
Defines functions build_mmodel_formula build_ymodel_formula run_model random_draw_formula_terms gen_cat_var_dict random_draw_formula random_draw generate_estimates medi mediate

Documented in mediate

#' Performing mediation analysis based on the interventional effect
#' @import doParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @param y The outcome variable.
#' @param med A vector of the mediators.
#' @param treat The exposure variable.
#' @param c A vector of covariates.
#' @param ymodel A character string specifying the outcome model. Current options are "regression" (for continuous variable), "logistic regression" (for binary variable), and "poisson regression" (for count variable)
#' @param mmodel A vector of character string specifying the mediator models. Current options are "regression" (for continuous variable), "logistic regression" (for binary variable), and "poisson regression" (for count variable)
#' @param treat_lv Value of the treatment variable used as the treatment condition. Default is 1.
#' @param control_lv Value of the treatment variable used as the control condition. Default is 0.
#' @param incint A vector of boolean specifying if the exposure-mediator interactions are included into the outcome model. Default is NULL.
#' @param inc_mmint A boolean value specifying if the mediator-mediator interactions are included. Default is FALSE.
#' @param data A data frame containing all the analysis variables.
#' @param sim A numerical value specifying the number of simulation. Default is 1000.
#' @param conf.level A numerical value specifying the confidence interval the the estimates. Default is 0.95
#' @param complete_analysis Multiple imputation will be used to fill in missing value. Setting this flag to FALSE will force the analysis to be conducted on complete data.
#' @param digits Number of digits shown in the HTML report.
#' @param HTML_report A boolean specifying if the HTML will be saved in the R working directory.
#' @param summary_report A boolean specifying if a summary report will be printed.
#' @param cores A numeric value specifying the number of cores to be used for the Monte Carlo simulation. If this is set to NULL (default), it will auto-detect the number of cores to be used.
#' @param imputed_data A boolean specifiying if the data is an imputed data in long format. The dataset much contains .imp (to identify the imputed data) and .id (to identify each observ3ation in each imputed data).
#' @examples
#' #One mediator, no HTML report.
#' #Set HTML_report = TRUE if a HTML report is needed.
#' med_res <- mediate(y = "y", med = c("m"), treat = "x", ymodel = "regression",
#' mmodel = c("regression"), treat_lv = 1, control_lv = 0, incint = FALSE, inc_mmint = FALSE,
#' conf.level = 0.9, data = sim_data, sim = 20, complete_analysis = TRUE,
#' HTML_report = FALSE, digits = 3, cores = 2)
#' \donttest{
#' #One mediator with exposure-mediator interaction
#' #Results presented in a HTML report (This is the default).
#' med_res <- mediate(y = "y", med = c("m"), treat = "x", ymodel = "regression",
#' mmodel = c("regression"), treat_lv = 1, control_lv = 0, incint = TRUE, inc_mmint = FALSE,
#' conf.level = 0.9, data = sim_data, sim = 1000, complete_analysis = TRUE, digits = 3, cores = 2)
#' }
#' #Two mediators, complete data analysis and no HTML report.
#' med_res <- mediate(y = "sub_misuse", med = c("dev_peer","sub_exp"), treat = "fam_int",
#' c = c("conflict","gender"), ymodel = "logistic regression", mmodel = c("logistic regression",
#' "logistic regression"), treat_lv = 1, control_lv = 0, conf.level = 0.9,
#' data = substance, sim = 20, complete_analysis = TRUE,
#' HTML_report = FALSE, digits = 3, cores = 2)
#' \donttest{
#' #Two mediators with multiple imputation (missing data are imputed by default)
#' #Results presented in a HTML report.
#' med_res <- mediate(y = "sub_misuse", med = c("dev_peer","sub_exp"), treat = "fam_int",
#' c = c("conflict","gender"), ymodel = "logistic regression", mmodel = c("logistic regression",
#' "logistic regression"), treat_lv = 1, control_lv = 0, conf.level = 0.9,
#' data = substance, sim = 1000, digits = 3, cores = 2)
#' }
#' @return \code{mediate} generates a report in HTML format based on results from the mediation analysis. This report is saved in the working directory.
#' The followings will returned by \code{mediate}
#' \item{individual}{If there is no missing data or complete data analysis is performed, \code{individual} is a list containing the models for the outcome and mediators,
#' and also the draws for the direct and indirect effect and other relevant estimates from each of the simulation.
#' If multiple imputation is used for the analysis, \code{individual} is a vector of lists containing
#' these information from the mediation analysis conducted on each imputed dataset. Each list contains the following items.}
#' \item{indirect1, indirect2, indirect3}{Elements of the \code{individual} list. Vectors of draws for the indirect effect through mediators 1, 2 and 3.}
#' \item{direct}{Element of the \code{individual} list. Vector of draws for the direct effect of exposure.}
#' \item{dependence}{Element of the \code{individual} list. This is only available when there are two mediators.
#' Vector of draws for the effect mediated through the dependence of the mediators.}
#' \item{interaction}{Element of the \code{individual} list. This is only available when there are two mediators.
#' Vector of draws for the effect mediated through the interaction of the mediators.}
#' \item{total}{Element of the \code{individual} list. Vector of draws for total causal effect of the exposure.}
#' \item{prop1, prop2, prop3}{Elements of the \code{individual} list. Vector of draws for the proportion of effects mediated through mediator 1, 2 and 3.}
#' \item{ymodel}{Element of the \code{individual} list. An object of the class \code{lm} or \code{glm}, a R object containing the fit and estimate of the outcome model.}
#' \item{ymodel_te}{Element of the \code{individual} list. Similar to \code{ymodel}, but did not have the mediators as predictors in the model.}
#' \item{m1_model, m2_model, m3_model}{Elements of the \code{individual} list. Objects of the class \code{lm} or \code{glm} containing the fit and estimates of the mediator models.}
#' \item{m2_model_cond}{Element of the \code{individual} list. Only available when there are more than one mediator. Object of the class \code{lm} or \code{glm} similar to \code{m2_model},
#' but included mediator 1 as a predictor.}
#' \item{m3_model_cond_m1, m3_model_cond_m2, m3_model_cond_m1m2}{Element of the \code{individual} list. Only available where there are more than two mediators. Object of the class
#' \code{lm} or \code{glm} similar to \code{m3_model}, but with mediator 1, mediator 2 and both as predictors respectively.}
#' \item{combined}{If multiple imputation is used for the analysis, \code{combined} is a list containing estimates for the direct/indirect effect and relevant estimates from all simulations
#' across all imputed datasets. If there is no missing data, it contains lists of draws for the direct and indirect effect and relevant estimates from each of the simulation. }
#' \item{direct}{Element of the \code{combined} list. A vector of estimates of direct effect from all simulations in all imputed datasets. If multiple imputation is not performed,
#' it is a list of estimates of direct effect from all simulations.}
#' \item{indirect}{Element of the \code{combined} list. A list containing vectors of draws of indirect effect through mediator 1, 2 and 3 from all simulations in all imputed datasets.
#' If multiple imputation is not performed, it is a list of estimates of direct effect from all simulations.}
#' \item{total}{Element of the \code{combined} list. A vector of draws of total effect of exposure from all simulations in all imputed datasets.
#' If multiple imputation is not performed, it is a list of estimates of direct effect from all simulations.}
#' \item{prop}{Element of the \code{combined} list. A list containing vectors of draws of proportion of effects mediated through mediator 1, 2 and 3 from all simulations in all imputed datasets.
#' If multiple imputation is not performed, it is a list of estimates of direct effect from all simulations.}
#' \item{interaction}{Element of the \code{combined} list. Only available when there are two mediators. A vector of draws of effect mediated through the interaction between mediators from all simulations in all imputed datasets.
#' If multiple imputation is not performed, it is a list of estimates of direct effect from all simulations.}
#' \item{dependence}{Element of the \code{combined} list. Only available when there are two mediators. A vector of draws of effect mediated through the dependence between mediators from all simulations in all imputed dataset.
#' If multiple imputation is not performed, it is a list of estimates of direct effect from all simulations.}
#' \item{mids}{Only available if multiple imputation is used. This is the \code{mids} object from \code{mice}, the multiple imputation package by Stef van Buuren.}
#' \item{y_pooled_res}{Only available if multiple imputation is used. This contains the pooled model estimates from the outcome model.}
#' \item{m_pooled_res}{Only available if multiple imputation is used. This contains the pooled model estimates from the mediator model(s).}
#' \item{model_summary}{This is a formatted table for the results from the mediator and outcome models.}
#' \item{res_html}{This is the HTML code for the result report.}
#' \item{summary_text}{This is the formatted text of the result summary.}

#' @export
mediate <- function(y, med , treat, c = NULL, ymodel, mmodel, treat_lv = 1, control_lv = 0, incint = NULL, inc_mmint = FALSE, data, sim = 1000, conf.level = 0.95, complete_analysis = FALSE, digits = 2, HTML_report = TRUE, summary_report = TRUE, cores = NULL, imputed_data = FALSE) {

  #mod is set to NULL - Future work will incorporate this as parameters to allow moderated mediation analysis.
  mod = NULL
  #out_scale is set to "difference" - Future work will allow output in ratio scale.
  out_scale = "difference"

