# ICD-9
icd9_dx_sub_classes <- c(
icd9_pc_sub_classes <- "icd9cm_pc"
icd9_sub_classes <- c(
icd9_classes <- c(icd9_sub_classes, "icd9")
# ICD-10
icd10_dx_sub_classes <- c(
icd10_pc_sub_classes <- "icd10cm_pc"
icd10_sub_classes <- c(
icd10_classes <- c(icd10_sub_classes, "icd10")
# ICD-9 and ICD-10
icd_dx_not_generic <- c(
icd_pc_not_generic <- c(
icd_version_classes <- c(
# Other data types
icd_data_classes <- c(
icd_other_classes <- c("comorbidity_map")
icd_all_classes <- c(
icd_system_classes <- c(
#' Check for class conflict
#' @param x Data to test
#' @param do_stop logical, if \code{TRUE}, execution will stop with an error
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
icd_conflicts <- function(x, do_stop = FALSE) {
stop_conflict <- function(x) {
stop("Cannot set requested class as the current data already has the ",
"following incompatible classes: ", paste(class(x), sep = ", "),
". If you really wish to do this, use unclass, then set the desired ",
"icd class",
call. = FALSE
#' @export
icd_conflicts.icd9 <- function(x, do_stop = FALSE) {
res <- inherits(x, icd10_classes)
if (res && do_stop) stop_conflict(x)
#' @export
icd_conflicts.icd9cm <- function(x, do_stop = FALSE) {
res <- icd_conflicts.icd9(x, do_stop) ||
inherits(x, "icd9who") ||
inherits(x, "icd9cm_pc")
if (res && do_stop) stop_conflict(x)
#' @export
icd_conflicts.icd9cm_pc <- function(x, do_stop = FALSE) {
res <- icd_conflicts.icd9(x, do_stop) ||
inherits(x, "icd9who") ||
inherits(x, "icd9cm") ||
inherits(x, "icd9")
if (res && do_stop) stop_conflict(x)
#' @export
icd_conflicts.icd9who <- function(x, do_stop = FALSE) {
res <- icd_conflicts.icd10(x) ||
inherits(x, "icd9cm") ||
inherits(x, "icd9cm_pc")
if (res && do_stop) stop_conflict(x)
#' @export
icd_conflicts.icd10 <- function(x, do_stop = FALSE) {
res <- inherits(x, icd9_classes)
if (res && do_stop) stop_conflict(x)
#' @export
icd_conflicts.icd10cm <- function(x, do_stop = FALSE) {
res <- icd_conflicts.icd10(x, do_stop) ||
inherits(x, "icd10who") ||
inherits(x, "icd10cm_pc")
if (res && do_stop) stop_conflict(x)
#' @export
icd_conflicts.icd10cm_pc <- function(x, do_stop = FALSE) {
res <- icd_conflicts.icd10(x, do_stop) ||
inherits(x, "icd10who") ||
inherits(x, "icd10cm") ||
inherits(x, "icd10")
if (res && do_stop) stop_conflict(x)
#' @export
icd_conflicts.icd10who <- function(x, do_stop = FALSE) {
res <- icd_conflicts.icd10(x) ||
inherits(x, "icd10cm") ||
inherits(x, "icd10cm_pc") ||
inherits(x, "icd10fr")
if (res && do_stop) stop_conflict(x)
#' @export
icd_conflicts.icd10fr <- function(x, do_stop = FALSE) {
res <- icd_conflicts.icd10(x) ||
inherits(x, "icd10cm") ||
inherits(x, "icd10cm_pc") ||
inherits(x, "icd10who")
if (res && do_stop) stop_conflict(x)
#' Check whether there are any ICD class conflicts
#' Some classes cannot be simultaneously true for one vector of ICD codes, e.g.
#' ICD-9-CM and ICD-9 from the WHO. This function returns \code{TRUE} if there
#' are any such combinations of incompatible classes. If the constructor
#' functions such as \code{icd9cm()} and \code{icd10()} are used, this should
#' never happen.
