iemisc: Construction Measurement Examples


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Note: If you wish to replicate the R code below, then you will need to copy and paste the following commands in R first (to make sure you have all the packages and their dependencies):


install.packages(c("install.load", "iemisc", "units", "knitr"))
# install the packages and their dependencies

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# load the required packages
install.load::load_package("iemisc", "units")
# load needed packages using the load_package function from the install.load package (it is assumed that you have already installed these packages)

import::from(fpCompare, "%==%")

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Fraction (or Mixed number) to a Decimal (Numeric Vector)

Example 1

Convert the following mixed number values to a decimal number. The non-numeric (character) values are ignored with the frac_to_numeric function.


trxt <- "1 1/3"


tlrxy <- "4 1/8 inches"


tmrxy <- "12 13/16 inches"


hjtevo <- "28/3 inches"


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Construction Decimal (Measurement in feet inch fraction returned as a decimal value)

Example 1 (Convert a feet inch fraction measurement to its decimal equivalent)

In the following example, the expressed values are the same in t1 through t16 (34 feet 3 1/2 inches); however, the only difference exists in the character strings. The point here is to show that the character values do not really matter because it is the numeric values that actually determine the decimal equivalent. The decimal equivalent will be expressed in decimal feet when the result is traditional and it will be expressed in decimal inches when the result is librecad.


t1 <- "34'-3 1/2\""
t2 <- "34-3 1/2\""
t3 <- "34' 3 1/2\""
t4 <- "34'-3 1/2"
t5 <- "34-3 1/2"
t6 <- "34 3 1/2"
t7 <- "34 ft 3 1/2 in"
t8 <- "34 3 1/2"
t9 <- "34 fts 3 1/2 in"
t10 <- "34 foot 3 1/2 in"
t11 <- "34 foot 3 1/2 inch"
t12 <- "34 foot 3 1/2 in"
t13 <- "34 feet 3 1/2 in"
t14 <- "34 feet 3 1/2 inch"
t15 <- "34 feet 3 1/2 in"
t16 <- "34 FEEt 3 1/2 IN"


a) Multiply t1 by t2 and return the answer in acres

(construction_decimal(t1, result = "traditional", output = "vector")
* construction_decimal(t2, result = "traditional", output = "vector")
* 4) / 43560
# acres


b) Square t1 and return the answer in acres

(construction_decimal(t1, result = "traditional", output = "vector")
^ 2 * 4) / 43560
# acres


c) Both a) and b) can be expressed using the following as well

t1_ft2 <- set_units((construction_decimal(t1, result = "traditional",
output = "vector") * construction_decimal(t2, result = "traditional",
output = "vector") * 4), US_survey_foot ^ 2)

t1_acres <- t1_ft2

units(t1_acres) <- make_units(acre); t1_acres

t1_ft2s <- set_units((construction_decimal(t1, result = "traditional",
output = "vector") ^ 2 * 4), US_survey_foot ^ 2)

t1_acress <- t1_ft2s

units(t1_acress) <- make_units(acre)


d) Return the sum of t1 - t5

sum(construction_decimal(t1, result = "traditional", output = "vector"),
construction_decimal(t2, result = "traditional", output = "vector"),
construction_decimal(t3, result = "traditional", output = "vector"),
construction_decimal(t4, result = "traditional", output = "vector"),
construction_decimal(t5, result = "traditional", output = "vector"))


e) Return the traditional vector result for t1 - t16


construction_decimal(t1, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t2, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t3, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t4, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t5, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t6, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t7, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t8, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t9, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t10, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t11, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t12, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t13, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t14, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t15, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t16, result = "traditional", output = "vector")


f) Return the librecad vector result result for t1 - t16

construction_decimal(t1, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t2, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t3, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t4, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t5, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t6, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t7, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t8, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t9, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t10, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t11, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t12, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t13, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t14, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t15, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(t16, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

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Example 2 [Verify the sum]

