## doAUCmrmc ##############################################################
#' MRMC analysis for arbitrary design dataset
#' @description Execute a Multi-Reader, Multi-Case (MRMC) analysis
#' of ROC data from imaging studies where clinicians (readers) evaluate patient
#' images (cases). An overview of this software, including references presenting
#' details on the methods, can be found \href{}{HERE}
#' or as an entry in the FDA/CDRH Regulatory Science Tool Catalog
#' \href{}{HERE}.
#' @param data an iMRMC formatted data frame, see \link{dfMRMC_example}
#' @param flagROC boolean indicating if ROC results should be computed.
#' @return The MRMC analysis results as a list, below is a quick summary:
#' \itemize{
#' \item {\code{summaryMRMC, list}
#' a list of summary study design information.
#' \itemize{
#' \item {\code{nM, num} number of modalities}
#' \item {\code{nR, num} number of readers}
#' \item {\code{nC.neg, num} number of signal-present caeses}
#' \item {\code{nC.pos, num} number of signal-absent cases}
#' \item {\code{modalites, char} names of modalities}
#' \item {\code{readers, char} names of modalities}
#' \item {\code{cases.neg, char} names of modalities}
#' \item {\code{cases.pos, char} names of modalities}
#' }
#' }
#' \item {\code{perReader.full, data.frame}
#' this data frame contains the performance results for each reader and modality comparison.
#' The analysis returns the final AUC results and the moments, coefficients of those moments.
#' Key variables of this data frame are AUC.1 (where '.1' indicates the row's reader and
#' modality '.1' pair), AUC.2 ('.2' indicates the '.2' reader and modality pair), and covAUC.}
#' \item {\code{Ustat.full, data.frame}
#' this data frame contains the reader-average AUC performance results.
#' The analysis results are based on U-statistics.
#' Key variables of this data frame are AUC.1, AUC.2, AUC1minusAUC2 and the corresponding
#' variances, confidence intervals, degrees of freedom and p-values.}
#' \item {\code{ROC, list}
#' each object of this list is an object containing an ROC curve.
#' There is an ROC curve for every combination of reader and modality.
#' For every modality, there are also four average ROC curves. These are discussed in
#' Chen2014_Br-J-Radiol_v87p20140016.
#' The diagonal average averages the reader-specific ROC curves along y = -x + b for b in (0,1).
#' The horizontal average averages the reader specific ROC curves along y = b for b in (0,1).
#' The vertical average averages the reader specific ROC curves along x = b for b in (0,1).
#' The pooled average ignores readerID and pools all the scores together to create one ROC curve.
#' }
#' }
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create a sample configuration file
#' config <- sim.gRoeMetz.config()
#' # Simulate an MRMC ROC data set
#' dFrame.imrmc <- sim.gRoeMetz(config)
#' # Analyze the MRMC ROC data and compute ROC curves
#' aucResult <- doAUCmrmc(dFrame.imrmc, flagROC = TRUE)
doAUCmrmc = function(data, flagROC = FALSE){
# initialize and check the data #############################################
# If data is character, it is a file name. Read in data.
if (inherits(data, "character")) {
# Open and read the file.
conn <- file(data, open = "r")
desc <- readLines(conn)
# Find the line number of "BEGIN DATA:". The lines following are the data.
skipIndex <- grep("BEGIN DATA:", desc)
# This file is expected to be .imrmc format
data <- utils::read.csv(data, header = FALSE, skip = skipIndex,
col.names = c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID", "score"),
colClasses = c("factor", "factor", "factor", "numeric"))
#### Factorize readerID, caseID, and modalityID
data$readerID <- factor(data$readerID)
data$caseID <- factor(data$caseID)
data$modalityID <- factor(data$modalityID)
#### Check that each reader reads each case only once per modality
#### This also checks that each case only has one truth
#### If there are duplicates, throw an error
index <- duplicated(data[, c("readerID", "caseID", "modalityID")])
if (any(index)) {
desc <- paste(
"\n Some readers have read a case more than once in some modality.",
"\n Check these rows:",
"\n", paste((1:nrow(data))[index], collapse = ", ")
#### Initialize modalities
modalities <- levels(data$modalityID)
# Trim leading and trailing white space from modalities
modalities <- trimws(modalities)
# Check that one of the modalities is "truth".
# If yes, remove it from the modalities.
# If no, throw an error.
if ("truth" %in% modalities) {
modalities <- modalities[modalities != "truth"]
nM <- length(modalities)
} else {
stop(paste("\n There is no truth modality."))
