
Defines functions resample boot.se boot.initial.fit est.stderr.despars.lasso despars.lasso.est prepare.data initial.estimator do.initial.fit sandwich.var.est.stderr switch.family get.clusterGroupTest.function calculate.pvalue.for.cluster calculate.pvalue.for.group preprocess.group.testing p.adjust.wy calc.ci fdr.adjust glm.pval lm.ci lm.pval lasso.firstq lasso.cv

Documented in fdr.adjust glm.pval lasso.cv lasso.firstq lm.ci lm.pval

lasso.cv <- function(x, y, nfolds = 10, grouped = nrow(x) > 3 * nfolds,...)
  ## Purpose:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Lukas Meier, Date: 25 Mar 2013, 17:08
  fit.cv <- cv.glmnet(x, y, nfolds = nfolds, grouped = grouped, ...)
  ## Use default value of "lambda1.se" in cv.glmnet optimal lambda sel.
  sel <- predict(fit.cv, type = "nonzero") ## Intercept??? Exceptions???
  sel[[1]] ## ugly...

lasso.firstq <- function(x, y, q, ...)
  ## Purpose:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Lukas Meier, Date:  2 Apr 2013, 13:42

  ## Use glmnet (dfmax = q+1 because of Intercept)
  fit <- glmnet(x, y, dfmax = q, ...)   ## only need partial path
  m   <- predict(fit, type = "nonzero") ## determine non-zero coefs

  ## determine largest model that is <= q
  delta <- q - unlist(lapply(m, length)) ## deviation from desired model size
  delta[delta < 0] <- Inf ## overshooting not allowed

  take <- which.min(delta) ## takes first occurrence

lm.pval <- function(x, y, exact = TRUE, ...)
  ## Purpose:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Lukas Meier, Date:  2 Apr 2013, 11:34

  fit.lm <- lm(y ~ x, ...) ## Intercept??? Exceptions???
  fit.summary <- summary(fit.lm)

  tstat <- coef(fit.summary)[-1, "t value"] ## Intercept??? Exceptions???

  ## return p-values
  setNames(2 * (if(exact) ## Use appropriate t-dist
                  pt(abs(tstat), df = fit.lm$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE)
                else  ## p-values based on *normal* distribution
                  pnorm(abs(tstat), lower.tail = FALSE)),

lm.ci <- function(x, y, level = 0.95, ...)
  ## Purpose:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Lukas Meier, Date: 20 Feb 2014, 13:43

  fit.lm <- lm(y ~ x, ...) ## Intercept??? Exceptions???

  confint(fit.lm, level = level)[-1,, drop = FALSE]

glm.pval <- function(x, y, family = "binomial", verbose = FALSE, ...)
    ## Purpose:
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Arguments:
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Author: Ruben Dezeure based on lm.pval, Date:  30 Sept 2013, 18:04

    fit.glm <- glm(y ~ x, family = family, ...) ## Intercept??? Exceptions???
    fit.summary <- summary(fit.glm)

    if(!fit.glm$converged & verbose){ ## should be consistent with lm.pval?

    pval.sel <- coef(fit.summary)[-1,4] ## dangerous with [,4]???

##-     if(family %in% c("poisson", "binomial")){
##-       zstat <- fit.summary$coefficients[-1, "z value"]
##-         ## Intercept??? Exceptions???
##-       ## p-values based on *normal* distribution
##-       pval.sel <- 2 * pnorm(abs(zstat), lower.tail = FALSE)
##-     }else{
##-       tstat <- fit.summary$coefficients[-1, "t value"]
##-       ## Intercept??? Exceptions???
##-       pval.sel <- 2 * pt(abs(tstat), df = fit.lm$df.residual,
##-                          lower.tail = FALSE)
##-     }
    names(pval.sel) <- colnames(x)

fdr.adjust <- function(p)
  ## Purpose:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Lukas Meier, Date: 17 Jul 2013, 16:42

  p.fin <- p
  use <- (p < 1)
    p.use <- p[use]

