# lets work with the cuevas station
path <- system.file('extdata', package = 'hydrotoolbox')
# use the build method
cuevas <-
hm_create() %>%
hm_build(bureau = 'ianigla', path = path,
file_name = 'ianigla_cuevas.csv',
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh', 'patm',
'precip', 'wspd', 'wdir',
'kin', 'hsnow', 'tsoil'),
by = 'hour',
out_name = c('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)', 'patm(mbar)',
'p(mm)', 'wspd(km/hr)', 'wdir(°)',
'kin(kW/m2)', 'hsnow(cm)', 'tsoil(°C)' )
# try to break the code arguments
test_that("obj bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = TRUE,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list('tair(°C)') )
hm_plot(obj = 1:10,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list('tair(°C)') )
hm_plot(obj = 'cuevas',
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list('tair(°C)') )
#> Test passed
test_that("slot_name bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'hello', 'any'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = mtcars,
col_name = list('tair(°C)') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = TRUE,
col_name = list('tair(°C)') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 1:10,
col_name = list('tair(°C)') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = slotNames(x = 'hydromet_station'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)') )
#> Test passed
test_that("col_name bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = c('tair(°C)') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list() )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list(TRUE) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list(1:10) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list(1) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list('date', 'tair(°C)') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list(c('tair(°C)', 'any') ) )
#> Test passed
test_that("interactive bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list('tair(°C)'),
interactive = 1:10 )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list('tair(°C)'),
interactive = 1 )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list('tair(°C)'),
interactive = 'TRUE' )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = 'tair',
col_name = list('tair(°C)'),
interactive = as.factor(TRUE) )
#> Test passed
test_that("line_type bad entry (ggplot2)", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = FALSE,
line_type = c('twodash', 'solid', 'solid'))
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = FALSE,
line_type = c('twodash', 'TRUE'))
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = FALSE,
line_type = c('twodash', 'lines'))
#> Test passed
test_that("line_type bad entry (plotly)", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = TRUE,
line_type = c('lines', 'lines', 'lines'))
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = TRUE,
line_type = c('lines', 'TRUE'))
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = FALSE,
line_type = c('twodash', 'lines'))
#> Test passed
test_that("line_color bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = TRUE,
line_type = c('lines', 'lines'),
line_color = TRUE)
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = TRUE,
line_type = c('lines', 'lines'),
line_color = c('any', 'blank'))
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = TRUE,
line_type = c('lines', 'lines'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red', 'yellow'))
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = TRUE,
line_type = c('lines', 'lines'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red', 'any'))
#> Test passed
test_that("line_size bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = TRUE,
line_type = c('lines', 'lines'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = TRUE )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = TRUE,
line_type = c('lines', 'lines'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = 1:10 )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = TRUE,
line_type = c('lines', 'lines'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c('1', '1') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = TRUE,
line_type = c('lines', 'lines'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(TRUE, FALSE) )
#> Test passed
test_that("line_alpha bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1, 5) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 0.1, 1) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(FALSE, TRUE) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(1) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c('1', '5') )
#> Test passed
test_that("x_lab bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date', 'hello') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c(FALSE) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = 1:10 )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = 1 )
#> Test passed
test_that("y_lab bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c( )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c(TRUE) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c(1:10) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c(,
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = TRUE,
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c(TRUE, FALSE),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = 1:10,
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right') )
#> Test passed
test_that("title_lab bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
title_lab = c('my awesome plot', 'any') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
title_lab = c(TRUE) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
title_lab = c(1) )
#> Test passed
test_that("legend_lab bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c( )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = 1:10 )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = TRUE )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c(TRUE, FALSE) )
#> Test passed
test_that("dual_yaxis bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'left') )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c( )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('any', 'hi') )
#> Test passed
test_that("from bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
from = 'char')
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
from = TRUE)
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
from = c(ISOdate(2019, 1, 1), ISOdate(2019, 1, 2)) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
from = 1:10 )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
from = 1 )
#> Test passed
test_that("to bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
to = 'char')
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
to = TRUE)
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
to = c(ISOdate(2019, 1, 1), ISOdate(2019, 1, 2)) )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
to = 1:10 )
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = c('solid', 'solid'),
line_color = c('blue', 'red'),
line_size = c(2, 1),
line_alpha = c(0.5, 1),
x_lab = c('date'),
y_lab = c('T(ºC)', 'RH(%)'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
legend_lab = c('Air temp.', 'Relat. humidity'),
dual_yaxis = c('left', 'right'),
to = 1 )
#> Test passed
test_that("scatter bad entry", {
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = 19,
line_color = 'blue',
line_size = 1,
line_alpha = 0.5,
x_lab = c('T'),
y_lab = c('RH'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
scatter = c('x', 'y', 'x'))
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = 19,
line_color = 'blue',
line_size = 1,
line_alpha = 0.5,
x_lab = c('T'),
y_lab = c('RH'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
scatter = c(TRUE))
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = 19,
line_color = 'blue',
line_size = 1,
line_alpha = 0.5,
x_lab = c('T'),
y_lab = c('RH'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
scatter = c(1))
hm_plot(obj = cuevas,
slot_name = c('tair', 'rh'),
col_name = list('tair(°C)', 'rh(%)'),
interactive = F,
line_type = 19,
line_color = 'blue',
line_size = 1,
line_alpha = 0.5,
x_lab = c('T'),
y_lab = c('RH'),
title_lab = 'Cuevas station',
scatter = c(
#> Test passed
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