  #validate_input(y = y, med = med, treat = treat, mod = mod, c = c, ymodel = ymodel, mmodel = mmodel, treat_lv = treat_lv, control_lv = control_lv, incint = incint, inc_mmint = inc_mmint, data = data, sim = sim, conf.level = conf.level, out_scale = out_scale, complete_analysis = complete_analysis, digits = digits)

  y_modelformula <- build_ymodel_formula(y, med = med, treat = treat, ymodel = ymodel, data = data, c = c, mod = mod, incint = incint, inc_mmint = inc_mmint)
  fo_vars <- base::all.vars(y_modelformula)

  data <- extract_analysis_vars(data, y_modelformula, imputed_data)
  data <- char2fac(data)

  if (imputed_data == TRUE) {
    tmpData <- data[data$.imp == 0,]
    max_missing_perc <- sum(ifelse(rowSums(as.data.frame(lapply(tmpData, is.na))) == 0, 0 ,1))/nrow(tmpData)*100
  }else {
    max_missing_perc <- sum(ifelse(rowSums(as.data.frame(lapply(data, is.na))) == 0, 0 ,1))/nrow(data)*100

  results = list()
  y_res = list()
  m_res = list()

  summary_text = ""

  if (length(med) == 1) {
    inc_mmint = FALSE

  if ((max_missing_perc > 0 & complete_analysis == FALSE) || (imputed_data == TRUE)) {

    if (imputed_data == FALSE) {
      mi_prepare_obj <- mi_prepare_impute(y_modelformula, data)
      message("Imputing missing data...")
      mids_obj <- mice::mice(data, formulas = mi_prepare_obj$formulas, m = mi_prepare_obj$m, printFlag = FALSE)
    }else if (imputed_data == TRUE){
      message("Using user supplied imputed data")
      mids_obj <- mice::as.mids(data)
    message("Performing mediation analysis...")
    for (i in 1:mids_obj$m) {
      results$individual[[i]] = medi(y = y, med = med, treat = treat, mod = mod, c = c, ymodel = ymodel, mmodel = mmodel, treat_lv = treat_lv, control_lv = control_lv, incint = incint, inc_mmint = inc_mmint, data = mice::complete(mids_obj, action = i), sim = sim, conf.level = conf.level, out_scale = out_scale, cores = cores)
    indirect_list <- list()
    prop_list <- list()

    indirect1 = c()
    indirect2 = c()
    indirect3 = c()
    direct = c()
    total = c()
    prop1 = c()
    prop2 = c()
    prop3 = c()
    dependence = c()
    interaction = c()
    total_sim = sim*mids_obj$m

    for (i in 1:mids_obj$m) {
      if (length(med) == 1) {
        direct = c(direct, results$individual[[i]]$direct)
        indirect1 = c(indirect1, results$individual[[i]]$indirect1)
        total = c(total, results$individual[[i]]$total)
        prop1 = c(prop1, results$individual[[i]]$prop1)

      }else if (length(med) == 2) {
        indirect1 = c(indirect1, results$individual[[i]]$indirect1)
        indirect2 = c(indirect2, results$individual[[i]]$indirect2)
        direct = c(direct, results$individual[[i]]$direct)
        interaction = c(interaction, results$individual[[i]]$interaction)
        dependence = c(dependence, results$individual[[i]]$dependence)
        total = c(total, results$individual[[i]]$total)

      }else if (length(med) == 3) {
        indirect1 = c(indirect1, results$individual[[i]]$indirect1)
        indirect2 = c(indirect2, results$individual[[i]]$indirect2)
        indirect3 = c(indirect3, results$individual[[i]]$indirect3)
        direct = c(direct, results$individual[[i]]$direct)
        total = c(total, results$individual[[i]]$total)


    if (length(med) == 1) {

      indirect_list[[1]] = indirect1
      prop_list[[1]] = indirect_list[[1]]/total

      results$combined = list(indirect = indirect_list, direct = direct, total = total, prop = prop_list, interaction = NULL, dependence = NULL)

    }else if (length(med) == 2) {

      indirect_list[[1]] = indirect1
      indirect_list[[2]] = indirect2
      prop_list[[1]] = indirect_list[[1]]/total
      prop_list[[2]] = indirect_list[[2]]/total

      results$combined = list(indirect = indirect_list, direct = direct, total = total, prop = prop_list, interaction = interaction, dependence = dependence)

    }else if (length(med) == 3) {

      indirect_list[[1]] = indirect1
      indirect_list[[2]] = indirect2
      indirect_list[[3]] = indirect3
      prop_list[[1]] = indirect_list[[1]]/total
      prop_list[[2]] = indirect_list[[2]]/total
      prop_list[[3]] = indirect_list[[3]]/total

      results$combined = list(indirect = indirect_list, direct = direct, total = total, prop = prop_list, interaction = NULL, dependence = NULL)
    results$mids = mids_obj

    for (i in 1:mids_obj$m) {
      y_res[[i]] <- results$individual[[i]]$ymodel
      for (j in 1:length(med)) {
        if (i == 1) {
          m_res[[j]] = list()
        expr <- parse(text = paste0("m_res[[j]][[i]] <- results$individual[[i]]$m",j,"_model"))

    results$y_pooled_res <- mice::pool(y_res)
    results$m_pooled_res <- list()

    for (i in 1:length(med)) {
      results$m_pooled_res[[i]] <- mice::pool(m_res[[i]])
      expr = parse(text = paste0("indirect_list[[i]] = indirect",i))
    results$model_summary <- gen_med_reg_table(y_res = results$y_pooled_res, m_res = results$m_pooled_res, ymodel = ymodel, mmodel = mmodel, conf.level = conf.level, digits = digits)
  }else {
    results$individual = medi(y = y, med = med, treat = treat, mod = mod, c = c, ymodel = ymodel, mmodel = mmodel, treat_lv = treat_lv, control_lv = control_lv, incint = incint, inc_mmint = inc_mmint, data = data, sim = sim, conf.level = conf.level, out_scale = out_scale, cores = cores)
    for (i in 1:length(med)) {
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m_res[[i]] = results$individual$m",i,"_model"))
    #These codes can be made more efficients by changing output of the medi function.
    if (length(med) == 1) {
      results$combined = list(indirect = list(results$individual$indirect1), direct = results$individual$direct, total = results$individual$total, prop = list(results$individual$prop1), interaction = NULL, dependence = NULL)
    }else if (length(med) == 2) {
      results$combined = list(indirect = list(results$individual$indirect1, results$individual$indirect2), direct = results$individual$direct, total = results$individual$total, prop = list(results$individual$prop1, results$individual$prop2), interaction = results$individual$interaction, dependence = results$individual$dependence)
    }else if (length(med) == 3) {
      results$combined = list(indirect = list(results$individual$indirect1, results$individual$indirect2, results$individual$indirect3), direct = results$individual$direct, total = results$individual$total, prop = list(results$individual$prop1, results$individual$prop2, results$individual$prop3), interaction = NULL, dependence = NULL)
    results$model_summary <- gen_med_reg_table(y_res = results$individual$ymodel, m_res = m_res, ymodel = ymodel, mmodel = mmodel, conf.level = conf.level, digits = digits)

  descriptive_html <- descriptive(data = data, digits = digits, complete = complete_analysis)
  model_summary_html <- gen_med_reg_html(results$model_summary, y = y, med = med, treat = treat, c = c, ymodel = ymodel, mmodel = mmodel, incint = incint, inc_mmint = inc_mmint, conf.level, data_head = utils::head(data, 1), treat_lv = treat_lv, control_lv = control_lv)
  mediation_res_html <- gen_med_table_html(med_res = results$combined, med = med, conf.level = conf.level, digits = digits, sim = sim)

  tmp_text <- paste0("<h4><u>Descriptive statistics</u></h4> The table below shows the descriptive statistics of all analyses variables. The overall sample size is ",nrow(data),". ")
  mi_statement <- NULL
  if (max_missing_perc > 0) {
    if (complete_analysis == TRUE) {
      mi_statement <- paste0("There were ", round(max_missing_perc,2),"% cases with missing data. Complete case analysis wass used for the subsequent mediation analysis.")
      tmp_text <- paste(tmp_text, mi_statement)
    }else {
      mi_statement <- paste0("There were ", round(max_missing_perc,2),"% cases with missing data. Multiple imputation was used to impute missing data (Rubin, 2009) and ", mids_obj$m, " datasets were imputed using the R package MICE (van Buuren, 2010).")
      tmp_text <- paste(tmp_text, mi_statement)
  tmp_text <- paste(tmp_text, "<br/>")

  results$res_html <- c(tmp_text, descriptive_html)

  results$res_html <- c(results$res_html, model_summary_html)

  results$res_html <- c(results$res_html, mediation_res_html)

  if (HTML_report) {

  summary_text <- paste0(summary_text, "\n\n",mi_statement,"\n")
  summary_text <- paste0(summary_text, "\nThe table below shows the estimates from the key regression models for the mediation analysis.\n\n")
  summary_text <- paste0(summary_text, paste(utils::capture.output(print(results$model_summary)), collapse = "\n"))

