## File Name: immer_latent_regression.R
## File Version: 0.422
immer_latent_regression <- function( like, theta=NULL, Y=NULL, group=NULL,
weights=NULL, conv=1E-5, maxit=200, verbose=TRUE)
time <- list( start=Sys.time() )
X <- Y # relabelling
N <- nrow(like)
#-- theta
if ( is.null(theta) ){
theta <- attr(like, 'theta')
TP <- length(theta)
#-- design matrix regression
if ( is.null(X) ){
X <- matrix(1, nrow=N, ncol=1)
if (! is.null(group)){
group_u <- unique(group)
G <- length(group_u)
X <- matrix(0,nrow=N, ncol=G)
for (gg in 1L:G){
X[,gg] <- 1 * ( group==group_u[gg] )
colnames(X) <- paste0('Group', group_u)
X <- as.matrix(X)
if ( is.null(colnames(X))){
colnames(X) <- paste0('X', 1L:ncol(X))
if (is.null(weights)){
weights <- rep(1,N)
beta <- rep(0, ncol(X))
if (is.null(group)){
group <- rep(1,N)
group <- match( group, unique(group) )
G <- length( unique(group) )
gamma <- rep(1, G)
ind_group <- list()
for (gg in 1L:G){
ind_group[[gg]] <- which( group==gg )
Xw <- X * weights
XtX <- immer_ginv( x=t(X) %*% Xw )
thetaM <- matrix( theta, nrow=N, ncol=TP, byrow=TRUE)
mu <- as.vector( X %*% beta )
sigma <- gamma[ group ]
iter <- 1
iterate <- TRUE
#*** begin iterations
while (iterate){
beta0 <- beta
gamma0 <- gamma
#- calculate prior
prior <- immer_latent_regression_prior_normal( mu=mu, sigma=sigma,
theta=theta )
#-- calculate posterior
res <- immer_latent_regression_posterior( like=like, prior=prior,
weights=weights )
post <- res$post
loglike <- res$loglike
deviance <- -2*loglike
#-- M-step regression
theta_bar <- rowSums( post * thetaM )
beta <- XtX %*% crossprod(Xw, theta_bar )
mu <- as.vector( X %*% beta )
resid <- thetaM - matrix( mu, nrow=N, ncol=TP)
rp <- resid^2 * post
for (gg in 1L:G){
ind_gg <- ind_group[[gg]]
N_gg <- sum(weights[ind_gg])
gamma[gg] <- sqrt( sum( rp[ind_gg,]*weights[ind_gg] ) / N_gg )
sigma <- gamma[ group ]
parm_change <- max( abs( c( beta-beta0, gamma - gamma0) ))
iter <- iter + 1
if (iter > maxit){ iterate <- FALSE }
if (parm_change < conv){
iterate <- FALSE
if (verbose){
cat('* Iteration', iter-1, '\n' )
v1 <- paste0(' Deviance=', round( deviance, 6 ),
' | Parameter change=', round(parm_change, 8) )
cat(v1, '\n')
#-- coefficients
beta <- as.vector(beta)
NB <- length(beta)
names(beta) <- paste0('beta_',colnames(X))
gamma <- as.vector(gamma)
names(gamma) <- paste0('gamma_Group', 1L:G)
#-- standard errors
h <- 1e-4
pars <- c(beta, gamma)
infomat <- immer_latent_regression_vcov_xpd( X=X, group=group, G=G, pars=pars,
theta=theta, weights=weights, like=like, h=h )
V <- immer_ginv(infomat)
rownames(V) <- colnames(V) <- names(pars)
se <- sqrt( diag(V) )
beta_stat <- data.frame( parm=names(beta), est=pars[1L:NB],
se=se[1L:NB] )
gamma_stat <- data.frame( parm=names(gamma), est=pars[NB+1L:G],
se=se[NB+1L:G] )
#-- information criteria
ic <- list(dev=deviance, n=N)
ic$np <- length(beta) + length(gamma)
ic$G <- G
ic <- immer_IC_calc(ic=ic)
#--- output
time$end <- Sys.time()
time$diff <- time$end - time$start
description <- 'Unidimensional latent regression'
res <- list( coef=pars, vcov=V, beta=beta, gamma=gamma,
beta_stat=beta_stat, gamma_stat=gamma_stat,
sigma=sigma, mu=mu, sigma=sigma, ic=ic,
loglike=loglike, deviance=deviance, N=N, G=G, group=group,
iter=iter-1, time=time, CALL=CALL,
description=description )
class(res) <- 'immer_latent_regression'
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