#'Shiny application to generate a discrete choice survey.
#'This function starts a shiny application which puts choice sets on screen and
#'saves the responses. The complete choice design can be provided in advance, or
#'can be generated sequentially adaptively, or can be a combination of both.
#'A pregenerated design can be specified in \code{des}. This should be a matrix
#'in which each row is a profile. This can be generated with \code{\link{Modfed}}
#'or \code{\link{CEA}}, but it is not necessary.
#'If \code{} = \code{nrow(des)} / \code{length(alts)}, the specified
#'design will be put on screen, one set after the other, and the responses will
#'be saved. If \code{} > (\code{nrow(des)} / \code{length(alts)}), first
#'the specified design will be shown and afterwards the remaining sets will be
#'generated adaptively. If \code{des} = \code{NULL}, \code{} sets will be
#'generated adaptively. See \code{\link{SeqMOD}} for more information on adaptive
#'choice sets.
#'Whenever adaptive sets will be generated, \code{prior.mean},
#'\code{prior.covar}, \code{cand.set} and \code{n.draws}, should be specified.
#'These arguments are necessary for the underlying importance sampling algorithm
#'to update the prior preference distribution. \code{lower} and \code{upper} can
#'be used to specify lower and upper truncation points. See
#'\code{\link{ImpsampMNL}} for more details.
#'The names specified in \code{alts} will be used to label the choice
#'alternatives. The names specified in \code{atts} will be used to name the
#'attributes in the choice sets. The values of \code{lvl.names} will be used to
#'create the values in the choice sets. See \code{\link{Decode}} for more
#'The text specified in \code{buttons.text} will be displayed above the buttons
#'to indicate the preferred choice (for example: "indicate your preferred
#'choice"). The text specified in \code{intro.text} will be displayed before the
#'choice sets. This will generally be a description of the survey and some
#'instructions. The text specified in \code{end.text} will be displayed after
#'the survey. This will generally be a thanking note and some further
#'A no choice alternative is coded as an alternative with 1 alternative specific
#'constant and zero's for all other attribute levels. If a no choice alternative
#'is present in \code{des}, or is desired when generating adaptive choice sets,
#'\code{no.choice} should be specified. This should be done with an integer,
#'indicating which alternative is the no choice option. This alternative will
#'not be presented on screen, but the option to select "no choice" will be. The
#'\code{alt.cte} argument should be specified accordingly, namely with a
#'\code{1} on the location of the \code{no.choice} option. See examples for
#' illustration.
#'When \code{parallel} is \code{TRUE}, \code{\link[parallel]{detectCores}} will
#'be used to decide upon the number of available cores. That number minus 1
#'cores will be used to search for the optimal adaptive choice set. For small problems
#'(6 parameters), \code{parallel = TRUE} can be slower. For larger problems the
#'computation time will decrease significantly.
#'When \code{reduce = TRUE}, the set of all potential choice sets will be
#'reduced to choice sets that have a unique information matrix. If no
#'alternative specific constants are used, \code{reduce} should always be
#'\code{TRUE}. When alternative specific constants are used \code{reduce} can be
#'\code{TRUE} so that the algorithm will be faster, but the combinations of
#'constants and profiles will not be evaluated exhaustively.
#'@param alts A character vector containing the names of the alternatives.
#'@param atts A character vector containing the names of the attributes.
#'@param A numeric value indicating the total number of choice sets.
#'@param buttons.text A string containing the text presented together with the
#' option buttons.
#'@param no.choice An integer indicating which alternative should be a no choice
#' alternative. The default is \code{NULL}.
#'@param intro.text A string containing the text presented before the choice
#' survey.
#'@param end.text A string containing the text presented after the choice
#' survey.
