
Defines functions mp_edms

Documented in mp_edms

#' Early Day Motions by MP or Peer
#' Imports data on early day motions signed, sponsored or primarily sponsored
#' by a given MP or Peer.
#' @param mp_id The ID number of an MP or Peer. Required parameter, Defaults
#' to `NULL`. Accepts single IDs in numerical or character format, or a
#' list, data.frame column, etc. If given multiple IDs, the results are
#' combined into a single tibble.
#' @param primary_sponsor Includes all early day motions where the given
#' member is the primary sponsor in the tibble. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param sponsor Includes all early day motions where the given member a
#' sponsor (but not the primary sponsor) in the tibble.
#' Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param signatory Includes all early day motions signed (but not sponsored
#' or primarily sponsored) by the given member in the tibble.
#' Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param full_data If `TRUE`, returns all available data on the EDMs
#' signed or sponsored by a member. Defaults to `FALSE`. Note that
#' this can be a very slow process compared to other `hansard` functions.
#' @param start_date Only includes early day motions signed on or after this
#' date. Accepts character values in `'YYYY-MM-DD'` format, and objects
#' of class `Date`, `POSIXt`, `POSIXct`, `POSIXlt` or
#' anything else that can be coerced to a date with `as.Date()`.
#' Defaults to `'1900-01-01'`.
#' @param end_date Only includes early day motions signed on or before this
#' date. Accepts character values in `'YYYY-MM-DD'` format, and objects
#' of class `Date`, `POSIXt`, `POSIXct`, `POSIXlt` or
#' anything else that can be coerced to a date with `as.Date()`.
#' Defaults to the current system date.
#' @inheritParams all_answered_questions
#' @return A tibble with information on the tibbles signed, sponsored
#' and/or primarily sponsored by the given MP.
#' @seealso [early_day_motions()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # All EDMs primarily sponsored, sponsored or signed by Mike Crockart
#' x <- mp_edms(
#'   mp_id = 3967, primary_sponsor = TRUE,
#'   sponsor = TRUE, signatory = TRUE
#' )
#' # Detailed data on all EDMs primarily sponsored by Mike Crockart
#' y <- mp_edms(
#'   mp_id = 3967, primary_sponsor = TRUE,
#'   sponsor = TRUE, signatory = FALSE, full_data = TRUE
#' )
#' }
mp_edms <- function(mp_id = NULL, primary_sponsor = TRUE, sponsor = TRUE,
                    signatory = TRUE, full_data = FALSE,
                    start_date = "1900-01-01", end_date = Sys.Date(),
                    extra_args = NULL, tidy = TRUE,
                    tidy_style = "snake", verbose = TRUE) {
  dates <- paste0(
    "&max-dateSigned=", as.Date(end_date),
    "&min-dateSigned=", as.Date(start_date)

  if (is.null(mp_id) == TRUE) {
    stop("mp_id must not be empty", call. = FALSE)

  if (length(mp_id) > 1) {
    df <- multi_mp_edms(
      mp_id, extra_args, primary_sponsor, sponsor,
      signatory, end_date, start_date, verbose
  } else {
    z <- c(sponsor, primary_sponsor, signatory)

    if (length(z[z == TRUE]) > 1) {
      df <- sig_type(
        mp_id, primary_sponsor, sponsor, signatory,
        end_date, start_date, extra_args, verbose
    } else {
      z_query <- paste0(
        "&isPrimarySponsor=", tolower(primary_sponsor),
        "&isSponsor=", tolower(sponsor)

      baseurl <- paste0(url_util, "edmsignatures.json?")

      edms <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(
        baseurl, z_query, dates,
        extra_args, "&_pageSize=1"
      flatten = TRUE

      jpage <- floor(edms$result$totalResults / 100)

      query <- paste0(baseurl, z_query, dates, extra_args)

      df <- loop_query(query, jpage, verbose) # in utils-loop.R

      if (nrow(df) > 0) {
        names(df)[names(df) == "_about"] <- "about"

  if (full_data == TRUE) {
    df2 <- edm_search(df, verbose)

    df <- dplyr::left_join(df, df2)

  if (tidy == TRUE) {
    if (full_data == FALSE) {
      df$about <- gsub(
        "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/", "",

      df$about <- gsub(
        "/signatures/.*", "",

    df <- hansard_tidy(df, tidy_style)


#' @export
#' @rdname mp_edms
hansard_mp_edms <- mp_edms

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hansard documentation built on Nov. 13, 2019, 5:06 p.m.