construction_fraction: Construction Fraction

construction_fractionR Documentation

Construction Fraction


Convert a construction measurement in US Customary Units as a decimal into its nearest equivalent as foot + inch with or without a fraction


  type = c("traditional", "librecad"),
  result = c("traditional", "inch"),
  fraction = c(0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 100, 128, 256)



numeric vector that contains the construction measurement as a decimal


character vector that contains the decimal type options are traditional (ex. 1.203125 = 1'-2 7/16\" where the whole number is the value in ft and the decimal is the value in inches & librecad (ex. 14.4375 = 1'-2 7/16\"), whereby LibreCAD defines its decimal unit as "integer part separated from the fractional part of a number by a decimal". Thus, both the whole number and the decimal is the value in inches.


character vector that contains the resulting fraction type (options are traditional (ex. 1.203125 = 1 ft 2 7/16 in) & inch (ex. 14.4375 = 14 7/16 in)). This is the same as fractional (fractional inch) in LibreCAD.


numeric vector that contains the fractional part to return. The options are 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 100, 128, or 256.


the construction measurement value as a character vector as foot + fraction of an inch or as inch + fraction of an inch (depends on the parameters)


Irucka Embry


  1. Spike, 7 May 2022, "How to Convert Feet in Decimal Format to Foot, Inch and Fraction Values",

  2. myCarpentry, 7 May 2022, "Online Fraction Calculator",

  3. LibreCAD, User Manual - Fundamentals: Units: Architectural and Decimal, 7 May 2022,

  4. Inch Calculator. Inch Fraction Calculator – Convert Decimal to Inches, 9 May 2022,


# Please refer to the iemisc: Construction Measurement Examples vignette for
# additional examples


# Example 1 from the Spike Reference

check1 <- 18.649 # decimal feet

construction_fraction(check1, type = "traditional", result =
"traditional", fraction = 16)

# Reverse the calculation to check out the absolute error

check2 <- construction_decimal(construction_fraction(check1,
type = "traditional", result = "traditional", fraction = 16),
result = "traditional", output = "vector")

fracture::fracture(check2 - check1) # difference in inches

# by approximate error

approxerror(check2, check1) # answer as a percent (\%)

# check all other fraction levels

construction_fraction(check1, type = "traditional", result =
"traditional", fraction = 0)

construction_fraction(check1, type = "traditional", result =
"traditional", fraction = 2)

construction_fraction(check1, type = "traditional", result =
"traditional", fraction = 4)

construction_fraction(check1, type = "traditional", result =
"traditional", fraction = 8)

construction_fraction(check1, type = "traditional", result =
"traditional", fraction = 32)

construction_fraction(check1, type = "traditional", result =
"traditional", fraction = 64)

construction_fraction(check1, type = "traditional", result =
"traditional", fraction = 100)

construction_fraction(check1, type = "traditional", result =
"traditional", fraction = 128)

# Example 2

import::from(fpCompare, "%==%")

x1 <- construction_fraction(1.203125, type = "traditional", result =
"traditional", fraction = 16)

x2 <- construction_fraction(14.4375, type = "librecad", result =
"inch", fraction = 16)

x3 <- construction_fraction(14.4375, type = "librecad", result =
"traditional", fraction = 16)

x4 <- construction_fraction(14.43112, type = "librecad", result =
"traditional", fraction = 16)

x5 <- construction_fraction(14.43112, type = "librecad", result =
"inch", fraction = 16)

ex1 <- frac_to_numeric(x2)

ex2 <- construction_decimal(x1, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

ex3 <- construction_decimal(x3, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

ex4 <- construction_decimal(x4, result = "librecad", output = "vector")

ex5 <- frac_to_numeric(x5)

# check if ex1, ex2, ex3, ex4, and ex5 are equivalent
ex1 %==% ex2

ex1 %==% ex3

ex1 %==% ex4

ex1 %==% ex5

ex2 %==% ex3

ex2 %==% ex4

ex2 %==% ex5

ex3 %==% ex4

ex3 %==% ex5

ex4 %==% ex5

# Example 3 (from the Inch Calculator Reference)


construction_fraction(2.695, type = "librecad", result = "traditional",
fraction = 16)

construction_fraction(2.695, type = "librecad", result = "inch",
fraction = 16)

# Example 4


construction_fraction(17.71354, type = "traditional", result = "traditional",
fraction = 16)

construction_fraction(17.71354, type = "traditional", result = "inch",
fraction = 16)

iemisc documentation built on Sept. 25, 2023, 5:09 p.m.