engr_survey3: Calculate the Distance between Engineering Survey Points...

engr_survey3R Documentation

Calculate the Distance between Engineering Survey Points (Length or Number of Stations)


Takes engineering survey points in various units (foot, US survey foot, meters, or kilometers) and calculates the horizontal length in various units (foot, US survey foot, US survey mile, mile, meters, or kilometers).


  station_distance = 100,
  units = c("foot", "survey_ft", "survey_mile", "mile", "meters", "kilometers"),
  output = c("numeric", "string")



character vector that contains the beginning engineering survey station value


numeric vector that contains the horizontal distance between any 2 points along the survey, the default is 100 feet


character vector that contains the system of units for the station_distance (options are foot, survey_ft (United States Customary System) [US survey foot], meters for International System of Units meters, or kilometers for International System of Units kilometers


character vector that contains the system of units for the horizontal length (options are foot, survey_ft (United States Customary System) [US survey foot], survey_mile (United States Customary System) [US survey mile], mile, meters for International System of Units meters, or kilometers for International System of Units kilometers


horizontal length as a numeric vector (ex. 1214.402) or as a character vector with the word stations after the number (ex. 1214.402 stations)


Irucka Embry


  1. udunits.dat, v 1.18 2006/09/20 18:59:18 steve Exp, https://web.archive.org/web/20230202155021/https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/udunits/udunits-1/udunits.txt. Retrieved thanks to the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine

  2. Engineer Boards: Transportation. "Stationing. Dumb question?" Question asked by By NIKE, August 31, 2013 and answered by ptatohed on September 1, 2013. See https://engineerboards.com/threads/stationing-dumb-question.21935/.


# Please refer to the iemisc: Engineering Survey Examples vignette for
# additional examples

# Example 1


# "What the others said is correct. 1 station is equal to 100 feet. So when
# asked how many stations are in (3.2mi x 5280ft/mi = ) 16,896 feet, you are being
# asked how many 100 foot-segments are in 16,896 feet? The answer of course is
# 16,896ft / 100ft/sta = 168.96 sta." Source: Reference 2

length1 <- "16,896" # feet

engr_survey3(length1, station_distance = 100, units = "foot", output = "numeric")
engr_survey3(length1, station_distance = 100, units = "foot", output = "string")
# the answer provides the number of stations

# Note: Both answers should be the same as 3.2 miles = 16,896 feet.

length2 <- 3.2 # mile

engr_survey3(length2, station_distance = 100, units = "mile", output = "numeric")
engr_survey3(length2, station_distance = 100, units = "mile", output = "string")
# the answer provides the number of stations

iemisc documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 5:09 p.m.