Man pages for idem
Inference in Randomized Controlled Trials with Death and Missingness

abcExample dataset
idem-packageInference in Randomized Clinical Trials with Death and...
imDataCreate data for IDEM analysis
imFitModelImputation model fitting
imImpAllImpute missing data
imImpAll_miceImpute missing data by mice
imImpSingleImpute missing data for MCMC convergence checking
imInferTreatment effect estimation and hypothesis testing
imShinyRun Web-Based 'idem' application
plot.IDEMDATAPlot of IDEMDATA object
plot.IDEMFITPlot model fitting results
plot.IDEMIMPPlot imputation results
plot.IDEMINFERPlot hypothesis testing results
plot.IDEMSINGLEPlot MCMC mixing results
plot.summary.IDEMINFERPlot survivors only and SACE analysis results
print.IDEMDATAPrint IDEMDATA object
print.IDEMERRORPrint error messages
print.IDEMFITPrint model fitting results
print.IDEMIMPPrint imputation results
print.IDEMINFERPrint inference results
print.IDEMSINGLEPrint MCMC mixing checking result
print.summary.IDEMINFERPrint survivors only or SACE analysis results
summary.IDEMDATASummary of IDEMDATA object
summary.IDEMINFERSummary of the inference results
idem documentation built on Aug. 9, 2023, 5:08 p.m.