
loop_stochavaverage over stochastic samples of loop
loop_vev_subtractsubtract vev from loop data
make_parindCreate a parameter index matrix for 'matrixfit'
make_parlistCreate a parameter list for 'matrixfit'
matrixfitRoutine For A Factorising Matrix Fit
matrixModelCorrelator matrix model.
mom_combinationsGenerate table of momentum component combinations
mul.cfArithmetically scale a correlator by a scalar a
mul.raw_cfscale 'raw_cf' data
new_matrixfitperform a factorising fit of a matrix of correlation...
old_removeTemporal.cfRemove temporal states
onlinemeasdetermines pion mass and pcac mass from online measured...
overview_plot_raw_cfcreate convenient overview plots for a 'raw_cf' object
parametric.bootstrapParametric bootstrap
parametric.bootstrap.covParametric bootstrap with covariance
parametric.nlsfitNLS fit with parametric bootstrap
pcacComputes the pcac mass
pcModelPrincipal correlator two state model.
plaq.sampleSample plaquette time series
plot.averxPlots averx data
plot.bootstrapfitPlot a bootstrap NLS fit
plot.cfPlot a correlation function
plot.coshfitPlot a cosh-fit
plot.matrixfitPlot a matrixfit
plot.outputdataPlot Command For Class Ouputdata
plot.raw_cfplot all correlators in 'raw_cf' object
plot.uwerrPlot Command For Class UWerr
plotwitherrorPlot Command For XY Plots With Error Bars
plus-.cfArithmetically add correlators
plus-.raw_cfadd two 'raw_cf' objects
predict.bootstrapfitPredict values for bootstrapfit
print.bootstrapfitPrint a bootstrap NLS fit
print.raw_cfPrint summary of data contained in 'raw_cf' container
pscor.sampleSample pseudoscalar correlator
raw_cfContainer for raw correlation functions
raw_cf_dataOriginal data mixin constructor for 'raw_cf'
raw_cf_meta'raw_cf' metadata mixin constructor
raw_cf_to_cfExtract a particular internal component of a 'raw_cf' into a...
readbinarycfread correlation function from binary files
readbinarydiscread disconnected loops from binary files
readbinarysamplesRead binary correlation function by sample
readcmidiscreads disconnected loops in cmi format
readcmifilesRead Single Data Files in Chris Michael Format
readgradflowRead Gradient Flow Output Files in tmLQCD format
readnissatextcfreader for Nissa text format correlation functions
readoutputdataRead Data In Format of tmLQCD
readtextcfRead correlator data from single file
removeTemporal.cfRemove Thermal States by Weighting and Shifting
resample_hankelResample bootstrap samples in Hankel effmass
resampling_is_compatibleChecks whether the resampling of two cf objects is compatible
resampling_is_concatenableChecks whether the resampling of two cf objects is...
restore_seedRestore random number generator state
samplecfSample cf data
shift.cfshift a correlation function by 'places' time-slices
shift.raw_cfshift a 'raw_cf' correlation function by 'places' time-slices
simple.nlsfitNLS fit with without bootstrap
slash-.cfDivide two cf objects by each other measurement by...
slash-.raw_cfdivide two 'raw_cf' objects
store_correlStore a 'raw_cf' correlator in an associative array together...
subtract.excitedstatesSubstract excited states.
summary.bootstrapfitSummarize a bootstrap NLS fit
summary.coshfitSummarize a cosh-fit
summary.raw_cfPrint summary of data contained in 'raw_cf' container
swap_seedSet seed and store a seed which can be used to reset the...
symmetrise.cfAverage backward and forward-dominated parts of the...
takeTimeDiff.cfTake time difference
tex.catwitherrorpaste a number with error in tex-ready format
times-.raw_cfmultiply two 'raw_cf' objects
unsymmetrise.cfUnfold a correlation function which has been symmetrised
uwerrTime Series Analysis With Gamma Method
uwerr.raw_cfGamma method analysis on all time-slices in a 'raw_cf' object
weight.cfWeight a correlation function
weight_shift_reweight.cfWeight-shift-reweight a correlation function
zetazpComputes the running of Z_P from scale mu0 to scale mu2
hadron documentation built on Sept. 9, 2022, 5:06 p.m.