
Defines functions estimhar

#' @importFrom stats lm formula
#' @importFrom xts xts 
#' @importFrom zoo index
#' @keywords internal
estimhar <- function(y, x, externalRegressor){ #Potentially add stuff here
  colnames(y) <- "y"
    output <- lm(formula(y ~ .), data = xts(cbind(y, x, externalRegressor), order.by = index(y))) ##Changed this to y~. because I got an error that the data was a list, even though class(data) was data.frame (only happened when using leverage)
  } else {
    ## Shouldn't actually ever get reached
    output <- lm(formula(y ~ .), data = cbind(y, x, externalRegressor)) 

# Help function to get nicely formatted formula's for print/summary methods.
#' @keywords internal
getHarmodelformula <- function(x) {
  modelnames = colnames(x$model)[-1] ##Changed because the formula is now y~. which makes model a single matrix-like object
  if(grepl("-X", x$type)){ ## We have external regressors
    externals <- grepl("external", modelnames)
    modelnames[externals] <- paste0("X", 1:sum(externals))
  if (!is.null(x$transform)) {
    modelnames <- paste(x$transform,"(",modelnames,")",sep="")
  } #Added visual tingie for plotting transformed RV

  betas      <- paste("beta", (1:length(modelnames)),"",sep="")
  betas2     <- paste(" + ", betas,"*")
  rightside  <- paste(betas2, modelnames,collapse="")
  h <- x$h
  left <- paste("RV", h, sep = "")
  if (!is.null(x$transform)) {
    left <- paste(x$transform,"(",left,")",sep="" )
  modeldescription <- paste(left, "= beta0", rightside)

#Insanity filter of BPQ, not exported
#' @keywords internal
harInsanityFilter <- function(fittedValues, lower, upper, replacement) {
  fittedValues[(fittedValues < lower | fittedValues > upper)] <- replacement