#### Initialize readers
readers = levels(data$readerID)
# Trim leading and trailing white space from readers
readers <- trimws(readers)
# Check that one of the readers is "truth".
# If yes, remove it from the modalities
# If no, throw an error.
if ("truth" %in% readers) {
readers <- readers[readers != "truth"]
nR <- length(readers)
} else {
stop(paste("\n There is no truth reader"))
#### Split the MRMC data into truth and not truth data frames
truthDF <- data[data$modalityID == "truth",]
truthDF$readerID <- factor(truthDF$readerID)
truthDF$caseID <- factor(truthDF$caseID)
truthDF$modalityID <- factor(truthDF$modalityID)
mrmcDF <- data[data$modalityID != "truth",]
mrmcDF$readerID <- factor(mrmcDF$readerID)
mrmcDF$caseID <- factor(mrmcDF$caseID)
mrmcDF$modalityID <- factor(mrmcDF$modalityID)
#### Check that all the MRMC data has truth.
#### If not, throw an error.
index.TF <- !(levels(mrmcDF$caseID) %in% levels(truthDF$caseID))
if (any(index.TF)) {
print("These cases do not have truth")
stop("\n Not all cases have truth")
#### Initialize case and counts
cases.neg = factor(truthDF[truthDF$score == 0, "caseID"])
nC.neg = nlevels(cases.neg)
cases.pos = factor(truthDF[truthDF$score == 1, "caseID"])
nC.pos = length(cases.neg)
#### Add truth label to MRMC data
mrmcDF$truthLabel <- 0
mrmcDF$truthLabel[mrmcDF$caseID %in% cases.pos] <- 1
#### Pack summaryMRMC structure
summaryMRMC <- list(
nM = nM,
nR = nR,
nC.neg = nC.neg,
nC.pos = nC.pos,
modalities = modalities,
readers = readers,
cases.neg = cases.neg,
cases.pos = cases.pos
# ROC #####################################################################
if (flagROC) ROC <- doROCcurveMRMC(mrmcDF)
# Single modality loop ###########################################################
# Split the data by modality
mrmcDF.byModality <- split(mrmcDF, mrmcDF$modalityID)
perReader.full <- data.frame()
Ustat.full <- data.frame()
for (modality.1 in 1:nM) {
#### Select the modality x data
modalityID.1 <- modalities[modality.1]
mrmcDF.modality.1 <- mrmcDF.byModality[[modality.1]]
#### Get basic study design info for modality 1
summaryMRMC.1 <- getStudyBasics(mrmcDF.modality.1)
#### Per-reader analysis for each modality
perReaderPair.1 <- doAUCperReader(mrmcDF.modality.1, mrmcDF.modality.1)
#### Ustat MRMC analysis for each modality
Ustat.pair <- doAUCmrmcCov(perReaderPair.1)
#### Implement Hypothesis test: Normal Approximation
unbiased.H0.normal <- hypothesisTest_Normal(
m = Ustat.pair$AUC.1,
s2 = Ustat.pair$covAUC,
significance = 0.05,
H0 = 0.5)
biased.H0.normal <- hypothesisTest_Normal(
m = Ustat.pair$AUC.1,
s2 = Ustat.pair$covAUC.biased,
significance = 0.05,
H0 = 0.5)
biased.H0.normal <- data.frame(
botCInormal.biased = biased.H0.normal$botCInormal,
topCInormal.biased = biased.H0.normal$topCInormal,
pValueNormal.biased = biased.H0.normal$pValueNormal,
rejectNormal.biased = biased.H0.normal$rejectNormal
#### Implement Hypothesis test: t-test with dfBDG
unbiased.H0.t <- hypothesisTest_t(
m = Ustat.pair$AUC.1,
s2 = Ustat.pair$covAUC,
df = Ustat.pair$dfBDG,
significance = 0.05,
H0 = 0.5)
biased.H0.t <- hypothesisTest_t(
m = Ustat.pair$AUC.1,
s2 = Ustat.pair$covAUC.biased,
df = Ustat.pair$dfBDG.biased,
