
context("ICD-10 comorbidity calculations")
test_that("simplest test case for a NA/factor interaction - factor", {
  d <- data.frame(
    visit = c("1", "1"), icd10 = c("not_in_map", "D638"),
    stringsAsFactors = TRUE
  res <- icd10_comorbid_ahrq(d)
  expect_true(res[, "Anemia"])
test_that("simplest test case for a NA/factor interaction - str", {
  d <- data.frame(
    visit = c("1", "1"), icd10 = c("not_in_map", "D638"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  res <- icd10_comorbid_ahrq(d)
  expect_true(res[, "Anemia"])
test_that("simplest test case for a NA/factor interaction - real", {
  d <- data.frame(
    visit = c(1, 1), icd10 = c("not_in_map", "D638"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  res <- icd10_comorbid_ahrq(d)
  expect_true(res[, "Anemia"])
test_that("simplest test case for a NA/factor interaction - int", {
  d <- data.frame(
    visit = c(1L, 1L), icd10 = c("not_in_map", "D638"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  res <- icd10_comorbid_ahrq(d)
  expect_true(res[, "Anemia"])
test_that("simplest test case for a NA in codes with matching code", {
  d <- data.frame(
    visit = c(1L, 1L), icd10 = c("D638", NA),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    regexp = NA,
    res <- icd10_comorbid_ahrq(d, return_df = TRUE)
  expect_true(res[, "Anemia"])
test_that("ahrq comorbidities found for test data", {
  # test_two are all invalid codes
  test_two <- icd10_all_ahrq_one_pt
  test_two$icd10_code <- as.icd10cm(paste0(icd10_all_ahrq_one_pt$icd10_code, "J2"))
  test_three <- icd10_all_ahrq_one_pt
  test_three$icd10_code <- paste0(
    random_string(nrow(test_three), max_chars = 5)
  td <- list(
    icd10_all_ahrq_one_pt = icd10_all_ahrq_one_pt,
    test_two = test_two,
    test_three = test_three
  for (test_name in names(td)) {
    expect_error(res <- comorbid(td[[test_name]], map = icd10_map_ahrq), regexp = NA, info = test_name)
    for (n in colnames(res)) {
      expect_true(res[, n], info = paste("method one comorbidity:", n, ", test: ", test_name))
    expect_error(res <- icd10_comorbid(td[[test_name]], map = icd10_map_ahrq), regexp = NA, info = test_name)
    for (n in colnames(res)) {
      expect_true(res[, n], info = paste("method two comorbidity:", n, ", test: ", test_name))
    expect_error(res <- icd10_comorbid_ahrq(td[[test_name]], hierarchy = FALSE, icd_name = "icd10_code"),
      regexp = NA, info = test_name
    for (n in colnames(res)) {
      expect_true(res[, n], info = paste("method three comorbidity:", n, ", test: ", test_name))

test_that("ahrq cmb for many pts each with a diff cmb", {
  test_three <- test_two <- icd10_all_ahrq
  test_two$icd10_code <- paste0(icd10_all_ahrq$icd10_code, "J2")
  test_three$icd10_code <- paste0(
    random_string(nrow(test_three), max_chars = 5)
  td <- list(
    icd10_all_ahrq = icd10_all_ahrq,
    test_two = test_two,
    test_three = test_three

  # just checking for a trace matrix of TRUE, but this way lets me find error much more quickly:
  for (test_name in names(td)) {
    res <- comorbid(td[[test_name]], icd10_map_ahrq)
    for (n in colnames(res)) {
      expect_equal(sum(res[, n]), 1, info = paste("col method one comorbidity:", n, ", test: ", test_name))
    for (n in rownames(res)) {
      expect_equal(sum(res[n, ]), 1, info = paste("row method one comorbidity:", n, ", test: ", test_name))

    res <- icd10_comorbid(td[[test_name]], icd10_map_ahrq)
    for (n in colnames(res)) {
      expect_equal(sum(res[, n]), 1, info = paste("method two comorbidity:", n, ", test: ", test_name))
    for (n in rownames(res)) {
      expect_equal(sum(res[n, ]), 1, info = paste("row method two comorbidity:", n, ", test: ", test_name))

test_that("cmb from a ICD-10, no infinite recursion with Elix", {
  # this code I5020 is in all the maps for ICD-10
  for (code in c("I5020")) {
    for (class_fun in c("as.character", "as.icd10", "as.icd10cm")) {
      for (map_fun in c(
        "icd10_comorbid_elix", "icd10_comorbid_quan_elix",
        "icd10_comorbid_quan_deyo", "icd10_comorbid_ahrq",
        "comorbid_elix", "comorbid_quan_elix",
        "comorbid_quan_deyo", "comorbid_ahrq"
      )) {
        code_w_class <- do.call(class_fun, list(code))
        df <- data.frame(visit = 1, code = code_w_class, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        expect_error(res <- do.call(map_fun, list(x = df)), regexp = NA, info = paste(class_fun, map_fun))
        expect_true(res[, "CHF"])
        expect_false("HTNcx" %in% names(res))
        df2 <- data.frame(visit = c(1, 2), code = c(code_w_class, code_w_class), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        expect_error(res <- do.call(map_fun, list(df2)), regexp = NA, info = paste(class_fun, map_fun))
        expect_true(all(res[, "CHF"]))
        expect_false("HTNcx" %in% names(res))