#' Heterogeneous autoregressive (HAR) model for realized volatility model estimation
#' @description Function returns the estimates for the heterogeneous autoregressive model (HAR)
#' for realized volatility  discussed in Andersen et al. (2007) and Corsi (2009).
#' This model is mainly used to forecast the next day's volatility based on the high-frequency returns of the past.
#' @param data  an \code{xts} object containing either: intraday (log-)returns or realized measures already computed from such returns. 
#' In case more than one realized measure is needed, the object should have the as many columns as realized measures needed. 
#' The first column should always be the realized variance proxy. 
#' In case type is either \code{"HARQJ"} or \code{"CHARQ"} the order should be 
#' \code{"RV"}, \code{"BPV"}, \code{"RQ"}, or the relevant proxies.
#' @param periods a vector of integers indicating over how days the realized measures in the model should be aggregated. 
#' By default  \code{periods = c(1,5,22)}, which corresponds to one day, one week and one month respectively. This default is in line with Andersen et al. (2007).
#' @param periodsJ a vector of integers indicating over what time periods the jump components in the model should be aggregated. 
#' By default \code{periodsJ = c(1,5,22)}, which corresponds to one day, one week and one month respectively.
#' @param periodsQ a vector of integers indicating over what time periods the realized quarticity in the model should be aggregated. 
#' By default \code{periodsQ = c(1,5,22)}, which corresponds to one day, one week and one month respectively.
#' @param leverage a vector of integers indicating over what periods the negative returns should be aggregated.
#' See Corsi and Reno (2012) for more information. By default \code{leverage = NULL} and the model assumes the absence of a  leverage effect. 
#' Set \code{leverage = c(1,5,22)} to mimic the analysis in Corsi and Reno (2012).
#' @param RVest a character vector with one, two, or three elements. The first element always refers to the name of the function to estimate the daily integrated variance (non-jump-robust).
#' The second and third element depends on which type of model is estimated: 
#' If \code{type = "HARJ"}, \code{type = "HARCJ"}, \code{type = "HARQJ"} the second element refers to the name of the function to estimate the continuous component of daily volatility (jump robust). 
#' If type = "HARQ", the second element refers to the name of the function used to estimate the integrated quarticity.
#' If \code{type = "HARQJ"} the third element always refers to the name of the function used to estimate integrated quarticity.
#' By default \code{RVest = c("rCov","rBPCov","rQuar")}, i.e. using the realized volatility, realized bi-power variance, and realized quarticity.
#' @param type a string referring to the type of HAR model you would like to estimate. By default \code{type = "HAR"}, the most basic model. 
#' Other valid options for type are \code{"HARJ"}, \code{"HARCJ"}, \code{"HARQ"}, \code{"HARQJ"}, \code{"CHAR"}, or \code{"CHARQ"}.
#' @param inputType a string denoting if the input data consists of realized measures or high-frequency returns. 
#' Default "RM" is the only way to denote realized measures and everything else denotes returns.
#' @param jumpTest the function name of a function used to test whether the test statistic which determines whether the jump variability is significant that day. By default \code{jumpTest = "ABDJumptest"}, hence using the test statistic in Equation or Equation (18) of Andersen et al. (2007).
#' It is also possible to provide pre-computed test statistics for jump tests by setting \code{jumpTest} to \code{"testStat"}. These test statistics should still be passed as the third column.
#' @param alpha a real indicating the confidence level used in testing for jumps. By default \code{alpha = 0.05}.
#' @param h an integer indicating the number over how many days the dependent variable should be aggregated.
#' By default, \code{h = 1}, i.e. no aggregation takes place, you just model the daily realized volatility.
#' @param transform optionally a string referring to a function that transforms both the dependent and explanatory variables in the model. By default \code{transform = NULL}, so no transformation is done. Typical other choices in this context would be "log" or "sqrt".
#' @param externalRegressor an \code{xts} object of same number of rows as \code{data}, and one column. This is used as an external regressor. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param periodsExternal a vector of integers indicating over how days \code{externalRegressor} should be aggregated.
#' @param ... extra arguments for jump test.
#' @return The function outputs an object of class \code{HARmodel} and \code{\link{lm}} (so \code{HARmodel} is  a subclass of \code{\link{lm}}). Objects
#' of class \code{HARmodel} has the following methods \code{\link{plot.HARmodel}}, \code{\link{predict.HARmodel}}, \code{\link{print.HARmodel}}, and \code{\link{summary.HARmodel}}.
#' @details The basic specification in Corsi (2009) is as follows. 
#' Let \eqn{RV_{t}} be the realized variances at day \eqn{t} and \eqn{RV_{t-k:t}} the average
#' realized variance in between \eqn{t-k} and \eqn{t}, \eqn{k \geq 0}. 
#' The dynamics of the model are given by
#' \deqn{
#' RV_{t+1} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \ RV_{t} + \beta_2 \ RV_{t-4:t} + \beta_3 \ RV_{t-21:t} + \varepsilon_{t+1}
#' }
#' which is estimated by ordinary least squares under the assumption that at time \eqn{t},
#' the conditional mean of  \eqn{\varepsilon_{t+1}} is equal to zero.
#' For other specifications, please refer to the cited papers.
#' The standard errors reporting in the \code{print} and \code{summary} methods are Newey-West standard errors calculated with the \pkg{sandwich} package.
#' @references 
#' Andersen, T. G., Bollerslev, T., and Diebold, F. (2007). Roughing it up: Including jump components in the measurement, modelling and forecasting of return volatility. \emph{The Review of Economics and Statistics}, 89, 701-720.
#' Corsi, F. (2009). A simple approximate long memory model of realized volatility. \emph{Journal of Financial Econometrics}, 7, 174-196.
#' Corsi, F. and Reno R. (2012). Discrete-time volatility forecasting with persistent leverage effect and the link with continuous-time volatility modeling. \emph{Journal of Business & Economic Statistics}, 30, 368-380.
#' Bollerslev, T., Patton, A., and Quaedvlieg, R. (2016).  Exploiting the errors: A simple approach for improved volatility forecasting, \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 192, 1-18.
#' @keywords forecasting
#' @examplesIf !grepl("debian", sessionInfo()["platform"], fixed = TRUE)
#' \dontshow{data.table::setDTthreads(2)}
#' # Example 1: HAR
#' # Forecasting daily Realized volatility for the S&P 500 using the basic HARmodel: HAR
#' library(xts)
#' RVSPY <- as.xts(SPYRM$RV5, order.by = SPYRM$DT)
#' x <- HARmodel(data = RVSPY , periods = c(1,5,22), RVest = c("rCov"),
#'               type = "HAR", h = 1, transform = NULL, inputType = "RM")
#' class(x)
#' x
#' summary(x)
#' plot(x)
#' predict(x)
#' # Example 2: HARQ
#' # Get the highfrequency returns
#' dat <- as.xts(sampleOneMinuteData[, makeReturns(STOCK), by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT))])
#' x <- HARmodel(dat, periods = c(1,5,10), periodsJ = c(1,5,10),
#'             periodsQ = c(1), RVest = c("rCov", "rQuar"),
#'               type="HARQ", inputType = "returns")
#' # Estimate the HAR model of type HARQ
#' class(x)
#' x
#' # plot(x)
#' # predict(x)
#' # Example 3: HARQJ with already computed realized measures
#' dat <- SPYRM[, list(DT, RV5, BPV5, RQ5)]
#' x <- HARmodel(as.xts(dat), periods = c(1,5,22), periodsJ = c(1),
#'               periodsQ = c(1), type = "HARQJ")
#' # Estimate the HAR model of type HARQJ
#' class(x)
#' x
#' # plot(x)
#' predict(x)
#' # Example 4: CHAR with already computed realized measures
#' dat <- SPYRM[, list(DT, RV5, BPV5)]
#' x <- HARmodel(as.xts(dat), periods = c(1, 5, 22), type = "CHAR")
#' # Estimate the HAR model of type CHAR
#' class(x)
#' x
#' # plot(x)
#' predict(x)
#' # Example 5: CHARQ with already computed realized measures
#' dat <- SPYRM[, list(DT, RV5, BPV5, RQ5)]
#' x <- HARmodel(as.xts(dat), periods = c(1,5,22), periodsQ = c(1), type = "CHARQ")
#' # Estimate the HAR model of type CHARQ
#' class(x)
#' x
#' # plot(x)
#' predict(x)
#' # Example 6: HARCJ with pre-computed test-statistics
#' ## BNSJumptest manually calculated.
#' testStats <- sqrt(390) * (SPYRM$RV1 - SPYRM$BPV1)/sqrt((pi^2/4+pi-3 - 2) * SPYRM$medRQ1)
#' model <- HARmodel(cbind(as.xts(SPYRM[, list(DT, RV5, BPV5)]), testStats), type = "HARCJ")
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @export
HARmodel <- function(data, periods = c(1, 5, 22), periodsJ = c(1, 5, 22), periodsQ = c(1),
                     leverage = NULL, RVest = c("rCov","rBPCov", "rQuar"), type = "HAR", inputType = "RM",
                     jumpTest = "ABDJumptest", alpha = 0.05, h = 1, transform = NULL, externalRegressor = NULL, periodsExternal = c(1), ...){

