#'@title Change Finder using GARCH
#'@description Change-point detection is related to event/trend change detection. Change Finder GARCH detects change points based on deviations relative to linear regression model <doi:10.1109/TKDE.2006.1599387>.
#'It wraps the GARCH model presented in the rugarch library.
#'@param sw_size Sliding window size
#'@return `hcp_garch` object
#'#loading the example database
#'#Using volatility example
#'dataset <- examples_changepoints$volatility
#'# setting up change point method
#'model <- hcp_garch()
#'# fitting the model
#'model <- fit(model, dataset$serie)
# making detection using hanr_ml
#'detection <- detect(model, dataset$serie)
#'# filtering detected events
hcp_garch <- function(sw_size = 5) {
obj <- harbinger()
obj$sw_size <- sw_size
class(obj) <- append("hcp_garch", class(obj))
#'@importFrom stats lm
#'@importFrom stats na.omit
#'@importFrom stats residuals
#'@importFrom rugarch ugarchspec
#'@importFrom rugarch ugarchfit
detect.hcp_garch <- function(obj, serie, ...) {
linreg <- function(serie) {
data <- data.frame(t = 1:length(serie), x = serie)
return(stats::lm(x~t, data))
obj <- obj$har_store_refs(obj, serie)
spec <- rugarch::ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH", garchOrder = c(1, 1)),
mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(1, 1), include.mean = TRUE),
distribution.model = "norm")
#Adjusting a model to the entire series
model <- rugarch::ugarchfit(spec=spec, data=obj$serie, solver="hybrid")@fit
#Adjustment error on the entire series
y <- model$sigma
#Adjusting a model to the entire series
#Adjusting to the entire series
M2 <- linreg(y)
#Adjustment error on the whole window
u <- obj$har_residuals(stats::residuals(M2))
u <- mas(u, obj$sw_size)
cp <- obj$har_outliers_idx(u)
cp <- obj$har_outliers_group(cp, length(u))
cp[1:obj$sw_size] <- FALSE
cp <- c(rep(FALSE, length(y)-length(u)), cp)
detection <- obj$har_restore_refs(obj, change_points = cp)
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