#' @param x input object to test for class conflicts
#' @examples
#' bad_codes <- c("100", "A01", "V100", "E999.0")
#' class(bad_codes) <- c("icd9", "icd10cm")
#' stopifnot(icd:::icd_classes_conflict(bad_codes))
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
icd_classes_conflict <- function(x) {
is.icd9(x) && is.icd10(x) ||
is.icd9cm(x) && is.icd9cm_pc(x) ||
is.icd10cm(x) && is.icd10cm_pc(x) ||
is.icd_long_data(x) && is.icd_wide_data(x)
#' Prefer an order of classes
#' The order of classes can matter because, for some functions, we would prefer
#' to decide what to do based on a higher level structure, e.g., whether the
#' structure is a comorbidity map before caring if it is ICD-9 or ICD-10.
#' @param x any object which may or may not have classes from this package
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
classes_ordered <- function(x) {
m <- match(class(x), c(
all(diff(m) >= 0, na.rm = TRUE)
#' Construct ICD-9 and ICD-10 data types
#' Takes an R structure and sets class to an ICD type. In the case of ICD-9 and
#' ICD-10 codes, if a particular sub-type is set, e.g. ICD-9-CM (\code{icd9cm}),
#' then an ICD-9 class (\code{icd9}) is also set.
#' The \code{as.*} functions e.g. \code{as.icd9}, do checking and try to put
#' multiple classes in a nice order. Calling the internal bare constructor, e.g.
#' \code{icd:::icd9} just prepends the new class and returns without any checks,
#' which is much faster.
#' Some features make more sense as attributes. E.g. setting code type to
#' \code{short} or \code{decimal}.
#' @param x object to set class \code{icd9}
#' @template short_code
#' @name set_icd_class
#' @family ICD data types
#' @examples
#' x <- as.icd10("A1009")
#' attr(x, "icd_short_diag") <- TRUE
#' x
#' attributes(x) <- list(icd_short_diag = NULL)
#' x
#' y <- as.decimal_diag(as.icd10("A10.09"))
#' y
#' is.short_diag(y)
#' j <- as.short_diag(as.icd10(c("A11", "B2222")))
#' j[2] <- "C33"
#' stopifnot(is.short_diag(j))
#' stopifnot(is.icd10(j), is.icd10(j[1]), is.icd10(j[[1]]))
#' j[[1]] <- "D44001"
#' stopifnot(is.short_diag(j))
#' stopifnot(is.icd10(j), is.icd10(j[2]), is.icd10(j[[2]]))
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
icd9 <- function(x) {
# SOMEDAY: From Wickham: "When implementing a vector class, you should
# implement these methods: length, [, [<-, [[, [[<-, c. (If [ is implemented
# rev, head, and tail should all work)." But see examples, as this may not be
# needed.
cl <- class(x)
if ("icd9" %in% cl) {
class(x) <- c("icd9", cl)
#' @describeIn set_icd_class Use generic ICD-9 class for this data. Ideally, use
#' the more specific \code{icd9cm} or other sub-classes (when available).
#' @export
as.icd9 <- function(x) {
if (is.icd9(x)) {
after <- match("icd9cm", class(x), nomatch = 0L)
class(x) <- append(class(x), "icd9", after = after)
# set the class then allow dispatch to confirm okay
icd_conflicts(x, do_stop = TRUE)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
icd9cm <- function(x) {
cl <- class(x)
if ("icd9cm" %in% cl) {
class(x) <- c("icd9cm", cl)
#' @describeIn set_icd_class Use ICD-9-CM
#' @export
as.icd9cm <- function(x) {
if (inherits(x, "icd9") && inherits(x, "icd9cm")) {
icd9_pos <- match("icd9", class(x))
if (! {
class(x) <- append(class(x), "icd9cm", after = icd9_pos - 1)
} else {
# put the more specific type at beginning
class(x) <- append(class(x), c("icd9cm", "icd9"), after = 0)
icd_conflicts(x, do_stop = TRUE)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
icd9cm_pc <- function(x) {
cl <- class(x)
if ("icd9cm_pc" %in% cl) {
class(x) <- c("icd9cm_pc", cl)
#' @describeIn set_icd_class Indicate the data are ICD-9-CM procedure codes.