#'@param data.dir A character string with the directory denoting where the data
#' needs to be written. The default is NULL
#'@inheritParams Decode
#'@inheritParams Modfed
#'@inheritParams Profiles
#'@inheritParams SeqMOD
#'@inheritParams ImpsampMNL
#'@importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#'@references \insertRef{ju}{idefix}
#'@return After completing the survey, two text files can be found in
#' \code{data.dir}. The file with "num" in the filename is a matrix with the
#' numeric choice data. The coded design matrix ("par"), presented during the
#' survey, together with the observed responses ("resp") can be found here.
#' Rownames indicate the setnumbers. The file with "char" in the filename is a
#' matrix with character choice data. The labeled design matrix ("par"),
#' presented during the survey, together with the observed responses ("resp")
#' can be found here. See \code{\link{LoadData}} to load the data.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'#### Present choice design without adaptive sets ( = sets in des)
#'# example design
#'data("example_design") # pregenerated design
#'xdes <- example_design
#'### settings of the design
#'code <- c("D", "D", "D")
#'n.sets <- 8
#'# settings of the survey
#'alternatives <- c("Alternative A", "Alternative B")
#'attributes <- c("Price", "Time", "Comfort")
#'labels <- vector(mode="list", length(attributes))
#'labels[[1]] <- c("$10", "$5", "$1")
#'labels[[2]] <- c("20 min", "12 min", "3 min")
#'labels[[3]] <- c("bad", "average", "good")
#'i.text <- "Welcome, here are some instructions ... good luck!"
#'b.text <- "Please choose the alternative you prefer"
#'e.text <- "Thanks for taking the survey"
#'dataDir <- getwd()
#'# Display the survey
#'SurveyApp (des = xdes, = n.sets, alts = alternatives,
#' atts = attributes, lvl.names = labels, coding = code,
#' buttons.text = b.text, intro.text = i.text, end.text = e.text)
#' #### Present choice design with partly adaptive sets ( > sets in des)
#' # example design
#' data("example_design") # pregenerated design
#' xdes <- example_design
#' ### settings of the design
#' code <- c("D", "D", "D")
#' n.sets <- 12
#' # settings of the survey
#' alternatives <- c("Alternative A", "Alternative B")
#' attributes <- c("Price", "Time", "Comfort")
#' labels <- vector(mode="list", length(attributes))
#' labels[[1]] <- c("$10", "$5", "$1")
#' labels[[2]] <- c("20 min", "12 min", "3 min")
#' labels[[3]] <- c("bad", "average", "good")
#' i.text <- "Welcome, here are some instructions ... good luck!"
#' b.text <- "Please choose the alternative you prefer"
#' e.text <- "Thanks for taking the survey"
#' # setting for adaptive sets
#' levels <- c(3, 3, 3)
#' cand <- Profiles(lvls = levels, coding = code)
#' p.mean <- c(0.3, 0.7, 0.3, 0.7, 0.3, 0.7)
#' p.var <- diag(length(p.mean))
#' dataDir <- getwd()
#' # Display the survey
#' SurveyApp(des = xdes, = n.sets, alts = alternatives,
#' atts = attributes, lvl.names = labels, coding = code,
#' buttons.text = b.text, intro.text = i.text, end.text = e.text,
#' prior.mean = p.mean, prior.covar = p.var, cand.set = cand,
#' n.draws = 50)
#'#### Choice design with only adaptive sets (des=NULL)
#'# setting for adaptive sets
#'levels <- c(3, 3, 3)
#'p.mean <- c(0.3, 0.7, 0.3, 0.7, 0.3, 0.7)
#'low = c(-Inf, -Inf, -Inf, 0, 0, -Inf)
#'up = rep(Inf, length(p.mean))
#'p.var <- diag(length(p.mean))
#'code <- c("D", "D", "D")
#'cand <- Profiles(lvls = levels, coding = code)
#'n.sets <- 12
#'# settings of the survey
#'alternatives <- c("Alternative A", "Alternative B")
#'attributes <- c("Price", "Time", "Comfort")
#'labels <- vector(mode="list", length(attributes))
#'labels[[1]] <- c("$10", "$5", "$1")
#'labels[[2]] <- c("20 min", "12 min", "3 min")
#'labels[[3]] <- c("bad", "average", "good")
#'i.text <- "Welcome, here are some instructions ... good luck!"