In the following example, verify that the sum of m1 through m6 [33 feet 3 1/2 inches, 32 feet 1 inch, 32 feet 1 inch, 32 feet 1 inch, 32 feet 1 inch, 33 feet 3 1/2 inches] using the construction_decimal function is equivalent to 194 feet 11 inches. As long as the last value is TRUE, then the verification is complete.


m1 <- "33'-3 1/2\""
m2 <- "32'-1"
m3 <- "32'-1"
m4 <- "32'-1"
m5 <- "32'-1"
m6 <- "33'-3 1/2\""

msum <- sum(construction_decimal(m1, result = "traditional",
output = "vector"), construction_decimal(m2, result = "traditional",
output = "vector"), construction_decimal(m3, result = "traditional",
output = "vector"), construction_decimal(m4, result = "traditional",
output = "vector"), construction_decimal(m5, result = "traditional",
output = "vector"), construction_decimal(m6, result = "traditional",
output = "vector"))

# print msum as a decimal number

# print the construction fraction for msum
construction_fraction(msum, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 0)

# check whether msum is equal to the decimal expressed by 194 feet 11 inches or not
construction_decimal("194'-11", result = "traditional", output =
"vector") %==% msum

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Example 3 [Perimeter sum]

Calculate the sum of an object with the following perimeter measurements [3 inches, 8 inches, 6 inches, 2 5/8 inches, 2 feet 6 3/4 inches, 2 feet 6 3/4 inches, 2 feet 6 3/4 inches, 2 5/8 inches]. The sum will be in decimal feet.


sum(construction_decimal("0 3", result = "traditional", output = "vector"), construction_decimal("0 8", result = "traditional", output = "vector"), construction_decimal("0 6", result = "traditional", output = "vector")) * sum(construction_decimal("0 2 5/8", result = "traditional", output = "vector"), 3 * construction_decimal("2 6 3/4", result = "traditional", output = "vector"), construction_decimal("0 2 5/8", result = "traditional", output = "vector"))

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Example 4 [Total surface area & volume for riprap]

Calculate the amount of surface area fill, in acres, for riprap placement and the volume of fill in yards^3^ along a streambank.


bank <- set_units(construction_decimal("72 3 1/3", result =
"traditional", output = "vector"), US_survey_foot)
# 72 feet 3 1/3 inches


riprap <- set_units(construction_decimal("0 15.0", result = "traditional",
output = "vector"), US_survey_foot)


riprap_yd <- riprap

units(riprap_yd) <- make_units(yd)


OHWM_width <- set_units(25, US_survey_foot)


width <- set_units(47, US_survey_foot)


bank_area1 <- width * bank


bank_area2 <- bank_area1

units(bank_area2) <- make_units(yd^2)


bank_area3 <- bank_area1

units(bank_area3) <- make_units(acres)


vol_bank <- riprap_yd * bank_area2


bank_area_OHWM1 <- OHWM_width * bank


bank_area_OHWM2 <- bank_area1

units(bank_area_OHWM2) <- make_units(yd^2)


bank_area_OHWM3 <- bank_area1

units(bank_area_OHWM3) <- make_units(acres)


vol_bank_OHWM <- riprap_yd * bank_area_OHWM2


fill_ft2 <- bank_area_OHWM1


fill_acres <- bank_area_OHWM3


fill_yd2 <- bank_area_OHWM2


fill_yd3 <- vol_bank_OHWM


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Example 5 [Examples from the Spike reference]

psst <- "7' 4 5/16\""

pssts <- "0 3 3/8\""

wall1 <- "12' 7\""

wall2 <- "40' 9\""

construction_decimal(psst, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(pssts, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(wall1, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_decimal(wall2, result = "traditional", output = "vector")


a) Matching the decimal value for 3 3/8 inches

Since pssts is a fraction representing 3 3/8 inches, it is better to use the frac_to_numeric function or the construction_decimal function with the librecad result instead of using the construction_decimal function with the traditional result to match the decimal value from the Spike reference.