#' @export
as.icd9cm_pc <- function(x) {
if ("icd10" %in% class(x)) {
stop("An ICD-10 diagnostic class is already set on this variable")
if ("icd10cm_pc" %in% class(x)) {
stop("An ICD-10 procedure class is already set on this variable")
if (any(c("icd9", "icd9cm", "icd9who") %in% class(x))) {
stop("An ICD-9 diagnostic code class is already set")
class(x) <- append(class(x), "icd9cm_pc", after = 0)
icd_conflicts(x, do_stop = TRUE)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
icd10 <- function(x) {
cl <- class(x)
if ("icd10" %in% cl) {
class(x) <- c("icd10", cl)
#' @describeIn set_icd_class Use generic ICD-10 class for this data. If
#' possible, use the more specific \code{icd10who} or \code{icd10cm}.
#' @export
as.icd10 <- function(x) {
if (inherits(x, "icd10")) {
icd10cm_pos <- match("icd10cm", class(x), nomatch = 0L)
class(x) <- append(class(x), "icd10", after = icd10cm_pos)
icd_conflicts(x, do_stop = TRUE)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
icd10cm <- function(x) {
cl <- class(x)
if ("icd10cm" %in% cl) {
if ("icd10" %in% cl) {
class(x) <- c("icd10cm", cl)
} else {
class(x) <- c("icd10cm", "icd10", cl)
#' @describeIn set_icd_class Use ICD-10-CM (USA) class for the given data
#' @export
as.icd10cm <- function(x, short_code = NULL) {
# TODO: as.icd10cm(as.icd10be("A00)) works, but gives both classes, which the
# print method fails on.
if (inherits(x, "icd10cm")) {
icd10_pos <- match("icd10", class(x))
if (! {
class(x) <- append(class(x), "icd10cm", after = icd10_pos - 1)
} else {
class(x) <- append(class(x), c("icd10cm", "icd10"), after = 0)
if (!is.null(short_code)) {
attr(x, "icd_short_diag") <- short_code
icd_conflicts(x, do_stop = TRUE)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
icd10cm_pc <- function(x) {
cl <- class(x)
if ("icd10cm_pc" %in% cl) {
class(x) <- c("icd10cm_pc", cl)
#' @describeIn set_icd_class Indicate the data are ICD-10-CM procedure codes.
#' @export
as.icd10cm_pc <- function(x) {
if ("icd9" %in% class(x)) {
stop("ICD-9 diagnostic class already set on this variable")
if ("icd10cm_pc" %in% class(x)) {
stop("ICD-10-CM procedure class already set on this variable")
if (any(c("icd10cm", "icd10who") %in% class(x))) {
stop("and ICD-10 diagnostic code class is already set")
class(x) <- append(class(x), "icd10cm_pc", after = 0)
icd_conflicts(x, do_stop = TRUE)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
icd10who <- function(x) {
cl <- class(x)
if ("icd10who" %in% cl) {
class(x) <- c("icd10who", cl)
#' @describeIn set_icd_class Use WHO ICD-10 class for the given data
#' @export
as.icd10who <- function(x, short_code = NULL) {
if (inherits(x, "icd10who")) {
icd10_pos <- match("icd10", class(x))
if (! {
class(x) <- append(class(x), "icd10who", after = icd10_pos - 1)
} else {
class(x) <- append(class(x), c("icd10who", "icd10"), after = 0)
if (!is.null(short_code)) {
attr(x, "icd_short_diag") <- short_code
icd_conflicts(x, do_stop = TRUE)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
icd10who <- function(x) {
cl <- class(x)
if ("icd10who" %in% cl) {
if ("icd10" %in% cl) {
class(x) <- c("icd10who", cl)
} else {
class(x) <- c("icd10who", "icd10", cl)
#' @describeIn set_icd_class Use ICD-10-FR (France) class for the given data
#' @export
as.icd10fr <- function(x, short_code = NULL) {
if (inherits(x, "icd10fr")) {
icd10_pos <- match("icd10", class(x))
if (! {
class(x) <- append(class(x), "icd10fr", after = icd10_pos - 1)
} else {