  med_res_df = data.frame(effect = character(),
                          est = character(),
                          ci = character(),
                          p = numeric(),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  tmp = data.frame(med_res_df)
  for (i in 1:length(results$combined$indirect)) {
    tmp[1,1] <- paste0("indirect effect through mediator ",i)
    tmp[1,2] <- format(round(mean(results$combined$indirect[[i]]), digits = digits), nsmall = digits)
    tmp[1,3] <- paste0("(",paste(format(round(stats::quantile(results$combined$indirect[[i]], c((1-conf.level)/2,1-(1-conf.level)/2)), digits = digits), nsmall = digits), collapse = ", "),")")
    tmp[1,4] <- format(round(empirical_pvalue(results$combined$indirect[[i]]), digits = 3), nsmall = 3)
    med_res_df <- rbind(med_res_df,tmp)
  if (!is.null(results$combined$interaction)) {
    tmp[1,1] <- "indirect effect through interaction between mediators"
    tmp[1,2] <- format(round(mean(results$combined$interaction), digits = digits), nsmall = digits)
    tmp[1,3] <- paste0("(",paste(format(round(stats::quantile(results$combined$interaction, c((1-conf.level)/2,1-(1-conf.level)/2)), digits = digits), nsmall = digits), collapse = ", "),")")
    tmp[1,4] <- format(round(empirical_pvalue(results$combined$interaction), digits = 3), nsmall = 3)
    med_res_df <- rbind(med_res_df, tmp)
  if (!is.null(results$combined$dependence)) {
    tmp[1,1] <- "indirect effect through dependence between mediators"
    tmp[1,2] <- format(round(mean(results$combined$dependence), digits = digits), nsmall = digits)
    tmp[1,3] <- paste0("(",paste(format(round(stats::quantile(results$combined$dependence, c((1-conf.level)/2,1-(1-conf.level)/2)), digits = digits), nsmall = digits), collapse = ", "),")")
    tmp[1,4] <- format(round(empirical_pvalue(results$combined$dependence), digits = 3), nsmall = 3)
    med_res_df <- rbind(med_res_df, tmp)
  tmp[1,1] <- "direct effect"
  tmp[1,2] <- format(round(mean(results$combined$direct), digits = digits), nsmall = digits)
  tmp[1,3] <- paste0("(",paste(format(round(stats::quantile(results$combined$direct, c((1-conf.level)/2,1-(1-conf.level)/2)), digits = digits), nsmall = digits), collapse = ", "),")")
  tmp[1,4] <- format(round(empirical_pvalue(results$combined$direct), digits = 3), nsmall = 3)
  med_res_df <- rbind(med_res_df, tmp)
  tmp[1,1] <- "total effect"
  tmp[1,2] <- format(round(stats::median(results$combined$total), digits = digits), nsmall = digits)
  tmp[1,3] <- paste0("(",paste(format(round(stats::quantile(results$combined$total, c((1-conf.level)/2,1-(1-conf.level)/2)), digits = digits), nsmall = digits), collapse = ", "),")")
  tmp[1,4] <- format(round(empirical_pvalue(results$combined$total), digits = 3), nsmall = 3)
  med_res_df <- rbind(med_res_df, tmp)
  for (i in 1:length(results$combined$prop)) {
    tmp[1,1] <- paste0("proportion of effect through mediator ",i)
    tmp[1,2] <- format(round(stats::median(results$combined$prop[[i]]), digits = digits), nsmall = digits)
    tmp[1,3] <- ""
    tmp[1,4] <- ""
    med_res_df <- rbind(med_res_df,tmp)
  summary_text <- paste0(summary_text, paste0("\n\nMediation analysis was performed based on the counter-factual framework and the interventional effect (Vansteelandt and Daniel, 2017; Chan and Leung, 2020). The analysis was conducted in R using the intmed package (Chan and Leung, 2020) with ", sim, " simulations.\n\n"))
  summary_text <- paste0(summary_text,paste(utils::capture.output(print(med_res_df)), collapse = "\n"))
  summary_text <- paste0(summary_text, "\n\nReference\n")
  summary_text <- paste0(summary_text, "Rubin DB. Multiple imputation for nonresponse in surveys. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 2009.\n")
  summary_text <- paste0(summary_text, "Buuren Sv, Groothuis-Oudshoorn K. mice: Multivariate imputation by chained equations in R. Journal of statistical software. 2010:1-68.\n")
  summary_text <- paste0(summary_text, "Vansteelandt S, Daniel RM. Interventional effects for mediation analysis with multiple mediators. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass). 2017; 28(2):258.\n")
  summary_text <- paste0(summary_text, "Chan G, Leung J. Causal mediation analysis using the interventional effect approach. A refined definition. Paper uner review. 2020.\n")

  if (summary_report) {

  results$summary_text <- summary_text



medi <- function(y, med , treat, mod = NULL, c = NULL, ymodel, mmodel, treat_lv = 1, control_lv = 0, incint = NULL, inc_mmint = TRUE, data, sim = 1000, conf.level = 0.95, out_scale = "difference", cores = NULL) {
  data <- tibble::add_column(data, missing = rowSums(sapply(data, is.na)))
  data <- data[data$missing == 0, 1:length(data)-1]
  i = NULL
  #chk <- Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_LIMIT_CORES_", "")
  #if (nzchar(chk) && chk == "TRUE") {
  #  # use 2 cores in CRAN/Travis/AppVeyor
  #  no_cores <- 2L
  if (is.null(cores)) {
    no_cores = ifelse(parallel::detectCores() == 1, 1, parallel::detectCores() - 1)
    no_cores = cores

  #cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_cores, outfile=paste0('./info_parallel.log'))
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_cores)

  m2_modelformula = NULL
  m2_modelformula_cond = NULL
  m2res = NULL
  m2res_cond = NULL
  m2coeff = NULL
  m2coeff_cond = NULL
  m2_fo_terms = NULL
  m2_cat_var_dict = NULL
  m2_cond_fo_terms = NULL
  m2_cat_var_dict = NULL

  indirect1 = rep(0, sim)
  indirect2 = rep(0, sim)
  indirect3 = rep(0, sim)
  direct = rep(0, sim)
  total = rep(0, sim)

  prop1 = rep(0, sim)
  prop2 = rep(0, sim)
  prop3 = rep(0, sim)

  dependence = rep(0, sim)
  interaction = rep(0, sim)

  y00 <- NULL
  y01 <- NULL
  y10 <- NULL
  y11 <- NULL
  y_000_cond <- NULL
  y_100_cond <- NULL
  y_110_marg <- NULL
  y_100_marg <- NULL
  y_101_marg <- NULL
  y_111_cond <- NULL
  y_111_marg <- NULL
  y_0000_cond_m1m2m3 <- NULL
  y_1000_cond_m1m2m3 <- NULL
  y_1100_cond_m2m3 <- NULL
  y_1000_cond_m2m3 <- NULL
  y_1010_cond_m1m3 <- NULL
  y_1000_cond_m1m3 <- NULL
  y_1001_cond_m1m2 <- NULL
  y_1000_cond_m1m2 <- NULL
  y_1111_cond_m1m2m3 <- NULL

  m1_modelformula <- build_mmodel_formula(med = med, medposition = 1, treat = treat, mmodel = mmodel, data = data, cond = NULL, c, mod = mod)
  m1res <- run_model(m1_modelformula, mmodel[1], data)

  m1_fo_terms  = random_draw_formula_terms(model = m1res, data_name = "data", coeff_name = "current_m1coeff")
  m1_cat_var_dict = gen_cat_var_dict(m1res)

  m1_0_formula <- random_draw_formula(m1_cat_var_dict, m1_fo_terms, target = treat, target_lv = control_lv)
  m1_1_formula <- random_draw_formula(m1_cat_var_dict, m1_fo_terms, target = treat, target_lv = treat_lv)

  y_modelformula <- build_ymodel_formula(y, med = med, treat = treat, ymodel = ymodel, data = data, c = c, mod = mod, incint = incint, inc_mmint = inc_mmint)
  yres <- run_model(y_modelformula, ymodel, data)

  y_temodelformula <- build_ymodel_formula(y, med = NULL, treat = treat, ymodel = ymodel, data = data, c = c, mod = NULL, incint = NULL)
  yres_te <- run_model(y_temodelformula, ymodel, data)

  if (length(med) >=  2) {
    m2_modelformula_marg <- build_mmodel_formula(med = med, medposition = 2, treat = treat, mmodel = mmodel, data = data, cond = NULL, c, mod = mod)
    m2_modelformula_cond <- build_mmodel_formula(med = med, medposition = 2, treat = treat, mmodel = mmodel, data = data, cond = 1, c, mod = mod)
    m2res_marg <- run_model(m2_modelformula_marg, mmodel[2], data)
    m2res_cond <- run_model(m2_modelformula_cond, mmodel[2], data)

    m2marg_fo_terms = random_draw_formula_terms(model = m2res_marg, data_name = "data", coeff_name = "current_m2marg_coeff")
    m2marg_cat_var_dict = gen_cat_var_dict(m2res_marg)
    m2marg_0_formula = random_draw_formula(m2marg_cat_var_dict, m2marg_fo_terms, target = treat, target_lv = control_lv)
    m2marg_1_formula = random_draw_formula(m2marg_cat_var_dict, m2marg_fo_terms, target = treat, target_lv = treat_lv)

    m2cond_fo_terms = random_draw_formula_terms(model = m2res_cond, data_name = "data", coeff_name = "current_m2cond_coeff")
    m2cond_cat_var_dict = gen_cat_var_dict(m2res_cond)

    m2cond_formula_00 = random_draw_formula(m2cond_cat_var_dict, m2cond_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1]), target_lv = c(control_lv, 0))
    m2cond_fixed_part = m2cond_formula_00$fixed_part
    m2cond_formula_00_part = m2cond_formula_00$target_part
    #double check this - the 10 and 01 part may not be necessary! 4.11.2019
    m2cond_formula_10 = random_draw_formula(m2cond_cat_var_dict, m2cond_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 0))
    m2cond_formula_10_part = m2cond_formula_10$target_part
    m2cond_formula_01 = random_draw_formula(m2cond_cat_var_dict, m2cond_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1]), target_lv = c(control_lv, 1))
    m2cond_formula_01_part = m2cond_formula_01$target_part
    m2cond_formula_11 = random_draw_formula(m2cond_cat_var_dict, m2cond_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 1))
    m2cond_formula_11_part = m2cond_formula_11$target_part