pssts1 <- "3 3/8\""


# or more simply

pssts1b <- "3 3/8 in"

# checks

frac_to_numeric(pssts1) %==% frac_to_numeric(pssts1b)

frac_to_numeric(pssts1) %==% construction_decimal(pssts, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

frac_to_numeric(pssts1b) %==% construction_decimal(pssts, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

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Example 6 [Print a table with equivalent length measurements]

In a tabular format, show the equivalents to 1 feet 2 7/16 inches, 6 feet 8 3/4 inches, 6 feet 5 3/256 inches in decimal inches, decimal feet, decimal yards, decimal millimeters, decimal centimeters, and decimal meters.


librecad1 <- "1 2 7/16\""

construction_decimal(librecad1, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

knitr::kable(format(construction_decimal(librecad1, result = "traditional", output = "table"), digits = 6, nsmall = 0))

construction_decimal(librecad1, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

knitr::kable(format(construction_decimal(librecad1, result = "librecad", output = "table"), digits = 4, nsmall = 0))

librecad2 <- "6' 8 3/4 in"

construction_decimal(librecad2, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

knitr::kable(format(construction_decimal(librecad2, result = "traditional", output = "table"), digits = 6, nsmall = 6))

construction_decimal(librecad2, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

knitr::kable(format(construction_decimal(librecad2, result = "librecad", output = "table"), digits = 2, nsmall = 2))

librecad3 <- "6'-5 3/256\""

construction_decimal(librecad3, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

knitr::kable(format(construction_decimal(librecad3, result = "traditional", output = "table"), digits = 6, nsmall = 6))

construction_decimal(librecad3, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

knitr::kable(format(construction_decimal(librecad3, result = "librecad", output = "table"), digits = 5, nsmall = 5))

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Construction Fraction

Example 1

Return the fractional equivalents for the decimal value of 6 feet 5 3/256 inches.


checker <- "6'-5 3/256 in"

checkers <- construction_decimal(checker, result = "traditional", output = "vector")


construction_fraction(checkers, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 0)

construction_fraction(checkers, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 2)

construction_fraction(checkers, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 4)

construction_fraction(checkers, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)

construction_fraction(checkers, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 16)

construction_fraction(checkers, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 32)

construction_fraction(checkers, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 64)

construction_fraction(checkers, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 100)

construction_fraction(checkers, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 128)

construction_fraction(checkers, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 256)

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Example 2

Return the fractional equivalents for the decimal value of 77.6875 inches.


checkin <- 77.6875

construction_fraction(checkin, type = "librecad", result = "traditional", fraction = 0)

construction_fraction(checkin, type = "librecad", result = "traditional", fraction = 2)

construction_fraction(checkin, type = "librecad", result = "traditional", fraction = 4)

construction_fraction(checkin, type = "librecad", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)

construction_fraction(checkin, type = "librecad", result = "traditional", fraction = 16)

construction_fraction(checkin, type = "librecad", result = "traditional", fraction = 32)

construction_fraction(checkin, type = "librecad", result = "traditional", fraction = 64)

construction_fraction(checkin, type = "librecad", result = "traditional", fraction = 100)

construction_fraction(checkin, type = "librecad", result = "traditional", fraction = 128)

construction_fraction(checkin, type = "librecad", result = "traditional", fraction = 256)

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Example 3

Given the lengths of 5 feet 1 3/4 inches and 21 feet 7 3/8. Multiply, divide, add, and subtract the value to compare the results to the reference.

a) Multiplication

The answer is "111.225 ft^2^ (16016.4063 in^2^)".


length1 <- "5 feet 1 3/4 inches"
length2 <- "21 feet 7 3/8"

length_product_in <- construction_decimal(length1, result = "librecad", output = "vector") * construction_decimal(length2, result = "librecad", output = "vector")


length_product_ft <- construction_decimal(length1, result = "traditional", output = "vector") * construction_decimal(length2, result = "traditional", output = "vector")


construction_fraction(length_product_ft, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)