#'b.text <- "Please choose the alternative you prefer"
#'e.text <- "Thanks for taking the survey"
#'dataDir <- getwd()
#'# Display the survey
#'SurveyApp(des = NULL, = n.sets, alts = alternatives,
#' atts = attributes, lvl.names = labels, coding = code,
#' buttons.text = b.text, intro.text = i.text, end.text = e.text,
#' prior.mean = p.mean, prior.covar = p.var, cand.set = cand,
#' lower = low, upper = up, n.draws = 50)
#' # If CEA algorithm is desired, cand.set argument is not needed
#'SurveyApp(des = NULL, = n.sets, alts = alternatives,
#' atts = attributes, lvl.names = labels, coding = code,
#' buttons.text = b.text, intro.text = i.text, end.text = e.text,
#' prior.mean = p.mean, prior.covar = p.var,
#' lower = low, upper = up, n.draws = 50)
#'#### Present choice design with a no choice alternative.
#'# example design
#'data("nochoice_design") # pregenerated design
#'xdes <- nochoice_design
#'### settings of the design
#'code <- c("D", "D", "D")
#'n.sets <- 8
#'# settings of the survey
#'alternatives <- c("Alternative A", "Alternative B", "None")
#'attributes <- c("Price", "Time", "Comfort")
#'labels <- vector(mode = "list", length(attributes))
#'labels[[1]] <- c("$10", "$5", "$1")
#'labels[[2]] <- c("20 min", "12 min", "3 min")
#'labels[[3]] <- c("bad", "average", "good")
#'i.text <- "Welcome, here are some instructions ... good luck!"
#'b.text <- "Please choose the alternative you prefer"
#'e.text <- "Thanks for taking the survey"
#'# Display the survey
#'SurveyApp(des = xdes, = n.sets, alts = alternatives,
#' atts = attributes, lvl.names = labels, coding = code,
#' buttons.text = b.text, intro.text = i.text, end.text = e.text,
#' no.choice = 3, alt.cte = c(0, 0, 1))
#'@import shiny
SurveyApp <- function(des = NULL,, alts, atts, lvl.names, coding,
alt.cte = NULL, no.choice = NULL,
buttons.text, intro.text, end.text, data.dir = NULL,
c.lvls = NULL, prior.mean = NULL,
prior.covar = NULL, cand.set = NULL, n.draws = NULL,
lower = NULL, upper = NULL, parallel = TRUE, reduce = TRUE) {
# Initialize
algorithm = "MOD"
sdata <- vector(mode = "list")
surveyData <- vector(mode = "list")
y.bin <- vector("numeric")
resp <- vector("character")
n.atts <- length(atts)
n.alts <- length(alts)
n.levels <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(lvl.names,length)))
choice.sets <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = * n.alts, ncol = n.atts)
buttons <- NULL
sn <- 0
if (is.null(des)) {
n.init <- 0
} else {
n.init <- nrow(des) / n.alts
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(n.init, as.integer(n.init)))) {
stop("the number of rows of 'des' are not a multiple of length(alts)")
if (is.null(alt.cte) || all(alt.cte == 0)) {
alt.cte <- rep(0, n.alts)
n.cte <- 0
cte.des <- NULL
} else {
# Error
if (length(alt.cte) != n.alts) {
stop("length(alts) does not match length(alt.cte)")
if (!all(alt.cte %in% c(0, 1))) {
stop("'alt.cte' should only contain 0's or 1's.")