  nperiods <- length(periods) # Number of periods to aggregate over
  nest <- length(RVest)      # Number of RV estimators
  nperiodsQ <- length(periodsQ) #Number of periods to aggregate realized quarticity over
  jumpModels <- c("HARJ", "HARCJ", "HARQJ", "CHAR", "CHARQ")
  quarticityModels <- c("HARQ", "HARQJ", "CHARQ")
  bpvModels <- c("CHAR", "CHARQ")
    stop("The data in the HARmodel function must be of xts format.")
  if (!is.null(transform)) {
    Ftransform = match.fun(transform)
  if (!(type %in% c("HAR", jumpModels, quarticityModels))) {
    warning("Please provide a valid argument for type, see documentation.")
    if(!is.xts(externalRegressor) && !(nrow(externalRegressor) != nrow(data) | ncol(externalRegressor) != 1)){
      stop("When using the externalRegressor argument, the input must be of type xts and have same number of rows as the data input. externalRegressor must have one column")
  if (inputType != "RM") { #If it is returns as input
    # Get the daily RMs
    RV1 <- match.fun(RVest[1])
    RM1 <- apply.daily(data, RV1 )
    # save dates:
    alldates = index(RM1)
    if (type %in% jumpModels ) {
      RV2 <- match.fun( RVest[2])
      RM2 <- apply.daily(data, RV2)
    if( type %in% quarticityModels ) {
      if(type %in% c("HARQJ","CHARQ")){##HARQJ and CHARQ are the only models that need both BPV and realized quarticity.
        RV2 <- match.fun(RVest[2])
        RM2 <- apply.daily(data, RV2)
        RV3 <- match.fun(RVest[3])
        RM3 <- apply.daily(data, RV3)
      if(type == "HARQ"){
        RV3 <- match.fun( RVest[2])
        RM3 <- apply.daily( data, RV3 )
        periodsJ <- periods

  if (inputType == "RM") { #The input is  already realized measures
    dimdata <- dim(data)[2]
    alldates <- index(data)
    RM1 <- data[,1]
    if (type %in% jumpModels) {
      RM2 <- data[,2]
    if (type == "HARQ") {
      RM3 <- data[,2]
    if (type %in% c("HARQJ", "CHARQ", "HARCJ")) {
      RM2 <- data[, 2]
      RM3 <- data[, 3]

  # Get the matrix for estimation of linear model:
  # This looks weird, but we need to make sure that we don't consider periodsJ in maxp when type == "HAR"
  # and in other similar cases.
  maxp <- max(
    c(periods,periodsJ[type %in% jumpModels],periodsQ[type %in% quarticityModels])
              ) # Max number of aggregation levels

  if (!is.null(leverage)) {
    maxp <- max(maxp,leverage)
  n <- length(RM1)  #Number of Days

  # Aggregate RV:

  #RVmatrix1 <- aggRV(RM1,periods)
  RVmatrix1 <- har_agg(RM1, periods, nperiods)
  colnames(RVmatrix1) <- paste0("RV", periods)
  # Aggregate and subselect y:
  y <- xts(har_agg(RM1, c(h), 1L)[(maxp+h):(n)], order.by = index(RM1)[(maxp+h):(n)])
  colnames(y) <- "y"
  # Only keep useful parts:
  x1 <- RVmatrix1[(maxp:(n-h)), ]
  if (type %in% jumpModels) {
    RVmatrix2 <- har_agg(RM2,periods, nperiods)
    colnames(RVmatrix2) <- paste0("J", periods)
    x2 <- RVmatrix2[(maxp:(n-h)),]
  }  # In case a jumprobust estimator is supplied
  if (type %in% quarticityModels) { #in case realized quarticity estimator is supplied
    RQmatrix  <- as.matrix(har_agg(RM3,periodsQ, nperiodsQ)[(maxp:(n-h)),])
    colnames(RQmatrix) <- paste0("RQ", periodsQ)
    if (nperiodsQ == 1){
      RQmatrix <- as.matrix(sqrt(RQmatrix) - sqrt(mean(RM3)))
    } else {
      RQmatrix <- sqrt(RQmatrix) - sqrt(mean(RM3)) #Demeaned realized quarticity estimator as in BPQ(2016)

  # Jumps:
  if (type %in% jumpModels && !(type %in% bpvModels)) { # If model type is as such that you need jump component, don't spend time on computing jumps for CHAR.. models
    if (any(RM2 == 0) && inputType == "RM") { #The jump contributions were provided
      J <- RM2
    } else { #compute jump contributions
      J <- pmax(RM1 - RM2, 0) # Jump contributions should be positive
    J <- as.matrix(har_agg(J, periodsJ, length(periodsJ)))
    colnames(J) <- paste0("J", periodsJ)

  if (!is.null(leverage)) {
    if (sum(data < 0) == 0) {
      stop("You cannot use leverage variables in the model in case your input consists of Realized Measures")

    # Get close-to-close returns
    e <- apply.daily(data,sum) #Sum logreturns daily
    # Get the rmins:
    rmintemp <- pmin(e,0)
    # Aggregate everything:
    rmin <- har_agg(rmintemp, leverage, length(leverage))[(maxp:(n-h)),]
    colnames(rmin) <- paste0("Rmin", leverage)
    # Select:
    #rmin <- rmin[(maxp:(n-h)),]
  } else {
    rmin <- matrix(ncol=0,nrow=dim(x1)[1])