    lp <- length(p.use) ## as in p.adjust
    i <- lp:1L
    o <- order(p.use, decreasing = TRUE)
    ro <- order(o)
    p.fin[use] <- pmin(1, cummin(p.use[o] / i))[ro]

calc.ci <- function(bj, se, level = 0.95)
  ## Purpose:
  ## calculating confidence intervals with the given coefficients, standard
  ## errors and significance level.
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 6 Feb 2014, 14:27

  quant <- qnorm(1 - (1 - level) / 2)
  list(lci = bj - se * quant,
       rci = bj + se * quant)

p.adjust.wy <- function(cov, pval, N = 10000)
  ## Purpose:
  ## multiple testing correction with a Westfall young-like procedure as
  ## in ridge projection method, http://arxiv.org/abs/1202.1377 P.Buehlmann
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## cov: covariance matrix of your estimator
  ## pval: the single testing pvalues
  ## N: the number of samples to take for the empirical distribution
  ##    which is used to correct the pvalues
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 6 Feb 2014, 14:27

  ## Simulate distribution
  zz  <- mvrnorm(N, rep(0, ncol(cov)), cov)
  zz2 <- scale(zz, center = FALSE, scale = sqrt(diag(cov)))
  Gz  <- apply(2 * pnorm(abs(zz2),lower.tail = FALSE), 1, min)
  ## Corrected p-values  pcorr

preprocess.group.testing <- function(N, cov, conservative)
    ## No preprocessing to perform
  } else {
    ## Simulate distribution
    zz  <- mvrnorm(N, rep(0, ncol(cov)), cov)
    scale(zz, center = FALSE, scale = sqrt(diag(cov)))

calculate.pvalue.for.group <- function(brescaled, group, individual,
                                       Delta = NULL, conservative = TRUE, zz2)
  ## Purpose:
  ## calculation of p-values for groups
  ## using the maximum as test statistic
  ## http://arxiv.org/abs/1202.1377 P.Buehlmann
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure 2 May 2014
    pvalue <- lapply(group,
                     brescaled = brescaled,
                     individual = individual,
                     Delta = Delta,
                     conservative = conservative,
                     zz2 = zz2)
    pvalue <- unlist(pvalue)
    p <- length(brescaled)

      stopifnot(all(group <= p) & all(group >= 1))
      tmp <- logical(length(brescaled))
      tmp[group] <- TRUE
      group <- tmp

    stopifnot(length(group) == length(brescaled))

    if(conservative){ ## (very) conservative alternative proposed by Nicolai
      pvalue <- min(individual[group])
      ## if(correct){ ## only for alternative method
      pvalue <- min(1, p * pvalue) ## Bonferroni correction
      ## Max test statistics according to http://arxiv.org/abs/1202.1377
      ## P.Buehlmann
        stop("you need to preprocess zz2 by calling preprocess.group.testing")
      if(sum(group) > 1){
        group.coefficients <- abs(brescaled[group])
        max.coefficient    <- max(group.coefficients)
        group.zz           <- abs(zz2[,group])

        if(!is.null(Delta)){ ## special case Ridge method
          group.Delta <- Delta[group]
          group.zz    <- sweep(group.zz, 2, group.Delta, "+")

        Gz <- apply(group.zz, 1, max)

        ## Determine simulated p-value
        pvalue <- 1 - ecdf(Gz)(max.coefficient)
      }else{ ## if group consists of a single variable
        pvalue <- individual[group]

calculate.pvalue.for.cluster <- function(hh, p, pvalfunction,
                                         alpha, verbose = FALSE) {
  ## Remark: not the cleanest code yet
  ## Purpose:
  ## calculation of p-values hierarchically for a cluster as input
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure 10 April 2014

