#' Estimates matching between pairs of individuals
#' Estimates matching between pairs of individuals (for each locus, gives 1 if the two individuals are homozygous
#' for the same allele, 0 if they are homozygous for a different allele, and 1/2 if at least one individual
#' is heterozygous. Matching is the average of these 0, 1/2 and 1s)
#' This function is written for dosage data, i.e., how many doses of an allele (0, 1 or 2) an individual carries.
#' It should be use for bi-allelic markers only (e.g. SNPs), although you might "force" a k multiallelic locus to k
#' biallelic loci (see \code{\link{fstat2dos}}).
#' @usage matching(dos)
#' @param dos A matrix of 0, 1 and 2s with loci (SNPs) in columns and individuals in rows.
#' missing values are allowed
#' @return a matrix of pairwise matching
#' @export
if(class(dos)[[1]]=="bed.matrix") dos<-gaston::as.matrix(dos)
else dos <- as.matrix(dos)
lims <- range(dos, na.rm = TRUE)
if ((lims[2] > 2) | (lims[1] < 0))
stop("input dosage matrix should contains only 0, 1 and 2s")
na <- matrix(rep(1,prod(dim(dos))),ncol=ncol(dos))
Mij <- 1/2 * (1+1/tcrossprod(na) * tcrossprod(dos-1))
else {
Mij<-1/2 * (1+tcrossprod(dos-1)/nl)
#' Estimates pairwise kinships and individual inbreeding coefficients from dosage data
#' Estimates pairwise kinships (coancestries) and individual inbreeding coefficient
#' using Weir and Goudet (2017) beta estimator.
#' This function is written for dosage data, i.e., how many doses of an allele (0, 1 or 2) an individual carries.
#' It should be use for bi-allelic markers only (e.g. SNPs), although you might "force" a k multiallelic locus to k biallelic
#' loci (see \code{\link{fstat2dos}}).
#' Matching proportions can be obtained by the following equation: \eqn{M=\beta*(1-Mb)+Mb}
#' By default (\code{inb=TRUE}) the inbreeding coefficient is returned on the main diagonal.
#' With \code{inb=FALSE}, self coancestries are reported.
#' @usage beta.dosage(dos,inb=TRUE,Mb=FALSE,MATCHING=FALSE)
#' @param dos A matrix of 0, 1 and 2s with loci (SNPs) in columns and individuals in rows.
#' Missing values are allowed
#' @param inb whether individual inbreeding coefficient should be estimated (rather than self-coancestries)
#' @param Mb whether to output the mean matching
#' @param MATCHING if \code{MATCHING=FALSE}, \code{dos} is a (ni x nl) dosage matrix;
#' if \code{MATCHING=TRUE}, dos is a (ni x ni) matrix
#' of matching proportions, as obtained from a call to the \code{\link{matching}} function
#' @return if \code{Mb}=FALSE, a matrix of pairwise kinships and inbreeding coefficients (if \code{inb}=TRUE) or self-coancestries
#' (\code{inb}=FALSE);
#' if \code{Mb}=TRUE, a list with elements \code{inb} (whether inbreeding coefficients rather than kinships should
#' be returned on the main diagonal),
#' \code{MB} (the average off-diagonal matching) and \code{betas} the kinships or inbreeding coefficients.
#' @details
#' Twice the betas with self-coancestries on the diagonal gives the Genomic Relationship Matrix (GRM)
#' Following a suggestion from Olivier Hardy, missing data are removed from the estimation procedure,
#' rather than imputed (this is taken care off automatically)
#' @author Jerome Goudet \email{}
#' @references
#' \href{}{Weir, BS and Goudet J. 2017} A Unified Characterization
#' of Population Structure and Relatedness. Genetics (2017) 206:2085
#' \href{}{Goudet, J., Kay, T. and Weir BS. 2018} How to estimate kinship.
#' Molecular Ecology 27:4121.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dos<-matrix(sample(0:2,size=10000,replace=TRUE),ncol=100)
#' beta.dosage(dos,inb=TRUE)
#' #matrix of kinship/inbreeding coeff
#' data(gtrunchier)
#' beta.dosage(fstat2dos(gtrunchier[,-c(1:2)]))
#' #individual inbreeding coefficients
#' dat<-sim.genot(size=100,nbloc=100,nbal=20,mig=0.01,f=c(0,0.3,0.7))
#' hist(diag(beta.dosage(fstat2dos(dat[,-1]))),breaks=-10:100/100,main="",xlab="",ylab="")
#' abline(v=c(0.0,0.3,0.7),col="red")
#' #only 20 loci
#' hist(diag(beta.dosage(fstat2dos(dat[,2:21]))),breaks=-5:20/20,main="",xlab="",ylab="")
#' abline(v=c(0.0,0.3,0.7),col="red")
#' }
#' @export
beta.dosage <- function (dos, inb = TRUE, Mb = FALSE, MATCHING=FALSE) {
#dos is a data frame with individuals in rows and allelic dosage for each locus in colums
#uses matching proba -same equation as for population i.e. Mij=[xiXj+(2-xi)(2-xj)]/4
if(!MATCHING) {Mij<-matching(dos)} else Mij<-dos
Mii <- diag(Mij)
diag(Mij) <- NA
MB <- mean(Mij, na.rm = T)
diag(Mij) <- Mii
coa <- (Mij - MB)/(1 - MB)
if (inb) {
ind.inb <- ((Mii * 2 - 1) - MB)/(1 - MB)
diag(coa) <- ind.inb
if (!Mb)
else return(list(inb = inb, MB = MB,
betas = coa))
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