    ## Aggregate external regressor as mandated by periodsExternal
    externalRegressor <- har_agg(externalRegressor, periodsExternal, length(periodsExternal))[(maxp:(n-h)), ,drop = FALSE]
  # Estimate the model parameters, according to type of model :
  # First model type: traditional HAR-RV:
  if (type == "HAR") {
    if (!is.null(transform)) {
      y  <- Ftransform(y)
      x1 <- Ftransform(x1)
    x1 <- cbind(x1,rmin)
    model <- estimhar(y = y, x = x1, externalRegressor = externalRegressor)
      type <- paste0(type, "-X")
    model$RVest <- RVest[1]
  } #End HAR-RV if cond

  if (type == "HARJ") {
    if (!is.null(transform) && transform == "log") {
      J <- J + 1 # will be transformed below in x <- Ftransform(x)
    J <- J[(maxp:(n-h)),,drop = FALSE]
    x <- cbind(x1,J)         # bind jumps to RV data
    if (!is.null(transform)) {
      y <- Ftransform(y)
      x <- Ftransform(x)
    x <- cbind(x, rmin)
    model <- estimhar(y = y, x = x, externalRegressor = externalRegressor)
      type <- paste0(type, "-X")
    model$RVest <- RVest
  }#End HAR-RV-J if cond

  if (type == "HARCJ") {
    # Are the jumps significant? if not set to zero:
    if (jumpTest == "ABDJumptest") {
      if(inputType != "RM"){
        TQ <- apply.daily(data, rTPQuar) 
      } else {
        TQ <- RM3
      J <- J[,1]
      teststats <- ABDJumptest(RV=RM1,BPV=RM2,TQ=TQ )
    } else if(jumpTest == "testStats") {
      teststats <- RM3
    } else {
      jtest <- match.fun(jumpTest)
      teststats <- jtest(data,...)
    Jindicators  <- teststats > qnorm(1-alpha)
    J[!Jindicators] <- 0

    # Get continuous components if necessary RV measures if necessary:
    Cmatrix <- matrix(nrow = dim(RVmatrix1)[1], ncol = 1)
    Cmatrix[Jindicators,]    <- RVmatrix2[Jindicators, 1]   #Fill with robust one in case of jump
    Cmatrix[(!Jindicators)]  <- RVmatrix1[(!Jindicators), 1] #Fill with non-robust one in case of no-jump
    # Aggregate again:
    Cmatrix <- har_agg(Cmatrix, periods, nperiods)
    colnames(Cmatrix) <- paste0("C", periods)
    Jmatrix <- har_agg(J, periodsJ, length(periodsJ))
    colnames(Jmatrix) <- paste0("J", periodsJ)
    # subset again:
    Cmatrix <- Cmatrix[(maxp:(n-h)), ]
    Jmatrix <- Jmatrix[(maxp:(n-h)), ]
    if (!is.null(transform) && transform=="log") {
      Jmatrix <- Jmatrix + 1 # Will be transformed later

    x <- cbind(Cmatrix, Jmatrix)              # bind jumps to RV data
    if (!is.null(transform)) {
      y <- Ftransform(y)
      x <- Ftransform(x)
    x <- cbind(x,rmin)
    model <- estimhar(y = y, x = x, externalRegressor = externalRegressor)
    model$RVest <- RVest
    model$jumpTest <- jumpTest
    model$alpha_jumps <- alpha
      type <- paste0(type, "-X")

  if (type == "HARQ") {
    if (!is.null(transform)) {
      y  <- Ftransform(y)
      x1 <- Ftransform(x1)
      warning("The realized quarticity is already transformed with sqrt() thus only realized variance is transformed")

    x1 <- cbind(x1, RQmatrix[,1:nperiodsQ] * x1[,1:nperiodsQ])
    if (is.null(colnames(RQmatrix))) { #special case for 1 aggregation period of realized quarticity. This appends the RQ1 name
      colnames(x1) <- c(colnames(x1[,1:nperiods]),"RQ1")
    if(all(colnames(x1) == c(paste0("RV", periods), rep("", nperiodsQ)))){
      colnames(x1) <- c(colnames(x1[,1:nperiods]), paste0("RQ", periodsQ))
    x1 <- cbind(x1,rmin)
    model <- estimhar(y = y, x = x1, externalRegressor = externalRegressor)
    model$RVest <- RVest[1]
      type <- paste0(type, "-X")

  if (type == "HARQJ") {
    if (!is.null(transform) && transform == "log") {
      J <- log(J + 1)
    J <- J[(maxp:(n-h)),, drop = FALSE]
    if (!is.null(transform)) {
      y <- Ftransform(y); x1 = Ftransform(x1)
      warning("The realized quarticity is already transformed with sqrt() thus only realized variance is transformed")
    x1 <- cbind(x1, J, RQmatrix[,1:nperiodsQ] * x1[,1:nperiodsQ])
    if(is.null(colnames(RQmatrix))){ #special case for 1 aggregation period of realized quarticity. This appends the RQ1 name
      colnames(x1) <- c(colnames(x1[,1:(dim(x1)[2]-1)]), "RQ1")
    if(all(colnames(x1) == c(paste0("RV", periods), paste0("J", periodsJ), rep("", nperiodsQ)))){
      colnames(x1) <- c(colnames(x1[,1:(nperiods+length(periodsJ))]), paste0("RQ", periodsQ))
    x1 <- cbind(x1,rmin);
    model <-  estimhar(y = y, x = x1, externalRegressor = externalRegressor)
    model$RVest <- RVest[1]
      type <- paste0(type, "-X")

