f1: Laminar Flow Equation

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Laminar Flow Equation


The Darcy friction factor (f) is used in the "Darcy equation (also known as the Weisbach equation or Darcy-Weisbach equation)" to determine the "frictional energy loss for fluids" experiencing either laminar or turbulent flow (which is based on the Reynolds number). [Reference: Lindeburg Manual]





numeric vector that contains the Reynolds number (dimensionless)


Calculating the Darcy friction factor (f) for pipes

Please consult the references for the equations:

f1 - laminar flow equation (References: Lindeburg Manual and Zeghadnia) f2 - Moody equation (References: Genić and Zeghadnia) f3 - Romeo, et. al. equation (References: Genić and Zeghadnia) f4 - Žarko Ćojbašića and Dejan Brkić equation (Reference: Zeghadnia) f5 - Colebrook-White equation (References: Genić and Praks) f6 - Swamee-Jaine equation (References: Genić and Zeghadnia) f7 - Zigrang-Sylvester equation (References: Genić and Zeghadnia) f8 - Vatankhah equation (Reference: Zeghadnia)


the dimensionless Darcy friction factor (f) as a numeric vector


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  1. Steven C. Chapra, Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition, Boston, Massachusetts: McGraw-Hill, 2008, pages 157-161.

  2. Didier Clamond, "Efficient resolution of the Colebrook equation", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2009, 48 (7), pages 3665-3671, https://arxiv.org/abs/0810.5564 and https://math.univ-cotedazur.fr/~didierc/DidPublis/ICR_2009.pdf

  3. Srbislav Genić, Ivan Arandjelović, Petar Kolendić, Marko Jarić, Nikola Budimir, and Vojislav Genić, "A Review of Explicit Approximations of Colebrook's Equation", FME (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade) Transactions, 2011, 39, pages 67-71, https://www.mas.bg.ac.rs/_media/istrazivanje/fme/vol39/2/04_mjaric.pdf

  4. Michael R. Lindeburg, PE, Civil Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam, Twelfth Edition, Belmont, California: Professional Publications, Inc., 2011, pages 17-5 - 17-7.

  5. Michael R. Lindeburg, PE, Practice Problems for the Civil Engineering PE Exam: A Companion to the "Civil Engineering Reference Manual", Twelfth Edition, Belmont, California: Professional Publications, Inc., 2011, pages 17-1 and 17-8 - 17-9.

  6. Pavel Praks and Dejan Brkić, "Advanced Iterative Procedures for Solving the Implicit Colebrook Equation for Fluid Flow Friction", Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2018, Article ID 5451034, 18 pages, https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ace/2018/5451034/

  7. Lotfi Zeghadnia, Jean Loup Robert, and Bachir Achour, "Explicit solutions for turbulent flow friction factor: A review, assessment and approaches classification", Ain Shams Engineering Journal, March 2019, Volume 10, Issue 1, pages 243-252, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2090447919300176

See Also

Re1, Re2, Re3, and Re4 for the Reynolds number and colebrook for an accurate representation of the Colebrook-White equation

f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8



# Examples



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