engr_survey: Conversion of Engineering Survey Measurements to Decimal...

engr_surveyR Documentation

Conversion of Engineering Survey Measurements to Decimal Degrees (KY and TN)


Takes Kentucky or Tennessee-based Northing and Easting engineering survey measurements [based in the State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS)] in meters, international foot, or US survey foot and converts those values into geodetic coordinates of the World Geodetic System (WGS) (19)84 (EPSG:4326). [MapTiler Reference] Each latitude Y and longitude X point is verified to be located within Kentucky or Tennessee.


  units = c("survey_ft", "foot", "meters"),
  location = c("KY", "TN"),
  output = c("basic", "table"),
  utm = c(0, 1)



numeric vector (or character vector with numbers, commas, and decimal points) that contains the Northing engineering survey measurement in meters, international foot, or US survey foot


numeric vector (or character vector with numbers, commas, and decimal points) that contains the Easting engineering survey measurement in meters, international foot, or US survey foot


character vector that contains the system of units (options are survey_ft (United States Customary System) [US survey foot], foot, or meters (International System of Units) [meters]


character vector that contains the location name ('KY' for Kentucky or 'TN' for Tennessee)


character vector that contains basic for the default result using a simple data.table or table for the result as a complex data.table


numeric vector that contains 0 or 1 only. 0 represents do not provide the utm coordinates and 1 is to provide the utm coordinates


the projected associated latitude Y and longitude X coordinates in Decimal Degrees as a data.table or as an enhanced data.table with the Northing and Easting coordinates in US survey foot, foot, and meters in addition to the Y and X coordinates for the begin, middle, and end points


Please Note: If you have Kentucky North/South Zone survey measurements, then please use the Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky - Kentucky Single Coordinate Conversion Tool (http://kgs.uky.edu/kgsweb/CoordConversionTool.asp) instead. That tool will give you the geographic coordinates too. This R function, engr_survey will only be valid for NAD83 / Kentucky Single Zone.

Useful Tennessee reference Web site Tennessee Department of Transportation Roadway Design Survey Standards https://www.tn.gov/tdot/roadway-design/survey-standards.html

Useful Kentucky reference Web site Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Survey Coordination https://transportation.ky.gov/Highway-Design/Pages/Survey-Coordination.aspx


Irucka Embry


  1. Win-Vector Blog. John Mount, June 11, 2018, "R Tip: use isTRUE()", https://win-vector.com/2018/06/11/r-tip-use-istrue/.

  2. Latitude Longitude Coordinates to State Code in R - Stack Overflow answered by Josh O'Brien on Jan 6 2012 and edited by Josh O'Brien on Jun 18, 2020. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8751497/latitude-longitude-coordinates-to-state-code-in-r.

  3. r - Convert column classes in data.table - Stack Overflow answered by Matt Dowle on Dec 27 2013. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7813578/convert-column-classes-in-data-table.

  4. Excel vlook up function in R for data frame - Stack Overflow answered by Tyler Rinker on Apr 8 2013 and edited by Tyler Rinker on Feb 26 2014. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15882743/excel-vlook-up-function-in-r-for-data-frame.

  5. r - Converting geo coordinates from degree to decimal - Stack Overflow answered by Robbes on Jan 3 2018 and edited by ayaio on Jan 3 2018. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14404596/converting-geo-coordinates-from-degree-to-decimal.

  6. r - How to not run an example using roxygen2? - Stack Overflow answered and edited by samkart on Jul 9 2017. (Also see the additional comments in response to the answer.) See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12038160/how-to-not-run-an-example-using-roxygen2.

  7. devtools - Issues in R package after CRAN asked to replace dontrun by donttest - Stack Overflow answered by Hong Ooi on Sep 1 2020. (Also see the additional comments in response to the answer.) See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63693563/issues-in-r-package-after-cran-asked-to-replace-dontrun-by-donttest.


  1. udunits.dat, v 1.18 2006/09/20 18:59:18 steve Exp, https://web.archive.org/web/20230202155021/https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/udunits/udunits-1/udunits.txt. Retrieved thanks to the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine

  2. Spatial Reference, Aug. 13, 2004, "EPSG:3088: NAD83 / Kentucky Single Zone", https://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/3088/.

  3. Spatial Reference, March 7, 2000, "EPSG:32136 NAD83 / Tennessee", https://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/32136/.