significance = 0.05,
H0 = 0.5)
biased.H0.t <- data.frame(
botCIBDG.biased = biased.H0.t$botCIBDG,
topCIBDG.biased = biased.H0.t$topCIBDG,
pValueBDG.biased = biased.H0.t$pValueBDG,
rejectBDG.biased = biased.H0.t$rejectBDG
#### Add study information to Ustat.pair
desc <- data.frame(
NR = summaryMRMC.1$nR,
N0 = summaryMRMC.1$nC.neg,
N1 = summaryMRMC.1$nC.pos)
#### Aggregate Ustat.pair results
Ustat.pair <- cbind(desc, Ustat.pair,
unbiased.H0.normal, unbiased.H0.t,
biased.H0.normal, biased.H0.t)
#### Concatenate results
perReader.full <- rbind(perReader.full, perReaderPair.1)
Ustat.full <- rbind(Ustat.full, Ustat.pair)
# Paired modalities loops ###################################################
if (nM > 1) for (modality.1 in 1:(nM - 1)) {
#### Select the modality x data
modalityID.1 <- modalities[modality.1]
mrmcDF.modality.1 <- mrmcDF.byModality[[modality.1]]
for (modality.2 in (modality.1 + 1):nM) {
#### Select the modality y data
modalityID.2 <- modalities[modality.2]
mrmcDF.modality.2 <- mrmcDF.byModality[[modality.2]]
#### Get basic study design info for modality 1 + modality 2
summaryMRMC.1 <- getStudyBasics(rbind(mrmcDF.modality.1, mrmcDF.modality.2))
#### Per-reader analysis for modality 1 =/= modality 2
perReaderPair.12 <- doAUCperReader(mrmcDF.modality.1, mrmcDF.modality.2)
#### Ustat MRMC analysis for modality 1 =/= modality 2
Ustat.pair <- doAUCmrmcCov(perReaderPair.12)
#### Revise the degrees of freedom for AUC differences
#### This is only necessary for two modalities.
Ustat.pair <- doDFdifference(Ustat.pair, Ustat.full)
#### Implement Hypothesis test: Normal Approximation
unbiased.H0.normal <- hypothesisTest_Normal(
m = Ustat.pair$AUC1minusAUC2,
s2 = Ustat.pair$varAUC1minusAUC2,
significance = 0.05,
H0 = 0.0)
biased.H0.normal <- hypothesisTest_Normal(
m = Ustat.pair$AUC1minusAUC2,
s2 = Ustat.pair$varAUC1minusAUC2.biased,
significance = 0.05,
H0 = 0.0)
biased.H0.normal <- data.frame(
botCInormal.biased = biased.H0.normal$botCInormal,
topCInormal.biased = biased.H0.normal$topCInormal,
pValueNormal.biased = biased.H0.normal$pValueNormal,
rejectNormal.biased = biased.H0.normal$rejectNormal
#### Implement Hypothesis test: t-test with dfBDG
unbiased.H0.t <- hypothesisTest_t(
m = Ustat.pair$AUC1minusAUC2,
s2 = Ustat.pair$varAUC1minusAUC2,
df = Ustat.pair$dfBDG.diff,
significance = 0.05,
H0 = 0.0)
biased.H0.t <- hypothesisTest_t(
m = Ustat.pair$AUC1minusAUC2,
s2 = Ustat.pair$varAUC1minusAUC2.biased,
df = Ustat.pair$dfBDG.biased.diff,
significance = 0.05,
H0 = 0.0)
biased.H0.t <- data.frame(
botCIBDG.biased = biased.H0.t$botCIBDG,
topCIBDG.biased = biased.H0.t$topCIBDG,
pValueBDG.biased = biased.H0.t$pValueBDG,
rejectBDG.biased = biased.H0.t$rejectBDG
#### Add study information to Ustat
desc <- data.frame(
NR = summaryMRMC.1$nR,
N0 = summaryMRMC.1$nC.neg,
N1 = summaryMRMC.1$nC.pos)
#### Aggregate Ustat.pair results
Ustat.pair <- cbind(desc, Ustat.pair,
unbiased.H0.normal, unbiased.H0.t,
biased.H0.normal, biased.H0.t)
#### Concatenate results
perReader.full <- rbind(perReader.full, perReaderPair.12)
Ustat.full <- rbind(Ustat.full, Ustat.pair)
# Return ####################################################################
result <- list(