  ## test the clusters
  upper.signif     <- rep(TRUE, p) ## the significant clusters one level up
  upper.clust      <- list()       ## the upper significant cluster
  upper.clust[[1]] <- 1:p
  upper.clust.ind  <- list()

  ord <- hh$order## ordering from the cluster

  clusters   <- list()
  pvalue     <- list()
  leftChild  <- list()
  rightChild <- list()
  iter       <- 1
  old.cluster.lengths <- 0
  start <- TRUE
  for(nclust in 1:p){ ## test the subclusters of the significant current clusters
      cat("cutting tree into", nclust, "groups\n")

    cut.level <- clusterextractfunction(nclust)## TODO clusterextractfunction
    ## cutree(hh,k=nclust)

    all.signif <- all(upper.signif)
      cut.level[!upper.signif] <- 0
      ## ignore clusters that are not significant above
    clusters.this.level <- sapply(setdiff(unique(cut.level), 0),
                                  FUN = "==", cut.level)
    cluster.lengths     <- sort(apply(clusters.this.level, 2, sum))

      ## we went down the tree one level for those clusters we are interested in
      old.cluster.lengths <- cluster.lengths
        cat("total number of clusters at this level =",
            ncol(clusters.this.level), "\n")

      stopifnot(ncol(clusters.this.level) > 0)

      current.clusts <- list()
      for(j in 1:ncol(clusters.this.level)){
        current.clusts[[j]] <- which(clusters.this.level[,j])
      ## one of the upper clusters has children
      ## find out which are the children
      are.children <- rep(FALSE,ncol(clusters.this.level))
      has.children <- rep(FALSE,length(upper.clust))
      for(j in 1:length(current.clusts)){## check if current cluster is a child
        for(i in 1:length(upper.clust)){ ## check if it has a child
          if(all(is.element(current.clusts[[j]],upper.clust[[i]])) &&
             (start || !(length(current.clusts[[j]]) ==
            { ## current cluster is a child of above
                cat("the subcluster of length\n")
                cat(length(current.clusts[[j]]), "\n")
                cat("fits in the cluster of length\n")
                cat(length(upper.clust[[i]]), "\n")
                cat("saving the child for testing\n")
              are.children[j] <- TRUE
              has.children[i] <- TRUE
        cat("there are", sum(are.children), "children that we will test.\n")

      if(sum(are.children) > 0){ ## else: we have not encountered children in
                               ##       this level of tree

        ## if there are children it is only possible that there are two
        ## children clusters of
        ## one upper cluster that has children, this is due to the iteration
        ## over cutree
        ## TODO
          ## add leftchild and rightchild
          ## we assume always that nchildren =2 at this point!
                  [ord %in%current.clusts[[which(are.children)[2]]]] / p) <
                  [ord %in%current.clusts[[which(are.children)[1]]]] / p)){
            left  <- iter + 1
            right <- iter
            left  <- iter
            right <- iter + 1
          parent.ind <- upper.clust.ind[[which(has.children)]]
          ## Need to know the index of this in clusters!
          leftChild[[parent.ind]]  <- left
          rightChild[[parent.ind]] <- right
        ## test them
        clusters.to.test <- clusters.this.level[, are.children, drop = FALSE]
        pvals <- pvalfunction(clusters.to.test = clusters.to.test,
                              nclust = nclust)## TODO pvalfunction
        ## mapply(group.testing.function,
        ## group=split(clusters.to.test,col(clusters.to.test)))

        ## save the children and result if it was significant or not
        for(i in 1:sum(are.children)){
          clusters[[iter]]   <- current.clusts[[which(are.children)[i]]]
          leftChild[[iter]]  <- -1  ## initialise on a leaf
          rightChild[[iter]] <- -1 ## initialise on a leaf
          pvalue[[iter]]     <- pvals[i]
          iter <- iter + 1
        ## update the list of clusters that are significant to
        ## keep branching out,
        upper.clust <- upper.clust[!has.children]
        upper.clust.ind <- upper.clust.ind[!has.children]
        tmp.iter <- length(upper.clust)+1
        for(i in which(pvals <= alpha)){
          upper.clust[[tmp.iter]] <- which(clusters.to.test[,i])
          upper.clust.ind[[tmp.iter]] <- iter - sum(are.children) + (i-1)
          ## index in clusters[[]]
          tmp.iter <- tmp.iter + 1
        upper.signif <- 1:p %in% unique(unlist(upper.clust))
        ## done
        if(length(upper.clust) == 0){
          ## there are no more upper significant clusters
            cat("reached an end to the cluster tree\n")
            cat("the lowest clusters have sizes:\n")
            cat(apply(clusters.to.test,2,sum), "\n")
      start <- FALSE
  ## return output in the style of lowerbound method
    clusters   = clusters,
    pval       = unlist(pvalue),
    leftChild  = unlist(leftChild),
    rightChild = unlist(rightChild),
    alpha      = alpha,
    hh         = hh)