  if (type == "CHAR") {
    if (!is.null(transform)) {
      y  <- Ftransform(y)
      x2 <- Ftransform(x2)
    x2 <- cbind(x2,rmin);
    model <- estimhar(y = y, x = x2, externalRegressor = externalRegressor)
    model$transform <- transform
    model$RVest <- RVest[1]
      type <- paste0(type, "-X")
  } #End CHAR-RV if cond

  if (type == "CHARQ") {
    if (!is.null(transform)) {
      y  <- Ftransform(y)
      x2 <- Ftransform(x2)
      warning("The realized quarticity is already transformed with sqrt() thus only realized variance and bipower variation is transformed")
    x2 <- cbind(x2, RQmatrix[,1:nperiodsQ] * x2[,1:nperiodsQ])

    if (is.null(colnames(RQmatrix))) { #special case for 1 aggregation period of realized quarticity. This appends the RQ1 name
      colnames(x2) <- c(colnames(x2[,1:nperiods]), "RQ1")
    x2 <- cbind(x2,rmin)
    model <- estimhar(y = y, x = x2, externalRegressor = externalRegressor)
    model$RVest <- RVest[1]
      type <- paste0(type, "-X")
  } #End CHAR-RVQ if cond
  model$fitted.values <- harInsanityFilter(fittedValues = model$fitted.values, lower = min(y, 0), upper = max(y), replacement = mean(y))
  model$residuals <- model$model[, "y"] - model$fitted.values
  model$dates <- alldates[(maxp+h):n]
  model$type <- type
  model$transform <- transform
  model$inputType <- inputType
  model$h <- h
  model$leverage <- leverage
  model$maxp <- maxp
  class(model) <- c("HARmodel", "lm")
  return (model)

#' Plotting method for HARmodel objects
#' @param x an object of class \code{HARmodel}
#' @param ... extra arguments, see details
#' @details The plotting method has the following optional parameter:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{legend.loc}}{ A string denoting the location of the legend passed on to \code{addLegend} of the \pkg{xts} package}
#' }
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.interactive
#' @importFrom graphics plot panel.smooth points par
#' @importFrom stats residuals
#' @importFrom xts addLegend
#' @export
plot.HARmodel <- function(x, ...){
  options <- list(...)
  #### List of standard options
  opt <- list(legend.loc = "topleft")
  #### Override standard options where user passed new options
  opt[names(options)] <- options
  observed   <- x$model$y
  fitted     <- x$fitted.values
  dates      <- x$dates
  dates      <- as.POSIXct(dates)
  observed   <- xts(observed, order.by=dates)
  fitted     <- xts(fitted, order.by=dates)
  type       <- x$type
  legend.loc <- opt$legend.loc
  g_range <- range(fitted,observed)
  g_range[1] <- 0.95 * g_range[1]
  g_range[2] <- 1.05 * g_range[2]
  #ind = seq(1,length(fitted),length.out=5);
  title <- paste("Observed and forecasted RV based on HAR Model:",type);
  plot(cbind(fitted,observed), col = c('blue', 'red'), main = title, ylab = "Realized Volatility", lty = c(1,2), yaxis.right = FALSE)

  #plot.zoo(observed,col="red",lwd=2,main=title, ylim=g_range,xlab="Time",ylab="Realized Volatility");
  #  axis(1,time(b)[ind], format(time(b)[ind],), las=2, cex.axis=0.8); not used anymore
  #  axis(2);
  #legend("topleft", c("Observed RV","Forecasted RV"), cex=1.1, col=c("red","blue"),lty=1, lwd=2, bty="n");
  addLegend(legend.loc = legend.loc, on = 1,
            legend.names = c("Forecasted RV", "Observed RV"),
            lty = c(1, 2), lwd = c(2, 2),
            col = c("blue", "red"))

#' Predict method for objects of type \code{HARmodel}
#' @param object an object of class \code{HARmodel}
#' @param ... extra arguments. See details
#' @details
#' The print method has the following optional parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{newdata}}{ new data to use for forecasting}
#' \item{\code{warnings}}{ A logical denoting whether to display warnings, detault is \code{TRUE}}
#' \item{\code{backtransform}}{ A string. If the model is estimated with transformation this parameter can be set to transform the prediction back into variance
#' The possible values are \code{"simple"} which means inverse of transformation, i.e. \code{exp} when log-transformation is applied. If using log transformation,
#' the option \code{"parametric"} can also be used to transform back. The parametric method adds a correction that stems from using the log-transformation }
#' }
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @export
predict.HARmodel <- function(object, ... ){
  options <- list(...)
  #### List of standard options
  opt <- list(newdata = NULL, warnings = TRUE, backtransform = "simple")
  #### Override standard options where user passed new options
  opt[names(options)] <- options
  newdata <- opt$newdata
  warnings <- opt$warnings
  backtransform <- opt$backtransform
  # If no new data is provided - just forecast on the last day of your estimation sample
  # If new data with colnames as in object$model$x is provided, i.e. right measures for that model, just use that data
  ##### These 4 lines are added to make adding new models (hopefully) easier
  jumpModels <- c("HARJ", "HARCJ", "HARQJ", "CHAR", "CHARQ")
  quarticityModels <- c("HARQ", "HARQJ", "CHARQ")
  bpvModels <- c("CHAR", "CHARQ")
  #### Initialization
  type <- object$type
  inputType <- object$inputType