if (!any(alt.cte == 0)) {
stop("'alt.cte' should at least contain 1 zero")
n.cte <- sum(alt.cte)
if (!is.null(des)) {
cte.des <- Altspec(alt.cte = alt.cte, n.sets = n.init)
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(cte.des, matrix(des[ , 1:n.cte], ncol = n.cte)))) {
stop("the first column(s) of 'des' are different from what is expected based on 'alt.cte'")
# Error handling
if (!is.null(no.choice)) {
if (!is.numeric(no.choice)) {
stop("'no.choice' should be an integer indicating the no choice alternative.")
if (!no.choice %% 1 == 0) {
stop("'no.choice' should be an integer")
if (any(isTRUE(no.choice > (n.alts + 0.2)), isTRUE(no.choice < 0.2))) {
stop("'no.choice' does not indicate one of the alternatives")
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(alt.cte[no.choice], 1))) {
stop("the location of the 'no.choice' option in the 'alt.cte' vector should correspond with 1")
if (!is.null(data.dir)) {
if (!dir.exists(data.dir)) {
stop("Directory 'data.dir' does not exist")
if ( > n.init) {
if (is.null(lower)) {
lower <- rep(-Inf, length(prior.mean))
if (is.null(upper)) {
upper <- rep(Inf, length(prior.mean))
if (!any(c(isTRUE(all.equal(length(prior.mean), length(lower))), isTRUE(all.equal(length(prior.mean), length(upper)))))) {
stop("length 'prior.mean' should equal 'upper' and 'lower'")
if (algorithm == "MOD") {
if (any(c(is.null(prior.mean), is.null(prior.covar), is.null(cand.set),
is.null(n.draws)))) {
stop("When is larger than the number of sets in argument des, arguments prior.mean, prior.covar, cand.set and n.draws should be specified.")
if (length(prior.mean) != ncol(cand.set) + sum(alt.cte)) {
stop("Number of parameters in prior.mean does not match with cand.set + alt.cte")
} else if (algorithm == "CEA") {
if (any(c(is.null(prior.mean), is.null(prior.covar), is.null(n.draws)))) {
stop("When is larger than the number of sets in argument des, arguments prior.mean, prior.covar and n.draws should be specified.")
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(length(prior.mean), ncol(prior.covar)))) {
stop("length of 'prior.mean' differs from number of columns 'prior.covar'")
} else {
if (!is.null(prior.mean)) {
warning("'prior.mean' will be ignored, since there are no adaptive sets.")
if (!is.null(prior.covar)) {
warning("'prior.covar' will be ignored, since there are no adaptive sets.")
if (algorithm == "MOD" & !is.null(cand.set)) {
warning("'cand.set' will be ignored, since there are no adaptive sets.")
if (!is.null(lower) || !is.null(upper)) {
warning("'lower' and 'upper' bound will be ignored, since there are no adaptive sets.")
if (!is.null(n.draws)) {
warning("'n.draws' will be ignored, since there are no adaptive sets.")
if (is.null(des)) {
if (algorithm == "MOD") {
fulldes <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = (n.alts *, ncol = ncol(cand.set))
} else {
fulldes <- matrix()
} else {
bs <- seq(1, (nrow(des) - n.alts + 1), n.alts)
es <- c((bs - 1), nrow(des))[-1]
rowcol <- Rcnames(n.sets = n.init, n.alts = n.alts, alt.cte = alt.cte,
no.choice = FALSE)
rownames(des) <- rowcol[[1]]
if (is.null(colnames(des))) {
colnames(des) <- c(rowcol[[2]], paste("par", 1:(ncol(des) - n.cte),
sep = "."))