get.clusterGroupTest.function <- function(group.testing.function, x)
  ## Purpose:
  ## facilitate the creation of clusterGrouptest based on the
  ## group.testing.function
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure 5th of August 2014

  ## Return  'clusterGroupTest' function :
           dist = as.dist(1 - abs(cor(x))),
           alpha = 0.05,
           method = "average",
           conservative = TRUE) {
    ## optional argument: hcloutput = the result from a hclust call
    hh <- if(missing(hcloutput))
            hclust(dist, method = method)

    clusterextractfunction <- function(nclust){
      ## function to extract the correct level of the tree where the number
      ## of clusters = nclust
      cutree(hh, k = nclust)

    pvalfunction <- function(clusters.to.test, nclust){
      ## function to calculate the p-value for certain clusters
             conservative = conservative,
             group = split(clusters.to.test, col(clusters.to.test)))
    structure(c(calculate.pvalue.for.cluster(hh = hh,
                                           p = ncol(x),
                                           pvalfunction = pvalfunction,
                                           alpha = alpha,
                                           clusterextractfunction =
                method = "clusterGroupTest"),
              class = c("clusterGroupTest", "hdi"))

switch.family <- function(x, y, family)
         "binomial" = {
           fitnet        <- cv.glmnet(x, y, family = "binomial",
                                      standardize = FALSE)
           glmnetfit     <- fitnet$glmnet.fit
           netlambda.min <- fitnet$lambda.min
           netpred <- predict(glmnetfit, x, s = netlambda.min,
                              type = "response")
           betahat <- predict(glmnetfit, x, s = netlambda.min,
                              type = "coefficients")
           betahat <- as.vector(betahat)
           pihat   <- netpred[,1]

           diagW <- pihat * (1 - pihat)
           W     <- diag(diagW)
           xl    <- cbind(rep(1, nrow(x)), x)

           ## Adjusted design matrix
           xw <- sqrt(diagW) * x

           ## Adjusted response
           yw <- sqrt(diagW) * (xl %*% betahat + solve(W, y - pihat))
           stop("The provided family is not supported (yet). Currently supported are gaussian and binomial.")
  return(list(x = xw, y = yw))

sandwich.var.est.stderr <- function(x,y,betainit,Z){
  ## Purpose:
  ## an implementation of the calculation of the robust standard error
  ## based on the sandwich variance estimator from
  ## http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.06426
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## x: the design matrix
  ## y: the response vector
  ## betainit: the initial estimate
  ## Z:       the residuals of the nodewise regressions
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Return values:
  ## se.robust: the robust estimate for the standard error of the corresponding de-sparsified lasso fit
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 18 Mai 2015 (initial version)

  n <- nrow(x)
  p <- ncol(x)

  ## Check if normalization is fulfilled
  if(!isTRUE(all.equal(rep(1, p), colSums(Z * x) / n, tolerance = 10^-8))){
    ## no need to print stuff to the user, this is only an internal detail
    rescale.out <- score.rescale(Z = Z, x = x)
    Z <- rescale.out$Z
    ## scaleZ <- rescale.out$scaleZ

  if(length(betainit) > ncol(x)){
    x <- cbind(rep(1,nrow(x)),x)
      ## ok, we have included the intercept
      ## hmm, should we substract the mean from y?
  eps.tmp <- as.vector(y - x%*%betainit)