test_that("ICD-10 map reduction is sane", {
  uranium_short_codes <- as_char_no_warn(
  red_map <- simplify_map_lex(uranium_short_codes, icd10_map_ahrq)
  # the map should not have its original contents, but only those codes which
  # were in the pt data. Converse is not true, as some patient codes do not fall
  # into comorbidity.
  expect_true(all(unname(unlist(red_map)) %in% uranium_short_codes))

test_that("providing icd_name to `comorbid` actually works", {
  x <- icd10_all_quan_elix
  names(x) <- c("col1", "col0")
    comorbid(x, map = icd10_map_quan_elix),
    comorbid(x, map = icd10_map_quan_elix, visit_name = "col1", icd_name = "col0")
    comorbid(x, map = icd10_map_quan_elix),
    icd:::icd10_comorbid(x, map = icd10_map_quan_elix, visit_name = "col1", icd_name = "col0")

test_that("comorbid for icd10 gives binary values if asked for matrices", {
  res_bin <- comorbid(random_icd10_pts,
    map = icd10_map_charlson,
    return_binary = TRUE, return_df = FALSE
  res_log <- comorbid(random_icd10_pts,
    map = icd10_map_charlson,
    return_binary = FALSE, return_df = FALSE
  expect_equivalent(apply(res_log, 2, as.integer), res_bin)
  expect_identical(res_bin, logical_to_binary(res_log))
  expect_identical(res_log, binary_to_logical(res_bin))

test_that("comorbid for icd10 gives binary values if asked for data.frames", {
  res_bin <- comorbid(random_icd10_pts,
    map = icd10_map_charlson,
    return_binary = TRUE, return_df = TRUE
  res_log <- comorbid(random_icd10_pts,
    map = icd10_map_charlson,
    return_binary = FALSE, return_df = TRUE
  expect_true(all(vapply(res_bin[-1], is.integer, logical(1))))
  expect_true(all(vapply(res_log[-1], is.logical, logical(1))))
  expect_identical(res_bin, logical_to_binary(res_log))
  expect_identical(res_log, binary_to_logical(res_bin))

test_that("NA icd10 code", {
  d <- data.frame(visit = c("visit 1", "visit 1"), icd10 = c(NA, "G809"))
  res <- icd10_comorbid_ahrq(d)
  d <- data.frame(visit = c("visit 1", "visit 1"), icd10 = c(NA, "sillycode"))
  expect_error(res <- icd10_comorbid_ahrq(d), regexp = "icd_name")
  res <- icd10_comorbid_ahrq(d, icd_name = "icd10")
  d <- data.frame(visit = c("visit 1", "visit 2"), icd10 = c("badcode", NA))
  res <- icd10_comorbid_ahrq(d, visit_name = "visit", icd_name = "icd10")
test_that("NA icd codes should be okay", {
  d <- data.frame(visit = c(1L, 2L), icd10 = c("C8124", NA))
  res1 <- icd10_comorbid_charlson(d)
  d <- data.frame(visit = c(2L, 1L), icd10 = c(NA, "C8124"))
  res2 <- icd10_comorbid_charlson(d)
  expect_identical(res1[c(2, 1), ], res2)
  d <- data.frame(visit = c(1L, 2L, 1L), icd10 = c(NA, "C8124", NA))
  res3 <- icd10_comorbid_charlson(d)
  d <- data.frame(visit = c(1L, 2L, 1L), icd10 = c("C8124", NA, NA))
  res4 <- icd10_comorbid_charlson(d)
  expect_equivalent(res3[c(2, 1), ], res4)

test_that("NA example which crashed during devel", {
  d <- structure(list(
    CLAIMNO = c(8534023L, 8534023L),
    diag_field = c("ICD_DGNS_CD12", "ICD_DGNS_CD13"),
    icd10 = c("D638", NA)
  row.names = 14:15, class = c("icd_long_data", "data.frame")
  res <- icd10_comorbid_ahrq(d)
  expect_equal(sum(res), 1L)
  expect_true(res[, "Anemia"])

test_that("ICD-10 comorbidities from uranium", {
    regexp = NA,
    comorbid(uranium_pathology, icd10_map_quan_elix)
    regexp = NA,
    comorbid(uranium_pathology, icd10_map_quan_deyo)
    regexp = NA,
    comorbid(uranium_pathology, icd10_map_elix)
    regexp = NA,
    comorbid(uranium_pathology, icd10_map_ahrq)

test_that("Alcoholic fatty liver", {
  dat <- data.frame(id = 1:3, icd10 = c("K700", "K7030", "K709"))
    regexp = NA,
    res <- icd10_comorbid_quan_elix(dat)
  expect_true(all(res[, "Alcohol"]))

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