  4. MapTiler Team, "EPSG:4326: WGS 84 – WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS, https://epsg.io/4326.

  5. Tennessee Department of Transportation Design Division, Tennessee Department of Transportation Tennessee Geodetic Reference Network (TGRN) Reference Manual Second Edition Issued, page ix, https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/tdot/documents/TgrnComposite.pdf.

  6. Earth Point, "State Plane Coordinate System - Convert, View on Google Earth", https://www.earthpoint.us/StatePlane.aspx.

  7. National Geodetic Survey datasheet95, version, online retrieval date July 25, 2019, Mid Valley Oil Rad Relay Twr designation, HA1363 PID, Grayson County Kentucky, Clarkson (1967) USGS Quad, https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_mark.prl?PidBox=HA1363.

  8. National Geodetic Survey datasheet95, version, online retrieval date July 25, 2019, 2006 42 07 designation, DL4005 PID, Fayette County Kentucky, Lexington West (1993) USGS Quad, https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/ds_mark.prl?PidBox=DL4005.


# Please refer to the iemisc: Engineering Survey Examples vignette for
# additional examples

# Test 1 against TGRN Manual (Reference 5)
# using the 1983 (1995) DATUM
# GPS 1 is the station name with these coordinates
# latitude (North) = 36 22 6.43923
# longitude (West) = 82 10 46.87679


Northing_test1 <- 232489.480 # provided in TGRN Manual
Easting_test1 <- 942754.124 # provided in TGRN Manual

tgrn1 <- engr_survey(Northing_test1, Easting_test1, "meters", "TN", output =
"table", utm = 0)

# Test 2 against TGRN Manual (Reference 5)
# using the 1983 (1995) DATUM
# GPS 60 is the station name with these coordinates
# latitude (North) = 35 8 46.44496
# longitude (West) = 89 54 24.04763


Northing_test2 <- 97296.815 # provided in TGRN Manual
Easting_test2 <- 244089.427 # provided in TGRN Manual

tgrn2 <- engr_survey(Northing_test2, Easting_test2, "meters", "TN", output =
"table", utm = 0)

# Test 3 against the NGS Data sheet (Reference 7)
# using the NAD 83(1993) DATUM
# with these adjusted coordinates
# latitude (North) = 37 24 17.73330
# longitude (West) = 086 14 14.18027


# The following coordinates were computed from the latitude / longitude
# using NAD 83(1993)
Northing_test3 <- "1,119,041.443" # provided in NGS Data sheet
Easting_test3 <- "1,456,861.006" # provided in NGS Data sheet

ky1 <- engr_survey(Northing_test3, Easting_test3, "meters", "KY", output =
"table", utm = 0)

# Test 4 against the NGS Data sheet (Reference 8)
# using the NAD 83(2011) DATUM
# with these no check coordinates
# latitude (North) = 38 04 23.86331
# longitude (West) = 084 32 04.55607


# The following coordinates were computed from the latitude / longitude
# using NAD 83(2011)
Northing_test4 <- "3,671,388.47" # provided in NGS Data sheet
Easting_test4 <- "4,779,718.15" # provided in NGS Data sheet

ky2 <- engr_survey(Northing_test4, Easting_test4, "survey_ft", "KY", output =
"table", utm = 0)

# Example 1
# Kentucky (KY) Northing and Easting in US Survey foot


Northing1 <- 3807594.80077

Easting1 <- 5625162.88913

dt1 <- engr_survey(Northing = Northing1, Easting = Easting1, units =
"survey_ft", location = "KY", output = "table", utm = 1)

# Example 2
# Kentucky (KY) Northing and Easting in meters


Northing2 <- 1170338.983

Easting2 <- 1624669.125

dt2 <- engr_survey(Northing2, Easting2, "meters", "KY", output = "basic",
utm = 0)

# See Source 6 and Source 7

# Please see the error messages


# Tennessee (TN) Northing and Easting in US Survey foot
Northing3 <- c("630817.6396", "502170.6065", "562,312.2349", "574,370.7178")

Easting3 <- c("2559599.9201", "1433851.6509", "1,843,018.4099", "1,854,896.0041")

dt3 <- try(engr_survey(Northing3, Easting3, "survey_ft", "TN", output = "basic",
utm = 0))

Northing4 <- c(232489.480, 234732.431)

Easting4 <- c(942754.124, 903795.239)

dt4 <- try(engr_survey(Northing4, Easting4, "survey_ft", "TN", output =
"basic", utm = 0))

iemisc documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 5:09 p.m.