fulldes <- des
# Error handling
if (length(bs) != n.init) {
stop("The number of rows in 'des' is not a multiple of length(atts)")
if ("no.choice.cte" %in% colnames(des)) {
if (is.null(no.choice)) {
warning("no.choice.cte column name detected in 'des' while 'no.choice = NULL'")
if (!(algorithm %in% c("MOD","CEA"))) {
stop("algorithm should be 'MOD' or 'CEA'")
### User interface
ui <- fluidPage(
# Put setnr on screen
column(8, align = 'center', textOutput("")),
# Put design on screen
column(8, align = 'center', tableOutput("choice.set")),
# Put answer options on screen
column(8, align = 'center', uiOutput('buttons')),
# put introtext on screen
column(8, align = 'center', textOutput('intro')),
# Put action button on screen
column(8, align = "center", actionButton("OK", "OK")),
# put end text on screen
column(8, align = 'center', textOutput('end'))
### Server
server <- function(input, output) {
# Count set number
observeEvent(input$OK, {
sn <<- sn + 1
# Set selection function
Select <- function() {
if (sn <= {
# for initial sets
if (sn <= n.init) {
set <- des[bs[sn]:es[sn], ]
} else {
## sample drawing for adaptive sets
# if First set
if (sn == 1) {
# sample draws from prior
s <- tmvtnorm::rtmvnorm(n = n.draws, mean = prior.mean,
sigma = prior.covar, lower = lower,
upper = upper)
w <- rep(1, nrow(s)) / nrow(s)
if (sum(alt.cte) > 0.2) {
s <- list(as.matrix(s[ , 1:sum(alt.cte)], ncol = sum(alt.cte)),
s[ , -c(1:sum(alt.cte))])
# From second set
} else {
# Sample draws from updated posterior
sam <- ImpsampMNL(n.draws = n.draws, prior.mean = prior.mean,
prior.covar = prior.covar,
des = fulldes, n.alts = n.alts, y = y.bin,
alt.cte = alt.cte, lower = lower, upper = upper)
s <- sam$sample
w <- sam$weights
## Selecting set
if (algorithm == "MOD") {
# Select new set based on Modfed
setobj <- SeqMOD(des = des, cand.set = cand.set, n.alts = n.alts,
par.draws = s, prior.covar = prior.covar,
alt.cte = alt.cte, weights = w,
no.choice = no.choice, parallel = parallel,
reduce = reduce)
} else if (algorithm == "CEA") {
setobj <- SeqCEA(des = des, lvls = n.levels, coding = coding,
n.alts = n.alts, par.draws = s,
prior.covar = prior.covar, alt.cte = alt.cte,
weights = w, no.choice = no.choice,
parallel = parallel, reduce = reduce)
set <- setobj$set
db <- setobj$db
## Design storage
if (sn == 1) {
rowcol <- Rcnames(n.sets = 1, n.alts = n.alts, alt.cte = alt.cte, no.choice = FALSE)
rownames(set) <- rownames(set, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = paste(paste("set", sn , sep = ""), "alt", sep = "."))
colnames(set) <- c(rowcol[[2]], paste("par", 1:(ncol(set) - n.cte), sep = "."))
fulldes <<- set
} else {
rowcol <- Rcnames(n.sets = 1, n.alts = n.alts, alt.cte = alt.cte, no.choice = FALSE)
rownames(set) <- rownames(set, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = paste(paste("set", sn , sep = ""), "alt", sep = "."))
colnames(set) <- c(rowcol[[2]], paste("par", 1:(ncol(set) - n.cte), sep = "."))
fulldes <<- rbind(fulldes, set)