  if (is.null(newdata)) {
    if (is.null(object$transform)) {
      return(as.numeric(as.numeric(c(1, xts::last(object$model[,-1])))  %*%  object$coefficients))
    if (object$transform == "log") {
      if(backtransform == "parametric"){
        return(as.numeric(exp(as.numeric(c(1, xts::last(object$model[,-1])))  %*%  object$coefficients + 1/2 * var(object$residuals))))
      } else if(backtransform == "simple"){
        return(exp(as.numeric(as.numeric(c(1, xts::last(object$model[,-1])))  %*%  object$coefficients)))
      } else {
        return(as.numeric(as.numeric(c(1, xts::last(object$model[,-1])))  %*%  object$coefficients))
    if (object$transform == "sqrt") {
      if(backtransform == "simple"){
        return(as.numeric(as.numeric(c(1, xts::last(object$model[,-1])))  %*%  object$coefficients)^2)  
      } else if(backtransform == "parametric"){
        stop("parametric backtransform is not available for the sqrt transformation")
      } else {
        return(as.numeric(as.numeric(c(1, xts::last(object$model[,-1])))  %*%  object$coefficients)) 

  # Check whether newdata is in right format
  if (sum(colnames(newdata) == colnames(object$model[,-1])) == length(colnames(object$model[,-1]))) {
    if (is.null(object$transform)) {
      return(as.numeric(cbind(1, newdata)  %*%  object$coefficients))
    if (object$transform == "log") {
      warning("Due to log-transform, forecast of RV is derived under assumption of log-normality.")
      return(as.numeric(exp(cbind(1, newdata)  %*%  object$coefficients + 1/2 * var(object$residuals))))
    if (object$transform == "sqrt") {
      warning("Forecast for sqrt(RV) due to transform == \"sqrt\".")
      return(as.numeric(cbind(1, newdata)  %*%  object$coefficients))
  } else {
    # Aggregate price data as in HARmodel function

    # Extract periods from coefficient names
    if (type == "HAR") {
      # RV component
      periods <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("RV", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 4))
      periodsJ <- 0
      periodsQ <- 0
      nperiodsQ <- length(periodsQ)
    if (type == "HARJ") {
      # RV component
      periods <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("RV", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 4))
      # Jump components
      periodsJ <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("J", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 3))
      # RQ component
      periodsQ <- 0
      nperiodsJ <- length(periodsJ)
    if (type == "HARCJ") {
      # Continuous component
      periods <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("C", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 3))
      # Jump component
      periodsJ <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("J", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 3))
      # RQ component
      periodsQ <- 0
      nperiodsJ <- length(periodsJ)
    if (type == "HARQ") {
      # RV component
      periods <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("RV", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 4))
      # Jump component
      periodsJ <- 0
      # RQ component
      periodsQ <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("RQ", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 4))
      nperiodsQ <- length(periodsQ)
    if (type == "HARQJ") {
      # RV component
      periods <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("RV", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 4))
      # Jump component
      periodsJ <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("J", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 3))
      # RQ component
      periodsQ <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("RQ", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 4))
      nperiodsQ <- length(periodsQ)
      nperiodsJ <- length(periodsJ)
    if (type == "CHAR") {
      # Continuous component
      periods <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("RV", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 4))
      # Jump component
      periodsJ <- 0
      # RQ component
      periodsQ <- 0
      nperiodsQ <- length(periodsQ)
    if (type == "CHARQ") {
      # Continuous component
      periods <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("RV", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 4))
      # Jump component
      periodsJ <- 0
      # RQ component
      periodsQ <- as.numeric(substring(names(object$coefficients[-1])[grep("RQ", names(object$coefficients[-1]))], first = 4))
      nperiodsQ <- length(periodsQ)

    RVest <- object$RVest

    nperiods <- length(periods)  # Number of periods to aggregate over
    nest <- length(RVest)        # Number of RV estimators
    if (!is.null(object$transform)) {
      Ftransform <- match.fun(transform)

    if (inputType != "RM") { #If it are returns as input
      # Get the daily RMs
      RV1 <- match.fun(RVest[1])
      RM1 <- apply.daily(newdata, RV1)
      if (type %in% jumpModels) {
        RV2 <- match.fun(RVest[2])
        RM2 <- apply.daily(newdata, RV2)
      if (type %in% quarticityModels ) {
        if(type %in% c("HARQJ","CHARQ")){##HARQJ and CHARQ are the only models that need both BPV and realized quarticity.
          RV2 <- match.fun( RVest[2])
          RM2 <- apply.daily(newdata, RV2 )
          RV3 <- match.fun( RVest[3])
          RM3 <- apply.daily(newdata, RV3 )
        if(type == "HARQ"){
          RV3 <- match.fun(RVest[2])
          RM3 <- apply.daily(newdata, RV3)
    if (inputType == "RM") { #The input is already realized measures
      stop(paste0(c("If your data is already aggregated, newdata column names should be", colnames(object$model$x),
                    "as harModel-type is", type, "."),
                  collapse = " "))
    leverage <- object$leverage

    maxp <- max(periods,periodsJ,periodsQ); # Max number of aggregation levels
    if (!is.null(leverage)) {
      maxp <- max(maxp,leverage)
    n <- length(RM1)  #Number of Days