  if (length(med) == 3) {

    m3_modelformula_marg <- build_mmodel_formula(med = med, medposition = 3, treat = treat, mmodel = mmodel, data = data, cond = NULL, c, mod = mod)
    m3_modelformula_cond_m1 <- build_mmodel_formula(med = med, medposition = 3, treat = treat, mmodel = mmodel, data = data, cond = 1, c, mod = mod)
    m3_modelformula_cond_m2 <- build_mmodel_formula(med = med, medposition = 3, treat = treat, mmodel = mmodel, data = data, cond = 2, c, mod = mod)
    m3_modelformula_cond_m1m2 <- build_mmodel_formula(med = med, medposition = 3, treat = treat, mmodel = mmodel, data = data, cond = c(1,2), c, mod = mod)
    m3res_marg <- run_model(m3_modelformula_marg, mmodel[3], data)
    m3res_cond_m1 <- run_model(m3_modelformula_cond_m1, mmodel[3], data)
    m3res_cond_m2 <- run_model(m3_modelformula_cond_m2, mmodel[3], data)
    m3res_cond_m1m2 <- run_model(m3_modelformula_cond_m1m2, mmodel[3], data)

    m3marg_fo_terms = random_draw_formula_terms(model = m3res_marg, data_name = "data", coeff_name = "current_m3marg_coeff")
    m3marg_cat_var_dict = gen_cat_var_dict(m3res_marg)
    m3marg_0_formula = random_draw_formula(m3marg_cat_var_dict, m3marg_fo_terms, target = treat, target_lv = control_lv)
    m3marg_1_formula = random_draw_formula(m3marg_cat_var_dict, m3marg_fo_terms, target = treat, target_lv = treat_lv)

    m3cond_m1_fo_terms = random_draw_formula_terms(model = m3res_cond_m1, data_name = "data", coeff_name = "current_m3cond_m1_coeff")
    m3cond_m1_cat_var_dict = gen_cat_var_dict(m3res_cond_m1)
    m3cond_formula_00A = random_draw_formula(m3cond_m1_cat_var_dict, m3cond_m1_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1]), target_lv = c(control_lv, 0))

    m3cond_m2_fo_terms = random_draw_formula_terms(model = m3res_cond_m2, data_name = "data", coeff_name = "current_m3cond_m2_coeff")
    m3cond_m2_cat_var_dict = gen_cat_var_dict(m3res_cond_m2)
    m3cond_formula_0A0 = random_draw_formula(m3cond_m2_cat_var_dict, m3cond_m2_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[2]), target_lv = c(control_lv, 0))
    m3cond_formula_0A0$target_part = stringr::str_replace_all(m3cond_formula_0A0$target_part, "m1_0", "m2_0_marg")

    m3cond_m1m2_fo_terms = random_draw_formula_terms(model = m3res_cond_m1m2, data_name = "data", coeff_name = "current_m3cond_m1m2_coeff")
    m3cond_m1m2_cat_var_dict = gen_cat_var_dict(m3res_cond_m1m2)
    m3cond_formula_000 = random_draw_formula(m3cond_m1m2_cat_var_dict, m3cond_m1m2_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2]), target_lv = c(control_lv, 0,0))
    m3cond_formula_000$target_part = stringr::str_replace_all(m3cond_formula_000$target_part, "m2_0", "m2_0_cond")
    m3cond_formula_111 = random_draw_formula(m3cond_m1m2_cat_var_dict, m3cond_m1m2_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 1, 1))
    m3cond_formula_111$target_part = stringr::str_replace_all(m3cond_formula_111$target_part, "m2_1", "m2_1_cond")


  y_fo_terms = random_draw_formula_terms(model = yres, data_name = "data", coeff_name = "current_ycoeff")
  y_cat_var_dict = gen_cat_var_dict(yres)

  y_te_fo_terms = random_draw_formula_terms(model = yres_te, data_name = "data", coeff_name = "current_ycoeff_te")
  y_te_cat_var_dict = gen_cat_var_dict(yres_te)
  y_te_formula_0 = random_draw_formula(y_te_cat_var_dict, y_te_fo_terms, target = treat, target_lv = control_lv)
  y_te_formula_fixed_part = y_te_formula_0$fixed_part
  y_te_formula_0_part = y_te_formula_0$target_part
  y_te_formula_1 = random_draw_formula(y_te_cat_var_dict, y_te_fo_terms, target = treat, target_lv = treat_lv)
  y_te_formula_1_part = y_te_formula_1$target_part

  if (length(med) == 2) {

    y_formula_000 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2]), target_lv = c(control_lv, 0,0))
    y_formula_fixed_part = y_formula_000$fixed_part
    y_formula_000_cond_part = y_formula_000$target_part
    y_formula_000_cond_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_000_cond_part, "m2_0", "m2_0_cond")
    y_formula_100_cond = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 0, 0))
    y_formula_100_cond_part = y_formula_100_cond$target_part
    y_formula_100_cond_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_100_cond_part, "m2_0", "m2_0_cond")
    y_formula_110_marg = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 1, 0))
    y_formula_110_marg_part = y_formula_110_marg$target_part
    y_formula_110_marg_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_110_marg_part, "m2_0", "m2_0_marg")
    y_formula_100_marg = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 0, 0))
    y_formula_100_marg_part = y_formula_100_marg$target_part
    y_formula_100_marg_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_100_marg_part, "m2_0", "m2_0_marg")
    y_formula_101_marg = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 0, 1))
    y_formula_101_marg_part = y_formula_101_marg$target_part
    y_formula_101_marg_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_101_marg_part, "m2_1", "m2_1_marg")
    y_formula_111_cond = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 1, 1))
    y_formula_111_cond_part = y_formula_111_cond$target_part
    y_formula_111_cond_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_111_cond_part, "m2_1", "m2_1_cond")
    y_formula_111_marg_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_111_cond_part, "m2_1_cond", "m2_1_marg")

  }else if (length(med) == 1) {

    y_formula_00 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat,med[1]), target_lv = c(control_lv, 0))
    y_formula_fixed_part = y_formula_00$fixed_part
    y_formula_00_part = y_formula_00$target_part
    y_formula_10 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat,med[1]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 0))
    y_formula_10_part = y_formula_10$target_part
    y_formula_01 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat,med[1]), target_lv = c(control_lv, 1))
    y_formula_01_part = y_formula_01$target_part
    y_formula_11 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat,med[1]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 1))
    y_formula_11_part = y_formula_11$target_part

  }else if (length(med) == 3) {

    y_formula_0000_cond = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2], med[3]), target_lv = c(control_lv, 0, 0, 0))
    y_formula_fixed_part = y_formula_0000_cond$fixed_part
    y_formula_0000_cond_m1m2m3_part = y_formula_0000_cond$target_part
    y_formula_0000_cond_m1m2m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_0000_cond_m1m2m3_part, "m2_0", "m2_0_cond")
    y_formula_0000_cond_m1m2m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_0000_cond_m1m2m3_part, "m3_0", "m3_0_cond_m1m2")
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2m3 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2], med[3]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 0, 0, 0))
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2m3_part = y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2m3$target_part
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2m3_part, "m2_0", "m2_0_cond")
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2m3_part, "m3_0", "m3_0_cond_m1m2")

    y_formula_1111_cond = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2], med[3]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 1, 1, 1))
    y_formula_1111_cond_m1m2m3_part = y_formula_1111_cond$target_part
    y_formula_1111_cond_m1m2m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1111_cond_m1m2m3_part, "m2_1","m2_1_cond")
    y_formula_1111_cond_m1m2m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1111_cond_m1m2m3_part, "m3_1", "m3_1_cond_m1m2")

    y_formula_1100_cond_m2m3 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2], med[3]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 1, 0, 0))
    y_formula_1100_cond_m2m3_part = y_formula_1100_cond_m2m3$target_part
    y_formula_1100_cond_m2m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1100_cond_m2m3_part, "m2_0","m2_0_marg")
    y_formula_1100_cond_m2m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1100_cond_m2m3_part, "m3_0", "m3_0_cond_m2")
    y_formula_1000_cond_m2m3 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2], med[3]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 0, 0, 0))
    y_formula_1000_cond_m2m3_part = y_formula_1000_cond_m2m3$target_part
    y_formula_1000_cond_m2m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1000_cond_m2m3_part, "m2_0","m2_0_marg")
    y_formula_1000_cond_m2m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1000_cond_m2m3_part, "m3_0", "m3_0_cond_m2")

    y_formula_1010_cond_m1m3 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2], med[3]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 0, 1, 0))
    y_formula_1010_cond_m1m3_part = y_formula_1010_cond_m1m3$target_part
    y_formula_1010_cond_m1m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1010_cond_m1m3_part, "m2_1", "m2_1_marg")
    y_formula_1010_cond_m1m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1010_cond_m1m3_part, "m3_0", "m3_0_cond_m1")
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m3 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2], med[3]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 0, 0, 0))
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m3_part = y_formula_1000_cond_m1m3$target_part
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1000_cond_m1m3_part, "m2_0", "m2_0_marg")
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m3_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1000_cond_m1m3_part, "m3_0", "m3_0_cond_m1")

