
Defines functions edm_tidy edm_search multi_mp_edms sig_type

# early_day_motions tidying -----------------------------------------------

edm_tidy <- function(df, tidy_style) {
  if (nrow(df) > 0) {
    df$dateTabled._value <- as.POSIXct(df$dateTabled._value)

    df$dateTabled._datatype <- "POSIXct"

  df <- hansard_tidy(df, tidy_style)


# Retrieving EDM data -----------------------------------------------------

edm_search <- function(df, verbose) {
  names(df)[names(df) == "_about"] <- "about"

  df$about <- gsub(
    "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/", "", df$about

  df$about <- gsub("/signatures/.*", "", df$about, perl = TRUE)

  search_list <- as.list(dplyr::distinct(df[, "about"])[["about"]])

  dat3 <- list()

  message("Retrieving EDM details")

  baseurl <- paste0(url_util, "resources/")

  for (i in search_list) {
    search <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(baseurl, i, ".json?"),
      flatten = TRUE

    dat3[[i]] <- tibble::tibble(
      about = list(search$result$primaryTopic$`_about`),
      title = list(search$result$primaryTopic$title),
      dateTabled._value = as.POSIXct(
      dateTabled._datatype = list("POSIXct"),
      session = list(search$result$primaryTopic$session),
      sessionNumber = list(search$result$primaryTopic$sessionNumber),
      edmNumber = list(search$result$primaryTopic$edmNumber$`_value`),
      motionText = list(search$result$primaryTopic$motionText),
      numberOfSignatures = list(
      primarySponsor = list(
      sponsor = list(search$result$primaryTopic$sponsorPrinted)
      # signingMembers = list(search$result$primaryTopic$signature$member),
      #  memberSigningOrder = list(
      # search$result$primaryTopic$signature$order
      # ),
      #  memberConstituency._value = list(
      #    search$result$primaryTopic$signature$constituency._value
      #    ),
      #  memberDateSigned._value = list(
      #    lapply(
      #      search$result$primaryTopic$signature$dateSigned._value,
      #      as.POSIXct
      #      )
      #    ),
      #  memberDateSigned._datatype = list("POSIXct"),
      #  signingMemberPrinted._value = list(
      #    search$result$primaryTopic$signature$memberPrinted._value
      #    ),
      #  memberParty._value = list(
      #    search$result$primaryTopic$signature$party._value
      #    )

    if (verbose == TRUE) {
        "Retrieving motion ", match(i, search_list),
        " of ", length(search_list)

  df2 <- dplyr::bind_rows(dat3)


  df2$about <- gsub(
    "http://data.parliament.uk/resources/", "",

  df2$about <- gsub("/signatures/.*", "", df2$about, perl = TRUE)

  df2$session <- as.factor(unlist(df2$session))

  df2$dateTabled._datatype <- as.factor(unlist(df2$dateTabled._datatype))

  df2$title <- as.character(df2$title)


# Formula for multiple MPs ------------------------------------------------

multi_mp_edms <- function(mp_id = mp_id, extra_args = extra_args,
                          primary_sponsor = primary_sponsor,
                          sponsor = sponsor, signatory = signatory,
                          end_date = end_date, start_date = start_date,
                          verbose = verbose) {
  mp_id_list <- as.list(mp_id)

  dat <- vector("list", length(mp_id_list))

  seq_list <- seq(from = 1, to = length(mp_id_list), by = 1)

  for (i in seq_along(seq_list)) {
    dat[[i]] <- hansard::mp_edms(
      mp_id = mp_id_list[[i]],
      primary_sponsor = primary_sponsor,
      sponsor = sponsor,
      signatory = signatory,
      full_data = FALSE,
      end_date = end_date,
      start_date = start_date,
      extra_args = extra_args,
      tidy = FALSE,
      verbose = verbose

  dat <- dat[vapply(dat, function(d) is.null(d) == FALSE)]

  df <- dplyr::bind_rows(dat)

  names(df)[names(df) == "_about"] <- "about"


# Formula for multiple relationships to EDMS
# ------------------------------------------------

sig_type <- function(mp_id, primary_sponsor, sponsor,
                     signatory, end_date, start_date,
                     extra_args, verbose) {
  sig1 <- NULL
  sig2 <- NULL
  sig3 <- NULL

  if (primary_sponsor == TRUE) {
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      message("Retrieving Primary Sponsored EDMs")

    sig1 <- hansard::mp_edms(
      mp_id = mp_id, primary_sponsor = TRUE,
      sponsor = FALSE, signatory = FALSE,
      full_data = FALSE, end_date = end_date,
      start_date = start_date,
      extra_args = extra_args, tidy = FALSE

    if (nrow(sig1) > 0) {
      sig1$isSignatory <- FALSE

  if (sponsor == TRUE) {
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      message("Retrieving Sponsored EDMs")

    sig2 <- hansard::mp_edms(
      mp_id = mp_id, primary_sponsor = FALSE,
      sponsor = TRUE, signatory = FALSE,
      full_data = FALSE, end_date = end_date,
      start_date = start_date,
      extra_args = extra_args, tidy = FALSE

    if (nrow(sig2) > 0) {
      sig2$isSignatory <- FALSE

  if (signatory == TRUE) {
    if (verbose == TRUE) {
      message("Retrieving Signed EDMs")

    sig3 <- hansard::mp_edms(
      mp_id = mp_id, primary_sponsor = FALSE,
      sponsor = FALSE, signatory = TRUE,
      full_data = FALSE, end_date = end_date,
      start_date = start_date,
      extra_args = extra_args, tidy = FALSE

    if (nrow(sig3) > 0) {
      sig3$isSignatory <- FALSE

  df <- dplyr::bind_rows(sig1, sig2, sig3)

  names(df)[names(df) == "_about"] <- "about"

  df <- df[c(
    "about", "isPrimarySponsor", "isSponsor", "isSignatory",
    "member", "order", "constituency._value", "dateSigned._value",
    "dateSigned._datatype", "memberPrinted._value",
    "party._value", "withdrawn._value"


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hansard documentation built on Nov. 13, 2019, 5:06 p.m.