    # Aggregate RV:
    h <- object$h
    RVmatrix1 <- har_agg(RM1, periods, nperiods)
    colnames(RVmatrix1) <- paste0("RV", periods)
    # Aggregate and subselect y:
    y <- as.data.frame(har_agg(RM1, c(h), 1L)[(maxp+h):(n), , drop = FALSE])
    colnames(y) <- "y"

    # Only keep useful parts:
    x1 <- RVmatrix1[(maxp:(n-h)), ]
    if (type %in% jumpModels ){
      RVmatrix2 <- har_agg(RM2, periodsJ, nperiodsJ)
      colnames(RVmatrix2) <- paste0("J", periods)
      x2 <- RVmatrix2[(maxp:(n-h)), ]
    }  # In case a jumprobust estimator is supplied
    if (type %in% quarticityModels) { #in case realized quarticity estimator is supplied
      # RQmatrix <- aggRQ(RM3,periodsQ)[(maxp:(n - h)), ]
      RQmatrix <- har_agg(RM3, periodsQ, nperiodsQ)
      colnames(RVmatrix1) <- paste0("RV", periods)
      if(nperiodsQ == 1){
        RQmatrix <- as.matrix(sqrt(RQmatrix) - sqrt(mean(RM3)))
      } else {
        RQmatrix <- sqrt(RQmatrix) - sqrt(mean(RM3)) #Demeaned realized quarticity estimator as in BPQ(2016)

    # Jumps:
    if (type %in% jumpModels && !(type %in% bpvModels)) { # If model type is as such that you need jump component, don't spend time on computing jumps for CHAR.. models
      if (any(RM2 == 0) && inputType == "RM") { #The jump contributions were provided
        J <- RM2
      } else { #compute jump contributions
        J <- pmax(RM1 - RM2, 0) # Jump contributions should be positive
      J <- as.data.frame(har_agg(J, periodsJ, length(periodsJ)))
      colnames(J) = paste0("J", periodsJ)

    if (!is.null(leverage)) {
      if (inputType == "RM") {
        warning("You cannot use leverage variables in the model in case your input consists of Realized Measures")
      # Get close-to-close returns
      e <- apply.daily(newdata, sum) #Sum logreturns daily
      # Get the rmins:
      rmintemp <- pmin(e, 0)
      # Aggregate everything:
      rmin <- as.data.frame(har_agg(rmintemp, leverage, length(leverage))[(maxp:(n-h)), ,drop = FALSE])
      colnames(rmin) <- paste0("Rmin", leverage)
      #rmin <- aggRV(rmintemp, periods = leverage, type = "Rmin")
      # Select:
      #rmin <- rmin[(maxp:n),]
    } else {
      rmin <- matrix(ncol=0,nrow=dim(x1)[1])

    if (type == "HAR") {
      if (!is.null(object$transform)) {
        x1 <- Ftransform(x1)
      x <- cbind(x1, rmin)

    if (type == "HARJ") {

      if (!is.null(object$transform) && transform=="log") {
        J <- J + 1
      J <- J[(maxp:(n)),]
      x <- cbind(x1,J)         # bind jumps to RV data
      if (!is.null(transform)) {
        x <- Ftransform(x)
      x <- cbind(x,rmin)

    if (type == "HARCJ") {

      if (object$jumpTest=="ABDJumptest") {
        TQ <- apply.daily(newdata, rTPQuar)
        J <- J[, 1]
        teststats <- ABDJumptest(RV = RM1, BPV = RM2,TQ = TQ)
      } else {
        jtest <- match.fun(object$jumpTest)
        teststats <- jtest(newdata, ...)
      Jindicators  <- teststats > qnorm(1 - object$alpha_jumps)
      J[!Jindicators] <- 0

      # Get continuous components if necessary RV measures if necessary:
      Cmatrix <- matrix(nrow = dim(RVmatrix1)[1], ncol = 1)
      Cmatrix[Jindicators,]    <- RVmatrix2[Jindicators, 1]   #Fill with robust one in case of jump
      Cmatrix[(!Jindicators)]  <- RVmatrix1[(!Jindicators), 1] #Fill with non-robust one in case of no-jump
      # Aggregate again:
      Cmatrix <- har_agg(Cmatrix, periods, nperiods)
      colnames(Cmatrix) <- paste0("C", periods)
      Jmatrix <- har_agg(J, periodsJ, nperiods)
      colnames(Jmatrix) <- paste0("J", periodsJ)
      # subset again:
      Cmatrix <- Cmatrix[(maxp:(n-h)), ]
      Jmatrix <- Jmatrix[(maxp:(n-h)), ]
      if (!is.null(object$transform) && object$transform == "log") {
        Jmatrix <- Jmatrix + 1

      x <- cbind(Cmatrix, Jmatrix)               # bind jumps to RV data
      if (!is.null(transform)) {
        x <- Ftransform(x)
      x <- cbind(x, rmin)

    if (type == "HARQ") {
      if (!is.null(transform)) {
        y  <- Ftransform(y)
        x1 <- Ftransform(x1)
        warning("The realized quarticity is already transformed with sqrt() thus only realized variance is transformed")
      x1 <- cbind(x1, RQmatrix[,1:nperiodsQ] * x1[,1:nperiodsQ])
      if (is.null(colnames(RQmatrix))) { #special case for 1 aggregation period of realized quarticity. This appends the RQ1 name
        colnames(x1) <- c(colnames(x1[, 1:nperiods]),"RQ1")
      x <- cbind(x1,rmin)

