# **********************************************************
# Author : Ezequiel Toum
# Licence : GPL V3
# Institution : IANIGLA-CONICET
# e-mail :
# **********************************************************
# hydrotoolbox package is distributed in the hope that it
# will be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
# **********************************************************
#' Melt many objects into an \code{hydromet_compact} class object
#' @description This method allows you merge several tables (inside \code{hydromet_station} and/or
#' \code{hydromet_compact} class objects) into a single one and set them into the compact slot
#' (\code{hydromet_compact} class object).
#' @param obj a valid \code{hydromet_compact} class object.
#' @param melt string vector containing the \code{hydromet_xxx} class objects names (as you
#' have in the \bold{Global Environment}) that you want for melting.
#' @param slot_name list (one element per \code{melt} vector name) with the slot(s) to
#' extract per every \code{hydromet_xxx} class object (as string vectors).
#' @param col_name string vector with the name of the variables to keep. You must comply
#' the following name convention \code{'melt_slot_variable'} (e.g.: 'guido_qd_Q(m3/s)' - where
#' \bold{guido} is your object name, \bold{qd} is the slot with daily mean river discharge
#' and \bold{Q(m3/s)} is the required column name inside that slot). Another option is to set
#' this argument just with the string \code{'all'} and the method will preserve \bold{all}
#' the slot(s) columns. Other minimal option is to choose the string \code{'last'}: in this
#' case you will get only the \bold{last} column of each slot(s).
#' @param out_name optional. String vector with the output names of the final table. If you
#' use the default value (\code{NULL}) the method will add the object and slot name
#' (provided in \code{melt} and \code{slot_name} argument) at the beginning of every column
#' (e.g.: \code{'guido_qd_q(m3/s)'}).
#' @return An \code{hydromet_compact} class object with a data frame inside the \code{compact}
#' slot with all variables that you provided in \code{col_name}.
#' @note Remember that all the chosen variables should have the same temporal resolution.
#' The method itself will not warn you about bad entries.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # lets say that we want to put together snow water equivalent from Toscas (dgi)
#' # and daily streamflow discharge from Guido (snih)
#' # path to all example files
#' path <- system.file('extdata', package = 'hydrotoolbox')
#' # on the first place we build the stations
#' # dgi file
#' toscas <-
#' hm_create() %>%
#' hm_build(bureau = 'dgi', path = path,
#' file_name = 'dgi_toscas.xlsx',
#' slot_name = c('swe', 'tmax',
#' 'tmin', 'tmean', 'rh', 'patm'),
#' by = 'day',
#' out_name = c('swe', 'tmax',
#' 'tmin', 'tmean', 'rh', 'patm') )
#' # snih file
#' guido <-
#' hm_create() %>%
#' hm_build(bureau = 'snih', path = path,
#' file_name = c('snih_hq_guido.xlsx',
#' 'snih_qd_guido.xlsx'),
#' slot_name = c('hq', 'qd'),
#' by = c('none', 'day') )
#' # now we melt the requiered data
#' hm_create(class_name = 'compact') %>%
#' hm_melt(melt = c('toscas', 'guido'),
#' slot_name = list(toscas = 'swe', guido = 'qd'),
#' col_name = 'all',
#' out_name = c('swe(mm)', 'qd(m3/s)')
#' ) %>%
#' hm_plot(slot_name = 'compact',
#' col_name = list( c('swe(mm)', 'qd(m3/s)') ),
#' interactive = TRUE,
#' line_color = c('dodgerblue', 'red'),
#' y_lab = c('q(m3/s)', 'swe(mm)'),
#' dual_yaxis = c('right', 'left')
#' )
setGeneric(name = 'hm_melt',
def = function(obj,
out_name = NULL)
#' @describeIn hm_melt plot method for compact class
## compact
setMethod(f = 'hm_melt',
signature = 'hydromet_compact',
definition = function(obj,
out_name = NULL){
#* conditionals
#* obj
check_class(argument = obj,
target = 'hydromet_compact',
arg_name = 'obj')
#* melt
check_class(argument = melt,
target = 'character',
arg_name = 'melt')
#* slot_name
check_class(argument = slot_name,
target = 'list',
arg_name = 'slot_name')
check_class(argument = unlist(slot_name),
target = 'character',
arg_name = 'slot_name elements')
target_names <- setdiff(x = slotNames("hydromet_station"),
y = slotNames("hydromet"))
check_string(argument = unlist(slot_name),
target = c('compact',
target_names ) ,
arg_name = 'slot_name elements' )
check_cross(ref_arg = melt,
eval_arg = slot_name,
arg_names = c('melt', 'slot_name') )
#* col_name
check_class(argument = col_name,
target = 'character',
arg_name = 'col_name')
#* out_name
if( !is.null(out_name) ){
check_class(argument = out_name,
target = 'character',
arg_name = 'out_name')
#* function
n_it <- length(melt)
for(i in 1:n_it){
#* inside melt
hm_obj <- get(x = melt[i], pos = '.GlobalEnv')
n_slot <- length( slot_name[[i]] )
for(j in 1:n_slot){
#* inside slot_name
#* get_slot
table_aux <- hm_get(obj = hm_obj, slot_name = slot_name[[i]][j] )
#* set default col_names
colnames(table_aux) <- c('date',
paste0(slot_name[[i]][j], '_', colnames(table_aux)[-1] )
#* merge tables
if(j == 1){
table_slot <- table_aux
} else {
table_slot <- merge(x = table_slot, y = table_aux, all = TRUE)
} # end for j
#* set default col_names
colnames(table_slot) <- c('date',
paste0(melt[i], '_', colnames(table_slot)[-1] )
#* merge them all
if(i == 1){
table_melt <- table_slot
} else {
table_melt <- merge(x = table_melt, y = table_slot, all = TRUE)
rm(table_slot, n_slot)
} # end for i
#* subset with col_name argument
if( length(col_name) == 1 ){
if( col_name == 'all'){
table_out <- table_melt
} else if( col_name == 'last'){
# detect the pattern in the column names
string_target <- colnames(table_melt)
column_pos <- c()
for(i in 1:n_it){
# now inside the slot
n_j <- length( slot_name[[i]] )
for(j in 1:n_j){
string_patt <- paste0( melt[i], '_', slot_name[[i]][j] )
column_pos[i] <- max(
grep(pattern = string_patt, x = string_target)
} # end for j
} # end for i
table_out <- table_melt[ , c(1, column_pos) ]
} else{
table_out <- subset(x = table_melt, select = c('date', col_name) )
} else {
# user supplied col_names
table_out <- subset(x = table_melt, select = c('date', col_name) )
#* set out_name
if( !is.null(out_name) ){
# check length
check_cross(ref_arg = colnames(table_out)[-1],
eval_arg = out_name,
arg_names = c('final table column names', 'out_name') )
colnames(table_out) <- c('date', out_name)
#* create
hm_out <- hm_set(obj = obj, compact = table_out)
#* return
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