summaryMRMC = summaryMRMC,
perReader.full = perReader.full,
Ustat.full = Ustat.full
if (flagROC) result$ROC <- ROC
getStudyBasics <- function(mrmcDF) {
# Readers
readers = as.character(unique(mrmcDF$readerID))
nR = length(readers)
# Cases
cases.neg = as.character(unique(
mrmcDF[mrmcDF$truthLabel == 0, "caseID"]))
nC.neg = length(cases.neg)
cases.pos = as.character(unique(
mrmcDF[mrmcDF$truthLabel == 1, "caseID"] ))
nC.pos = length(cases.pos)
# Cases per reader
mrmcDF.byReader <- split(mrmcDF, mrmcDF$readerID)
nC.neg.perReader <- unlist(lapply(
mrmcDF.byReader, function(x) {
sum(x$truthLabel == 0)
nC.pos.perReader <- unlist(lapply(
mrmcDF.byReader, function(x) {
sum(x$truthLabel == 1)
result <- list(
nR = nR,
nC.neg = nC.neg,
nC.pos = nC.pos,
nC.neg.perReader = nC.neg.perReader,
nC.pos.perReader = nC.pos.perReader,
readers = readers,
cases.neg = cases.neg,
cases.pos = cases.pos
doAUC <- function(df.1 , df.2) {
#### Identify the positive and negative cases in the data
cases.neg.1 <- df.1[df.1$truthLabel == 0,
c("caseID", "score")]
cases.pos.1 <- df.1[df.1$truthLabel == 1,
c("caseID", "score")]
cases.neg.2 <- df.2[df.2$truthLabel == 0,
c("caseID", "score")]
cases.pos.2 <- df.2[df.2$truthLabel == 1,
c("caseID", "score")]
cases.neg <- merge(
cases.neg.1, cases.neg.2,
by.x = "caseID", by.y = "caseID",
suffixes = c(".1", ".2"),
all = TRUE
cases.pos <- merge(
cases.pos.1, cases.pos.2,
by.x = "caseID", by.y = "caseID",
suffixes = c(".1", ".2"),
all = TRUE
#### Number of negative and positive cases evaluated by both readers
cases.neg$both <- !$score.1 * cases.neg$score.2)
N0 <- sum(cases.neg$both)
cases.pos$both <- !$score.1 * cases.pos$score.2)
N1 <- sum(cases.pos$both)
#### Success matrix for reader x
diff_matrix.1 <- -outer(cases.neg[, "score.1"], cases.pos[, "score.1"], "-")
# The paired comparisons that are concordant with truth
index.C.TF <- (diff_matrix.1 > 0)
# The paired comparisons that are tied
index.T.TF <- (diff_matrix.1 == 0)
success_matrix.1 <- 0 * diff_matrix.1
success_matrix.1[index.C.TF] <- 1.0
success_matrix.1[index.T.TF] <- 0.5
#### Success matrix for reader y
diff_matrix.2 <- -outer(cases.neg[, "score.2"], cases.pos[, "score.2"], "-")
# The paired comparisons that are concordant with truth
index.C.TF <- (diff_matrix.2 > 0)
# The paired comparisons that are tied
index.T.TF <- (diff_matrix.2 == 0)
success_matrix.2 <- 0 * diff_matrix.2
success_matrix.2[index.C.TF] <- 1.0
success_matrix.2[index.T.TF] <- 0.5
#### Numerators of the AUCs for readers x and y
numer.AUC.1 <- sum(success_matrix.1, na.rm = TRUE)
numer.AUC.2 <- sum(success_matrix.2, na.rm = TRUE)
#### Numerators of the biased moments
numer <- c(
sum(success_matrix.1 * success_matrix.2, na.rm = TRUE),
sum(colSums(success_matrix.1, na.rm = TRUE) *
colSums(success_matrix.2, na.rm = TRUE)),
sum(rowSums(success_matrix.1, na.rm = TRUE) *
rowSums(success_matrix.2, na.rm = TRUE)),
numer.AUC.1 * numer.AUC.2
names(numer) <- c("numer1", "numer2", "numer3", "numer4")
#### Convert success matrices to design matrices
index.TF <-
success_matrix.1[!index.TF] <- 1
index.TF <-
success_matrix.2[!index.TF] <- 1