    if (type == "HARQJ") {
      if (!is.null(transform) && transform=="log") {
        J <- J + 1
      J <- J[(maxp:(n-h)), ]
      if (!is.null(transform)) {
        y  <- Ftransform(y)
        x1 <- Ftransform(x1)
        warning("The realized quarticity is already transformed with sqrt() thus only realized variance is transformed")
      x1 <- cbind(x1, J, RQmatrix[,1:nperiodsQ] * x1[,1:nperiodsQ])
      if(is.null(colnames(RQmatrix))){ #special case for 1 aggregation period of realized quarticity. This appends the RQ1 name
        colnames(x1) <- c(colnames(x1[,1:(dim(x1)[2]-1)]), "RQ1")
      x <- cbind(x1,rmin)

    if (type == "CHAR") {
      if (!is.null(transform)) {
        y <- Ftransform(y)
        x2 <- Ftransform(x2)
      x <- cbind(x2,rmin)
    } #End CHAR-RV if cond

    if (type == "CHARQ") {
      if (!is.null(transform)) {
        y  <- Ftransform(y)
        x2 <- Ftransform(x2)
        warning("The realized quarticity is already transformed with sqrt() thus only realized variance and bipower variation is transformed")
      x2 = cbind(x2, RQmatrix[,1:nperiodsQ] * x2[,1:nperiodsQ])
      if(is.null(colnames(RQmatrix))){ #special case for 1 aggregation period of realized quarticity. This appends the RQ1 name
        colnames(x2) = c(colnames(x2[,1:nperiods]), "RQ1")
      x = cbind(x2,rmin)
    } #End CHAR-RVQ if cond

    if (is.null(object$transform)) {
      return(as.numeric(as.matrix(cbind(1, x))  %*%  object$coefficients))
    if (object$transform == "log") {
      if(backtransform == "parametric"){
        return(as.numeric(exp(as.matrix(cbind(1, x))  %*%  object$coefficients + 1/2 * var(object$residuals))))  
      } else if(backtransform == "simple"){
        return(exp(as.numeric(as.matrix(cbind(1, x))  %*%  object$coefficients)))
      } else {
        return(as.numeric(as.matrix(cbind(1, x))  %*%  object$coefficients))
    if (object$transform == "sqrt") {
      if(backtransform == "simple"){
        return(as.numeric(as.matrix(cbind(1, x))  %*%  object$coefficients)^2)  
      } else if(backtransform == "parametric"){
        stop("parametric backtransform is not available for the sqrt transformation")
      } else {
        return(as.numeric(as.matrix(cbind(1, x))  %*%  object$coefficients)) 

#' Printing method for \code{HARmodel} objects
#' @param x object of type \code{HARmodel}
#' @param ... extra options
#' @details The printing method has the extra option \code{digits} which can be used to set the number of digits for printing pass \code{lag} to determine the maximum order of the Newey West estimator. Default is \code{22}
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @importFrom sandwich NeweyWest
#' @export
print.HARmodel <- function(x, ...){
  options <- list(...)
  opt <- list(digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), lag = x$maxp)
  opt[names(options)] <- options
  digits <- opt$digits
  formula <- getHarmodelformula(x); modeldescription = formula[[1]]; betas = formula[[2]];

  cat("\nModel:\n", paste(modeldescription, sep = "\n", collapse = "\n"),
      "\n\n", sep = "")

  coefs <- coef(x);
  x$NeweyWestSE <- sandwich::NeweyWest(x, lag = opt$lag)
  NeweyWestSE <- x$NeweyWestSE
  names(coefs) <- c("beta0",betas)
  colnames(NeweyWestSE) <- rownames(NeweyWestSE) <- c("beta0",betas)
  if (length(coef(x))){
    print.default(format(coefs, digits = digits), print.gap = 2,quote = FALSE);
    cat("Newey-West Standard Errors:\n");
    print.default(format(sqrt(diag(NeweyWestSE)), digits = digits), print.gap = 2,quote = FALSE);
    Rs <- summary(x)[c("r.squared", "adj.r.squared")]
    zz <- c(Rs$r.squared,Rs$adj.r.squared);
    names(zz) <- c("r.squared","adj.r.squared")
    print.default((format(zz,digits=digits) ),print.gap = 2,quote=FALSE)
  else cat("No coefficients\n")

#' Summary for \code{HARmodel} objects
#' @param object An object of class \code{HARmodel}
#' @param ... pass \code{lag} to determine the maximum order of the Newey West estimator. Default is \code{22}
#' @return A modified \code{summary.lm}
#' @importFrom stats summary.lm pt
#' @importFrom sandwich NeweyWest
#' @export
summary.HARmodel <- function(object, ...){
  op <- list(lag = 22)
  op[names(options)] <- list(...)
  dd <- summary.lm(object)
  dd$coefficients[,"Std. Error"] <- sqrt(diag(NeweyWest(object, lag = op$lag)))
  dd$coefficients[,"t value"] <- dd$coefficients[,"Estimate"] / dd$coefficients[,"Std. Error"]
  dd$coefficients[,"Pr(>|t|)"] <- 2 * pt(abs(dd$coefficients[, "t value"]), object$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE)
  formula <- getHarmodelformula(object)
  modeldescription <- formula[[1]]
  betas <- formula[[2]]
  dd$call <- modeldescription
  rownames(dd$coefficients) <- c("beta0", betas)

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