ipaddress 1.0.2

Fix for CRAN checks.

ipaddress 1.0.1

Fix for CRAN checks.

ipaddress 1.0.0

To mark the release of ipaddress 1.0.0, some breaking changes were made to improve the interface for data analysis.

Breaking changes

New features

Minor improvements and fixes

ipaddress 0.5.6

Fix for CRAN checks.

ipaddress 0.5.5

Fix for CRAN checks.

ipaddress 0.5.4

Fix for CRAN checks.

ipaddress 0.5.3

Fix for CRAN checks.

ipaddress 0.5.2

ipaddress 0.5.1

ipaddress 0.5.0

This release achieves feature parity with the Python ipaddress module (#46).

New features

Minor improvements and fixes

ipaddress 0.4.0

New features

Minor improvements and fixes

ipaddress 0.3.0

Breaking changes

New features

Minor improvements

ipaddress 0.2.0


Other representations

Address space

Network membership

Generating addresses

Miscellaneous improvements

ipaddress 0.1.2

ipaddress 0.1.1

Fix for CRAN checks.

ipaddress 0.1.0

First CRAN release

Try the ipaddress package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ipaddress documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:54 p.m.