  ## should these esp.tmp be forced to have mean 0?
  ##YES! as if we fit with intercept
  eps.tmp <- eps.tmp-mean(eps.tmp)
  sigmahatZ.direct <- sqrt(colSums(sweep(eps.tmp*Z, MARGIN = 2,
                                         STATS = crossprod(eps.tmp,Z)/n,
                                         FUN = `-`)^2))
  ## rm(eps.tmp)
  ## return se.robust :
  sigmahatZ.direct/n ## this is the s.e. of bproj from pval.score,
  ## if we multiply bproj with 1/this, we get on the N(0,1) scale

do.initial.fit <- function(x,y,
                           initial.lasso.method = c("scaled lasso","cv lasso"),
                           verbose = FALSE)
  ## Purpose:
  ## This function performs the initial fit of the high dimensional linear model
  ## used in ridge.proj and lasso.proj
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## x: the design matrix
  ## y: the response vector
  ## initial.lasso.method: the method to use to tune the lasso
  ## lambda: OPTIONAL, the tuning parameter for the lasso. If this is provided,
  ##         it overrides initial.lasso.method
  ## verbose: let's you know if the user is overriding initial.lasso.method with a value for lambda
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Return values:
  ## betalasso: the lasso coefficients, excluding the intercept
  ## sigmahat: estimate for the noise standard  deviation
  ## intercept: intercept, in case the lasso was fitted with it
  ## lambda: the tuning parameter for the lasso that was used, not available for the scaled lasso
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 16 Oct 2015 (initial modified version for the package)

  no.lambda.given <- missing(lambda) || is.null(lambda)
  if(!no.lambda.given && verbose) {
    cat("A value for lambda was provided to the do.initial.fit function,\n")
    cat("the initial.lasso.method option was therefore ignored.\n")
    cat("We now do a lasso with the tuning parameter instead of a self-tuning procedure.\n") 

    ## tune the lasso
           "scaled lasso"={
             scaledlassofit <- scalreg(X=x,y=y)
             lambda <- NULL## no way to extract lambda for this ?
           "cv lasso"={
             glmnetfit <- cv.glmnet(x=x,y=y)
             lambda <- glmnetfit$lambda.1se
             stop("Not sure what lasso.method you want me to use for the initial fit. The only options for the moment are: 1)scaled lasso 2)cvlasso")
    ## fit for a range of lambda
    glmnetfit <- glmnet(x=x,y=y)

  if(no.lambda.given && identical(initial.lasso.method,"scaled lasso")){
    intercept <- 0
    betalasso <- scaledlassofit$coefficients
    sigmahat  <- scaledlassofit$hsigma
    residual.vector <- y-x%*%betalasso
    if((nrow(x) - sum(as.vector(coef(glmnetfit, s = lambda)) != 0)) <= 0){
      ## Problem: when the fixed lambda you chose sets n==p, you've used all
      ## your degrees of freedom 
      ##- -> refit
      ## This only occurs if the user provides a lambda to use
      message("Refitting using cross validation: your lambda used all degrees of freedom")
      glmnetfit <- cv.glmnet(x=x,y=y)
      ## setting a lambda here would interpolate solutions, :/
      lambda <- glmnetfit$lambda.1se

    intercept <- coef(glmnetfit,s=lambda)[1]
    betalasso <- as.vector(coef(glmnetfit,s=lambda))[-1]## leaving out the intercept
    residual.vector <- y-predict(glmnetfit,newx=x,s=lambda)
    sigmahat <- sqrt(sum((residual.vector)^2)/
  ## return

initial.estimator <- function(betainit,x,y,sigma)
  ## check if betainit is correctly provided
  if(!((is.numeric(betainit) && length(betainit) == ncol(x)) ||
       (betainit %in% c("scaled lasso","cv lasso"))))
    stop("The betainit argument needs to be either a vector of length ncol(x) or one of 'scaled lasso' or 'cv lasso'")

  warning.sigma.message <- function() {
    warning("Overriding the error variance estimate with your own value. The initial estimate implies an error variance estimate and if they don't correspond the testing might not be correct anymore.") 