    y_formula_1001_cond_m1m2 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2], med[3]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 0, 0, 1))
    y_formula_1001_cond_m1m2_part = y_formula_1001_cond_m1m2$target_part
    y_formula_1001_cond_m1m2_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1001_cond_m1m2_part, "m3_1", "m3_1_marg")
    y_formula_1001_cond_m1m2_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1001_cond_m1m2_part, "m2_0", "m2_0_cond")
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2 = random_draw_formula(y_cat_var_dict, y_fo_terms, target = c(treat, med[1], med[2], med[3]), target_lv = c(treat_lv, 0, 0, 0))
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2_part = y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2$target_part
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2_part, "m3_0", "m3_0_marg")
    y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2_part = stringr::str_replace_all(y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2_part, "m2_0", "m2_0_cond")



  m1coeff <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = sim, m1res$coefficients, stats::vcov(m1res))
  ycoeff <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = sim, yres$coefficients, stats::vcov(yres))
  y_tecoeff <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = sim, yres_te$coefficients, stats::vcov(yres_te))

  if (length(med) == 1) {
    m1_fixed_part_value = NULL
    y_fixed_part_value = NULL
    sim_res <- foreach::foreach(i=1:sim, .combine = rbind, .inorder = TRUE, .export = c("random_draw","generate_estimates")) %dopar% {
      current_m1coeff = m1coeff[i,]
      current_ycoeff = ycoeff[i,]
      current_ycoeff_te = y_tecoeff[i,]
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m1_fixed_part_value = ",paste(m1_0_formula$fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m1_0 = ",paste(paste(m1_0_formula$target_part, collapse = "+"), "m1_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m1_1 = ", paste(paste(m1_1_formula$target_part, collapse = "+"), "m1_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))

      if (length(m1_0) == 1) {
        m1_0 = rep(m1_0, nrow(data))
        m1_1 = rep(m1_1, nrow(data))
      tmp = random_draw(list(m1_0, m1_1), m1res, mmodel[1])
      m1_0 = tmp[[1]]
      m1_1 = tmp[[2]]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_fixed_part_value = ", paste(y_formula_fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y00 = ",paste(paste(y_formula_00_part, collapse = "+"), "y_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y10 = ",paste(paste(y_formula_10_part, collapse = "+"), "y_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y01 = ",paste(paste(y_formula_01_part, collapse = "+"), "y_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y11 = ",paste(paste(y_formula_11_part, collapse = "+"), "y_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))

      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_te_fixed_part_value = ", paste(y_te_formula_fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y0 = ", paste(paste(y_te_formula_0_part, collapse = "+"), "y_te_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y1 = ", paste(paste(y_te_formula_1_part, collapse = "+"), "y_te_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))

      if (length(y0) == 1) {
        y0 = rep(y0, nrow(data))
        y1 = rep(y1, nrow(data))

      generate_estimates(data.frame(y00,y01,y10,y11,y0,y1),ymodel, out_scale)

  }else if (length(med) == 2) {
    m1_fixed_part_value = NULL
    m2cond_fixed_part_value = NULL
    m2marg_fixed_part_value = NULL
    y_fixed_part_value = NULL
    #NEED TO HAVE BETTER NAMING OF THE VARIABLES - m2coeff_cond vs m2cond_coeff??!
    m2coeff_marg = MASS::mvrnorm(n = sim, m2res_marg$coefficients, stats::vcov(m2res_marg))
    m2coeff_cond = MASS::mvrnorm(n = sim, m2res_cond$coefficients, stats::vcov(m2res_cond))

    sim_res <- foreach::foreach(i=1:sim, .combine = rbind, .inorder = TRUE, .export = c("random_draw","generate_estimates")) %dopar% {
      current_m1coeff = m1coeff[i,]
      current_ycoeff = ycoeff[i,]
      current_m2cond_coeff = m2coeff_cond[i,]
      current_m2marg_coeff = m2coeff_marg[i,]
      current_ycoeff_te = y_tecoeff[i,]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("m1_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(m1_0_formula$fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m1_0 = ", paste(paste(m1_0_formula$target_part, collapse = "+"),"m1_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m1_1 = ", paste(paste(m1_1_formula$target_part, collapse = "+"),"m1_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))

      if (length(m1_0) == 1) {
        m1_0 = rep(m1_0, nrow(data))
        m1_1 = rep(m1_1, nrow(data))

      tmp = random_draw(list(m1_0, m1_1), m1res, mmodel[1])
      m1_0 = tmp[[1]]
      m1_1 = tmp[[2]]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2marg_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(m2marg_0_formula$fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2_0_marg = ", paste(paste(m2marg_0_formula$target_part, collapse = "+"), "m2marg_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2_1_marg = ", paste(paste(m2marg_1_formula$target_part, collapse = "+"), "m2marg_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))

      if (length(m2_0_marg) == 1) {
        m2_0_marg = rep(m2_0_marg, nrow(data))
        m2_1_marg = rep(m2_1_marg, nrow(data))

      tmp = random_draw(list(m2_0_marg, m2_1_marg), m2res_marg, mmodel[[2]])
      m2_0_marg = tmp[[1]]
      m2_1_marg = tmp[[2]]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2cond_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(m2cond_formula_00$fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2_0_cond = ", paste(paste(m2cond_formula_00_part, collapse = "+"), "m2cond_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2_1_cond = ", paste(paste(m2cond_formula_11_part, collapse = "+"), "m2cond_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))

      tmp = random_draw(list(m2_0_cond, m2_1_cond), m2res_cond, mmodel[[2]])
      m2_0_cond = tmp[[1]]
      m2_1_cond = tmp[[2]]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(y_formula_fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_000_cond = ", paste(paste(y_formula_000_cond_part, collapse = "+"), "y_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_100_cond = ", paste(paste(y_formula_100_cond_part, collapse = "+"), "y_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_110_marg = ", paste(paste(y_formula_110_marg_part, collapse = "+"), "y_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_100_marg = ", paste(paste(y_formula_100_marg_part, collapse = "+"), "y_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_101_marg = ", paste(paste(y_formula_101_marg_part, collapse = "+"), "y_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_111_cond = ", paste(paste(y_formula_111_cond_part, collapse = "+"), "y_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_111_marg = ", paste(paste(y_formula_111_marg_part, collapse = "+"), "y_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))

      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_te_fixed_part_value = ", paste(y_te_formula_fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y0 = ", paste(paste(y_te_formula_0_part, collapse = "+"), "y_te_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y1 = ", paste(paste(y_te_formula_1_part, collapse = "+"), "y_te_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))

      if (length(y0) == 1) {
        y0 = rep(y0, nrow(data))
        y1 = rep(y1, nrow(data))

      generate_estimates(data.frame(y_000_cond, y_100_cond, y_110_marg, y_100_marg, y_101_marg, y_111_cond, y_111_marg, y0, y1), ymodel, out_scale = out_scale)
  }else if (length(med) == 3) {
    m2coeff_marg = MASS::mvrnorm(n = sim, m2res_marg$coefficients, stats::vcov(m2res_marg))
    m2coeff_cond = MASS::mvrnorm(n = sim, m2res_cond$coefficients, stats::vcov(m2res_cond))

    m3coeff_marg = MASS::mvrnorm(n = sim, m3res_marg$coefficients, stats::vcov(m3res_marg))
    m3coeff_cond_m1 = MASS::mvrnorm(n = sim, m3res_cond_m1$coefficients, stats::vcov(m3res_cond_m1))
    m3coeff_cond_m2 = MASS::mvrnorm(n = sim, m3res_cond_m2$coefficients, stats::vcov(m3res_cond_m2))
    m3coeff_cond_m1m2 = MASS::mvrnorm(n = sim, m3res_cond_m1m2$coefficients, stats::vcov(m3res_cond_m1m2))

    sim_res <- foreach::foreach(i=1:sim, .combine = rbind, .inorder = TRUE, .export = c("random_draw","generate_estimates")) %dopar% {
      current_m1coeff = m1coeff[i,]
      current_ycoeff = ycoeff[i,]

      current_m2cond_coeff = m2coeff_cond[i,]
      current_m2marg_coeff = m2coeff_marg[i,]

      current_m3cond_m1_coeff = m3coeff_cond_m1[i,]
      current_m3cond_m2_coeff = m3coeff_cond_m2[i,]
      current_m3cond_m1m2_coeff = m3coeff_cond_m1m2[i,]
      current_m3marg_coeff = m3coeff_marg[i,]

      current_ycoeff_te = y_tecoeff[i,]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("m1_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(m1_0_formula$fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m1_0 = ", paste(c(m1_0_formula$target_part, "m1_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m1_1 = ", paste(c(m1_1_formula$target_part, "m1_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))

      if (length(m1_0) == 1) {
        m1_0 = rep(m1_0, nrow(data))
        m1_1 = rep(m1_1, nrow(data))

      tmp = random_draw(list(m1_0, m1_1), m1res, mmodel[1])
      m1_0 = tmp[[1]]
      m1_1 = tmp[[2]]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2marg_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(m2marg_0_formula$fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2_0_marg = ", paste(c(m2marg_0_formula$target_part, "m2marg_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2_1_marg = ", paste(c(m2marg_1_formula$target_part, "m2marg_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))

      if (length(m2_0_marg) == 1) {
        m2_0_marg = rep(m2_0_marg, nrow(data))
        m2_1_marg = rep(m2_1_marg, nrow(data))

      tmp = random_draw(list(m2_0_marg, m2_1_marg), m2res_marg, mmodel[[2]])
      m2_0_marg = tmp[[1]]
      m2_1_marg = tmp[[2]]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2cond_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(m2cond_formula_00$fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2_0_cond = ", paste(c(m2cond_formula_00_part, "m2cond_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m2_1_cond = ", paste(c(m2cond_formula_11_part, "m2cond_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))