class(x) <- append(class(x), c("icd10fr", "icd10"), after = 0)
if (!is.null(short_code)) {
attr(x, "icd_short_diag") <- short_code
icd_conflicts(x, do_stop = TRUE)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
icd10fr <- function(x) {
cl <- class(x)
if ("icd10fr" %in% cl) {
if ("icd10" %in% cl) {
class(x) <- c("icd10fr", cl)
} else {
class(x) <- c("icd10fr", "icd10", cl)
#' @describeIn set_icd_class Use ICD-10-BE (Belgium) class for the given data
#' @export
as.icd10be <- function(x, short_code = NULL) {
if (inherits(x, "icd10be")) {
icd10_pos <- match("icd10", class(x))
if (! {
class(x) <- append(class(x), "icd10be", after = icd10_pos - 1)
} else {
class(x) <- append(class(x), c("icd10be", "icd10"), after = 0)
if (!is.null(short_code)) {
attr(x, "icd_short_diag") <- short_code
icd_conflicts(x, do_stop = TRUE)
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
icd10be <- function(x) {
cl <- class(x)
if ("icd10be" %in% cl) {
if ("icd10" %in% cl) {
class(x) <- c("icd10be", cl)
} else {
class(x) <- c("icd10be", "icd10", cl)
#' Set the ICD data structure class of a \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame}.
#' These functions take your patient data, and allow you to describe whether it
#' is wide or long. \code{icd} never requires you do this, but it may help avoid
#' errors, especially if you have atypical data that might confuse \code{icd}'s
#' heuristics.
#' @name wide_vs_long
#' @template widevlong
#' @section Conversion: To convert between long and wide data, use
#' \code{\link{long_to_wide}} or \code{\link{wide_to_long}}. Conversion
#' functions in other packages, such as \code{ddplyr} will work, too, but will
#' need some work to account for the typical structure of patient data and
#' diagnostic codes. This is not done with \code{ddplyr}, \code{data.table}
#' etc because it would add a big dependency burden. This package aims to be
#' agnostic and use base R as much as possible.
#' @param x Input data is a \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame}, or a class that
#' inherits one of these base structures, such as a \code{tibble}.
#' @param warn Single logical, if \code{TRUE}, the default, a warning will be
#' shown if changing class between long and wide types.
#' @param ... Data used to construct data frame before setting the appropriate
#' class.
#' @family ICD data types
#' @examples
#' (w <- icd_wide_data(
#' id = c(1, 2, 3),
#' dx01 = c("100", "441", "V20"),
#' dx02 = c("E9981", "V10", "44004")
#' ))
#' wide_to_long(w)
#' class(uranium_pathology)
#' class(vermont_dx)
#' @seealso \code{\link{long_to_wide}} and \code{\link{wide_to_long}}
#' @describeIn wide_vs_long Set class on a matrix or data.frame to
#' \code{icd_long_data}. To convert wide to long data, use
#' \code{\link{wide_to_long}}.
#' @family ICD data types
#' @export
as.icd_long_data <- function(x, warn = TRUE) {
# Also from Wickham: "When implementing a matrix/array class, you should
# implement these methods: dim (gets you nrow and ncol), t, dimnames (gets you
# rownames and colnames), dimnames<- (gets you colnames<-, rownames<-), cbind,
# rbind."
stopifnot( || is.matrix(x))
if (warn && is.icd_wide_data(x)) {
"Setting 'icd_long_data' on a data.frame or matrix which already",
" has 'icd_wide_data' class"
if (is.icd_long_data(x)) {
class(x) <- c("icd_long_data", class(x))
#' @describeIn wide_vs_long Construct a \code{data.frame}, adding the
#' \code{icd_long_data} class.