# Transform coded set to attribute level character set.
choice.set <- Decode(des = set, n.alts = n.alts, lvl.names = lvl.names, coding = coding,
alt.cte = alt.cte, c.lvls = c.lvls, no.choice = no.choice)[[1]]
choice.set <- t(choice.set[ , 1:n.atts])
# Fill in attribute names and alternatives names
colnames(choice.set) <- alts
rownames(choice.set) <- atts
# Store uncoded choice set
if (sn == 1) {
choice.sets <<- choice.set
} else {
choice.sets <<- rbind(choice.sets, choice.set)
#return design
if (!is.null(no.choice)) {
no.choice.set <- choice.set[ ,-no.choice]
} else {
#When action button is clicked
observeEvent(input$OK, {
# survey phase
if (sn <= ) {
# Plot new choice set
output$choice.set <- renderTable(Select(), rownames = TRUE)
# Store responses and design
if (sn > 1 && sn <= ( + 1)) {
resp <<- c(resp, input$survey)
y.bin <<- Charbin(resp = resp, alts = alts, n.alts = n.alts)
sdata[["bin.responses"]] <- y.bin
sdata[["responses"]] <- resp
sdata[["desing"]] <- fulldes
sdata[["survey"]] <- choice.sets
surveyData <<- sdata
# end phase
if (sn > {
#Don't show choice set
output$choice.set <- renderTable(NULL)
#Output response options after first action button click
output$buttons <- renderUI({
# radiobuttons
if (input$OK > 0 && input$OK <= {
return(list(radioButtons("survey", buttons.text,
alts , inline = TRUE, selected = "None")))
# set nr
observeEvent(input$OK, {
if (sn < {
output$ <- renderText(paste(c("choice set:", sn, "/",
} else {output$ <- renderText(NULL)}
# Introtext
output$intro <- renderText(intro.text)
observeEvent(input$OK, {
output$intro <- renderText(NULL)
# End of survey
observeEvent(input$OK, {
# Display end text
if (input$OK > {
# Display end text
output$end <- renderText(end.text)
# Quit application
if (input$OK > ( + 1)) {
# Write data to file
if (!is.null(data.dir)) {
saveData(data = surveyData, data.dir = data.dir, n.atts = n.atts)
# Stop application
#' Coded design to readable design.
#' Transforms a coded design matrix into a design containing character attribute
#' levels, ready to be used in a survey. The frequency of each attribute level
#' in the design is also included in the output.
#' \code{des} A design matrix, this can also be a single choice set. See for
#' example the output of \link[idefix]{Modfed} or \link[idefix]{CEA}.
#' In \code{lvl.names}, the number of character vectors in the list should equal
#' the number of attributes in de choice set. The number of elements in each
#' character vector should equal the number of levels for that attribute.
#' Valid arguments for \code{coding} are \code{C}, \code{D} and \code{E}. When
#' using \code{C} the attribute will be treated as continuous and no coding will
#' be applied. All possible levels of that attribute should then be specified in
#' \code{c.lvls}. If \code{D} (dummy coding) is used
#' \code{\link{contr.treatment}} will be applied to that attribute. The first
#' attribute wil be used as reference level. For \code{E} (effect coding)
#' \code{\link{contr.sum}} is applied, in this case the last attribute level is
#' used as reference level.
#' If \code{des} contains columns for alternative specific constants,
#' \code{alt.cte} should be specified. In this case, the first column(s) (equal
#' to the number of nonzero elements in \code{alt.cte}) will be removed from
#' \code{des} before decoding the alternatives.
#' @param des A numeric matrix which represents the design matrix. Each row is a
#' profile.
#' @param lvl.names A list containing character vectors with the values of each
#' level of each attribute.
#' @param coding A character vector denoting the type of coding used for each
#' attribute. See also \code{\link[idefix]{Profiles}}.
#' @param alt.cte A binary vector indicating for each alternative if an
#' alternative specific constant is present. The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param no.choice An integer indicating the no choice alternative. The default
#' is \code{NULL}.
#' @inheritParams Profiles
#' @inheritParams Modfed
#' @return \item{design}{A character matrix which represents the design.}
#' \item{lvl.balance}{A list containing the frequency of appearance of each
#' attribute level in the design.}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example without continuous attributes.
#' design <- example_design
#' coded <- c("D", "D", "D") # Coding.
#' # Levels as they should appear in survey.
#' al <- list(
#' c("$50", "$75", "$100"), # Levels attribute 1.
#' c("2 min", "15 min", "30 min"), # Levels attribute 2.
#' c("bad", "moderate", "good") # Levels attribute 3.