#### denominators of the AUCs for readers x and y
denom.AUC.1 <- sum(success_matrix.1, na.rm = TRUE)
denom.AUC.2 <- sum(success_matrix.2, na.rm = TRUE)
# The number of elements in the biased moment sums
denom <- c(
sum(success_matrix.1 * success_matrix.2, na.rm = TRUE),
sum(colSums(success_matrix.1, na.rm = TRUE) *
colSums(success_matrix.2, na.rm = TRUE)),
sum(rowSums(success_matrix.1, na.rm = TRUE) *
rowSums(success_matrix.2, na.rm = TRUE)),
denom.AUC.1 * denom.AUC.2
names(denom) <- c("denom1", "denom2", "denom3", "denom4")
#### AUC for readers x and y
AUC.1 <- numer.AUC.1 / denom.AUC.1
AUC.2 <- numer.AUC.2 / denom.AUC.2
#### Transformation matrix: map biased sums to unbiased sums
B <- matrix(c(
1, 0, 0, 0,
-1, 1, 0, 0,
-1, 0, 1, 0,
1, -1, -1, 1
), nrow = 4, ncol = 4, byrow = T)
#### Map biased sums to unbiased sums
numer.U <- c(B %*% numer)
denom.U <- c(B %*% denom)
#### Unbiased moments
m <- numer.U / denom.U
#### The moment coefficients
coeff <- denom.U / denom[4]
coeff[4] <- coeff[4] - 1
#### Covariance of AUC
varAUC = sum(coeff * m)
#### Return result
result <- data.frame(
readerID.1 = df.1$readerID[1],
readerID.2 = df.2$readerID[1],
N0 = N0,
N1 = N1,
modalityID.1 = df.1$modalityID[1],
modalityID.2 = df.2$modalityID[1],
AUC.1 = AUC.1,
AUC.2 = AUC.2,
covAUC = varAUC,
M1 = m[1],
M2 = m[2],
M3 = m[3],
M4 = m[4],
coeff1 = coeff[1],
coeff2 = coeff[2],
coeff3 = coeff[3],
coeff4 = coeff[4],
numer.AUC.1 = numer.AUC.1,
numer.AUC.2 = numer.AUC.2,
numer1 = numer[1],
numer2 = numer[2],
numer3 = numer[3],
numer4 = numer[4],
denom.AUC.1 = denom.AUC.1,
denom.AUC.2 = denom.AUC.2,
denom1 = denom[1],
denom2 = denom[2],
denom3 = denom[3],
denom4 = denom[4],
row.names = NULL
doAUCperReader <- function(mrmcDF.modality.1, mrmcDF.modality.2) {
mrmcDF.i.byReader <- split(
drop = TRUE
mrmcDF.j.byReader <- split(
drop = TRUE
# Loop over reader.1
result.byReader <- lapply(
mrmcDF.j.byReader = mrmcDF.j.byReader,
function(df.1, mrmcDF.j.byReader) {
# Loop over reader.2
result.RR <- lapply(
df.1 = df.1,
function(df.1, df.2) doAUC(df.1, df.2)
result.RR <-, result.RR)
row.names(result.RR) <- NULL
perReader <-, result.byReader)
row.names(perReader) <- NULL
doAUCmrmcCov <- function(perReaderPair.1) {
modalityID.1 <- perReaderPair.1$modalityID.1[1]
modalityID.2 <- perReaderPair.1$modalityID.2[1]
#### Numerators and denominators for the biased product moments
# Identify the rows where readerID.1 == readerID.2
index.TF <- perReaderPair.1$readerID.1 == perReaderPair.1$readerID.2
# Sum over all the rows where readerID.1 == readerID.2
numer1234 <- colSums(
perReaderPair.1[index.TF, c("numer1", "numer2", "numer3", "numer4")])
denom1234 <- colSums(
perReaderPair.1[index.TF, c("denom1", "denom2", "denom3", "denom4")])
# Sum over all pairs of readers, including readerID.1 == readerID.2
numer5678 <- colSums(
perReaderPair.1[, c("numer1", "numer2", "numer3", "numer4")])
names(numer5678) <- c("numer5", "numer6", "numer7", "numer8")
denom5678 <- colSums(
perReaderPair.1[, c("denom1", "denom2", "denom3", "denom4")])
names(denom5678) <- c("denom5", "denom6", "denom7", "denom8")
numer <- c(numer1234, numer5678)
denom <- c(denom1234, denom5678)