#' @export
as.icd_wide_data <- function(x, warn = TRUE) {
stopifnot( || is.matrix(x))
if (warn && is.icd_long_data(x)) {
"Setting 'icd_wide_data' on a data.frame or matrix which already",
" has 'icd_long_data' class"
if (is.icd_wide_data(x)) {
class(x) <- c("icd_wide_data", class(x))
#' @describeIn wide_vs_long Construct a \code{data.frame}, adding the
#' \code{icd_long_data} class.
#' @family ICD data types
#' @export
icd_long_data <- function(..., warn = TRUE) {
as.icd_long_data(data.frame(...), warn = warn)
#' @describeIn wide_vs_long Construct a \code{data.frame}, adding the
#' \code{icd_wide_data} class.
#' @export
icd_wide_data <- function(x, ..., warn = TRUE) {
as.icd_wide_data(data.frame(...), warn = warn)
#' @details Using \code{attributes} instead of \code{class} is a better fit for
#' the data. It simplifies S3 dispatch, and appears to be very fast to get or
#' set using the built-in R functions.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
comorbidity_map <- function(x) {
assert_list(x, min.len = 1, names = "unique")
cl <- class(x)
if ("comorbidity_map" %in% cl) {
class(x) <- c("comorbidity_map", cl)
#' Set the class of a named list to show it is a comorbidity map.
#' @param x A list of depth one, with unique names, and elements that are
#' character vectors.
#' @family ICD data types
#' @export
as.comorbidity_map <- function(x) {
!any(names(x) == ""),
if (inherits(x, "comorbidity_map")) {
class(x) <- c("comorbidity_map", class(x))
#' Extract vector of codes from an ICD comorbidity map
#' Equivalent to a list, but preserves class of extracted vector.
#' @param x comorbidity map, which is a named list
#' @param index integer
#' @template dotdotdot
#' @examples
#' # show that attributes are preserved when subsetting
#' stopifnot(is.short_diag(icd10_map_ahrq[[1]]))
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
`[[.comorbidity_map` <- function(x, index, ...) {
out <- NextMethod()
# no need to reset attributes?
#' Combine ICD codes
#' These function implement ICD specific methods for \code{c}, i.e.,
#' combinations of lists or vectors of codes, while preserving ICD classes. Base
#' \R \code{\link[base]{c}} just drops all user defined classes and casts down
#' to lowest common denominator, e.g. if mixing numbers and characters. No
#' attempt here to catch all possible combinations of feeding in mixed ICD types
#' and other types. Let R do what it normally does, but just try to keep classes
#' of the first item in the list.
#' @param ... elements to combine
#' @param warn single logical value, if \code{TRUE}, will give warnings when
#' incompatible types are combined using \code{\link[base]{c}}
#' @examples
#' # Care with the following:
#' c(as.icd9("E998"), as.icd10("A10"))
#' # which results in both codes sharing the 'icd9' class.
#' @seealso \link[=set_icd_class]{ICD data types}
#' @name combine
#' @export
c.icd9 <- function(..., warn = FALSE) {
dots <- list(...)
if (warn &&
any(vapply(dots, icd_conflicts.icd9, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))) {
"Do you really want to combine ICD-9 codes (first argument) ",
" with ICD-9 codes (subsequent arguments)? If so, use 'unclass'",
" on some or all the arguments"
structure(c(lapply(dots, unclass), recursive = TRUE),
class = class(.subset2(dots, 1))
# SOMEDAY: would be nice to set the attribute, but by default, R's 'c' drops
# attributes.
#' @rdname combine
#' @examples
#' # ICD-10 codes
#' (a <- as.icd10("A100SSX"))
#' (b <- as.icd10("Z999A"))
#' c(a, b)
#' c(as.icd_short_diag(a), as.icd_short_diag(b))
#' (d <- as.icd10("A10.0SSX"))
#' (e <- as.icd10("Z99.9A"))
#' c(d, e)
#' c(as.icd_decimal_diag(d), as.icd_decimal_diag(e))
#' # warn when mixing attribute types
#' suppressWarnings(
#' c(as.icd_short_diag(a), as.icd_decimal_diag(e))
#' )
#' @export
c.icd10 <- function(..., warn = FALSE) {
dots <- list(...)