# Alternatively, this could all be done in a single step as well:

construction_fraction((construction_decimal(length1, result = "traditional", output = "vector") * construction_decimal(length2, result = "traditional", output = "vector")), type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)


b) Division

The answer is "0.2381".


length1 <- "5 feet 1 3/4 inches"
length2 <- "21 feet 7 3/8"

length_quotient <- construction_decimal(length1, result = "librecad", output = "vector") / construction_decimal(length2, result = "librecad", output = "vector")


construction_fraction(length_quotient, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)

# Alternatively, this could all be done in a single step as well:

construction_fraction((construction_decimal(length1, result = "traditional", output = "vector") / construction_decimal(length2, result = "traditional", output = "vector")), type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)


c) Addition

The answer is "26 ft 9 1/8 in".


length_sum <- sum(construction_decimal(length1, result = "traditional", output = "vector"), construction_decimal(length2, result = "traditional", output = "vector"))

construction_fraction(length_sum, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)

# Alternatively, this could all be done in a single step as well:

construction_fraction(sum(construction_decimal(length1, result = "traditional", output = "vector"), construction_decimal(length2, result = "traditional", output = "vector")), type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)


d) Subtraction (Negative result)

The answer is "-16 ft 5 5/8 in".


length_difference1 <- construction_decimal(length1, result = "traditional", output = "vector") - construction_decimal(length2, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_fraction(length_difference1, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)

# Alternatively, this could all be done in a single step as well:

construction_fraction((construction_decimal(length1, result = "traditional", output = "vector") - construction_decimal(length2, result = "traditional", output = "vector")), type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)


d) Subtraction (Positive result)

length_difference2 <- construction_decimal(length2, result = "traditional", output = "vector") - construction_decimal(length1, result = "traditional", output = "vector")

construction_fraction(length_difference2, type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)

# Alternatively, this could all be done in a single step as well:

construction_fraction((construction_decimal(length2, result = "traditional", output = "vector") - construction_decimal(length1, result = "traditional", output = "vector")), type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 8)

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Example 4

"Imagine you’ve bought a wooden panel, 5 meters long. You plan to cut it into six equal parts, but you have only a tape measure with the fractional inches scale. We can measure the length with precision down to 1/32"." From the Omni Calculator: Inches to Fraction Calculator reference.

What is the length for each of the 6 boards cut?


panel <- set_units(5, "m")


panel_ft <- panel

units(panel_ft) <- make_units(ft)


panel_6 <- panel_ft / 6


construction_fraction(drop_units(panel_6), type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 16)

construction_fraction(drop_units(panel_6), type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 32)

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Construction Decimal Engineering (LibreCAD Style)


librecad1a <- "6' 8 3/4 in"


librecad2a <- "6'-5 3/256\""


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R Help for iemisc Functions

Please refer to the iemisc [] help definitions for the frac_to_numeric, construction_decimal, and construction_fraction functions below:

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help(frac_to_numeric, package = "iemisc")

help(construction_decimal, package = "iemisc")

help(construction_fraction, package = "iemisc")

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Works Cited

Furey, Edward "Feet and Inches Calculator" at from CalculatorSoup, - Online Calculators, Last updated: November 12, 2018

Omni Calculator, "Inches to Fraction Calculator", Created by Wojciech Sas, PhD, Last updated: Jun 05, 2023,

Spike, 1 January 2022, "Foot and Inch to Decimal Format Conversion",

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All R code written by Irucka Embry is distributed under the GPL-3 (or later) license, see the GNU General Public License {GPL} page.

All written content originally created by Irucka Embry is copyrighted under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. All other written content retains the copyright of the original author(s).

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iemisc documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 5:09 p.m.