      tmp = random_draw(list(m2_0_cond, m2_1_cond), m2res_cond, mmodel[[2]])
      m2_0_cond = tmp[[1]]
      m2_1_cond = tmp[[2]]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("m3marg_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(m3marg_0_formula$fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m3_0_marg = ", paste(c(m3marg_0_formula$target_part, "m3marg_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m3_1_marg = ", paste(c(m3marg_1_formula$target_part, "m3marg_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))

      if (length(m3_0_marg) == 1) {
        m3_0_marg = rep(m3_0_marg, nrow(data))
        m3_1_marg = rep(m3_1_marg, nrow(data))

      tmp = random_draw(list(m3_0_marg, m3_1_marg), m3res_marg, mmodel[[3]])
      m3_0_marg = tmp[[1]]
      m3_1_marg = tmp[[2]]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("m3cond_m1_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(m3cond_formula_00A$fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m3_0_cond_m1 = ", paste(c(m3cond_formula_00A$target_part, "m3cond_m1_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      tmp = random_draw(list(m3_0_cond_m1), m3res_cond_m1, mmodel[[3]])
      m3_0_cond_m1 = tmp[[1]]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("m3cond_m2_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(m3cond_formula_0A0$fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m3_0_cond_m2 = ", paste(c(m3cond_formula_0A0$target_part, "m3cond_m2_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      tmp = random_draw(list(m3_0_cond_m2), m3res_cond_m2, mmodel[[3]])
      m3_0_cond_m2 = tmp[[1]]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("m3cond_m1m2_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(m3cond_formula_000$fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m3_0_cond_m1m2 = ", paste(c(m3cond_formula_000$target_part, "m3cond_m1m2_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("m3_1_cond_m1m2 = ", paste(c(m3cond_formula_111$target_part, "m3cond_m1m2_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      tmp = random_draw(list(m3_0_cond_m1m2, m3_1_cond_m1m2), m3res_cond_m1m2, mmodel[[3]])
      m3_0_cond_m1m2 = tmp[[1]]
      m3_1_cond_m1m2 = tmp[[2]]

      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_fixed_part_value = ", paste0(y_formula_fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_0000_cond_m1m2m3 = ", paste(c(y_formula_0000_cond_m1m2m3_part,"y_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_1000_cond_m1m2m3 = ", paste(c(y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2m3_part,"y_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_1100_cond_m2m3 = ", paste(c(y_formula_1100_cond_m2m3_part,"y_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_1000_cond_m2m3 = ", paste(c(y_formula_1000_cond_m2m3_part,"y_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_1010_cond_m1m3 = ", paste(c(y_formula_1010_cond_m1m3_part,"y_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_1000_cond_m1m3 = ", paste(c(y_formula_1000_cond_m1m3_part,"y_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_1001_cond_m1m2 = ", paste(c(y_formula_1001_cond_m1m2_part,"y_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_1000_cond_m1m2 = ", paste(c(y_formula_1000_cond_m1m2_part,"y_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_1111_cond_m1m2m3 = ", paste(c(y_formula_1111_cond_m1m2m3_part,"y_fixed_part_value"), collapse = "+")))

      expr = parse(text = paste0("y_te_fixed_part_value = ", paste(y_te_formula_fixed_part, collapse = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y0 = ", paste(paste(y_te_formula_0_part, collapse = "+"), "y_te_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))
      expr = parse(text = paste0("y1 = ", paste(paste(y_te_formula_1_part, collapse = "+"), "y_te_fixed_part_value", sep = "+")))

      if (length(y0) == 1) {
        y0 = rep(y0, nrow(data))
        y1 = rep(y1, nrow(data))

      generate_estimates(data.frame(y_0000_cond_m1m2m3, y_1000_cond_m1m2m3, y_1100_cond_m2m3, y_1000_cond_m2m3, y_1010_cond_m1m3, y_1000_cond_m1m3, y_1001_cond_m1m2, y_1000_cond_m1m2, y_1111_cond_m1m2m3, y0, y1), ymodel, out_scale = out_scale)

  sim_res = as.data.frame(sim_res)

  if (length(med) == 1) {

    prop1 = sim_res$indirect1/sim_res$total

    output = list(indirect1 = sim_res$indirect1, direct = sim_res$direct, total = sim_res$total, prop1 = prop1, ymodel = yres, ymodel_te = yres_te, m1_model = m1res, total2 = sim_res$total2)

  }else if (length(med) == 2) {

    prop1 = sim_res$indirect1/sim_res$total
    prop2 = sim_res$indirect2/sim_res$total

    output = list(direct = sim_res$direct, indirect1 = sim_res$indirect1, indirect2 = sim_res$indirect2, dependence = sim_res$dependence, interaction = sim_res$interaction, total = sim_res$total, prop1 = prop1, prop2 = prop2, ymodel = yres, ymodel_te = yres_te, m1_model = m1res, m2_model_cond = m2res_cond, m2_model = m2res_marg, total2 = sim_res$total2)
  }else if (length(med) ==  3) {

    prop1 = sim_res$indirect1/sim_res$total
    prop2 = sim_res$indirect2/sim_res$total
    prop3 = sim_res$indirect3/sim_res$total

    output = list(direct = sim_res$direct, indirect1 = sim_res$indirect1, indirect2 = sim_res$indirect2, indirect3 = sim_res$indirect3, total = sim_res$total, prop1 = prop1, prop2 = prop2, prop3 = prop3, ymodel = yres, ymodel_te = yres_te, m1_model = m1res, m2_model_cond = m2res_cond, m2_model = m2res_marg, m3_model = m3res_marg, m3_model_cond_m1 = m3res_cond_m1, m3_model_cond_m2 = m3res_cond_m2, m3_model_cond_m1m2 = m3res_cond_m1m2, total2 = sim_res$total2)

#for 1 mediator, the order of ys is y00, y01, y10, y11, y0 and y1
generate_estimates <- function(ys, model, out_scale = "difference") {
  if (length(ys) == 6) {
    if (model == "regression") {
      est1 = (mean(ys$y11 - ys$y10))
      est2 = (mean(ys$y10 - ys$y00))
      est3 = (mean(ys$y11 - ys$y00))
      est5 = (mean(ys$y1 - ys$y0))
      output = c(indirect1 = est1, direct = est2, total = est3, total2 = est5)
    }else if (model == "logistic regression") {
      ys$y00 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y00)))
      ys$y01 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y01)))
      ys$y10 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y10)))
      ys$y11 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y11)))
      ys$y1 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y1)))
      ys$y0 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y0)))

      if (out_scale == "difference") {
      #These are for difference scale.
        est1 = mean(ys$y11 - ys$y10)
        est2 = mean(ys$y10 - ys$y00)
        est3 = mean(ys$y11 - ys$y00)
        est5 = mean(ys$y1 - ys$y0)
      }else if (out_scale == "ratio") {

        #Generate results in OR scale
        est1 = (mean(ys$y11)/mean(1-ys$y11))/(mean(ys$y10)/mean(1-ys$y10))
        est2 = (mean(ys$y10)/mean(1-ys$y10))/(mean(ys$y00)/mean(1-ys$y00))
        est3 = (mean(ys$y11)/mean(1-ys$y11))/(mean(ys$y00)/mean(1-ys$y00))
        #Implement this later!
        #est4 = (mean(ys$y11)/mean(1-ys$y11))/(mean(ys$y00)/mean(1-ys$y00))
        est5 = (mean(ys$y1)/mean(1-ys$y1))/(mean(ys$y0)/mean(1-ys$y0))
      output = c(indirect1 = est1, direct = est2, total = est3, total2 = est5)
    }else if (model == "poisson regression") {
      ys$y00 = exp(ys$y00)
      ys$y01 = exp(ys$y01)
      ys$y10 = exp(ys$y10)
      ys$y11 = exp(ys$y11)
      ys$y1 = exp(ys$y1)
      ys$y0 = exp(ys$y0)

      est1 = mean(ys$y11 - ys$y10)
      est2 = mean(ys$y10 - ys$y00)
      est3 = mean(ys$y11 - ys$y00)

      est5 = mean(ys$y1 - ys$y0)

      output = c(indirect1 = est1, direct = est2, total = est3, total2 = est5)
  }else if (length(ys) == 9) {
    #for 2 mediators, the order of ys is y_000_cond, y_100_cond, y_110_marg, y_100_marg, y_101_marg, y_111_cond, y_111_marg, y0 and y1
    if (model == "regression") {

      #direct effect
      est1 = mean(ys$y_100_cond - ys$y_000_cond)

