dot-fastdist: Calculate Genotypic Distances

.fastdistR Documentation

Calculate Genotypic Distances


Calculates a symmetric matrix of distances between genotypes, based on a given genotype matrix. Each row in the 'GenotypeMatrix' represents a genotype, and each column represents a marker. The genotype is coded as 0 for AA, 1 for AB, and 2 for BB. Use 9 to represent missing data.





A matrix where each row represents a genotype and each column represents a marker. Genotypes should be coded as 0 for AA, 1 for AB, and 2 for BB, with 9 representing missing data.


Returns a symmetric matrix of distances between the genotypes specified in the 'GenotypeMatrix'. Row and column names of the returned matrix correspond to the row names of the 'GenotypeMatrix'.


# Simulate genotype data for 40 individuals across 1000 SNPs
# genotypes <- simulateHalfsib(numInd = 40, numSNP = 1000, recbound = 0:6, type = "genotype")
# Calculate the distance matrix
# dist_matrix <- fastdist(genotypes)
# Display the distance matrix
# print(dist_matrix)

hsphase documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.