base_class <- class(.subset2(dots, 1))
if (warn &&
any(vapply(dots, icd_conflicts.icd10, FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))) {
"Do you really want to combine ICD-10 codes (first argument) ",
" with ICD-9 codes (subsequent arguments)? If so, use 'unclass'",
" on some or all the arguments."
out <- structure(c(unlist(dots)), class = base_class)
# only set this attribute if all the consituent terms have the same attribute
# present. One NULL or one conflict will mean the attribute is not set
attribs <- lapply(dots, attr, which = "icd_short_diag")
nulls <- vapply(attribs, is.null, logical(1))
if (all(nulls)) {
short_attribs <- unlist(attribs[!nulls])
if (all(short_attribs)) {
attr(out, "icd_short_diag") <- TRUE
} else if (!any(short_attribs)) {
attr(out, "icd_short_diag") <- FALSE
} else {
"Combining codes with different short and decimal attributes.",
" 'icd_short_diag' attribute will be removed from result. Did",
" you mean to do this?"
#' extract subset(s) from ICD data
#' exactly the same as using \code{x[n]} or \code{x[[n]]} but preserves the ICD
#' classes in result
#' @param x input data with list, vector, factor, and class set to an ICD type.
#' @template dotdotdot
#' @examples
#' x <- list(my_codes = as.icd9(c("V10.1", "441.1")))
#' x[1]
#' x[[1]]
#' x[[1]][2]
#' # subsetting a list should give the underlying data structure type,
#' # preserving the ICD class
#' stopifnot(!inherits(x[[1]], "list"))
#' stopifnot(!inherits(x[[1]][2], "list"))
#' y <- as.icd10(c("A01", "B0234"))
#' y[2]
#' y[[2]]
#' stopifnot(inherits(y[2], "icd10"))
#' stopifnot(inherits(y[[2]], "icd10"))
#' @name subset
#' @describeIn subset Extract ICD-9 codes
#' @export
`[.icd9` <- function(x, ...) {
y <- NextMethod()
attr(y, "icd_short_diag") <- attr(x, "icd_short_diag")
class(y) <- class(x)
#' @describeIn subset Extract ICD-9 codes
#' @export
`[[.icd9` <- function(x, ...) {
y <- NextMethod()
attr(y, "icd_short_diag") <- attr(x, "icd_short_diag")
if (mode(x) != "list") {
class(y) <- class(x)
#' @describeIn subset Extract ICD-10 codes
#' @export
`[.icd10` <- function(x, ...) {
y <- NextMethod()
attr(y, "icd_short_diag") <- attr(x, "icd_short_diag")
class(y) <- class(x)
#' @describeIn subset Extract ICD-10 codes
#' @export
`[[.icd10` <- function(x, ...) {
y <- NextMethod()
attr(y, "icd_short_diag") <- attr(x, "icd_short_diag")
if (mode(x) != "list") {
class(y) <- class(x)
#' Test presence of ICD classes
#' This merely checks whether the given object is a certain type of ICD code, it
#' does no validation of any kind. For validation, see \code{\link{is_valid}}.