      #indirect effect through M1
      est2 = mean(ys$y_110_marg - ys$y_100_marg)
      #indirect effect through M2
      est3 = mean(ys$y_101_marg - ys$y_100_marg)
      est4 = mean(ys$y_111_cond - ys$y_111_marg - ys$y_100_cond + ys$y_100_marg)
      #mediated interaction
      est5 = mean(ys$y_111_marg - ys$y_110_marg - ys$y_101_marg + ys$y_100_marg)

      est6 = mean(ys$y_111_cond - ys$y_000_cond)
      est7 = mean(ys$y1 - ys$y0)

      output = c(direct = est1, indirect1 = est2, indirect2 = est3, dependence = est4, interaction = est5, total = est6, total2 = est7)
    }else if (model == "logistic regression") {
      #calculate the probabilities here
      ys$y_100_cond = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_100_cond)))
      ys$y_000_cond = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_000_cond)))
      ys$y_110_marg = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_110_marg)))
      ys$y_100_marg = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_100_marg)))
      ys$y_101_marg = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_101_marg)))
      ys$y_111_cond = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_111_cond)))
      ys$y_111_marg = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_111_marg)))
      ys$y1 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y1)))
      ys$y0 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y0)))

      if (out_scale == "difference") {
        #direct effect
        est1 = mean(ys$y_100_cond - ys$y_000_cond)
        #indirect effect through M1
        est2 = mean(ys$y_110_marg - ys$y_100_marg)
        #indirect effect through M2
        est3 = mean(ys$y_101_marg - ys$y_100_marg)
        est4 = mean(ys$y_111_cond - ys$y_111_marg - ys$y_100_cond + ys$y_100_marg)
        #mediated interaction
        est5 = mean(ys$y_111_marg - ys$y_110_marg - ys$y_101_marg + ys$y_100_marg)
        est6 = mean(ys$y_111_cond - ys$y_000_cond)
        est7 = mean(ys$y1 - ys$y0)

        output = c(direct = est1, indirect1 = est2, indirect2 = est3, dependence = est4, interaction = est5, total = est6, total2 = est7)

      }else if (out_scale == "ratio") {
        #Results in ratio scale seems to be problematic because of dependence between the direct and indirect effects
        est1 = (mean(ys$y_100_cond)/mean(1-ys$y_100_cond))/(mean(ys$y_000_cond)/mean(1-ys$y_000_cond))
        est2 = (mean(ys$y_110_marg)/mean(1-ys$y_110_marg))/(mean(ys$y_100_marg)/mean(1-ys$y_100_marg))
        est3 = (mean(ys$y_101_marg)/mean(1-ys$y_101_marg))/(mean(ys$y_100_marg)/mean(1-ys$y_100_marg))
        est4 = (mean(ys$y_111_cond)/mean(1-ys$y_111_cond)) / (mean(ys$y_111_marg)/mean(1-ys$y_111_marg)) / (mean(ys$y_100_cond)/mean(1 - ys$y_100_cond)) * (mean(ys$y_100_marg)/mean(1 - ys$y_100_marg))
        est5 = ((mean(ys$y_111_marg)/mean(1 - ys$y_111_marg)) / ((mean(ys$y_110_marg)/mean(1 - ys$y_110_marg)))) / ((mean(ys$y_101_marg)/mean(1 - ys$y_101_marg))/(mean(ys$y_100_marg)/mean(1 - ys$y_100_marg)))
        est6 = (mean(ys$y_111_cond)/mean(1-ys$y_111_cond)) / (mean(ys$y_000_cond)/mean(1-ys$y_000_cond))
        est7 = (mean(ys$y1)/mean(1-ys$y1))/(mean(ys$y0)/mean(1 - ys$y0))

        output = c(direct = est1, indirect1 = est2, indirect2 = est3, dependence = est4, interaction = est5, total = est6, total2 = est7)

    }else if (model == "poisson regression") {
      ys$y_100_cond = exp(ys$y_100_cond)
      ys$y_000_cond = exp(ys$y_000_cond)
      ys$y_110_marg = exp(ys$y_110_marg)
      ys$y_100_marg = exp(ys$y_100_marg)
      ys$y_101_marg = exp(ys$y_101_marg)
      ys$y_111_cond = exp(ys$y_111_cond)
      ys$y_111_marg = exp(ys$y_111_marg)
      ys$y1 = exp(ys$y1)
      ys$y0 = exp(ys$y0)

      #direct effect
      est1 = mean(ys$y_100_cond - ys$y_000_cond)
      #indirect effect through M1
      est2 = mean(ys$y_110_marg - ys$y_100_marg)
      #indirect effect through M2
      est3 = mean(ys$y_101_marg - ys$y_100_marg)
      est4 = mean(ys$y_111_cond - ys$y_111_marg - ys$y_100_cond + ys$y_100_marg)
      #mediated interaction
      est5 = mean(ys$y_111_marg - ys$y_110_marg - ys$y_101_marg + ys$y_100_marg)
      est6 = mean(ys$y_111_cond - ys$y_000_cond)
      est7 = mean(ys$y1 - ys$y0)

      output = c(direct = est1, indirect1 = est2, indirect2 = est3, dependence = est4, interaction = est5, total = est6, total2 = est7)
    #for 3 mediators, the order is y_0000_cond_m1m2m3, y_1000_cond_m1m2m3, y_1100_cond_m2m3, y_1000_cond_m2m3, y_1010_cond_m1m3, y_1000_cond_m1m3, y_1001_cond_m1m2, y_1000_cond_m1m2, y_1111_cond_m1m2m3, y0, y1
  }else if (length(ys) == 11) {
    if (model == "regression") {
      est1 = mean(ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2m3 - ys$y_0000_cond_m1m2m3)
      est2 = mean(ys$y_1100_cond_m2m3 - ys$y_1000_cond_m2m3)
      est3 = mean(ys$y_1010_cond_m1m3 - ys$y_1000_cond_m1m3)
      est4 = mean(ys$y_1001_cond_m1m2 - ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2)
      est5 = mean(ys$y_1111_cond_m1m2m3 - ys$y_0000_cond_m1m2m3)
      est6 = mean(ys$y1 - ys$y0)

      output = c(direct = est1, indirect1= est2, indirect2 = est3, indirect3 = est4, total = est5, total2 = est6)

    }else if (model == "logistic regression") {
      ys$y_0000_cond_m1m2m3 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_0000_cond_m1m2m3)))
      ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2m3 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2m3)))
      ys$y_1100_cond_m2m3 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_1100_cond_m2m3)))
      ys$y_1000_cond_m2m3 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_1000_cond_m2m3)))
      ys$y_1010_cond_m1m3 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_1010_cond_m1m3)))
      ys$y_1000_cond_m1m3 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_1000_cond_m1m3)))
      ys$y_1001_cond_m1m2 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_1001_cond_m1m2)))
      ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2)))
      ys$y_1111_cond_m1m2m3 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y_1111_cond_m1m2m3)))
      ys$y1 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y1)))
      ys$y0 = (1-1/(1+exp(ys$y0)))

      if (out_scale == "difference") {

        est1 = mean(ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2m3 - ys$y_0000_cond_m1m2m3)
        est2 = mean(ys$y_1100_cond_m2m3 - ys$y_1000_cond_m2m3)
        est3 = mean(ys$y_1010_cond_m1m3 - ys$y_1000_cond_m1m3)
        est4 = mean(ys$y_1001_cond_m1m2 - ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2)
        est5 = mean(ys$y_1111_cond_m1m2m3 - ys$y_0000_cond_m1m2m3)
        est6 = mean(ys$y1 - ys$y0)

        output = c(direct = est1, indirect1= est2, indirect2 = est3, indirect3 = est4, total = est5, total2 = est6)

      }else if (out_scale == "ratio") {
        #implement this later 20.11.2019
    }else if (model == "poisson regression") {
      ys$y_0000_cond_m1m2m3 = exp(ys$y_0000_cond_m1m2m3)
      ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2m3 = exp(ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2m3)
      ys$y_1100_cond_m2m3 = exp(ys$y_1100_cond_m2m3)
      ys$y_1000_cond_m2m3 = exp(ys$y_1000_cond_m2m3)
      ys$y_1010_cond_m1m3 = exp(ys$y_1010_cond_m1m3)
      ys$y_1000_cond_m1m3 = exp(ys$y_1000_cond_m1m3)
      ys$y_1001_cond_m1m2 = exp(ys$y_1001_cond_m1m2)
      ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2 = exp(ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2)
      ys$y_1111_cond_m1m2m3 = exp(ys$y_1111_cond_m1m2m3)
      ys$y1 = exp(ys$y1)
      ys$y0 = exp(ys$y0)

      est1 = mean(ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2m3 - ys$y_0000_cond_m1m2m3)
      est2 = mean(ys$y_1100_cond_m2m3 - ys$y_1000_cond_m2m3)
      est3 = mean(ys$y_1010_cond_m1m3 - ys$y_1000_cond_m1m3)
      est4 = mean(ys$y_1001_cond_m1m2 - ys$y_1000_cond_m1m2)
      est5 = mean(ys$y_1111_cond_m1m2m3 - ys$y_0000_cond_m1m2m3)
      est6 = mean(ys$y1 - ys$y0)

      output = c(direct = est1, indirect1= est2, indirect2 = est3, indirect3 = est4, total = est5, total2 = est6)

random_draw <- function(data,modelres,model) {
  output <- list()
  if (model == "regression") {
    resid_sd <- stats::sd(modelres$residuals)
    err <- stats::rnorm(length(data[[1]]), mean = 0, sd = resid_sd)
    for (i in 1:length(data)) {
      output[[i]] <- data[[i]] + err

