Man pages for iCellR
Analyzing High-Throughput Single Cell Sequencing Data

add.10x.imageAdd image data to iCellR object
add.adtAdd CITE-seq antibody-derived tags (ADT)
add.vdjAdd V(D)J recombination data
adt.rna.mergeMerge RNA and ADT data
capture.image.10xRead 10X image data
ccCalculate Cell cycle phase prediction
cell.cycleCell cycle phase prediction
cell.filterFilter cells
cell.gatingCell gating
cell.type.predCreate heatmaps or dot plots for genes in clusters to find...
change.clustChange the cluster number or re-name them
clono.plotMake 2D and 3D scatter plots for clonotypes.
clust.avg.expCreate a data frame of mean expression of genes per cluster
clust.cond.infoCalculate cluster and conditions frequencies
cluster.plotPlot nGenes, UMIs and perecent mito
clust.ordSort and relabel the clusters randomly or based on pseudotime
clust.rmRemove the cells that are in a cluster
clust.stats.plotPlotting tSNE, PCA, UMAP, Diffmap and other dim reductions
data.aggregationMerge multiple data frames and add the condition names to...
data.scaleScale data
down.sampleDown sample conditions
find.dim.genesFind model genes from PCA data
findMarkersFind marker genes for each cluster
find_neighborsK Nearest Neighbour Search
g2m.phaseA dataset of G2 and M phase genes cluster number to cell ids
gene.plotMake scatter, box and bar plots for genes
gene.statsMake statistical information for each gene across all the...
gg.corGene-gene correlation. This function helps to visulaize and... heatmaps for genes in clusters or conditions.
hto.annoDemultiplexing HTOs
ibaiCellR Batch Alignment (IBA)
iclustiCellR Clustering
i.scoreCell cycle phase prediction
load10xLoad 10X data as data.frame
load.h5Load h5 data as data.frame
make.bedMake BED Files
make.gene.modelMake a gene model for clustering
make.objCreate an object of class iCellR.
myImpImpute data
norm.adtNormalize ADT data. This function takes data frame and...
norm.dataNormalize data
opt.pcs.plotFind optimal number of PCs for clustering
prep.vdjPrepare VDJ data
pseudotime.knetliCellR KNN Network
pseudotime.treePseudotime Tree
qc.statsCalculate the number of UMIs and genes per cell and...
RphenographRphenoGraph clustering
run.anchorRun anchor alignment on the main data.
run.ccaRun CCA on the main data
run.clusteringClustering the data
run.diff.expDifferential expression (DE) analysis
run.diffusion.mapRun diffusion map on PCA data (PHATE - Potential of...
run.imputeImpute the main data
run.knetliCellR KNN Network
run.mnnRun MNN alignment on the main data.
run.pcaRun PCA on the main data
run.pc.tsneRun tSNE on PCA Data. Barnes-Hut implementation of...
run.phenographClustering the data
run.tsneRun tSNE on the Main Data. Barnes-Hut implementation of...
run.umapRun UMAP on PCA Data (Computes a manifold approximation and...
spatial.plotPlot nGenes, UMIs and perecent mito, genes, clusters and more...
s.phaseA dataset of S phase genes
stats.plotPlot nGenes, UMIs and percent mito
top.markersChoose top marker genes
vdj.statsVDJ stats MA and Volcano plots.
iCellR documentation built on Oct. 9, 2021, 5:07 p.m.