iemisc: Comparing Saturated Vapor Pressure Formulas to the Reference


Replicate the R code

Note: If you wish to replicate the R code below, then you will need to copy and paste the following commands in R first (to make sure you have all the packages and their dependencies):


install.packages(c("install.load", "iemisc", "units"))
# install the packages and their dependencies

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# load the required packages
install.load::load_package("iemisc", "units", "pander")
# load needed packages using the load_package function from the install.load package (it is assumed that you have already installed these packages)

import::from(fpCompare, "%==%")

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Compare Water Saturation Vapor Pressure

install.load::load_package("iemisc", "data.table", "units", "pander")

# reference vapor pressures from the Huang reference
reference <- sort(c(611.655, 2339.32, 7384.94, 19946.4, 47414.5, 101418))

Temp <- sort(c(0.01, seq(from = 20, to = 100, by = 20)))

# hydraulics
hydraulics_svp <- hydraulics::svp(T = Temp, units = "SI")

# iemisc
iemisc_sat_vapor_pressure_huang <- sat_vapor_pressure(Temp = Temp, units = "SI", formula = "Huang")

iemisc_sat_vapor_pressure_buck <- sat_vapor_pressure(Temp = Temp, units = "SI", formula = "Buck")

iemisc_sat_vapor_pressure_iapws <- sat_vapor_pressure(Temp = Temp, units = "SI", formula = "IAPWS")

# aiRthermo

# create a numeric vector with the units of degrees Celsius
T_C <- set_units(Temp, "degree_C")

# create a numeric vector to convert from degrees Celsius to Kelvin
T_K <- T_C

# create a numeric vector with the units of Kelvin
units(T_K) <- make_units(K)

aiRthermo_saturation_pressure_H2O <- aiRthermo::saturation_pressure_H2O(drop_units(T_K))

comparePress <- data.table(Reference_Pressure = reference, Hydraulics_Pressure = hydraulics_svp, Huang_Pressure = iemisc_sat_vapor_pressure_huang, Buck_Pressure = iemisc_sat_vapor_pressure_buck, IAPWS_Pressure = iemisc_sat_vapor_pressure_iapws, aiRthermo_Pressure = aiRthermo_saturation_pressure_H2O)

comparePress[, `:=` (mreHydraulics = mapply(mre, Hydraulics_Pressure, Reference_Pressure) *
100, mreHuang = mapply(mre, Huang_Pressure, Reference_Pressure) * 100,
mreBuck = mapply(mre, Buck_Pressure, Reference_Pressure) * 100, 
mreIAPWS = mapply(mre, IAPWS_Pressure, Reference_Pressure) *
100, mreaiRthermo = mapply(mre, aiRthermo_Pressure, Reference_Pressure) *
100)] # Source 1

# which row(s) has the maximum value
max_row <- pmax(comparePress$mreHydraulics, comparePress$mreHuang, comparePress$mreBuck, comparePress$mreIAPWS, comparePress$mreaiRthermo)

# which row(s) has the minimum value
min_row <- pmin(comparePress$mreHydraulics, comparePress$mreHuang, comparePress$mreBuck, comparePress$mreIAPWS, comparePress$mreaiRthermo)

# which rows are TRUE
max_row2 <- comparePress == max_row

# which rows are TRUE
min_row2 <- comparePress == min_row

comparePress[, max_mre := c(rep("mreaiRthermo", 3), rep( "mreBuck", 3))]

comparePress[, min_mre := c("mreBuck", rep("mreHydraulics / mreHuang", 4), "mreIAPWS")]

setnames(comparePress, c("Reference Pressure (Pa)", "Hydraulics Package Pressure (Pa)", "Huang Pressure (Pa)", "Buck Pressure (Pa)", "IAPWS Pressure (Pa)", "aiRthermo Pressure (Pa)", "MRE % (Hydraulics Package vs. Reference)", "MRE % (Huang vs. Reference)", "MRE % (Buck vs. Reference)", "MRE % (IAPWS vs. Reference)", "MRE % (aiRthermo vs. Reference)", "Maximum MRE % Formula", "Minumum MRE % Formula"))


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Works Cited

Ed Maurer and Irucka Embry, hydraulics version 0.6.1, 2022-12-06,

Holger Vömel, National Center for Atmospheric Research Earth Observing Laboratory, "Saturation vapor pressure formulations", Retrieved thanks to the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine

Huang, J. (2018). "A Simple Accurate Formula for Calculating Saturation Vapor Pressure of Water and Ice", Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57(6), 1265-1272. Retrieved Nov 4, 2021, Please note that the Reference values are obtained from this reference.

Jon Sáenz, Santos J. González-Rojí, Sheila Carreno-Madinabeitia and Gabriel Ibarra-Berastegi, aiRthermo version 1.2.1, 2018-09-16,

The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam. IAPWS SR1-86(1992). "Revised Supplementary Release on Saturation Properties of Ordinary Water Substance", September 1992,

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R Source

Source 1
r - How do I reset all options() arguments to their default values? - Stack Overflow answered by stevec on Jul 27 2020 and edited by stevec on Feb 27 2022. See

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All R code written by Irucka Embry is distributed under the GPL-3 (or later) license, see the GNU General Public License {GPL} page.

All written content originally created by Irucka Embry is copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All other written content retains the copyright of the original author(s).

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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iemisc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:45 a.m.