#### Reader-averaged AUC
AUC.1 <- sum(perReaderPair.1$numer.AUC.1) / sum(perReaderPair.1$denom.AUC.1)
AUC.2 <- sum(perReaderPair.1$numer.AUC.2) / sum(perReaderPair.1$denom.AUC.2)
#### Biased moments
m.biased <- numer / denom
#### Transformation: map biased sums to unbiased sums
B <- matrix(c(
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0,
1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0,
-1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1
), nrow = 8, ncol = 8, byrow = T)
#### Map biased sums to unbiased sums
numer.U <- c(B %*% numer)
denom.U <- c(B %*% denom)
#### Unbiased moments
m <- numer.U / denom.U
#### The moment coefficients
m.coeff <- denom.U / denom[8]
m.coeff[8] <- m.coeff[8] - 1
#### Unbiased and Biased mrmc variance estimates
covAUC <- sum(m.coeff * m)
covAUC.biased <- sum(m.coeff * m.biased)
#### Calculate BCK components of variance
# This matrix transforms BDG moments to BCK components
# Equation 19 in Gallas2009_Commun-Stat-A-Theor_v38p2586
B_alpha = matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,-1,
1,-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,-1),nrow = 7,ncol = 8,byrow = T)
BCK <- B_alpha %*% m
BCK.biased <- B_alpha %*% m.biased
# This matrix transforms BDG coefficients to BCK coefficients
B_BDG2BCK = matrix(c(
1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ,
1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,
1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,
1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,
1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ,
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
nrow = 7, ncol = 8,byrow = T)
BCK.coeff <- B_BDG2BCK %*% m.coeff
### Convert data vectors into data frames with column names
numer <- data.frame(t(numer))
names(numer) <- c(
"numer1", "numer2", "numer3", "numer4",
"numer5", "numer6", "numer7", "numer8")
denom <- data.frame(t(denom))
names(denom) <- c(
"denom1", "denom2", "denom3", "denom4",
"denom5", "denom6", "denom7", "denom8")
m <- data.frame(t(m))
names(m) <- c(
"M1", "M2", "M3", "M4",
"M5", "M6", "M7", "M8")
m.biased <- data.frame(t(m.biased))
names(m.biased) <- c(
"M1.b", "M2.b", "M3.b", "M4.b",
"M5.b", "M6.b", "M7.b", "M8.b"
m.coeff <- data.frame(t(m.coeff))
names(m.coeff) <- c(
"M1.coeff", "M2.coeff", "M3.coeff", "M4.coeff",
"M5.coeff", "M6.coeff", "M7.coeff", "M8.coeff")
BCK = data.frame(t(BCK))
names(BCK) <- c("BCK.N", "BCK.D", "BCK.ND", "BCK.R",
BCK.biased = data.frame(t(BCK.biased))
names(BCK.biased) <- c("BCK.N.b", "BCK.D.b", "BCK.ND.b", "BCK.R.b",
"BCK.NR.b", "BCK.DR.b", "BCK.RND.b")
BCK.coeff <- data.frame(t(BCK.coeff))
names(BCK.coeff) <- c("BCK.N.coeff", "BCK.D.coeff", "BCK.ND.coeff", "BCK.R.coeff",
"BCK.NR.coeff", "BCK.DR.coeff", "BCK.RND.coeff")
#### Degrees of freedom
dfN <- round((1/BCK.coeff$BCK.N.coeff - 1))
dfD <- round((1/BCK.coeff$BCK.D.coeff - 1))
dfR <- round((1/BCK.coeff$BCK.R.coeff - 1))
dfBDG.min <- min(dfN, dfD, dfR)
sb.N <- BCK.biased$BCK.N.b^2 / dfN^3
sb.D <- BCK.biased$BCK.D.b^2 / dfD^3
sb.R <- BCK.biased$BCK.R.b^2 / dfR^3
#### Check for negative variances. Return NA for dfBDG and dfBDG.biased
if (covAUC < 0) {
dfBDG <- NA
} else {
dfBDG <- covAUC^2 / (sb.N + sb.D + sb.R)