#' )
#' # Decode
#' Decode(des = design, n.alts = 2, lvl.names = al, coding = coded)
#' # Example with alternative specific constants
#' design <- example_design2
#' coded <- c("D", "D", "D") # Coding.
#' # Levels as they should appear in survey.
#' al <- list(
#' c("$50", "$75", "$100"), # Levels attribute 1.
#' c("2 min", "15 min", "30 min"), # Levels attribute 2.
#' c("bad", "moderate", "good") # Levels attribute 3.
#' )
#' # Decode
#' Decode(des = design, n.alts = 3, lvl.names = al, coding = coded, alt.cte = c(1, 1, 0))
#' }
#' @export
Decode <- function(des, n.alts, lvl.names, coding, alt.cte = NULL, c.lvls = NULL, no.choice = NULL) {
n.sets <- nrow(des) / n.alts
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(n.sets %% 1, 0))){
stop("'n.alts' does not seem correct based on nrow(des)")
stop("'lvl.names' should be a list")
stop("'des' should be a matrix")
if(!is.null(alt.cte)) {
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(length(alt.cte), n.alts))){
stop("the length of 'alt.cte' does not match 'n.alts'")
contins <- which(alt.cte == 1)
if( !length(contins) == 0) {
des <- des[, -(1:length(contins))]
stop("'no.choice' should be an integer indicating the no choice alternative.")
if(!no.choice %% 1 == 0){
stop("'no.choice' should be an integer")
if(any(isTRUE(no.choice > (n.alts + 0.2)), isTRUE(no.choice < 0.2))){
stop("'no.choice' does not indicate one of the alternatives")
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(alt.cte[no.choice], 1))){
stop("the location of the 'no.choice' option in the 'alt.cte' vector should correspond with 1")
ncsek <- 1:nrow(des)
ncsek <- ncsek[-seq(no.choice, (n.sets * no.choice), no.choice)]
#des <- des[-ncsek, ]
} else {
ncsek <- 1:nrow(des)
N.alts <- nrow(des) # Number of total alternatives.
n.att <- length(lvl.names) # Number of attributes.
conts <- which(coding == "C") # Continuous levels.
# Create vector where each element denotes the number of levels for each attribute.
lvls <- numeric(n.att)
for (i in 1:n.att) {
lvls[i] <- length(lvl.names[[i]])
# Generate all possible profiles coded and uncoded
dc <- Profiles(lvls = lvls, coding = coding, c.lvls = c.lvls)
# Create uncoded grid.
d <-
# Create new matrix for choice des with attribute level names
m <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = N.alts, ncol = n.att)
# Error handling
if (ncol(des) != ncol(dc)) {
stop("ncol(des) does not equal the expected number based on 'lvl.names' and 'alt.cte'.")
# For each alternative look for matching profile
for (i in ncsek) {
# if coded choice des, look for match in coded version first, then take uncoded equivalent.
lev.num <- d[as.numeric(which(apply(dc, 1, function(x) all(x == des[i, ])))), ]
lev.num <- as.numeric(lev.num)
# Error handling
if (any( {
stop("alternatives detected that do not match with the type of 'coding' provided.
Make sure 'no.choice' is specified if applicable.")
# For each attribute fill in the attribute level name
for (c in 1:n.att) {m[i, c] <- lvl.names[[c]][lev.num[c]]}
#frequency levels
ml <- list()
ml <- split(m, rep(1:ncol(m), each = nrow(m)))
lvl.balance <- lapply(ml, table)
names(lvl.balance) <- paste("attribute", 1:length(coding), "")
#col row names names
rownames(m) <- rownames(des)
return(list("design" =, "lvl.balance" = lvl.balance))