  }else if (model == "logistic regression") {
    tmp <- NULL
    expr = parse(text = paste0("tmp = levels(modelres$data$",all.vars(modelres$formula)[1],")"))

    for (i in 1:length(data)) {
      sim_data <- stats::runif(length(data[[i]])) > 1/(1+exp(data[[i]]))
      sim_data = ifelse(sim_data == 0, tmp[1], tmp[2])
      sim_data = as.factor(sim_data)
      sim_data = stats::relevel(sim_data, ref=tmp[1])
      output[[i]] = sim_data
  }else if (model == "poisson regression") {
    for (i in 1:length(data)) {
      sim_data <- stats::rpois(length(data[[i]]), exp(data[[i]]))
      output[[i]] = sim_data

random_draw_formula <- function(cat_var_dict, fo_terms, target, target_lv = NULL) {
  formula_terms = fo_terms
  search_term = NULL
  non_fixed_part = rep(FALSE, length(fo_terms))
  discarded_part = rep(FALSE, length(fo_terms))

  for (i in 1:length(target)) {
    if (i == 1) {
      tmp_dict = cat_var_dict[cat_var_dict$cat_var_terms ==  target[i],]
      if (nrow(tmp_dict) > 0) {
        for (j in 1:nrow(tmp_dict)) {
          search_term = tmp_dict$expanded_cat_var_terms[j]
          if (tmp_dict$level_labels[j] == target_lv[i]) {
            non_fixed_part = non_fixed_part | stringr::str_detect(fo_terms, search_term)
            search_term = paste0("\\(data\\$",target[i],"=='",target_lv[i],"'\\)")
            formula_terms = stringr::str_replace_all(formula_terms, paste0("\\*", search_term),"")
            formula_terms = stringr::str_replace_all(formula_terms, paste0(search_term,"\\*"),"")
            discarded_part = discarded_part | stringr::str_detect(fo_terms, search_term)
        search_term = paste0("\\$",target[i],"\\*")
        non_fixed_part = non_fixed_part | stringr::str_detect(fo_terms, search_term)
        #target level
        if (target_lv[i] == 0) {
          discarded_part = discarded_part | stringr::str_detect(fo_terms, search_term)
        }else if (target_lv[i] == 1){
          search_term = paste0("data\\$",target[i])
          formula_terms = stringr::str_replace_all(formula_terms,paste0("\\*",search_term),"")
          formula_terms = stringr::str_replace_all(formula_terms,paste0(search_term,"\\*"),"")
        }else {
          search_term = paste0("data\\$",target[i])
          formula_terms = stringr::str_replace_all(formula_terms,search_term,as.character(target_lv[i]))
    }else {
      search_term = paste0("data\\$",target[i])
      non_fixed_part = non_fixed_part | stringr::str_detect(fo_terms, search_term)
      formula_terms = stringr::str_replace_all(formula_terms, search_term, paste0("m",i-1,"_",target_lv[i]))
  fixed_part = formula_terms[!(non_fixed_part | discarded_part)]
  target_part = formula_terms[non_fixed_part & !discarded_part]

  formula_parts <- list(fixed_part = fixed_part, target_part = target_part)

gen_cat_var_dict <- function(model) {
  cat_var_dict = dplyr::tibble(cat_var_terms = character(), expanded_cat_var_terms = character(), level_labels = character())
  cat_var_list <- model$xlevels
  tmp = NULL
  expanded_cat_var_terms = NULL
  tmp2 = NULL
  cat_var_terms = NULL
  level_labels = NULL
  if (length(cat_var_list) != 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(cat_var_list)) {
      tmp <- stringr::str_c(names(cat_var_list[i]),cat_var_list[[i]])
      expanded_cat_var_terms = c(expanded_cat_var_terms, tmp)
      tmp2 <- rep(names(cat_var_list[i]), length(tmp))
      cat_var_terms = c(cat_var_terms, tmp2)
      level_labels = c(level_labels, cat_var_list[[i]])
    cat_var_dict <- dplyr::tibble(cat_var_terms, expanded_cat_var_terms, level_labels)

random_draw_formula_terms <- function(model, data_name, coeff_name) {
  expanded_cat_var_terms = NULL
  cat_var_terms = NULL
  level_labels = NULL
  fo_str = NULL
  int_var_str = NULL

  cat_var_dict <- gen_cat_var_dict(model)

  for (i in 1:length(model$coefficients)) {
    current_var = names(model$coefficients[i])
    if (current_var == "(Intercept)") {
      tmp = paste0(coeff_name,"['(Intercept)']")
      fo_str = c(fo_str, tmp)
    }else {
      #use another fuction to replace them when needed.
      if (!stringr::str_detect(current_var,":")) {
        if (length(cat_var_dict) > 0) {
          if (sum(stringr::str_detect(cat_var_dict$expanded_cat_var_terms, current_var)) > 0) {
            cat_var_name <- cat_var_dict$cat_var_terms[cat_var_dict$expanded_cat_var_terms == current_var]
            cat_var_label <- cat_var_dict$level_labels[cat_var_dict$expanded_cat_var_terms == current_var]
            tmp = paste0("(",data_name,"$",cat_var_name,"=='",cat_var_label,"')","*",coeff_name,"['",current_var,"']")
            fo_str = c(fo_str, tmp)
          }else {
            tmp = paste0(data_name,"$",current_var,"*",coeff_name,"['",current_var,"']")
            fo_str = c(fo_str, tmp)
        }else {
          tmp = paste0(data_name,"$",current_var,"*",coeff_name,"['",current_var,"']")
          fo_str = c(fo_str, tmp)
      }else {
        int_var = unlist(strsplit(current_var,":"))
        int_var_str = NULL
        for (j in 1:length(int_var)) {
          if (nrow(cat_var_dict) > 0) {
            if (sum(stringr::str_detect(cat_var_dict$expanded_cat_var_terms, int_var[j])) > 0) {
              cat_var_name <- cat_var_dict$cat_var_terms[cat_var_dict$expanded_cat_var_terms == int_var[j]]
              cat_var_label <- cat_var_dict$level_labels[cat_var_dict$expanded_cat_var_terms == int_var[j]]
              tmp = paste0("(",data_name,"$",cat_var_name,"=='",cat_var_label,"')")
              int_var_str = c(int_var_str, tmp)
            }else {
              tmp = paste0(data_name,"$",int_var[j])
              int_var_str = c(int_var_str, tmp)
          }else {
            tmp = paste0(data_name,"$",int_var[j])
            int_var_str = c(int_var_str, tmp)
        int_var_str = c(int_var_str, paste0(coeff_name,"['",current_var,"']"))
        int_var_str = paste(int_var_str,collapse = "*")
        fo_str = c(fo_str,int_var_str)

run_model <- function(fo, model, data) {
  if (model == "regression") {
    res = stats::lm(fo,data = data)
  }else if (model == "logistic regression") {
    res = stats::glm(fo, data = data, family = "binomial")
  }else if (model == "poisson regression") {
    res = stats::glm(fo, data = data, family = "poisson")

build_ymodel_formula <- function(y, med, treat, ymodel, data, c = NULL, mod = NULL, incint = NULL, inc_mmint = TRUE)
  xvar <- paste(c(med,treat), collapse = "+")
  #xvar <- paste(paste(med, collapse = "+"), treat, sep = "+")
  if (!is.null(c)) {
    xvar <- paste(xvar,paste0(c,collapse = "+"), sep = "+")

  if (!is.null(mod)) {
    if (length(mod) == 1 || length(mod) == length(med)) {

      target_str = paste0("\\+",treat,"\\+")
      unique_mod = unique(mod)
      replacement_str = paste0(paste0(treat,"*",unique_mod), collapse = "+")
      if (stringr::str_detect(xvar, target_str)) {
        replacement_str <- paste0("+",replacement_str,"+")
      }else {
        target_str = paste0("\\+",treat)
        replacement_str <- paste0("+", replacement_str)
      xvar = stringr::str_replace(xvar, target_str, replacement_str)

      if (length(mod) == 1) {
        mod = rep(mod,length(med))

      for (i in 1:length(med)) {
        target_str = paste0("\\+",med[i],"\\+")
        replacement_str = paste0("+",med[i],"*",mod[i],"+")
        if (stringr::str_detect(xvar,target_str)) {
          xvar = stringr::str_replace(xvar,target_str,replacement_str)
          target_str = paste0(med[i],"\\+")
          replacement_str = paste0(med[i],"*", mod[i], "+")
          xvar = stringr::str_replace(xvar,target_str,replacement_str)
    else {
      print("Number of moderators and mediators are not the same.")
  if (!is.null(incint)) {
    if (length(incint) == 1 || length(incint) == length(med)){
      if (length(incint) == 1) {
        incint = rep(incint, length(med))
      if (sum(incint) != 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(med)) {
          if (incint[i] == TRUE) {
            xvar <- paste0(xvar,"+",treat,"*",med[i])
    }else {
      print("Number of boolean value for incint and mediators are not the same.")
  if (inc_mmint) {
    if (length(med) > 1) {
      for (i in 1:length(med)) {
        for (j in i:length(med)) {
          if (i != j) {
            xvar <- paste0(xvar,"+",med[i],"*",med[j])
  fo <- paste0(y,"~", xvar)
  fo <- stats::as.formula(fo)

build_mmodel_formula <- function(med, medposition, treat, mmodel, data, cond = NULL, c = NULL, mod = NULL) {
  if (is.null(c)) {
    xvar <- treat
  }else {
    xvar <- paste(paste0(c, collapse = "+"),treat, sep = "+")

  if (!is.null(mod)) {
    target_str = paste0("\\+",treat)
    if (length(mod) == 1) {
      replacement_str = paste0(treat,"*",mod)
    }else if (length(mod) == length(med)) {
      replacement_str = paste0(treat,"*",mod[medposition])
    }else {
      print("Number of moderators and mediators are not the same.")
    if (!stringr::str_detect(xvar,target_str)) {
      target_str = treat
      xvar = stringr::str_replace(xvar,target_str,replacement_str)
    }else {
      replacement_str = paste0("+",replacement_str)
      xvar = stringr::str_replace(xvar,target_str,replacement_str)

  #Only consider 3 mediators for now
  if (!is.null(cond)) {
    for (i in 1:length(cond)) {
      xvar = paste0(xvar,"+",med[cond[i]])
  fo <- paste0(med[medposition],"~", xvar)
  fo <- stats::as.formula((fo))



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