# Check if dfBDG is below a minimum.
# If true, replace with minimum.
# This follows Gaylor1969_Technometrics_v4p691
if (dfBDG < dfBDG.min) {
dfBDG <- dfBDG.min
if (covAUC.biased < 0) {
dfBDG.biased <- NA
} else {
dfBDG.biased <- covAUC.biased^2 / (sb.N + sb.D + sb.R)
# Check if dfBDG is below a minimum.
# If true, replace with minimum.
# This follows Gaylor1969_Technometrics_v4p691
if (dfBDG.biased < dfBDG.min) {
dfBDG.biased <- dfBDG.min
df <- data.frame(
dfN = dfN, dfD = dfD, dfR = dfR,
dfBDG = dfBDG, dfBDG.biased = dfBDG.biased)
df.diff <- data.frame(
AUC1minusAUC2 = NA,
varAUC1minusAUC2 = NA,
varAUC1minusAUC2.biased = NA,
dfN.diff = NA, dfD.diff = NA, dfR.diff = NA,
dfBDG.diff = NA, dfBDG.biased.diff = NA)
#### Ustat: Pack the return result
Ustat <- data.frame(
modalityID.1 = modalityID.1,
modalityID.2 = modalityID.2,
AUC.1 = AUC.1,
AUC.2 = AUC.2,
covAUC = covAUC,
covAUC.biased = covAUC.biased
Ustat <- cbind(Ustat, df, df.diff,
m, m.biased, m.coeff,
BCK, BCK.biased, BCK.coeff,
numer, denom)
#### Return
doDFdifference <- function(Ustat.pair, Ustat.full) {
#### Calculate the difference: AUC modality 1 - AUC modality 2
#### and the variance of the difference
modalityID.1 <- Ustat.pair$modalityID.1
modalityID.2 <- Ustat.pair$modalityID.2
# Get the Ustat results for each modality
index.TF <-
(Ustat.full$modalityID.1 == modalityID.1) &
(Ustat.full$modalityID.2 == modalityID.1)
Ustat.1 <- Ustat.full[index.TF, ]
index.TF <-
(Ustat.full$modalityID.1 == modalityID.2) &
(Ustat.full$modalityID.2 == modalityID.2)
Ustat.2 <- Ustat.full[index.TF, ]
AUC1minusAUC2 <- Ustat.1$AUC.1 - Ustat.2$AUC.1
varAUC.1 <- Ustat.1$covAUC
varAUC.2 <- Ustat.2$covAUC
covAUC.12 <- Ustat.pair$covAUC
varAUC.1.biased <- Ustat.1$covAUC.biased
varAUC.2.biased <- Ustat.2$covAUC.biased
covAUC.12.biased <- Ustat.pair$covAUC.biased
varAUC1minusAUC2 <- c(
varAUC.1 + varAUC.2 - 2 * covAUC.12)
varAUC1minusAUC2.biased <- (
varAUC.1.biased + varAUC.2.biased - 2 * covAUC.12.biased)
#### Calculate dfBDG for AUC1minusAUC2
dfN = min(Ustat.1$dfN, Ustat.2$dfN)
dfD = min(Ustat.1$dfD, Ustat.2$dfD)
dfR = min(Ustat.1$dfR, Ustat.2$dfR)
dfBDG.min <- min(dfN, dfD, dfR)
sb.N <- (Ustat.1$BCK.N.b + Ustat.2$BCK.N.b - 2 * Ustat.pair$BCK.N.b)^2/(dfN)^3
sb.D <- (Ustat.1$BCK.D.b + Ustat.2$BCK.D.b - 2 * Ustat.pair$BCK.D.b)^2/(dfD)^3
sb.R <- (Ustat.1$BCK.R.b + Ustat.2$BCK.R.b - 2 * Ustat.pair$BCK.R.b)^2/(dfR)^3
#### Check for negative variances. Return NA for dfBDG and dfBDG.biased
if (varAUC1minusAUC2 < 0) {
dfBDG <- NA
} else {
dfBDG <- varAUC1minusAUC2^2 / (sb.N + sb.D + sb.R)
