impute: Impute of Low Density SNP Marker to High Density (Paternal...

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imputeR Documentation

Impute of Low Density SNP Marker to High Density (Paternal Strand)


Impute the paternal strand from low density to high density utilising high density sire haplotype.


impute(halfsib_genotype_ld, sire_hd, bmh_forwardVectorSize = 30, 
bmh_excludeFP = TRUE, bmh_nsap = 3)



matrix half-sib genotypes with low density marker (one half-sib per row, with SNP ordered by mapping position in the columns. Data should be numeric. Use 0, 1 and 2 respectively for AA, AB and BB. Use 9 for missing data)


matrix haplotype of sire (this parameter can be sequence data or any phased sire - the matrix should have rownames which are the sample IDs and colnames which are the SNP names)


integer number of heterozygous sites used to validate recombination events or check for genotyping errors


logical exclude SNPs that may cause heterozygous sites in the sire due to genotyping errors or map errors


integer number of SNPs per block


Return an imputed half-sib matrix.

See Also

bmh, ssp and phf

hsphase documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.