  lambda <- NULL
    beta.lasso <- betainit

      stop("Not sure what variance estimate to use here")
      ## if betainit comes from the lasso, the below should be good
      residual.vector <- y- x%*%betainit
      sigmahat <- sqrt(sum((residual.vector)^2)/
      sigmahat <- sigma
    initial.fit <- do.initial.fit(x=x,y=y,
    beta.lasso <- initial.fit$betalasso

    lambda <- initial.fit$lambda
      sigmahat <- initial.fit$sigmahat
      sigmahat <- sigma
  ## return
  list(beta.lasso = beta.lasso,
       sigmahat = sigmahat,
       lambda = lambda)

prepare.data <- function(x, y, standardize, family)
  ## *center* (scale) the columns
  x <- scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = standardize)
  dataset <- switch(family,
                    "gaussian" = {
                      list(x = x, y = y)
                      switch.family(x = x, y = y,
                                    family = family)
  ## center the columns and the response to get rid of the intercept
  x <- scale(dataset$x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  y <- scale(dataset$y, scale = FALSE)
  y <- as.numeric(y)

despars.lasso.est <- function(x, y, Z,
  ## Purpose:
  ## The desparsified Lasso estimator
  ## This code allows for Y and betalasso to be matrices, which is useful
  ## when computing this for the bootstrap
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## x: the design matrix
  ## y: the response vector or matrix of response vectors
  ## betalasso: the initial estimate or matrix of initial estimate vectors
  ## Z:       the residuals of the nodewise regressions
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Return values:
  ## b: the de-sparsified Lasso estimates
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 15 June 2016 (initial version)
  ## Based on older private code
  b <- crossprod(Z,y-x%*%betalasso)/nrow(x) + betalasso
  if(ncol(b) == 1)
    b <- as.vector(b)

est.stderr.despars.lasso <- function(x, y, Z,
                                     betalasso, sigmahat,
                                     robust.div.fixed = FALSE)
  ## Purpose:
  ## estimate the standard error (either robust or non-robust) for the desparsified Lasso estimator
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Arguments:
  ## x: the design matrix
  ## y: the response vector or matrix of response vectors
  ## Z:       the residuals of the nodewise regressions
  ## betalasso: the initial estimate or matrix of initial estimate vectors
  ## sigmahat: estimate for the noise standard  deviation
  ## robust: if the standard error should be the robust version or the non-robust version
  ## robust.div.fixed: if we should use the 1/n standardization or 1/(n-hat(s))
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Return values:
  ## stderr: the estimate for the standard error of the corresponding de-sparsified lasso fit
  ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  ## Author: Ruben Dezeure, Date: 15 June 2016 (initial version)
  ## Based on older private code
    stderr <- sandwich.var.est.stderr(x=x,y=y,Z=Z,
    n <- nrow(x)

      stderr <- stderr*n/(n-sum(betalasso!=0))
    stderr <- (sigmahat*sqrt(diag(crossprod(Z))))/nrow(x)    

boot.initial.fit <- function(x,
    stop("We need to somehow specify the initial lasso method for the bootstrap!")
  args <- list(FUN = do.initial.fit,
               x = list(x = x),
               y = split(ystar, col(ystar)),
               initial.lasso.method = betainit,
               SIMPLIFY = FALSE,
               mc.cores = ncores)
  if(!is.null(lambda))## Implement the bootstrap shortcut
    args <- c(args, list(lambda = lambda))
  out.init.star <- do.call(mcmapply,
                           args = args)  

boot.se <- function(x,
                    robust.div.fixed = FALSE,
    sestar <- mcmapply(est.stderr.despars.lasso,
                       x = list(x = x),
                       y = split(ystar, col(ystar)),
                       Z = list(Z = Z),
                       betalasso = split(betainitstar, col(betainitstar)),
                       sigmahat = sigmahatstar,
                       robust = robust,
                       robust.div.fixed = robust.div.fixed,
                       mc.cores = ncores)
    sestar <- outer(sqrt(colSums(Z^2))/nrow(x),

resample <- function(r,
    Ui <- replicate(B,rnorm(length(r)))
    rs <- r * Ui
    rs <- replicate(B,
                    sample(r, replace=TRUE))

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