# Character vector to binary vector.
# Transforms a character vector with responses into a binary vector. Each
# alternative in each choice set wil be either 0 or 1. If the
# alternative was not chosen 0, and 1 if it was. The function can be used for example in a
# shiny application to transform the response vector received from
# \code{\link[shiny]{radioButtons}} into a numeric vector that can be used for
# estimation.
# The \code{n.alts} denotes the number of alternatives a respondent could
# choose from, without counting a possible no choice option.
# If \code{no.choice} is \code{TRUE} the first alternative specified in
# \code{alts} will be treated as a no choice option. If the no choice option
# was chosen all alternatives are zero for that choice set.
# @param resp String vector containing input responses
# @param alts String vector containing all possible alternatives. The order
# should be the same as the order of the design matrix.
# @param n.alts The number of alternatives per choice set.
# @param no.choice Logical value indicating whether a no.choice option is
# provided or not. The default = \code{FALSE}.
# @return A binary response vector with length equal to \code{length(resp) *
# length(n.alts)}.
# @examples
# \dontrun{
# # Observed Responses
# resp <- c("alt1", "alt3", "alt2", "no.choice", "alt1")
# # All possible alternatives
# alts <- c("no.choice", "alt1", "alt2", "alt3")
# # 3 alternatives + no.choice
# Charbin(resp = resp, alts = alts, n.alts = 3, no.choice = TRUE)
# }
Charbin <- function (resp, alts, n.alts, no.choice = FALSE) {
# Error resp not in altsions
if (!all(resp %in% alts)) {
stop("1 or more responses do not match the possible response options.")
# Error altsions
if (length(alts) != (n.alts + no.choice)) {
stop("Number of response options is not correct")
map <- match(resp, alts)
l <- list()
for(i in 1:length(map)){
l[[i]] <- rep(0, n.alts)
if (no.choice) {
l[[i]][map[i] - 1] <- 1
} else {
l[[i]][map[i]] <- 1
v <- unlist(l)
# Function to save the data gathered by shiny app
saveData <- function(data, data.dir, n.atts) {
# Data manipulation
d <-$desing, resp = data$bin.responses))
unc_resp <- rep(data$responses, each = n.atts)
unc_setnr <- rep(1:length(data$responses), each = n.atts)
unc_d <- cbind(set = unc_setnr, data$survey, resp = unc_resp)
# Create unique file names
numname <- sprintf("%s_num_data.txt", as.integer(Sys.time()))
charname <- sprintf("%s_char_data.txt", as.integer(Sys.time()))
# Write files to data.dir
x = d,
file = file.path(data.dir, numname),
row.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", col.names = NA
x = unc_d,
file = file.path(data.dir, charname),
row.names = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", col.names = NA
#' Load numeric choice data from directory
#' Reads all individual choice data files, created by \code{\link{SurveyApp}}
#' function, from a directory and concatenates
#' those files into a single data file. Files containing either "num" or "char"
#' will be read, with num indicating numeric data and char indicating character
#' data. For more information, see output of \code{\link{SurveyApp}}.
#' @param data.dir A character string containing the directory to read from.
#' @param type Character vector containing either num or char.
#' @return A data frame containg the full design and all the responses of the
#' combined data files that were found. Different files are indicated by an
#' ID variable.
#' @export
LoadData <- function(data.dir, type) {
# ErrorS
if(!type %in% c("num", "char")){
stop("'type' must be either num or char")
if (!dir.exists(data.dir)) {
stop("Directory 'data.dir' does not exist")
error <- character(0)
if(identical(list.files(data.dir, full.names = TRUE, pattern = type), error)){
stop("No files of the specified 'type' in 'data.dir'")
# Read all files into list
files <- list.files(data.dir, full.names = TRUE, pattern = type)
data <- lapply(files, utils::read.table, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = '\t', header = TRUE)
# check same col
ncols <- unlist(lapply(data, function(x) return(ncol(x))))
if(!isTRUE(all.equal(min(ncols), max(ncols)))){
stop("'data.dir'contains files with different number of columns")
# matrix
id_rows <- sapply(data, nrow)
id <- rep(1:length(id_rows), id_rows)
data <- lapply(data,
# Bind together
data <-, data)
data <- cbind("ID" = id, data)
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