#' @param x Any object which may have ICD-related classes set
#' @examples
#' # A character string is not itself an ICD code
#' is.icd9("100.1")
#' is_valid("100.1")
#' is.icd9(as.icd9cm("100.1"))
#' @export
is.icd9 <- function(x) {
inherits(x, icd9_classes)
#' @rdname is.icd9
#' @export
is.icd9cm <- function(x) inherits(x, "icd9cm")
#' @rdname is.icd9
#' @export
is.icd9cm_pc <- function(x) inherits(x, "icd9cm_pc")
#' @rdname is.icd9
#' @export
is.icd9who <- function(x) inherits(x, "icd9who")
#' @rdname is.icd9
#' @export
is.icd10 <- function(x) inherits(x, icd10_classes)
#' @rdname is.icd9
#' @export
is.icd10cm <- function(x) inherits(x, "icd10cm")
#' @rdname is.icd9
#' @export
is.icd10cm_pc <- function(x) inherits(x, "icd10cm_pc")
#' @rdname is.icd9
#' @export
is.icd10who <- function(x) inherits(x, "icd10who")
#' @rdname is.icd9
#' @export
is.icd10fr <- function(x) inherits(x, "icd10fr")
#' @rdname is.icd9
#' @export
is.icd10be <- function(x) inherits(x, "icd10be")
#' Test for class describing patient data
#' This function does not examine the data itself; it just checks whether one of
#' the classes \code{icd_long_data} or \code{icd_wide_data} class is set.
#' @param x Typically a \code{data.frame}
#' @seealso \code{\link{icd_long_data}}
#' @export
is.icd_long_data <- function(x) inherits(x, "icd_long_data")
#' @rdname is.icd_long_data
#' @export
is.icd_wide_data <- function(x) inherits(x, "icd_wide_data")
#' @rdname is.icd9
#' @export
is.comorbidity_map <- function(x) inherits(x, "comorbidity_map")
#' Print ICD codes and comorbidity maps cleanly
#' @examples
#' x <- structure(
#' c("40201", "2258", "7208", "25001", "34400", "4011", "4011", NA),
#' class = c("icd9cm", "icd9", "character"),
#' icd_short_diag = TRUE
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' print(x)
#' print(x, verbose = TRUE)
#' # as.factor drops any 'icd' classes
#' print(as.factor(x), verbose = TRUE)
#' }
#' @param x ICD codes to be printed
#' @param verbose Annotate based on code attributes, e.g., decimal versus short
#' codes.
#' @template dotdotdot
#' @export
print.icd9 <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
ifelse(is.icd9cm(x), "ICD-9-CM", "ICD-9"),
#' @rdname print.icd9
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' u <- uranium_pathology[1:10, "icd10"]
#' print(u)
#' print(u, verbose = TRUE)
#' # as.character will unclass the 'icd' classes
#' print(as.character(u), verbose = TRUE)
#' a <- structure(c("R21", "Z21"),
#' class = c("icd10cm", "icd10", "character")
#' )
#' print(a, verbose = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
print.icd10 <- function(x, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
icd10cl <- grep("icd10.+", class(x), value = TRUE)
if (length(icd10cl) == 0) {
icd10cl <- "default"
sub_class <- switch(icd10cl,
icd10cm = "ICD-10-CM Diagnostic Codes",
icd10cm_pc = "ICD-10-CM Procedure Codes",
icd10who = "WHO ICD-10 (Diagnostic Codes)",
icd10fr = "ICD-10-FR (French Diagnostic Codes)",
icd10be = "ICD-10-BE (Belgian Diagnostic Codes)",
icd10be_pc = "ICD-10-BE (Belgian Procedure Codes)",
"ICD-10 Codes (Subtype not set)"
print_codes(x, sub_class, verbose = verbose, ...)
print_codes <- function(x, code_str, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
if (verbose) {
if (is.icd_short_diag(x)) {
cat("Short-form", code_str, "codes:\n")
} else if (is.icd_decimal_diag(x)) {
cat("Decimal-form", code_str, "codes:\n")
} else {
cat(code_str, "codes (short/decimal attribute not set):\n")
x <- icd_attr_clean(x)
icd_cl <- class(x) %in% c(icd9_classes, icd10_classes)
class(x) <- class(x)[!icd_cl]
print(x, ...)
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