
Defines functions pairwise.fst.dosage fis.dosage fst.dosage print.fs.dosage plot.fs.dosage

Documented in fis.dosage fst.dosage pairwise.fst.dosage plot.fs.dosage print.fs.dosage

#' Estimates F-statistics from dosage data
#' Reports individual inbreeding coefficients, Population specific and pairwise Fsts, and Fiss from dosage data 
#' @aliases fst.dosage fis.dosage pairwise.fst.dosage
#' @usage fs.dosage(dos, pop, matching = FALSE)
#' @param dos either a matrix with snps columns and individuals in rows containing allelic dosage (number [0,1 or 2] of alternate alleles); 
#'     or a square matrix with as many rows and columns as the number of individuals and containing the proportion of matching alleles
#' @param pop a vector containing the identifier of the population to which the individual in the corresponding row belongs
#' @param matching logical:TRUE if dos is a square matrix of allelic matching; FALSE otherwise
#' @return Fi list of individual inbreeding coefficients, estimated with the reference being the population to which the individual belongs. 
#' @return FsM matrix containing population specific FSTs on the diagonal. The off diagonal elements contains the average of the kinships 
#' for pairs of individuals, one from each population, relative to the mean kinship for pairs of individuals between populations. 
#' @return Fst2x2 matrix containing pairwise FSTs
#' @return Fs The first row contains population specific and overall Fis, the second row population specific 
#' (average \eqn{\hat{\beta_{ST}^i}} over loci)  FSTs and overall Fst \eqn{\hat{\beta_{ST}}} (see Table 3 of 
#' \href{https://academic.oup.com/genetics/article/206/4/2085/6072590}{Weir and Goudet, 2017 (Genetics)}) 
#' @seealso \code{\link{betas}}
#' @author Jerome Goudet \email{jerome.goudet@@unil.ch}
#' \href{https://academic.oup.com/genetics/article/206/4/2085/6072590}{Weir, BS and Goudet J. 2017} A Unified Characterization 
#' of Population Structure and Relatedness. Genetics (2017) 206:2085 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  dos<-matrix(sample(0:2,size=10000,replace=TRUE),ncol=100)
#'  fs.dosage(dos,pop=rep(1:5,each=20))
#'  plot(fs.dosage(dos,pop=rep(1:5,each=20)))
#' }
#' @export
fs.dosage<-function (dos, pop, matching = FALSE)
    if (!matching) {
#        tmp <- beta.dosage(dos, inb = FALSE, Mb = TRUE)
#        Mij <- with(tmp, betas * (1 - MB) + MB)
        Mii <- (diag(Mij)) * 2 - 1
        diag(Mij) <- NA
    else {
        Mij <- dos
        Mii <- diag(Mij) * 2 - 1
        diag(Mij) <- NA
    pop <- factor(pop)
    x <- levels(pop)
    npop <- length(x)
    wil <- lapply(x, function(z) which(pop == z))
    Fi <- lapply(wil, function(x) Mii[x])
    Fsts <- unlist(lapply(wil, function(x) mean(Mij[x, x], na.rm = TRUE)))
    Mb <- 0
    mMij <- matrix(numeric(npop^2), ncol = npop)
    for (i in 2:npop) {
        p1 <- wil[[i]]
        for (j in 1:(i - 1)) {
            p2 <- wil[[j]]
            mMij[i, j] <- mMij[j, i] <- mean(Mij[p1, p2], na.rm = TRUE)
            Mb <- Mb + mMij[i, j]

    diag(mMij) <- Fsts
    for (i in 2:npop)
     for (j in 1:(i-1))  Fst2x2[i,j]<-Fst2x2[j,i]<-((mMij[i,i]+mMij[j,j])/2-mMij[i,j])/(1-mMij[i,j])
    Mb <- Mb * 2/(npop * (npop - 1))
    resM <- (mMij - Mb)/(1 - Mb)

    rownames(resM) <- colnames(resM) <- levels(pop)
    for (i in 1:npop) Fi[[i]] <- (Fi[[i]] - Fsts[[i]])/(1 - Fsts[[i]])
    names(Fi) <- as.character(x)
    Fis <- unlist(lapply(Fi, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
    Fis <- c(Fis, mean(Fis, na.rm = TRUE))
    Fsts <- c((Fsts - Mb)/(1 - Mb), mean((Fsts - Mb)/(1 - Mb),
        na.rm = TRUE))
    res <- rbind(Fis, Fsts)
    colnames(res) <- c(levels(pop), "All")
    rownames(res) <- c("Fis", "Fst")
    all.res <- (list(Fi = Fi, FsM = resM, Fst2x2 = Fst2x2, Fs = res))
    class(all.res) <- "fs.dosage"

#' @describeIn fs.dosage Plot function for fs.dosage class
#' @param x a fs.dosage object
#' @param ... further arguments to pass
#' @method plot fs.dosage    
#' @export 
  graphics::boxplot(x$Fi,xlab="pop",ylab=expression(F[i]),main="Ind. Inb. coeff.",...)
  graphics::image(1:np,1:np,x$FsM,main=expression(F[ST]^{XY}),xlab="Pop. X",ylab="Pop. Y")
#  graphics::barplot(x$Fs[1,1:np],xlab="pop",ylab="Fis",main="",...);graphics::abline(h=x$Fs[1,np+1])
  graphics::image(1:np,1:np,x$Fst2x2,main=expression(F[ST]^{pairwise}),xlab="Pop. X",ylab="Pop. Y")

#' @describeIn fs.dosage Print function for fs.dosage class 
# @inheritParams plot.fs.dosage
#' @param digits number of digits to print
#' @method print fs.dosage    
#' @export 

#' @rdname fs.dosage 
#' @export

 fst.dosage<-function(dos, pop, matching = FALSE){

#' @rdname fs.dosage 
#' @export

 fis.dosage<-function(dos, pop, matching = FALSE){
#' @rdname fs.dosage
#' @export

 pairwise.fst.dosage<-function(dos, pop, matching = FALSE){

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