# Check if dfBDG is below a minimum.
# If true, replace with minimum.
# This follows Gaylor1969_Technometrics_v4p691
if (dfBDG < dfBDG.min) {
dfBDG <- dfBDG.min
if (varAUC1minusAUC2.biased < 0) {
dfBDG.biased <- NA
} else {
dfBDG.biased <- varAUC1minusAUC2.biased^2 / (sb.N + sb.D + sb.R)
# Check if dfBDG is below a minimum.
# If true, replace with minimum.
# This follows Gaylor1969_Technometrics_v4p691
if (dfBDG.biased < dfBDG.min) {
dfBDG.biased <- dfBDG.min
#### Package into data frame
Ustat.pair$AUC1minusAUC2 <- AUC1minusAUC2
Ustat.pair$varAUC1minusAUC2 <- varAUC1minusAUC2
Ustat.pair$varAUC1minusAUC2.biased <- varAUC1minusAUC2.biased
Ustat.pair$dfBDG.diff <- dfBDG
Ustat.pair$dfBDG.biased.diff <- dfBDG.biased
Ustat.pair$dfN.diff <- dfN
Ustat.pair$dfD.diff <- dfD
Ustat.pair$dfR.diff <- dfR
hypothesisTest_Normal <- function(m, s2, significance, H0, verbose = FALSE) {
if (s2 < 0) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
stop("The input variance is negative.")
result <- data.frame(
botCInormal = NA,
topCInormal = NA,
pValueNormal = NA,
rejectNormal = NA)
botCI = m - stats::qnorm(1 - significance / 2) * sqrt(s2)
topCI = m + stats::qnorm(1 - significance / 2) * sqrt(s2)
tStat = (m - H0) / sqrt(s2)
pValue = (1 - stats::pnorm(abs(tStat))) * 2
reject <- as.numeric(pValue <= significance)
result <- data.frame(
botCInormal = botCI,
topCInormal = topCI,
pValueNormal = pValue,
rejectNormal = reject)
hypothesisTest_t <- function(m, s2, df, significance, H0, verbose = FALSE) {
if (s2 < 0) {
if (verbose == TRUE) {
stop("The input variance is negative.")
result <- data.frame(
botCIBDG = NA,
topCIBDG = NA,
pValueBDG = NA,
rejectBDG = NA)
if (df > 50) {
result.H0.normal <- hypothesisTest_Normal(m, s2, significance, H0)
result.H0.t <- data.frame(
botCIBDG = result.H0.normal$botCInormal,
topCIBDG = result.H0.normal$topCInormal,
pValueBDG = result.H0.normal$pValueNormal,
rejectBDG = result.H0.normal$rejectNormal
topCI = (m + stats::qt(1 - significance / 2, df = floor(df)) * sqrt(s2))
botCI = (m - stats::qt(1 - significance / 2, df = floor(df)) * sqrt(s2))
tStat = (m - H0) / sqrt(s2)
pValue = (1 - stats::pt(abs(tStat),df = floor(df)))*2
reject <- as.numeric(pValue <= significance)
result <- data.frame(
botCIBDG = botCI,
topCIBDG = topCI,
pValueBDG = pValue,
rejectBDG = reject)
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