aio: All-in-one Phasing

View source: R/aio.R

aioR Documentation

All-in-one Phasing


Phasing of a half-sib family group.


aio(genotypeMatrix, bmh_forwardVectorSize = 30, bmh_excludeFP = TRUE,
bmh_nsap = 3, output = "phase")



matrix half-sib genotypes (one half-sib per row, with SNP ordered by mapping position in the columns. Data should be numeric. Use 0, 1 and 2 respectively for AA, AB and BB. Use 9 for missing data)


integer number of heterozygous sites used to validate recombination events or check for genotyping errors


logical excludes SNPs that may cause heterozygous sites in the sire due to genotyping errors or map errors


integer number of SNP per block to validate recombinations


character if equal to the phase the 'aio' will only return the phasing results


This function calls the bmh, ssp and phf functions.


Returns a list of matrices. The first element (phasedHalfsibs) is a matrix with two rows (phased haplotypes) per individual (first paternal and second maternal). Data in format 0 (A), 1 (B) and 9 (unphased or missing). The second (sireHaplotype) and third (blockStructure) elements are the same as the output of ssp and bmh.


Only this function needs to be called to phase a half-sib family. The genotype's matrix must contain individuals from only one half-sib family and one ordered chromosome.

See Also

bmh, ssp and phf


genotype <- matrix(c(       # Define a Half-sib Genotype Matrix
  2,1,0,                    # Individual 1
  2,0,0,                    # Individual 2
  0,0,2                     # Individual 3
  ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)    # There are 3 individulas with three SNPs
aio(genotype)               # The genotypes must include only one half-sib family and one chromosome

hsphase documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.